path: root/src/node_internals.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-02-06src: move process.reallyExit impl into node_process_methods.ccJoyee Cheung
Because the part that is shared by `process.reallyExit` and the Node.js teardown is `WaitForInspectorDisconnect()`, move that into node_internals.h instead, and move the C++ binding code into `` since that's the only place it's needed. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <> Reviewed-By: Jeremiah Senkpiel <>
2019-02-01src: move public C++ APIs into src/api/*.ccJoyee Cheung
This patch moves most of the public C++ APIs into src/api/*.cc so that it's easier to tell that we need to be careful about the compatibility of these code. Some APIs, like `node::LoadEnvironmet()`, `node::Start()` and `node::Init()` still stay in `` because they are still very specific to our use cases and do not work quite well yet for embedders anyway - we could not even manage to write cctest for them at the moment. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <>
2019-02-01src: move v8_platform implementation into node_v8_platform-inl.hJoyee Cheung
So that the v8_platform global variable can be referenced in other files. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <>
2019-01-30process: split execution into main scriptsJoyee Cheung
This patch splits the execution mode selection from the environment setup in `lib/internal/bootstrap/node.js`, and split the entry point of different execution mode into main scripts under `lib/internal/main`: - `check_syntax.js`: used when `-c`/`--check` which only checks the syntax of the input instead of executing it. - `eval_stdin.js`: used when `-e` is passed without value and stdin is not a TTY (e.g. something is piped). - `eval_string`: used when `-e` is passed along with a string argument - `inspect.js`: for `node inspect`/`node debug` - `print_bash_completion.js`: for `--completion-bash` - `print_help.js`: for `--help` - `prof_process.js`: for `--prof-process` - `repl.js`: for the REPL - `run_main_module.js`: used when a main module is passed - `run_third_party_main.js`: for the legacy `_third_party_main.js` support - `worker_thread.js`: for workers This makes the entry points easier to navigate and paves the way for customized v8 snapshots (that do not need to deserialize execution mode setup) and better embedder APIs. As an example, after this patch, for the most common case where Node.js executes a user module as an entry point, it essentially goes through: - `lib/internal/per_context.js` to setup the v8 Context (which is also run when setting up contexts for the `vm` module) - `lib/internal/bootstrap/loaders.js` to set up internal binding and builtin module loaders (that are separate from the loaders accessible in the user land). - `lib/internal/bootstrap/node.js`: to set up the rest of the environment, including various globals and the process object - `lib/internal/main/run_main_module.js`: which is selected from C++ to prepare execution of the user module. This patch also removes `NativeModuleLoader::CompileAndCall` and exposes `NativeModuleLoader::LookupAndCompile` directly so that we can handle syntax errors and runtime errors of bootstrap scripts differently. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <>
2019-01-21src: reduce includes of node_internals.hJoyee Cheung
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Daniel Bevenius <> Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2019-01-16process: allow StartExecution() to take a main script IDJoyee Cheung
The idea is to allow the C++ layer to run arbitrary scripts as the main script. This paves the way for - cctest of the execution of Node.js instances - Earlier handling of per-process CLI options that affect execution modes (those usually do not make sense for the embedders). - Targets like mkcodecache or mksnapshot. Also moves the handling of `_third_party_main.js` into C++. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <>
2019-01-14src: move node::errno_string into node_errors.h/ccJoyee Cheung
Move `node::errno_string` into node_errors.h/cc and move it into the `node:errors` namespace to reduce the size of the header. It's not on any performance-critical code path so does not need to be inlined. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <>
2019-01-12src: dispose of V8 platform in `process.exit()`Anna Henningsen
Calling `process.exit()` calls the C `exit()` function, which in turn calls the destructors of static C++ objects. This can lead to race conditions with other concurrently executing threads; disposing of all Worker threads and then the V8 platform instance helps with this (although it might not be a full solution for all problems of this kind). Refs: Refs: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Gireesh Punathil <> Reviewed-By: Joyee Cheung <> Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <>
2019-01-11src: declare process-related C++ methods in node_process.hJoyee Cheung
Instead of in node_internals.h. Also move process property accessors that are not reused into and make them static. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <>
2019-01-11src: move process object creation into node_process_object.ccJoyee Cheung
Changes `SetupProcessObject` to `CreateProessObject` which creates the process object from scratch and return it to `Environment::Start` to be stored in the Environment object. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <>
2019-01-10buffer: move initialization of buffer prototype into node.jsJoyee Cheung
Instead of exposing it in `lib/internal/buffer.js` after deleting it from the binding and then do the initialization in `lib/buffer.js`, which results in an implicit dependency on the order in which these modules are loaded. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <>
2019-01-08src: move per-process global variables into node::per_processJoyee Cheung
So that it's easier to tell whether we are manipulating per-process global states that may need to be treated with care to avoid races. Also added comments about these variables and moved some of them to a more suitable compilation unit: - Move `v8_initialized` to `util.h` since it's only used in `` and `` - Rename `process_mutex` to `tty_mutex` and move it into `` since that's the only place it's used to guard the tty. - Move `per_process_opts_mutex` and `per_process_opts` into `node_options.h` and rename them to `per_process::cli_options[_mutex]` - Rename `node_isolate[_mutex]` to `per_process::main_isolate[_mutex]` PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Franziska Hinkelmann <> Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <>
2019-01-06process: make tick callback and promise rejection callback more robustJoyee Cheung
- Rename `internalTickCallback` to `processTicksAndRejections`, make sure it does not get called if it's not set in C++. - Rename `emitPromiseRejectionWarnings` to `processPromiseRejections` since it also emit events that are not warnings. - Sets `SetPromiseRejectCallback` in the `Environment` constructor to make sure it only gets called once per-isolate, and make sure it does not get called if it's not set in C++. - Wrap promise rejection callback initialization into `listenForRejections()`. - Add comments. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2019-01-06src: split `LoadEnvironment()` at `startExecution()`Anna Henningsen
This makes it easier to cater to embedders which wish to skip the `startExecution()` part. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Joyee Cheung <> Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Franziska Hinkelmann <>
2018-12-24src: move process.nextTick and promise setup into node_task_queue.ccJoyee Cheung
This patch: - Moves the process.nextTick and promise setup C++ code into which is exposed as `internalBinding('task_queue')` - Makes `lib/internal/process/promises.js` and `lib/internal/process/next_tick.js` as side-effect-free as possible - Removes the bootstrapper object being passed into `bootstrap/node.js`, let `next_tick.js` and `promises.js` load whatever they need from `internalBinding('task_queue')` instead. - Rename `process._tickCallback` to `runNextTicks` internally for clarity but still expose it as `process._tickCallback`. PR-URL: Refs: Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <> Reviewed-By: Anatoli Papirovski <>
2018-12-21src: move more process methods initialization in bootstrap/node.jsJoyee Cheung
Instead of: - Writing methods onto the process directly in C++ during `SetupProcessObject()` and overwrite with argument checks later - Or, wrapping and writing them in `internal/process/*.js` Do: - Move the C++ implementations in and mark them static wherever possible - Expose the C++ methods through a new `internalBinding('process_methods')` - Wrap the methods in `internal/process/*.js` in a side-effect-free manner and return them back to `internal/bootstrap/node.js` - Centralize the write to the process object based on conditions in `bootstrap/node.js` So it's easier to see what methods are attached to the process object during bootstrap under what condition and in what order. The eventual goal is to figure out the dependency of process methods and the write/read access to the process object during bootstrap, group these access properly and remove the process properties that should not be exposed to users this way. Also correct the NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_BOOTSTRAP_COMPLETE milestone which should be marked before code execution. Refs: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2018-12-21src: move the declaration of http parser versions into node_metadata.hJoyee Cheung
Instead of putting them in node_internals.h. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Steven R Loomis <> Reviewed-By: Richard Lau <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2018-12-19process: move POSIX credential accessors into node_credentials.ccJoyee Cheung
Expose the POSIX credential accessors through `internalBinding('credentials')` instead of setting them on the process or bootstrapper object from C++ directly. Also moves `SafeGetEnv` from `internalBinding('util')` to `internalBinding('credentials')` since it's closely related to the credentials. In the JS land, instead of wrapping the bindings then writing to the process object directly in main_thread_only.js, return the wrapped functions back to bootstrap/node.js where they get written to the process object conditionally for clarity. Refs: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2018-12-18src: always compile and store code cache for native modulesJoyee Cheung
This patch changes the NativeModuleLoader to always try to find code cache for native modules when it compiles them, and always produce and store the code cache after compilation. The cache map is protected by a mutex and can be accessed by different threads - including the worker threads and the main thread. Hence any thread can reuse the code cache if the native module has already been compiled by another thread - in particular the cache of the bootstrappers and per_context.js will always be hit when a new thread is spun. This results in a ~6% startup overhead in the worst case (when only the main thread is launched without requiring any additional native module - it now needs to do the extra work of finding and storing caches), which balances out the recent improvements by moving the compilation to C++, but it also leads to a ~60% improvement in the best case (when a worker thread is spun and requires a lot of native modules thus hitting the cache compiled by the main thread). PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <>
2018-12-17process: move environment variable proxy code into node_env_var.ccJoyee Cheung
Instead of exposing all the NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration() parameters in node_internals, simply expose a CreateEnvVarProxy() method that returns a Local<Value> that implements process.env, and mark all the property handlers static in This makes the code more encapsulated. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2018-12-16src: mark some global state as constAnna Henningsen
Mark some global variables as `const` or `constexpr`. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Joyee Cheung <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2018-12-06http: make parser choice a runtime flagAnna Henningsen
Add a `--http-parser=llhttp` vs `--http-parser=traditional` command line switch, to make testing and comparing the new llhttp-based implementation easier. PR-URL: Refs: Reviewed-By: Joyee Cheung <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Fedor Indutny <> Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <> Reviewed-By: Matheus Marchini <> Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: Ali Ijaz Sheikh <>
2018-11-30src: move C++ binding/addon related code into node_binding{.h, .cc}Joyee Cheung
This patch: - Moves the C++ binding/addon related code out of node_internals.h/ and into dedicated files node_binding.h/, and only puts the code resued by other files into the header. - Introduce a node::binding namespace so that code exposed to other files can be easily recognized. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <> Reviewed-By: Richard Lau <>
2018-11-20src: use STL containers instead of v8 values for static module dataJoyee Cheung
Instead of putting the source code and the cache in v8::Objects, put them in per-process std::maps. This has the following benefits: - It's slightly lighter in weight compared to storing things on the v8 heap. Also it may be slightly faster since the preivous v8::Object is already in dictionary mode - though the difference is very small given the number of native modules is limited. - The source and code cache generation templates are now much simpler since they just initialize static arrays and manipulate STL constructs. - The static native module data can be accessed independently of any Environment or Isolate, and it's easy to look them up from the C++'s side. - It's now impossible to mutate the source code used to compile native modules from the JS land since it's completely separate from the v8 heap. We can still get the constant strings from process.binding('natives') but that's all. A few drive-by fixes: - Remove DecorateErrorStack in LookupAndCompile - We don't need to capture the exception to decorate when we encounter errors during native module compilation, as those errors should be syntax errors and v8 is able to decorate them well. We use CompileFunctionInContext so there is no need to worry about wrappers either. - The code cache could be rejected when node is started with v8 flags. Instead of aborting in that case, simply keep a record in the native_module_without_cache set. - Refactor a bit, reduce code duplication and inline Render() to make the one-byte/two-byte special treatment easier to read. PR-URL: Fixes: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Franziska Hinkelmann <> Reviewed-By: Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2018-11-15src: compile native modules and their code cache in C++Joyee Cheung
This patch refactors out a part of NativeModule.prototype.compile (in JS land) into a C++ NativeModule class, this enables a couple of possibilities: 1. By moving the code to the C++ land, we have more opportunity to specialize the compilation process of the native modules (e.g. compilation options, code cache) that is orthogonal to how user land modules are compiled 2. We can reuse the code to compile bootstrappers and context fixers and enable them to be compiled with the code cache later, since they are not loaded by NativeModule in the JS land their caching must be done in C++. 3. Since there is no need to pass the static data to JS for compilation anymore, this enables us to use (std::map<std::string, const char*>) in the generated and later, and scope every actual access to the source of native modules to a std::map lookup instead of a lookup on a v8::Object in dictionary mode. This patch also refactor the code cache generator and tests a bit and trace the `withCodeCache` and `withoutCodeCache` in a Set instead of an Array, and makes sure that all the cachable builtins are tested. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <>
2018-11-13src: bundle persistent-to-local methods as classGabriel Schulhof
Create a class `PersistentToLocal` which contains three methods, `Strong`, `Weak`, and `Default`: * `Strong` returns a `Local` from a strong persistent reference, * `Weak` returns a `Local` from a weak persistent reference, and * `Default` decides based on `IsWeak()` which of the above two to call. These replace `node::StrongPersistentToLocal()`, `node::WeakPersistentToLocal()`, and `node::PersistentToLocal()`, respectively. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Joyee Cheung <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <>
2018-11-06src: move error handling code into node_errors.ccJoyee Cheung
Move the following code into a new file and declare them in node_errors.h for clarity and make it possible to include them with node_errors.h. - AppendExceptionLine() - DecorateErrorStack() - FatalError() - OnFatalError() - PrintErrorString() - FatalException() - ReportException() - FatalTryCatch And move the following definitions (declared elsewhere than node_errors.h) to - Abort() (in util.h) - Assert() (in util.h) PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <> Reviewed-By: Daniel Bevenius <>
2018-10-24src: refactor FillStatsArrayRefael Ackermann
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Joyee Cheung <>
2018-10-24src: remove `Environment::tracing_agent_writer()`Anna Henningsen
As per the conversation in, this is essentially global, and adding this on the Environment is generally just confusing. Refs: Fixes: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <> Reviewed-By: Richard Lau <> Reviewed-By: Matheus Marchini <>
2018-10-11src: replace NO_RETURN with [[noreturn]]Refael Ackermann
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Richard Lau <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Trivikram Kamat <> Reviewed-By: Sakthipriyan Vairamani <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Joyee Cheung <> Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <>
2018-09-25src: define zlib constants in node_zlib.ccAnna Henningsen
This is in order to avoid having two separate definitions for `node_zlib_mode`. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <>
2018-09-19src: deprecate global COUNTER_* and remove perfctrJames M Snell
To support Performance Counters on Windows, a number of global `COUNTER_` methods were added that are undocumented and really only intended to be used internally by Node.js. Unfortunately, the perfctr support apparently hasn't even worked for quite a while and no one has even complained. This removes the perfctr support and replaces the global functions with deprecated non-ops for now, with the intent of removing those outright in the next major release cycle. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: João Reis <>
2018-09-17src: refactor `Environment::GetCurrent()` usageAnna Henningsen
Make `Environment::GetCurrent()` return `nullptr` if the current `Context` is not a Node.js context, and for the relevant usage of this function, either: - Switch to the better `GetCurrent(args)` variant - Turn functions in to no-ops where it makes sense - Make it a `CHECK`, i.e. an API requirement, where it make sense - Leave a `TODO` comment for verifying what, if anything, is to be done PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <> Reviewed-By: Gireesh Punathil <> Reviewed-By: Eugene Ostroukhov <> Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <>
2018-09-14src: move DebugPortGetter/Setter to node_process.ccJames M Snell
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <> Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <>
2018-09-14src: move getActiveResources/Handles to node_process.ccJames M Snell
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <> Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <>
2018-09-09process: generate list of allowed env flags programmaticallyAnna Henningsen
Avoids having a separate, second source of truth on this matter. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <>
2018-09-03src: fix a typo in the commentGireesh Punathil
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Richard Lau <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <>
2018-09-01src: make CLI options programatically accesibleAnna Henningsen
Provide `internalBinding('options')` with some utilities around making the options parser and current options values programatically accessible. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <>
2018-08-24process: add allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags propertyChristopher Hiller
`process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags` provides an API to validate and list flags as specified in `NODE_OPTIONS` from user code. Refs: Signed-off-by: Christopher Hiller <> PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <> Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <> Reviewed-By: Michael Dawson <> Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: Gibson Fahnestock <> Reviewed-By: John-David Dalton <> Reviewed-By: Sam Ruby <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <>
2018-08-22src: move more to from node.ccJames M Snell
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <>
2018-08-22src: refactor options parsingAnna Henningsen
This is a major refactor of our Node’s parser. See `` for how it is used, and `node_options-inl.h` for the bulk of its implementation. Unfortunately, the implementation has come to have some complexity, in order to meet the following goals: - Make it easy to *use* for defining or changing options. - Keep it (mostly) backwards-compatible. - No tests were harmed as part of this commit. - Be as consistent as possible. - In particular, options can now generally accept arguments through both `--foo=bar` notation and `--foo bar` notation. We were previously very inconsistent on this point. - Separate into different levels of scope, namely per-process (global), per-Isolate and per-Environment (+ debug options). - Allow programmatic accessibility in the future. - This includes a possible expansion for `--help` output. This commit also leaves a number of `TODO` comments, mostly for improving consistency even more (possibly with having to modify tests), improving embedder support, as well as removing pieces of exposed configuration variables that should never have become part of the public API but unfortunately are at this point. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <>
2018-08-12src: yield empty maybes for failed AsyncWrap::MakeCallback callsAnna Henningsen
Use an empty `MaybeLocal<Value>` as the return value for `AsyncWrap::MakeCallback()` if an exception occurred, regardless of `MakeCallback` depth. Unfortunately, the public API can not make this switch without a breaking change (and possibly some kind of deprecation/renaming). PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Joyee Cheung <> Reviewed-By: Ujjwal Sharma <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Jon Moss <>
2018-08-09src: fix up doc comment for experimental-worker boolAnna Henningsen
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Vse Mozhet Byt <> Reviewed-By: Trivikram Kamat <> Reviewed-By: Jon Moss <> Reviewed-By: Tobias Nießen <>
2018-07-29src: remove calls to deprecated v8 functions (NewFromUtf8)Ujjwal Sharma
Remove all calls to deprecated v8 functions (here: String::NewFromUtf8) inside the code (src directory only). PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Tobias Nießen <> Reviewed-By: Anatoli Papirovski <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2018-07-15src: make heap snapshot & embedder graph accessible for testsAnna Henningsen
Add methods that allow inspection of heap snapshots and a JS version of our own embedder graph. These can be used in tests and might also prove useful for ad-hoc debugging. Usage requires `--expose-internals` and prints a warning similar to our other modules whose primary purpose is test support. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Joyee Cheung <> Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <>
2018-06-24src: refactor timers to remove TimerWrapAnatoli Papirovski
Refactor Timers to behave more similarly to Immediates by having a single uv_timer_t handle which is stored on the Environment. No longer expose timers in a public binding and instead make it part of the internalBinding. PR-URL: Fixes: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <> Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: Jeremiah Senkpiel <> Reviewed-By: Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu <> Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <>
2018-06-22src: avoid common case heap allocationBen Noordhuis
Optimize three functions that pass on (part of) their JS arguments to the JS function they call by stack-allocating the storage in the common case. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Eugene Ostroukhov <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <> Reviewed-By: Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu <>
2018-06-17process: implement process.hrtime.bigint()Joyee Cheung
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <> Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu <> Reviewed-By: Anatoli Papirovski <>
2018-06-14src: add node_process.ccJames M Snell
Begin moving `process` object function definitions out of `` ... continuing the process of making `` smaller and easier to maintain. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <> Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <> Reviewed-By: Trivikram Kamat <> Reviewed-By: Evan Lucas <> Reviewed-By: Joyee Cheung <>
2018-06-13crypto: add scrypt() and scryptSync() methodsBen Noordhuis
Scrypt is a password-based key derivation function that is designed to be expensive both computationally and memory-wise in order to make brute-force attacks unrewarding. OpenSSL has had support for the scrypt algorithm since v1.1.0. Add a Node.js API modeled after `crypto.pbkdf2()` and `crypto.pbkdf2Sync()`. Changes: * Introduce helpers for copying buffers, collecting openssl errors, etc. * Add new infrastructure for offloading crypto to a worker thread. * Add a `AsyncWrap` JS class to simplify pbkdf2(), randomBytes() and scrypt(). Fixes: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Tobias Nießen <>