path: root/talermerchantdemos/blog/articles/en/who-does-that-server-really-serve.html
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authorChristian Grothoff <>2020-10-11 13:29:45 +0200
committerChristian Grothoff <>2020-10-11 13:29:45 +0200
commit1ae0306a3cf2ea27f60b2d205789994d260c2cce (patch)
tree53117a55c27601e92172ea82f1d8cd11d355c06c /talermerchantdemos/blog/articles/en/who-does-that-server-really-serve.html
parent2e665813a44988bfd906c0fab773f82652047841 (diff)
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+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" -->
+<!-- Parent-Version: 1.86 -->
+<title>Who Does That Server Really Serve?
+- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation</title>
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+<!--#include virtual="/server/banner.html" -->
+<h2>Who does that server really serve?</h2>
+<p>by <strong>Richard Stallman</strong></p>
+<blockquote><p>(The first version was published
+in <a href="">
+Boston Review</a>.)</p></blockquote>
+<p><strong>On the Internet, proprietary software isn't the only way to
+lose your freedom. Service as a Software Substitute, or SaaSS, is
+another way to give someone else power over your computing.</strong></p>
+<p>The basic point is, you can have control over a program someone else
+wrote (if it's free), but you can never have control over a service
+someone else runs, so never use a service where in principle a program
+would do.</p>
+<p>SaaSS means using a service implemented by someone else as a
+substitute for running your copy of a program. The term is ours;
+articles and ads won't use it, and they won't tell you whether a
+service is SaaSS. Instead they will probably use the vague and
+distracting term &ldquo;cloud&rdquo;, which lumps SaaSS together with
+various other practices, some abusive and some ok. With the
+explanation and examples in this page, you can tell whether a service
+is SaaSS.</p>
+<h3>Background: How Proprietary Software Takes Away Your Freedom</h3>
+<p>Digital technology can give you freedom; it can also take your
+freedom away. The first threat to our control over our computing came
+from <em>proprietary software</em>: software that the users cannot
+control because the owner (a company such as Apple or Microsoft)
+controls it. The owner often takes advantage of this unjust power by
+inserting malicious features such as spyware, back doors, and <a
+href="">Digital Restrictions Management
+(DRM)</a> (referred to as &ldquo;Digital Rights Management&rdquo; in
+their propaganda).</p>
+<p>Our solution to this problem is developing <em>free software</em>
+and rejecting proprietary software. Free software means that you, as
+a user, have four essential freedoms: (0)&nbsp;to run the program as
+you wish, (1)&nbsp;to study and change the source code so it does what
+you wish, (2)&nbsp;to redistribute exact copies, and (3)&nbsp;to
+redistribute copies of your modified versions. (See
+the <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">free software
+<p>With free software, we, the users, take back control of our
+computing. Proprietary software still exists, but we can exclude it
+from our lives and many of us have done so. However, we are now
+offered another tempting way to cede control over our computing:
+Service as a Software Substitute (SaaSS). For our freedom's sake, we
+have to reject that too.</p>
+<h3>How Service as a Software Substitute Takes Away Your Freedom</h3>
+<p>Service as a Software Substitute (SaaSS) means using a service as a
+substitute for running your copy of a program. Concretely, it means
+that someone sets up a network server that does certain computing
+tasks&mdash;for instance, modifying a photo, translating text into
+another language, etc.&mdash;then invites users to do computing via
+that server. A user of the server would send her data to the server,
+which does <em>her own computing</em> on the data thus provided, then
+sends the results back to her or acts directly on her behalf.</p>
+<p>The computing is <em>her own</em> because, by assumption, she
+could, in principle, have done it by running a program on her own
+computer (whether or not that program is available to her at
+present). In cases where this assumption is not so, it isn't SaaSS.</p>
+<p>These servers wrest control from the users even more inexorably
+than proprietary software. With proprietary software, users typically
+get an executable file but not the source code. That makes it hard to
+study the code that is running, so it's hard to determine what the
+program really does, and hard to change it.</p>
+<p>With SaaSS, the users do not have even the executable file that
+does their computing: it is on someone else's server, where the users
+can't see or touch it. Thus it is impossible for them to ascertain
+what it really does, and impossible to change it.</p>
+<p>Furthermore, SaaSS automatically leads to consequences equivalent
+to the malicious features of certain proprietary software.</p>
+<p> For instance, some proprietary programs are &ldquo;spyware&rdquo;:
+the program <a href="/philosophy/proprietary-surveillance.html">
+sends out data about users' computing activities</a>.
+Microsoft Windows sends information about users' activities to
+Microsoft. Windows Media Player reports what each user watches or
+listens to. The Amazon Kindle reports which pages of which books the
+user looks at, and when. Angry Birds reports the user's geolocation
+<p>Unlike proprietary software, SaaSS does not require covert code to
+obtain the user's data. Instead, users must send their data to the
+server in order to use it. This has the same effect as spyware: the
+server operator gets the data&mdash;with no special effort, by the
+nature of SaaSS. Amy Webb, who intended never to post any photos of
+her daughter, made the mistake of using SaaSS (Instagram) to edit
+photos of her. Eventually
+<a href=""> they
+leaked from there</a>.
+<p>Theoretically, homomorphic encryption might some day advance to the
+point where future SaaSS services might be constructed to be unable to
+understand some of the data that users send them. Such
+services <em>could</em> be set up not to snoop on users; this does not
+mean they <em>will</em> do no snooping.</p>
+<p>Some proprietary operating systems have a universal back door,
+permitting someone to remotely install software changes. For
+instance, Windows has a universal back door with which Microsoft can
+forcibly change any software on the machine. Nearly all portable
+phones have them, too. Some proprietary applications also have
+universal back doors; for instance, the Steam client for GNU/Linux
+allows the developer to remotely install modified versions.</p>
+<p>With SaaSS, the server operator can change the software in use on
+the server. He ought to be able to do this, since it's his computer;
+but the result is the same as using a proprietary application program
+with a universal back door: someone has the power to silently impose
+changes in how the user's computing gets done.</p>
+<p>Thus, SaaSS is equivalent to running proprietary software with
+spyware and a universal back door. It gives the server operator
+unjust power over the user, and that power is something we must
+<h3>SaaSS and SaaS</h3>
+<p>Originally we referred to this problematical practice as
+&ldquo;SaaS&rdquo;, which stands for &ldquo;Software as a
+Service&rdquo;. It's a commonly used term for setting up software on a
+server rather than offering copies of it to users, and we thought it
+described precisely the cases where this problem occurs.</p>
+<p>Subsequently we became aware that the term SaaS is sometimes used for
+communication services&mdash;activities for which this issue is not
+applicable. In addition, the term &ldquo;Software as a Service&rdquo;
+doesn't explain <em>why</em> the practice is bad. So we coined the term
+&ldquo;Service as a Software Substitute&rdquo;, which defines the bad
+practice more clearly and says what is bad about it.</p>
+<h3>Untangling the SaaSS Issue from the Proprietary Software Issue</h3>
+<p>SaaSS and proprietary software lead to similar harmful results, but
+the mechanisms are different. With proprietary software, the
+mechanism is that you have and use a copy which is difficult and/or
+illegal to change. With SaaSS, the mechanism is that you don't have
+the copy that's doing your computing.</p>
+<p>These two issues are often confused, and not only by accident. Web
+developers use the vague term &ldquo;web application&rdquo; to lump
+the server software together with programs run on your machine in your
+browser. Some web pages install nontrivial, even large JavaScript
+programs into your browser without informing
+you. <a href="/philosophy/javascript-trap.html">When these JavaScript
+programs are nonfree</a>, they cause the same sort of injustice as any
+other nonfree software. Here, however, we are concerned with the
+issue of using the service itself.</p>
+<p>Many free software supporters assume that the problem of SaaSS will
+be solved by developing free software for servers. For the server
+operator's sake, the programs on the server had better be free; if
+they are proprietary, their developers/owners have power over the
+server. That's unfair to the server operator, and doesn't help the
+server's users at all. But if the programs on the server are free,
+that doesn't protect <em>the server's users</em> from the effects of
+SaaSS. These programs liberate the server operator, but not the
+server's users.</p>
+<p>Releasing the server software source code does benefit the
+community: it enables suitably skilled users to set up similar
+servers, perhaps changing the
+software. <a href="/licenses/license-recommendations.html"> We
+recommend using the GNU Affero GPL</a> as the license for programs
+often used on servers.</p>
+<p>But none of these servers would give you control over computing you
+do on it, unless it's <em>your</em> server (one whose software load
+you control, regardless of whether the machine is your property). It
+may be OK to trust your friend's server for some jobs, just as you
+might let your friend maintain the software on your own computer.
+Outside of that, all these servers would be SaaSS for you. SaaSS
+always subjects you to the power of the server operator, and the only
+remedy is, <em>Don't use SaaSS!</em> Don't use someone else's server
+to do your own computing on data provided by you.</p>
+<p>This issue demonstrates the depth of the difference between
+&ldquo;open&rdquo; and &ldquo;free&rdquo;. Source code that is open
+source <a href="/philosophy/free-open-overlap.html">is, nearly always,
+free</a>. However, the idea of
+an <a href="">&ldquo;open
+software&rdquo; service</a>, meaning one whose server software is open
+source and/or free, fails to address the issue of SaaSS.</p>
+<p>Services are fundamentally different from programs, and the ethical
+issues that services raise are fundamentally different from the issues
+that programs raise. To avoid confusion,
+we <a href="/philosophy/network-services-arent-free-or-nonfree.html">
+avoid describing a service as &ldquo;free&rdquo; or
+<h3>Distinguishing SaaSS from Other Network Services</h3>
+<p>Which online services are SaaSS? The clearest example is a
+translation service, which translates (say) English text into Spanish
+text. Translating a text for you is computing that is purely yours.
+You could do it by running a program on your own computer, if only you
+had the right program. (To be ethical, that program should be free.)
+The translation service substitutes for that program, so it is Service
+as a Software Substitute, or SaaSS. Since it denies you control
+over your computing, it does you wrong.</p>
+<p>Another clear example is using a service such as Flickr or
+Instagram to modify a photo. Modifying photos is an activity that
+people have done in their own computers for decades; doing it in a
+server you don't control, rather than your own computer, is SaaSS.</p>
+<p>Rejecting SaaSS does not mean refusing to use any network servers
+run by anyone other than you. Most servers are not SaaSS because the
+jobs they do are some sort of communication, rather than the user's
+own computing.</p>
+<p>The original idea of web servers wasn't to do computing for you, it
+was to publish information for you to access. Even today this is what
+most web sites do, and it doesn't pose the SaaSS problem, because
+accessing someone's published information isn't doing your own
+computing. Neither is use of a blog site to publish your own works,
+or using a microblogging service such as Twitter or StatusNet. (These
+services may or may not have other problems, depending on details.)
+The same goes for other communication not meant to be private, such as
+chat groups.</p>
+<p>In its essence, social networking is a form of communication and
+publication, not SaaSS. However, a service whose main facility is
+social networking can have features or extensions which are SaaSS.</p>
+<p>If a service is not SaaSS, that does not mean it is OK. There are
+other ethical issues about services. For instance, Facebook
+distributes video in Flash, which pressures users to run nonfree
+software; it requires running nonfree JavaScript code; and it gives
+users a misleading impression of privacy while luring them into baring
+their lives to Facebook. Those are important issues, different from
+the SaaSS issue.
+<p>Services such as search engines collect data from around the web
+and let you examine it. Looking through their collection of data
+isn't your own computing in the usual sense&mdash;you didn't provide
+that collection&mdash;so using such a service to search the web is not
+SaaSS. However, using someone else's server to implement a search
+facility for your own site <em>is</em> SaaSS.</p>
+<p>Purchasing online is not SaaSS, because the computing
+isn't <em>your own</em> activity; rather, it is done jointly by and
+for you and the store. The real issue in online shopping is whether
+you trust the other party with your money and other personal
+information (starting with your name).</p>
+<p>Repository sites such as Savannah and SourceForge are not
+inherently SaaSS, because a repository's job is publication of data
+supplied to it.</p>
+<p>Using a joint project's servers isn't SaaSS because the computing
+you do in this way isn't your own. For instance, if you edit pages on
+Wikipedia, you are not doing your own computing; rather, you are
+collaborating in Wikipedia's computing. Wikipedia controls its own
+servers, but organizations as well as individuals encounter the
+problem of SaaSS if they do their computing in someone else's
+<p>Some sites offer multiple services, and if one is not SaaSS,
+another may be SaaSS. For instance, the main service of Facebook is
+social networking, and that is not SaaSS; however, it supports
+third-party applications, some of which are SaaSS. Flickr's main
+service is distributing photos, which is not SaaSS, but it also has
+features for editing photos, which is SaaSS. Likewise, using
+Instagram to post a photo is not SaaSS, but using it to transform the
+photo is SaaSS.</p>
+<p>Google Docs shows how complex the evaluation of a single service
+can become. It invites people to edit a document by running a
+large <a href="/philosophy/javascript-trap.html">nonfree JavaScript
+program</a>, clearly wrong. However, it offers an API for uploading
+and downloading documents in standard formats. A free software editor
+can do so through this API. This usage scenario is not SaaSS, because
+it uses Google Docs as a mere repository. Showing all your data to a
+company is bad, but that is a matter of privacy, not SaaSS; depending
+on a service for access to your data is bad, but that is a matter of
+risk, not SaaSS. On the other hand, using the service for converting
+document formats <em>is</em> SaaSS, because it's something you could
+have done by running a suitable program (free, one hopes) in your own
+<p>Using Google Docs through a free editor is rare, of course. Most
+often, people use it through the nonfree JavaScript program, which is
+bad like any nonfree program. This scenario might involve SaaSS, too;
+that depends on what part of the editing is done in the JavaScript
+program and what part in the server. We don't know, but since SaaSS
+and proprietary software do similar wrong to the user, it is not
+crucial to know.</p>
+<p>Publishing via someone else's repository does not raise privacy
+issues, but publishing through Google Docs has a special problem: it
+is impossible even to <em>view the text</em> of a Google Docs document
+in a browser without running the nonfree JavaScript code. Thus, you
+should not use Google Docs to publish anything&mdash;but the reason
+is not a matter of SaaSS.</p>
+<p>The IT industry discourages users from making these distinctions.
+That's what the buzzword &ldquo;cloud computing&rdquo; is for. This
+term is so nebulous that it could refer to almost any use of the
+Internet. It includes SaaSS as well as many other network usage
+practices. In any given context, an author who writes
+&ldquo;cloud&rdquo; (if a technical person) probably has a specific
+meaning in mind, but usually does not explain that in other articles
+the term has other specific meanings. The term leads people to
+generalize about practices they ought to consider individually.</p>
+<p>If &ldquo;cloud computing&rdquo; has a meaning, it is not a way of
+doing computing, but rather a way of thinking about computing: a
+devil-may-care approach which says, &ldquo;Don't ask questions. Don't
+worry about who controls your computing or who holds your data. Don't
+check for a hook hidden inside our service before you swallow it.
+Trust companies without hesitation.&rdquo; In other words, &ldquo;Be a
+sucker.&rdquo; A cloud in the mind is an obstacle to clear thinking.
+For the sake of clear thinking about computing, let's avoid the term
+<h3 id="renting">Renting a Server Distinguished from SaaSS</h3>
+<p>If you rent a server (real or virtual), whose software load you
+have control over, that's not SaaSS. In SaaSS, someone else decides
+what software runs on the server and therefore controls the computing
+it does for you. In the case where you install the software on the
+server, you control what computing it does for you. Thus, the rented
+server is virtually your computer. For this issue, it counts as
+<p>The <em>data</em> on the rented remote server is less secure than
+if you had the server at home, but that is a separate issue from
+<p>This kind of server rental is sometimes called &ldquo;IaaS,&rdquo;
+but that term fits into a conceptual structure that downplays the issues
+that we consider important.</p>
+<h3>Dealing with the SaaSS Problem</h3>
+<p>Only a small fraction of all web sites do SaaSS; most don't raise
+the issue. But what should we do about the ones that raise it?</p>
+<p>For the simple case, where you are doing your own computing on data
+in your own hands, the solution is simple: use your own copy of a free
+software application. Do your text editing with your copy of a free
+text editor such as GNU Emacs or a free word processor. Do your photo
+editing with your copy of free software such as GIMP. What if there
+is no free program available? A proprietary program or SaaSS would
+take away your freedom, so you shouldn't use those. You can contribute
+your time or your money to development of a free replacement.</p>
+<p>What about collaborating with other individuals as a group? It may
+be hard to do this at present without using a server, and your group
+may not know how to run its own server. If you use someone else's
+server, at least don't trust a server run by a company. A mere
+contract as a customer is no protection unless you could detect a
+breach and could really sue, and the company probably writes its
+contracts to permit a broad range of abuses. The state can subpoena
+your data from the company along with everyone else's, as Obama has
+done to phone companies, supposing the company doesn't volunteer them
+like the US phone companies that illegally wiretapped their customers
+for Bush. If you must use a server, use a server whose operators give
+you a basis for trust beyond a mere commercial relationship.</p>
+<p>However, on a longer time scale, we can create alternatives to
+using servers. For instance, we can create a peer-to-peer program
+through which collaborators can share data encrypted. The free
+software community should develop distributed peer-to-peer
+replacements for important &ldquo;web applications&rdquo;. It may be
+wise to release them under
+the <a href="/licenses/why-affero-gpl.html"> GNU Affero GPL</a>, since
+they are likely candidates for being converted into server-based
+programs by someone else. The <a href="/">GNU project</a> is looking
+for volunteers to work on such replacements. We also invite other
+free software projects to consider this issue in their design.</p>
+<p>In the meantime, if a company invites you to use its server to do
+your own computing tasks, don't yield; don't use SaaSS. Don't buy or
+install &ldquo;thin clients&rdquo;, which are simply computers so weak
+they make you do the real work on a server, unless you're going to use
+them with <em>your</em> server. Use a real computer and keep your
+data there. Do your own computing with your own copy of a free
+program, for your freedom's sake.</p>
+<h3>See also:</h3>
+<p><a href="/philosophy/bug-nobody-allowed-to-understand.html">The
+Bug Nobody is Allowed to Understand</a>.</p>
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