path: root/src/api
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-11-28src: cleanup unused headersAlexandre Ferrando
2019-11-08src: remove custom tracking for SharedArrayBuffersAnna Henningsen
2019-11-07src: allow adding linked bindings to EnvironmentAnna Henningsen
2019-11-07src: do not use `std::function` for `OnScopeLeave`Anna Henningsen
2019-11-06src: run RunBeforeExitCallbacks as part of EmitBeforeExitAnna Henningsen
2019-11-06src: remove AsyncScope and AsyncCallbackScopeAnna Henningsen
2019-11-06src: use callback scope for main scriptAnna Henningsen
2019-11-01src: expose granular SetIsolateUpForNodeShelley Vohr
2019-10-29src: split up InitializeContextShelley Vohr
2019-10-13src: implement v8 host weakref hooksGus Caplan
2019-09-18src: re-delete Atomics.wakeGus Caplan
2019-09-05src: check microtasks before running themShelley Vohr
2019-08-26src: expose MaybeInitializeContext to allow existing contextsSamuel Attard
2019-07-15build: remove broken intel vtune supportBen Noordhuis
2019-07-05src: remove unused using declarations in src/apiDaniel Bevenius
2019-07-03src: configure v8 isolate with uv_get_constrained_memoryKelvin Jin
2019-06-19src: refactor uncaught exception handlingJoyee Cheung
2019-06-03src: split `RunBootstrapping()`Joyee Cheung
2019-06-03src: inline ProcessCliArgs in the Environment constructorJoyee Cheung
2019-05-26src: move DiagnosticFilename inlines into a -inl.hSam Roberts
2019-05-23src: remove env-inl.h from header filesSam Roberts
2019-05-21src, lib: take control of prepareStackTraceGus Caplan
2019-05-13src: remove util-inl.h from header filesSam Roberts
2019-04-26src: move OnMessage to node_errors.ccJoyee Cheung
2019-04-24src: do not require JS Context for `~AsyncResoure()`Anna Henningsen
2019-04-24src: add `Environment` overload of `EmitAsyncDestroy`Anna Henningsen
2019-04-23src: allow creating NodeMainInstance that does not own the isolateJoyee Cheung
2019-04-17src: use RAII to manage the main isolate dataJoyee Cheung
2019-04-14src: fix check for accepting Buffers into Node’s allocatorAnna Henningsen
2019-04-13lib: create primordials in every contextJoyee Cheung
2019-04-13src: make a Environment-independent proxy class for NativeModuleLoaderJoyee Cheung
2019-04-12src: replace FromJust() with Check() when possibleSam Roberts
2019-04-04src: move AsyncResource impl out of public headerBen Noordhuis
2019-04-03process: run RunBootstrapping in CreateEnvironmentJoyee Cheung
2019-04-02src: replace c-style castgengjiawen
2019-03-28src: fix data type when using uv_get_total_memory()gengjiawen
2019-03-27src: move TickInfo out of EnvironmentJoyee Cheung
2019-03-27src: move AsyncCallbackScope out of EnvironmentJoyee Cheung
2019-03-27src: move AsyncHooks out of EnvironmentJoyee Cheung
2019-03-22src: only open HandleScope when necessaryAnna Henningsen
2019-03-21src: remove `AddPromiseHook()`Anna Henningsen
2019-03-18src,win: fix usage of deprecated v8::Object::SetMichaël Zasso
2019-03-16src: shutdown node in-flightGireesh Punathil
2019-03-15src,lib: make DOMException available in all ContextsAnna Henningsen
2019-03-15src,lib: allow running multiple per-context filesAnna Henningsen
2019-03-13embedding: make `NewIsolate()` API more flexibleAnna Henningsen
2019-03-13embedding: refactor public `ArrayBufferAllocator` APIAnna Henningsen
2019-03-12src: rename Init and Start overloads to something more distinctiveJoyee Cheung
2019-03-09src: merge debug-only `SealHandleScope`sAnna Henningsen
2019-03-05src: refactor `Environment::GetCurrent(isolate)` usageAnna Henningsen