path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-10-13src: render N-API weak callbacks as cleanup hooksGabriel Schulhof
Since worker threads are complete Node.js environments, including the ability to load native addons, and since those native addons can allocate resources to be freed when objects go out of scope, and since, upon worker thread exit, the engine does not invoke the weak callbacks responsible for freeing resources which still have references, this modification introduces tracking for weak references such that a list of outstanding weak references is maintained. This list is traversed during environment teardown. The callbacks for the remaining weak references are called. This change is also relevant for Node.js embedder scenarios, because in those cases the process also outlives the `node::Environment` and therefore weak callbacks should also be rendered as environment cleanup hooks to ensure proper cleanup after native addons. This changes introduces the means by which this can be accomplished. A benchmark is included which measures the time it takes to execute the weak reference callback for a given number of weak references. Re: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Michael Dawson <>
2019-10-12test: add more recursive fs.rmdir() testsMaria Paktiti
Update tests to create more nested folders and files, like rimraf package tests do. Each test will create 28 nested directories and 210 files. It will also create different types of files, like symlinks. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Ben Coe <>
2019-10-12fs: make FSWatcher.start privateLucas Holmquist
* This is a semver-major change to rename the FSWatcher.start function to FSWatcher._start to make it private The motivation here is that it serves no purpose to the end user. An instance of FSWatcher is returned when a user calls, which will call the start method. A user can't create an instance of a FSWatcher directly. If the start method is called by a user it is a noop since the watcher has already started. Calling start after a watcher has closed is also a noop PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <>
2019-10-12test: do not force the process to exitLuigi Pinca
Using `process.exit()` in these tests is unnecessary and may mask other problems. Refs: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <> Reviewed-By: Richard Lau <> Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <> Reviewed-By: Jeremiah Senkpiel <> Reviewed-By: David Carlier <> Reviewed-By: Anto Aravinth <> Reviewed-By: Yongsheng Zhang <>
2019-10-12fs: add runtime deprecate for file stream open()Robert Nagy and are undocumented internal APIs that do not make sense to use in userland. File streams should always be opened through their corresponding factory methods (fs.createWriteStream() and fs.createReadStream()) or by passing a file descriptor in options. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <> Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: Jeremiah Senkpiel <> Reviewed-By: João Reis <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <>
2019-10-11crypto: reject public keys properlyTobias Nießen
Fixes: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Sam Roberts <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <>
2019-10-12http: add reusedSocket property on client requestthemez
Set ClientRequest.reusedSocket property when reusing socket for request, so user can handle retry base on wether the request is reusing a socket. Refs: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <> Reviewed-By: Weijia Wang <>
2019-10-11module: warn on require of .js inside type: moduleGuy Bedford
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Jan Krems <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <>
2019-10-11fs: buffer dir entries in opendir()Anna Henningsen
Read up to 32 directory entries in one batch when `dir.readSync()` or `` are called. This increases performance significantly, although it introduces quite a bit of edge case complexity. confidence improvement accuracy (*) (**) (***) fs/bench-opendir.js mode='async' dir='lib' n=100 *** 155.93 % ±30.05% ±40.34% ±53.21% fs/bench-opendir.js mode='async' dir='test/parallel' n=100 *** 479.65 % ±56.81% ±76.47% ±101.32% fs/bench-opendir.js mode='sync' dir='lib' n=100 10.38 % ±14.39% ±19.16% ±24.96% fs/bench-opendir.js mode='sync' dir='test/parallel' n=100 *** 63.13 % ±12.84% ±17.18% ±22.58% PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: David Carlier <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Jeremiah Senkpiel <>
2019-10-11repl: check for NODE_REPL_EXTERNAL_MODULEGus Caplan
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Yongsheng Zhang <>
2019-10-10util: validate formatWithOptions inspectOptionsRuben Bridgewater
This makes sure that the `inspectOptions` are validated. This could otherwise cause confusion. Fixes: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Yongsheng Zhang <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <>
2019-10-10test: remove unnecessary --expose-internals flagsAnna Henningsen
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <> Reviewed-By: Richard Lau <> Reviewed-By: Jeremiah Senkpiel <> Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <>
2019-10-10src: bring 425 status code name into accordance with RFC 8470Sergei Osipov
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Richard Lau <> Reviewed-By: Jiawen Geng <> Reviewed-By: David Carlier <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2019-10-10Revert "stream: make finished call the callback if the stream is closed"Matteo Collina
This reverts commit b03845b9376aec590b89f753a4b7c1b47729c5f8. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <> Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <> Reviewed-By: Beth Griggs <>
2019-10-10test: remove extra process.exit()cjihrig
process.exit() has a tendency to hide test failures because it forces the process to exit. This test doesn't need the process.exit(), so this commit removes it. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Jeremiah Senkpiel <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Richard Lau <> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: Yongsheng Zhang <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <>
2019-10-09test: remove spaces inside code span elementsNick Schonning
Applies MarkdownLint MD038 rule PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Trivikram Kamat <>
2019-10-09http2: allow passing FileHandle to respondWithFDAnna Henningsen
This seems to make sense if we want to promote the use of `fs.promises`, although it’s not strictly necessary. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <>
2019-10-09test: debug output for dlopen-ping-pong testSam Roberts
Make test failures easier to diagnose through progress logging, and reporting of dlerror(). PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <> Reviewed-By: Richard Lau <> Reviewed-By: Christian Clauss <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <> Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <>
2019-10-08Revert "esm: remove experimental status from JSON modules"Guy Bedford
This reverts commit ec8776da6fa77628e12718bb38cee687303d4137. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <> Reviewed-By: Myles Borins <>
2019-10-08fs: introduce `opendir()` and `fs.Dir`Jeremiah Senkpiel
This adds long-requested methods for asynchronously interacting and iterating through directory entries by using `uv_fs_opendir`, `uv_fs_readdir`, and `uv_fs_closedir`. `fs.opendir()` and friends return an `fs.Dir`, which contains methods for doing reads and cleanup. `fs.Dir` also has the async iterator symbol exposed. The `read()` method and friends only return `fs.Dirent`s for this API. Having a entry type or doing a `stat` call is deemed to be necessary in the majority of cases, so just returning dirents seems like the logical choice for a new api. Reading when there are no more entries returns `null` instead of a dirent. However the async iterator hides that (and does automatic cleanup). The code lives in separate files from the rest of fs, this is done partially to prevent over-pollution of those (already very large) files, but also in the case of js allows loading into `fsPromises`. Due to async_hooks, this introduces a new handle type of `DIRHANDLE`. This PR does not attempt to make complete optimization of this feature. Notable future improvements include: - Moving promise work into C++ land like FileHandle. - Possibly adding `readv()` to do multi-entry directory reads. - Aliasing `fs.readdir` to `fs.scandir` and doing a deprecation. Refs: Refs: Refs: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: David Carlier <>
2019-10-07http2: support passing options of http2.connect to net.connectZYSzys
PR-URL: Fixes: Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Trivikram Kamat <> Reviewed-By: Jiawen Geng <>
2019-10-05dgram: use `uv_udp_try_send()`Anna Henningsen
This improves dgram performance by avoiding unnecessary async operations. One issue with this commit is that it seems hard to actually create conditions under which the fallback path to the async case is actually taken, for all supported OS, so an internal CLI option is used for testing that path. Another caveat is that the lack of an async operation means that there are slight timing differences (essentially `nextTick()` rather than `setImmediate()` for the send callback). PR-URL: Reviewed-By: David Carlier <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <>
2019-10-05test: add test for HTTP server response with Connection: closeAustin Wright
PR-URL: Refs: Refs: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <>
2019-10-05stream: do not deadlock duplexpairRobert Nagy
If nothing is buffered then _read will not be called and the callback will not be invoked, effectivly deadlocking. Fixes: PR-URL: Refs: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <>
2019-10-05esm: remove proxy for builtin exportsBradley Farias
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Guy Bedford <> Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <> Reviewed-By: Jan Krems <> Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <> Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <>
2019-10-05process: add source-map support to stack tracesbcoe
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <> Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2019-10-05http2: set default maxConcurrentStreamsZYSzys
Set the default maxConcurrentStreams to NGHTTP2_DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS. PR-URL: Fixes: Refs: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: David Carlier <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Trivikram Kamat <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Anto Aravinth <>
2019-10-03src: fix ESM path resolution on WindowsThomas
Windows has some reserved file names such as "con", "prn", "nul", etc. Such files can be accessed only if the path is prefixed with "\\.\" PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Guy Bedford <>
2019-10-03tls: honor pauseOnConnect optionRobert Jensen
`pauseOnConnect` is now passed along to the net.Socket constructor from the tls.Socket constructor. The `readable` flag must match the value of `pauseOnConnect`. Tests were added to cover all available net.Server options when used in the tls.Server constructor. Fixes: Refs: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <>
2019-10-03net: emit close on unconnected socketRobert Nagy
Socket should always emit 'close'. Regardless whether it has been connected or not. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <> Reviewed-By: Trivikram Kamat <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <>
2019-10-03crypto: remove arbitrary UTF16 restrictionAnna Henningsen
Since 71f633a32f1f5617, this is no longer necessary. Refs: Fixes: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: David Carlier <>
2019-10-03errors: make sure all Node.js errors show their propertiesRuben Bridgewater
This improves Node.js errors by always showing the attached properties when inspecting such an error. This applies especially to SystemError. It did often not show any properties but now all properties will be visible. This is done in a mainly backwards compatible way. Instead of using prototype getters and setters, the property is now set directly on the error. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <>
2019-10-03test: add test for writable.write() argument typesRobert Nagy
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <>
2019-10-02vm: refactor SourceTextModuleGus Caplan
- Removes redundant `instantiate` method - Refactors `link` to match the spec linking steps more accurately - Removes URL validation from SourceTextModule specifiers - DRYs some dynamic import logic Closes: Co-Authored-By: Michaël Zasso <> PR-URL: Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <>
2019-10-02http2: use the latest settingsZYSzys
Fixes: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Beth Griggs <> Reviewed-By: Anto Aravinth <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <>
2019-10-01assert: special handle identical error names in instance checksRuben Bridgewater
This makes sure that using `assert.throws()` or `assert.rejects()` in combination with Error classes log appropriate error messages in case the expected and received constructor name are identical but not part of the same prototype chain. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <> Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2019-10-01assert: add more information to AssertionErrorsRuben Bridgewater
This adds information about the actual thrown error to the AssertionError's message property. It also improves the logged error instances error name by using the constructors name, if available. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <> Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2019-10-01assert: wrap validation function errorsRuben Bridgewater
This makes sure that validation function used by `assert.throws` and `assert.rejects` always throw validatin errors instead of rethrowing the received error. That should improve the debugging experience for developers since they have a better context where the error is coming from and they also get to know what triggered it. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <> Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2019-10-01assert: improve class instance errorsRuben Bridgewater
This improves `assert.throws()` and `assert.rejects()` in case error classes are used as validation for the expected error. In case of a failure it will now throw an `AssertionError` instead of the received error if the check fails. That error has the received error as actual property and the expected property is set to the expected error class. The error message should help users to identify the problem faster than before by providing extra context what went wrong. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <> Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2019-10-01console: update time formattingRuben Bridgewater
This improves the readability of the `console.timeEnd()` output while keeping a higher output's precision in multiple cases. Instead of e.g. '1.005min' it will print '1:00.300 (m:ss.mmm)'. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <>
2019-10-01test: well-defined DH groups now verify cleanSam Roberts
OpenSSL 1.1.1d no longer generates warnings for some DH groups that used to be considered unsafe. See below for discussion. This is considered a bug fix. See: - - PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <>
2019-09-30src: rename --loader to --experimental-loaderAlex Aubuchon
Renames the `--loader` cli argument to `--experimental-loader`. This is to clearly indicate the esm loader feature as experimental even after esm is no longer experimental. Also minorly alters the `--experimental-loader` docs to say that the passed loader can be an esm module. Refs: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Guy Bedford <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: David Carlier <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <>
2019-09-30test: fix flaky test-cluster-net-listen-ipv6only-noneRich Trott
test-cluster-net-listen-ipv6only-none was using port `0` for an IPv6-only operation and assuming that the operating system would supply a port that was also available in IPv4. However, CI results seem to indicate that a port can be supplied that is in use by IPv4 but available to IPv6, resulting in the test failing. Use `common.PORT` to avoid this issue. Fixes: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Sam Roberts <>
2019-09-30stream: always invoke callback before emitting errorRobert Nagy
Ensure the callback is always invoked before emitting the error in both sync and async case. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
2019-09-29module: pass full URL to loader for top-level loadGuy Bedford
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Bradley Farias <> Reviewed-By: David Carlier <>
2019-09-29test: simplify force-context-aware testcjihrig
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Richard Lau <> Reviewed-By: David Carlier <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Shelley Vohr <> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <>
2019-09-28module: move cjs type check behind flagGuy Bedford
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <> Reviewed-By: David Carlier <> Reviewed-By: Jiawen Geng <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <> Reviewed-By: Jan Krems <> Reviewed-By: Gus Caplan <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Anto Aravinth <>
2019-09-28Revert "stream: invoke callback before emitting error always"Richard Lau
This reverts commit 3de5eae6dbe503485b95bdeb8bddbd67e4613d59. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <> Reviewed-By: Jiawen Geng <> Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <>
2019-09-27worker: fix process._fatalException return typeRuben Bridgewater
This makes sure `process._fatalException()` returns a boolean when run inside of a worker. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: David Carlier <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <> Reviewed-By: Minwoo Jung <>
2019-09-27tls: add option for private keys for OpenSSL enginesAnton Gerasimov
Add `privateKeyIdentifier` and `privateKeyEngine` options to get private key from an OpenSSL engine in tls.createSecureContext(). PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Rod Vagg <> Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: Sam Roberts <>