path: root/ebics/src/main
diff options
authorAntoine A <>2024-03-12 11:02:45 +0100
committerAntoine A <>2024-03-12 11:02:45 +0100
commit3b0aa4610772ef5ace8442532b247f917e59af3a (patch)
treec68bf8973ca30af4ae5e75358a62d726f6eb21d1 /ebics/src/main
parent90e9e6804f01793628b2abe0c2771fb96bf318e3 (diff)
parent0cc7f2a61b17f2870d1c8f9c45d0eb754a60a27b (diff)
Clean EBICS implementation, replace JAXB code with Kotlin DSL XML combinators
Diffstat (limited to 'ebics/src/main')
55 files changed, 0 insertions, 25609 deletions
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Ebics.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Ebics.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index e335e502..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Ebics.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2024 Taler Systems S.A.
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
- * This is the main "EBICS library interface". Functions here are stateless helpers
- * used to implement both an EBICS server and EBICS client.
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics
-import io.ktor.http.*
-import org.w3c.dom.Document
-import tech.libeufin.common.crypto.CryptoUtil
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004.EbicsRequest
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004.EbicsResponse
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004.EbicsTypes
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004.HPBResponseOrderData
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h005.Ebics3Response
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s001.UserSignatureData
-import java.time.Instant
-import java.time.ZoneId
-import java.time.ZonedDateTime
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement
-import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory
-import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
-data class EbicsProtocolError(
- val httpStatusCode: HttpStatusCode,
- val reason: String,
- /**
- * This class is also used when Nexus finds itself
- * in an inconsistent state, without interacting with the
- * bank. In this case, the EBICS code below can be left
- * null.
- */
- val ebicsTechnicalCode: EbicsReturnCode? = null
-) : Exception(reason)
-data class EbicsDateRange(
- val start: Instant,
- val end: Instant
-sealed interface EbicsOrderParams
-data class EbicsStandardOrderParams(
- val dateRange: EbicsDateRange? = null
-) : EbicsOrderParams
-data class EbicsGenericOrderParams(
- val params: Map<String, String> = mapOf()
-) : EbicsOrderParams
-enum class EbicsInitState {
- * This class is a mere container that keeps data found
- * in the database and that is further needed to sign / verify
- * / make messages. And not all the values are needed all
- * the time.
- */
-data class EbicsClientSubscriberDetails(
- val partnerId: String,
- val userId: String,
- var bankAuthPub: RSAPublicKey?,
- var bankEncPub: RSAPublicKey?,
- val ebicsUrl: String,
- val hostId: String,
- val customerEncPriv: RSAPrivateCrtKey,
- val customerAuthPriv: RSAPrivateCrtKey,
- val customerSignPriv: RSAPrivateCrtKey,
- val ebicsIniState: EbicsInitState,
- val ebicsHiaState: EbicsInitState,
- var dialect: String? = null
- * @param size in bits
- */
-fun getNonce(size: Int): ByteArray {
- val sr = SecureRandom()
- val ret = ByteArray(size / 8)
- sr.nextBytes(ret)
- return ret
-fun getXmlDate(i: Instant): XMLGregorianCalendar {
- val zonedTimestamp = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(i, ZoneId.of("UTC"))
- return getXmlDate(zonedTimestamp)
-fun getXmlDate(d: ZonedDateTime): XMLGregorianCalendar {
- return DatatypeFactory.newInstance()
- .newXMLGregorianCalendar(
- d.year,
- d.monthValue,
- d.dayOfMonth,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- d.offset.totalSeconds / 60
- )
-fun makeOrderParams(orderParams: EbicsOrderParams): EbicsRequest.OrderParams {
- return when (orderParams) {
- is EbicsStandardOrderParams -> {
- EbicsRequest.StandardOrderParams().apply {
- val r = orderParams.dateRange
- if (r != null) {
- this.dateRange = EbicsRequest.DateRange().apply {
- this.start = getXmlDate(r.start)
- this.end = getXmlDate(r.end)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- is EbicsGenericOrderParams -> {
- EbicsRequest.GenericOrderParams().apply {
- this.parameterList = { entry ->
- EbicsTypes.Parameter().apply {
- = entry.key
- this.value = entry.value
- this.type = "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-fun signOrder(
- orderBlob: ByteArray,
- signKey: RSAPrivateCrtKey,
- partnerId: String,
- userId: String
-): UserSignatureData {
- val ES_signature = CryptoUtil.signEbicsA006(
- CryptoUtil.digestEbicsOrderA006(orderBlob),
- signKey
- )
- val userSignatureData = UserSignatureData().apply {
- orderSignatureList = listOf(
- UserSignatureData.OrderSignatureData().apply {
- signatureVersion = "A006"
- signatureValue = ES_signature
- partnerID = partnerId
- userID = userId
- }
- )
- }
- return userSignatureData
-fun signOrderEbics3(
- orderBlob: ByteArray,
- signKey: RSAPrivateCrtKey,
- partnerId: String,
- userId: String
-): tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s002.UserSignatureDataEbics3 {
- val ES_signature = CryptoUtil.signEbicsA006(
- CryptoUtil.digestEbicsOrderA006(orderBlob),
- signKey
- )
- val userSignatureData = tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s002.UserSignatureDataEbics3().apply {
- orderSignatureList = listOf(
- tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s002.UserSignatureDataEbics3.OrderSignatureData().apply {
- signatureVersion = "A006"
- signatureValue = ES_signature
- partnerID = partnerId
- userID = userId
- }
- )
- }
- return userSignatureData
-data class PreparedUploadData(
- val transactionKey: ByteArray,
- val userSignatureDataEncrypted: ByteArray,
- val dataDigest: ByteArray,
- val encryptedPayloadChunks: List<String>
-) {
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
- if (this === other) return true
- if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
- other as PreparedUploadData
- if (!transactionKey.contentEquals(other.transactionKey)) return false
- if (!userSignatureDataEncrypted.contentEquals(other.userSignatureDataEncrypted)) return false
- if (encryptedPayloadChunks != other.encryptedPayloadChunks) return false
- return true
- }
- override fun hashCode(): Int {
- var result = transactionKey.contentHashCode()
- result = 31 * result + userSignatureDataEncrypted.contentHashCode()
- result = 31 * result + encryptedPayloadChunks.hashCode()
- return result
- }
-data class DataEncryptionInfo(
- val transactionKey: ByteArray,
- val bankPubDigest: ByteArray
-) {
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
- if (this === other) return true
- if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
- other as DataEncryptionInfo
- if (!transactionKey.contentEquals(other.transactionKey)) return false
- if (!bankPubDigest.contentEquals(other.bankPubDigest)) return false
- return true
- }
- override fun hashCode(): Int {
- var result = transactionKey.contentHashCode()
- result = 31 * result + bankPubDigest.contentHashCode()
- return result
- }
-// TODO import missing using a script
-enum class EbicsReturnCode(val errorCode: String) {
- EBICS_OK("000000"),
- EBICS_INVALID_XML("091010"),
- companion object {
- fun lookup(errorCode: String): EbicsReturnCode {
- for (x in entries) {
- if (x.errorCode == errorCode) {
- return x
- }
- }
- throw Exception(
- "Unknown EBICS status code: $errorCode"
- )
- }
- }
-data class EbicsResponseContent(
- val transactionID: String?,
- val orderID: String?,
- val dataEncryptionInfo: DataEncryptionInfo?,
- val orderDataEncChunk: String?,
- val technicalReturnCode: EbicsReturnCode,
- val bankReturnCode: EbicsReturnCode,
- val reportText: String,
- val segmentNumber: Int?,
- // Only present in init phase
- val numSegments: Int?
-data class EbicsKeyManagementResponseContent(
- val technicalReturnCode: EbicsReturnCode,
- val bankReturnCode: EbicsReturnCode?,
- val orderData: ByteArray?
-class HpbResponseData(
- val hostID: String,
- val encryptionPubKey: RSAPublicKey,
- val encryptionVersion: String,
- val authenticationPubKey: RSAPublicKey,
- val authenticationVersion: String
-fun parseEbicsHpbOrder(orderDataRaw: InputStream): HpbResponseData {
- val resp = try {
- XMLUtil.convertToJaxb<HPBResponseOrderData>(orderDataRaw)
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Invalid XML (as HPB response) received from bank")
- }
- val encPubKey = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKeyFromComponents(
- resp.value.encryptionPubKeyInfo.pubKeyValue.rsaKeyValue.modulus,
- resp.value.encryptionPubKeyInfo.pubKeyValue.rsaKeyValue.exponent
- )
- val authPubKey = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKeyFromComponents(
- resp.value.authenticationPubKeyInfo.pubKeyValue.rsaKeyValue.modulus,
- resp.value.authenticationPubKeyInfo.pubKeyValue.rsaKeyValue.exponent
- )
- return HpbResponseData(
- hostID = resp.value.hostID,
- encryptionPubKey = encPubKey,
- encryptionVersion = resp.value.encryptionPubKeyInfo.encryptionVersion,
- authenticationPubKey = authPubKey,
- authenticationVersion = resp.value.authenticationPubKeyInfo.authenticationVersion
- )
-fun ebics3toInternalRepr(response: Document): EbicsResponseContent {
- // logger.debug("Converting bank resp to internal repr.: $response")
- val resp: JAXBElement<Ebics3Response> = try {
- XMLUtil.convertDomToJaxb(response)
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(
- HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
- "Could not transform string-response from bank into JAXB"
- )
- }
- val bankReturnCodeStr = resp.value.body.returnCode.value
- val bankReturnCode = EbicsReturnCode.lookup(bankReturnCodeStr)
- val techReturnCodeStr = resp.value.header.mutable.returnCode
- val techReturnCode = EbicsReturnCode.lookup(techReturnCodeStr)
- val reportText = resp.value.header.mutable.reportText
- val daeXml = resp.value.body.dataTransfer?.dataEncryptionInfo
- val dataEncryptionInfo = if (daeXml == null) {
- null
- } else {
- DataEncryptionInfo(daeXml.transactionKey, daeXml.encryptionPubKeyDigest.value)
- }
- return EbicsResponseContent(
- transactionID = resp.value.header._static.transactionID,
- orderID = resp.value.header.mutable.orderID,
- bankReturnCode = bankReturnCode,
- technicalReturnCode = techReturnCode,
- reportText = reportText,
- orderDataEncChunk = resp.value.body.dataTransfer?.orderData?.value,
- dataEncryptionInfo = dataEncryptionInfo,
- numSegments = resp.value.header._static.numSegments?.toInt(),
- segmentNumber = resp.value.header.mutable.segmentNumber?.value?.toInt()
- )
-fun ebics25toInternalRepr(response: Document): EbicsResponseContent {
- val resp: JAXBElement<EbicsResponse> = try {
- XMLUtil.convertDomToJaxb(response)
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(
- HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
- "Could not transform string-response from bank into JAXB"
- )
- }
- val bankReturnCodeStr = resp.value.body.returnCode.value
- val bankReturnCode = EbicsReturnCode.lookup(bankReturnCodeStr)
- val techReturnCodeStr = resp.value.header.mutable.returnCode
- val techReturnCode = EbicsReturnCode.lookup(techReturnCodeStr)
- val reportText = resp.value.header.mutable.reportText
- val daeXml = resp.value.body.dataTransfer?.dataEncryptionInfo
- val dataEncryptionInfo = if (daeXml == null) {
- null
- } else {
- DataEncryptionInfo(daeXml.transactionKey, daeXml.encryptionPubKeyDigest.value)
- }
- return EbicsResponseContent(
- transactionID = resp.value.header._static.transactionID,
- orderID = resp.value.header.mutable.orderID,
- bankReturnCode = bankReturnCode,
- technicalReturnCode = techReturnCode,
- reportText = reportText,
- orderDataEncChunk = resp.value.body.dataTransfer?.orderData?.value,
- dataEncryptionInfo = dataEncryptionInfo,
- numSegments = resp.value.header._static.numSegments?.toInt(),
- segmentNumber = resp.value.header.mutable.segmentNumber?.value?.toInt()
- )
- * Get the private key that matches the given public key digest.
- */
-fun getDecryptionKey(subscriberDetails: EbicsClientSubscriberDetails, pubDigest: ByteArray): RSAPrivateCrtKey {
- val authPub = CryptoUtil.getRsaPublicFromPrivate(subscriberDetails.customerAuthPriv)
- val encPub = CryptoUtil.getRsaPublicFromPrivate(subscriberDetails.customerEncPriv)
- val authPubDigest = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(authPub)
- val encPubDigest = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(encPub)
- if (pubDigest.contentEquals(authPubDigest)) {
- return subscriberDetails.customerAuthPriv
- }
- if (pubDigest.contentEquals(encPubDigest)) {
- return subscriberDetails.customerEncPriv
- }
- throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Could not find customer's public key")
-data class EbicsVersionSpec(
- val protocol: String,
- val version: String
-data class EbicsHevDetails(
- val versions: List<EbicsVersionSpec>
-) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/EbicsOrderUtil.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/EbicsOrderUtil.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 79c78a29..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/EbicsOrderUtil.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2024 Taler Systems S.A.
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics
-import tech.libeufin.common.deflate
-import tech.libeufin.common.inflate
-import tech.libeufin.common.toHexString
- * Helpers for dealing with order compression, encryption, decryption, chunking and re-assembly.
- */
-object EbicsOrderUtil {
- inline fun <reified T> decodeOrderDataXml(encodedOrderData: ByteArray): T {
- return encodedOrderData.inputStream().inflate().use {
- XMLUtil.convertToJaxb<T>(it).value
- }
- }
- inline fun <reified T> encodeOrderDataXml(obj: T): ByteArray {
- val bytes = XMLUtil.convertJaxbToBytes(obj)
- return bytes.inputStream().deflate().readAllBytes()
- }
- @ExperimentalStdlibApi
- fun generateTransactionId(): String {
- val rng = SecureRandom()
- val res = ByteArray(16)
- rng.nextBytes(res)
- return res.toHexString().uppercase()
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the resulting size of base64-encoding data of the given length,
- * including padding.
- */
- fun calculateBase64EncodedLength(dataLength: Int): Int {
- val blocks = (dataLength + 3 - 1) / 3
- return blocks * 4
- }
- fun checkOrderIDOverflow(n: Int): Boolean {
- if (n <= 0)
- throw IllegalArgumentException()
- val base = 10 + 26
- return n >= base * base
- }
- private fun getDigitChar(x: Int): Char {
- if (x < 10) {
- return '0' + x
- }
- return 'A' + (x - 10)
- }
- fun computeOrderIDFromNumber(n: Int): String {
- if (n <= 0)
- throw IllegalArgumentException()
- if (checkOrderIDOverflow(n))
- throw IllegalArgumentException()
- var ni = n
- val base = 10 + 26
- val x1 = ni % base
- ni = ni / base
- val x2 = ni % base
- val c1 = getDigitChar(x1)
- val c2 = getDigitChar(x2)
- return String(charArrayOf('O', 'R', c2, c1))
- }
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Iso20022CodeSets.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Iso20022CodeSets.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index f5e338df..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Iso20022CodeSets.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2024 Taler Systems S.A.
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics
-enum class ExternalStatusReasonCode(val isoCode: String, val description: String) {
- AB01("AbortedClearingTimeout", "Clearing process aborted due to timeout."),
- AB02("AbortedClearingFatalError", "Clearing process aborted due to a fatal error."),
- AB03("AbortedSettlementTimeout", "Settlement aborted due to timeout."),
- AB04("AbortedSettlementFatalError", "Settlement process aborted due to a fatal error."),
- AB05("TimeoutCreditorAgent", "Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Creditor Agent."),
- AB06("TimeoutInstructedAgent", "Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Instructed Agent."),
- AB07("OfflineAgent", "Agent of message is not online."),
- AB08("OfflineCreditorAgent", "Creditor Agent is not online."),
- AB09("ErrorCreditorAgent", "Transaction stopped due to error at the Creditor Agent."),
- AB10("ErrorInstructedAgent", "Transaction stopped due to error at the Instructed Agent."),
- AB11("TimeoutDebtorAgent", "Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Debtor Agent."),
- AC01("IncorrectAccountNumber", "Account number is invalid or missing."),
- AC02("InvalidDebtorAccountNumber", "Debtor account number invalid or missing"),
- AC03("InvalidCreditorAccountNumber", "Creditor account number invalid or missing"),
- AC04("ClosedAccountNumber", "Account number specified has been closed on the bank of account's books."),
- AC05("ClosedDebtorAccountNumber", "Debtor account number closed"),
- AC06("BlockedAccount", "Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it."),
- AC07("ClosedCreditorAccountNumber", "Creditor account number closed"),
- AC08("InvalidBranchCode", "Branch code is invalid or missing"),
- AC09("InvalidAccountCurrency", "Account currency is invalid or missing"),
- AC10("InvalidDebtorAccountCurrency", "Debtor account currency is invalid or missing"),
- AC11("InvalidCreditorAccountCurrency", "Creditor account currency is invalid or missing"),
- AC12("InvalidAccountType", "Account type missing or invalid."),
- AC13("InvalidDebtorAccountType", "Debtor account type missing or invalid"),
- AC14("InvalidCreditorAccountType", "Creditor account type missing or invalid"),
- AC15("AccountDetailsChanged", "The account details for the counterparty have changed."),
- AC16("CardNumberInvalid", "Credit or debit card number is invalid."),
- AEXR("AlreadyExpiredRTP", "Request-to-pay Expiry Date and Time has already passed."),
- AG01("TransactionForbidden", "Transaction forbidden on this type of account (formerly NoAgreement)"),
- AG02("InvalidBankOperationCode", "Bank Operation code specified in the message is not valid for receiver"),
- AG03("TransactionNotSupported", "Transaction type not supported/authorized on this account"),
- AG04("InvalidAgentCountry", "Agent country code is missing or invalid."),
- AG05("InvalidDebtorAgentCountry", "Debtor agent country code is missing or invalid"),
- AG06("InvalidCreditorAgentCountry", "Creditor agent country code is missing or invalid"),
- AG07("UnsuccesfulDirectDebit", "Debtor account cannot be debited for a generic reason."),
- AG08("InvalidAccessRights", "Transaction failed due to invalid or missing user or access right"),
- AG09("PaymentNotReceived", "Original payment never received."),
- AG10("AgentSuspended", "Agent of message is suspended from the Real Time Payment system."),
- AG11("CreditorAgentSuspended", "Creditor Agent of message is suspended from the Real Time Payment system."),
- AG12("NotAllowedBookTransfer", "Payment orders made by transferring funds from one account to another at the same financial institution (bank or payment institution) are not allowed."),
- AG13("ForbiddenReturnPayment", "Returned payments derived from previously returned transactions are not allowed."),
- AGNT("IncorrectAgent", "Agent in the payment workflow is incorrect"),
- ALAC("AlreadyAcceptedRTP", "Request-to-pay has already been accepted by the Debtor."),
- AM01("ZeroAmount", "Specified message amount is equal to zero"),
- AM02("NotAllowedAmount", "Specific transaction/message amount is greater than allowed maximum"),
- AM03("NotAllowedCurrency", "Specified message amount is an non processable currency outside of existing agreement"),
- AM04("InsufficientFunds", "Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient."),
- AM05("Duplication", "Duplication"),
- AM06("TooLowAmount", "Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum."),
- AM07("BlockedAmount", "Amount specified in message has been blocked by regulatory authorities."),
- AM09("WrongAmount", "Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected"),
- AM10("InvalidControlSum", "Sum of instructed amounts does not equal the control sum."),
- AM11("InvalidTransactionCurrency", "Transaction currency is invalid or missing"),
- AM12("InvalidAmount", "Amount is invalid or missing"),
- AM13("AmountExceedsClearingSystemLimit", "Transaction amount exceeds limits set by clearing system"),
- AM14("AmountExceedsAgreedLimit", "Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client"),
- AM15("AmountBelowClearingSystemMinimum", "Transaction amount below minimum set by clearing system"),
- AM16("InvalidGroupControlSum", "Control Sum at the Group level is invalid"),
- AM17("InvalidPaymentInfoControlSum", "Control Sum at the Payment Information level is invalid"),
- AM18("InvalidNumberOfTransactions", "Number of transactions is invalid or missing."),
- AM19("InvalidGroupNumberOfTransactions", "Number of transactions at the Group level is invalid or missing"),
- AM20("InvalidPaymentInfoNumberOfTransactions", "Number of transactions at the Payment Information level is invalid"),
- AM21("LimitExceeded", "Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client."),
- AM22("ZeroAmountNotApplied", "Unable to apply zero amount to designated account. For example, where the rules of a service allow the use of zero amount payments, however the back-office system is unable to apply the funds to the account. If the rules of a service prohibit the use of zero amount payments, then code AM01 is used to report the error condition."),
- AM23("AmountExceedsSettlementLimit", "Transaction amount exceeds settlement limit."),
- APAR("AlreadyPaidRTP", "Request To Pay has already been paid by the Debtor."),
- ARFR("AlreadyRefusedRTP", "Request-to-pay has already been refused by the Debtor."),
- ARJR("AlreadyRejectedRTP", "Request-to-pay has already been rejected."),
- ATNS("AttachementsNotSupported", "Attachments to the request-to-pay are not supported."),
- BE01("InconsistenWithEndCustomer", "Identification of end customer is not consistent with associated account number. (formerly CreditorConsistency)."),
- BE04("MissingCreditorAddress", "Specification of creditor's address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct (formerly IncorrectCreditorAddress)."),
- BE05("UnrecognisedInitiatingParty", "Party who initiated the message is not recognised by the end customer"),
- BE06("UnknownEndCustomer", "End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/National Bank Code or does no longer exist in the books"),
- BE07("MissingDebtorAddress", "Specification of debtor's address, which is required for payment, is missing/not correct."),
- BE08("MissingDebtorName", "Debtor name is missing"),
- BE09("InvalidCountry", "Country code is missing or Invalid."),
- BE10("InvalidDebtorCountry", "Debtor country code is missing or invalid"),
- BE11("InvalidCreditorCountry", "Creditor country code is missing or invalid"),
- BE12("InvalidCountryOfResidence", "Country code of residence is missing or Invalid."),
- BE13("InvalidDebtorCountryOfResidence", "Country code of debtor's residence is missing or Invalid"),
- BE14("InvalidCreditorCountryOfResidence", "Country code of creditor's residence is missing or Invalid"),
- BE15("InvalidIdentificationCode", "Identification code missing or invalid."),
- BE16("InvalidDebtorIdentificationCode", "Debtor or Ultimate Debtor identification code missing or invalid"),
- BE17("InvalidCreditorIdentificationCode", "Creditor or Ultimate Creditor identification code missing or invalid"),
- BE18("InvalidContactDetails", "Contact details missing or invalid"),
- BE19("InvalidChargeBearerCode", "Charge bearer code for transaction type is invalid"),
- BE20("InvalidNameLength", "Name length exceeds local rules for payment type."),
- BE21("MissingName", "Name missing or invalid. Generic usage if cannot specifically identify debtor or creditor."),
- BE22("MissingCreditorName", "Creditor name is missing"),
- BE23("AccountProxyInvalid", "Phone number or email address, or any other proxy, used as the account proxy is unknown or invalid."),
- CERI("CheckERI", "Credit transfer is not tagged as an Extended Remittance Information (ERI) transaction but contains ERI."),
- CH03("RequestedExecutionDateOrRequestedCollectionDateTooFarInFuture", "Value in Requested Execution Date or Requested Collection Date is too far in the future"),
- CH04("RequestedExecutionDateOrRequestedCollectionDateTooFarInPast", "Value in Requested Execution Date or Requested Collection Date is too far in the past"),
- CH07("ElementIsNotToBeUsedAtB-andC-Level", "Element is not to be used at B- and C-Level"),
- CH09("MandateChangesNotAllowed", "Mandate changes are not allowed"),
- CH10("InformationOnMandateChangesMissing", "Information on mandate changes are missing"),
- CH11("CreditorIdentifierIncorrect", "Value in Creditor Identifier is incorrect"),
- CH12("CreditorIdentifierNotUnambiguouslyAtTransaction-Level", "Creditor Identifier is ambiguous at Transaction Level"),
- CH13("OriginalDebtorAccountIsNotToBeUsed", "Original Debtor Account is not to be used"),
- CH14("OriginalDebtorAgentIsNotToBeUsed", "Original Debtor Agent is not to be used"),
- CH15("ElementContentIncludesMoreThan140Characters", "Content Remittance Information/Structured includes more than 140 characters"),
- CH16("ElementContentFormallyIncorrect", "Content is incorrect"),
- CH17("ElementNotAdmitted", "Element is not allowed"),
- CH19("ValuesWillBeSetToNextTARGETday", "Values in Interbank Settlement Date or Requested Collection Date will be set to the next TARGET day"),
- CH20("DecimalPointsNotCompatibleWithCurrency", "Number of decimal points not compatible with the currency"),
- CH21("RequiredCompulsoryElementMissing", "Mandatory element is missing"),
- CH22("COREandB2BwithinOnemessage", "SDD CORE and B2B not permitted within one message"),
- CHQC("ChequeSettledOnCreditorAccount", "Cheque has been presented in cheque clearing and settled on the creditor’s account."),
- CN01("AuthorisationCancelled", "Authorisation is cancelled."),
- CNOR("CreditorBankIsNotRegistered", "Creditor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM"),
- CURR("IncorrectCurrency", "Currency of the payment is incorrect"),
- CUST("RequestedByCustomer", "Cancellation requested by the Debtor"),
- DC02("SettlementNotReceived", "Rejection of a payment due to covering FI settlement not being received."),
- DNOR("DebtorBankIsNotRegistered", "Debtor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM"),
- DS01("ElectronicSignaturesCorrect", "The electronic signature(s) is/are correct"),
- DS02("OrderCancelled", "An authorized user has cancelled the order"),
- DS03("OrderNotCancelled", "The user’s attempt to cancel the order was not successful"),
- DS04("OrderRejected", "The order was rejected by the bank side (for reasons concerning content)"),
- DS05("OrderForwardedForPostprocessing", "The order was correct and could be forwarded for postprocessing"),
- DS06("TransferOrder", "The order was transferred to VEU"),
- DS07("ProcessingOK", "All actions concerning the order could be done by the EBICS bank server"),
- DS08("DecompressionError", "The decompression of the file was not successful"),
- DS09("DecryptionError", "The decryption of the file was not successful"),
- DS0A("DataSignRequested", "Data signature is required."),
- DS0B("UnknownDataSignFormat", "Data signature for the format is not available or invalid."),
- DS0C("SignerCertificateRevoked", "The signer certificate is revoked."),
- DS0D("SignerCertificateNotValid", "The signer certificate is not valid (revoked or not active)."),
- DS0E("IncorrectSignerCertificate", "The signer certificate is not present."),
- DS0F("SignerCertificationAuthoritySignerNotValid", "The authority of the signer certification sending the certificate is unknown."),
- DS0G("NotAllowedPayment", "Signer is not allowed to sign this operation type."),
- DS0H("NotAllowedAccount", "Signer is not allowed to sign for this account."),
- DS0K("NotAllowedNumberOfTransaction", "The number of transaction is over the number allowed for this signer."),
- DS10("Signer1CertificateRevoked", "The certificate is revoked for the first signer."),
- DS11("Signer1CertificateNotValid", "The certificate is not valid (revoked or not active) for the first signer."),
- DS12("IncorrectSigner1Certificate", "The certificate is not present for the first signer."),
- DS13("SignerCertificationAuthoritySigner1NotValid", "The authority of signer certification sending the certificate is unknown for the first signer."),
- DS14("UserDoesNotExist", "The user is unknown on the server"),
- DS15("IdenticalSignatureFound", "The same signature has already been sent to the bank"),
- DS16("PublicKeyVersionIncorrect", "The public key version is not correct. This code is returned when a customer sends signature files to the financial institution after conversion from an older program version (old ES format) to a new program version (new ES format) without having carried out re-initialisation with regard to a public key change."),
- DS17("DifferentOrderDataInSignatures", "Order data and signatures don’t match"),
- DS18("RepeatOrder", "File cannot be tested, the complete order has to be repeated. This code is returned in the event of a malfunction during the signature check, e.g. not enough storage space."),
- DS19("ElectronicSignatureRightsInsufficient", "The user’s rights (concerning his signature) are insufficient to execute the order"),
- DS20("Signer2CertificateRevoked", "The certificate is revoked for the second signer."),
- DS21("Signer2CertificateNotValid", "The certificate is not valid (revoked or not active) for the second signer."),
- DS22("IncorrectSigner2Certificate", "The certificate is not present for the second signer."),
- DS23("SignerCertificationAuthoritySigner2NotValid", "The authority of signer certification sending the certificate is unknown for the second signer."),
- DS24("WaitingTimeExpired", "Waiting time expired due to incomplete order"),
- DS25("OrderFileDeleted", "The order file was deleted by the bank server"),
- DS26("UserSignedMultipleTimes", "The same user has signed multiple times"),
- DS27("UserNotYetActivated", "The user is not yet activated (technically)"),
- DT01("InvalidDate", "Invalid date (eg, wrong or missing settlement date)"),
- DT02("InvalidCreationDate", "Invalid creation date and time in Group Header (eg, historic date)"),
- DT03("InvalidNonProcessingDate", "Invalid non bank processing date (eg, weekend or local public holiday)"),
- DT04("FutureDateNotSupported", "Future date not supported"),
- DT05("InvalidCutOffDate", "Associated message, payment information block or transaction was received after agreed processing cut-off date, i.e., date in the past."),
- DT06("ExecutionDateChanged", "Execution Date has been modified in order for transaction to be processed"),
- DU01("DuplicateMessageID", "Message Identification is not unique."),
- DU02("DuplicatePaymentInformationID", "Payment Information Block is not unique."),
- DU03("DuplicateTransaction", "Transaction is not unique."),
- DU04("DuplicateEndToEndID", "End To End ID is not unique."),
- DU05("DuplicateInstructionID", "Instruction ID is not unique."),
- DUPL("DuplicatePayment", "Payment is a duplicate of another payment"),
- ED01("CorrespondentBankNotPossible", "Correspondent bank not possible."),
- ED03("BalanceInfoRequest", "Balance of payments complementary info is requested"),
- ED05("SettlementFailed", "Settlement of the transaction has failed."),
- ED06("SettlementSystemNotAvailable", "Interbank settlement system not available."),
- EDTL("ExpiryDateTooLong", "Expiry date time of the request-to-pay is too far in the future."),
- EDTR("ExpiryDateTimeReached", "Expiry date time of the request-to-pay is already reached."),
- ERIN("ERIOptionNotSupported", "Extended Remittance Information (ERI) option is not supported."),
- FF01("InvalidFileFormat", "File Format incomplete or invalid"),
- FF02("SyntaxError", "Syntax error reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information."),
- FF03("InvalidPaymentTypeInformation", "Payment Type Information is missing or invalid."),
- FF04("InvalidServiceLevelCode", "Service Level code is missing or invalid"),
- FF05("InvalidLocalInstrumentCode", "Local Instrument code is missing or invalid"),
- FF06("InvalidCategoryPurposeCode", "Category Purpose code is missing or invalid"),
- FF07("InvalidPurpose", "Purpose is missing or invalid"),
- FF08("InvalidEndToEndId", "End to End Id missing or invalid"),
- FF09("InvalidChequeNumber", "Cheque number missing or invalid"),
- FF10("BankSystemProcessingError", "File or transaction cannot be processed due to technical issues at the bank side"),
- FF11("ClearingRequestAborted", "Clearing request rejected due it being subject to an abort operation."),
- FF12("OriginalTransactionNotEligibleForRequestedReturn", "Original payment is not eligible to be returned given its current status."),
- FF13("RequestForCancellationNotFound", "No record of request for cancellation found."),
- FOCR("FollowingCancellationRequest", "Return following a cancellation request."),
- FR01("Fraud", "Returned as a result of fraud."),
- FRAD("FraudulentOrigin", "Cancellation requested following a transaction that was originated fraudulently. The use of the FraudulentOrigin code should be governed by jurisdictions."),
- G000("PaymentTransferredAndTracked", "In an FI To FI Customer Credit Transfer: The Status Originator transferred the payment to the next Agent or to a Market Infrastructure. The payment transfer is tracked. No further updates will follow from the Status Originator."),
- G001("PaymentTransferredAndNotTracked", "In an FI To FI Customer Credit Transfer: The Status Originator transferred the payment to the next Agent or to a Market Infrastructure. The payment transfer is not tracked. No further updates will follow from the Status Originator."),
- G002("CreditDebitNotConfirmed", "In a FIToFI Customer Credit Transfer: Credit to the creditor’s account may not be confirmed same day. Update will follow from the Status Originator."),
- G003("CreditPendingDocuments", "In a FIToFI Customer Credit Transfer: Credit to creditor’s account is pending receipt of required documents. The Status Originator has requested creditor to provide additional documentation. Update will follow from the Status Originator."),
- G004("CreditPendingFunds", "In a FIToFI Customer Credit Transfer: Credit to the creditor’s account is pending, status Originator is waiting for funds provided via a cover. Update will follow from the Status Originator."),
- G005("DeliveredWithServiceLevel", "Payment has been delivered to creditor agent with service level."),
- G006("DeliveredWIthoutServiceLevel", "Payment has been delivered to creditor agent without service level."),
- ID01("CorrespondingOriginalFileStillNotSent", "Signature file was sent to the bank but the corresponding original file has not been sent yet."),
- IEDT("IncorrectExpiryDateTime", "Expiry date time of the request-to-pay is incorrect."),
- IRNR("InitialRTPNeverReceived", "No initial request-to-pay has been received."),
- MD01("NoMandate", "No Mandate"),
- MD02("MissingMandatoryInformationInMandate", "Mandate related information data required by the scheme is missing."),
- MD05("CollectionNotDue", "Creditor or creditor's agent should not have collected the direct debit"),
- MD06("RefundRequestByEndCustomer", "Return of funds requested by end customer"),
- MD07("EndCustomerDeceased", "End customer is deceased."),
- MS02("NotSpecifiedReasonCustomerGenerated", "Reason has not been specified by end customer"),
- MS03("NotSpecifiedReasonAgentGenerated", "Reason has not been specified by agent."),
- NARR("Narrative", "Reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information."),
- NERI("NoERI", "Credit transfer is tagged as an Extended Remittance Information (ERI) transaction but does not contain ERI."),
- NOAR("NonAgreedRTP", "No existing agreement for receiving request-to-pay messages."),
- NOAS("NoAnswerFromCustomer", "No response from Beneficiary."),
- NOCM("NotCompliantGeneric", "Customer account is not compliant with regulatory requirements, for example FICA (in South Africa) or any other regulatory requirements which render an account inactive for certain processing."),
- NOPG("NoPaymentGuarantee", "Requested payment guarantee (by Creditor) related to a request-to-pay cannot be provided."),
- NRCH("PayerOrPayerRTPSPNotReachable", "Recipient side of the request-to-pay (payer or its request-to-pay service provider) is not reachable."),
- PINS("TypeOfPaymentInstrumentNotSupported", "Type of payment requested in the request-to-pay is not supported by the payer."),
- RC01("BankIdentifierIncorrect", "Bank identifier code specified in the message has an incorrect format (formerly IncorrectFormatForRoutingCode)."),
- RC02("InvalidBankIdentifier", "Bank identifier is invalid or missing."),
- RC03("InvalidDebtorBankIdentifier", "Debtor bank identifier is invalid or missing"),
- RC04("InvalidCreditorBankIdentifier", "Creditor bank identifier is invalid or missing"),
- RC05("InvalidBICIdentifier", "BIC identifier is invalid or missing."),
- RC06("InvalidDebtorBICIdentifier", "Debtor BIC identifier is invalid or missing"),
- RC07("InvalidCreditorBICIdentifier", "Creditor BIC identifier is invalid or missing"),
- RC08("InvalidClearingSystemMemberIdentifier", "ClearingSystemMemberidentifier is invalid or missing."),
- RC09("InvalidDebtorClearingSystemMemberIdentifier", "Debtor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing"),
- RC10("InvalidCreditorClearingSystemMemberIdentifier", "Creditor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing"),
- RC11("InvalidIntermediaryAgent", "Intermediary Agent is invalid or missing"),
- RC12("MissingCreditorSchemeId", "Creditor Scheme Id is invalid or missing"),
- RCON("RMessageConflict", "Conflict with R-Message"),
- RECI("ReceiverCustomerInformation", "Further information regarding the intended recipient."),
- REPR("RTPReceivedCanBeProcessed", "Request-to-pay has been received and can be processed further."),
- RF01("NotUniqueTransactionReference", "Transaction reference is not unique within the message."),
- RR01("MissingDebtorAccountOrIdentification", "Specification of the debtor’s account or unique identification needed for reasons of regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing"),
- RR02("MissingDebtorNameOrAddress", "Specification of the debtor’s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing."),
- RR03("MissingCreditorNameOrAddress", "Specification of the creditor’s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing."),
- RR04("RegulatoryReason", "Regulatory Reason"),
- RR05("RegulatoryInformationInvalid", "Regulatory or Central Bank Reporting information missing, incomplete or invalid."),
- RR06("TaxInformationInvalid", "Tax information missing, incomplete or invalid."),
- RR07("RemittanceInformationInvalid", "Remittance information structure does not comply with rules for payment type."),
- RR08("RemittanceInformationTruncated", "Remittance information truncated to comply with rules for payment type."),
- RR09("InvalidStructuredCreditorReference", "Structured creditor reference invalid or missing."),
- RR10("InvalidCharacterSet", "Character set supplied not valid for the country and payment type."),
- RR11("InvalidDebtorAgentServiceID", "Invalid or missing identification of a bank proprietary service."),
- RR12("InvalidPartyID", "Invalid or missing identification required within a particular country or payment type."),
- RTNS("RTPNotSupportedForDebtor", "Debtor does not support request-to-pay transactions."),
- RUTA("ReturnUponUnableToApply", "Return following investigation request and no remediation possible."),
- S000("ValidRequestForCancellationAcknowledged", "Request for Cancellation is acknowledged following validation."),
- S001("UETRFlaggedForCancellation", "Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference (UETR) relating to a payment has been identified as being associated with a Request for Cancellation."),
- S002("NetworkStopOfUETR", "Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference (UETR) relating to a payment has been prevent from traveling across a messaging network."),
- S003("RequestForCancellationForwarded", "Request for Cancellation has been forwarded to the payment processing/last payment processing agent."),
- S004("RequestForCancellationDeliveryAcknowledgement", "Request for Cancellation has been acknowledged as delivered to payment processing/last payment processing agent."),
- SL01("SpecificServiceOfferedByDebtorAgent", "Due to specific service offered by the Debtor Agent."),
- SL02("SpecificServiceOfferedByCreditorAgent", "Due to specific service offered by the Creditor Agent."),
- SL03("ServiceofClearingSystem", "Due to a specific service offered by the clearing system."),
- SL11("CreditorNotOnWhitelistOfDebtor", "Whitelisting service offered by the Debtor Agent; Debtor has not included the Creditor on its “Whitelist” (yet). In the Whitelist the Debtor may list all allowed Creditors to debit Debtor bank account."),
- SL12("CreditorOnBlacklistOfDebtor", "Blacklisting service offered by the Debtor Agent; Debtor included the Creditor on his “Blacklist”. In the Blacklist the Debtor may list all Creditors not allowed to debit Debtor bank account."),
- SL13("MaximumNumberOfDirectDebitTransactionsExceeded", "Due to Maximum allowed Direct Debit Transactions per period service offered by the Debtor Agent."),
- SL14("MaximumDirectDebitTransactionAmountExceeded", "Due to Maximum allowed Direct Debit Transaction amount service offered by the Debtor Agent."),
- SPII("RTPServiceProviderIdentifierIncorrect", "Identifier of the request-to-pay service provider is incorrect."),
- TA01("TransmissonAborted", "The transmission of the file was not successful – it had to be aborted (for technical reasons)"),
- TD01("NoDataAvailable", "There is no data available (for download)"),
- TD02("FileNonReadable", "The file cannot be read (e.g. unknown format)"),
- TD03("IncorrectFileStructure", "The file format is incomplete or invalid"),
- TK01("TokenInvalid", "Token is invalid."),
- TK02("SenderTokenNotFound", "Token used for the sender does not exist."),
- TK03("ReceiverTokenNotFound", "Token used for the receiver does not exist."),
- TK09("TokenMissing", "Token required for request is missing."),
- TKCM("TokenCounterpartyMismatch", "Token found with counterparty mismatch."),
- TKSG("TokenSingleUse", "Single Use Token already used."),
- TKSP("TokenSuspended", "Token found with suspended status."),
- TKVE("TokenValueLimitExceeded", "Token found with value limit rule violation."),
- TKXP("TokenExpired", "Token expired."),
- TM01("InvalidCutOffTime", "Associated message, payment information block, or transaction was received after agreed processing cut-off time."),
- TS01("TransmissionSuccessful", "The (technical) transmission of the file was successful."),
- TS04("TransferToSignByHand", "The order was transferred to pass by accompanying note signed by hand"),
- UCRD("UnknownCreditor", "Unknown Creditor."),
- UPAY("UnduePayment", "Payment is not justified."),
-enum class ExternalPaymentGroupStatusCode(val isoCode: String, val description: String) {
- ACCC("AcceptedSettlementCompletedCreditorAccount", "Settlement on the creditor's account has been completed."),
- ACCP("AcceptedCustomerProfile", "Preceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful."),
- ACSC("AcceptedSettlementCompletedDebitorAccount", "Settlement on the debtor's account has been completed."),
- ACSP("AcceptedSettlementInProcess", "All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful and therefore the payment initiation has been accepted for execution."),
- ACTC("AcceptedTechnicalValidation", "Authentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successful"),
- ACWC("AcceptedWithChange", "Instruction is accepted but a change will be made, such as date or remittance not sent."),
- PART("PartiallyAccepted", "A number of transactions have been accepted, whereas another number of transactions have not yet achieved"),
- PDNG("Pending", "Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation is pending. Further checks and status update will be performed."),
- RCVD("Received", "Payment initiation has been received by the receiving agent"),
- RJCT("Rejected", "Payment initiation or individual transaction included in the payment initiation has been rejected."),
-enum class ExternalPaymentTransactionStatusCode(val isoCode: String, val description: String) {
- ACCC("AcceptedSettlementCompletedCreditorAccount", "Settlement on the creditor's account has been completed."),
- ACCP("AcceptedCustomerProfile", "Preceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful."),
- ACFC("AcceptedFundsChecked", "Preceding check of technical validation and customer profile was successful and an automatic funds check was positive."),
- ACIS("AcceptedandChequeIssued", "Payment instruction to issue a cheque has been accepted, and the cheque has been issued but not yet been deposited or cleared."),
- ACPD("AcceptedClearingProcessed", "Status of transaction released from the Debtor Agent and accepted by the clearing."),
- ACSC("AcceptedSettlementCompletedDebitorAccount", "Settlement completed."),
- ACSP("AcceptedSettlementInProcess", "All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful and therefore the payment instruction has been accepted for execution."),
- ACTC("AcceptedTechnicalValidation", "Authentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successful"),
- ACWC("AcceptedWithChange", "Instruction is accepted but a change will be made, such as date or remittance not sent."),
- ACWP("AcceptedWithoutPosting", "Payment instruction included in the credit transfer is accepted without being posted to the creditor customer’s account."),
- BLCK("Blocked", "Payment transaction previously reported with status 'ACWP' is blocked, for example, funds will neither be posted to the Creditor's account, nor be returned to the Debtor."),
- CANC("Cancelled", "Payment initiation has been successfully cancelled after having received a request for cancellation."),
- CPUC("CashPickedUpByCreditor", "Cash has been picked up by the Creditor."),
- PATC("PartiallyAcceptedTechnicalCorrect", "Payment initiation needs multiple authentications, where some but not yet all have been performed. Syntactical and semantical validations are successful."),
- PDNG("Pending", "Payment instruction is pending. Further checks and status update will be performed."),
- PRES("Presented", "Request for Payment has been presented to the Debtor."),
- RCVD("Received", "Payment instruction has been received."),
- RJCT("Rejected", "Payment instruction has been rejected."),
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Iso20022Constants.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Iso20022Constants.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 961f5f90..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Iso20022Constants.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2024 Taler Systems S.A.
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics
-enum class HacAction(val description: String) {
- FILE_UPLOAD("File submitted to the bank"),
- FILE_DOWNLOAD("File downloaded from the bank"),
- ES_UPLOAD("Electronic signature submitted to the bank"),
- ES_DOWNLOAD("Electronic signature downloaded from the bank"),
- ES_VERIFICATION("Signature verification"),
- VEU_FORWARDING("Forwarding to EDS"),
- VEU_VERIFICATION("EDS signature verification"),
- VEU_CANCEL_ORDER("Cancellation of EDS order"),
- ADDITIONAL("Additional information"),
- ORDER_HAC_FINAL_POS("HAC end of order (positive)"),
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/XMLUtil.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/XMLUtil.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index fbebc124..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/XMLUtil.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2024 Taler Systems S.A.
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics
-import com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.NamespacePrefixMapper
-import io.ktor.http.*
-import org.slf4j.Logger
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
-import org.w3c.dom.Document
-import org.w3c.dom.Node
-import org.w3c.dom.NodeList
-import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler
-import org.xml.sax.InputSource
-import org.xml.sax.SAXException
-import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004.EbicsResponse
-import javax.xml.XMLConstants
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement
-import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller
-import javax.xml.crypto.*
-import javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMURIReference
-import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.*
-import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.DOMSignContext
-import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom.DOMValidateContext
-import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec.C14NMethodParameterSpec
-import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec.TransformParameterSpec
-import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext
-import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
-import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys
-import javax.xml.transform.Source
-import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory
-import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource
-import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory
-import javax.xml.validation.Validator
-import javax.xml.xpath.XPath
-import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants
-import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
-private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("libeufin-xml")
-class DefaultNamespaces : NamespacePrefixMapper() {
- override fun getPreferredPrefix(namespaceUri: String?, suggestion: String?, requirePrefix: Boolean): String? {
- if (namespaceUri == "") return "ds"
- if (namespaceUri == XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI) return "xsi"
- return null
- }
-class DOMInputImpl : LSInput {
- var fPublicId: String? = null
- var fSystemId: String? = null
- var fBaseSystemId: String? = null
- var fByteStream: InputStream? = null
- var fCharStream: Reader? = null
- var fData: String? = null
- var fEncoding: String? = null
- var fCertifiedText = false
- override fun getByteStream(): InputStream? {
- return fByteStream
- }
- override fun setByteStream(byteStream: InputStream) {
- fByteStream = byteStream
- }
- override fun getCharacterStream(): Reader? {
- return fCharStream
- }
- override fun setCharacterStream(characterStream: Reader) {
- fCharStream = characterStream
- }
- override fun getStringData(): String? {
- return fData
- }
- override fun setStringData(stringData: String) {
- fData = stringData
- }
- override fun getEncoding(): String? {
- return fEncoding
- }
- override fun setEncoding(encoding: String) {
- fEncoding = encoding
- }
- override fun getPublicId(): String? {
- return fPublicId
- }
- override fun setPublicId(publicId: String) {
- fPublicId = publicId
- }
- override fun getSystemId(): String? {
- return fSystemId
- }
- override fun setSystemId(systemId: String) {
- fSystemId = systemId
- }
- override fun getBaseURI(): String? {
- return fBaseSystemId
- }
- override fun setBaseURI(baseURI: String) {
- fBaseSystemId = baseURI
- }
- override fun getCertifiedText(): Boolean {
- return fCertifiedText
- }
- override fun setCertifiedText(certifiedText: Boolean) {
- fCertifiedText = certifiedText
- }
- * Helpers for dealing with XML in EBICS.
- */
-class XMLUtil private constructor() {
- /**
- * This URI dereferencer allows handling the resource reference used for
- * XML signatures in EBICS.
- */
- private class EbicsSigUriDereferencer : URIDereferencer {
- override fun dereference(myRef: URIReference?, myCtx: XMLCryptoContext?): Data {
- val ebicsXpathExpr = "//*[@authenticate='true']"
- if (myRef !is DOMURIReference)
- throw Exception("invalid type")
- if (myRef.uri != "#xpointer($ebicsXpathExpr)")
- throw Exception("invalid EBICS XML signature URI: '${myRef.uri}'")
- val xp: XPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath()
- val nodeSet = xp.compile("//*[@authenticate='true']/descendant-or-self::node()").evaluate(
-, XPathConstants.NODESET
- )
- if (nodeSet !is NodeList)
- throw Exception("invalid type")
- if (nodeSet.length <= 0) {
- throw Exception("no nodes to sign")
- }
- val nodeList = ArrayList<Node>()
- for (i in 0 until nodeSet.length) {
- val node = nodeSet.item(i)
- nodeList.add(node)
- }
- return NodeSetData { nodeList.iterator() }
- }
- }
- companion object {
- private var cachedEbicsValidator: Validator? = null
- private fun getEbicsValidator(): Validator {
- val currentValidator = cachedEbicsValidator
- if (currentValidator != null)
- return currentValidator
- val classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
- val sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI)
- sf.setProperty(XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_SCHEMA, "file")
- sf.setProperty(XMLConstants.ACCESS_EXTERNAL_DTD, "")
- sf.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, true)
- sf.errorHandler = object : ErrorHandler {
- override fun warning(p0: SAXParseException?) {
- println("Warning: $p0")
- }
- override fun error(p0: SAXParseException?) {
- println("Error: $p0")
- }
- override fun fatalError(p0: SAXParseException?) {
- println("Fatal error: $p0")
- }
- }
- sf.resourceResolver = object : LSResourceResolver {
- override fun resolveResource(
- type: String?,
- namespaceURI: String?,
- publicId: String?,
- systemId: String?,
- baseUri: String?
- ): LSInput? {
- if (type != "") {
- return null
- }
- val res = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("xsd/$systemId") ?: return null
- return DOMInputImpl().apply {
- fPublicId = publicId
- fSystemId = systemId
- fBaseSystemId = baseUri
- fByteStream = res
- fEncoding = "UTF-8"
- }
- }
- }
- val schemaInputs: Array<Source> = listOf(
- "xsd/ebics_H004.xsd",
- "xsd/ebics_H005.xsd",
- "xsd/ebics_hev.xsd",
- "xsd/camt.052.001.02.xsd",
- "xsd/camt.053.001.02.xsd",
- "xsd/camt.054.001.02.xsd",
- "xsd/pain.001.001.03.xsd",
- // "xsd/", // Swiss 2013 version.
- "xsd/" // Swiss 2019 version.
- ).map {
- val stream =
- classLoader.getResourceAsStream(it) ?: throw FileNotFoundException("Schema file $it not found.")
- StreamSource(stream)
- }.toTypedArray()
- val bundle = sf.newSchema(schemaInputs)
- val newValidator = bundle.newValidator()
- cachedEbicsValidator = newValidator
- return newValidator
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param xmlDoc the XML document to validate
- * @return true when validation passes, false otherwise
- */
- @Synchronized fun validate(xmlDoc: StreamSource): Boolean {
- try {
- getEbicsValidator().validate(xmlDoc)
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- /**
- * Would be convenient to return also the error
- * message to the caller, so that it can link it
- * to a document ID in the logs.
- */
- logger.warn("Validation failed: ${e}")
- return false
- }
- return true
- }
- /**
- * Validates the DOM against the Schema(s) of this object.
- * @param domDocument DOM to validate
- * @return true/false if the document is valid/invalid
- */
- @Synchronized fun validateFromDom(domDocument: Document): Boolean {
- try {
- getEbicsValidator().validate(DOMSource(domDocument))
- } catch (e: SAXException) {
- e.printStackTrace()
- return false
- }
- return true
- }
- /**
- * Craft object to be passed to the XML validator.
- * @param xmlString XML body, as read from the POST body.
- * @return InputStream object, as wanted by the validator.
- */
- fun validateFromBytes(xml: ByteArray): Boolean {
- return validate(StreamSource(xml.inputStream()))
- }
- inline fun <reified T> convertJaxbToBytes(
- obj: T,
- withSchemaLocation: String? = null
- ): ByteArray {
- val w = ByteArrayOutputStream()
- val jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(
- val m = jc.createMarshaller()
- m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true)
- if (withSchemaLocation != null) {
- m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_SCHEMA_LOCATION, withSchemaLocation)
- }
- m.setProperty("com.sun.xml.bind.namespacePrefixMapper", DefaultNamespaces())
- m.marshal(obj, w)
- return w.toByteArray()
- }
- inline fun <reified T> convertJaxbToDocument(
- obj: T,
- withSchemaLocation: String? = null
- ): Document {
- val dbf: DocumentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
- dbf.isNamespaceAware = true
- val doc = dbf.newDocumentBuilder().newDocument()
- val jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(
- val m = jc.createMarshaller()
- m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true)
- if (withSchemaLocation != null) {
- m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_SCHEMA_LOCATION, withSchemaLocation)
- }
- m.setProperty("com.sun.xml.bind.namespacePrefixMapper", DefaultNamespaces())
- m.marshal(obj, doc)
- return doc
- }
- /**
- * Convert XML bytes to the JAXB representation.
- *
- * @param documentBytes the bytes to convert into JAXB.
- * @return the JAXB object reflecting the original XML document.
- */
- inline fun <reified T> convertToJaxb(documentBytes: InputStream): JAXBElement<T> {
- val jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(
- val u = jc.createUnmarshaller()
- return u.unmarshal( /* Marshalling the object into the document. */
- StreamSource(documentBytes),
- )
- }
- fun convertDomToBytes(document: Document): ByteArray {
- /* Make Transformer. */
- val tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
- val t = tf.newTransformer()
- /* Make bytes writer. */
- val w = ByteArrayOutputStream()
- /* Extract string. */
- t.transform(DOMSource(document), StreamResult(w))
- return w.toByteArray()
- }
- /**
- * Convert a node to a string without the XML declaration or
- * indentation.
- */
- fun convertNodeToString(node: Node): String {
- /* Make Transformer. */
- val tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
- val t = tf.newTransformer()
- t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes")
- /* Make string writer. */
- val sw = StringWriter()
- /* Extract string. */
- t.transform(DOMSource(node), StreamResult(sw))
- return sw.toString()
- }
- /**
- * Convert a DOM document to the JAXB representation.
- *
- * @param document the document to convert into JAXB.
- * @return the JAXB object reflecting the original XML document.
- */
- inline fun <reified T> convertDomToJaxb(document: Document): JAXBElement<T> {
- val jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(
- /* Marshalling the object into the document. */
- val m = jc.createUnmarshaller()
- return m.unmarshal(document, // document "went" into Jaxb
- }
- /** Parse [xml] into a XML DOM */
- fun parseIntoDom(xml: InputStream): Document {
- val factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().apply {
- isNamespaceAware = true
- }
- val builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder()
- return xml.use {
- builder.parse(InputSource(it))
- }
- }
- fun signEbicsResponse(ebicsResponse: EbicsResponse, privateKey: RSAPrivateCrtKey): ByteArray {
- val doc = convertJaxbToDocument(ebicsResponse)
- signEbicsDocument(doc, privateKey)
- val signedDoc = convertDomToBytes(doc)
- // logger.debug("response: $signedDoc")
- return signedDoc
- }
- /**
- * Sign an EBICS document with the authentication and identity signature.
- */
- fun signEbicsDocument(
- doc: Document,
- signingPriv: PrivateKey,
- withEbics3: Boolean = false
- ) {
- val xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath()
- xpath.namespaceContext = object : NamespaceContext {
- override fun getNamespaceURI(p0: String?): String {
- return when (p0) {
- "ebics" -> if (withEbics3) "urn:org:ebics:H005" else "urn:org:ebics:H004"
- else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
- }
- }
- override fun getPrefix(p0: String?): String {
- throw UnsupportedOperationException()
- }
- override fun getPrefixes(p0: String?): MutableIterator<String> {
- throw UnsupportedOperationException()
- }
- }
- val authSigNode = xpath.compile("/*[1]/ebics:AuthSignature").evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODE)
- if (authSigNode !is Node)
- throw java.lang.Exception("no AuthSignature")
- val fac = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM")
- val c14n = fac.newTransform(CanonicalizationMethod.INCLUSIVE, null as TransformParameterSpec?)
- val ref: Reference =
- fac.newReference(
- "#xpointer(//*[@authenticate='true'])",
- fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA256, null),
- listOf(c14n),
- null,
- null
- )
- val canon: CanonicalizationMethod =
- fac.newCanonicalizationMethod(CanonicalizationMethod.INCLUSIVE, null as C14NMethodParameterSpec?)
- val signatureMethod = fac.newSignatureMethod("", null)
- val si: SignedInfo = fac.newSignedInfo(canon, signatureMethod, listOf(ref))
- val sig: XMLSignature = fac.newXMLSignature(si, null)
- val dsc = DOMSignContext(signingPriv, authSigNode)
- dsc.defaultNamespacePrefix = "ds"
- dsc.uriDereferencer = EbicsSigUriDereferencer()
- dsc.setProperty("javax.xml.crypto.dsig.cacheReference", true)
- sig.sign(dsc)
- val innerSig = authSigNode.firstChild
- while (innerSig.hasChildNodes()) {
- authSigNode.appendChild(innerSig.firstChild)
- }
- authSigNode.removeChild(innerSig)
- }
- fun verifyEbicsDocument(
- doc: Document,
- signingPub: PublicKey,
- withEbics3: Boolean = false
- ): Boolean {
- val xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath()
- xpath.namespaceContext = object : NamespaceContext {
- override fun getNamespaceURI(p0: String?): String {
- return when (p0) {
- "ebics" -> if (withEbics3) "urn:org:ebics:H005" else "urn:org:ebics:H004"
- else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
- }
- }
- override fun getPrefix(p0: String?): String {
- throw UnsupportedOperationException()
- }
- override fun getPrefixes(p0: String?): MutableIterator<String> {
- throw UnsupportedOperationException()
- }
- }
- val doc2: Document = doc.cloneNode(true) as Document
- val authSigNode = xpath.compile("/*[1]/ebics:AuthSignature").evaluate(doc2, XPathConstants.NODE)
- if (authSigNode !is Node)
- throw java.lang.Exception("no AuthSignature")
- val sigEl = doc2.createElementNS("", "ds:Signature")
- authSigNode.parentNode.insertBefore(sigEl, authSigNode)
- while (authSigNode.hasChildNodes()) {
- sigEl.appendChild(authSigNode.firstChild)
- }
- authSigNode.parentNode.removeChild(authSigNode)
- val fac = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM")
- val dvc = DOMValidateContext(signingPub, sigEl)
- dvc.setProperty("javax.xml.crypto.dsig.cacheReference", true)
- dvc.uriDereferencer = EbicsSigUriDereferencer()
- val sig = fac.unmarshalXMLSignature(dvc)
- // FIXME: check that parameters are okay!
- val valResult = sig.validate(dvc)
- sig.signedInfo.references[0].validate(dvc)
- return valResult
- }
- fun getNodeFromXpath(doc: Document, query: String): Node {
- val xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath()
- val ret = xpath.evaluate(query, doc, XPathConstants.NODE)
- ?: throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Unsuccessful XPath query string: $query")
- return ret as Node
- }
- fun getStringFromXpath(doc: Document, query: String): String {
- val xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath()
- val ret = xpath.evaluate(query, doc, XPathConstants.STRING) as String
- if (ret.isEmpty()) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Unsuccessful XPath query string: $query")
- }
- return ret
- }
- }
-fun Document.pickString(xpath: String): String {
- return XMLUtil.getStringFromXpath(this, xpath)
-fun Document.pickStringWithRootNs(xpathQuery: String): String {
- val doc = this
- val xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath()
- xpath.namespaceContext = object : NamespaceContext {
- override fun getNamespaceURI(p0: String?): String {
- return when (p0) {
- "root" -> doc.documentElement.namespaceURI
- else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
- }
- }
- override fun getPrefix(p0: String?): String {
- throw UnsupportedOperationException()
- }
- override fun getPrefixes(p0: String?): MutableIterator<String> {
- throw UnsupportedOperationException()
- }
- }
- val ret = xpath.evaluate(xpathQuery, this, XPathConstants.STRING) as String
- if (ret.isEmpty()) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Unsuccessful XPath query string: $xpathQuery")
- }
- return ret
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/XmlCombinators.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/XmlCombinators.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index ce1c9f37..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/XmlCombinators.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2020, 2024 Taler Systems S.A.
- *
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics
-import org.w3c.dom.Element
-import java.time.LocalDate
-import java.time.LocalDateTime
-import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
-class XmlBuilder(private val w: XMLStreamWriter) {
- fun el(path: String, lambda: XmlBuilder.() -> Unit = {}) {
- path.splitToSequence('/').forEach {
- w.writeStartElement(it)
- }
- lambda()
- path.splitToSequence('/').forEach {
- w.writeEndElement()
- }
- }
- fun el(path: String, content: String) {
- el(path) {
- text(content)
- }
- }
- fun attr(name: String, value: String) {
- w.writeAttribute(name, value)
- }
- fun text(content: String) {
- w.writeCharacters(content)
- }
-fun constructXml(root: String, f: XmlBuilder.() -> Unit): String {
- val factory = XMLOutputFactory.newFactory()
- val stream = StringWriter()
- var writer = factory.createXMLStreamWriter(stream)
- /**
- * NOTE: commenting out because it wasn't obvious how to output the
- * "standalone = 'yes' directive". Manual forge was therefore preferred.
- */
- stream.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>")
- XmlBuilder(writer).el(root) {
- this.f()
- }
- writer.writeEndDocument()
- return stream.buffer.toString()
-class DestructionError(m: String) : Exception(m)
-private fun Element.childrenByTag(tag: String): Sequence<Element> = sequence {
- for (i in 0..childNodes.length) {
- val el = childNodes.item(i)
- if (el !is Element) {
- continue
- }
- if (el.localName != tag) {
- continue
- }
- yield(el)
- }
-class XmlDestructor internal constructor(private val el: Element) {
- fun each(path: String, f: XmlDestructor.() -> Unit) {
- el.childrenByTag(path).forEach {
- f(XmlDestructor(it))
- }
- }
- fun <T> map(path: String, f: XmlDestructor.() -> T): List<T> {
- return el.childrenByTag(path).map {
- f(XmlDestructor(it))
- }.toList()
- }
- fun one(path: String): XmlDestructor {
- val children = el.childrenByTag(path).iterator()
- if (!children.hasNext()) {
- throw DestructionError("expected a single $path child, got none instead at $el")
- }
- val el =
- if (children.hasNext()) {
- throw DestructionError("expected a single $path child, got ${children.asSequence() + 1} instead at $el")
- }
- return XmlDestructor(el)
- }
- fun opt(path: String): XmlDestructor? {
- val children = el.childrenByTag(path).iterator()
- if (!children.hasNext()) {
- return null
- }
- val el =
- if (children.hasNext()) {
- throw DestructionError("expected an optional $path child, got ${children.asSequence().count() + 1} instead at $el")
- }
- return XmlDestructor(el)
- }
- fun <T> one(path: String, f: XmlDestructor.() -> T): T = f(one(path))
- fun <T> opt(path: String, f: XmlDestructor.() -> T): T? = opt(path)?.run(f)
- fun text(): String = el.textContent
- fun bool(): Boolean = el.textContent.toBoolean()
- fun date(): LocalDate = LocalDate.parse(text(), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE)
- fun dateTime(): LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(text(), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)
- inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> enum(): T = java.lang.Enum.valueOf(, text())
- fun attr(index: String): String = el.getAttribute(index)
-fun <T> destructXml(xml: InputStream, root: String, f: XmlDestructor.() -> T): T {
- val doc = XMLUtil.parseIntoDom(xml)
- if (doc.documentElement.tagName != root) {
- throw DestructionError("expected root '$root' got '${doc.documentElement.tagName}'")
- }
- val destr = XmlDestructor(doc.documentElement)
- return f(destr)
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsKeyManagementResponse.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsKeyManagementResponse.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 74d99c94..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsKeyManagementResponse.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.NormalizedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["header", "body"])
-@XmlRootElement(name = "ebicsKeyManagementResponse")
-class EbicsKeyManagementResponse {
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var header: Header
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var body: Body
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Version", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var version: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Revision")
- var revision: Int? = null
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["_static", "mutable"])
- class Header {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "static", required = true)
- lateinit var _static: EmptyStaticHeader
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var mutable: MutableHeaderType
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["orderID", "returnCode", "reportText"])
- class MutableHeaderType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- var orderID: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReturnCode", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var returnCode: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReportText", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(NormalizedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "normalizedString")
- lateinit var reportText: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "")
- class EmptyStaticHeader
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["dataTransfer", "returnCode", "timestampBankParameter"])
- class Body {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataTransfer")
- var dataTransfer: DataTransfer? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReturnCode", required = true)
- lateinit var returnCode: ReturnCode
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TimestampBankParameter")
- var timestampBankParameter: EbicsTypes.TimestampBankParameter? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class ReturnCode {
- @get:XmlValue
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var value: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["dataEncryptionInfo", "orderData"])
- class DataTransfer {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataEncryptionInfo")
- var dataEncryptionInfo: EbicsTypes.DataEncryptionInfo? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderData", required = true)
- lateinit var orderData: OrderData
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class OrderData {
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- }
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsNpkdRequest.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsNpkdRequest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 2330ca0b..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsNpkdRequest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.HexBinaryAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["header", "authSignature", "body"])
-@XmlRootElement(name = "ebicsNoPubKeyDigestsRequest")
-class EbicsNpkdRequest {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Version", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var version: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Revision")
- var revision: Int? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "header", required = true)
- lateinit var header: Header
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AuthSignature", required = true)
- lateinit var authSignature: SignatureType
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var body: EmptyBody
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["static", "mutable"])
- class Header {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- @get:XmlElement(name = "static", required = true)
- lateinit var static: StaticHeaderType
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var mutable: EmptyMutableHeader
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "StaticHeader",
- propOrder = ["hostID", "nonce", "timestamp", "partnerID", "userID", "systemID", "product", "orderDetails", "securityMedium"]
- )
- class StaticHeaderType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "HostID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var hostID: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Nonce", type = String::class)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(HexBinaryAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "hexBinary")
- lateinit var nonce: ByteArray
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Timestamp")
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
- var timestamp: XMLGregorianCalendar? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PartnerID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var partnerID: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "UserID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var userID: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SystemID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var systemID: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Product")
- val product: EbicsTypes.Product? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderDetails", required = true)
- lateinit var orderDetails: OrderDetails
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SecurityMedium", required = true)
- lateinit var securityMedium: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["orderType", "orderAttribute"])
- class OrderDetails {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderType", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var orderType: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderAttribute", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var orderAttribute: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "")
- class EmptyMutableHeader
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class EmptyBody
- companion object {
- fun createRequest(
- hostId: String,
- partnerId: String,
- userId: String,
- aNonce: ByteArray,
- date: XMLGregorianCalendar
- ): EbicsNpkdRequest {
- return EbicsNpkdRequest().apply {
- version = "H004"
- revision = 1
- header = Header().apply {
- authenticate = true
- mutable = EmptyMutableHeader()
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- hostID = hostId
- partnerID = partnerId
- userID = userId
- securityMedium = "0000"
- orderDetails = OrderDetails()
- orderDetails.orderType = "HPB"
- orderDetails.orderAttribute = "DZHNN"
- nonce = aNonce
- timestamp = date
- }
- }
- body = EmptyBody()
- authSignature = SignatureType()
- }
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsRequest.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsRequest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ca7c6b9..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsRequest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004
-import tech.libeufin.common.crypto.CryptoUtil
-import java.math.BigInteger
-import java.util.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.HexBinaryAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["header", "authSignature", "body"])
-@XmlRootElement(name = "ebicsRequest")
-class EbicsRequest {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Version", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var version: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Revision")
- var revision: Int? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "header", required = true)
- lateinit var header: Header
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AuthSignature", required = true)
- lateinit var authSignature: SignatureType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "body")
- lateinit var body: Body
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["static", "mutable"])
- class Header {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "static", required = true)
- lateinit var static: StaticHeaderType
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var mutable: MutableHeader
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = [
- "hostID", "nonce", "timestamp", "partnerID", "userID", "systemID",
- "product", "orderDetails", "bankPubKeyDigests", "securityMedium",
- "numSegments", "transactionID"
- ]
- )
- class StaticHeaderType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "HostID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var hostID: String
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Nonce", type = String::class)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(HexBinaryAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "hexBinary")
- var nonce: ByteArray? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Timestamp")
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
- var timestamp: XMLGregorianCalendar? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PartnerID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var partnerID: String? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "UserID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var userID: String? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SystemID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var systemID: String? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Product")
- var product: EbicsTypes.Product? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderDetails")
- var orderDetails: OrderDetails? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "BankPubKeyDigests")
- var bankPubKeyDigests: BankPubKeyDigests? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SecurityMedium")
- var securityMedium: String? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "NumSegments")
- var numSegments: BigInteger? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the transaction / finalization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransactionID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var transactionID: String? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["transactionPhase", "segmentNumber"])
- class MutableHeader {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransactionPhase", required = true)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var transactionPhase: EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType
- /**
- * Number of the currently transmitted segment, if this message
- * contains order data.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SegmentNumber")
- var segmentNumber: EbicsTypes.SegmentNumber? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = ["orderType", "orderID", "orderAttribute", "orderParams"]
- )
- class OrderDetails {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderType", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var orderType: String
- /**
- * Only present if this ebicsRequest is an upload order
- * relating to an already existing order.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var orderID: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderAttribute", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var orderAttribute: String
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElements(
- XmlElement(
- name = "StandardOrderParams",
- type = StandardOrderParams::class
- ),
- XmlElement(
- name = "GenericOrderParams",
- type = GenericOrderParams::class
- )
- )
- var orderParams: OrderParams? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(propOrder = ["preValidation", "dataTransfer", "transferReceipt"])
- class Body {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PreValidation")
- var preValidation: PreValidation? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataTransfer")
- var dataTransfer: DataTransfer? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransferReceipt")
- var transferReceipt: TransferReceipt? = null
- }
- /**
- * FIXME: not implemented yet
- */
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class PreValidation {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class SignatureData {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- @get:XmlValue
- var value: ByteArray? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(propOrder = ["dataEncryptionInfo", "signatureData", "orderData", "hostId"])
- class DataTransfer {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataEncryptionInfo")
- var dataEncryptionInfo: EbicsTypes.DataEncryptionInfo? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SignatureData")
- var signatureData: SignatureData? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderData")
- var orderData: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "HostID")
- var hostId: String? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["receiptCode"])
- class TransferReceipt {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReceiptCode")
- var receiptCode: Int? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- abstract class OrderParams
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["dateRange"])
- class StandardOrderParams : OrderParams() {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DateRange")
- var dateRange: DateRange? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["parameterList"])
- class GenericOrderParams : OrderParams() {
- @get:XmlElement(type = EbicsTypes.Parameter::class)
- var parameterList: List<EbicsTypes.Parameter> = LinkedList()
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["start", "end"])
- class DateRange {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Start")
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "date")
- lateinit var start: XMLGregorianCalendar
- @get:XmlElement(name = "End")
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "date")
- lateinit var end: XMLGregorianCalendar
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["authentication", "encryption"])
- class BankPubKeyDigests {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Authentication")
- lateinit var authentication: EbicsTypes.PubKeyDigest
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Encryption")
- lateinit var encryption: EbicsTypes.PubKeyDigest
- }
- companion object {
- fun createForDownloadReceiptPhase(
- transactionId: String,
- hostId: String,
- success: Boolean
- ): EbicsRequest {
- return EbicsRequest().apply {
- header = Header().apply {
- version = "H004"
- revision = 1
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- hostID = hostId
- transactionID = transactionId
- }
- mutable = MutableHeader().apply {
- transactionPhase = EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.RECEIPT
- }
- }
- authSignature = SignatureType()
- body = Body().apply {
- transferReceipt = TransferReceipt().apply {
- authenticate = true
- receiptCode = if (success) 0 else 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForDownloadInitializationPhase(
- userId: String,
- partnerId: String,
- hostId: String,
- nonceArg: ByteArray,
- date: XMLGregorianCalendar,
- bankEncPub: RSAPublicKey,
- bankAuthPub: RSAPublicKey,
- myOrderType: String,
- myOrderParams: OrderParams
- ): EbicsRequest {
- return EbicsRequest().apply {
- version = "H004"
- revision = 1
- authSignature = SignatureType()
- body = Body()
- header = Header().apply {
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- userID = userId
- partnerID = partnerId
- hostID = hostId
- nonce = nonceArg
- timestamp = date
- partnerID = partnerId
- orderDetails = OrderDetails().apply {
- orderType = myOrderType
- orderAttribute = "DZHNN"
- orderParams = myOrderParams
- }
- bankPubKeyDigests = BankPubKeyDigests().apply {
- authentication = EbicsTypes.PubKeyDigest().apply {
- algorithm = ""
- version = "X002"
- value = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(bankAuthPub)
- }
- encryption = EbicsTypes.PubKeyDigest().apply {
- algorithm = ""
- version = "E002"
- value = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(bankEncPub)
- }
- securityMedium = "0000"
- }
- }
- mutable = MutableHeader().apply {
- transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.INITIALISATION
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForUploadInitializationPhase(
- encryptedTransactionKey: ByteArray,
- encryptedSignatureData: ByteArray,
- hostId: String,
- nonceArg: ByteArray,
- partnerId: String,
- userId: String,
- date: XMLGregorianCalendar,
- bankAuthPub: RSAPublicKey,
- bankEncPub: RSAPublicKey,
- segmentsNumber: BigInteger,
- aOrderType: String,
- aOrderParams: OrderParams
- ): EbicsRequest {
- return EbicsRequest().apply {
- header = Header().apply {
- version = "H004"
- revision = 1
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- hostID = hostId
- nonce = nonceArg
- timestamp = date
- partnerID = partnerId
- userID = userId
- orderDetails = OrderDetails().apply {
- orderType = aOrderType
- orderAttribute = "OZHNN"
- orderParams = aOrderParams
- }
- bankPubKeyDigests = BankPubKeyDigests().apply {
- authentication = EbicsTypes.PubKeyDigest().apply {
- algorithm = ""
- version = "X002"
- value = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(bankAuthPub)
- }
- encryption = EbicsTypes.PubKeyDigest().apply {
- algorithm = ""
- version = "E002"
- value = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(bankEncPub)
- }
- }
- securityMedium = "0000"
- numSegments = segmentsNumber
- }
- mutable = MutableHeader().apply {
- transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.INITIALISATION
- }
- }
- authSignature = SignatureType()
- body = Body().apply {
- dataTransfer = DataTransfer().apply {
- signatureData = SignatureData().apply {
- authenticate = true
- value = encryptedSignatureData
- }
- dataEncryptionInfo = EbicsTypes.DataEncryptionInfo().apply {
- transactionKey = encryptedTransactionKey
- authenticate = true
- encryptionPubKeyDigest = EbicsTypes.PubKeyDigest().apply {
- algorithm = ""
- version = "E002"
- value = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(bankEncPub)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForUploadTransferPhase(
- hostId: String,
- transactionId: String?,
- segNumber: BigInteger,
- encryptedData: String
- ): EbicsRequest {
- return EbicsRequest().apply {
- header = Header().apply {
- version = "H004"
- revision = 1
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- hostID = hostId
- transactionID = transactionId
- }
- mutable = MutableHeader().apply {
- transactionPhase = EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.TRANSFER
- segmentNumber = EbicsTypes.SegmentNumber().apply {
- lastSegment = true
- value = segNumber
- }
- }
- }
- authSignature = SignatureType()
- body = Body().apply {
- dataTransfer = DataTransfer().apply {
- orderData = encryptedData
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForDownloadTransferPhase(
- hostID: String,
- transactionID: String?,
- segmentNumber: Int,
- numSegments: Int
- ): EbicsRequest {
- return EbicsRequest().apply {
- version = "H004"
- revision = 1
- authSignature = SignatureType()
- body = Body()
- header = Header().apply {
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.hostID = hostID
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- }
- mutable = MutableHeader().apply {
- transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.TRANSFER
- this.segmentNumber = EbicsTypes.SegmentNumber().apply {
- this.value = BigInteger.valueOf(segmentNumber.toLong())
- this.lastSegment = segmentNumber == numSegments
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsResponse.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsResponse.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 373bb8f3..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsResponse.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004
-import tech.libeufin.common.crypto.CryptoUtil
-import java.math.BigInteger
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.NormalizedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-import kotlin.math.min
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["header", "authSignature", "body"])
-@XmlRootElement(name = "ebicsResponse")
-class EbicsResponse {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Version", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var version: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Revision")
- var revision: Int? = null
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var header: Header
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AuthSignature", required = true)
- lateinit var authSignature: SignatureType
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var body: Body
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["_static", "mutable"])
- class Header {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "static", required = true)
- lateinit var _static: StaticHeaderType
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var mutable: MutableHeaderType
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["dataTransfer", "returnCode", "timestampBankParameter"])
- class Body {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataTransfer")
- var dataTransfer: DataTransferResponseType? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReturnCode", required = true)
- lateinit var returnCode: ReturnCode
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TimestampBankParameter")
- var timestampBankParameter: EbicsTypes.TimestampBankParameter? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = ["transactionPhase", "segmentNumber", "orderID", "returnCode", "reportText"]
- )
- class MutableHeaderType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransactionPhase", required = true)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var transactionPhase: EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SegmentNumber")
- var segmentNumber: EbicsTypes.SegmentNumber? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- var orderID: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReturnCode", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var returnCode: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReportText", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(NormalizedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "normalizedString")
- lateinit var reportText: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class OrderData {
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class ReturnCode {
- @get:XmlValue
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var value: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "DataTransferResponseType", propOrder = ["dataEncryptionInfo", "orderData"])
- class DataTransferResponseType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataEncryptionInfo")
- var dataEncryptionInfo: EbicsTypes.DataEncryptionInfo? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderData", required = true)
- lateinit var orderData: OrderData
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "ResponseStaticHeaderType", propOrder = ["transactionID", "numSegments"])
- class StaticHeaderType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransactionID")
- var transactionID: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "NumSegments")
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "positiveInteger")
- var numSegments: BigInteger? = null
- }
- companion object {
- fun createForUploadWithError(
- errorText: String, errorCode: String, phase: EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType
- ): EbicsResponse {
- val resp = EbicsResponse().apply {
- this.version = "H004"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.reportText = errorText
- this.returnCode = errorCode
- this.transactionPhase = phase
- }
- _static = StaticHeaderType()
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = errorCode
- }
- }
- }
- return resp
- }
- fun createForUploadInitializationPhase(transactionID: String, orderID: String): EbicsResponse {
- return EbicsResponse().apply {
- this.version = "H004"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this._static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- }
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.INITIALISATION
- this.orderID = orderID
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_OK] OK"
- this.returnCode = "000000"
- }
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = "000000"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForDownloadReceiptPhase(transactionID: String, positiveAck: Boolean): EbicsResponse {
- return EbicsResponse().apply {
- this.version = "H004"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this._static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- }
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.RECEIPT
- if (positiveAck) {
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_DOWNLOAD_POSTPROCESS_DONE] Received positive receipt"
- this.returnCode = "011000"
- } else {
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_DOWNLOAD_POSTPROCESS_SKIPPED] Received negative receipt"
- this.returnCode = "011001"
- }
- }
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = "000000"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForUploadTransferPhase(
- transactionID: String,
- segmentNumber: Int,
- lastSegment: Boolean,
- orderID: String
- ): EbicsResponse {
- return EbicsResponse().apply {
- this.version = "H004"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this._static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- }
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.TRANSFER
- this.segmentNumber = EbicsTypes.SegmentNumber().apply {
- this.value = BigInteger.valueOf(segmentNumber.toLong())
- if (lastSegment) {
- this.lastSegment = true
- }
- }
- this.orderID = orderID
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_OK] OK"
- this.returnCode = "000000"
- }
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = "000000"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param requestedSegment requested segment as a 1-based index
- */
- fun createForDownloadTransferPhase(
- transactionID: String,
- numSegments: Int,
- segmentSize: Int,
- encodedData: String,
- requestedSegment: Int
- ): EbicsResponse {
- return EbicsResponse().apply {
- this.version = "H004"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this._static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- this.numSegments = BigInteger.valueOf(numSegments.toLong())
- }
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.TRANSFER
- this.segmentNumber = EbicsTypes.SegmentNumber().apply {
- this.lastSegment = numSegments == requestedSegment
- this.value = BigInteger.valueOf(requestedSegment.toLong())
- }
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_OK] OK"
- this.returnCode = "000000"
- }
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = "000000"
- }
- this.dataTransfer = DataTransferResponseType().apply {
- this.orderData = OrderData().apply {
- val start = segmentSize * (requestedSegment - 1)
- this.value = encodedData.substring(start, min(start + segmentSize, encodedData.length))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForDownloadInitializationPhase(
- transactionID: String,
- numSegments: Int,
- segmentSize: Int,
- enc: CryptoUtil.EncryptionResult,
- encodedData: String
- ): EbicsResponse {
- return EbicsResponse().apply {
- this.version = "H004"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this._static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- this.numSegments = BigInteger.valueOf(numSegments.toLong())
- }
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.INITIALISATION
- this.segmentNumber = EbicsTypes.SegmentNumber().apply {
- this.lastSegment = (numSegments == 1)
- this.value = BigInteger.valueOf(1)
- }
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_OK] OK"
- this.returnCode = "000000"
- }
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = "000000"
- }
- this.dataTransfer = DataTransferResponseType().apply {
- this.dataEncryptionInfo = EbicsTypes.DataEncryptionInfo().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.encryptionPubKeyDigest = EbicsTypes.PubKeyDigest()
- .apply {
- this.algorithm = ""
- this.version = "E002"
- this.value = enc.pubKeyDigest
- }
- this.transactionKey = enc.encryptedTransactionKey
- }
- this.orderData = OrderData().apply {
- this.value = encodedData.substring(0, min(segmentSize, encodedData.length))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsTypes.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsTypes.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index a2486408..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsTypes.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2019 Stanisci and Dold.
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004
-import org.w3c.dom.Element
-import java.math.BigInteger
-import java.util.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.NormalizedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
- * EBICS type definitions that are shared between other requests / responses / order types.
- */
-object EbicsTypes {
- /**
- * EBICS client product. Identifies the software that accesses the EBICS host.
- */
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "Product", propOrder = ["value"])
- class Product {
- @get:XmlValue
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(NormalizedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var value: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Language", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var language: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "InstituteID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(NormalizedStringAdapter::class)
- var instituteID: String? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["value"])
- class SegmentNumber {
- @XmlValue
- lateinit var value: BigInteger
- @XmlAttribute(name = "lastSegment")
- var lastSegment: Boolean? = null
- }
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["encryptionPubKeyDigest", "transactionKey"])
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class DataEncryptionInfo {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- @get:XmlElement(name = "EncryptionPubKeyDigest", required = true)
- lateinit var encryptionPubKeyDigest: PubKeyDigest
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransactionKey", required = true)
- lateinit var transactionKey: ByteArray
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["value"])
- class PubKeyDigest {
- /**
- * Version of the *digest* of the public key.
- */
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Version", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var version: String
- @XmlAttribute(name = "Algorithm", required = true)
- @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI")
- lateinit var algorithm: String
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: ByteArray
- }
- enum class TransactionPhaseType(value: String) {
- @XmlEnumValue("Initialisation")
- INITIALISATION("Initialisation"),
- /**
- * Auftragsdatentransfer
- *
- */
- @XmlEnumValue("Transfer")
- TRANSFER("Transfer"),
- /**
- * Quittungstransfer
- *
- */
- @XmlEnumValue("Receipt")
- RECEIPT("Receipt");
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "")
- class TimestampBankParameter {
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: XMLGregorianCalendar
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlType(
- name = "PubKeyValueType", propOrder = [
- "rsaKeyValue",
- "timeStamp"
- ]
- )
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class PubKeyValueType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "RSAKeyValue", namespace = "", required = true)
- lateinit var rsaKeyValue: RSAKeyValueType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TimeStamp", required = false)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
- var timeStamp: XMLGregorianCalendar? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType", propOrder = [
- "x509Data",
- "pubKeyValue",
- "authenticationVersion"
- ]
- )
- class AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType {
- @get:XmlAnyElement()
- var x509Data: Element? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PubKeyValue", required = true)
- lateinit var pubKeyValue: PubKeyValueType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AuthenticationVersion", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var authenticationVersion: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "EncryptionPubKeyInfoType", propOrder = [
- "x509Data",
- "pubKeyValue",
- "encryptionVersion"
- ]
- )
- class EncryptionPubKeyInfoType {
- @get:XmlAnyElement()
- var x509Data: Element? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PubKeyValue", required = true)
- lateinit var pubKeyValue: PubKeyValueType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "EncryptionVersion", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var encryptionVersion: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class FileFormatType {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "CountryCode")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var language: String
- @get:XmlValue
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(NormalizedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- /**
- * Generic key-value pair.
- */
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["name", "value"])
- class Parameter {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Type", required = true)
- lateinit var type: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Name", required = true)
- lateinit var name: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Value", required = true)
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["addressInfo", "bankInfo", "accountInfoList", "orderInfoList"])
- class PartnerInfo {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AddressInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var addressInfo: AddressInfo
- @get:XmlElement(name = "BankInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var bankInfo: BankInfo
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AccountInfo", type = AccountInfo::class)
- var accountInfoList: List<AccountInfo>? = LinkedList<AccountInfo>()
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderInfo", type = AuthOrderInfoType::class)
- var orderInfoList: List<AuthOrderInfoType> = LinkedList<AuthOrderInfoType>()
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = ["orderType", "fileFormat", "transferType", "orderFormat", "description", "numSigRequired"]
- )
- class AuthOrderInfoType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderType")
- lateinit var orderType: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "FileFormat")
- val fileFormat: FileFormatType? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransferType")
- lateinit var transferType: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderFormat", required = false)
- var orderFormat: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Description")
- lateinit var description: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "NumSigRequired")
- var numSigRequired: Int? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class UserIDType {
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Status")
- var status: Int? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["userID", "name", "permissionList"])
- class UserInfo {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "UserID", required = true)
- lateinit var userID: UserIDType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Name")
- var name: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Permission", type = UserPermission::class)
- var permissionList: List<UserPermission>? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["orderTypes", "fileFormat", "accountID", "maxAmount"])
- class UserPermission {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "AuthorizationLevel")
- var authorizationLevel: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderTypes")
- var orderTypes: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "FileFormat")
- val fileFormat: FileFormatType? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AccountID")
- val accountID: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "MaxAmount")
- val maxAmount: String? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["name", "street", "postCode", "city", "region", "country"])
- class AddressInfo {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Name")
- var name: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Street")
- var street: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PostCode")
- var postCode: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "City")
- var city: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Region")
- var region: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Country")
- var country: String? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class BankInfo {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "HostID")
- lateinit var hostID: String
- @get:XmlElement(type = Parameter::class)
- var parameters: List<Parameter>? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["accountNumberList", "bankCodeList", "accountHolder"])
- class AccountInfo {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Currency")
- var currency: String? = null
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "ID")
- lateinit var id: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Description")
- var description: String? = null
- @get:XmlElements(
- XmlElement(name = "AccountNumber", type = GeneralAccountNumber::class),
- XmlElement(name = "NationalAccountNumber", type = NationalAccountNumber::class)
- )
- var accountNumberList: List<AbstractAccountNumber>? = LinkedList<AbstractAccountNumber>()
- @get:XmlElements(
- XmlElement(name = "BankCode", type = GeneralBankCode::class),
- XmlElement(name = "NationalBankCode", type = NationalBankCode::class)
- )
- var bankCodeList: List<AbstractBankCode>? = LinkedList<AbstractBankCode>()
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AccountHolder")
- var accountHolder: String? = null
- }
- interface AbstractAccountNumber
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class GeneralAccountNumber : AbstractAccountNumber {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "international")
- var international: Boolean = true
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class NationalAccountNumber : AbstractAccountNumber {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "format")
- lateinit var format: String
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- interface AbstractBankCode
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class GeneralBankCode : AbstractBankCode {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "prefix")
- var prefix: String? = null
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "international")
- var international: Boolean = true
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class NationalBankCode : AbstractBankCode {
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "format")
- lateinit var format: String
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsUnsecuredRequest.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsUnsecuredRequest.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3269f70c..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/EbicsUnsecuredRequest.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.EbicsOrderUtil
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s001.SignatureTypes
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["header", "body"])
-@XmlRootElement(name = "ebicsUnsecuredRequest")
-class EbicsUnsecuredRequest {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Version", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var version: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Revision")
- var revision: Int? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "header", required = true)
- lateinit var header: Header
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var body: Body
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["static", "mutable"])
- class Header {
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "")
- class EmptyMutableHeader
- @get:XmlElement(name = "static", required = true)
- lateinit var static: StaticHeaderType
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var mutable: EmptyMutableHeader
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["dataTransfer"])
- class Body {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataTransfer", required = true)
- lateinit var dataTransfer: UnsecuredDataTransfer
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["orderData"])
- class UnsecuredDataTransfer {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderData", required = true)
- lateinit var orderData: OrderData
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "")
- class OrderData {
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: ByteArray
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = ["hostID", "partnerID", "userID", "systemID", "product", "orderDetails", "securityMedium"]
- )
- class StaticHeaderType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "HostID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var hostID: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PartnerID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var partnerID: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "UserID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var userID: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SystemID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var systemID: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Product")
- val product: EbicsTypes.Product? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderDetails", required = true)
- lateinit var orderDetails: OrderDetails
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SecurityMedium", required = true)
- lateinit var securityMedium: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["orderType", "orderAttribute"])
- class OrderDetails {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderType", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var orderType: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderAttribute", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var orderAttribute: String
- }
- companion object {
- fun createHia(
- hostId: String,
- userId: String,
- partnerId: String,
- authKey: RSAPrivateCrtKey,
- encKey: RSAPrivateCrtKey
- ): EbicsUnsecuredRequest {
- return EbicsUnsecuredRequest().apply {
- version = "H004"
- revision = 1
- header = Header().apply {
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- orderDetails = OrderDetails().apply {
- orderAttribute = "DZNNN"
- orderType = "HIA"
- securityMedium = "0000"
- hostID = hostId
- userID = userId
- partnerID = partnerId
- }
- }
- mutable = Header.EmptyMutableHeader()
- }
- body = Body().apply {
- dataTransfer = UnsecuredDataTransfer().apply {
- orderData = OrderData().apply {
- value = EbicsOrderUtil.encodeOrderDataXml(
- HIARequestOrderData().apply {
- authenticationPubKeyInfo = EbicsTypes.AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType()
- .apply {
- pubKeyValue = EbicsTypes.PubKeyValueType().apply {
- rsaKeyValue = RSAKeyValueType().apply {
- exponent = authKey.publicExponent.toByteArray()
- modulus = authKey.modulus.toByteArray()
- }
- }
- authenticationVersion = "X002"
- }
- encryptionPubKeyInfo = EbicsTypes.EncryptionPubKeyInfoType()
- .apply {
- pubKeyValue = EbicsTypes.PubKeyValueType().apply {
- rsaKeyValue = RSAKeyValueType().apply {
- exponent = encKey.publicExponent.toByteArray()
- modulus = encKey.modulus.toByteArray()
- }
- }
- encryptionVersion = "E002"
- }
- partnerID = partnerId
- userID = userId
- }
- )
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createIni(
- hostId: String,
- userId: String,
- partnerId: String,
- signKey: RSAPrivateCrtKey
- ): EbicsUnsecuredRequest {
- return EbicsUnsecuredRequest().apply {
- version = "H004"
- revision = 1
- header = Header().apply {
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- orderDetails = OrderDetails().apply {
- orderAttribute = "DZNNN"
- orderType = "INI"
- securityMedium = "0000"
- hostID = hostId
- userID = userId
- partnerID = partnerId
- }
- }
- mutable = Header.EmptyMutableHeader()
- }
- body = Body().apply {
- dataTransfer = UnsecuredDataTransfer().apply {
- orderData = OrderData().apply {
- value = EbicsOrderUtil.encodeOrderDataXml(
- SignatureTypes.SignaturePubKeyOrderData().apply {
- signaturePubKeyInfo = SignatureTypes.SignaturePubKeyInfoType().apply {
- signatureVersion = "A006"
- pubKeyValue = SignatureTypes.PubKeyValueType().apply {
- rsaKeyValue = RSAKeyValueType().apply {
- exponent = signKey.publicExponent.toByteArray()
- modulus = signKey.modulus.toByteArray()
- }
- }
- }
- userID = userId
- partnerID = partnerId
- }
- )
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HIARequestOrderData.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HIARequestOrderData.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6268099b..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HIARequestOrderData.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
- name = "HIARequestOrderDataType",
- propOrder = ["authenticationPubKeyInfo", "encryptionPubKeyInfo", "partnerID", "userID", "any"]
-@XmlRootElement(name = "HIARequestOrderData")
-class HIARequestOrderData {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AuthenticationPubKeyInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var authenticationPubKeyInfo: EbicsTypes.AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "EncryptionPubKeyInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var encryptionPubKeyInfo: EbicsTypes.EncryptionPubKeyInfoType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PartnerID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var partnerID: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "UserID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var userID: String
- @get:XmlAnyElement(lax = true)
- var any: List<Any>? = null
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HKDResponseOrderData.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HKDResponseOrderData.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 92930155..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HKDResponseOrderData.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["partnerInfo", "userInfoList"])
-@XmlRootElement(name = "HTDResponseOrderData")
-class HKDResponseOrderData {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PartnerInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var partnerInfo: EbicsTypes.PartnerInfo
- @get:XmlElement(name = "UserInfo", type = EbicsTypes.UserInfo::class, required = true)
- lateinit var userInfoList: List<EbicsTypes.UserInfo>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HPBResponseOrderData.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HPBResponseOrderData.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 65b4098b..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HPBResponseOrderData.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["authenticationPubKeyInfo", "encryptionPubKeyInfo", "hostID"])
-@XmlRootElement(name = "HPBResponseOrderData")
-class HPBResponseOrderData {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AuthenticationPubKeyInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var authenticationPubKeyInfo: EbicsTypes.AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "EncryptionPubKeyInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var encryptionPubKeyInfo: EbicsTypes.EncryptionPubKeyInfoType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "HostID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var hostID: String
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HTDResponseOrderData.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HTDResponseOrderData.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 46954355..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/HTDResponseOrderData.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["partnerInfo", "userInfo"])
-@XmlRootElement(name = "HTDResponseOrderData")
-class HTDResponseOrderData {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PartnerInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var partnerInfo: EbicsTypes.PartnerInfo
- @get:XmlElement(name = "UserInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var userInfo: EbicsTypes.UserInfo
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/ b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/
deleted file mode 100644
index a16e907c..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h004/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * This file defines the default namespace for the JAXB bindings
- * defined in the package.
- */
- namespace = "urn:org:ebics:H004",
- elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/Ebics3Request.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/Ebics3Request.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index c8370d4c..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/Ebics3Request.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h005
-import tech.libeufin.common.crypto.CryptoUtil
-import java.math.BigInteger
-import java.util.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.HexBinaryAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["header", "authSignature", "body"])
-@XmlRootElement(name = "ebicsRequest")
-class Ebics3Request {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Version", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var version: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Revision")
- var revision: Int? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "header", required = true)
- lateinit var header: Header
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AuthSignature", required = true)
- lateinit var authSignature: SignatureType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "body")
- lateinit var body: Body
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["static", "mutable"])
- class Header {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "static", required = true)
- lateinit var static: StaticHeaderType
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var mutable: MutableHeader
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = [
- "hostID", "nonce", "timestamp", "partnerID", "userID", "systemID",
- "product", "orderDetails", "bankPubKeyDigests", "securityMedium",
- "numSegments", "transactionID"
- ]
- )
- class StaticHeaderType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "HostID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var hostID: String
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Nonce", type = String::class)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(HexBinaryAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "hexBinary")
- var nonce: ByteArray? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Timestamp")
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
- var timestamp: XMLGregorianCalendar? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PartnerID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var partnerID: String? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "UserID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var userID: String? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SystemID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var systemID: String? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Product")
- var product: Ebics3Types.Product? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderDetails")
- var orderDetails: OrderDetails? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "BankPubKeyDigests")
- var bankPubKeyDigests: BankPubKeyDigests? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SecurityMedium")
- var securityMedium: String? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "NumSegments")
- var numSegments: BigInteger? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the transaction / finalization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransactionID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var transactionID: String? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["transactionPhase", "segmentNumber"])
- class MutableHeader {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransactionPhase", required = true)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var transactionPhase: Ebics3Types.TransactionPhaseType
- /**
- * Number of the currently transmitted segment, if this message
- * contains order data.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SegmentNumber")
- var segmentNumber: Ebics3Types.SegmentNumber? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = ["adminOrderType", "btdOrderParams", "btuOrderParams", "orderID", "orderParams"]
- )
- class OrderDetails {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AdminOrderType", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var adminOrderType: String
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(propOrder = ["serviceName", "scope", "serviceOption", "container", "messageName"])
- class Service {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ServiceName", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var serviceName: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Scope", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var scope: String
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["value"])
- class MessageName {
- @XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- @XmlAttribute(name = "version")
- var version: String? = null
- }
- @get:XmlElement(name = "MsgName", required = true)
- lateinit var messageName: MessageName
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ServiceOption", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var serviceOption: String? = null
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class Container {
- @XmlAttribute(name = "containerType")
- lateinit var containerType: String
- }
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Container", required = true)
- var container: Container? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(propOrder = ["service", "signatureFlag", "dateRange"])
- class BTUOrderParams {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Service", required = true)
- lateinit var service: Service
- /**
- * This element activates the ES signature scheme (disabling
- * hence the EDS). It *would* admit a @requestEDS attribute,
- * but its omission means false.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SignatureFlag", required = true)
- var signatureFlag: Boolean = true
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DateRange", required = true)
- var dateRange: DateRange? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(propOrder = ["service", "dateRange"])
- class BTDOrderParams {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Service", required = true)
- lateinit var service: Service
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DateRange", required = true)
- var dateRange: DateRange? = null
- }
- @get:XmlElement(name = "BTUOrderParams", required = true)
- var btuOrderParams: BTUOrderParams? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "BTDOrderParams", required = true)
- var btdOrderParams: BTDOrderParams? = null
- /**
- * Only present if this ebicsRequest is an upload order
- * relating to an already existing order.
- */
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- var orderID: String? = null
- /**
- * Present only in the initialization phase.
- */
- @get:XmlElements(
- XmlElement(
- name = "StandardOrderParams",
- type = StandardOrderParams::class // OrderParams inheritor
- ),
- XmlElement(
- name = "GenericOrderParams",
- type = GenericOrderParams::class // OrderParams inheritor
- )
- )
- // Same as the 2.5 version.
- var orderParams: OrderParams? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(propOrder = ["preValidation", "dataTransfer", "transferReceipt"])
- class Body {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PreValidation")
- var preValidation: PreValidation? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataTransfer")
- var dataTransfer: DataTransfer? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransferReceipt")
- var transferReceipt: TransferReceipt? = null
- }
- /**
- * FIXME: not implemented yet
- */
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class PreValidation {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class SignatureData {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- @get:XmlValue
- var value: ByteArray? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(propOrder = ["dataEncryptionInfo", "signatureData", "dataDigest", "orderData", "hostId"])
- class DataTransfer {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataEncryptionInfo")
- var dataEncryptionInfo: Ebics3Types.DataEncryptionInfo? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SignatureData")
- var signatureData: SignatureData? = null
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class DataDigest {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "SignatureVersion", required = true)
- var signatureVersion: String = "A006"
- @get:XmlValue
- var value: ByteArray? = null
- }
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataDigest")
- var dataDigest: DataDigest? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderData")
- var orderData: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "HostID")
- var hostId: String? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["receiptCode"])
- class TransferReceipt {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReceiptCode")
- var receiptCode: Int? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- abstract class OrderParams
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["dateRange"])
- class StandardOrderParams : OrderParams() {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DateRange")
- var dateRange: DateRange? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["parameterList"])
- class GenericOrderParams : OrderParams() {
- @get:XmlElement(type = Ebics3Types.Parameter::class)
- var parameterList: List<Ebics3Types.Parameter> = LinkedList()
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["start", "end"])
- class DateRange {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Start")
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "date")
- lateinit var start: XMLGregorianCalendar
- @get:XmlElement(name = "End")
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "date")
- lateinit var end: XMLGregorianCalendar
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["authentication", "encryption"])
- class BankPubKeyDigests {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Authentication")
- lateinit var authentication: Ebics3Types.PubKeyDigest
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Encryption")
- lateinit var encryption: Ebics3Types.PubKeyDigest
- }
- companion object {
- fun createForDownloadReceiptPhase(
- transactionId: String,
- hostId: String,
- success: Boolean
- ): Ebics3Request {
- return Ebics3Request().apply {
- header = Header().apply {
- version = "H005"
- revision = 1
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- hostID = hostId
- transactionID = transactionId
- }
- mutable = MutableHeader().apply {
- transactionPhase = Ebics3Types.TransactionPhaseType.RECEIPT
- }
- }
- authSignature = SignatureType()
- body = Body().apply {
- transferReceipt = TransferReceipt().apply {
- authenticate = true
- receiptCode = if (success) 0 else 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForDownloadInitializationPhase(
- userId: String,
- partnerId: String,
- hostId: String,
- nonceArg: ByteArray,
- date: XMLGregorianCalendar,
- bankEncPub: RSAPublicKey,
- bankAuthPub: RSAPublicKey,
- myOrderParams: OrderDetails.BTDOrderParams
- ): Ebics3Request {
- return Ebics3Request().apply {
- version = "H005"
- revision = 1
- authSignature = SignatureType()
- body = Body()
- header = Header().apply {
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- userID = userId
- partnerID = partnerId
- hostID = hostId
- nonce = nonceArg
- timestamp = date
- partnerID = partnerId
- orderDetails = OrderDetails().apply {
- this.adminOrderType = "BTD"
- this.btdOrderParams = myOrderParams
- }
- bankPubKeyDigests = BankPubKeyDigests().apply {
- authentication = Ebics3Types.PubKeyDigest().apply {
- algorithm = ""
- version = "X002"
- value = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(bankAuthPub)
- }
- encryption = Ebics3Types.PubKeyDigest().apply {
- algorithm = ""
- version = "E002"
- value = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(bankEncPub)
- }
- securityMedium = "0000"
- }
- }
- mutable = MutableHeader().apply {
- transactionPhase =
- Ebics3Types.TransactionPhaseType.INITIALISATION
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForUploadInitializationPhase(
- encryptedTransactionKey: ByteArray,
- encryptedSignatureData: ByteArray,
- aDataDigest: ByteArray,
- hostId: String,
- nonceArg: ByteArray,
- partnerId: String,
- userId: String,
- date: XMLGregorianCalendar,
- bankAuthPub: RSAPublicKey,
- bankEncPub: RSAPublicKey,
- segmentsNumber: BigInteger,
- aOrderService: OrderDetails.Service,
- ): Ebics3Request {
- return Ebics3Request().apply {
- header = Header().apply {
- version = "H005"
- revision = 1
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- hostID = hostId
- nonce = nonceArg
- timestamp = date
- partnerID = partnerId
- userID = userId
- orderDetails = OrderDetails().apply {
- this.adminOrderType = "BTU"
- this.btuOrderParams = OrderDetails.BTUOrderParams().apply {
- service = aOrderService
- }
- }
- bankPubKeyDigests = BankPubKeyDigests().apply {
- authentication = Ebics3Types.PubKeyDigest().apply {
- algorithm = ""
- version = "X002"
- value = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(bankAuthPub)
- }
- encryption = Ebics3Types.PubKeyDigest().apply {
- algorithm = ""
- version = "E002"
- value = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(bankEncPub)
- }
- }
- securityMedium = "0000"
- numSegments = segmentsNumber
- }
- mutable = MutableHeader().apply {
- transactionPhase =
- Ebics3Types.TransactionPhaseType.INITIALISATION
- }
- }
- authSignature = SignatureType()
- body = Body().apply {
- dataTransfer = DataTransfer().apply {
- signatureData = SignatureData().apply {
- authenticate = true
- value = encryptedSignatureData
- }
- dataDigest = DataTransfer.DataDigest().apply {
- value = aDataDigest
- }
- dataEncryptionInfo = Ebics3Types.DataEncryptionInfo().apply {
- transactionKey = encryptedTransactionKey
- authenticate = true
- encryptionPubKeyDigest = Ebics3Types.PubKeyDigest().apply {
- algorithm = ""
- version = "E002"
- value = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(bankEncPub)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForUploadTransferPhase(
- hostId: String,
- transactionId: String?,
- segNumber: BigInteger,
- encryptedData: String
- ): Ebics3Request {
- return Ebics3Request().apply {
- header = Header().apply {
- version = "H005"
- revision = 1
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- hostID = hostId
- transactionID = transactionId
- }
- mutable = MutableHeader().apply {
- transactionPhase = Ebics3Types.TransactionPhaseType.TRANSFER
- segmentNumber = Ebics3Types.SegmentNumber().apply {
- lastSegment = true
- value = segNumber
- }
- }
- }
- authSignature = SignatureType()
- body = Body().apply {
- dataTransfer = DataTransfer().apply {
- orderData = encryptedData
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForDownloadTransferPhase(
- hostID: String,
- transactionID: String?,
- segmentNumber: Int,
- numSegments: Int
- ): Ebics3Request {
- return Ebics3Request().apply {
- version = "H005"
- revision = 1
- authSignature = SignatureType()
- body = Body()
- header = Header().apply {
- authenticate = true
- static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.hostID = hostID
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- }
- mutable = MutableHeader().apply {
- transactionPhase =
- Ebics3Types.TransactionPhaseType.TRANSFER
- this.segmentNumber = Ebics3Types.SegmentNumber().apply {
- this.value = BigInteger.valueOf(segmentNumber.toLong())
- this.lastSegment = segmentNumber == numSegments
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/Ebics3Response.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/Ebics3Response.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index dd4b18a2..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/Ebics3Response.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h005
-import tech.libeufin.common.crypto.CryptoUtil
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004.EbicsTypes
-import java.math.BigInteger
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.NormalizedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-import kotlin.math.min
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["header", "authSignature", "body"])
-@XmlRootElement(name = "ebicsResponse")
-class Ebics3Response {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Version", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var version: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Revision")
- var revision: Int? = null
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var header: Header
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AuthSignature", required = true)
- lateinit var authSignature: SignatureType
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var body: Body
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["_static", "mutable"])
- class Header {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "static", required = true)
- lateinit var _static: StaticHeaderType
- @get:XmlElement(required = true)
- lateinit var mutable: MutableHeaderType
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["dataTransfer", "returnCode", "timestampBankParameter"])
- class Body {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataTransfer")
- var dataTransfer: DataTransferResponseType? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReturnCode", required = true)
- lateinit var returnCode: ReturnCode
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TimestampBankParameter")
- var timestampBankParameter: EbicsTypes.TimestampBankParameter? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = ["transactionPhase", "segmentNumber", "orderID", "returnCode", "reportText"]
- )
- class MutableHeaderType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransactionPhase", required = true)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var transactionPhase: EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SegmentNumber")
- var segmentNumber: EbicsTypes.SegmentNumber? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- var orderID: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReturnCode", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var returnCode: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReportText", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(NormalizedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "normalizedString")
- lateinit var reportText: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class OrderData {
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class ReturnCode {
- @get:XmlValue
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var value: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "DataTransferResponseType", propOrder = ["dataEncryptionInfo", "orderData"])
- class DataTransferResponseType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "DataEncryptionInfo")
- var dataEncryptionInfo: Ebics3Types.DataEncryptionInfo? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderData", required = true)
- lateinit var orderData: OrderData
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "ResponseStaticHeaderType", propOrder = ["transactionID", "numSegments"])
- class StaticHeaderType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransactionID")
- var transactionID: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "NumSegments")
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "positiveInteger")
- var numSegments: BigInteger? = null
- }
- companion object {
- fun createForUploadWithError(
- errorText: String, errorCode: String, phase: EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType
- ): Ebics3Response {
- val resp = Ebics3Response().apply {
- this.version = "H005"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.reportText = errorText
- this.returnCode = errorCode
- this.transactionPhase = phase
- }
- _static = StaticHeaderType()
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = errorCode
- }
- }
- }
- return resp
- }
- fun createForUploadInitializationPhase(transactionID: String, orderID: String): Ebics3Response {
- return Ebics3Response().apply {
- this.version = "H005"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this._static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- }
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.INITIALISATION
- this.orderID = orderID
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_OK] OK"
- this.returnCode = "000000"
- }
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = "000000"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForDownloadReceiptPhase(transactionID: String, positiveAck: Boolean): Ebics3Response {
- return Ebics3Response().apply {
- this.version = "H005"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this._static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- }
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.RECEIPT
- if (positiveAck) {
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_DOWNLOAD_POSTPROCESS_DONE] Received positive receipt"
- this.returnCode = "011000"
- } else {
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_DOWNLOAD_POSTPROCESS_SKIPPED] Received negative receipt"
- this.returnCode = "011001"
- }
- }
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = "000000"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForUploadTransferPhase(
- transactionID: String,
- segmentNumber: Int,
- lastSegment: Boolean,
- orderID: String
- ): Ebics3Response {
- return Ebics3Response().apply {
- this.version = "H005"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this._static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- }
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.TRANSFER
- this.segmentNumber = EbicsTypes.SegmentNumber().apply {
- this.value = BigInteger.valueOf(segmentNumber.toLong())
- if (lastSegment) {
- this.lastSegment = true
- }
- }
- this.orderID = orderID
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_OK] OK"
- this.returnCode = "000000"
- }
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = "000000"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param requestedSegment requested segment as a 1-based index
- */
- fun createForDownloadTransferPhase(
- transactionID: String,
- numSegments: Int,
- segmentSize: Int,
- encodedData: String,
- requestedSegment: Int
- ): Ebics3Response {
- return Ebics3Response().apply {
- this.version = "H005"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this._static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- this.numSegments = BigInteger.valueOf(numSegments.toLong())
- }
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.TRANSFER
- this.segmentNumber = EbicsTypes.SegmentNumber().apply {
- this.lastSegment = numSegments == requestedSegment
- this.value = BigInteger.valueOf(requestedSegment.toLong())
- }
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_OK] OK"
- this.returnCode = "000000"
- }
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = "000000"
- }
- this.dataTransfer = DataTransferResponseType().apply {
- this.orderData = OrderData().apply {
- val start = segmentSize * (requestedSegment - 1)
- this.value = encodedData.substring(start, min(start + segmentSize, encodedData.length))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fun createForDownloadInitializationPhase(
- transactionID: String,
- numSegments: Int,
- segmentSize: Int,
- enc: CryptoUtil.EncryptionResult,
- encodedData: String
- ): Ebics3Response {
- return Ebics3Response().apply {
- this.version = "H005"
- this.revision = 1
- this.header = Header().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this._static = StaticHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionID = transactionID
- this.numSegments = BigInteger.valueOf(numSegments.toLong())
- }
- this.mutable = MutableHeaderType().apply {
- this.transactionPhase =
- EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.INITIALISATION
- this.segmentNumber = EbicsTypes.SegmentNumber().apply {
- this.lastSegment = (numSegments == 1)
- this.value = BigInteger.valueOf(1)
- }
- this.reportText = "[EBICS_OK] OK"
- this.returnCode = "000000"
- }
- }
- this.authSignature = SignatureType()
- this.body = Body().apply {
- this.returnCode = ReturnCode().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.value = "000000"
- }
- this.dataTransfer = DataTransferResponseType().apply {
- this.dataEncryptionInfo = Ebics3Types.DataEncryptionInfo().apply {
- this.authenticate = true
- this.encryptionPubKeyDigest = Ebics3Types.PubKeyDigest()
- .apply {
- this.algorithm = ""
- this.version = "E002"
- this.value = enc.pubKeyDigest
- }
- this.transactionKey = enc.encryptedTransactionKey
- }
- this.orderData = OrderData().apply {
- this.value = encodedData.substring(0, min(segmentSize, encodedData.length))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/Ebics3Types.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/Ebics3Types.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index a469217c..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/Ebics3Types.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2019 Stanisci and Dold.
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h005
-import org.w3c.dom.Element
-import java.math.BigInteger
-import java.util.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.NormalizedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
- * EBICS type definitions that are shared between other requests / responses / order types.
- */
-object Ebics3Types {
- /**
- * EBICS client product. Identifies the software that accesses the EBICS host.
- */
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "Product", propOrder = ["value"])
- class Product {
- @get:XmlValue
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(NormalizedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var value: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Language", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var language: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "InstituteID")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(NormalizedStringAdapter::class)
- var instituteID: String? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["value"])
- class SegmentNumber {
- @XmlValue
- lateinit var value: BigInteger
- @XmlAttribute(name = "lastSegment")
- var lastSegment: Boolean? = null
- }
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["encryptionPubKeyDigest", "transactionKey"])
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class DataEncryptionInfo {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- @get:XmlElement(name = "EncryptionPubKeyDigest", required = true)
- lateinit var encryptionPubKeyDigest: PubKeyDigest
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransactionKey", required = true)
- lateinit var transactionKey: ByteArray
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["value"])
- class PubKeyDigest {
- /**
- * Version of the *digest* of the public key.
- */
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Version", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var version: String
- @XmlAttribute(name = "Algorithm", required = true)
- @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI")
- lateinit var algorithm: String
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: ByteArray
- }
- enum class TransactionPhaseType(value: String) {
- @XmlEnumValue("Initialisation")
- INITIALISATION("Initialisation"),
- /**
- * Auftragsdatentransfer
- *
- */
- @XmlEnumValue("Transfer")
- TRANSFER("Transfer"),
- /**
- * Quittungstransfer
- *
- */
- @XmlEnumValue("Receipt")
- RECEIPT("Receipt");
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "")
- class TimestampBankParameter {
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: XMLGregorianCalendar
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "authenticate", required = true)
- var authenticate: Boolean = false
- }
- @XmlType(
- name = "PubKeyValueType", propOrder = [
- "rsaKeyValue",
- "timeStamp"
- ]
- )
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class PubKeyValueType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "RSAKeyValue", namespace = "", required = true)
- lateinit var rsaKeyValue: RSAKeyValueType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TimeStamp", required = false)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
- var timeStamp: XMLGregorianCalendar? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType", propOrder = [
- "x509Data",
- "pubKeyValue",
- "authenticationVersion"
- ]
- )
- class AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType {
- @get:XmlAnyElement()
- var x509Data: Element? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PubKeyValue", required = true)
- lateinit var pubKeyValue: PubKeyValueType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AuthenticationVersion", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var authenticationVersion: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "EncryptionPubKeyInfoType", propOrder = [
- "x509Data",
- "pubKeyValue",
- "encryptionVersion"
- ]
- )
- class EncryptionPubKeyInfoType {
- @get:XmlAnyElement()
- var x509Data: Element? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PubKeyValue", required = true)
- lateinit var pubKeyValue: PubKeyValueType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "EncryptionVersion", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var encryptionVersion: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class FileFormatType {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "CountryCode")
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var language: String
- @get:XmlValue
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(NormalizedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- /**
- * Generic key-value pair.
- */
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["name", "value"])
- class Parameter {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Type", required = true)
- lateinit var type: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Name", required = true)
- lateinit var name: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Value", required = true)
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["addressInfo", "bankInfo", "accountInfoList", "orderInfoList"])
- class PartnerInfo {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AddressInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var addressInfo: AddressInfo
- @get:XmlElement(name = "BankInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var bankInfo: BankInfo
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AccountInfo", type = AccountInfo::class)
- var accountInfoList: List<AccountInfo>? = LinkedList<AccountInfo>()
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderInfo", type = AuthOrderInfoType::class)
- var orderInfoList: List<AuthOrderInfoType> = LinkedList<AuthOrderInfoType>()
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = ["orderType", "fileFormat", "transferType", "orderFormat", "description", "numSigRequired"]
- )
- class AuthOrderInfoType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderType")
- lateinit var orderType: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "FileFormat")
- val fileFormat: FileFormatType? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TransferType")
- lateinit var transferType: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderFormat", required = false)
- var orderFormat: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Description")
- lateinit var description: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "NumSigRequired")
- var numSigRequired: Int? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class UserIDType {
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Status")
- var status: Int? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["userID", "name", "permissionList"])
- class UserInfo {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "UserID", required = true)
- lateinit var userID: UserIDType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Name")
- var name: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Permission", type = UserPermission::class)
- var permissionList: List<UserPermission>? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["orderTypes", "fileFormat", "accountID", "maxAmount"])
- class UserPermission {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "AuthorizationLevel")
- var authorizationLevel: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "OrderTypes")
- var orderTypes: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "FileFormat")
- val fileFormat: FileFormatType? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AccountID")
- val accountID: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "MaxAmount")
- val maxAmount: String? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["name", "street", "postCode", "city", "region", "country"])
- class AddressInfo {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Name")
- var name: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Street")
- var street: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PostCode")
- var postCode: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "City")
- var city: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Region")
- var region: String? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "Country")
- var country: String? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class BankInfo {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "HostID")
- lateinit var hostID: String
- @get:XmlElement(type = Parameter::class)
- var parameters: List<Parameter>? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["accountNumberList", "bankCodeList", "accountHolder"])
- class AccountInfo {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Currency")
- var currency: String? = null
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "ID")
- lateinit var id: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "Description")
- var description: String? = null
- @get:XmlElements(
- XmlElement(name = "AccountNumber", type = GeneralAccountNumber::class),
- XmlElement(name = "NationalAccountNumber", type = NationalAccountNumber::class)
- )
- var accountNumberList: List<AbstractAccountNumber>? = LinkedList<AbstractAccountNumber>()
- @get:XmlElements(
- XmlElement(name = "BankCode", type = GeneralBankCode::class),
- XmlElement(name = "NationalBankCode", type = NationalBankCode::class)
- )
- var bankCodeList: List<AbstractBankCode>? = LinkedList<AbstractBankCode>()
- @get:XmlElement(name = "AccountHolder")
- var accountHolder: String? = null
- }
- interface AbstractAccountNumber
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class GeneralAccountNumber : AbstractAccountNumber {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "international")
- var international: Boolean = true
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class NationalAccountNumber : AbstractAccountNumber {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "format")
- lateinit var format: String
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- interface AbstractBankCode
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class GeneralBankCode : AbstractBankCode {
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "prefix")
- var prefix: String? = null
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "international")
- var international: Boolean = true
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class NationalBankCode : AbstractBankCode {
- @get:XmlValue
- lateinit var value: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "format")
- lateinit var format: String
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/ b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/
deleted file mode 100644
index a5e16343..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_h005/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * This file defines the default namespace for the JAXB bindings
- * defined in the package.
- */
- namespace = "urn:org:ebics:H005",
- elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h005;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_hev/EbicsMessages.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_hev/EbicsMessages.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 506ba9fa..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_hev/EbicsMessages.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2019 Stanisci and Dold.
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_hev
-import java.util.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.NormalizedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
- name = "HEVRequestDataType"
-@XmlRootElement(name = "ebicsHEVRequest")
-class HEVRequest{
- @get:XmlElement(name = "HostID", required = true)
- lateinit var hostId: String
- name = "HEVResponseDataType",
- propOrder = ["systemReturnCode", "versionNumber", "any"]
-@XmlRootElement(name = "ebicsHEVResponse")
-class HEVResponse {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SystemReturnCode", required = true)
- lateinit var systemReturnCode: SystemReturnCodeType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "VersionNumber", namespace = "")
- var versionNumber: List<VersionNumber> = LinkedList()
- @get:XmlAnyElement(lax = true)
- var any: List<Any>? = null
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- class VersionNumber {
- @get:XmlValue
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var value: String
- @get:XmlAttribute(name = "ProtocolVersion", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var protocolVersion: String
- companion object {
- fun create(protocolVersion: String, versionNumber: String): VersionNumber {
- return VersionNumber().apply {
- this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion
- this.value = versionNumber
- }
- }
- }
- }
- name = "SystemReturnCodeType",
- propOrder = [
- "returnCode",
- "reportText"
- ]
-class SystemReturnCodeType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReturnCode", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var returnCode: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "ReportText", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(NormalizedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var reportText: String
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_hev/ b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_hev/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d2c7b54..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_hev/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * This file defines the default namespace for the JAXB bindings
- * defined in the package.
- */
- namespace = "",
- elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_hev;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema;
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s001/SignatureTypes.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s001/SignatureTypes.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4781ba26..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s001/SignatureTypes.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2019 Stanisci and Dold.
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s001
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
-object SignatureTypes {
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "PubKeyValueType", namespace = "", propOrder = [
- "rsaKeyValue",
- "timeStamp"
- ]
- )
- class PubKeyValueType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "RSAKeyValue", namespace = "", required = true)
- lateinit var rsaKeyValue: RSAKeyValueType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TimeStamp")
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
- var timeStamp: XMLGregorianCalendar? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = [
- "x509Data",
- "pubKeyValue",
- "signatureVersion"
- ]
- )
- class SignaturePubKeyInfoType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "X509Data")
- var x509Data: X509DataType? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PubKeyValue", required = true)
- lateinit var pubKeyValue: PubKeyValueType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SignatureVersion", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var signatureVersion: String
- }
- /**
- * EBICS INI payload.
- */
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = ["signaturePubKeyInfo", "partnerID", "userID"]
- )
- @XmlRootElement(name = "SignaturePubKeyOrderData")
- class SignaturePubKeyOrderData {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SignaturePubKeyInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var signaturePubKeyInfo: SignaturePubKeyInfoType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PartnerID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var partnerID: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "UserID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var userID: String
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s001/UserSignatureData.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s001/UserSignatureData.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eb5e0ed..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s001/UserSignatureData.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s001
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-@XmlRootElement(name = "UserSignatureData")
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["orderSignatureList"])
-class UserSignatureData {
- @XmlElement(name = "OrderSignatureData", type = OrderSignatureData::class)
- var orderSignatureList: List<OrderSignatureData>? = null
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["signatureVersion", "signatureValue", "partnerID", "userID"])
- class OrderSignatureData {
- @XmlElement(name = "SignatureVersion")
- lateinit var signatureVersion: String
- @XmlElement(name = "SignatureValue")
- lateinit var signatureValue: ByteArray
- @XmlElement(name = "PartnerID")
- lateinit var partnerID: String
- @XmlElement(name = "UserID")
- lateinit var userID: String
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s001/ b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s001/
deleted file mode 100644
index adda5875..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s001/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * This file defines the default namespace for the JAXB bindings
- * defined in the package.
- */
- namespace = "",
- elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s001;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s002/SignatureTypes.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s002/SignatureTypes.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index c1d48e9b..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s002/SignatureTypes.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2019 Stanisci and Dold.
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s002
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter
-import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
-object SignatureTypes {
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "PubKeyValueType", namespace = "", propOrder = [
- "rsaKeyValue",
- "timeStamp"
- ]
- )
- class PubKeyValueType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "RSAKeyValue", namespace = "", required = true)
- lateinit var rsaKeyValue: RSAKeyValueType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "TimeStamp")
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
- var timeStamp: XMLGregorianCalendar? = null
- }
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = [
- "x509Data",
- "pubKeyValue",
- "signatureVersion"
- ]
- )
- class SignaturePubKeyInfoType {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "X509Data")
- var x509Data: X509DataType? = null
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PubKeyValue", required = true)
- lateinit var pubKeyValue: PubKeyValueType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SignatureVersion", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- lateinit var signatureVersion: String
- }
- /**
- * EBICS INI payload.
- */
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(
- name = "",
- propOrder = ["signaturePubKeyInfo", "partnerID", "userID"]
- )
- @XmlRootElement(name = "SignaturePubKeyOrderData")
- class SignaturePubKeyOrderData {
- @get:XmlElement(name = "SignaturePubKeyInfo", required = true)
- lateinit var signaturePubKeyInfo: SignaturePubKeyInfoType
- @get:XmlElement(name = "PartnerID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var partnerID: String
- @get:XmlElement(name = "UserID", required = true)
- @get:XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter::class)
- @get:XmlSchemaType(name = "token")
- lateinit var userID: String
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s002/UserSignatureDataEbics3.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s002/UserSignatureDataEbics3.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 082d0681..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s002/UserSignatureDataEbics3.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s002
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*
-@XmlRootElement(name = "UserSignatureData")
-@XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["orderSignatureList"])
-class UserSignatureDataEbics3 {
- @XmlElement(name = "OrderSignatureData", type = OrderSignatureData::class)
- var orderSignatureList: List<OrderSignatureData>? = null
- @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
- @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = ["signatureVersion", "signatureValue", "partnerID", "userID"])
- class OrderSignatureData {
- @XmlElement(name = "SignatureVersion")
- lateinit var signatureVersion: String
- @XmlElement(name = "SignatureValue")
- lateinit var signatureValue: ByteArray
- @XmlElement(name = "PartnerID")
- lateinit var partnerID: String
- @XmlElement(name = "UserID")
- lateinit var userID: String
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s002/ b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s002/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ddb1f77..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/ebics_s002/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * This file defines the default namespace for the JAXB bindings
- * defined in the package.
- */
- namespace = "",
- elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED
-package tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s002;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm;
-import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/version.txt b/ebics/src/main/resources/version.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 359d0539..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/version.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-v0.9.4-git-8aeffb3f \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/camt.052.001.02.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/camt.052.001.02.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 52abd831..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/camt.052.001.02.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1299 +0,0 @@
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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- <xs:enumeration value="TRAS"/>
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- <xs:enumeration value="CACC"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SVGS"/>
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- <xs:enumeration value="MGLD"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="NREX"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MOMA"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="LOAN"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SLRY"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="ODFT"/>
- </xs:restriction>
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- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- <xs:element name="NbOfDays" type="Max15PlusSignedNumericText"/>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- <xs:enumeration value="SHAR"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SLEV"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
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- <xs:enumeration value="BRKF"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="COMM"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
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- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ChargeType1Code"/>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code"/>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- <xs:element name="ClrSysId" type="ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="MmbId" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
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- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{2,2}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="CreditDebitCode">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="CRDT"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="DBIT"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
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- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Incl" type="TrueFalseIndicator"/>
- <xs:element name="Amt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Tp" type="CreditorReferenceType2" minOccurs="0"/>
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- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- <xs:element name="Cd" type="DocumentType3Code"/>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="CdOrPrtry" type="CreditorReferenceType1Choice"/>
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- </xs:complexType>
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- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:choice>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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index 0dc3b77e..00000000
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
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- </xs:restriction>
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- </xs:restriction>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:restriction>
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- </xs:restriction>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:choice>
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- </xs:choice>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:choice>
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- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:choice>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:choice>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
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- </xs:sequence>
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- <xs:element name="NtryDtls" type="EntryDetails1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <xs:element name="AddtlNtryInf" type="Max500Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="ReportingSource1Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalReportingSource1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="ReturnReason5Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalReturnReason1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="ReturnReasonInformation10">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="OrgnlBkTxCd" type="BankTransactionCodeStructure4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Orgtr" type="PartyIdentification32" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Rsn" type="ReturnReason5Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="AddtlInf" type="Max105Text" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="SecurityIdentification4Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="ISIN" type="ISINIdentifier"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="AlternateSecurityIdentification2"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="StructuredRemittanceInformation7">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="RfrdDocInf" type="ReferredDocumentInformation3" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <xs:element name="RfrdDocAmt" type="RemittanceAmount1" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtrRefInf" type="CreditorReferenceInformation2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Invcr" type="PartyIdentification32" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Invcee" type="PartyIdentification32" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="AddtlRmtInf" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TaxAmount1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Rate" type="PercentageRate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TaxblBaseAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TtlAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Dtls" type="TaxRecordDetails1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TaxAuthorisation1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Titl" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TaxCharges2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Rate" type="PercentageRate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Amt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TaxInformation3">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Cdtr" type="TaxParty1" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Dbtr" type="TaxParty2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="AdmstnZn" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RefNb" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Mtd" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TtlTaxblBaseAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TtlTaxAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Dt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="SeqNb" type="Number" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Rcrd" type="TaxRecord1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TaxParty1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="TaxId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RegnId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TaxTp" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TaxParty2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="TaxId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RegnId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TaxTp" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Authstn" type="TaxAuthorisation1" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TaxPeriod1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Yr" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Tp" type="TaxRecordPeriod1Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="FrToDt" type="DatePeriodDetails" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TaxRecord1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Tp" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Ctgy" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtgyDtls" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="DbtrSts" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CertId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="FrmsCd" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Prd" type="TaxPeriod1" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TaxAmt" type="TaxAmount1" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="AddtlInf" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TaxRecordDetails1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Prd" type="TaxPeriod1" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Amt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="TaxRecordPeriod1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="MM01"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MM02"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MM03"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MM04"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MM05"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MM06"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MM07"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MM08"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MM09"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MM10"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MM11"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MM12"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="QTR1"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="QTR2"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="QTR3"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="QTR4"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="HLF1"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="HLF2"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="TechnicalInputChannel1Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalTechnicalInputChannel1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TotalTransactions2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="TtlNtries" type="NumberAndSumOfTransactions2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TtlCdtNtries" type="NumberAndSumOfTransactions1" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TtlDbtNtries" type="NumberAndSumOfTransactions1" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TtlNtriesPerBkTxCd" type="TotalsPerBankTransactionCode2" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TotalsPerBankTransactionCode2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="NbOfNtries" type="Max15NumericText" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Sum" type="DecimalNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TtlNetNtryAmt" type="DecimalNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtDbtInd" type="CreditDebitCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="FcstInd" type="TrueFalseIndicator" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="BkTxCd" type="BankTransactionCodeStructure4"/>
- <xs:element name="Avlbty" type="CashBalanceAvailability2" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TransactionAgents2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="DbtrAgt" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtrAgt" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="IntrmyAgt1" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="IntrmyAgt2" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="IntrmyAgt3" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RcvgAgt" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="DlvrgAgt" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="IssgAgt" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="SttlmPlc" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="ProprietaryAgent2" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TransactionDates2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="AccptncDtTm" type="ISODateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TradActvtyCtrctlSttlmDt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TradDt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="IntrBkSttlmDt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="StartDt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="EndDt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TxDtTm" type="ISODateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="ProprietaryDate2" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TransactionInterest2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Amt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtDbtInd" type="CreditDebitCode"/>
- <xs:element name="Tp" type="InterestType1Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Rate" type="Rate3" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <xs:element name="FrToDt" type="DateTimePeriodDetails" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Rsn" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TransactionParty2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="InitgPty" type="PartyIdentification32" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Dbtr" type="PartyIdentification32" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="DbtrAcct" type="CashAccount16" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="UltmtDbtr" type="PartyIdentification32" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Cdtr" type="PartyIdentification32" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtrAcct" type="CashAccount16" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="UltmtCdtr" type="PartyIdentification32" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TradgPty" type="PartyIdentification32" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="ProprietaryParty2" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TransactionPrice2Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="DealPric" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="ProprietaryPrice2" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TransactionQuantities1Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Qty" type="FinancialInstrumentQuantityChoice"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="ProprietaryQuantity1"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TransactionReferences2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="MsgId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="AcctSvcrRef" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PmtInfId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="InstrId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="EndToEndId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TxId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="MndtId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ChqNb" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ClrSysRef" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="ProprietaryReference1" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="TrueFalseIndicator">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="YesNoIndicator">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
- </xs:simpleType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_H004.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_H004.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index c5f7ec2c..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_H004.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H004" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H004" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_H004.xsd inkludiert alle Schemadateien des EBICS-Protokolls, um die Eindeutigkeit von Element- und Typnamen im EBCIS Namespace zu erzwingen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ebics_H004.xsd includes all schema files for the EBICS protocol in order to enforce unique element and type names in the EBICS namespace.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_request_H004.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_response_H004.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_keymgmt_request_H004.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_keymgmt_response_H004.xsd"/>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_H005.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_H005.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 149bf263..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_H005.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H005" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H005" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_H005.xsd inkludiert alle Schemadateien des EBICS-Protokolls, um die Eindeutigkeit von Element- und Typnamen im EBCIS Namespace zu erzwingen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ebics_H005.xsd includes all schema files for the EBICS protocol in order to enforce unique element and type names in the EBICS namespace.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_request_H005.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_response_H005.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_keymgmt_request_H005.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_keymgmt_response_H005.xsd"/>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_hev.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_hev.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ee84587..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_hev.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:ebics="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_hev.xsd ist das EBICS-Protokollschema entweder für Anfragen oder Rückmeldungen der Bank zu unterstützten EBICS-Versionen.</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">ebics_hev.xsd is the appropriate EBICS protocol schema either for requests or responses according the EBICS versions supported by a bank.</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:simpleType name="HostIDType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Host-ID.</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Dataype for Host-ID.</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
- <xs:maxLength value="35"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="OrderTBaseType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für allgemeine Auftragsarten (Grundtyp).</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Datatype for general order types (basic type).</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
- <xs:length value="3"/>
- <xs:pattern value="HEV"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ReturnCodeType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Antwortcodes.</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Datatype for the return code</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
- <xs:length value="6"/>
- <xs:pattern value="\d{6}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ReportTextType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Erklärungstext zum Antwortcode.</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Datatype for report text with respect to the return code</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:restriction base="xs:normalizedString">
- <xs:maxLength value="256"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="VersionNumberType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Versionsnummer</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Datatype for a release number </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
- <xs:length value="5"/>
- <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{2}[.][0-9]{2}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ProtocolVersionType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Versionsnummer des EBICS-schemas</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Datatype for release-number of the EBICS scheme</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
- <xs:length value="4"/>
- <xs:pattern value="H\d{3}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="SystemReturnCodeType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für technische Fehler.</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Datatype for technical error</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="ReturnCode" type="ebics:ReturnCodeType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Rückmeldung des Ausführungsstatus mit einer eindeutigen Fehlernummer.</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Confirmation of the carried out status with a unique error code.</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:element>
- <xs:element name="ReportText" type="ebics:ReportTextType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Klartext der Rückmeldung des Ausführungsstatus.</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Clear text of the response (carried out status).</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:element>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="HEVRequestDataType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Request-Daten</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for Request data</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType"/>
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="HEVResponseDataType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Datentyp für die Response-Daten</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for Request data</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="SystemReturnCode" type="ebics:SystemReturnCodeType"/>
- <xs:element name="VersionNumber" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Von der Bank unterstützte EBICS-Versionen, z.B. 2.4</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">EBICS-releases supported by the bank, e.g. 2.4</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleContent>
- <xs:extension base="ebics:VersionNumberType">
- <xs:attribute name="ProtocolVersion" type="ebics:ProtocolVersionType" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">der EBICS-Version eindeutig zugeordnete Schema-Version, z.B. H003</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">EBICS-scheme-version, e.g. H003, well-defined for EBICS-release-Version</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- </xs:extension>
- </xs:simpleContent>
- </xs:complexType>
- </xs:element>
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:element name="ebicsHEVRequest" type="ebics:HEVRequestDataType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Requestdaten</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">request data</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:element>
- <xs:element name="ebicsHEVResponse" type="ebics:HEVResponseDataType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="de">Responsedaten</xs:documentation>
- <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">response data</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:element>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_request_H004.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_request_H004.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a3d2b0b..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_request_H004.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- Mit XMLSpy v2008 rel. 2 sp2 ( von benutzerservice benutzerservice (SIZ GmbH) bearbeitet -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H004" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H004" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_keymgmt_request_H004.xsd ist das EBICS-Protokollschema für Schlüsselmanagement-Anfragen (HIA, HPB, HSA, INI).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </import>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_types_H004.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_orders_H004.xsd"/>
- <complexType name="StaticHeaderBaseType" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header (allgemein).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hostname des Banksystems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Nonce" type="ebics:NonceType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zufallswert; damit wird die Initialisierungsnachricht des Clients einzigartig; nur anzugeben, falls Authentifikationssignatur vorhanden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">aktueller Zeitstempel zur Begrenzung der serverseitigen Nonce-Speicherung; nur anzugeben, falls Authentifikationssignatur vorhanden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des serverseitig administrierten Kunden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des serverseitig zu diesem Kunden administrierten Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SystemID" type="ebics:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">technische User-ID für Multi-User-Systeme.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Product" type="ebics:ProductElementType" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:OrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SecurityMedium" type="ebics:SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angabe des Sicherheitsmediums, das der Kunde verwendet.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="OrderDetailsType" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für OrderDetails im statischen EBICS-Header (allgemein).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderAttribute" type="ebics:OrderAttributeBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsattribut.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ProductElementType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Element mit Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:ProductType">
- <attribute name="Language" type="ebics:LanguageType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sprachkennzeichen der Kundenproduktversion (gemäß ISO 639).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="InstituteID" type="ebics:InstituteIDType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Herausgebers des Kundenprodukts bzw. des betreuenden Kreditinstituts.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="EmptyMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den leeren variablen EBICS-Header von Key Managemen Aufträgen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <element name="ebicsUnsecuredRequest">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Anfragestruktur für ungesicherte Auftragsarten HIA (Authentifikations- und Verschlüsselungsschlüssel senden) und INI (bankfachllichen Schlüssel senden).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static" type="ebics:UnsecuredRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:EmptyMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element name="DataTransfer">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer von Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderDataType">
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="UnsecuredRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header bei ungesicherten Sendeauftragsarten (Aufträge HIA und INI): kein Nonce, kein Timestamp, keine EU-Datei, keine X001 Authentifizierung, keine Verschlüsselung, keine Digests der öffentlichen Bankschlüssel, Nutzdaten komprimiert, Auftragsattribut DZNNN</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:StaticHeaderBaseType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hostname des Banksystems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Nonce" type="ebics:NonceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zufallswert; damit wird die Initialisierungsnachricht des Clients einzigartig; nicht anzugeben für ebicsUnsecuredRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">aktueller Zeitstempel zur Begrenzung der serverseitigen Nonce-Speicherung; nicht anzugeben für ebicsUnsecuredRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des serverseitig administrierten Kunden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des serverseitig zu diesem Kunden administrierten Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SystemID" type="ebics:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">technische User-ID für Multi-User-Systeme.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Product" type="ebics:ProductElementType" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:UnsecuredReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SecurityMedium" type="ebics:SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angabe des Sicherheitsmediums, das der Kunde verwendet.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="UnsecuredReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für OrderDetails im statischen EBICS-Header von ebicsUnsecuredRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:OrderDetailsType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderAttribute" type="ebics:OrderAttributeBaseType" fixed="DZNNN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsattribut: DZNNN.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <element name="ebicsNoPubKeyDigestsRequest">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Anfragestruktur für Auftragsarten ohne Übertragung der Digests der öffentlichen Bankschlüssel (HPB Bankschlüssel abholen).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static" type="ebics:NoPubKeyDigestsRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:EmptyMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:AuthSignature">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Authentifikationssignatur.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält optionale Zertifikate (vorgesehen).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">X.509-Daten des Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="NoPubKeyDigestsRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header bei Aufträgen ohne Übertragung der Digests der Bankschlüssel (Auftrag HBP): keine Digests der öffentlichen Bankschlüssel, keine EU-Datei, keine Nutzdaten, OrderId optional!, Nonce, Timestamp, X001 Authentifizierung, Auftragsattribut DZHNN</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:StaticHeaderBaseType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hostname des Banksystems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Nonce" type="ebics:NonceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zufallswert; damit wird die Initialisierungsnachricht des Clients einzigartig.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">aktueller Zeitstempel zur Begrenzung der serverseitigen Nonce-Speicherung.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des serverseitig administrierten Kunden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des serverseitig zu diesem Kunden administrierten Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SystemID" type="ebics:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">technische User-ID für Multi-User-Systeme.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Product" type="ebics:ProductElementType" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:NoPubKeyDigestsReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SecurityMedium" type="ebics:SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angabe des Sicherheitsmediums, das der Kunde verwendet.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="NoPubKeyDigestsReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für OrderDetails im statischen EBICS-Header von ebicsNoPubKeyDigestsRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:OrderDetailsType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderAttribute" type="ebics:OrderAttributeBaseType" fixed="DZHNN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsattribut: DZHNN.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <element name="ebicsUnsignedRequest">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">The structure for uploads contains order data and the ESs, but without an authentication signature and data digest of bank keys.</documentation>
- <documentation>Anfragestruktur für Sendeaufträge mit EU-Datei und Nutzdaten aber ohne Authentifizierungssignatur und Digests der Bankschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains technical transaction data.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static" type="ebics:UnsignedRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains all fixed header entries.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:EmptyMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains all mutable header entries.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains the order data and the ESs.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Auftragsdaten und EUs.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element name="DataTransfer">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transfer of order data and the ESs.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer von Auftragsdaten und EUs.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignatureData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains the ESs.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Signaturdaten (EUs).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SignatureDataType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains the order data</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderDataType">
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="UnsignedRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header für ebicsUnsignedRequest.Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header bei Aufträgen ohne Authentifizierungssignatur (Auftrag HSA): keine X001 Authentifizierung, keine Digests der öffentlichen Bankschlüssel, EU-Datei, Nutzdaten, Nonce, Timestamp, OrderId, Auftragsattribut OZNNN</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:StaticHeaderBaseType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hostname des Banksystems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Nonce" type="ebics:NonceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zufallswert; damit wird die Initialisierungsnachricht des Clients einzigartig; nicht anzugeben bei ebicsUnsignedRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">aktueller Zeitstempel zur Begrenzung der serverseitigen Nonce-Speicherung; nicht anzugeben bei ebicsUnsignedRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des serverseitig administrierten Kunden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des serverseitig zu diesem Kunden administrierten Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SystemID" type="ebics:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">technische User-ID für Multi-User-Systeme.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Product" type="ebics:ProductElementType" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:UnsignedReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SecurityMedium" type="ebics:SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angabe des Sicherheitsmediums, das der Kunde verwendet.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="UnsignedReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für OrderDetails im statischen EBICS-Header von ebicsUnsignedRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:OrderDetailsType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderAttribute" type="ebics:OrderAttributeBaseType" fixed="OZNNN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsattribut: OZNNN.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_request_H005.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_request_H005.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index cb93d3c4..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_request_H005.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2016 sp1 (x64) ( by EBICS Working Group - October 2016 -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H005" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H005" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_keymgmt_request_H005.xsd ist das EBICS-Protokollschema für Schlüsselmanagement-Anfragen (HIA, HPB, HSA, INI).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </import>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_types_H005.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_orders_H005.xsd"/>
- <complexType name="StaticHeaderBaseType" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header (allgemein).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hostname des Banksystems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Nonce" type="ebics:NonceType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zufallswert; damit wird die Initialisierungsnachricht des Clients einzigartig; nur anzugeben, falls Authentifikationssignatur vorhanden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">aktueller Zeitstempel zur Begrenzung der serverseitigen Nonce-Speicherung; nur anzugeben, falls Authentifikationssignatur vorhanden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des serverseitig administrierten Kunden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des serverseitig zu diesem Kunden administrierten Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SystemID" type="ebics:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">technische User-ID für Multi-User-Systeme.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Product" type="ebics:ProductElementType" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:OrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SecurityMedium" type="ebics:SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angabe des Sicherheitsmediums, das der Kunde verwendet.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="OrderDetailsType" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für OrderDetails im statischen EBICS-Header (allgemein).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AdminOrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ProductElementType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Element mit Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:ProductType">
- <attribute name="Language" type="ebics:LanguageType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sprachkennzeichen der Kundenproduktversion (gemäß ISO 639).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="InstituteID" type="ebics:InstituteIDType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Herausgebers des Kundenprodukts bzw. des betreuenden Kreditinstituts.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="EmptyMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den leeren variablen EBICS-Header von Key Managemen Aufträgen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <element name="ebicsUnsecuredRequest">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Anfragestruktur für ungesicherte Auftragsarten HIA (Authentifikations- und Verschlüsselungsschlüssel senden) und INI (bankfachllichen Schlüssel senden).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static" type="ebics:UnsecuredRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:EmptyMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element name="DataTransfer">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer von Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderDataType">
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="UnsecuredRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header bei ungesicherten Sendeauftragsarten (Aufträge HIA und INI): kein Nonce, kein Timestamp, keine EU-Datei, keine X001 Authentifizierung, keine Verschlüsselung, keine Digests der öffentlichen Bankschlüssel, Nutzdaten komprimiert</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:StaticHeaderBaseType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hostname des Banksystems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Nonce" type="ebics:NonceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zufallswert; damit wird die Initialisierungsnachricht des Clients einzigartig; nicht anzugeben für ebicsUnsecuredRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">aktueller Zeitstempel zur Begrenzung der serverseitigen Nonce-Speicherung; nicht anzugeben für ebicsUnsecuredRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des serverseitig administrierten Kunden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des serverseitig zu diesem Kunden administrierten Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SystemID" type="ebics:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">technische User-ID für Multi-User-Systeme.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Product" type="ebics:ProductElementType" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:UnsecuredReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SecurityMedium" type="ebics:SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angabe des Sicherheitsmediums, das der Kunde verwendet.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="UnsecuredReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für OrderDetails im statischen EBICS-Header von ebicsUnsecuredRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:OrderDetailsType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="AdminOrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <element name="ebicsNoPubKeyDigestsRequest">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Anfragestruktur für Auftragsarten ohne Übertragung der Digests der öffentlichen Bankschlüssel (HPB Bankschlüssel abholen).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static" type="ebics:NoPubKeyDigestsRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:EmptyMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:AuthSignature">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Authentifikationssignatur.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält optionale Zertifikate (vorgesehen).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">X.509-Daten des Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="NoPubKeyDigestsRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header bei Aufträgen ohne Übertragung der Digests der Bankschlüssel (Auftrag HBP): keine Digests der öffentlichen Bankschlüssel, keine EU-Datei, keine Nutzdaten, OrderId optional!, Nonce, Timestamp, X001 Authentifizierung, Auftragsattribut DZHNN</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:StaticHeaderBaseType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hostname des Banksystems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Nonce" type="ebics:NonceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zufallswert; damit wird die Initialisierungsnachricht des Clients einzigartig.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">aktueller Zeitstempel zur Begrenzung der serverseitigen Nonce-Speicherung.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des serverseitig administrierten Kunden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des serverseitig zu diesem Kunden administrierten Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SystemID" type="ebics:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">technische User-ID für Multi-User-Systeme.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Product" type="ebics:ProductElementType" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:NoPubKeyDigestsReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SecurityMedium" type="ebics:SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angabe des Sicherheitsmediums, das der Kunde verwendet.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="NoPubKeyDigestsReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"> Datentyp für OrderDetails im statischen EBICS-Header von ebicsNoPubKeyDigestsRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:OrderDetailsType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="AdminOrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <element name="ebicsUnsignedRequest">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">The structure for uploads contains order data and the ESs, but without an authentication signature and data digest of bank keys.</documentation>
- <documentation>Anfragestruktur für Sendeaufträge mit EU-Datei und Nutzdaten aber ohne Authentifizierungssignatur und Digests der Bankschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains technical transaction data.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static" type="ebics:UnsignedRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains all fixed header entries.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:EmptyMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains all mutable header entries.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains the order data and the ESs.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Auftragsdaten und EUs.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element name="DataTransfer">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transfer of order data and the ESs.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer von Auftragsdaten und EUs.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignatureData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains the ESs.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Signaturdaten (EUs).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SignatureDataType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Contains the order data</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderDataType">
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="UnsignedRequestStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header für ebicsUnsignedRequest.Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header bei Aufträgen ohne Authentifizierungssignatur (Auftrag HSA): keine X001 Authentifizierung, keine Digests der öffentlichen Bankschlüssel, EU-Datei, Nutzdaten, Nonce, Timestamp, OrderId, Auftragsattribut OZNNN</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:StaticHeaderBaseType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hostname des Banksystems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Nonce" type="ebics:NonceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zufallswert; damit wird die Initialisierungsnachricht des Clients einzigartig; nicht anzugeben bei ebicsUnsignedRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">aktueller Zeitstempel zur Begrenzung der serverseitigen Nonce-Speicherung; nicht anzugeben bei ebicsUnsignedRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des serverseitig administrierten Kunden.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des serverseitig zu diesem Kunden administrierten Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SystemID" type="ebics:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">technische User-ID für Multi-User-Systeme.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Product" type="ebics:ProductElementType" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:UnsignedReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SecurityMedium" type="ebics:SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angabe des Sicherheitsmediums, das der Kunde verwendet.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="UnsignedReqOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für OrderDetails im statischen EBICS-Header von ebicsUnsignedRequest.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:OrderDetailsType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="AdminOrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_response_H004.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_response_H004.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de6984f..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_response_H004.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- Mit XMLSpy v2008 rel. 2 sp2 ( von benutzerservice benutzerservice (SIZ GmbH) bearbeitet -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H004" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H004" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_keymgmt_response_H004.xsd ist das EBICS-Protokollschema für Schlüsselmanagement-Antwortnachrichten (HIA, HPB, HSA, INI).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </import>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_types_H004.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_orders_H004.xsd"/>
- <element name="ebicsKeyManagementResponse">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard des Zentralen Kreditausschusses (ZKA): Multibankfähige Schnittstelle zur internetbasierten Kommunikation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:KeyMgmntResponseMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Auftragsdaten und den fachlichen ReturnCode.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="DataTransfer" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer von Auftragsdaten; nur bei Download anzugeben (HPB).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="DataEncryptionInfo">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zur Verschlüsselung der Auftragsdaten</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:DataEncryptionInfoType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderDataType">
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="ReturnCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Antwortcode für den vorangegangenen Transfer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:ReturnCodeType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="TimestampBankParameter" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitstempel der letzten Aktualisierung der Bankparameter; nur in der Initialisierungsphase anzugeben.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:TimestampType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="KeyMgmntResponseMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den variablen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer von Sendeaufträgen gemäß DFÜ-Abkommen (used for all key management order types except download order type HPB).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ReturnCode" type="ebics:ReturnCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rückmeldung des Ausführungsstatus mit einer eindeutigen Fehlernummer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ReportText" type="ebics:ReportTextType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Klartext der Rückmeldung des Ausführungsstatus.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_response_H005.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_response_H005.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index dfc33909..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_keymgmt_response_H005.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2016 sp1 (x64) ( by EBICS Working Group - October 2016 -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H005" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H005" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_keymgmt_response_H005.xsd ist das EBICS-Protokollschema für Schlüsselmanagement-Antwortnachrichten (HIA, HPB, HSA, INI).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </import>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_types_H005.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_orders_H005.xsd"/>
- <element name="ebicsKeyManagementResponse">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard des Zentralen Kreditausschusses (ZKA): Multibankfähige Schnittstelle zur internetbasierten Kommunikation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:KeyMgmntResponseMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Auftragsdaten und den fachlichen ReturnCode.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="DataTransfer" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer von Auftragsdaten; nur bei Download anzugeben (HPB).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="DataEncryptionInfo">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zur Verschlüsselung der Auftragsdaten</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:DataEncryptionInfoType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderDataType">
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="ReturnCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Antwortcode für den vorangegangenen Transfer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:ReturnCodeType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="TimestampBankParameter" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitstempel der letzten Aktualisierung der Bankparameter; nur in der Initialisierungsphase anzugeben.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:TimestampType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="KeyMgmntResponseMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den variablen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer von Sendeaufträgen gemäß DFÜ-Abkommen (used for all key management order types except download order type HPB).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ReturnCode" type="ebics:ReturnCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rückmeldung des Ausführungsstatus mit einer eindeutigen Fehlernummer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ReportText" type="ebics:ReportTextType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Klartext der Rückmeldung des Ausführungsstatus.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_orders_H004.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_orders_H004.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index dfb3914b..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_orders_H004.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1892 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- Mit XMLSpy v2008 rel. 2 ( von Sabine Wenzel (SIZ Bonn) bearbeitet -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:esig="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H004" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H004" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_orders_H004.xsd enthält auftragsbezogene Referenzelemente und auftragsbezogene Typdefinitionen für EBICS.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ebics_orders_H004.xsd contains order-based reference elements and order-based type definitions for EBICS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="ebics_signatures.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_types_H004.xsd"/>
- <!--Es folgen die Elementdefinitionen für neue EBICS-Auftragsarten (Hxx). Die XML-Klartext-Struktur wird im EBICS-Auftragsdatenkontext binär interpretiert.-->
- <element name="EBICSOrderData" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Klartext-Auftragsdaten für neue EBICS-Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data in XML format for new EBICS order types.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HAAResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HAAResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HAA (Antwort: abrufbare Auftragsarten abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HAA (response: receive downloadable order types).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HCARequestOrderData" type="ebics:HCARequestOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HCA (Anfrage: Änderung der Teilnehmerschlüssel für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HCA (request: replace user's keys for authentication and encryption).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HCSRequestOrderData" type="ebics:HCSRequestOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HCS (Anfrage: Schlüsselwechsel aller Schlüssel).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HCS (request: replace all keys).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HIARequestOrderData" type="ebics:HIARequestOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HIA (Anfrage: Initialisierung der Teilnehmerschlüssel für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HIA (request: initialise user's keys for authentication and encryption).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="H3KRequestOrderData" type="ebics:H3KRequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type H3K (request: initialise all three user's keys).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart H3K (Anfrage: Initialisierung aller drei Teilnehmerschlüssel).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HSARequestOrderData" type="ebics:HSARequestOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HSA (Anfrage: Initialisierung der Teilnehmerschlüssel für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung, bankfachlich signiert mit Signaturschlüssel aus FTAM).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HSA (request: initialise the user's keys for authentication and encryption; this request is signed using the user's FTAM signature key).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HKDResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HKDResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HKD (Antwort: Kunden- und Teilnehmerdaten des Kunden abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HKD (response: receive customer-based information on the customer and the customer's users).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <key name="HKDAccountKey">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Schlüssel zur Identifikation des Kontos.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Key for the identification of the account.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <selector xpath="./ebics:PartnerInfo/ebics:AccountInfo"/>
- <field xpath="@ID"/>
- </key>
- <keyref name="HKDAccountRef" refer="ebics:HKDAccountKey">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Referenz auf die Konten-Identifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Reference to the account identification keys.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <selector xpath="./ebics:UserInfo/ebics:Permission"/>
- <field xpath="ebics:AccountID"/>
- </keyref>
- </element>
- <element name="HPBResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HPBResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HPB (Antwort: Transfer der Bankschlüssel).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HPB (response: receive bank's public keys).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HPDResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HPDResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HPD (Antwort: Bankparameter abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HPD (response: receive bank parameters).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HTDResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HTDReponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HTD (Antwort: Kunden- und Teilnehmerdaten des Teilnehmers abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HTD (response: receive user-based information on the user's customer and the user herself/himself).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <key name="HTDAccountKey">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Schlüssel zur Identifikation des Kontos.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Key for the identification of the account.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <selector xpath="./ebics:PartnerInfo/ebics:AccountInfo"/>
- <field xpath="@ID"/>
- </key>
- <keyref name="HTDAccountRef" refer="ebics:HTDAccountKey">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Referenz auf die Konten-Identifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Reference to the account identification keys.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <selector xpath="./ebics:UserInfo/ebics:Permission"/>
- <field xpath="ebics:AccountID"/>
- </keyref>
- </element>
- <element name="HVDResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HVDResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVD (Antwort: VEU-Status abrufen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVD (response: receive the status of an order currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVSRequestOrderData" type="ebics:HVSRequestOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVS (Anfrage: VEU-Storno).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVS (request: reject an order currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVTResponseOrderData" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVT (Antwort: VEU-Transaktionsdetails abrufen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVT (response: receive transaction details of an order currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:HVTResponseOrderDataType"/>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="HVUResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HVUResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVU (Antwort: VEU-Übersicht abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVU (response: receive summary of orders currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVZResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HVZResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVZ (Antwort: VEU-Übersicht mit Zusatzinformationen abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVZ (response: receive summary of orders currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit with additional information).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!--Es folgen die Elementdefinitionen für die EU. Die XML-Klartext-Struktur wird im EBICS-Signaturdatenkontext binär interpretiert.-->
- <element name="EBICSSignatureData" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Strukturen für bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschriften (EUs).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the digital signatures.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="BankSignatureData" type="ebics:BankSignatureDataSigBookType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSSignatureData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die EU des Kreditinstituts.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the digital signatures.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!--Es folgen die Elementdefinitionen für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter. Die XML-Klartext-Struktur wird in die Headerdaten eingebettet.-->
- <element name="OrderParams" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter, die zur Ausführung des Auftrags notwendig sind.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters required to execute the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVDOrderParams" type="ebics:HVDOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVD.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVD.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVEOrderParams" type="ebics:HVEOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVE.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVE.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVSOrderParams" type="ebics:HVSOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVS.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVTOrderParams" type="ebics:HVTOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVT.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVT.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVUOrderParams" type="ebics:HVUOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVU.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVU.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVZOrderParams" type="ebics:HVZOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVZ.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVZ.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="FULOrderParams" type="ebics:FULOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart FUL.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type FUL.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="FDLOrderParams" type="ebics:FDLOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart FDL.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type FDL.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="StandardOrderParams" type="ebics:StandardOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Standard-Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for standard order types.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="GenericOrderParams" type="ebics:GenericOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für beliebige Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for generic order types.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!--Es folgen Elementgruppen- und Strukturdefinitionen.-->
- <group name="HVRequestStructure">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Standard-Requeststruktur für HVx-Aufträge (HVD, HVT, HVE, HVS).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Standard request structure for HVx orders (HVD, HVT, HVE, HVS).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Standard-Requestdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Standard request data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des Einreichers des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Customer ID of the presenter of the selected order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order type of the selected order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="FileFormat" type="ebics:FileFormatType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Identifizierung des Dateiformats im Falle von FUL/FDL</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Identification of the file format in the case of FUL/FDL</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order ID of the selected order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </group>
- <attributeGroup name="AuthenticationMarker">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Marker für Elemente und deren Substrukturen, die authentifiziert werden sollen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Marker for elements and their substructures that are to be authenticated.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="authenticate" type="boolean" use="required" fixed="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Das zugehörige Element ist mitsamt seinen Unterstrukturen zu authentifizieren.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">The element (and its substructures) that belongs to this attribute is to be authenticated.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </attributeGroup>
- <attributeGroup name="OptSupportFlag">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">optionales Support-Flag, Default = true.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">optional support flag, default = true.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="supported" type="boolean" use="optional" default="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Wird die Funktion unterstützt?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is this function supported?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </attributeGroup>
- <attributeGroup name="SignerPermission">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">EU-Berechtigungsinformationen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">permission information of a user's digital signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="AuthorisationLevel" type="ebics:AuthorisationLevelType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Unterschriftsberechtigung des Teilnehmers, der unterzeichnet hat.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Authorisation level of the user that signed the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </attributeGroup>
- <!--Es folgen Typdefinitionen für auftragsbezogene komplexe Typen.-->
- <complexType name="BankSignatureDataSigBookType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Signaturdaten des Kreditinstituts beim EU-Transfer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for digital signature data transferred using EBICS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderSignature" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschrift.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digital signature (either autorising an order or applied for transportation).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SignatureType"/>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PreValidationRequestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Vorabprüfung (Anfrage).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for pre-validation (request).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Client sendet den Hashwert der Auftragsdaten und alle weiteren Daten, die er im Rahmen der Vorabprüfung zur Verfügung stellen will</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="DataDigest" type="ebics:DataDigestType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert der zu übertragenden Auftragsdatendatei für die Vorabprüfung.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AccountAuthorisation" type="ebics:PreValidationAccountAuthType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontoangabe zur Kontoberechtigung für diesen Zahlungsverkehrsauftrag bei der Vorabprüfung.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PreValidationAccountAuthType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Kontenberechtigungsdaten zur Vorabprüfung.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="Amount" type="ebics:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Summe der Zahlungsverkehrsaufträge dieses Kontos für die Höchstbetragsprüfung der EU.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total sum of the ordered payments regarding this account in order to check the maximum amount limit of the signature permission grades.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="DataTransferRequestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Transfer von Auftragsdaten (Anfrage).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <choice>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transaktionsphase?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Initialisierungsphase: Transfer der Signaturdaten (EUs) und des Transaktionsschlüssels.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="DataEncryptionInfo">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Information zur Verschlüsselung der Signatur- und Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:DataEncryptionInfoType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="SignatureData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Signaturdaten (EUs).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SignatureDataType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transferphase: Transfer von Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="OrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderDataType">
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </choice>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="DataTransferResponseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Transfer von Auftragsdaten (Antwort).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <sequence minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer des Sitzungsschlüssels und (optional) der Signaturdaten (EUs); nur in der Initialisierungsphase anzugeben.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="DataEncryptionInfo">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Information zur Verschlüsselung der Signatur- und Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:DataEncryptionInfoType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="SignatureData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Signaturdaten (EUs).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SignatureDataType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <element name="OrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderDataType">
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="TransferReceiptRequestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Transfer von Transferquittungen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="ReceiptCode" type="ebics:ReceiptCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Quittierungscode für Auftragsdatentransfer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="TransferReceiptResponseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Transfer von Antwortcodes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="ReturnCodeReceipt" type="ebics:ReturnCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Antwortcode für den vorangegangenen Transfer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="TimestampBankParameter" type="ebics:TimestampType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitstempel der letzten Aktualisierung der Bankparameter.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HAAResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HAA (Antwort: abrufbare Auftragsarten abholen).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderTypes" type="ebics:OrderTListType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Liste von Auftragsarten, für die Daten bereit stehen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HCARequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HCA (Anfrage: Änderung der Teilnehmerschlüssel für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Authentifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="EncryptionPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:EncryptionPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HCSRequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HCS (Anfrage: Schlüsselwechsel aller Schlüssel).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Authentifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="EncryptionPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:EncryptionPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="esig:SignaturePubKeyInfo"/>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HIARequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HIA (Anfrage: Initialisierung der Teilnehmerschlüssel für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Authentifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="EncryptionPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:EncryptionPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="H3KRequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart H3K (Anfrage: Initialisierung aller drei Teilnehmerschlüssel).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order type for order data H3K (request: initialise all three user's keys).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignatureCertificateInfo" type="ebics:SignatureCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Key for electronic Signature</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Signaturschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AuthenticationCertificateInfo" type="ebics:AuthenticationCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Authentication key</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Authentifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="EncryptionCertificateInfo" type="ebics:EncryptionCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Encryption key</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">PartnerID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">UserID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HSARequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HSA (Anfrage: Initialisierung der Teilnehmerschlüssel für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung, bankfachlich signiert mit FTAM-Schlüssel).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Authentifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="EncryptionPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:EncryptionPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HKDResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HKD (Antwort: Kunden- und Teilnehmerdaten des Kunden abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HKD (response: receive customer based information on the customer and the customer's user.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="PartnerInfo" type="ebics:PartnerInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kundendaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Customer data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserInfo" type="ebics:UserInfoType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmerdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">User data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HPBResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HPB (Antwort: Transfer der Bankschlüssel).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Authentifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="EncryptionPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:EncryptionPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="esig:SignaturePubKeyInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher EU-Signaturschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Banksystem-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HPDResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HPD (Antwort: Bankparameter abholen).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AccessParams" type="ebics:HPDAccessParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zugangsparameter.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ProtocolParams" type="ebics:HPDProtocolParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Protokollparameter.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HPDAccessParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HPD-Zugangsparameter.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="URL" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">institutsspezifische IP-Adresse/URL.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="anyURI">
- <attribute name="valid_from" type="ebics:TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gültigkeitsbeginn für die angegebene URL/IP.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Institute">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Institutsbezeichnung.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="80"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- </element>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Banksystem-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HPDProtocolParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HPD-Protokollparameter.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for HPD's parameters regarding the EBICS protocol.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Version" type="ebics:HPDVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Spezifikation unterstützter Versionen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Specification of supported versions..</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Recovery" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Parameter zur Recovery-Funktion (Wiederaufnahme abgebrochener Übertragungen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Parameter denoting the recovery function (recovery of aborted transmissions).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:OptSupportFlag"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="PreValidation" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Parameter zur Vorabprüfung (über die Übermittlung der EU hinaus).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Parameter denoting the pre-validation (beyond transmission of signatures).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Optionales Support-Flag, Default = true.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Optional support flag, default = true.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:OptSupportFlag"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="X509Data" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Parameter zur X.509-Funktionalität.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Parameter denoting the X.509 functionality.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:OptSupportFlag"/>
- <attribute name="persistent" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sind die X.509-Daten der Teilnehmer serverseitig persistent gespeichert?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Will the user's X.509 data be stored persistently on server side?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="ClientDataDownload" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Parameter zum Download von Kunden- und Teilnehmerdaten (Auftragsarten HKD/HTD).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Parameter denoting the download of customer and user data (order types HKD/HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:OptSupportFlag"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="DownloadableOrderData" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Parameter zum Abruf von Auftragsarten, zu denen Auftragsdaten verfügbar sind (Auftragsart HAA).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Parameter denoting the reception of order types which provides downloadable order data (order type HAA).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:OptSupportFlag"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HPDVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HPD-Versionsinformationen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Protocol">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">unterstützte EBICS-Protokollversionen (H...).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <list itemType="ebics:ProtocolVersionType"/>
- </simpleType>
- </element>
- <element name="Authentication">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">unterstützte Versionen der Authentifikation (X...).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <list itemType="ebics:AuthenticationVersionType"/>
- </simpleType>
- </element>
- <element name="Encryption">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">unterstützte Versionen der Verschlüsselung (E...).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <list itemType="ebics:EncryptionVersionType"/>
- </simpleType>
- </element>
- <element name="Signature">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">unterstützte EU-Versionen (A...).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <list itemType="esig:SignatureVersionType"/>
- </simpleType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HTDReponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HTD (Antwort: Kunden- und Teilnehmerdaten des Teilnehmers abholen).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="PartnerInfo" type="ebics:PartnerInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kundendaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Customer data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserInfo" type="ebics:UserInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmerdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">User data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVDResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVD (Antwort: VEU-Status abrufen).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="DataDigest" type="ebics:DataDigestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert der Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Hash value of the order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="DisplayFile" type="base64Binary">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Begleitzettel/"Displaydatei" (entspricht der Dateianzeige im Kundenprotokoll gemäß DFÜ-Abkommen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Accompanying ticket/"display file" (corresponds to the display file of the customer's journal according to the document "DFÜ-Abkommen").</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDataAvailable" type="boolean">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kann die Auftragsdatei im Originalformat abgeholt werden? (HVT mit completeOrderData=true)</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Can the order file be downloaded in the original format? (HVT with completeOrderData=true)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDataSize" type="positiveInteger">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Größe der unkomprimierten Auftragsdaten in Bytes.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Size of the uncompressed order data (byte count).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetailsAvailable" type="boolean">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Können die Auftragsdetails als XML-Dokument HVTResponseOrderData abgeholt werden? (HVT mit completeOrderData=false)</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Can the order details be downloaded as XML document HVTResponseOrderData? (HVT with completeOrderData=false)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="BankSignature" type="ebics:SignatureType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschrift des Kreditinstituts über Hashwert und Displaydatei.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digital Signature issued by the bank, covering the hash value and the accompanying ticket.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SignerInfo" type="ebics:SignerInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den bisherigen Unterzeichnern.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information about the already existing signers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVDOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVD.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <group ref="ebics:HVRequestStructure"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVEOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVE.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <group ref="ebics:HVRequestStructure"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVSOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <group ref="ebics:HVRequestStructure"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVSRequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVS (Anfrage: VEU-Storno).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="CancelledDataDigest" type="ebics:DataDigestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert der Auftragsdaten des stornierten Auftrags.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVTResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Antwort mit Einzelauftraginfos für Auftragsart HVT (Antwort VEU-Transaktionsdetails abrufen mit completeOrderData="false").</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="NumOrderInfos" type="ebics:NumOrderInfosType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gesamtanzahl der Einzelaufträge für den Auftrag.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total number of order infos for the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderInfo" type="ebics:HVTOrderInfoType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Einzelauftragsinfos.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Particular order content information requested for display matters.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVTAccountInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HVT-Konteninformationen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for account information regarding order type HVT.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AttributedAccountType"/>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVTOrderInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HVT-Auftragsinformationen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderFormat" type="ebics:OrderFormatType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsformat (z.B. DTAZV).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AccountInfo" type="ebics:HVTAccountInfoType" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="3">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">kontobezogene Details des Auftrags (Auftraggeber, Empfänger etc.).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ExecutionDate" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ausführungsdatum.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="date"/>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Amount">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Betrag.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AmountValueType">
- <attribute name="isCredit" type="boolean" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gutschrift (isCredit = "true") oder Lastschrift (isCredit = "false")?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Currency" type="ebics:CurrencyBaseType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Währungscode.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textfeld zur weiteren Beschreibung der Transaktion (Verwendungszweck, Auftragsdetails, Kommentar).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="string">
- <attribute name="Type" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Beschreibungstyp.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <restriction base="token">
- <enumeration value="Purpose">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Verwendungszweck</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Details">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Comment">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kommentar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVTOrderFlagsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HVT-Auftragsflags.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="completeOrderData" type="boolean" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sollen die Transaktionsdetails als Einzelauftragsinfos (completeOrderData=false) oder als komplette Originaldaten (completeOrderData=true) übertragen werden? (Vorschlag für Default=false)</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Are the transaction details so be transmitted as particular order content information requested for display matters or in complete order data file form? (Proposal for Default=false)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="fetchLimit" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Limit für die zu liefernden Transaktionsdetails, bei completeOrderData=false maximale Anzahl zu liefernder Einzelauftragsinfos, 0 für unbegrenzt (Vorschlag für Default=100).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Limit for the transaction details to be transmitted; if completeOrderData=false, maximum number of details of a particular order; 0 for unlimited number of details (Proposal for Default=100).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <totalDigits value="10"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="fetchOffset" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Offset vom Anfang der Originalauftragsdatei für die zu liefernden Transaktionsdetails, bei completeOrderData=false bezogen auf laufende Nummer des Einzelauftrags (Vorschlag für Default=0).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Offset position in the original order file which marks the starting point for the transaction details to be transmitted; applies to the sequential number of a particular order if completeOrderData=false (Proposal for Default=0).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <totalDigits value="10"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVTOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVT.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for additional order parameters for order type HVT.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <group ref="ebics:HVRequestStructure"/>
- <element name="OrderFlags">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">spezielle Flags für HVT-Aufträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Special order flags for orders of type HVT.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:HVTOrderFlagsType"/>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:Parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Generische Schlüssel-Wert-Parameter</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Generic key-value parameters</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVUResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVU (Antwort: VEU-Übersicht abholen).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:HVUOrderDetailsType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsinformationen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVUOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HVU-Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart lt. DFÜ-Abkommen des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Type of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="FileFormat" type="ebics:FileFormatType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Identification of the file format in the case of FUL/FDL</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer lt. DFÜ-Abkommen des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDataSize" type="positiveInteger">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Größe der unkomprimierten Auftragsdaten in Bytes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SigningInfo" type="ebics:HVUSigningInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den Unterschriftsmodalitäten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SignerInfo" type="ebics:SignerInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den bisherigen Unterzeichnern.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OriginatorInfo" type="ebics:HVUOriginatorInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zum Einreicher.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVUOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVU.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderTypes" type="ebics:OrderTListType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Liste von Auftragsarten, für die zur Unterschrift vorliegende Aufträge abgerufen werden sollen; falls nicht angegeben, werden sämtliche für den Teilnehmer unterschriftsfähigen Aufträge abgerufen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVZOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVZ.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderTypes" type="ebics:OrderTListType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Liste von Auftragsarten, für die zur Unterschrift vorliegende Aufträge abgerufen werden sollen; falls nicht angegeben, werden sämtliche für den Teilnehmer unterschriftsfähigen Aufträge abgerufen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">List of order types that the orders ready to be signed by the requesting user should match; if not specified, a list of all orders ready to be signed by the requesting user is returned.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVUSigningInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Informationen zu den HVU-Unterschriftsmodalitäten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="readyToBeSigned" type="boolean" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist der Auftrag unterschriftsreif ("true") oder bereits vom Teilnehmer unterschrieben ("false")?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="NumSigRequired" type="positiveInteger" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Anzahl der insgesamt zur Freigabe erforderlichen EUs.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="NumSigDone" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Anzahl der bereits geleisteten EUs.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVUOriginatorInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Informationen zum Ersteller eines HVU-Auftrags.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des Einreichers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des Einreichers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Name" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Einreichers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitstempel der Einreichung (d.h. der Übertragung der Auftragsdatei).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVZResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVZ (Antwort: VEU-Übersicht mit Zusatzinformationen abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVZ (response: receive summary of orders currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit with additional informations).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:HVZOrderDetailsType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsinformationen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Summary of order information.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVZOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HVZ-Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart lt. DFÜ-Abkommen des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Type of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="FileFormat" type="ebics:FileFormatType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Identification of the file format in the case of FUL/FDL</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer lt. DFÜ-Abkommen des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID number of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="DataDigest" type="ebics:DataDigestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert der Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Hash value of the order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDataAvailable" type="boolean">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kann die Auftragsdatei im Originalformat abgeholt werden? (HVT mit completeOrderData=true).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Can the order file be downloaded in the original format? (HVT with completeOrderData=true)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDataSize" type="positiveInteger">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Größe der unkomprimierten Auftragsdaten in Bytes.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Size of uncompressed order data in Bytes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetailsAvailable" type="boolean">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Können die Auftragsdetails als XML-Dokument HVTResponseOrderData abgeholt werden? (HVT mit completeOrderData=false).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Can the order details be downloaded as XML document HVTResponseOrderData? (HVT with completeOrderData=false)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <group ref="ebics:HVZPaymentOrderDetailsStructure" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zusätzliche Auftragsdetails nur für Zahlungsaufträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order details related to payment orders only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </group>
- <element name="SigningInfo" type="ebics:HVUSigningInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den Unterschriftsmodalitäten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information regarding the signing modalities of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SignerInfo" type="ebics:SignerInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den bisherigen Unterzeichnern.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information regarding the users who already signed the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OriginatorInfo" type="ebics:HVUOriginatorInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zum Einreicher.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information regarding the originator of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <group name="HVZPaymentOrderDetailsStructure">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Standard-Requeststruktur für HVx-Aufträge (HVD, HVT, HVE, HVS).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Standard structure for HVZ OrderDetails related to payment orders</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="TotalOrders" type="nonNegativeInteger" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Anzahl der Zahlungssätze über alle logische Dateien entsprechend Dateianzeige.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total transaction number for all logical files (from dispay file).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="TotalAmount" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Summe der Beträge über alle logische Dateien entsprechend Dateianzeige.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total transaction amount for all logical files (from dispay file).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AmountValueType">
- <attribute name="isCredit" type="boolean" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Nur Gutschriften (isCredit = "true") oder nur Lastschriften (isCredit = "false")? Sonst keine Nutzung des Elements.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Currency" type="ebics:CurrencyBaseType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragswährung (nur bei sortenreinen Zahlungen, sonst keine Angabe).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order currency (only if identical across all transactions, ship otherwise).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="FirstOrderInfo" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen aus Dateianzeige der ersten logischen Datei.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order details from display file for first logical file.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderPartyInfo" type="normalizedString" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftraggeber entsprechend Dateianzeige.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order party information (from display file).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AccountInfo" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Erstes Auftraggeberkonto entsprechend Dateianzeige.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">First order party account (from display file).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <choice maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="AccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer (deutsches Format oder international als IBAN).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account number (German format or international as IBAN).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Kontonummer im deutschen Format (international=false) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, IBAN) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account number given in German format (international=false) or in international format (international=true, IBAN)?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalAccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account number in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalAccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format type.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <choice maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="BankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl (deutsches Format oder international als SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank sort code (German format or international as SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:BankCodeType">
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Bankleitzahl im deutschen Format (international=false, BLZ) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, SWIFT-BIC) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank sort code given in German format (international=false) or in international format (international=true, SWIFT-BIC)?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Prefix" type="ebics:BankCodePrefixType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">nationales Präfix für Bankleitzahlen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">National prefix for bank sort code.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalBankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank sort code in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalBankCodeType">
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format type.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </group>
- <complexType name="SignerInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Informationen zu einem Unterzeichner eines VEU-Auftrags (HVU, HVD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des Unterzeichners.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des Unterzeichners.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Name" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Unterzeichners.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitstempel der Unterzeichnung (d.h. der Übertragung der Unterschrift).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Permission">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Informationen zu den Berechtigungen des Teilnehmers, der unterzeichnet hat.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:SignerPermission"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="UserPermissionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Berechtigungsinformationen des Teilnehmers (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderTypes" type="ebics:OrderTListType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Liste von Auftragsarten, für die die Berechtigung des Teilnehmers gültig ist.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">List of order types which the user's permission belongs to.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="FileFormat" type="ebics:FileFormatType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Identifikation des Dateiformats im Falle von FUL/FDL</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Identification of the file format in the case of FUL/FDL</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AccountID" type="ebics:AccountIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Verweis auf den Identifikationscode des berechtigten Kontos.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Identification codes of the affected accounts.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="MaxAmount" type="ebics:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Betragshöchstgrenze, bis zu der die Berechtigung des Teilnehmers gültig ist.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Maximum total amount which the user's permission is valid for.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="AuthorisationLevel" type="ebics:AuthorisationLevelType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Unterschriftsklasse, für die der Teilnehmer berechtigt ist; nicht anzugeben bei Download-Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Authorization level of the user who signed the order; to be omitted for orders of type "download".</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PartnerInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Partnerdaten (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for customer data with regard to distributed signatures (order types HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AddressInfo" type="ebics:AddressInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zur Adresse des Kunden.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information about the customer's adress.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="BankInfo" type="ebics:BankInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zur Kreditinstitutsanbindung des Kunden.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information about the customer's banking access paramters.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AccountInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den Konten des Kunden.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information about the customer's accounts.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="UsageOrderTypes" type="ebics:OrderTListType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Liste der Auftragsartenbeschränkungen; falls nicht angegeben, gibt es keine Auftragsartenbeschränkungen; falls Liste leer, ist das Konto für keine Auftragsart freigegeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">List containing the order types which contain this account is restricted to; if omitted, the account is unrestricted; if the list is empty the account is blocked for any order type.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="ID" type="ebics:AccountIDType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Identifikationscode des Kontos.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderInfo" type="ebics:AuthOrderInfoType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den Auftragsarten, für die der Kunde berechtigt ist.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information about order types which the customer is authorised to use.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="AddressInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Adressinformationen (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for address information with regard to distributed signature (order types HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Name" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Kunden.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Customer's name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Street" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Straße und Hausnummer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Street and house number.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PostCode" type="token" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Postleitzahl.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Postal code.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="City" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Stadt.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">City.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Region" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Region / Bundesland / Bundesstaat.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Region / province / federal state.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Country" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Land.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Country.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="BankInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Kreditinstitutsinformationen (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Banksystem-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:Parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="UserInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Teilnehmerinformationen (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="UserID">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:UserIDType">
- <attribute name="Status" type="ebics:UserStatusType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Status des Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Name" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Permission" type="ebics:UserPermissionType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den Berechtigungen des Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="AuthOrderInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Berechtigungsinformationen zu Auftragsarten (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for user permissions with regard to distributed signatures (order types HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="FileFormat" type="ebics:FileFormatType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Identifikation des Dateiformats im Falle von FUL/FDL</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Identification of the file format in the case of FUL/FDL</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="TransferType" type="ebics:TransferType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfertyp (Upload/Download).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderFormat" type="ebics:OrderFormatType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsformat (z.B. DTAZV).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Description" type="ebics:OrderDescriptionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Beschreibung der Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="NumSigRequired" type="nonNegativeInteger" default="0" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Anzahl erforderlicher EUs (Default=0).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="StandardOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter bei Standard-Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="DateRange" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datumsbereich (von-bis).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Start" type="ebics:DateType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Startdatum (inkl.).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="End" type="ebics:DateType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Enddatum (inkl.).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="GenericOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für beliebige Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ebics:Parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="FULOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart FUL.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ebics:Parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <element name="FileFormat" type="ebics:FileFormatType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bezeichnung des Dateiformats</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Name of data format</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="FDLOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart FDL.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="DateRange" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datumsbereich (von-bis).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Range of date (from-to).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Start" type="ebics:DateType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Startdatum (inkl.).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="End" type="ebics:DateType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Enddatum (inkl.).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:Parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <element name="FileFormat" type="ebics:FileFormatType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bezeichnung des Dateiformats</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Name of data format</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <attributeGroup name="VersionAttrGroup">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Attribute zur EBICS-Protokollversion und -revision.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Attributes regarding the protocol version and revision of EBICS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="Version" type="ebics:ProtocolVersionType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des EBICS-Protokolls (z.B. "H00x").</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the EBICS protocol (e.g. "H00x").</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Revision" type="ebics:ProtocolRevisionType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Revision des EBICS-Protokolls (z.B. 1).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Revision of the EBICS protocol (e.g. 1).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </attributeGroup>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_orders_H005.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_orders_H005.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 30db1213..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_orders_H005.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2094 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2017 sp2 ( by EBICS Working Group (July 3rd 2017) - Compared to the status of March 27th 2017 only the element group standardOrderParams was reinserted (as used in schema version H004) and several annotations in English added -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:esig="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H005" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H005" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ebics_orders_H005.xsd contains order-based reference elements and order-based type definitions for EBICS.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_orders_H005.xsd enthält auftragsbezogene Referenzelemente und auftragsbezogene Typdefinitionen für EBICS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="ebics_signature_S002.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_types_H005.xsd"/>
- <!--Element definitions for the new EBICS order types (Hxx) - Binary interpretation of the XML clear text structure in the context.-->
- <element name="EBICSOrderData" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Klartext-Auftragsdaten für neue EBICS-Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data in XML format for new EBICS order types.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HAAResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HAAResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HAA (Antwort: abrufbare Auftragsarten abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HAA (response: receive downloadable order types).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HCARequestOrderData" type="ebics:HCARequestOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HCA (Anfrage: Änderung der Teilnehmerschlüssel für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HCA (request: replace user's keys for authentication and encryption).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HCSRequestOrderData" type="ebics:HCSRequestOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HCS (Anfrage: Schlüsselwechsel aller Schlüssel).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HCS (request: replace all keys).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HIARequestOrderData" type="ebics:HIARequestOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HIA (Anfrage: Initialisierung der Teilnehmerschlüssel für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HIA (request: initialise user's keys for authentication and encryption).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="H3KRequestOrderData" type="ebics:H3KRequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type H3K (request: initialise all three user's keys).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart H3K (Anfrage: Initialisierung aller drei Teilnehmerschlüssel).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HKDResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HKDResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HKD (Antwort: Kunden- und Teilnehmerdaten des Kunden abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HKD (response: receive customer-based information on the customer and the customer's users).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <key name="HKDAccountKey">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Schlüssel zur Identifikation des Kontos.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Key for the identification of the account.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <selector xpath="./ebics:PartnerInfo/ebics:AccountInfo"/>
- <field xpath="@ID"/>
- </key>
- <keyref name="HKDAccountRef" refer="ebics:HKDAccountKey">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Referenz auf die Konten-Identifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Reference to the account identification keys.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <selector xpath="./ebics:UserInfo/ebics:Permission"/>
- <field xpath="ebics:AccountID"/>
- </keyref>
- </element>
- <element name="HPBResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HPBResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HPB (Antwort: Transfer der Bankschlüssel).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HPB (response: receive bank's public keys).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HPDResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HPDResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HPD (Antwort: Bankparameter abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HPD (response: receive bank parameters).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HTDResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HTDReponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HTD (Antwort: Kunden- und Teilnehmerdaten des Teilnehmers abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HTD (response: receive user-based information on the user's customer and the user herself/himself).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <key name="HTDAccountKey">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Schlüssel zur Identifikation des Kontos.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Key for the identification of the account.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <selector xpath="./ebics:PartnerInfo/ebics:AccountInfo"/>
- <field xpath="@ID"/>
- </key>
- <keyref name="HTDAccountRef" refer="ebics:HTDAccountKey">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Referenz auf die Konten-Identifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Reference to the account identification keys.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <selector xpath="./ebics:UserInfo/ebics:Permission"/>
- <field xpath="ebics:AccountID"/>
- </keyref>
- </element>
- <element name="HVDResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HVDResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVD (Antwort: VEU-Status abrufen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVD (response: receive the status of an order currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVSRequestOrderData" type="ebics:HVSRequestOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVS (Anfrage: VEU-Storno).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVS (request: reject an order currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVTResponseOrderData" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVT (Antwort: VEU-Transaktionsdetails abrufen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVT (response: receive transaction details of an order currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:HVTResponseOrderDataType"/>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="HVUResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HVUResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVU (Antwort: VEU-Übersicht abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVU (response: receive summary of orders currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVZResponseOrderData" type="ebics:HVZResponseOrderDataType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSOrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVZ (Antwort: VEU-Übersicht mit Zusatzinformationen abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVZ (response: receive summary of orders currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit with additional information).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!--Element definitions for the ES. Binary interpreation of the XML clear text structure within the signature context.-->
- <element name="EBICSSignatureData" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Strukturen für bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschriften (EUs).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the digital signatures.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="BankSignatureData" type="ebics:BankSignatureDataSigBookType" substitutionGroup="ebics:EBICSSignatureData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die EU des Kreditinstituts.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the digital signatures.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!--Element definitions for additional order parameters. XML clear text is embedded in the header data.-->
- <element name="OrderParams" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter, die zur Ausführung des Auftrags notwendig sind.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters required to execute the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVDOrderParams" type="ebics:HVDOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVD.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVD.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVEOrderParams" type="ebics:HVEOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVE.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVE.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVSOrderParams" type="ebics:HVSOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVS.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVTOrderParams" type="ebics:HVTOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVT.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVT.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVUOrderParams" type="ebics:HVUOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVU.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVU.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HVZOrderParams" type="ebics:HVZOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVZ.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type HVZ.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="StandardOrderParams" type="ebics:StandardOrderParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Standard-Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for standard order types.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!--Element groups and structural information.-->
- <group name="HVRequestStructure">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Standard-Requeststruktur für HVx-Aufträge (HVD, HVT, HVE, HVS).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Standard request structure for HVx orders (HVD, HVT, HVE, HVS).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Standard-Requestdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Standard request data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des Einreichers des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Customer ID of the presenter of the selected order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Service" type="ebics:RestrictedServiceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">BTF Service Parameter struktur im Falle von BTU/BTD</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Identification of the file format in the case of FUL/FDL</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order ID of the selected order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </group>
- <attributeGroup name="AuthenticationMarker">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Marker für Elemente und deren Substrukturen, die authentifiziert werden sollen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Marker for elements and their substructures that are to be authenticated.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="authenticate" type="boolean" use="required" fixed="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Das zugehörige Element ist mitsamt seinen Unterstrukturen zu authentifizieren.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">The element (and its substructures) that belongs to this attribute is to be authenticated.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </attributeGroup>
- <attributeGroup name="OptSupportFlag">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">optionales Support-Flag, Default = true.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">optional support flag, default = true.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="supported" type="boolean" use="optional" default="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Wird die Funktion unterstützt?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is this function supported?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </attributeGroup>
- <attributeGroup name="SignerPermission">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">EU-Berechtigungsinformationen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">permission information of a user's digital signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="AuthorisationLevel" type="ebics:AuthorisationLevelType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Unterschriftsberechtigung des Teilnehmers, der unterzeichnet hat.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Authorisation level of the user that signed the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </attributeGroup>
- <!--Type definitions and order-related complex types.-->
- <complexType name="BankSignatureDataSigBookType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Signaturdaten des Kreditinstituts beim EU-Transfer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for digital signature data transferred using EBICS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderSignature" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschrift.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digital signature (either autorising an order or applied for transportation).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SignatureType"/>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PreValidationRequestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Vorabprüfung (Anfrage).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for pre-validation (request).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Client sendet den Hashwert der Auftragsdaten und alle weiteren Daten, die er im Rahmen der Vorabprüfung zur Verfügung stellen will</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="DataDigest" type="ebics:DataDigestType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert der zu übertragenden Auftragsdatendatei für die Vorabprüfung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Hashvalue of the transmitted order data for the prevalidation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AccountAuthorisation" type="ebics:PreValidationAccountAuthType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontoangabe zur Kontoberechtigung für diesen Zahlungsverkehrsauftrag bei der Vorabprüfung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account information for authorisation checks for the payment order within the prevalidation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PreValidationAccountAuthType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Kontenberechtigungsdaten zur Vorabprüfung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the account authorisation data for the prevalidation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="Amount" type="ebics:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Summe der Zahlungsverkehrsaufträge dieses Kontos für die Höchstbetragsprüfung der EU.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total sum of the ordered payments regarding this account in order to check the maximum amount limit of the signature permission grades.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="DataTransferRequestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Transfer von Auftragsdaten (Anfrage).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the transfer of order data (request).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <choice>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transaktionsphase?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Initialisierungsphase: Transfer der Signaturdaten (EUs) und des Transaktionsschlüssels.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Inituialisation phase: Transfer of signatur data (ESs) and transaktion key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="DataEncryptionInfo">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Information zur Verschlüsselung der Signatur- und Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information regarding the encryption of signature and order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:DataEncryptionInfoType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="SignatureData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Signaturdaten (EUs).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains signature data (ESs).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SignatureDataType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="DataDigest" type="ebics:DataDigestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert der Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashvalue of the order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AdditionalOrderInfo" type="ebics:String255Type" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Additional Information about the order (unstructured, up to 255 characters).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transferphase: Transfer von Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transferphase: Transfer of order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="OrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderDataType">
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </choice>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="DataTransferResponseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Transfer von Auftragsdaten (Antwort).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <sequence minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer des Sitzungsschlüssels und (optional) der Signaturdaten (EUs); nur in der Initialisierungsphase anzugeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transfer of the session key and (optional) signature data (ESs); to be specified only in the initialisation phase.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="DataEncryptionInfo">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Information zur Verschlüsselung der Signatur- und Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information regarding the encryption of signature and order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:DataEncryptionInfoType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="SignatureData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Signaturdaten (EUs).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains signature data (ESs).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SignatureDataType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <element name="OrderData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderDataType">
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="TransferReceiptRequestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Transfer von Transferquittungen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the transfer of transfer receipts.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="ReceiptCode" type="ebics:ReceiptCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Quittierungscode für Auftragsdatentransfer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Receipt code fpr transfer of order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="TransferReceiptResponseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Transfer von Antwortcodes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="ReturnCodeReceipt" type="ebics:ReturnCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Antwortcode für den vorangegangenen Transfer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">response code for the foregoing transfer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="TimestampBankParameter" type="ebics:TimestampType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitstempel der letzten Aktualisierung der Bankparameter.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HAAResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HAA (Antwort: abrufbare Auftragsarten abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order data of order type HAA (Response: Download of available order data).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Service" type="ebics:RestrictedServiceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Liste von Auftragsarten, für die Daten bereit stehen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">List of order types for which data are available.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HCARequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HCA (Anfrage: Änderung der Teilnehmerschlüssel für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order data regarding order type HCA (Request: Update of Subscriber's key for authentication and encryption).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Authentifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">public key for authentication.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="EncryptionPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:EncryptionPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">public key for encryption.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Partner-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">User-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HCSRequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HCS (Anfrage: Schlüsselwechsel aller Schlüssel).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order data for order type HCS (Request: Update of all keys).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Authentifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">public key for authentication.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="EncryptionPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:EncryptionPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">public key for encryption.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="esig:SignaturePubKeyInfo"/>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Partner-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">User-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HIARequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HIA (Anfrage: Initialisierung der Teilnehmerschlüssel für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order data for order type HIA (Request: Initialisation of subcriber keys for authentication and encryption).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Authentifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">public key for authentication.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="EncryptionPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:EncryptionPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">public key for encryption.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Partner-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">User-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="H3KRequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart H3K (Anfrage: Initialisierung aller drei Teilnehmerschlüssel).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order type for order data H3K (request: initialise all three user's keys).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignatureCertificateInfo" type="ebics:SignatureCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Key for electronic Signature</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Signaturschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AuthenticationCertificateInfo" type="ebics:AuthenticationCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Authentication key</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Authentifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="EncryptionCertificateInfo" type="ebics:EncryptionCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Encryption key</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">PartnerID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">UserID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HKDResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HKD (Antwort: Kunden- und Teilnehmerdaten des Kunden abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HKD (response: receive customer based information on the customer and the customer's user.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="PartnerInfo" type="ebics:PartnerInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kundendaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Customer data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserInfo" type="ebics:UserInfoType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmerdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">User data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HPBResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HPB (Antwort: Transfer der Bankschlüssel).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order data for order type HPB (Response: Transfer of bank keys).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Authentifikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">public authentication key</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="EncryptionPubKeyInfo" type="ebics:EncryptionPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">public encryption key</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="esig:SignaturePubKeyInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher EU-Signaturschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">public ES key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Banksystem-ID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Host-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HPDResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HPD (Antwort: Bankparameter abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order data for order type HPD (Response: Download bank parameters).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AccessParams" type="ebics:HPDAccessParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zugangsparameter.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Access Parameter.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ProtocolParams" type="ebics:HPDProtocolParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Protokollparameter.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Protocol Parameter.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HPDAccessParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HPD-Zugangsparameter.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">data type for HPD Access Parameter.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="URL" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">institutsspezifische IP-Adresse/URL.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">individual IP-address/URL of the bank.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="anyURI">
- <attribute name="valid_from" type="ebics:TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gültigkeitsbeginn für die angegebene URL/IP.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Valid-From-Date of the URL/IP.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Institute">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Institutsbezeichnung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Name of the bank.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="80"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- </element>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Banksystem-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HPDProtocolParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HPD-Protokollparameter.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for HPD's parameters regarding the EBICS protocol.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Version" type="ebics:HPDVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Spezifikation unterstützter Versionen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Specification of supported versions..</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Recovery" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Parameter zur Recovery-Funktion (Wiederaufnahme abgebrochener Übertragungen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Parameter denoting the recovery function (recovery of aborted transmissions).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:OptSupportFlag"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="PreValidation" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Parameter zur Vorabprüfung (über die Übermittlung der EU hinaus).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Parameter denoting the pre-validation (beyond transmission of signatures).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Optionales Support-Flag, Default = true.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Optional support flag, default = true.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:OptSupportFlag"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="ClientDataDownload" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Parameter zum Download von Kunden- und Teilnehmerdaten (Auftragsarten HKD/HTD).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Parameter denoting the download of customer and user data (order types HKD/HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:OptSupportFlag"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="DownloadableOrderData" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Parameter zum Abruf von Auftragsarten, zu denen Auftragsdaten verfügbar sind (Auftragsart HAA).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Parameter denoting the reception of order types which provides downloadable order data (order type HAA).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:OptSupportFlag"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HPDVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HPD-Versionsinformationen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for HPD version information.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Protocol">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">unterstützte EBICS-Protokollversionen (H...).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">supported EBICS protocol versions. (H...).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <list itemType="ebics:ProtocolVersionType"/>
- </simpleType>
- </element>
- <element name="Authentication">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">unterstützte Versionen der Authentifikation (X...).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">supported version for authentication (X...).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <list itemType="ebics:AuthenticationVersionType"/>
- </simpleType>
- </element>
- <element name="Encryption">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">unterstützte Versionen der Verschlüsselung (E...).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">supported version for encryption (E...).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <list itemType="ebics:EncryptionVersionType"/>
- </simpleType>
- </element>
- <element name="Signature">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">unterstützte EU-Versionen (A...).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">supported version for ES (A...).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <list itemType="esig:SignatureVersionType"/>
- </simpleType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HTDReponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HTD (Antwort: Kunden- und Teilnehmerdaten des Teilnehmers abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order data for order type HTD (Response: Download partner- and user data).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="PartnerInfo" type="ebics:PartnerInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kundendaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Customer data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserInfo" type="ebics:UserInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmerdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">User data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVDResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVD (Antwort: VEU-Status abrufen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order data for order type HVD (Response: EDS-status).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="DataDigest" type="ebics:DataDigestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert der Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Hash value of the order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="DisplayFile" type="base64Binary">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Begleitzettel/"Displaydatei" (entspricht der Dateianzeige im Kundenprotokoll gemäß DFÜ-Abkommen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Accompanying ticket/"display file" (corresponds to the display file of the customer's journal according to the document "DFÜ-Abkommen").</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDataAvailable" type="boolean">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kann die Auftragsdatei im Originalformat abgeholt werden? (HVT mit completeOrderData=true)</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Can the order file be downloaded in the original format? (HVT with completeOrderData=true)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDataSize" type="positiveInteger">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Größe der unkomprimierten Auftragsdaten in Bytes.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Size of the uncompressed order data (byte count).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetailsAvailable" type="boolean">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Können die Auftragsdetails als XML-Dokument HVTResponseOrderData abgeholt werden? (HVT mit completeOrderData=false)</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Can the order details be downloaded as XML document HVTResponseOrderData? (HVT with completeOrderData=false)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="BankSignature" type="ebics:SignatureType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschrift des Kreditinstituts über Hashwert und Displaydatei.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digital Signature issued by the bank, covering the hash value and the accompanying ticket.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SignerInfo" type="ebics:SignerInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den bisherigen Unterzeichnern.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information about the already existing signers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVDOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVD.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for additional order parameters for order type HVD.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <group ref="ebics:HVRequestStructure"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVEOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVE.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for additional order parameters for order type HVE.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <group ref="ebics:HVRequestStructure"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVSOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVS.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for additional order parameters for order type HVS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <group ref="ebics:HVRequestStructure"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVSRequestOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVS (Anfrage: VEU-Storno).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order data for order type HVS (request: EDS cancellation).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="CancelledDataDigest" type="ebics:DataDigestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert der Auftragsdaten des stornierten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Hash value of order data of cancelled order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVTResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Antwort mit Einzelauftraginfos für Auftragsart HVT (Antwort VEU-Transaktionsdetails abrufen mit completeOrderData="false").</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for a response containing information about single transactions for order type HVT (response: EDS transaction details with completeOrderData="false").</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="NumOrderInfos" type="ebics:NumOrderInfosType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gesamtanzahl der Einzelaufträge für den Auftrag.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total number of order infos for the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderInfo" type="ebics:HVTOrderInfoType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Einzelauftragsinfos.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Particular order content information requested for display matters.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVTAccountInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HVT-Konteninformationen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for account information regarding order type HVT.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AttributedAccountType"/>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVTOrderInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">//MODIFIED - Replaced Element OrderFormat with MsgName// Datentyp für HVT-Auftragsinformationen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="MsgName" type="ebics:MessageType" minOccurs="0"/>
- <element name="AccountInfo" type="ebics:HVTAccountInfoType" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="3">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">kontobezogene Details des Auftrags (Auftraggeber, Empfänger etc.).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">account related details of the order (ordering party, receiver etc.).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ExecutionDate" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ausführungsdatum.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Execution date.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="date"/>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Amount">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Betrag.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Amount.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AmountValueType">
- <attribute name="isCredit" type="boolean" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gutschrift (isCredit = "true") oder Lastschrift (isCredit = "false")?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Credit (isCredit = "true") or debit (isCredit = "false")?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Currency" type="ebics:CurrencyBaseType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Währungscode.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Currency code.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="4">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textfeld zur weiteren Beschreibung der Transaktion (Verwendungszweck, Auftragsdetails, Kommentar).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">text field for additional descriptions regarding the transaction (remittance information, order details, annotations).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="string">
- <attribute name="Type" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Beschreibungstyp.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Description type.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <restriction base="token">
- <enumeration value="Purpose">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Verwendungszweck</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">remittance information.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Details">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order details.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Comment">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kommentar</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Annotation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVTOrderFlagsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HVT-Auftragsflags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for HVT order flags.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="completeOrderData" type="boolean" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sollen die Transaktionsdetails als Einzelauftragsinfos (completeOrderData=false) oder als komplette Originaldaten (completeOrderData=true) übertragen werden? (Vorschlag für Default=false)</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Are the transaction details so be transmitted as particular order content information requested for display matters or in complete order data file form? (Proposal for Default=false)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="fetchLimit" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Limit für die zu liefernden Transaktionsdetails, bei completeOrderData=false maximale Anzahl zu liefernder Einzelauftragsinfos, 0 für unbegrenzt (Vorschlag für Default=100).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Limit for the transaction details to be transmitted; if completeOrderData=false, maximum number of details of a particular order; 0 for unlimited number of details (Proposal for Default=100).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <totalDigits value="10"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="fetchOffset" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Offset vom Anfang der Originalauftragsdatei für die zu liefernden Transaktionsdetails, bei completeOrderData=false bezogen auf laufende Nummer des Einzelauftrags (Vorschlag für Default=0).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Offset position in the original order file which marks the starting point for the transaction details to be transmitted; applies to the sequential number of a particular order if completeOrderData=false (Proposal for Default=0).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <totalDigits value="10"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVTOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVT.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for additional order parameters for order type HVT.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <group ref="ebics:HVRequestStructure"/>
- <element name="OrderFlags">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">spezielle Flags für HVT-Aufträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Special order flags for orders of type HVT.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:HVTOrderFlagsType"/>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:Parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Generische Schlüssel-Wert-Parameter</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Generic key-value parameters</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVUResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVU (Antwort: VEU-Übersicht abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order data for order type HVU (Response: Download EDS overview).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:HVUOrderDetailsType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsinformationen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVUOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HVU-Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for HVU order details.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Service" type="ebics:RestrictedServiceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart lt. DFÜ-Abkommen des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Type of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer lt. DFÜ-Abkommen des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order number.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDataSize" type="positiveInteger">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Größe der unkomprimierten Auftragsdaten in Bytes.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data size in bytes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SigningInfo" type="ebics:HVUSigningInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den Unterschriftsmodalitäten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Signing information.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SignerInfo" type="ebics:SignerInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den bisherigen Unterzeichnern.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information regarding the signer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OriginatorInfo" type="ebics:HVUOriginatorInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zum Einreicher.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information regarding the originator.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AdditionalOrderInfo" type="ebics:String255Type" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Additional Information about the order (unstructured, up to 255 characters).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Additional Information about the order (unstructured, up to 255 characters).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVUOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVU.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for additional order parameters for order type HVU.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="ServiceFilter" type="ebics:ServiceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Liste von Auftragsarten, für die zur Unterschrift vorliegende Aufträge abgerufen werden sollen; falls nicht angegeben, werden sämtliche für den Teilnehmer unterschriftsfähigen Aufträge abgerufen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVZOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart HVZ.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for additional order parameters for order type HVZ.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="ServiceFilter" type="ebics:ServiceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Liste von Auftragsarten, für die zur Unterschrift vorliegende Aufträge abgerufen werden sollen; falls nicht angegeben, werden sämtliche für den Teilnehmer unterschriftsfähigen Aufträge abgerufen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">List of order types that the orders ready to be signed by the requesting user should match; if not specified, a list of all orders ready to be signed by the requesting user is returned.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVUSigningInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Informationen zu den HVU-Unterschriftsmodalitäten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="readyToBeSigned" type="boolean" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist der Auftrag unterschriftsreif ("true") oder bereits vom Teilnehmer unterschrieben ("false")?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="NumSigRequired" type="positiveInteger" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Anzahl der insgesamt zur Freigabe erforderlichen EUs.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="NumSigDone" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Anzahl der bereits geleisteten EUs.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVUOriginatorInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Informationen zum Ersteller eines HVU-Auftrags.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des Einreichers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des Einreichers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Name" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Einreichers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitstempel der Einreichung (d.h. der Übertragung der Auftragsdatei).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVZResponseOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdaten für Auftragsart HVZ (Antwort: VEU-Übersicht mit Zusatzinformationen abholen).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order data for order type HVZ (response: receive summary of orders currently stored in the distributed signature processing unit with additional informations).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:HVZOrderDetailsType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsinformationen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Summary of order information.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="HVZOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für HVZ-Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Service" type="ebics:RestrictedServiceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">BTF Service Parameter-Struktur des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Type of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer lt. DFÜ-Abkommen des ausgewählten Auftrags.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID number of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="DataDigest" type="ebics:DataDigestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert der Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Hash value of the order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDataAvailable" type="boolean">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kann die Auftragsdatei im Originalformat abgeholt werden? (HVT mit completeOrderData=true).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Can the order file be downloaded in the original format? (HVT with completeOrderData=true)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDataSize" type="positiveInteger">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Größe der unkomprimierten Auftragsdaten in Bytes.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Size of uncompressed order data in Bytes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetailsAvailable" type="boolean">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Können die Auftragsdetails als XML-Dokument HVTResponseOrderData abgeholt werden? (HVT mit completeOrderData=false).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Can the order details be downloaded as XML document HVTResponseOrderData? (HVT with completeOrderData=false)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <group ref="ebics:HVZPaymentOrderDetailsStructure" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zusätzliche Auftragsdetails nur für Zahlungsaufträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order details related to payment orders only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </group>
- <element name="SigningInfo" type="ebics:HVUSigningInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den Unterschriftsmodalitäten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information regarding the signing modalities of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SignerInfo" type="ebics:SignerInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den bisherigen Unterzeichnern.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information regarding the users who already signed the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OriginatorInfo" type="ebics:HVUOriginatorInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zum Einreicher.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information regarding the originator of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AdditionalOrderInfo" type="ebics:String255Type" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Additional Information about the order (unstructured, up to 255 characters).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <group name="HVZPaymentOrderDetailsStructure">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Standard-Requeststruktur für HVx-Aufträge (HVD, HVT, HVE, HVS).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Standard structure for HVZ OrderDetails related to payment orders</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="TotalOrders" type="nonNegativeInteger" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Anzahl der Zahlungssätze über alle logische Dateien entsprechend Dateianzeige.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total transaction number for all logical files (from dispay file).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="TotalAmount" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Summe der Beträge über alle logische Dateien entsprechend Dateianzeige.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total transaction amount for all logical files (from dispay file).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AmountValueType">
- <attribute name="isCredit" type="boolean" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Nur Gutschriften (isCredit = "true") oder nur Lastschriften (isCredit = "false")? Sonst keine Nutzung des Elements.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Currency" type="ebics:CurrencyBaseType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragswährung (nur bei sortenreinen Zahlungen, sonst keine Angabe).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order currency (only if identical across all transactions, ship otherwise).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="FirstOrderInfo" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen aus Dateianzeige der ersten logischen Datei.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order details from display file for first logical file.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderPartyInfo" type="normalizedString" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftraggeber entsprechend Dateianzeige.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Order party information (from display file).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AccountInfo" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Erstes Auftraggeberkonto entsprechend Dateianzeige.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">First order party account (from display file).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <choice maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="AccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer (deutsches Format oder international als IBAN).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account number (German format or international as IBAN).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Kontonummer im deutschen Format (international=false) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, IBAN) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account number given in German format (international=false) or in international format (international=true, IBAN)?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalAccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account number in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalAccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format type.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="BankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl (deutsches Format oder international als SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank sort code (German format or international as SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:BankCodeType">
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Bankleitzahl im deutschen Format (international=false, BLZ) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, SWIFT-BIC) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank sort code given in German format (international=false) or in international format (international=true, SWIFT-BIC)?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Prefix" type="ebics:BankCodePrefixType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">nationales Präfix für Bankleitzahlen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">National prefix for bank sort code.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalBankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank sort code in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalBankCodeType">
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format type.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </group>
- <complexType name="SignerInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Informationen zu einem Unterzeichner eines VEU-Auftrags (HVU, HVD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des Unterzeichners.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des Unterzeichners.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Name" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Unterzeichners.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitstempel der Unterzeichnung (d.h. der Übertragung der Unterschrift).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Permission">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">zusätzliche Informationen zu den Berechtigungen des Teilnehmers, der unterzeichnet hat.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:SignerPermission"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="UserPermissionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Berechtigungsinformationen des Teilnehmers (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AdminOrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Liste von Auftragsarten, für die die Berechtigung des Teilnehmers gültig ist.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">List of order types which the user's permission belongs to.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Service" type="ebics:RestrictedServiceType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">BTF Service Parameter struktur im Falle von BTU/BTD</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Identification of the file format in the case of FUL/FDL</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AccountID" type="ebics:AccountIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Verweis auf den Identifikationscode des berechtigten Kontos.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Identification codes of the affected accounts.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="MaxAmount" type="ebics:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Betragshöchstgrenze, bis zu der die Berechtigung des Teilnehmers gültig ist.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Maximum total amount which the user's permission is valid for.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="AuthorisationLevel" type="ebics:AuthorisationLevelType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Unterschriftsklasse, für die der Teilnehmer berechtigt ist; nicht anzugeben bei Download-Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Authorization level of the user who signed the order; to be omitted for orders of type "download".</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PartnerInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Partnerdaten (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for customer data with regard to distributed signatures (order types HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AddressInfo" type="ebics:AddressInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zur Adresse des Kunden.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information about the customer's adress.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="BankInfo" type="ebics:BankInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zur Kreditinstitutsanbindung des Kunden.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information about the customer's banking access paramters.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="AccountInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den Konten des Kunden.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information about the customer's accounts.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="UsageOrderTypes" type="ebics:UsageOrderType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">//MODIFIED//Liste der Auftragsartenbeschränkungen; falls nicht angegeben, gibt es keine Auftragsartenbeschränkungen; falls das Element ohne Service-Element geliefert wird, ist das Konto für keine Auftragsart freigegeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">List containing the order types which contain this account is restricted to; if omitted, the account is unrestricted; if the list is empty the account is blocked for any order type.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="ID" type="ebics:AccountIDType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Identifikationscode des Kontos.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderInfo" type="ebics:AuthOrderInfoType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den Auftragsarten, für die der Kunde berechtigt ist.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Information about order types which the customer is authorised to use.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="AddressInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Adressinformationen (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for address information with regard to distributed signature (order types HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Name" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Kunden.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Customer's name.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Street" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Straße und Hausnummer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Street and house number.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PostCode" type="token" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Postleitzahl.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Postal code.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="City" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Stadt.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">City.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Region" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Region / Bundesland / Bundesstaat.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Region / province / federal state.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Country" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Land.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Country.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="BankInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Kreditinstitutsinformationen (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Banksystem-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:Parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="UserInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Teilnehmerinformationen (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="UserID">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:UserIDType">
- <attribute name="Status" type="ebics:UserStatusType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Status des Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Name" type="ebics:NameType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Permission" type="ebics:UserPermissionType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen zu den Berechtigungen des Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="AuthOrderInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für VEU-Berechtigungsinformationen zu Auftragsarten (HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for user permissions with regard to distributed signatures (order types HKD, HTD).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AdminOrderType" type="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Administrative EBICS Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Service" type="ebics:RestrictedServiceType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">BTF Service Parameter struktur im Falle von BTU/BTD</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Identification of the file format in the case of FUL/FDL</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Description" type="ebics:OrderDescriptionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Beschreibung der Auftragsart.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="NumSigRequired" type="nonNegativeInteger" default="0" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Anzahl erforderlicher EUs (Default=0).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="StandardOrderParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zusätzliche Auftragsparameter bei Standard-Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="DateRange" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datumsbereich (von-bis).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Start" type="ebics:DateType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Startdatum (inkl.).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="End" type="ebics:DateType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Enddatum (inkl.).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <attributeGroup name="VersionAttrGroup">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Attribute zur EBICS-Protokollversion und -revision.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Attributes regarding the protocol version and revision of EBICS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <attribute name="Version" type="ebics:ProtocolVersionType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des EBICS-Protokolls (z.B. "H00x").</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the EBICS protocol (e.g. "H00x").</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Revision" type="ebics:ProtocolRevisionType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Revision des EBICS-Protokolls (z.B. 1).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Revision of the EBICS protocol (e.g. 1).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </attributeGroup>
- <!--Following ComplexTypes are used for BTF-->
- <element name="BTDOrderParams" type="ebics:BTDParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart BTD.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type BTD.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="BTUOrderParams" type="ebics:BTUParamsType" substitutionGroup="ebics:OrderParams">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>zusätzliche Auftragsparameter für Auftragsart BTU.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">additional order parameters for order type BTU.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <complexType name="BTDParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Datentyp für BTF Download Parameter</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:BTFParamsTyp">
- <sequence>
- <element name="Service" type="ebics:RestrictedServiceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Service name - target system for the further processing of the order</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="DateRange" type="ebics:DateRangeType" minOccurs="0"/>
- <element ref="ebics:Parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="fileName" type="ebics:FileNameStringType" use="prohibited">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>The file name on the client It can be transmitted optionally</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="BTUParamsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Datentyp für BTF Upload Parameter</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:BTFParamsTyp">
- <sequence>
- <element name="Service" type="ebics:RestrictedServiceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Service name - target system for the further processing of the order</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SignatureFlag" type="ebics:SignatureFlagType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>If not present the order doesn't contain any ES and shall be authorised outside EBICS
-If present the order shall be autorised within EBICS:
-1. If the attribute VEU is also present the sender desires spooling into the VEU - hence in this case the order is not rejected in the case of not sufficient number of ES
-2. If the attribute is not present all necessary ES must be inside the order (else: rejection of the order) </documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:Parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="fileName" type="ebics:FileNameStringType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>The file name on the client It can be transmitted optionally</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="BTFParamsTyp" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Abstract Type containing all BTF params structures</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Service" type="ebics:RestrictedServiceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Service name - target system for the further processing of the order</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SignatureFlag" type="ebics:SignatureFlagType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>If not present the order doesn't contain any ES and shall be authorised outside EBICS
-If present the order shall be autorised within EBICS:
-1. If the attribute VEU is also present the sender desires spooling into the VEU - hence in this case the order is not rejected in the case of not sufficient number of ES
-2. If the attribute is not present all necessary ES must be inside the order (else: rejection of the order) </documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="DateRange" type="ebics:DateRangeType" minOccurs="0"/>
- <element ref="ebics:Parameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="fileName" type="ebics:FileNameStringType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>The file name on the client It can be transmitted optionally</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="DateRangeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Datentyp für die Angabe eines (Berichts-) Zeitraums</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Start" type="ebics:DateType"/>
- <element name="End" type="ebics:DateType"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="FlagAttribType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Basis-Datentyp für Kennzeichen mit optionalem Attribut</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <anyAttribute/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="MessageType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Datentyp für Meldungstyp-String mit optionalen Attributen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:MessageNameStringType">
- <attribute name="variant" type="ebics:NumStringType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Variant number of the message type (usable for ISO20022 messages)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="version" type="ebics:NumStringType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Version number of the message type (usable for ISO20022 messages)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="format" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Encoding format of the message (e.g. XML, ASN1, JSON, PDF)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType>
- <restriction base="ebics:CodeStringType">
- <maxLength value="4"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ServiceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Basisdatentyp für BTF-Service Parameter Set</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="ServiceName" type="ebics:ServiceNameStringType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Service Code name: External list specified and maintained by EBICS. Basis is the "SWIFT-list" for the field "description" (SCT, DCT, XCT, SDD, DDD, STM, REP...) plus additional codes needed for further services </documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Scope" type="ebics:ScopeStringType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Specifies whose rules have to be taken into account for the service. This means which market / comminity has defined the rules.
-If the element is absent a global definition for the service is assumed.
-External list specified and maintained by EBICS. In addition the following codes may be used:
-2-character ISO country code or a 3-character issuer code (defined by EBICS)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ServiceOption" type="ebics:ServiceOptionStringType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Service Option Code
-Additional option for the service (also depends on used scope)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Container" type="ebics:ContainerFlagType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Container flag. If present, data is provided/requested in a container format specified in the attribute of the flag</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="MsgName" type="ebics:MessageType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Name of the message, e.g. pain.001 or mt101 National message names (issued by DK, CFONB or SIC are also allowed)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="RestrictedServiceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Type is arestriction of the generic ServiceType, defining the mandatory elements</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:ServiceType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="ServiceName" type="ebics:ServiceNameStringType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Service Code name: External list specified and maintained by EBICS. Basis is the "SWIFT-list" for the field "description" (SCT, DCT, XCT, SDD, DDD, STM, REP...) plus additional codes needed for further services </documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Scope" type="ebics:ScopeStringType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Specifies whose rules have to be taken into account for the service. This means which market / comminity has defined the rules.
-If the element is absent a global definition for the service is assumed.
-External list specified and maintained by EBICS.
-In addition the following codes may be used:
-2-character ISO country code or a 3-character issuer code (defined by EBICS)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ServiceOption" type="ebics:ServiceOptionStringType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Service Option Code
- Additional option for the service (also depends on used scope)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Container" type="ebics:ContainerFlagType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Container flag. If present, data is provided/requested in a container format specified in the attribute of the flag</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="MsgName" type="ebics:MessageType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Name of the message, e.g. pain.001 or mt101 National message names (issued by DK, CFONB or SIC are also allowed)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ContainerFlagType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Container flag. If present, data is provided/requested in a container format specified in the attribute of the flag</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:FlagAttribType">
- <attribute name="containerType" type="ebics:ContainerStringType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Specifies the container type - External Codelist defined by EBICS (starting values: XML, ZIP, SVC)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="SignatureFlagType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Datentyp für BTF Signatur-Flag (ersetzt Orderkennzeichen)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="ebics:FlagAttribType">
- <attribute name="requestEDS" type="boolean" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>If present the sender desires spooling into EBICS distributed signature queue, only "true" is allowed</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="UsageOrderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Datentyp zur Kennzeichnung von Auftragsartenbeschränkungen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Service" type="ebics:RestrictedServiceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Service Parameter-Sets von nicht unterstützten BTF-Auftragsarten</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <!--END BTF-->
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_request_H004.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_request_H004.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index efae61d9..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_request_H004.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!-- Mit XMLSpy v2008 rel. 2 ( von Sabine Wenzel (SIZ Bonn) bearbeitet -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H004" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H004" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_request_H004.xsd ist das EBICS-Protokollschema für Anfragen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ebics_request_H004.xsd is the appropriate EBICS protocol schema for standard requests.</documentation>
-<include schemaLocation="ebics_types_H004.xsd"/>
-<include schemaLocation="ebics_orders_H004.xsd"/>
-<import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd"/>
-<element name="ebicsRequest">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard of the EBICS SCRL: Multibankfähige Schnittstelle zur internetbasierten Kommunikation.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard der EBICS SCRL: multi-bank capable interface for internet-based communication.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the transaction-driven data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static" type="ebics:StaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the static header entries.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:MutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the mutable header entries.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:AuthSignature"/>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Auftragsdaten, EU(s) und weitere Nutzdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains order data, order signature(s) and further data referring to the current order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">X.509-Daten des Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">X.509 data of the user.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <choice>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Welche Transaktionsphase?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Which transaction phase?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Initialisierungs- und Transferphase.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Initialisation or transfer phase.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="PreValidation" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Daten zur Vorabprüfung; nur anzugeben in der Initialisierungsphase bei Uploads mit Auftragsattribut OZH (EUs + Auftragsdaten).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data sent for pre-validation; mandatory for initialisation phase during uploads using order attribute OZH (order signature(s) + order data).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PreValidationRequestType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="DataTransfer" type="ebics:DataTransferRequestType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer von Signatur- bzw. Auftragsdaten; nur bei Upload anzugeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transfer of signature or order data; mandatory for uploads only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Quittierungsphase nach Download.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Receipt phase after download.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="TransferReceipt">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Quittierung des Transfers.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Receipt of transfer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:TransferReceiptRequestType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </choice>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </complexType>
-<complexType name="StaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the static EBICS header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hostname des Banksystems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <choice>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transaktionsphase?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transaction phase?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Initialisierungsphase.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Initialisation phase.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="Nonce" type="ebics:NonceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zufallswert; damit wird die Initialisierungsnachricht des Clients einzigartig.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Random value, ensures the uniqueness of the client's message during initialisation phase.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">aktueller Zeitstempel zur Begrenzung der serverseitigen Nonce-Speicherung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">current timestamp, used to limit storage space for nonces on the server.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des serverseitig administrierten Kunden.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID of the partner = customer, administered on the server.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des serverseitig zu diesem Kunden administrierten Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID of the user that is assigned to the given customer, administered on the server.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SystemID" type="ebics:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">technische User-ID für Multi-User-Systeme.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID of the system for multi-user systems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Product" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">software ID / manufacturer ID / manufacturer's name of the customer's software package.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:ProductType">
- <attribute name="Language" type="ebics:LanguageType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sprachkennzeichen der Kundenproduktversion (gemäß ISO 639).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Language code of the customer's software package according to ISO 639.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="InstituteID" type="ebics:InstituteIDType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Herausgebers des Kundenprodukts bzw. des betreuenden Kreditinstituts.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID of the manufacturer / financial institute providing support for the customer's software package.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:StaticHeaderOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">order details.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="BankPubKeyDigests">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwerte der erwarteten öffentlichen Schlüssel (Verschlüsselung, Signatur, Authentifikation) des Kreditinstituts.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digest values of the expected public keys (authentication, encryption, signature) owned by the financial institute.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Authentication">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert des Authentifikationsschlüssels.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digest value of the public authentication key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyDigestType">
- <attribute name="Version" type="ebics:AuthenticationVersionType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Authentifikationsverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the algorithm used for authentication.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Encryption">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert des Verschlüsselungsschlüssels.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digest value of the public encryption key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyDigestType">
- <attribute name="Version" type="ebics:EncryptionVersionType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Verschlüsselungsverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the algorithm used for encryption.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Signature" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert des Signaturschlüssels.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digest value of the public signature key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyDigestType">
- <attribute name="Version" type="ebics:SignatureVersionType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Signaturverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the algorithm used for signature creation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="SecurityMedium" type="ebics:SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angabe des Sicherheitsmediums, das der Kunde verwendet.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Classification of the security medium used by the customer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="NumSegments" type="ebics:NumSegmentsType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gesamtsegmentanzahl für diese Transaktion; nur bei Uploads anzugeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total number of segments for this transaction; mandatory for uploads only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer- und Quittierungsphase.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transfer or receipt phase.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="TransactionID" type="ebics:TransactionIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">eindeutige, technische Transaktions-ID; wird vom Server vergeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">unique transaction ID, provided by the server.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </choice>
- </sequence>
-<complexType name="MutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den variablen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the mutable EBICS header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="TransactionPhase" type="ebics:TransactionPhaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Phase, in der sich die Transaktion gerade befindet; wird bei jedem Transaktionsschritt vom Client gesetzt und vom Server übernommen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Current phase of the transaction; this information is provided by the client for each step of the transaction, and the server adopts the setting.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SegmentNumber" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Nummer des aktuellen Segments, welches gerade übertragen oder angefordert wird; nur anzugeben bei TransactionPhase=Transfer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the number of the segment which is currently being transmitted or requested; mandatory for transaction phase 'Transfer' only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SegmentNumberType">
- <attribute name="lastSegment" type="boolean" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist dies das letzte Segment der Übertragung?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is this segment meant to be the last one regarding this transmission?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
-<complexType name="StaticHeaderOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsdetails im statischen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order details stored in the static EBICS header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">type code of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderTBaseType"/>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer für Sendeaufträge gemäß DFÜ-Abkommen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID of the (upload) order, formatted in accordance with the document "DFÜ-Abkommen".</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderAttribute" type="ebics:OrderAttributeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsattribut.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">attribute describing the order contents.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:OrderParams"/>
- </sequence>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_request_H005.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_request_H005.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index dc7ad70a..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_request_H005.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2016 sp1 (x64) ( by EBICS Working Group - March 2017 -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H005" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H005" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_request_H005.xsd ist das EBICS-Protokollschema für Anfragen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ebics_request_H005.xsd is the appropriate EBICS protocol schema for standard requests.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_types_H005.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_orders_H005.xsd"/>
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd"/>
- <element name="ebicsRequest">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard of the EBICS SCRL: Multibankfähige Schnittstelle zur internetbasierten Kommunikation.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard der EBICS SCRL: multi-bank capable interface for internet-based communication.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the transaction-driven data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static" type="ebics:StaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the static header entries.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:MutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the mutable header entries.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:AuthSignature"/>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Auftragsdaten, EU(s) und weitere Nutzdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains order data, order signature(s) and further data referring to the current order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de"/>
- </annotation>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">X.509-Daten des Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">X.509 data of the user.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <choice>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Welche Transaktionsphase?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Which transaction phase?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Initialisierungs- und Transferphase.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Initialisation or transfer phase.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="PreValidation" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Daten zur Vorabprüfung; nur anzugeben in der Initialisierungsphase bei Uploads mit Auftragsattribut OZH (EUs + Auftragsdaten).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data sent for pre-validation; mandatory for initialisation phase during uploads using order attribute OZH (order signature(s) + order data).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PreValidationRequestType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="DataTransfer" type="ebics:DataTransferRequestType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer von Signatur- bzw. Auftragsdaten; nur bei Upload anzugeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transfer of signature or order data; mandatory for uploads only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Quittierungsphase nach Download.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Receipt phase after download.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="TransferReceipt">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Quittierung des Transfers.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Receipt of transfer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:TransferReceiptRequestType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </choice>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="StaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the static EBICS header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="HostID" type="ebics:HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hostname des Banksystems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <choice>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transaktionsphase?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transaction phase?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Initialisierungsphase.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Initialisation phase.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="Nonce" type="ebics:NonceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zufallswert; damit wird die Initialisierungsnachricht des Clients einzigartig.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Random value, ensures the uniqueness of the client's message during initialisation phase.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Timestamp" type="ebics:TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">aktueller Zeitstempel zur Begrenzung der serverseitigen Nonce-Speicherung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">current timestamp, used to limit storage space for nonces on the server.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="ebics:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des serverseitig administrierten Kunden.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID of the partner = customer, administered on the server.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="ebics:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID des serverseitig zu diesem Kunden administrierten Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID of the user that is assigned to the given customer, administered on the server.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SystemID" type="ebics:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">technische User-ID für Multi-User-Systeme.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID of the system for multi-user systems.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Product" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Kundenprodukts bzw. Herstellerkennung oder Name.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">software ID / manufacturer ID / manufacturer's name of the customer's software package.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:ProductType">
- <attribute name="Language" type="ebics:LanguageType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sprachkennzeichen der Kundenproduktversion (gemäß ISO 639).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Language code of the customer's software package according to ISO 639.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="InstituteID" type="ebics:InstituteIDType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kennung des Herausgebers des Kundenprodukts bzw. des betreuenden Kreditinstituts.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID of the manufacturer / financial institute providing support for the customer's software package.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderDetails" type="ebics:StaticHeaderOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdetails.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">order details.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="BankPubKeyDigests">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwerte der erwarteten öffentlichen Schlüssel (Verschlüsselung, Signatur, Authentifikation) des Kreditinstituts.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digest values of the expected public keys (authentication, encryption, signature) owned by the financial institute.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Authentication">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert des Authentifikationsschlüssels.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digest value of the public authentication key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyDigestType">
- <attribute name="Version" type="ebics:AuthenticationVersionType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Authentifikationsverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the algorithm used for authentication.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Encryption">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert des Verschlüsselungsschlüssels.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digest value of the public encryption key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyDigestType">
- <attribute name="Version" type="ebics:EncryptionVersionType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Verschlüsselungsverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the algorithm used for encryption.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="Signature" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert des Signaturschlüssels.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digest value of the public signature key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyDigestType">
- <attribute name="Version" type="ebics:SignatureVersionType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Signaturverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the algorithm used for signature creation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="SecurityMedium" type="ebics:SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angabe des Sicherheitsmediums, das der Kunde verwendet.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Classification of the security medium used by the customer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="NumSegments" type="ebics:NumSegmentsType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gesamtsegmentanzahl für diese Transaktion; nur bei Uploads anzugeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total number of segments for this transaction; mandatory for uploads only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <sequence>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer- und Quittierungsphase.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transfer or receipt phase.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="TransactionID" type="ebics:TransactionIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">eindeutige, technische Transaktions-ID; wird vom Server vergeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">unique transaction ID, provided by the server.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </choice>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="MutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den variablen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the mutable EBICS header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="TransactionPhase" type="ebics:TransactionPhaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Phase, in der sich die Transaktion gerade befindet; wird bei jedem Transaktionsschritt vom Client gesetzt und vom Server übernommen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Current phase of the transaction; this information is provided by the client for each step of the transaction, and the server adopts the setting.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SegmentNumber" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Nummer des aktuellen Segments, welches gerade übertragen oder angefordert wird; nur anzugeben bei TransactionPhase=Transfer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the number of the segment which is currently being transmitted or requested; mandatory for transaction phase 'Transfer' only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SegmentNumberType">
- <attribute name="lastSegment" type="boolean" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist dies das letzte Segment der Übertragung?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is this segment meant to be the last one regarding this transmission?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="StaticHeaderOrderDetailsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">//MODIFIED - Removed OrderAtribute ELEMENT// Datentyp für Auftragsdetails im statischen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for order details stored in the static EBICS header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="AdminOrderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">//MODIFIED - Umbenannt von OrderType// Auftragsart.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">type code of the order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:OrderTBaseType"/>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer für Sendeaufträge gemäß DFÜ-Abkommen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ID of the (upload) order, formatted in accordance with the document "DFÜ-Abkommen".</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:OrderParams"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_response_H004.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_response_H004.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index f14ff99b..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_response_H004.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H004" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H004" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_response_H004.xsd ist das EBICS-Protokollschema für Antwortnachrichten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ebics_response_H004.xsd is the appropriate EBICS protocol schema for standard responses.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </import>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_types_H004.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_orders_H004.xsd"/>
- <element name="ebicsResponse">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard des Zentralen Kreditausschusses (ZKA): Multibankfähige Schnittstelle zur internetbasierten Kommunikation.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard of the "Zentraler Kreditausschuss (ZKA)": multi-bank capable interface for internet-based communication.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the transaction-driven data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static" type="ebics:ResponseStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the static header entries.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:ResponseMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the mutable header entries.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:AuthSignature">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Authentifikationssignatur.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Authentication signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Auftragsdaten, EU(s) und weitere Nutzdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains order data, order signature(s) and further data referring to the current order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="DataTransfer" type="ebics:DataTransferResponseType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer von Auftragsdaten; nur bei Download anzugeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transfer of signature or order data; mandatory for downloads only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ReturnCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">fachlicher Antwortcode für den vorangegangenen Request.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">order-related return code of the previous request.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:ReturnCodeType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="TimestampBankParameter" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitstempel der letzten Aktualisierung der Bankparameter; nur in der Initialisierungsphase anzugeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">timestamp indicating the latest update of the bank parameters; may be set during initialisation phase only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:TimestampType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="ResponseStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the static EBICS header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="TransactionID" type="ebics:TransactionIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">eindeutige, technische Transaktions-ID; wird vom Server vergeben, falls OrderAttribute entweder gleich "OZHNN" oder gleich "DZHNN" ist und falls tatsächlich eine Transaktion erzeugt wurde.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">unique transaction ID, provided by the server if and only if the order attribute is set to either "OZHNN" or "DZHNN" and if a transaction has been established actually.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="NumSegments" type="ebics:SegmentNumberType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gesamtsegmentanzahl für diese Transaktion; nur bei Downloads in der Initialisierungsphase anzugeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total number of segments for this transaction; mandatory for downloads in initialisation phase only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ResponseMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den variablen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the mutable EBICS header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="TransactionPhase" type="ebics:TransactionPhaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Phase, in der sich die Transaktion gerade befindet; wird bei jedem Transaktionsschritt vom Client gesetzt und vom Server übernommen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Current phase of the transaction; this information is provided by the client for each step of the transaction, and the server adopts the setting.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SegmentNumber" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Nummer des aktuellen Segments, welches gerade übertragen oder angefordert wird; nur anzugeben bei TransactionPhase=Transfer und (bei Download) TransactionPhase=Initialisation.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the number of the segment which is currently being transmitted or requested; mandatory for transaction phases 'Transfer' and (for downloads) 'Initialisation' only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SegmentNumberType">
- <attribute name="lastSegment" type="boolean" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist dies das letzte Segment der Übertragung?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer von Sendeaufträgen gemäß DFÜ-Abkommen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ReturnCode" type="ebics:ReturnCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rückmeldung des technischen Status mit einer eindeutigen Fehlernummer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Return code indicating the technical status.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ReportText" type="ebics:ReportTextType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Klartext der Rückmeldung des technischen Status.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual interpretation of the returned technical status code.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_response_H005.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_response_H005.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 841286b7..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_response_H005.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2016 sp1 (x64) ( by EBICS Working Group - October 2016 -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H005" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H005" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_response_H005.xsd ist das EBICS-Protokollschema für Antwortnachrichten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ebics_response_H005.xsd is the appropriate EBICS protocol schema for standard responses.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </import>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_types_H005.xsd"/>
- <include schemaLocation="ebics_orders_H005.xsd"/>
- <element name="ebicsResponse">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard des Zentralen Kreditausschusses (ZKA): Multibankfähige Schnittstelle zur internetbasierten Kommunikation.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard of the "Zentraler Kreditausschuss (ZKA)": multi-bank capable interface for internet-based communication.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="header">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die technischen Transaktionsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the transaction-driven data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="static" type="ebics:ResponseStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enhält alle festen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the static header entries.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="mutable" type="ebics:ResponseMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält alle variablen Headereinträge.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the mutable header entries.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element ref="ebics:AuthSignature">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Authentifikationssignatur.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Authentication signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="body">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Auftragsdaten, EU(s) und weitere Nutzdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains order data, order signature(s) and further data referring to the current order.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="DataTransfer" type="ebics:DataTransferResponseType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transfer von Auftragsdaten; nur bei Download anzugeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Transfer of signature or order data; mandatory for downloads only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ReturnCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">fachlicher Antwortcode für den vorangegangenen Request.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">order-related return code of the previous request.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:ReturnCodeType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="TimestampBankParameter" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitstempel der letzten Aktualisierung der Bankparameter; nur in der Initialisierungsphase anzugeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">timestamp indicating the latest update of the bank parameters; may be set during initialisation phase only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:TimestampType">
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:AuthenticationMarker"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attributeGroup ref="ebics:VersionAttrGroup"/>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="strict"/>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="ResponseStaticHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">//TODO - Modify anotation TransactionID// Datentyp für den statischen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the static EBICS header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="TransactionID" type="ebics:TransactionIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">eindeutige, technische Transaktions-ID; wird vom Server vergeben, falls OrderAttribute entweder gleich "OZHNN" oder gleich "DZHNN" ist und falls tatsächlich eine Transaktion erzeugt wurde.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">unique transaction ID, provided by the server if and only if the order attribute is set to either "OZHNN" or "DZHNN" and if a transaction has been established actually.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="NumSegments" type="ebics:SegmentNumberType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gesamtsegmentanzahl für diese Transaktion; nur bei Downloads in der Initialisierungsphase anzugeben.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Total number of segments for this transaction; mandatory for downloads in initialisation phase only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ResponseMutableHeaderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den variablen EBICS-Header.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the mutable EBICS header.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="TransactionPhase" type="ebics:TransactionPhaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Phase, in der sich die Transaktion gerade befindet; wird bei jedem Transaktionsschritt vom Client gesetzt und vom Server übernommen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Current phase of the transaction; this information is provided by the client for each step of the transaction, and the server adopts the setting.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SegmentNumber" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die Nummer des aktuellen Segments, welches gerade übertragen oder angefordert wird; nur anzugeben bei TransactionPhase=Transfer und (bei Download) TransactionPhase=Initialisation.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the number of the segment which is currently being transmitted or requested; mandatory for transaction phases 'Transfer' and (for downloads) 'Initialisation' only.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:SegmentNumberType">
- <attribute name="lastSegment" type="boolean" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist dies das letzte Segment der Übertragung?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderID" type="ebics:OrderIDType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsnummer von Sendeaufträgen gemäß DFÜ-Abkommen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ReturnCode" type="ebics:ReturnCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rückmeldung des technischen Status mit einer eindeutigen Fehlernummer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Return code indicating the technical status.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ReportText" type="ebics:ReportTextType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Klartext der Rückmeldung des technischen Status.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual interpretation of the returned technical status code.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_signature_S002.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_signature_S002.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3127faa7..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_signature_S002.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2016 sp1 (x64) ( by EBICS Working Group - October 2016 -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:esig="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd"/>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_signature enthält Typdefinitionen für elektronische Unterschriften der Versionen A005, A006 und folgende.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ebics_EU contains type definitions for electronic signatures: versions A005, A006 and et sqq.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <!-- Elementdefinitionen für die EU. Die XML-Klartext-Struktur wird im EBICS-Signaturdatenkontext binär interpretiert.-->
- <element name="EBICSSignatureData" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Strukturen für bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschriften (EUs).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the digital signatures.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserSignatureData" type="esig:UserSignatureDataSigBookType" substitutionGroup="esig:EBICSSignatureData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die EUs der Teilnehmer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the digital signatures.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <complexType name="UserSignatureDataSigBookType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Signaturdaten des Teilnehmers beim EU-Transfer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for digital signature data transferred using EBICS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="OrderSignatureData" type="esig:OrderSignatureDataType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschrift oder Transportunterschrift (strukturiertes Format).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digital signature (either autorising an order or applied for transportation), structured format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="OrderSignatureType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für kryptographische Unterschriften.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
- </simpleType>
- <element name="OrderSignatureData" type="esig:OrderSignatureDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschrift oder Transportunterschrift (strukturiertes Format).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digital signature (either autorising an order or applied for transportation), structured format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <complexType name="OrderSignatureDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschrift oder Transportunterschrift (strukturiertes Format).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type according for a digital signature (either autorising an order or applied for transportation), structured format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignatureVersion" type="esig:SignatureVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Signaturverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the algorithm used for signature creation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SignatureValue" type="base64Binary">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Digitale Signatur.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digital signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="esig:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des Unterzeichners.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Customer ID of the signer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="esig:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">User ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Parameter zur X.509-Funktionalität</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Parameter for X509Data</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="35"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="35"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="SignatureVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Versionsnummern zur Elektronischen Unterschrift (EU).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="A\d{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <!-- Definitionen für die Uebertragung von oeffentlichen Signierschlüsseln. z.B. ueber EBICS mit INI, PUB, HCS.-->
- <element name="SignaturePubKeyOrderData" type="esig:SignaturePubKeyOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Element für Public Key Dateien unabhängig von der Auftragsart / Geschäftsvorfall.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <complexType name="SignaturePubKeyOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Public Key Dateien unabhängig von der Auftragsart / Geschäftsvorfall.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignaturePubKeyInfo" type="esig:SignaturePubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Signaturschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="esig:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="esig:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <element name="SignaturePubKeyInfo" type="esig:SignaturePubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Signaturschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <complexType name="SignaturePubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentliche bankfachliche Schlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="esig:PubKeyInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignatureVersion" type="esig:SignatureVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des EU-Signaturverfahrens.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Darstellung eines öffentlichen RSA-Schlüssels als Exponent-Modulus-Kombination oder als X509-Zertifikat.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Zeitstempel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="dateTime"/>
- </simpleType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_signatures.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_signatures.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 79abed9b..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_signatures.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:esig="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd"/>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_signature enthält Typdefinitionen für elektronische Unterschriften der Versionen A004, A005, A006 und folgende.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ebics_EU contains type definitions for electronic signatures: versions A005, A006 and et sqq.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <!-- Elementdefinitionen für die EU. Die XML-Klartext-Struktur wird im EBICS-Signaturdatenkontext binär interpretiert.-->
- <element name="EBICSSignatureData" abstract="true">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Strukturen für bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschriften (EUs).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the digital signatures.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserSignatureData" type="esig:UserSignatureDataSigBookType" substitutionGroup="esig:EBICSSignatureData">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">enthält die EUs der Teilnehmer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">contains the digital signatures.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <complexType name="UserSignatureDataSigBookType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Signaturdaten des Teilnehmers beim EU-Transfer.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for digital signature data transferred using EBICS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <element name="OrderSignature">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschrift oder Transportunterschrift (Binärformat).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digital signature (either autorising an order or applied for transportation), binary format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="esig:OrderSignatureType">
- <attribute name="PartnerID" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des Unterzeichners.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Customer ID of the signer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="OrderSignatureData" type="esig:OrderSignatureDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschrift oder Transportunterschrift (strukturiertes Format).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digital signature (either autorising an order or applied for transportation), structured format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="OrderSignatureType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für kryptographische Unterschriften.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
- </simpleType>
- <element name="OrderSignatureData" type="esig:OrderSignatureDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschrift oder Transportunterschrift (strukturiertes Format).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digital signature (either autorising an order or applied for transportation), structured format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <complexType name="OrderSignatureDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für bankfachliche Elektronische Unterschrift oder Transportunterschrift (strukturiertes Format).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type according for a digital signature (either autorising an order or applied for transportation), structured format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignatureVersion" type="esig:SignatureVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Signaturverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the algorithm used for signature creation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="SignatureValue" type="base64Binary">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Digitale Signatur.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Digital signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="esig:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID des Unterzeichners.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Customer ID of the signer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="esig:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">User ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Parameter zur X.509-Funktionalität</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Parameter for X509Data</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="35"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="35"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="SignatureVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Versionsnummern zur Elektronischen Unterschrift (EU).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="A\d{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <!-- Definitionen für die Uebertragung von oeffentlichen Signierschlüsseln. z.B. ueber EBICS mit INI, PUB, HCS.-->
- <element name="SignaturePubKeyOrderData" type="esig:SignaturePubKeyOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Element für Public Key Dateien unabhängig von der Auftragsart / Geschäftsvorfall.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <complexType name="SignaturePubKeyOrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Public Key Dateien unabhängig von der Auftragsart / Geschäftsvorfall.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignaturePubKeyInfo" type="esig:SignaturePubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Signaturschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="PartnerID" type="esig:PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="UserID" type="esig:UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <element name="SignaturePubKeyInfo" type="esig:SignaturePubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">öffentlicher Signaturschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <complexType name="SignaturePubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentliche bankfachliche Schlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="esig:PubKeyInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignatureVersion" type="esig:SignatureVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des EU-Signaturverfahrens.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Darstellung eines öffentlichen RSA-Schlüssels als Exponent-Modulus-Kombination oder als X509-Zertifikat.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data" minOccurs="0"/>
- <element name="PubKeyValue" type="esig:PubKeyValueType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Darstellung als Exponent-Modulus-Kombination.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PubKeyValueType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Exponent-Modulus-Darstellung eines öffentlichen RSA-Schlüssels.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:RSAKeyValue"/>
- <element name="TimeStamp" type="esig:TimestampType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitpunkt der Generierung des Schlüssels.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Zeitstempel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="dateTime"/>
- </simpleType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_types_H004.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_types_H004.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 461e377d..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_types_H004.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2426 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- Mit XMLSpy v2008 rel. 2 ( von Sabine Wenzel (SIZ Bonn) bearbeitet -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:esig="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H004" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H004" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="ebics_signatures.xsd"/>
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd"/>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_types_H004.xsd enthält einfache Typdefinitionen für EBICS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType name="ProtocolVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für EBICS-Versionsnummern.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="H\d{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ProtocolRevisionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für EBICS-Revisionsnummern.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="positiveInteger">
- <maxInclusive value="99"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="EncryptionVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Versionsnummern zur Verschlüsselung.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <pattern value="E\d{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="SignatureVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Versionsnummern zur Elektronischen Unterschrift (EU).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="A\d{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AuthenticationVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Versionsnummern zur Authentifikation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="X\d{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="CryptoVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Versionsnummern zur Verschlüsselung, Signatur und Authentifkation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <union memberTypes="ebics:EncryptionVersionType ebics:SignatureVersionType ebics:AuthenticationVersionType"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="CurrencyBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Währungen (Grundtyp).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="3"/>
- <pattern value="[A-Z]{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="CurrencyCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">dreistelliger Währungscode gemäß ISO 4217.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="ebics:CurrencyBaseType">
- <length value="3"/>
- <enumeration value="AFN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Afghanistan: Afghani</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ALL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Albanien: Lek</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AMD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Armenien: Dram</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ANG">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Niederländische Antillen: Gulden</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AOA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angola: Kwanza</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ARS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Argentinien: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AUD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Australien: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AWG">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Aruba: Florin</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AZM">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Aserbaidschan: Manat</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BAM">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bosnien und Herzegowina: Konvertible Mark</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BBD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Barbados: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BDT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bangladesch: Taka</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BGN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bulgarien: Lew</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BHD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bahrain: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BMD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bermuda: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BND">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Brunei: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BOB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bolivien: Boliviano</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BRL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Brasilien: Real</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BSD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bahamas: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BTN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bhutan: Ngultrum</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BWP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Botswana: Pula</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BYR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Weißrussland (Belarus): Rubel</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BZD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Belize: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CAD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kanada: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CDF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Demokratische Republik Kongo: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CHF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Schweiz: Franken</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CLP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Chile: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CNY">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">China (Volksrepublik): Renminbi Yuan</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="COP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kolumbien: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CRC">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Costa Rica: Colón</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CSD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Serbien: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CUP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kuba: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CVE">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kap Verde: Escudo</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CYP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zypern (griechischer Teil): Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CZK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Tschechien: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DJV">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Dschibuti: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DKK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Dänemark: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DOP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Dominikanische Republik: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DZD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Algerien: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ECS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ecuador (bis 2000): Sucre</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EEK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Estland: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EGP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ägypten: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ETB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Äthiopien: Birr</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EUR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Europäische Währungsunion: Euro</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="FJD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Fidschi: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="FKP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Falklandinseln: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GBP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Vereinigtes Königreich: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GEL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Georgien: Lari</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GHC">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ghana: Cedi</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GIP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gibraltar: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GMD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gambia: Dalasi</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GNF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Guinea: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GTQ">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Guatemala: Quetzal</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GYD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Guyana: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HKD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hongkong: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HNL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Honduras: Lempira</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HRK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kroatien: Kuna</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HTG">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Haiti: Gourde</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HUF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ungarn: Forint</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IDR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Indonesien: Rupiah</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ILS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Israel: Schekel</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="INR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Indien: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IQD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Irak: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IRR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Iran: Rial</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ISK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Island: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="JMD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Jamaika: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="JOD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Jordanien: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="JPY">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Japan: Yen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KES">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kenia: Schilling</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KGS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kirgisistan: Som</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KHR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kambodscha: Riel</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KMF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Komoren: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KPW">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Nordkorea: Won</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KRW">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Südkorea: Won</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KWD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kuwait: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KYD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kaimaninseln: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KZT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kasachstan: Tenge</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LAK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Laos: Kip</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LBP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Libanon: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LKR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sri Lanka: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LRD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Liberia: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LSL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Lesotho: Loti</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LTL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Litauen: Litas</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LVL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Lettland: Lats</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LYD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Libyen: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MAD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Marokko: Dirham</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MDL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Moldawien: Leu</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MGF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Madagaskar: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MKD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mazedonien: Denar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MMK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Myanmar: Kyat</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MNT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mongolei: Tugrik</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MOP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Macau: Pataca</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MRO">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mauretanien: Ouguiya</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MTL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Malta: Lira</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MUR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mauritius: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MVR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Malediven: Rufiyaa</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MWK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Malawi: Kwacha</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MXN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mexiko: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MYR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Malaysia: Ringgit</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MZM">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mosambik: Metical</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NAD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Namibia: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NGN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Nigeria: Naira</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NIO">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Nicaragua: Cordoba Oro</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NOK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Norwegen: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NPR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Nepal: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NZD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Neuseeland: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="OMR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Oman: Rial</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PAB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Panama: Balboa</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PEN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Peru: Nuevo Sol</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PGK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Papua-Neuguinea: Kina</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PHP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Philippinen: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PKR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Pakistan: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PLN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Polen: Zloty</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PYG">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Paraguay: Guaraní</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="QAR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Katar: Riyal</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ROL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rumänien: Leu</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="RUB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Russland: Rubel</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="RWF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ruanda: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SAR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Saudi-Arabien: Riyal</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SBD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Salomonen: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SCR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Seychellen: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SDD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sudan: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SEK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Schweden: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SGD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Singapur: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SHP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">St. Helena: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SIT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Slowenien: Tolar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SKK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Slowakei: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SLL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sierra Leone: Leone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SOS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Somalia: Schilling</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SRD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Suriname: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="STD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">São Tomé und Príncipe: Dobra</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SVC">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">El Salvador: Colón</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SYP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Syrien: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SZL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Swasiland: Lilangeni</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="THB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Thailand: Baht</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TJS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Tadschikistan: Somoni</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TMM">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Turkmenistan: Manat</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TND">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Tunesien: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TOP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Tonga: Pa'anga</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TRL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Türkei: Lira</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TRY">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Türkei: Neue Lira (ab 2005)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TTD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Trinidad und Tobago: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TWD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Taiwan: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TZS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Tansania: Schilling</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="UAH">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ukraine: Hrywnja</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="UGX">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Uganda: Shilling</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="USD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">USA: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="UYU">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Uruguay: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="UZS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Usbekistan: Sum</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="VEB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Venezuela: Bolivar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="VND">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Vietnam: Dong</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="VUV">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Vanuatu: Vatu</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="WST">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Samoa: Tala</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XAF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zentralafrikanische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion: CFA-Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XCD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ostkaribische Währungsunion: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XOF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Westafrikanische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion: CFA-Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XPF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Neukaledonien: CFP-Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XTS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Spezialcode für Testzwecke; keine existierende Währung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XXX">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">keine Währung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="YER">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Jemen: Rial</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ZAR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Südafrika: Rand</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ZMK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sambia: Kwacha</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ZWD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Simbabwe: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AmountValueType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für einen Betragswert (ohne Währung).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="decimal">
- <totalDigits value="24"/>
- <fractionDigits value="4"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <complexType name="AmountType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für einen Betrag inkl. Währungscode-Attribut (Default = "EUR").</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AmountValueType">
- <attribute name="Currency" type="ebics:CurrencyBaseType" use="optional" default="EUR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Währungscode, Default="EUR".</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Currency code, default setting is "EUR".</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="TransactionIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Transaktions-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="hexBinary">
- <length value="16"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NonceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Nonces.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="hexBinary">
- <length value="16"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="InstituteIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Instituts-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="64"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Host-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="35"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ProductType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Kundenprodukt-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="64"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="LanguageType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für das Sprachkennzeichen des Kundenprodukts.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="language">
- <length value="2"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für allgemeine Auftragsarten (Grundtyp).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="3"/>
- <pattern value="[A-Z0-9]{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderTListType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Listentyp für allgemeine Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <list itemType="ebics:OrderTBaseType"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderTType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für zulässige Auftragsarten im EBICS-Kontext.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="ebics:OrderTBaseType">
- <length value="3"/>
- <enumeration value="HSA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden der Public Keys für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung, bankfachlich signiert mit FTAM-Signaturschlüssel</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HIA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden der Public Keys zur Authentifikation und zur Verschlüsselung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HPB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen der Public Keys der Bank</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HCA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ändern der Public Keys zur Authentifikation und zur Verschlüsselung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HPD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Bankparameter für internetbasierten Standard</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HVU">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen VEU Übersicht</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HVD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen VEU Auftragsdaten (Daten-trägerbegleitzettel)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HVT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen VEU Auftragsdaten ( Transakti-onsdetails gemäß Parametervorgabe)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HVE">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden EU zu bestehendem VEU-Auftrag</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HVS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Stornierung für bestehenden VEU-Auftrag</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HKD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Konfigurationsdaten des Teilnehmers</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HAA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Übersicht zu abrufbaren Aufträgen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HVU">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">VEU-Übersicht abholen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HVD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">VEU-Status abrufen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HVT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">VEU-Transaktion-Details abrufen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HVE">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">EU hinzufügen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HVS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">VEU-Stornierung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AAE">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Importakkreditiv Änderung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AEA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Exportakkreditive</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AIA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Import-Akkreditive Avisierung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AKA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Import-Akkreditive</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AWV">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">AWV-Meldung senden</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AZM">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">AZV im Magnetbandformat senden (Satzlänge variabel)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AZV">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">AZV im Diskettenformat senden</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AZ2">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">AZV im Magnetbandformat senden (Satzlängenfeld 2 Bytes)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AZ4">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">AZV im Magnetbandformat senden (Satzlängenfeld 4 Bytes)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DDG">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Devisenhandelsbestätigung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DHB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Devisenhandelsbestätigung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DTE">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Eilauftrag (IZV im DTAUS0-Format) senden</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DTI">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">IZV-Datei abholen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DTM">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">MCV-Datei abholen (Format analog MCV)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DTV">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zahlungsverkehrsdateien von Service-Rechenzentren senden</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DT2">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">MC2-Datei abholen (Format analog MC2)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DT4">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">MC4-Datei abholen (Format analog MC4)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EAB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Exportakkreditive abholen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ECS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden electronic-cash Lastschriftdatei</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EDC">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Maestro-Lastschriftdatei</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EEA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">EDIFACT abholen ASCII</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EEZ">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">EDIFACT abholen EBCDIC</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EIB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ausführungsanzeige (Exportinkasso) Bank an Kunde abholen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EIK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Exportinkassi</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ESA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">EDIFACT senden ASCII</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ESM">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">EU-Standardüberweisung (Zahlungsart 13) im Magnetbandformat (Satzlängenfeld 4 Bytes)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ESR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Einreichung von EDIFACT-Lastschriften</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ESZ">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">EDIFACT senden EBCDIC</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ESU">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">EU-Standardüberweisung (Zahlungsart 13)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EUE">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Taggleiche grenzüberschreitende Euro-Eilzahlung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GAB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Garantien</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GAK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Garantien</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GKT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">GeldKarte-Umsatz senden (Datenaufbau gemäß GeldKarte-Spezifikation)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IDD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Internationale Lastschriften</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IIB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Importinkassi</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IIK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Importinkassi</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="INT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Internationaler Zahlungsverkehr</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IZG">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Inlandszahlungsverkehrsauftrag senden (nur Gutschriften)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IZL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Inlandszahlungsverkehrsauftrag senden (nur Lastschriften)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IZV">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Inlandszahlungsverkehrsauftrag senden</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MAO">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Magnetband-Datei aus optischer Beleglesung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MCV">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden IZV-Magnetbandformat (Satzlängenfeld 4 Bytes)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MC2">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden IZV-Magnetbandformat (Satzlängenfeld 2 Bytes)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MC4">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden IZV-Magnetbandformat (Satzlänge variabel)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="POZ">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden POZ-Datei</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="RDT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rücklastschrift an Kunde</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="RFT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Request for Transfer</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="STA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Swift-Tagesauszüge</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="VMK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen kurzfristige Vormerkposten</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="WPA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Wertpapierabrechnung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="WPB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Wertpapierausführungsanzeige</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="WPC">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Depotaufstellung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="WPD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen sonstige WP-Umsätze</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="INI">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Initialisierung der bankfachlichen EU des Teilnehmers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PTK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Kundenprotokoll</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PUB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Public Key zur Unterschriftenverifizierung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HCA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Änderung der Teilnehmerschlüssel für Authentifikation und Verschlüsselung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SPR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sperren der Zugangsberechtigung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="VPB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Public Key der Bank zur Verschlüsselung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="FIN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">EDIFACT-FINPAY senden</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IZS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Informationen von Zentralstellen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SSP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ec-Karten-Sperrdatei</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ATA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Teilausnutzung Importakkreditiv (Kreditinstitut an Kunde)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BKA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsart für elektronische Kontoauszüge</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BZK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Barzahlungskarte</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DKI">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Devisenkursinformationen abholen (Euro)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DMI">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Devisenmarktinformationen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DSW">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Devisenswapinformationen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ESG">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ESG-Datei für Elektronische Zweitunterschrift abholen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ESP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ESP-Datei für Elektronische Zweitunterschrift senden</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="FTB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen/Senden beliebige Datei</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="FTD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Freie Textdatei senden/abholen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IBK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Institutsbestätigungsdatei (Komplettbestand)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IBW">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Institutsbestätigungsdatei (Komplettbestand weitere Datei)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IBU">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Abholen Institutsbestätigungsdatei (tägliches Update)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IKK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Institutskonten (Komplettbestand begrenzt auf 170 MB)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IKU">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Institutskonten (tägliches Update)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IKW">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden Institutskonten (Komplettbestand weitere Datei)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KTH">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">KTOHIN: Automatisiertes Verfahren für die Änderung von Kontonummern und Bankleitzahlen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KTR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">KTORUECK: Automatisiertes Verfahren für die Änderung von Kontonummern und Bankleitzahlen </documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KKZ">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontenkonzentration und Saldenausgleich</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TST">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Senden/Abholen Testdatei (ASCII)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="UPD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Updates abholen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Auftragsnummer lt. DFÜ-Abkommen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="[A-Z][A-Z0-9]{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderAttributeBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für ein einzelnes Auftragsattributkennzeichen (Grundtyp).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="5"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderAttributeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Auftragsattributkennzeichen gemäß DFÜ-Abkommen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="ebics:OrderAttributeBaseType">
- <enumeration value="OZHNN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten mit Unterschrift, ZIP-komprimiert, hybrid verschlüsselt</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="UZHNN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Unterschrift, ZIP-komprimiert, hybrid verschlüsselt</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DZHNN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten ohne Unterschrift, ZIP-komprimiert, hybrid verschlüsselt</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für das Sicherheitsmedium.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="string">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="\d{4}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="SegmentNumberType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Segmentnummer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="positiveInteger">
- <totalDigits value="10"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NumSegmentsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Gesamtsegmentanzahl.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <totalDigits value="10"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NumOrderInfosType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Gesamtanzahl der Einzelauftraginfos.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <totalDigits value="10"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="TransactionPhaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Transaktionsphase.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <enumeration value="Initialisation">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transaktionsinitialisierung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Transfer">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdatentransfer</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Receipt">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Quittungstransfer</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Zeitstempel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="dateTime"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="DateType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Datumswerte.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="date"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="35"/>
- <pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9,=]{1,35}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="35"/>
- <pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9,=]{1,35}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AccountIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Konten-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="64"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AccountNumberType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Kontonummer (national/international).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="40"/>
- <pattern value="\d{3,10}|([A-Z]{2}\d{2}[A-Za-z0-9]{3,30})"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="BankCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Bankleitzahl (national/international).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="11"/>
- <pattern value="\d{8}|([A-Z]{6}[A-Z0-9]{2}([A-Z0-9]{3})?)"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="BankCodePrefixType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für ein nationales BLZ-Präfix.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="2"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NationalAccountNumberType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Kontonummer (freies Format).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="40"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NationalBankCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Bankleitzahl (freies Format).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="30"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AccountHolderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Namen des Kontoinhabers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AccountDescriptionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Kontobeschreibung.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString"/>
- </simpleType>
- <complexType name="AccountType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Kontoinformationen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <choice maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="AccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer (deutsches Format und/oder international als IBAN).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account number (German format and/or international=IBAN).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Kontonummer im deutschen Format (international=false) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, IBAN) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is the account number specified using the national=German or the international=IBAN format?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalAccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalAccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format identification.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <choice maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="BankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl (deutsches Format und/oder international als SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank code (German and/or international=SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:BankCodeType">
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Bankleitzahl im deutschen Format (international=false, BLZ) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, SWIFT-BIC) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is the bank code specified using the national=German or the international SWIFT-BIC format?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Prefix" type="ebics:BankCodePrefixType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">nationales Präfix für Bankleitzahlen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">National=German prefix for bank codes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalBankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank code in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalBankCodeType">
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format identification.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <element name="AccountHolder" type="ebics:AccountHolderType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Kontoinhabers.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name of the account holder.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Currency" type="ebics:CurrencyBaseType" use="optional" default="EUR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Währungscode für dieses Konto, Default=EUR.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Currency code for this account, Default=EUR.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="ebics:AccountDescriptionType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontobeschreibung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Description of this account.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="AccountNumberRoleType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Rolle eines Zahlungsverkehrskontos innerhalb einer Transaktion.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <enumeration value="Originator">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftraggeberkonto</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Recipient">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Empfängerkonto</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Charges">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gebührenkonto</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Other">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">andere Kontorolle</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="BankCodeRoleType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Rolle eines Kreditinstituts innerhalb einer Transaktion (repräsentiert durch die Bankleitzahl).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <enumeration value="Originator">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftraggeberbank</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Recipient">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Empfängerbank</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Correspondent">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Korrespondenzbank</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Other">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">andere Bankrolle</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AccountHolderRoleType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Rolle eines Kontoinhabers innerhalb einer Transaktion.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <enumeration value="Originator">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftraggeber</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Recipient">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Empfänger</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Presenter">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Überbringer, Einreicher</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Other">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">andere Rolle</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <complexType name="AttributedAccountType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Kontoinformationen inkl. der Eigenschaftszuordnung innerhalb einer Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <choice maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="AccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer (deutsches Format oder international als IBAN).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Kontonummer (Account number (German format and/or international = IBAN).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="Role" type="ebics:AccountNumberRoleType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rolle des Kontos innerhalb der Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Role of the account during the transaction.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="normalizedString">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textuelle Beschreibung der Funktion, falls role=Other ausgewählt wird.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual description of the role the account place during the transaction; use only if the corresponding 'role' field is set to 'other'.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Kontonummer im deutschen Format (international=false) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, IBAN) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is the account number specified using the national=German or the international=IBAN format?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalAccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalAccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="Role" type="ebics:AccountNumberRoleType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rolle des Kontos innerhalb der Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Role of the account during the transaction.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="normalizedString">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textuelle Beschreibung der Funktion, falls role=Other ausgewählt wird.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual description of the role the account place during the transaction; use only if the corresponding 'role' field is set to 'other'.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format identification.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <choice maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="BankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl (deutsches Format oder international als SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank code (German and/or international=SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:BankCodeType">
- <attribute name="Role" type="ebics:BankCodeRoleType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rolle des kontoführenden Instituts innerhalb der Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Role of the bank during the transaction.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="normalizedString">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textuelle Beschreibung der Funktion, falls role=Other ausgewählt wird.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual description of the role the account place during the transaction; use only if the corresponding 'role' field is set to 'other'.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Bankleitzahl im deutschen Format (international=false, BLZ) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, SWIFT-BIC) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is the bank code specified using the national=German or the international=SWIFT-BIC format?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Prefix" type="ebics:BankCodePrefixType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">nationales Präfix für Bankleitzahlen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">National=German prefix for bank codes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalBankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank code in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalBankCodeType">
- <attribute name="Role" type="ebics:BankCodeRoleType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rolle des kontoführenden Instituts innerhalb der Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Role of the bank during the transaction.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="normalizedString">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textuelle Beschreibung der Funktion, falls role=Other ausgewählt wird.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual description of the role the account place during the transaction; use only if the corresponding 'role' field is set to 'other'.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format identification.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <element name="AccountHolder" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Kontoinhabers.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name of the account holder.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountHolderType">
- <attribute name="Role" type="ebics:AccountHolderRoleType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rolle des Kontoinhabers innerhalb der Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Role of the account holder during the transaction.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="normalizedString">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textuelle Beschreibung der Rolle, falls role=Other ausgewählt wird.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual description of the role the account holder place during the transaction; use only if the corresponding 'role' field is set to 'other'.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Currency" type="ebics:CurrencyBaseType" use="optional" default="EUR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Währungscode für dieses Konto, Default=EUR.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Currency code for this account, Default=EUR.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="ebics:AccountDescriptionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontobeschreibung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Description of this account.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="SignatureDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für binäre Signaturdaten (komprimiert, verschlüsselt und kodiert).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für binäre Auftragsdaten (komprimiert, verschlüsselt und kodiert).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="CountryCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ISO-Code zur Länderkennzeichnung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ISO-Code to identify the country.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="2"/>
- <pattern value="[A-Z]{2,2}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <complexType name="FileFormatType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für das Dateiformat.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="token">
- <attribute name="CountryCode" type="ebics:CountryCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ISO-Code zur Länderkennzeichnung (EU für Europa)</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ISO-Code to identify the country (EU for Europe)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="AuthorisationLevelType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Berechtigungsklassen zur Elektronischen Unterschrift.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="1"/>
- <enumeration value="E">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Einzelunterschrift</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="A">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Erstunterschrift</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="B">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zweitunterschrift</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="T">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transportunterschrift</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AuthorisationLevelListType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Listentyp für Berechtigungsklassen zur Elektronischen Unterschrift.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <list itemType="ebics:AuthorisationLevelType"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="DigestAlgorithmType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Datentyp für Hashfunktionen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="anyURI"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="DigestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Hashwerte.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="ds:DigestValueType"/>
- </simpleType>
- <complexType name="DataDigestType">
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:DigestType">
- <attribute name="SignatureVersion" type="ebics:SignatureVersionType" use="optional" default="A004">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Signaturverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the algorithm used for signature creation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="SignatureType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für kryptographische Unterschriften.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="SymmetricKeyType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für symmetrische Schlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
- </simpleType>
- <complexType name="PubKeyDigestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Hashwerte und Attribute von öffentlichen Schlüsseln.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:DigestType">
- <attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashalgorithmus.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Name of the used hash algorithm.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PubKeyValueType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Exponent-Modulus-Darstellung eines öffentlichen RSA-Schlüssels.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:RSAKeyValue"/>
- <element name="TimeStamp" type="ebics:TimestampType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zeitpunkt der Generierung des Schlüssels.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Darstellung eines öffentlichen RSA-Schlüssels als Exponent-Modulus-Kombination oder als X509-Zertifikat.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data" minOccurs="0"/>
- <element name="PubKeyValue" type="ebics:PubKeyValueType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Darstellung als Exponent-Modulus-Kombination.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="EncryptionPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentliche Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="EncryptionVersion" type="ebics:EncryptionVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Verschlüsselungsverfahrens.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentlichen Authentfikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationVersion" type="ebics:AuthenticationVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Authentifikationsverfahrens.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="SignatureCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentliche bankfachliche Schlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for public authorisation (ES) key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:CertificateInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignatureVersion" type="ebics:SignatureVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des EU-Signaturverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ES-Version.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="AuthenticationCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentlichen Schlüssel zur Authentisierung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for public for identification and authentication.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:CertificateInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationVersion" type="ebics:AuthenticationVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Authentifikationsverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Authentication version.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="EncryptionCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentlichen Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for encryption key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:CertificateInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="EncryptionVersion" type="ebics:EncryptionVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Verschlüsselungsverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Encryption Version.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="CertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Zertifikate hinsichtlich der "bank-technical signature for authorisation" (ES).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data Type for Certificates for the bank-technical signature for authorisation (ES)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="ReturnCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Antwortcodes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="6"/>
- <pattern value="\d{6}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ReportTextType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Erklärungstext zum Antwortcode.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="256"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ReceiptCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Quittierungscodes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <maxInclusive value="1"/>
- <minInclusive value="0"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NameType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Kunden-, Teilnehmer-, Straßen- oder Ortsnamen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="TransferType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Datentyp für den Transfertyp (Upload/Download).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <enumeration value="Upload">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten werden bei der Anfrage transferiert.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Download">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdaten werden bei der Antwort transferiert.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderDescriptionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Beschreibung von Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="128"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderFormatType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für das Auftragsformat.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="8"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="UserStatusType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Teilnehmerstatus.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <maxInclusive value="99"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <element name="Parameter">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">generische Schlüssel-Wert-Parameter.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Generic key value parameters.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Name" type="token">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Parameters.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Name of the parameter (= key).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Value">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Wert des Parameters.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Value of the parameter.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="anySimpleType">
- <attribute name="Type" type="NCName" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Typ des Parameterwerts (Vorschlag für default ist string).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">XML type of the parameter value (Proposal for default is string).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="DataEncryptionInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Darstellung von Information zur Verschlüsselung der Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the modelling of information regarding the encryption of signature and order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="EncryptionPubKeyDigest">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert des öffentlichen Verschlüsselungsschlüssels des Empfängers der verschlüsselten Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Hash value of the public encryption key owned by the receipient of the encrypted order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyDigestType">
- <attribute name="Version" type="ebics:EncryptionVersionType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Verschlüsselungsverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the encryption method.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="TransactionKey" type="ebics:SymmetricKeyType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Asymmetrisch verschlüsselter symmetrischer Transaktionsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">The asymmetrically encrypted symmetric transaction key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <element name="AuthSignature" type="ds:SignatureType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Authentifikationssignatur.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Authentication signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_types_H005.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_types_H005.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index ea13f06b..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ebics_types_H005.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1885 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2017 sp1 (x64) ( by EBICS Working Group - March 2017 -->
-<schema xmlns="" xmlns:esig="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:ebics="urn:org:ebics:H005" targetNamespace="urn:org:ebics:H005" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0">
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="ebics_signature_S002.xsd"/>
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd"/>
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">ebics_types_H005.xsd enthält einfache Typdefinitionen für EBICS.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleType name="ProtocolVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für EBICS-Versionsnummern.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="H\d{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ProtocolRevisionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für EBICS-Revisionsnummern.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="positiveInteger">
- <maxInclusive value="99"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="EncryptionVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Versionsnummern zur Verschlüsselung.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <pattern value="E\d{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="SignatureVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Versionsnummern zur Elektronischen Unterschrift (EU).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="A\d{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AuthenticationVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Versionsnummern zur Authentifikation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="X\d{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="CryptoVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Versionsnummern zur Verschlüsselung, Signatur und Authentifkation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <union memberTypes="ebics:EncryptionVersionType ebics:SignatureVersionType ebics:AuthenticationVersionType"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="CurrencyBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Währungen (Grundtyp).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="3"/>
- <pattern value="[A-Z]{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="CurrencyCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">dreistelliger Währungscode gemäß ISO 4217.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="ebics:CurrencyBaseType">
- <length value="3"/>
- <enumeration value="AFN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Afghanistan: Afghani</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ALL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Albanien: Lek</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AMD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Armenien: Dram</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ANG">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Niederländische Antillen: Gulden</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AOA">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Angola: Kwanza</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ARS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Argentinien: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AUD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Australien: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AWG">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Aruba: Florin</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="AZM">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Aserbaidschan: Manat</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BAM">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bosnien und Herzegowina: Konvertible Mark</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BBD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Barbados: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BDT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bangladesch: Taka</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BGN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bulgarien: Lew</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BHD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bahrain: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BMD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bermuda: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BND">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Brunei: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BOB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bolivien: Boliviano</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BRL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Brasilien: Real</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BSD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bahamas: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BTN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bhutan: Ngultrum</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BWP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Botswana: Pula</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BYR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Weißrussland (Belarus): Rubel</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BZD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Belize: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CAD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kanada: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CDF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Demokratische Republik Kongo: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CHF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Schweiz: Franken</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CLP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Chile: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CNY">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">China (Volksrepublik): Renminbi Yuan</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="COP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kolumbien: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CRC">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Costa Rica: Colón</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CSD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Serbien: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CUP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kuba: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CVE">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kap Verde: Escudo</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CYP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zypern (griechischer Teil): Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="CZK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Tschechien: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DJV">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Dschibuti: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DKK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Dänemark: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DOP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Dominikanische Republik: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DZD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Algerien: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ECS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ecuador (bis 2000): Sucre</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EEK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Estland: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EGP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ägypten: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ETB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Äthiopien: Birr</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="EUR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Europäische Währungsunion: Euro</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="FJD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Fidschi: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="FKP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Falklandinseln: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GBP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Vereinigtes Königreich: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GEL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Georgien: Lari</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GHC">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ghana: Cedi</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GIP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gibraltar: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GMD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gambia: Dalasi</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GNF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Guinea: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GTQ">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Guatemala: Quetzal</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="GYD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Guyana: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HKD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hongkong: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HNL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Honduras: Lempira</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HRK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kroatien: Kuna</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HTG">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Haiti: Gourde</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HUF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ungarn: Forint</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IDR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Indonesien: Rupiah</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ILS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Israel: Schekel</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="INR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Indien: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IQD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Irak: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="IRR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Iran: Rial</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ISK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Island: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="JMD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Jamaika: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="JOD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Jordanien: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="JPY">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Japan: Yen</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KES">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kenia: Schilling</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KGS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kirgisistan: Som</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KHR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kambodscha: Riel</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KMF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Komoren: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KPW">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Nordkorea: Won</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KRW">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Südkorea: Won</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KWD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kuwait: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KYD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kaimaninseln: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="KZT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kasachstan: Tenge</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LAK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Laos: Kip</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LBP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Libanon: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LKR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sri Lanka: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LRD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Liberia: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LSL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Lesotho: Loti</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LTL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Litauen: Litas</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LVL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Lettland: Lats</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="LYD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Libyen: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MAD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Marokko: Dirham</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MDL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Moldawien: Leu</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MGF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Madagaskar: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MKD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mazedonien: Denar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MMK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Myanmar: Kyat</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MNT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mongolei: Tugrik</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MOP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Macau: Pataca</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MRO">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mauretanien: Ouguiya</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MTL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Malta: Lira</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MUR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mauritius: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MVR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Malediven: Rufiyaa</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MWK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Malawi: Kwacha</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MXN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mexiko: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MYR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Malaysia: Ringgit</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MZM">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Mosambik: Metical</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NAD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Namibia: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NGN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Nigeria: Naira</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NIO">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Nicaragua: Cordoba Oro</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NOK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Norwegen: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NPR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Nepal: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="NZD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Neuseeland: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="OMR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Oman: Rial</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PAB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Panama: Balboa</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PEN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Peru: Nuevo Sol</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PGK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Papua-Neuguinea: Kina</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PHP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Philippinen: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PKR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Pakistan: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PLN">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Polen: Zloty</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PYG">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Paraguay: Guaraní</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="QAR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Katar: Riyal</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ROL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rumänien: Leu</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="RUB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Russland: Rubel</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="RWF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ruanda: Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SAR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Saudi-Arabien: Riyal</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SBD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Salomonen: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SCR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Seychellen: Rupie</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SDD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sudan: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SEK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Schweden: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SGD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Singapur: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SHP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">St. Helena: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SIT">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Slowenien: Tolar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SKK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Slowakei: Krone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SLL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sierra Leone: Leone</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SOS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Somalia: Schilling</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SRD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Suriname: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="STD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">São Tomé und Príncipe: Dobra</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SVC">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">El Salvador: Colón</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SYP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Syrien: Pfund</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SZL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Swasiland: Lilangeni</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="THB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Thailand: Baht</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TJS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Tadschikistan: Somoni</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TMM">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Turkmenistan: Manat</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TND">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Tunesien: Dinar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TOP">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Tonga: Pa'anga</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TRL">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Türkei: Lira</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TRY">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Türkei: Neue Lira (ab 2005)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TTD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Trinidad und Tobago: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TWD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Taiwan: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TZS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Tansania: Schilling</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="UAH">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ukraine: Hrywnja</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="UGX">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Uganda: Shilling</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="USD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">USA: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="UYU">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Uruguay: Peso</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="UZS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Usbekistan: Sum</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="VEB">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Venezuela: Bolivar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="VND">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Vietnam: Dong</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="VUV">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Vanuatu: Vatu</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="WST">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Samoa: Tala</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XAF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zentralafrikanische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion: CFA-Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XCD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ostkaribische Währungsunion: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XOF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Westafrikanische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion: CFA-Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XPF">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Neukaledonien: CFP-Franc</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XTS">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Spezialcode für Testzwecke; keine existierende Währung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="XXX">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">keine Währung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="YER">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Jemen: Rial</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ZAR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Südafrika: Rand</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ZMK">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Sambia: Kwacha</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ZWD">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Simbabwe: Dollar</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AmountValueType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für einen Betragswert (ohne Währung).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="decimal">
- <totalDigits value="24"/>
- <fractionDigits value="4"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <complexType name="AmountType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für einen Betrag inkl. Währungscode-Attribut (Default = "EUR").</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AmountValueType">
- <attribute name="Currency" type="ebics:CurrencyBaseType" use="optional" default="EUR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Währungscode, Default="EUR".</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Currency code, default setting is "EUR".</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="TransactionIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Transaktions-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="hexBinary">
- <length value="16"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NonceType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Nonces.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="hexBinary">
- <length value="16"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="InstituteIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Instituts-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="64"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="HostIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Host-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="35"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ProductType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Kundenprodukt-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="64"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="LanguageType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für das Sprachkennzeichen des Kundenprodukts.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="language">
- <length value="2"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderTBaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für allgemeine Auftragsarten (Grundtyp).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="3"/>
- <pattern value="[A-Z0-9]{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Auftragsnummer lt. DFÜ-Abkommen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="[A-Z][A-Z0-9]{3}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="SecurityMediumType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für das Sicherheitsmedium.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="string">
- <length value="4"/>
- <pattern value="\d{4}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="SegmentNumberType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Segmentnummer.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="positiveInteger">
- <totalDigits value="10"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NumSegmentsType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Gesamtsegmentanzahl.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <totalDigits value="10"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NumOrderInfosType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Gesamtanzahl der Einzelauftraginfos.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <totalDigits value="10"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="TransactionPhaseType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Transaktionsphase.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <enumeration value="Initialisation">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transaktionsinitialisierung</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Transfer">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftragsdatentransfer</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Receipt">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Quittungstransfer</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="TimestampType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Zeitstempel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="dateTime"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="DateType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Datumswerte.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="date"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="UserIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Teilnehmer-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="35"/>
- <pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9,=]{1,35}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="PartnerIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Kunden-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="35"/>
- <pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-9,=]{1,35}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AccountIDType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Konten-ID.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="64"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AccountNumberType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Kontonummer (national/international).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="40"/>
- <pattern value="\d{3,10}|([A-Z]{2}\d{2}[A-Za-z0-9]{3,30})"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="BankCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Bankleitzahl (national/international).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <maxLength value="11"/>
- <pattern value="\d{8}|([A-Z]{6}[A-Z0-9]{2}([A-Z0-9]{3})?)"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="BankCodePrefixType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für ein nationales BLZ-Präfix.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="2"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NationalAccountNumberType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Kontonummer (freies Format).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="40"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NationalBankCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für eine Bankleitzahl (freies Format).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="30"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AccountHolderType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Namen des Kontoinhabers.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AccountDescriptionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Kontobeschreibung.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString"/>
- </simpleType>
- <complexType name="AccountType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Kontoinformationen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <choice maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="AccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer (deutsches Format und/oder international als IBAN).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account number (German format and/or international=IBAN).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Kontonummer im deutschen Format (international=false) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, IBAN) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is the account number specified using the national=German or the international=IBAN format?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalAccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalAccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format identification.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="BankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl (deutsches Format und/oder international als SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank code (German and/or international=SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:BankCodeType">
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Bankleitzahl im deutschen Format (international=false, BLZ) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, SWIFT-BIC) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is the bank code specified using the national=German or the international SWIFT-BIC format?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Prefix" type="ebics:BankCodePrefixType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">nationales Präfix für Bankleitzahlen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">National=German prefix for bank codes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalBankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank code in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalBankCodeType">
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format identification.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <element name="AccountHolder" type="ebics:AccountHolderType" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Kontoinhabers.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name of the account holder.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Currency" type="ebics:CurrencyBaseType" use="optional" default="EUR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Währungscode für dieses Konto, Default=EUR.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Currency code for this account, Default=EUR.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="ebics:AccountDescriptionType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontobeschreibung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Description of this account.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="AccountNumberRoleType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Rolle eines Zahlungsverkehrskontos innerhalb einer Transaktion.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <enumeration value="Originator">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftraggeberkonto</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Recipient">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Empfängerkonto</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Charges">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Gebührenkonto</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Other">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">andere Kontorolle</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="BankCodeRoleType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Rolle eines Kreditinstituts innerhalb einer Transaktion (repräsentiert durch die Bankleitzahl).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <enumeration value="Originator">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftraggeberbank</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Recipient">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Empfängerbank</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Correspondent">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Korrespondenzbank</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Other">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">andere Bankrolle</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AccountHolderRoleType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Rolle eines Kontoinhabers innerhalb einer Transaktion.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <enumeration value="Originator">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Auftraggeber</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Recipient">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Empfänger</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Presenter">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Überbringer, Einreicher</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="Other">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">andere Rolle</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <complexType name="AttributedAccountType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Kontoinformationen inkl. der Eigenschaftszuordnung innerhalb einer Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <choice maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="AccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer (deutsches Format oder international als IBAN).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Kontonummer (Account number (German format and/or international = IBAN).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="Role" type="ebics:AccountNumberRoleType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rolle des Kontos innerhalb der Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Role of the account during the transaction.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="normalizedString">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textuelle Beschreibung der Funktion, falls role=Other ausgewählt wird.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual description of the role the account place during the transaction; use only if the corresponding 'role' field is set to 'other'.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Kontonummer im deutschen Format (international=false) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, IBAN) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is the account number specified using the national=German or the international=IBAN format?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalAccountNumber">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontonummer im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Account in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalAccountNumberType">
- <attribute name="Role" type="ebics:AccountNumberRoleType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rolle des Kontos innerhalb der Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Role of the account during the transaction.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="normalizedString">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textuelle Beschreibung der Funktion, falls role=Other ausgewählt wird.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual description of the role the account place during the transaction; use only if the corresponding 'role' field is set to 'other'.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format identification.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
- <element name="BankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl (deutsches Format oder international als SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank code (German and/or international=SWIFT-BIC).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:BankCodeType">
- <attribute name="Role" type="ebics:BankCodeRoleType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rolle des kontoführenden Instituts innerhalb der Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Role of the bank during the transaction.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="normalizedString">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textuelle Beschreibung der Funktion, falls role=Other ausgewählt wird.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual description of the role the account place during the transaction; use only if the corresponding 'role' field is set to 'other'.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="international" type="boolean" use="optional" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Ist die Bankleitzahl im deutschen Format (international=false, BLZ) oder im internationalen Format (international=true, SWIFT-BIC) angegeben?</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Is the bank code specified using the national=German or the international=SWIFT-BIC format?</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Prefix" type="ebics:BankCodePrefixType" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">nationales Präfix für Bankleitzahlen.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">National=German prefix for bank codes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="NationalBankCode">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Bankleitzahl im freien Format.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Bank code in free format.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:NationalBankCodeType">
- <attribute name="Role" type="ebics:BankCodeRoleType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rolle des kontoführenden Instituts innerhalb der Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Role of the bank during the transaction.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="normalizedString">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textuelle Beschreibung der Funktion, falls role=Other ausgewählt wird.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual description of the role the account place during the transaction; use only if the corresponding 'role' field is set to 'other'.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="format" type="token" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Formatkennung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Format identification.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <element name="AccountHolder" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name des Kontoinhabers.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Name of the account holder.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:AccountHolderType">
- <attribute name="Role" type="ebics:AccountHolderRoleType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Rolle des Kontoinhabers innerhalb der Zahlungstransaktion.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Role of the account holder during the transaction.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="normalizedString">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Textuelle Beschreibung der Rolle, falls role=Other ausgewählt wird.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Textual description of the role the account holder place during the transaction; use only if the corresponding 'role' field is set to 'other'.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Currency" type="ebics:CurrencyBaseType" use="optional" default="EUR">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Währungscode für dieses Konto, Default=EUR.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Currency code for this account, Default=EUR.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="Description" type="ebics:AccountDescriptionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Kontobeschreibung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Description of this account.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="SignatureDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für binäre Signaturdaten (komprimiert, verschlüsselt und kodiert).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderDataType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für binäre Auftragsdaten (komprimiert, verschlüsselt und kodiert).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AuthorisationLevelType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Berechtigungsklassen zur Elektronischen Unterschrift.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="1"/>
- <enumeration value="E">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Einzelunterschrift</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="A">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Erstunterschrift</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="B">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Zweitunterschrift</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="T">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Transportunterschrift</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AuthorisationLevelListType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Listentyp für Berechtigungsklassen zur Elektronischen Unterschrift.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <list itemType="ebics:AuthorisationLevelType"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="DigestAlgorithmType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Datentyp für Hashfunktionen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="anyURI"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="DigestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Hashwerte.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="ds:DigestValueType"/>
- </simpleType>
- <complexType name="DataDigestType">
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:DigestType">
- <attribute name="SignatureVersion" type="ebics:SignatureVersionType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Signaturverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the algorithm used for signature creation.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="SignatureType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für kryptographische Unterschriften.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="SymmetricKeyType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für symmetrische Schlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
- </simpleType>
- <complexType name="PubKeyDigestType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Hashwerte und Attribute von öffentlichen Schlüsseln.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:DigestType">
- <attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashalgorithmus.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Name of the used hash algorithm.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="PubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Darstellung eines öffentlichen RSA-Schlüssels als Exponent-Modulus-Kombination oder als X509-Zertifikat.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="EncryptionPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentliche Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="EncryptionVersion" type="ebics:EncryptionVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Verschlüsselungsverfahrens.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentlichen Authentfikationsschlüssel.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationVersion" type="ebics:AuthenticationVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Authentifikationsverfahrens.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="SignatureCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentliche bankfachliche Schlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for public authorisation (ES) key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:CertificateInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="SignatureVersion" type="ebics:SignatureVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des EU-Signaturverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">ES-Version.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="AuthenticationCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentlichen Schlüssel zur Authentisierung.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for public for identification and authentication.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:CertificateInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="AuthenticationVersion" type="ebics:AuthenticationVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Authentifikationsverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Authentication version.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="EncryptionCertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für öffentlichen Verschlüsselungsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for encryption key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="ebics:CertificateInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="EncryptionVersion" type="ebics:EncryptionVersionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Verschlüsselungsverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Encryption Version.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="CertificateInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Zertifikate hinsichtlich der "bank-technical signature for authorisation" (ES).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data Type for Certificates for the bank-technical signature for authorisation (ES)</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <simpleType name="ReturnCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Antwortcodes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <length value="6"/>
- <pattern value="\d{6}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ReportTextType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Erklärungstext zum Antwortcode.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="256"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ReceiptCodeType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Quittierungscodes.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <maxInclusive value="1"/>
- <minInclusive value="0"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NameType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für Kunden-, Teilnehmer-, Straßen- oder Ortsnamen.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="OrderDescriptionType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Beschreibung von Auftragsarten.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="128"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="UserStatusType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für den Teilnehmerstatus.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="nonNegativeInteger">
- <maxInclusive value="99"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <element name="Parameter">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">generic parameter</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Generic key value parameters.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
- <element name="Name" type="token">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">name of parameter</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Name of the parameter (= key).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="Value">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">value of parameter</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Value of the parameter.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="anySimpleType">
- <attribute name="Type" type="NCName" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">XML-Typ des Parameterwerts (Vorschlag für default ist string).</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">XML type of the parameter value (Proposal for default is string).</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <complexType name="DataEncryptionInfoType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Datentyp für die Darstellung von Information zur Verschlüsselung der Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Data type for the modelling of information regarding the encryption of signature and order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="EncryptionPubKeyDigest">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Hashwert des öffentlichen Verschlüsselungsschlüssels des Empfängers der verschlüsselten Auftragsdaten.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Hash value of the public encryption key owned by the receipient of the encrypted order data.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexType>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="ebics:PubKeyDigestType">
- <attribute name="Version" type="ebics:EncryptionVersionType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Version des Verschlüsselungsverfahrens.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Version of the encryption method.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- </element>
- <element name="TransactionKey" type="ebics:SymmetricKeyType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Asymmetrisch verschlüsselter symmetrischer Transaktionsschlüssel.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">The asymmetrically encrypted symmetric transaction key.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <element name="AuthSignature" type="ds:SignatureType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">Authentifikationssignatur.</documentation>
- <documentation xml:lang="en">Authentication signature.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <simpleType name="String255Type">
- <annotation>
- <documentation xml:lang="de">String up to 255 characters.</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="normalizedString">
- <maxLength value="255"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <!--Following types are BTF required type definitions-->
- <simpleType name="CodeStringType">
- <restriction base="string">
- <minLength value="1"/>
- <maxLength value="10"/>
- <pattern value="[A-Z0-9]*"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="NumStringType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Type is used for ISO variant and version</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="string">
- <minLength value="2"/>
- <maxLength value="3"/>
- <pattern value="[0-9]*"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="FileNameStringType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Type ist used for original file name</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="string">
- <minLength value="1"/>
- <maxLength value="256"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="MessageNameStringType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Type ist used for name or rather kind of Message</documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="token">
- <minLength value="1"/>
- <maxLength value="10"/>
- <pattern value="[a-z\.0-9]*"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ServiceNameStringType">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>Service Code name: External list specified and maintained by EBICS. Basis is the "SWIFT-list" for the field "description" (SCT, DCT, XCT, SDD, DDD, STM, REP...) plus additional codes needed for further services </documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="ebics:CodeStringType">
- <maxLength value="3"/>
- <minLength value="3"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ScopeStringType">
- <restriction base="ebics:CodeStringType">
- <maxLength value="3"/>
- <minLength value="2"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ServiceOptionStringType">
- <restriction base="ebics:CodeStringType">
- <minLength value="3"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ContainerStringType">
- <restriction base="ebics:CodeStringType">
- <maxLength value="3"/>
- <minLength value="3"/>
- <enumeration value="SVC"/>
- <enumeration value="XML"/>
- <enumeration value="ZIP"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/ b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/
deleted file mode 100644
index b8ecce02..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1212 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
-(C) Copyright 2010, SKSF,
-CH Version fuer pain.001 Credit Transfer: xmlns="" Identification for this CH version
-Last part (.02): Version of this scheme
-Based on ISO pain.001.001.03 (urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03)
-Anregungen und Fragen zu diesem Dokument können an das jeweilige Finanzinstitut gerichtet werden.
-Allgemeine Anregungen können auch bei der SIX Interbank Clearing AG unter folgender Adresse angebracht werden:
-15.02.2010 V01 initial version, targetNamespace=""
-30.04.2010 V02 added: element Initiating Party/Contact Details contains Software name and Version of producing application
- changed: name in "PartyIdentification32-CH_Name" mandatory
-<!-- V01: changed:
-<xs:schema xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
- <xs:element name="Document" type="Document"/>
- <!-- V01: changed: CH version changes applied -->
- <xs:complexType name="AccountIdentification4Choice-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="IBAN" type="IBAN2007Identifier"/>
- <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericAccountIdentification1-CH"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:complexType name="AccountSchemeName1Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalAccountIdentification1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- -->
- <xs:simpleType name="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
- <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
- <xs:fractionDigits value="5"/>
- <xs:totalDigits value="18"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount">
- <xs:simpleContent>
- <xs:extension base="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType">
- <xs:attribute name="Ccy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" use="required"/>
- </xs:extension>
- </xs:simpleContent>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{3,3}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="AddressType2Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="ADDR"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="PBOX"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="HOME"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="BIZZ"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MLTO"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="DLVY"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="AmountType3Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="InstdAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount"/>
- <xs:element name="EqvtAmt" type="EquivalentAmount2"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="AnyBICIdentifier">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <!-- V01: unused: type Authorisation1Choice is not allowed or used in CH Version
- <xs:complexType name="Authorisation1Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="Authorisation1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max128Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="Authorisation1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="AUTH"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="FDET"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="FSUM"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="ILEV"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- -->
- <!-- V01: added: CH version supports only this character set. All text fields use this type -->
- <xs:simpleType name="BasicText-CH">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:pattern value="([a-zA-Z0-9\.,;:'\+\-/\(\)?\*\[\]\{\}\\`´~ ]|[!&quot;#%&amp;&lt;&gt;÷=@_$£]|[àáâäçèéêëìíîïñòóôöùúûüýßÀÁÂÄÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÖÙÚÛÜÑ])*"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <!-- V01: added: This is the SWIFT character set -->
- <xs:simpleType name="BasicText-Swift">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:pattern value="([A-Za-z0-9]|[+|\?|/|\-|:|\(|\)|\.|,|'|\p{Zs}])*"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="BICIdentifier">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="BaseOneRate">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
- <xs:fractionDigits value="10"/>
- <xs:totalDigits value="11"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="BatchBookingIndicator">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="FinInstnId" type="FinancialInstitutionIdentification7"/>
- <xs:element name="BrnchId" type="BranchData2" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- VO1: added: definition of FI where only BIC or Clearing Id is allowed, but no branch data -->
- <xs:complexType name="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4-CH_BicOrClrId">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="FinInstnId" type="FinancialInstitutionIdentification7-CH_BicOrClrId"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:element name="BrnchId" type="BranchData2" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- VO1: added: definition of FI where all elements are allowed, but no branch data -->
- <xs:complexType name="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="FinInstnId" type="FinancialInstitutionIdentification7-CH"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:element name="BrnchId" type="BranchData2" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="BranchData2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PstlAdr" type="PostalAddress6" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: changed: CH version changes applied -->
- <xs:complexType name="CashAccount16-CH_IdAndCurrency">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="AccountIdentification4Choice-CH"/>
- <xs:element name="Ccy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:element name="Tp" type="CashAccountType2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: added -->
- <xs:complexType name="CashAccount16-CH_IdTpCcy">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="AccountIdentification4Choice-CH"/>
- <xs:element name="Tp" type="CashAccountType2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Ccy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: added -->
- <xs:complexType name="CashAccount16-CH_Id">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="AccountIdentification4Choice-CH"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:element name="Tp" type="CashAccountType2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Ccy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="CashAccountType2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="CashAccountType4Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="CashAccountType4Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="CASH"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CHAR"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="COMM"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="TAXE"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CISH"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="TRAS"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SACC"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CACC"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SVGS"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="ONDP"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MGLD"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="NREX"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MOMA"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="LOAN"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SLRY"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="ODFT"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <!-- V01: changed: Only element Code allowed in Ch version -->
- <xs:complexType name="CategoryPurpose1-CH_Code">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- -->
- <xs:simpleType name="ChargeBearerType1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="DEBT"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CRED"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SHAR"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SLEV"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:complexType name="Cheque6">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="ChqTp" type="ChequeType2Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ChqNb" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ChqFr" type="NameAndAddress10" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="DlvryMtd" type="ChequeDeliveryMethod1Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="DlvrTo" type="NameAndAddress10" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="InstrPrty" type="Priority2Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ChqMtrtyDt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="FrmsCd" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="MemoFld" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"/>
- <xs:element name="RgnlClrZone" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PrtLctn" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- -->
- <!-- V01: added -->
- <xs:complexType name="Cheque6-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="ChqTp" type="ChequeType2Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="DlvryMtd" type="ChequeDeliveryMethod1Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:element name="ChqNb" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ChqFr" type="NameAndAddress10" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="DlvrTo" type="NameAndAddress10" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="InstrPrty" type="Priority2Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ChqMtrtyDt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="FrmsCd" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="MemoFld" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"/>
- <xs:element name="RgnlClrZone" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PrtLctn" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ChequeDelivery1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="MLDB"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MLCD"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MLFA"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CRDB"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CRCD"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CRFA"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="PUDB"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="PUCD"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="PUFA"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="RGDB"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="RGCD"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="RGFA"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="ChequeDeliveryMethod1Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ChequeDelivery1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ChequeType2Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="CCHQ"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CCCH"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="BCHQ"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="DRFT"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="ELDR"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="ClrSysId" type="ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="MmbId" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="ContactDetails2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="NmPrfx" type="NamePrefix1Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PhneNb" type="PhoneNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="MobNb" type="PhoneNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="FaxNb" type="PhoneNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="EmailAdr" type="Max2048Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Othr" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V02: changed: include Contact Details for Software name and version -->
- <xs:complexType name="ContactDetails2-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Othr" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V02: unused
- <xs:element name="NmPrfx" type="NamePrefix1Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PhneNb" type="PhoneNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="MobNb" type="PhoneNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="FaxNb" type="PhoneNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="EmailAdr" type="Max2048Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="CountryCode">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{2,2}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="CreditDebitCode">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="CRDT"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="DBIT"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="CreditTransferTransactionInformation10-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="PmtId" type="PaymentIdentification1"/>
- <xs:element name="PmtTpInf" type="PaymentTypeInformation19-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Amt" type="AmountType3Choice"/>
- <xs:element name="XchgRateInf" type="ExchangeRateInformation1" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ChrgBr" type="ChargeBearerType1Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ChqInstr" type="Cheque6-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="UltmtDbtr" type="PartyIdentification32-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="IntrmyAgt1" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtrAgt" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V02: changed: element Name mandatory -->
- <xs:element name="Cdtr" type="PartyIdentification32-CH_Name" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtrAcct" type="CashAccount16-CH_Id" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V02: changed: element Name mandatory -->
- <xs:element name="UltmtCdtr" type="PartyIdentification32-CH_Name" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="InstrForCdtrAgt" type="InstructionForCreditorAgent1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <xs:element name="InstrForDbtrAgt" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Purp" type="Purpose2-CH_Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RgltryRptg" type="RegulatoryReporting3" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"/>
- <xs:element name="RmtInf" type="RemittanceInformation5-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V01: usused
- <xs:element name="IntrmyAgt1Acct" type="CashAccount16" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="IntrmyAgt2" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="IntrmyAgt2Acct" type="CashAccount16" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="IntrmyAgt3" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="IntrmyAgt3Acct" type="CashAccount16" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtrAgtAcct" type="CashAccount16-CH_Id" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Tax" type="TaxInformation3" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RltdRmtInf" type="RemittanceLocation2" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="CreditorReferenceInformation2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Tp" type="CreditorReferenceType2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Ref" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="CreditorReferenceType1Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="DocumentType3Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="CreditorReferenceType2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="CdOrPrtry" type="CreditorReferenceType1Choice"/>
- <xs:element name="Issr" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="CustomerCreditTransferInitiationV03-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="GrpHdr" type="GroupHeader32-CH"/>
- <xs:element name="PmtInf" type="PaymentInstructionInformation3-CH" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="DateAndPlaceOfBirth">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="BirthDt" type="ISODate"/>
- <xs:element name="PrvcOfBirth" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CityOfBirth" type="Max35Text"/>
- <xs:element name="CtryOfBirth" type="CountryCode"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:complexType name="DatePeriodDetails">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="FrDt" type="ISODate"/>
- <xs:element name="ToDt" type="ISODate"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- -->
- <xs:simpleType name="DecimalNumber">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
- <xs:fractionDigits value="17"/>
- <xs:totalDigits value="18"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="Document">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="CstmrCdtTrfInitn" type="CustomerCreditTransferInitiationV03-CH"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="DocumentAdjustment1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Amt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtDbtInd" type="CreditDebitCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Rsn" type="Max4Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="AddtlInf" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="DocumentType3Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="RADM"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="RPIN"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="FXDR"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="DISP"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="PUOR"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SCOR"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="DocumentType5Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="MSIN"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CNFA"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="DNFA"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CINV"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CREN"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="DEBN"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="HIRI"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SBIN"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="CMCN"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SOAC"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="DISP"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="BOLD"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="VCHR"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="AROI"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="TSUT"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="EquivalentAmount2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Amt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount"/>
- <xs:element name="CcyOfTrf" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="ExchangeRateInformation1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="XchgRate" type="BaseOneRate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RateTp" type="ExchangeRateType1Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtrctId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ExchangeRateType1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="SPOT"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SALE"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="AGRD"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <!-- V01: unused:
- <xs:simpleType name="ExternalAccountIdentification1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- -->
- <xs:simpleType name="ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="5"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentification1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ExternalLocalInstrument1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="35"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ExternalPersonIdentification1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ExternalPurpose1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ExternalServiceLevel1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="FinancialIdentificationSchemeName1Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentification1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="FinancialInstitutionIdentification7">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="BIC" type="BICIdentifier" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ClrSysMmbId" type="ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PstlAdr" type="PostalAddress6" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericFinancialIdentification1" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: added: definition of FI where only BIC or Clearing Id is allowed -->
- <xs:complexType name="FinancialInstitutionIdentification7-CH_BicOrClrId">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="BIC" type="BICIdentifier" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ClrSysMmbId" type="ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PstlAdr" type="PostalAddress6" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericFinancialIdentification1" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: added: definition of FI where all elements are allowed (in a CH version) -->
- <xs:complexType name="FinancialInstitutionIdentification7-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="BIC" type="BICIdentifier" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ClrSysMmbId" type="ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PstlAdr" type="PostalAddress6-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericFinancialIdentification1-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: changed: only element ID allowed in CH version -->
- <xs:complexType name="GenericAccountIdentification1-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Max34Text"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:element name="SchmeNm" type="AccountSchemeName1Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Issr" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="GenericFinancialIdentification1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Max35Text"/>
- <xs:element name="SchmeNm" type="FinancialIdentificationSchemeName1Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Issr" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: added: only element Id allowed in CH version -->
- <xs:complexType name="GenericFinancialIdentification1-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Max35Text"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:element name="SchmeNm" type="FinancialIdentificationSchemeName1Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Issr" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="GenericOrganisationIdentification1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Max35Text"/>
- <xs:element name="SchmeNm" type="OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Issr" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="GenericPersonIdentification1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Max35Text"/>
- <xs:element name="SchmeNm" type="PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Issr" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="GroupHeader32-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="MsgId" type="Max35Text-Swift"/>
- <xs:element name="CreDtTm" type="ISODateTime"/>
- <xs:element name="NbOfTxs" type="Max15NumericText"/>
- <xs:element name="CtrlSum" type="DecimalNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V02: changed: include Contact Details for Software name and version -->
- <xs:element name="InitgPty" type="PartyIdentification32-CH_NameAndId"/>
- <xs:element name="FwdgAgt" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V01: unused: type Authorisation1Choice is not allowed or used in CH Version
- <xs:element name="Authstn" type="Authorisation1Choice" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"/>
- -->
- <!-- V01: changed: Initiating party only to contain name and id in CH version
- <xs:element name="InitgPty" type="PartyIdentification32"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="IBAN2007Identifier">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ISODate">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:date"/>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="ISODateTime">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:dateTime"/>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="Instruction3Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="CHQB"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="HOLD"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="PHOB"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="TELB"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="InstructionForCreditorAgent1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="Instruction3Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="InstrInf" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="LocalInstrument2Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalLocalInstrument1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="Max10Text">
- <xs:restriction base="BasicText-CH">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="10"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:simpleType name="Max128Text">
- <xs:restriction base="BasicText-CH">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="128"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- -->
- <xs:simpleType name="Max140Text">
- <xs:restriction base="BasicText-CH">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="140"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="Max15NumericText">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{1,15}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="Max16Text">
- <xs:restriction base="BasicText-CH">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="16"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="Max2048Text">
- <xs:restriction base="BasicText-CH">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="2048"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="Max34Text">
- <xs:restriction base="BasicText-CH">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="34"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="Max35Text">
- <xs:restriction base="BasicText-CH">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="35"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <!-- V01: added: replacement type for Max35Text where only the Swift character set is allowed -->
- <xs:simpleType name="Max35Text-Swift">
- <xs:restriction base="BasicText-Swift">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="35"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="Max4Text">
- <xs:restriction base="BasicText-CH">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="4"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="Max70Text">
- <xs:restriction base="BasicText-CH">
- <xs:minLength value="1"/>
- <xs:maxLength value="70"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:complexType name="NameAndAddress10">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max140Text"/>
- <xs:element name="Adr" type="PostalAddress6"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- -->
- <!-- V01: added: CH-Version: unused (prepared for later usage)
- <xs:complexType name="NameAndAddress10-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max70Text"/>
- <xs:element name="Adr" type="PostalAddress6-CH"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- -->
- <xs:simpleType name="NamePrefix1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="DOCT"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MIST"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MISS"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="MADM"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:simpleType name="Number">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
- <xs:fractionDigits value="0"/>
- <xs:totalDigits value="18"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- -->
- <xs:complexType name="OrganisationIdentification4">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="BICOrBEI" type="AnyBICIdentifier" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericOrganisationIdentification1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: added: only one occurance of element other allowed in CH version -->
- <xs:complexType name="OrganisationIdentification4-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="BICOrBEI" type="AnyBICIdentifier" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericOrganisationIdentification1" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="Party6Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="OrgId" type="OrganisationIdentification4"/>
- <xs:element name="PrvtId" type="PersonIdentification5"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: added: -->
- <xs:complexType name="Party6Choice-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="OrgId" type="OrganisationIdentification4-CH"/>
- <xs:element name="PrvtId" type="PersonIdentification5-CH"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="PartyIdentification32">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PstlAdr" type="PostalAddress6" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Party6Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtryOfRes" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtctDtls" type="ContactDetails2" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: added: replacement type for PartyIdentification8 where only elements Name and Id may be used -->
- <xs:complexType name="PartyIdentification32-CH_NameAndId">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Party6Choice-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- V02: added: Contact Details for Software name and version -->
- <xs:element name="CtctDtls" type="ContactDetails2-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: added -->
- <xs:complexType name="PartyIdentification32-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PstlAdr" type="PostalAddress6-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Party6Choice-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- changed -->
- <!-- unused
- <xs:element name="CtryOfRes" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V02: changed: element Name mandatory -->
- <xs:complexType name="PartyIdentification32-CH_Name">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max70Text"/>
- <xs:element name="PstlAdr" type="PostalAddress6-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Party6Choice-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <!-- changed -->
- <!-- unused
- <xs:element name="CtryOfRes" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!--
- <xs:complexType name="PartyIdentification32-CH_Debtor">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PstlAdr" type="PostalAddress6-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Party6Choice-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtryOfRes" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtctDtls" type="ContactDetails2" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="PartyIdentification32-CH_Creditor">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PstlAdr" type="PostalAddress6-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Id" type="Party6Choice-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtryOfRes" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtctDtls" type="ContactDetails2" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- -->
- <xs:complexType name="PaymentIdentification1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="InstrId" type="Max35Text-Swift" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="EndToEndId" type="Max35Text-Swift"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: changed: CH-version changes applied -->
- <xs:complexType name="PaymentInstructionInformation3-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="PmtInfId" type="Max35Text-Swift"/>
- <xs:element name="PmtMtd" type="PaymentMethod3Code"/>
- <xs:element name="BtchBookg" type="BatchBookingIndicator" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="NbOfTxs" type="Max15NumericText" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtrlSum" type="DecimalNumber" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PmtTpInf" type="PaymentTypeInformation19-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ReqdExctnDt" type="ISODate"/>
- <xs:element name="Dbtr" type="PartyIdentification32-CH"/>
- <xs:element name="DbtrAcct" type="CashAccount16-CH_IdTpCcy"/>
- <xs:element name="DbtrAgt" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4-CH_BicOrClrId"/>
- <xs:element name="UltmtDbtr" type="PartyIdentification32-CH" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ChrgBr" type="ChargeBearerType1Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ChrgsAcct" type="CashAccount16-CH_IdAndCurrency" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtTrfTxInf" type="CreditTransferTransactionInformation10-CH" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:element name="PoolgAdjstmntDt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="DbtrAgtAcct" type="CashAccount16" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="ChrgsAcctAgt" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4" minOccurs="0"/>
- -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="PaymentMethod3Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="CHK"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="TRF"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="TRA"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <!-- V01: changed: CH version changes applied -->
- <xs:complexType name="PaymentTypeInformation19-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="InstrPrty" type="Priority2Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="SvcLvl" type="ServiceLevel8Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="LclInstrm" type="LocalInstrument2Choice" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtgyPurp" type="CategoryPurpose1-CH_Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:simpleType name="PercentageRate">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
- <xs:fractionDigits value="10"/>
- <xs:totalDigits value="11"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- -->
- <xs:complexType name="PersonIdentification5">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="DtAndPlcOfBirth" type="DateAndPlaceOfBirth" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericPersonIdentification1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: changed: only one occurance of element Othr allowed in CH version -->
- <xs:complexType name="PersonIdentification5-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="DtAndPlcOfBirth" type="DateAndPlaceOfBirth" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericPersonIdentification1" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalPersonIdentification1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="PhoneNumber">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:pattern value="\+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="PostalAddress6">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="AdrTp" type="AddressType2Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Dept" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="SubDept" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="StrtNm" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="BldgNb" type="Max16Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PstCd" type="Max16Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TwnNm" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtrySubDvsn" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Ctry" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="AdrLine" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="7"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: added: only 2 lines of address lines allowed in CH version -->
- <xs:complexType name="PostalAddress6-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="AdrTp" type="AddressType2Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Dept" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="SubDept" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="StrtNm" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="BldgNb" type="Max16Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="PstCd" type="Max16Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TwnNm" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CtrySubDvsn" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Ctry" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="AdrLine" type="Max70Text" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"/>
- <!-- V01: changed: max. 2 occurence -->
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="Priority2Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="HIGH"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="NORM"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <!-- V01: changed: CH-version changes applied -->
- <xs:complexType name="Purpose2-CH_Code">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalPurpose1Code"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="ReferredDocumentInformation3">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Tp" type="ReferredDocumentType2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Nb" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RltdDt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="ReferredDocumentType1Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="DocumentType5Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="ReferredDocumentType2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="CdOrPrtry" type="ReferredDocumentType1Choice"/>
- <xs:element name="Issr" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="RegulatoryAuthority2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Ctry" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="RegulatoryReporting3">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="DbtCdtRptgInd" type="RegulatoryReportingType1Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Authrty" type="RegulatoryAuthority2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Dtls" type="StructuredRegulatoryReporting3" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="RegulatoryReportingType1Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="CRED"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="DEBT"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="BOTH"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="RemittanceAmount1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="DuePyblAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="DscntApldAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtNoteAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TaxAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="AdjstmntAmtAndRsn" type="DocumentAdjustment1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <xs:element name="RmtdAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="RemittanceInformation5-CH">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Ustrd" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Strd" type="StructuredRemittanceInformation7" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:complexType name="RemittanceLocation2">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="RmtId" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RmtLctnMtd" type="RemittanceLocationMethod2Code" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RmtLctnElctrncAdr" type="Max2048Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RmtLctnPstlAdr" type="NameAndAddress10" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="RemittanceLocationMethod2Code">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="FAXI"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="EDIC"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="URID"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="EMAL"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="POST"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="SMSM"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- -->
- <xs:complexType name="ServiceLevel8Choice">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalServiceLevel1Code"/>
- <xs:element name="Prtry" type="Max35Text"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="StructuredRegulatoryReporting3">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Tp" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Dt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Ctry" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Cd" type="Max10Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Amt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Inf" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="StructuredRemittanceInformation7">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="RfrdDocInf" type="ReferredDocumentInformation3" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <xs:element name="RfrdDocAmt" type="RemittanceAmount1" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="CdtrRefInf" type="CreditorReferenceInformation2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Invcr" type="PartyIdentification32" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Invcee" type="PartyIdentification32" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="AddtlRmtInf" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <!-- V01: unused
- <xs:complexType name="TaxAmount1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Rate" type="PercentageRate" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TaxblBaseAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="TtlAmt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Dtls" type="TaxRecordDetails1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TaxAuthorisation1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Titl" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Nm" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="TaxInformation3">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Cdtr" type="TaxParty1" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Dbtr" type="TaxParty2" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="AdmstnZn" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="RefNb" type="Max140Text" minOccurs="0"/>
- <xs:element name="Mtd" type="Max35Text" minOccurs="0"/>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 60cd5d71..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/pain.001.001.03.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,922 +0,0 @@
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- </xs:restriction>
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- </xs:choice>
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- </xs:sequence>
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-</xs:schema> \ No newline at end of file
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index f12da93c..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1733 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-(C) Copyright 2021, SIX,
-CH Version for pain.001 Credit Transfer: "" Identification for this CH version
-Last part (.03): CH Version of this scheme
-Based on ISO pain.001.001.09 (urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.09)
-<xs:schema xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.09" xmlns:xs="" targetNamespace="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.09" elementFormDefault="qualified">
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- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element name="IBAN" type="IBAN2007Identifier"/>
- <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericAccountIdentification1"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:complexType>
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- <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericAccountIdentification1_pain001_ch"/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:complexContent>
- </xs:complexType>
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- <xs:element name="Cd" type="ExternalAccountIdentification1Code"/>
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- </xs:choice>
- </xs:complexType>
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- </xs:restriction>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 01d18ba4..00000000
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@@ -1,1253 +0,0 @@
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- <xs:complexType name="TrackerRecord1">
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="Agt" type="BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6"/>
- <xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="ChrgBr" type="ChargeBearerType1Code"/>
- <xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="ChrgsAmt" type="ActiveCurrencyAndAmount"/>
- <xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="XchgRateData" type="CurrencyExchange13"/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:simpleType name="TrueFalseIndicator">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="UUIDv4Identifier">
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:pattern value="[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{12}"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/xmldsig-core-schema.xsd b/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/xmldsig-core-schema.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c397a63..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/resources/xsd/xmldsig-core-schema.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- !DOCTYPE schema
- PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XMLSchema 200102//EN" "XMLSchema.dtd"
- [
- <!ATTLIST schema
- xmlns:ds CDATA #FIXED "">
- <!ENTITY dsig ''>
- <!ENTITY % p ''>
- <!ENTITY % s ''>
- ] -->
-<!-- Schema for XML Signatures
- $Revision: 1.2 $ on $Date: 2006/02/15 16:36:35 $ by $Author: hpl $
- Copyright 2001 The Internet Society and W3C (Massachusetts Institute
- of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en
- Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved.
- This document is governed by the W3C Software License [1] as described
- in the FAQ [2].
- [1]
- [2]
-<schema xmlns=""
- xmlns:ds=""
- targetNamespace=""
- version="0.1" elementFormDefault="qualified">
-<!-- Basic Types Defined for Signatures -->
-<simpleType name="CryptoBinary">
- <restriction base="base64Binary">
- </restriction>
-<!-- Start Signature -->
-<element name="Signature" type="ds:SignatureType"/>
-<complexType name="SignatureType">
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:SignedInfo"/>
- <element ref="ds:SignatureValue"/>
- <element ref="ds:KeyInfo" minOccurs="0"/>
- <element ref="ds:Object" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
- <element name="SignatureValue" type="ds:SignatureValueType"/>
- <complexType name="SignatureValueType">
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="base64Binary">
- <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
-<!-- Start SignedInfo -->
-<element name="SignedInfo" type="ds:SignedInfoType"/>
-<complexType name="SignedInfoType">
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:CanonicalizationMethod"/>
- <element ref="ds:SignatureMethod"/>
- <element ref="ds:Reference" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
- <element name="CanonicalizationMethod" type="ds:CanonicalizationMethodType"/>
- <complexType name="CanonicalizationMethodType" mixed="true">
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##any" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <!-- (0,unbounded) elements from (1,1) namespace -->
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required"/>
- </complexType>
- <element name="SignatureMethod" type="ds:SignatureMethodType"/>
- <complexType name="SignatureMethodType" mixed="true">
- <sequence>
- <element name="HMACOutputLength" minOccurs="0" type="ds:HMACOutputLengthType"/>
- <any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- <!-- (0,unbounded) elements from (1,1) external namespace -->
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required"/>
- </complexType>
-<!-- Start Reference -->
-<element name="Reference" type="ds:ReferenceType"/>
-<complexType name="ReferenceType">
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:Transforms" minOccurs="0"/>
- <element ref="ds:DigestMethod"/>
- <element ref="ds:DigestValue"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
- <attribute name="URI" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
- <attribute name="Type" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
- <element name="Transforms" type="ds:TransformsType"/>
- <complexType name="TransformsType">
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:Transform" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </complexType>
- <element name="Transform" type="ds:TransformType"/>
- <complexType name="TransformType" mixed="true">
- <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- <!-- (1,1) elements from (0,unbounded) namespaces -->
- <element name="XPath" type="string"/>
- </choice>
- <attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required"/>
- </complexType>
-<!-- End Reference -->
-<element name="DigestMethod" type="ds:DigestMethodType"/>
-<complexType name="DigestMethodType" mixed="true">
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required"/>
-<element name="DigestValue" type="ds:DigestValueType"/>
-<simpleType name="DigestValueType">
- <restriction base="base64Binary"/>
-<!-- End SignedInfo -->
-<!-- Start KeyInfo -->
-<element name="KeyInfo" type="ds:KeyInfoType"/>
-<complexType name="KeyInfoType" mixed="true">
- <choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <element ref="ds:KeyName"/>
- <element ref="ds:KeyValue"/>
- <element ref="ds:RetrievalMethod"/>
- <element ref="ds:X509Data"/>
- <element ref="ds:PGPData"/>
- <element ref="ds:SPKIData"/>
- <element ref="ds:MgmtData"/>
- <any processContents="lax" namespace="##other"/>
- <!-- (1,1) elements from (0,unbounded) namespaces -->
- </choice>
- <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
- <element name="KeyName" type="string"/>
- <element name="MgmtData" type="string"/>
- <element name="KeyValue" type="ds:KeyValueType"/>
- <complexType name="KeyValueType" mixed="true">
- <choice>
- <element ref="ds:DSAKeyValue"/>
- <element ref="ds:RSAKeyValue"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </choice>
- </complexType>
- <element name="RetrievalMethod" type="ds:RetrievalMethodType"/>
- <complexType name="RetrievalMethodType">
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:Transforms" minOccurs="0"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="URI" type="anyURI"/>
- <attribute name="Type" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
- </complexType>
-<!-- Start X509Data -->
-<element name="X509Data" type="ds:X509DataType"/>
-<complexType name="X509DataType">
- <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <choice>
- <element name="X509IssuerSerial" type="ds:X509IssuerSerialType"/>
- <element name="X509SKI" type="base64Binary"/>
- <element name="X509SubjectName" type="string"/>
- <element name="X509Certificate" type="base64Binary"/>
- <element name="X509CRL" type="base64Binary"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </choice>
- </sequence>
-<complexType name="X509IssuerSerialType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="X509IssuerName" type="string"/>
- <element name="X509SerialNumber" type="integer"/>
- </sequence>
-<!-- End X509Data -->
-<!-- Begin PGPData -->
-<element name="PGPData" type="ds:PGPDataType"/>
-<complexType name="PGPDataType">
- <choice>
- <sequence>
- <element name="PGPKeyID" type="base64Binary"/>
- <element name="PGPKeyPacket" type="base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
- maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <sequence>
- <element name="PGPKeyPacket" type="base64Binary"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
- maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- </choice>
-<!-- End PGPData -->
-<!-- Begin SPKIData -->
-<element name="SPKIData" type="ds:SPKIDataType"/>
-<complexType name="SPKIDataType">
- <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <element name="SPKISexp" type="base64Binary"/>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"/>
- </sequence>
-<!-- End SPKIData -->
-<!-- End KeyInfo -->
-<!-- Start Object (Manifest, SignatureProperty) -->
-<element name="Object" type="ds:ObjectType"/>
-<complexType name="ObjectType" mixed="true">
- <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <any namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
- <attribute name="MimeType" type="string" use="optional"/> <!-- add a grep facet -->
- <attribute name="Encoding" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
-<element name="Manifest" type="ds:ManifestType"/>
-<complexType name="ManifestType">
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:Reference" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
-<element name="SignatureProperties" type="ds:SignaturePropertiesType"/>
-<complexType name="SignaturePropertiesType">
- <sequence>
- <element ref="ds:SignatureProperty" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
- <element name="SignatureProperty" type="ds:SignaturePropertyType"/>
- <complexType name="SignaturePropertyType" mixed="true">
- <choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- <!-- (1,1) elements from (1,unbounded) namespaces -->
- </choice>
- <attribute name="Target" type="anyURI" use="required"/>
- <attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
- </complexType>
-<!-- End Object (Manifest, SignatureProperty) -->
-<!-- Start Algorithm Parameters -->
-<simpleType name="HMACOutputLengthType">
- <restriction base="integer"/>
-<!-- Start KeyValue Element-types -->
-<element name="DSAKeyValue" type="ds:DSAKeyValueType"/>
-<complexType name="DSAKeyValueType">
- <sequence>
- <sequence minOccurs="0">
- <element name="P" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
- <element name="Q" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
- </sequence>
- <element name="G" type="ds:CryptoBinary" minOccurs="0"/>
- <element name="Y" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
- <element name="J" type="ds:CryptoBinary" minOccurs="0"/>
- <sequence minOccurs="0">
- <element name="Seed" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
- <element name="PgenCounter" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
- </sequence>
- </sequence>
-<element name="RSAKeyValue" type="ds:RSAKeyValueType"/>
-<complexType name="RSAKeyValueType">
- <sequence>
- <element name="Modulus" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
- <element name="Exponent" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
- </sequence>
-<!-- End KeyValue Element-types -->
-<!-- End Signature -->