path: root/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Ebics.kt
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 438 deletions
diff --git a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Ebics.kt b/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Ebics.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index e335e502..00000000
--- a/ebics/src/main/kotlin/Ebics.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of LibEuFin.
- * Copyright (C) 2024 Taler Systems S.A.
- * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- * Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
- * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see
- * <>
- */
- * This is the main "EBICS library interface". Functions here are stateless helpers
- * used to implement both an EBICS server and EBICS client.
- */
-package tech.libeufin.ebics
-import io.ktor.http.*
-import org.w3c.dom.Document
-import tech.libeufin.common.crypto.CryptoUtil
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004.EbicsRequest
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004.EbicsResponse
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004.EbicsTypes
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h004.HPBResponseOrderData
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_h005.Ebics3Response
-import tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s001.UserSignatureData
-import java.time.Instant
-import java.time.ZoneId
-import java.time.ZonedDateTime
-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement
-import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory
-import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
-data class EbicsProtocolError(
- val httpStatusCode: HttpStatusCode,
- val reason: String,
- /**
- * This class is also used when Nexus finds itself
- * in an inconsistent state, without interacting with the
- * bank. In this case, the EBICS code below can be left
- * null.
- */
- val ebicsTechnicalCode: EbicsReturnCode? = null
-) : Exception(reason)
-data class EbicsDateRange(
- val start: Instant,
- val end: Instant
-sealed interface EbicsOrderParams
-data class EbicsStandardOrderParams(
- val dateRange: EbicsDateRange? = null
-) : EbicsOrderParams
-data class EbicsGenericOrderParams(
- val params: Map<String, String> = mapOf()
-) : EbicsOrderParams
-enum class EbicsInitState {
- * This class is a mere container that keeps data found
- * in the database and that is further needed to sign / verify
- * / make messages. And not all the values are needed all
- * the time.
- */
-data class EbicsClientSubscriberDetails(
- val partnerId: String,
- val userId: String,
- var bankAuthPub: RSAPublicKey?,
- var bankEncPub: RSAPublicKey?,
- val ebicsUrl: String,
- val hostId: String,
- val customerEncPriv: RSAPrivateCrtKey,
- val customerAuthPriv: RSAPrivateCrtKey,
- val customerSignPriv: RSAPrivateCrtKey,
- val ebicsIniState: EbicsInitState,
- val ebicsHiaState: EbicsInitState,
- var dialect: String? = null
- * @param size in bits
- */
-fun getNonce(size: Int): ByteArray {
- val sr = SecureRandom()
- val ret = ByteArray(size / 8)
- sr.nextBytes(ret)
- return ret
-fun getXmlDate(i: Instant): XMLGregorianCalendar {
- val zonedTimestamp = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(i, ZoneId.of("UTC"))
- return getXmlDate(zonedTimestamp)
-fun getXmlDate(d: ZonedDateTime): XMLGregorianCalendar {
- return DatatypeFactory.newInstance()
- .newXMLGregorianCalendar(
- d.year,
- d.monthValue,
- d.dayOfMonth,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- d.offset.totalSeconds / 60
- )
-fun makeOrderParams(orderParams: EbicsOrderParams): EbicsRequest.OrderParams {
- return when (orderParams) {
- is EbicsStandardOrderParams -> {
- EbicsRequest.StandardOrderParams().apply {
- val r = orderParams.dateRange
- if (r != null) {
- this.dateRange = EbicsRequest.DateRange().apply {
- this.start = getXmlDate(r.start)
- this.end = getXmlDate(r.end)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- is EbicsGenericOrderParams -> {
- EbicsRequest.GenericOrderParams().apply {
- this.parameterList = { entry ->
- EbicsTypes.Parameter().apply {
- = entry.key
- this.value = entry.value
- this.type = "string"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-fun signOrder(
- orderBlob: ByteArray,
- signKey: RSAPrivateCrtKey,
- partnerId: String,
- userId: String
-): UserSignatureData {
- val ES_signature = CryptoUtil.signEbicsA006(
- CryptoUtil.digestEbicsOrderA006(orderBlob),
- signKey
- )
- val userSignatureData = UserSignatureData().apply {
- orderSignatureList = listOf(
- UserSignatureData.OrderSignatureData().apply {
- signatureVersion = "A006"
- signatureValue = ES_signature
- partnerID = partnerId
- userID = userId
- }
- )
- }
- return userSignatureData
-fun signOrderEbics3(
- orderBlob: ByteArray,
- signKey: RSAPrivateCrtKey,
- partnerId: String,
- userId: String
-): tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s002.UserSignatureDataEbics3 {
- val ES_signature = CryptoUtil.signEbicsA006(
- CryptoUtil.digestEbicsOrderA006(orderBlob),
- signKey
- )
- val userSignatureData = tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s002.UserSignatureDataEbics3().apply {
- orderSignatureList = listOf(
- tech.libeufin.ebics.ebics_s002.UserSignatureDataEbics3.OrderSignatureData().apply {
- signatureVersion = "A006"
- signatureValue = ES_signature
- partnerID = partnerId
- userID = userId
- }
- )
- }
- return userSignatureData
-data class PreparedUploadData(
- val transactionKey: ByteArray,
- val userSignatureDataEncrypted: ByteArray,
- val dataDigest: ByteArray,
- val encryptedPayloadChunks: List<String>
-) {
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
- if (this === other) return true
- if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
- other as PreparedUploadData
- if (!transactionKey.contentEquals(other.transactionKey)) return false
- if (!userSignatureDataEncrypted.contentEquals(other.userSignatureDataEncrypted)) return false
- if (encryptedPayloadChunks != other.encryptedPayloadChunks) return false
- return true
- }
- override fun hashCode(): Int {
- var result = transactionKey.contentHashCode()
- result = 31 * result + userSignatureDataEncrypted.contentHashCode()
- result = 31 * result + encryptedPayloadChunks.hashCode()
- return result
- }
-data class DataEncryptionInfo(
- val transactionKey: ByteArray,
- val bankPubDigest: ByteArray
-) {
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
- if (this === other) return true
- if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
- other as DataEncryptionInfo
- if (!transactionKey.contentEquals(other.transactionKey)) return false
- if (!bankPubDigest.contentEquals(other.bankPubDigest)) return false
- return true
- }
- override fun hashCode(): Int {
- var result = transactionKey.contentHashCode()
- result = 31 * result + bankPubDigest.contentHashCode()
- return result
- }
-// TODO import missing using a script
-enum class EbicsReturnCode(val errorCode: String) {
- EBICS_OK("000000"),
- EBICS_INVALID_XML("091010"),
- companion object {
- fun lookup(errorCode: String): EbicsReturnCode {
- for (x in entries) {
- if (x.errorCode == errorCode) {
- return x
- }
- }
- throw Exception(
- "Unknown EBICS status code: $errorCode"
- )
- }
- }
-data class EbicsResponseContent(
- val transactionID: String?,
- val orderID: String?,
- val dataEncryptionInfo: DataEncryptionInfo?,
- val orderDataEncChunk: String?,
- val technicalReturnCode: EbicsReturnCode,
- val bankReturnCode: EbicsReturnCode,
- val reportText: String,
- val segmentNumber: Int?,
- // Only present in init phase
- val numSegments: Int?
-data class EbicsKeyManagementResponseContent(
- val technicalReturnCode: EbicsReturnCode,
- val bankReturnCode: EbicsReturnCode?,
- val orderData: ByteArray?
-class HpbResponseData(
- val hostID: String,
- val encryptionPubKey: RSAPublicKey,
- val encryptionVersion: String,
- val authenticationPubKey: RSAPublicKey,
- val authenticationVersion: String
-fun parseEbicsHpbOrder(orderDataRaw: InputStream): HpbResponseData {
- val resp = try {
- XMLUtil.convertToJaxb<HPBResponseOrderData>(orderDataRaw)
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Invalid XML (as HPB response) received from bank")
- }
- val encPubKey = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKeyFromComponents(
- resp.value.encryptionPubKeyInfo.pubKeyValue.rsaKeyValue.modulus,
- resp.value.encryptionPubKeyInfo.pubKeyValue.rsaKeyValue.exponent
- )
- val authPubKey = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKeyFromComponents(
- resp.value.authenticationPubKeyInfo.pubKeyValue.rsaKeyValue.modulus,
- resp.value.authenticationPubKeyInfo.pubKeyValue.rsaKeyValue.exponent
- )
- return HpbResponseData(
- hostID = resp.value.hostID,
- encryptionPubKey = encPubKey,
- encryptionVersion = resp.value.encryptionPubKeyInfo.encryptionVersion,
- authenticationPubKey = authPubKey,
- authenticationVersion = resp.value.authenticationPubKeyInfo.authenticationVersion
- )
-fun ebics3toInternalRepr(response: Document): EbicsResponseContent {
- // logger.debug("Converting bank resp to internal repr.: $response")
- val resp: JAXBElement<Ebics3Response> = try {
- XMLUtil.convertDomToJaxb(response)
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(
- HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
- "Could not transform string-response from bank into JAXB"
- )
- }
- val bankReturnCodeStr = resp.value.body.returnCode.value
- val bankReturnCode = EbicsReturnCode.lookup(bankReturnCodeStr)
- val techReturnCodeStr = resp.value.header.mutable.returnCode
- val techReturnCode = EbicsReturnCode.lookup(techReturnCodeStr)
- val reportText = resp.value.header.mutable.reportText
- val daeXml = resp.value.body.dataTransfer?.dataEncryptionInfo
- val dataEncryptionInfo = if (daeXml == null) {
- null
- } else {
- DataEncryptionInfo(daeXml.transactionKey, daeXml.encryptionPubKeyDigest.value)
- }
- return EbicsResponseContent(
- transactionID = resp.value.header._static.transactionID,
- orderID = resp.value.header.mutable.orderID,
- bankReturnCode = bankReturnCode,
- technicalReturnCode = techReturnCode,
- reportText = reportText,
- orderDataEncChunk = resp.value.body.dataTransfer?.orderData?.value,
- dataEncryptionInfo = dataEncryptionInfo,
- numSegments = resp.value.header._static.numSegments?.toInt(),
- segmentNumber = resp.value.header.mutable.segmentNumber?.value?.toInt()
- )
-fun ebics25toInternalRepr(response: Document): EbicsResponseContent {
- val resp: JAXBElement<EbicsResponse> = try {
- XMLUtil.convertDomToJaxb(response)
- } catch (e: Exception) {
- throw EbicsProtocolError(
- HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError,
- "Could not transform string-response from bank into JAXB"
- )
- }
- val bankReturnCodeStr = resp.value.body.returnCode.value
- val bankReturnCode = EbicsReturnCode.lookup(bankReturnCodeStr)
- val techReturnCodeStr = resp.value.header.mutable.returnCode
- val techReturnCode = EbicsReturnCode.lookup(techReturnCodeStr)
- val reportText = resp.value.header.mutable.reportText
- val daeXml = resp.value.body.dataTransfer?.dataEncryptionInfo
- val dataEncryptionInfo = if (daeXml == null) {
- null
- } else {
- DataEncryptionInfo(daeXml.transactionKey, daeXml.encryptionPubKeyDigest.value)
- }
- return EbicsResponseContent(
- transactionID = resp.value.header._static.transactionID,
- orderID = resp.value.header.mutable.orderID,
- bankReturnCode = bankReturnCode,
- technicalReturnCode = techReturnCode,
- reportText = reportText,
- orderDataEncChunk = resp.value.body.dataTransfer?.orderData?.value,
- dataEncryptionInfo = dataEncryptionInfo,
- numSegments = resp.value.header._static.numSegments?.toInt(),
- segmentNumber = resp.value.header.mutable.segmentNumber?.value?.toInt()
- )
- * Get the private key that matches the given public key digest.
- */
-fun getDecryptionKey(subscriberDetails: EbicsClientSubscriberDetails, pubDigest: ByteArray): RSAPrivateCrtKey {
- val authPub = CryptoUtil.getRsaPublicFromPrivate(subscriberDetails.customerAuthPriv)
- val encPub = CryptoUtil.getRsaPublicFromPrivate(subscriberDetails.customerEncPriv)
- val authPubDigest = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(authPub)
- val encPubDigest = CryptoUtil.getEbicsPublicKeyHash(encPub)
- if (pubDigest.contentEquals(authPubDigest)) {
- return subscriberDetails.customerAuthPriv
- }
- if (pubDigest.contentEquals(encPubDigest)) {
- return subscriberDetails.customerEncPriv
- }
- throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Could not find customer's public key")
-data class EbicsVersionSpec(
- val protocol: String,
- val version: String
-data class EbicsHevDetails(
- val versions: List<EbicsVersionSpec>
-) \ No newline at end of file