path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
7 files changed, 634 insertions, 256 deletions
diff --git a/src/env.h b/src/env.h
index 01f686833e..3ed76ac49d 100644
--- a/src/env.h
+++ b/src/env.h
@@ -120,248 +120,258 @@ constexpr size_t kFsStatsBufferLength = kFsStatsFieldsNumber * 2;
// Strings are per-isolate primitives but Environment proxies them
// for the sake of convenience. Strings should be ASCII-only.
- V(address_string, "address") \
- V(aliases_string, "aliases") \
- V(args_string, "args") \
- V(async_ids_stack_string, "async_ids_stack") \
- V(buffer_string, "buffer") \
- V(bytes_parsed_string, "bytesParsed") \
- V(bytes_read_string, "bytesRead") \
- V(bytes_written_string, "bytesWritten") \
- V(cached_data_string, "cachedData") \
- V(cached_data_produced_string, "cachedDataProduced") \
- V(cached_data_rejected_string, "cachedDataRejected") \
- V(change_string, "change") \
- V(channel_string, "channel") \
- V(chunks_sent_since_last_write_string, "chunksSentSinceLastWrite") \
- V(constants_string, "constants") \
- V(oncertcb_string, "oncertcb") \
- V(code_string, "code") \
- V(cwd_string, "cwd") \
- V(dest_string, "dest") \
- V(destroyed_string, "destroyed") \
- V(detached_string, "detached") \
- V(dns_a_string, "A") \
- V(dns_aaaa_string, "AAAA") \
- V(dns_cname_string, "CNAME") \
- V(dns_mx_string, "MX") \
- V(dns_naptr_string, "NAPTR") \
- V(dns_ns_string, "NS") \
- V(dns_ptr_string, "PTR") \
- V(dns_soa_string, "SOA") \
- V(dns_srv_string, "SRV") \
- V(dns_txt_string, "TXT") \
- V(duration_string, "duration") \
- V(emit_warning_string, "emitWarning") \
- V(exchange_string, "exchange") \
- V(encoding_string, "encoding") \
- V(entries_string, "entries") \
- V(entry_type_string, "entryType") \
- V(env_pairs_string, "envPairs") \
- V(env_var_settings_string, "envVarSettings") \
- V(errno_string, "errno") \
- V(error_string, "error") \
- V(exit_code_string, "exitCode") \
- V(expire_string, "expire") \
- V(exponent_string, "exponent") \
- V(exports_string, "exports") \
- V(ext_key_usage_string, "ext_key_usage") \
- V(external_stream_string, "_externalStream") \
- V(family_string, "family") \
- V(fatal_exception_string, "_fatalException") \
- V(fd_string, "fd") \
- V(file_string, "file") \
- V(fingerprint_string, "fingerprint") \
- V(fingerprint256_string, "fingerprint256") \
- V(flags_string, "flags") \
- V(fragment_string, "fragment") \
- V(get_data_clone_error_string, "_getDataCloneError") \
- V(get_shared_array_buffer_id_string, "_getSharedArrayBufferId") \
- V(gid_string, "gid") \
- V(handle_string, "handle") \
- V(help_text_string, "helpText") \
- V(homedir_string, "homedir") \
- V(host_string, "host") \
- V(hostmaster_string, "hostmaster") \
- V(ignore_string, "ignore") \
- V(infoaccess_string, "infoAccess") \
- V(inherit_string, "inherit") \
- V(input_string, "input") \
- V(internal_string, "internal") \
- V(ipv4_string, "IPv4") \
- V(ipv6_string, "IPv6") \
- V(isclosing_string, "isClosing") \
- V(issuer_string, "issuer") \
- V(issuercert_string, "issuerCertificate") \
- V(kill_signal_string, "killSignal") \
- V(kind_string, "kind") \
- V(mac_string, "mac") \
- V(main_string, "main") \
- V(max_buffer_string, "maxBuffer") \
- V(message_string, "message") \
- V(message_port_string, "messagePort") \
- V(message_port_constructor_string, "MessagePort") \
- V(minttl_string, "minttl") \
- V(modulus_string, "modulus") \
- V(name_string, "name") \
- V(netmask_string, "netmask") \
- V(nsname_string, "nsname") \
- V(ocsp_request_string, "OCSPRequest") \
- V(onaltsvc_string, "onaltsvc") \
- V(onchange_string, "onchange") \
- V(onclienthello_string, "onclienthello") \
- V(oncomplete_string, "oncomplete") \
- V(onconnection_string, "onconnection") \
- V(ondone_string, "ondone") \
- V(onerror_string, "onerror") \
- V(onexit_string, "onexit") \
- V(onframeerror_string, "onframeerror") \
- V(ongetpadding_string, "ongetpadding") \
- V(onhandshakedone_string, "onhandshakedone") \
- V(onhandshakestart_string, "onhandshakestart") \
- V(onheaders_string, "onheaders") \
- V(onmessage_string, "onmessage") \
- V(onnewsession_string, "onnewsession") \
- V(onocspresponse_string, "onocspresponse") \
- V(ongoawaydata_string, "ongoawaydata") \
- V(onorigin_string, "onorigin") \
- V(onpriority_string, "onpriority") \
- V(onread_string, "onread") \
- V(onreadstart_string, "onreadstart") \
- V(onreadstop_string, "onreadstop") \
- V(onping_string, "onping") \
- V(onsettings_string, "onsettings") \
- V(onshutdown_string, "onshutdown") \
- V(onsignal_string, "onsignal") \
- V(onstreamclose_string, "onstreamclose") \
- V(ontrailers_string, "ontrailers") \
- V(onunpipe_string, "onunpipe") \
- V(onwrite_string, "onwrite") \
- V(openssl_error_stack, "opensslErrorStack") \
- V(options_string, "options") \
- V(output_string, "output") \
- V(order_string, "order") \
- V(parse_error_string, "Parse Error") \
- V(password_string, "password") \
- V(path_string, "path") \
- V(pending_handle_string, "pendingHandle") \
- V(pid_string, "pid") \
- V(pipe_string, "pipe") \
- V(pipe_target_string, "pipeTarget") \
- V(pipe_source_string, "pipeSource") \
- V(port_string, "port") \
- V(port1_string, "port1") \
- V(port2_string, "port2") \
- V(preference_string, "preference") \
- V(priority_string, "priority") \
- V(promise_string, "promise") \
- V(pubkey_string, "pubkey") \
- V(query_string, "query") \
- V(raw_string, "raw") \
- V(read_host_object_string, "_readHostObject") \
- V(readable_string, "readable") \
- V(reason_string, "reason") \
- V(refresh_string, "refresh") \
- V(regexp_string, "regexp") \
- V(rename_string, "rename") \
- V(replacement_string, "replacement") \
- V(retry_string, "retry") \
- V(scheme_string, "scheme") \
- V(serial_string, "serial") \
- V(scopeid_string, "scopeid") \
- V(serial_number_string, "serialNumber") \
- V(service_string, "service") \
- V(servername_string, "servername") \
- V(session_id_string, "sessionId") \
- V(shell_string, "shell") \
- V(signal_string, "signal") \
- V(sink_string, "sink") \
- V(size_string, "size") \
- V(sni_context_err_string, "Invalid SNI context") \
- V(sni_context_string, "sni_context") \
- V(source_string, "source") \
- V(stack_string, "stack") \
- V(start_time_string, "startTime") \
- V(status_string, "status") \
- V(stdio_string, "stdio") \
- V(subject_string, "subject") \
- V(subjectaltname_string, "subjectaltname") \
- V(syscall_string, "syscall") \
- V(thread_id_string, "threadId") \
- V(ticketkeycallback_string, "onticketkeycallback") \
- V(timeout_string, "timeout") \
- V(tls_ticket_string, "tlsTicket") \
- V(ttl_string, "ttl") \
- V(type_string, "type") \
- V(uid_string, "uid") \
- V(unknown_string, "<unknown>") \
- V(url_string, "url") \
- V(username_string, "username") \
- V(valid_from_string, "valid_from") \
- V(valid_to_string, "valid_to") \
- V(value_string, "value") \
- V(verify_error_string, "verifyError") \
- V(version_string, "version") \
- V(weight_string, "weight") \
- V(windows_hide_string, "windowsHide") \
- V(windows_verbatim_arguments_string, "windowsVerbatimArguments") \
- V(wrap_string, "wrap") \
- V(writable_string, "writable") \
- V(write_host_object_string, "_writeHostObject") \
- V(write_queue_size_string, "writeQueueSize") \
- V(x_forwarded_string, "x-forwarded-for") \
+ V(address_string, "address") \
+ V(aliases_string, "aliases") \
+ V(args_string, "args") \
+ V(async_ids_stack_string, "async_ids_stack") \
+ V(buffer_string, "buffer") \
+ V(bytes_parsed_string, "bytesParsed") \
+ V(bytes_read_string, "bytesRead") \
+ V(bytes_written_string, "bytesWritten") \
+ V(cached_data_string, "cachedData") \
+ V(cached_data_produced_string, "cachedDataProduced") \
+ V(cached_data_rejected_string, "cachedDataRejected") \
+ V(change_string, "change") \
+ V(channel_string, "channel") \
+ V(chunks_sent_since_last_write_string, "chunksSentSinceLastWrite") \
+ V(constants_string, "constants") \
+ V(oncertcb_string, "oncertcb") \
+ V(code_string, "code") \
+ V(cwd_string, "cwd") \
+ V(dest_string, "dest") \
+ V(destroyed_string, "destroyed") \
+ V(detached_string, "detached") \
+ V(dns_a_string, "A") \
+ V(dns_aaaa_string, "AAAA") \
+ V(dns_cname_string, "CNAME") \
+ V(dns_mx_string, "MX") \
+ V(dns_naptr_string, "NAPTR") \
+ V(dns_ns_string, "NS") \
+ V(dns_ptr_string, "PTR") \
+ V(dns_soa_string, "SOA") \
+ V(dns_srv_string, "SRV") \
+ V(dns_txt_string, "TXT") \
+ V(duration_string, "duration") \
+ V(emit_warning_string, "emitWarning") \
+ V(exchange_string, "exchange") \
+ V(encoding_string, "encoding") \
+ V(entries_string, "entries") \
+ V(entry_type_string, "entryType") \
+ V(env_pairs_string, "envPairs") \
+ V(env_var_settings_string, "envVarSettings") \
+ V(errno_string, "errno") \
+ V(error_string, "error") \
+ V(exit_code_string, "exitCode") \
+ V(expire_string, "expire") \
+ V(exponent_string, "exponent") \
+ V(exports_string, "exports") \
+ V(ext_key_usage_string, "ext_key_usage") \
+ V(external_stream_string, "_externalStream") \
+ V(family_string, "family") \
+ V(fatal_exception_string, "_fatalException") \
+ V(fd_string, "fd") \
+ V(file_string, "file") \
+ V(fingerprint_string, "fingerprint") \
+ V(fingerprint256_string, "fingerprint256") \
+ V(flags_string, "flags") \
+ V(fragment_string, "fragment") \
+ V(get_data_clone_error_string, "_getDataCloneError") \
+ V(get_shared_array_buffer_id_string, "_getSharedArrayBufferId") \
+ V(gid_string, "gid") \
+ V(handle_string, "handle") \
+ V(help_text_string, "helpText") \
+ V(homedir_string, "homedir") \
+ V(host_string, "host") \
+ V(hostmaster_string, "hostmaster") \
+ V(ignore_string, "ignore") \
+ V(infoaccess_string, "infoAccess") \
+ V(inherit_string, "inherit") \
+ V(input_string, "input") \
+ V(internal_string, "internal") \
+ V(internal_binding_string, "internalBinding") \
+ V(ipv4_string, "IPv4") \
+ V(ipv6_string, "IPv6") \
+ V(isclosing_string, "isClosing") \
+ V(issuer_string, "issuer") \
+ V(issuercert_string, "issuerCertificate") \
+ V(kill_signal_string, "killSignal") \
+ V(kind_string, "kind") \
+ V(mac_string, "mac") \
+ V(main_string, "main") \
+ V(max_buffer_string, "maxBuffer") \
+ V(message_string, "message") \
+ V(message_port_string, "messagePort") \
+ V(message_port_constructor_string, "MessagePort") \
+ V(minttl_string, "minttl") \
+ V(module_string, "module") \
+ V(modulus_string, "modulus") \
+ V(name_string, "name") \
+ V(netmask_string, "netmask") \
+ V(nsname_string, "nsname") \
+ V(ocsp_request_string, "OCSPRequest") \
+ V(onaltsvc_string, "onaltsvc") \
+ V(onchange_string, "onchange") \
+ V(onclienthello_string, "onclienthello") \
+ V(oncomplete_string, "oncomplete") \
+ V(onconnection_string, "onconnection") \
+ V(ondone_string, "ondone") \
+ V(onerror_string, "onerror") \
+ V(onexit_string, "onexit") \
+ V(onframeerror_string, "onframeerror") \
+ V(ongetpadding_string, "ongetpadding") \
+ V(onhandshakedone_string, "onhandshakedone") \
+ V(onhandshakestart_string, "onhandshakestart") \
+ V(onheaders_string, "onheaders") \
+ V(onmessage_string, "onmessage") \
+ V(onnewsession_string, "onnewsession") \
+ V(onocspresponse_string, "onocspresponse") \
+ V(ongoawaydata_string, "ongoawaydata") \
+ V(onorigin_string, "onorigin") \
+ V(onpriority_string, "onpriority") \
+ V(onread_string, "onread") \
+ V(onreadstart_string, "onreadstart") \
+ V(onreadstop_string, "onreadstop") \
+ V(onping_string, "onping") \
+ V(onsettings_string, "onsettings") \
+ V(onshutdown_string, "onshutdown") \
+ V(onsignal_string, "onsignal") \
+ V(onstreamclose_string, "onstreamclose") \
+ V(ontrailers_string, "ontrailers") \
+ V(onunpipe_string, "onunpipe") \
+ V(onwrite_string, "onwrite") \
+ V(openssl_error_stack, "opensslErrorStack") \
+ V(options_string, "options") \
+ V(output_string, "output") \
+ V(order_string, "order") \
+ V(parse_error_string, "Parse Error") \
+ V(password_string, "password") \
+ V(path_string, "path") \
+ V(pending_handle_string, "pendingHandle") \
+ V(pid_string, "pid") \
+ V(pipe_string, "pipe") \
+ V(pipe_target_string, "pipeTarget") \
+ V(pipe_source_string, "pipeSource") \
+ V(port_string, "port") \
+ V(port1_string, "port1") \
+ V(port2_string, "port2") \
+ V(preference_string, "preference") \
+ V(priority_string, "priority") \
+ V(process_string, "process") \
+ V(promise_string, "promise") \
+ V(pubkey_string, "pubkey") \
+ V(query_string, "query") \
+ V(raw_string, "raw") \
+ V(read_host_object_string, "_readHostObject") \
+ V(readable_string, "readable") \
+ V(reason_string, "reason") \
+ V(refresh_string, "refresh") \
+ V(regexp_string, "regexp") \
+ V(rename_string, "rename") \
+ V(replacement_string, "replacement") \
+ V(require_string, "require") \
+ V(retry_string, "retry") \
+ V(scheme_string, "scheme") \
+ V(serial_string, "serial") \
+ V(scopeid_string, "scopeid") \
+ V(serial_number_string, "serialNumber") \
+ V(service_string, "service") \
+ V(servername_string, "servername") \
+ V(session_id_string, "sessionId") \
+ V(shell_string, "shell") \
+ V(signal_string, "signal") \
+ V(sink_string, "sink") \
+ V(size_string, "size") \
+ V(sni_context_err_string, "Invalid SNI context") \
+ V(sni_context_string, "sni_context") \
+ V(source_string, "source") \
+ V(stack_string, "stack") \
+ V(start_time_string, "startTime") \
+ V(status_string, "status") \
+ V(stdio_string, "stdio") \
+ V(subject_string, "subject") \
+ V(subjectaltname_string, "subjectaltname") \
+ V(syscall_string, "syscall") \
+ V(thread_id_string, "threadId") \
+ V(ticketkeycallback_string, "onticketkeycallback") \
+ V(timeout_string, "timeout") \
+ V(tls_ticket_string, "tlsTicket") \
+ V(ttl_string, "ttl") \
+ V(type_string, "type") \
+ V(uid_string, "uid") \
+ V(unknown_string, "<unknown>") \
+ V(url_string, "url") \
+ V(username_string, "username") \
+ V(valid_from_string, "valid_from") \
+ V(valid_to_string, "valid_to") \
+ V(value_string, "value") \
+ V(verify_error_string, "verifyError") \
+ V(version_string, "version") \
+ V(weight_string, "weight") \
+ V(windows_hide_string, "windowsHide") \
+ V(windows_verbatim_arguments_string, "windowsVerbatimArguments") \
+ V(wrap_string, "wrap") \
+ V(writable_string, "writable") \
+ V(write_host_object_string, "_writeHostObject") \
+ V(write_queue_size_string, "writeQueueSize") \
+ V(x_forwarded_string, "x-forwarded-for") \
V(zero_return_string, "ZERO_RETURN")
- V(as_external, v8::External) \
- V(async_hooks_after_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_before_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_binding, v8::Object) \
- V(async_hooks_destroy_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_init_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_promise_resolve_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_wrap_object_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(async_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(buffer_prototype_object, v8::Object) \
- V(context, v8::Context) \
- V(domain_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(domexception_function, v8::Function) \
- V(fdclose_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(fd_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(filehandlereadwrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(fsreqpromise_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(fs_use_promises_symbol, v8::Symbol) \
- V(handle_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(host_import_module_dynamically_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(http2ping_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(http2settings_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(http2stream_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(immediate_callback_function, v8::Function) \
- V(inspector_console_api_object, v8::Object) \
- V(libuv_stream_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(message_port, v8::Object) \
- V(message_port_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(pipe_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(performance_entry_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(performance_entry_template, v8::Function) \
- V(process_object, v8::Object) \
- V(promise_handler_function, v8::Function) \
- V(promise_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(sab_lifetimepartner_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(script_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(script_data_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
- V(secure_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(shutdown_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(tcp_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(tick_callback_function, v8::Function) \
- V(timers_callback_function, v8::Function) \
- V(tls_wrap_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
- V(trace_category_state_function, v8::Function) \
- V(tty_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(udp_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
- V(url_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(as_external, v8::External) \
+ V(async_hooks_after_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_before_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_binding, v8::Object) \
+ V(async_hooks_destroy_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_init_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_promise_resolve_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_wrap_object_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(async_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(buffer_prototype_object, v8::Object) \
+ V(context, v8::Context) \
+ V(domain_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(domexception_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(fdclose_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(fd_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(filehandlereadwrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(fsreqpromise_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(fs_use_promises_symbol, v8::Symbol) \
+ V(handle_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(host_import_module_dynamically_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(http2ping_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(http2settings_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(http2stream_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(immediate_callback_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(inspector_console_api_object, v8::Object) \
+ V(libuv_stream_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(message_port, v8::Object) \
+ V(message_port_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(native_modules_code_cache, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_code_cache_hash, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_source, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_source_hash, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_with_cache, v8::Set) \
+ V(native_modules_without_cache, v8::Set) \
+ V(pipe_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(performance_entry_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(performance_entry_template, v8::Function) \
+ V(process_object, v8::Object) \
+ V(promise_handler_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(promise_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(sab_lifetimepartner_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(script_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(script_data_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(secure_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(shutdown_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(tcp_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(tick_callback_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(timers_callback_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(tls_wrap_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(trace_category_state_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(tty_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(udp_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(url_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
V(write_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)
class Environment;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d4272bea20..48e8f0a249 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -25,10 +25,9 @@
#include "node_errors.h"
#include "node_internals.h"
#include "node_javascript.h"
-#include "node_code_cache.h"
+#include "node_native_module.h"
+#include "node_perf.h"
#include "node_platform.h"
-#include "node_version.h"
-#include "node_internals.h"
#include "node_revert.h"
#include "node_version.h"
#include "tracing/traced_value.h"
@@ -131,6 +130,7 @@ typedef int mode_t;
namespace node {
+using native_module::NativeModule;
using options_parser::kAllowedInEnvironment;
using options_parser::kDisallowedInEnvironment;
using v8::Array;
@@ -775,6 +775,7 @@ static MaybeLocal<Value> ExecuteString(Environment* env,
ScriptOrigin origin(filename);
MaybeLocal<Script> script =
Script::Compile(env->context(), source, &origin);
if (script.IsEmpty()) {
@@ -1222,19 +1223,7 @@ static void GetInternalBinding(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
DefineConstants(env->isolate(), exports);
} else if (!strcmp(*module_v, "natives")) {
exports = Object::New(env->isolate());
- DefineJavaScript(env, exports);
- } else if (!strcmp(*module_v, "code_cache")) {
- // internalBinding('code_cache')
- exports = Object::New(env->isolate());
- DefineCodeCache(env, exports);
- } else if (!strcmp(*module_v, "code_cache_hash")) {
- // internalBinding('code_cache_hash')
- exports = Object::New(env->isolate());
- DefineCodeCacheHash(env, exports);
- } else if (!strcmp(*module_v, "natives_hash")) {
- // internalBinding('natives_hash')
- exports = Object::New(env->isolate());
- DefineJavaScriptHash(env, exports);
+ NativeModule::GetNatives(env, exports);
} else {
return ThrowIfNoSuchModule(env, *module_v);
@@ -1772,6 +1761,8 @@ void LoadEnvironment(Environment* env) {
// lib/internal/bootstrap/node.js, each included as a static C string
// defined in node_javascript.h, generated in by
// node_js2c.
+ // TODO(joyeecheung): use NativeModule::Compile
Local<String> loaders_name =
FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "internal/bootstrap/loaders.js");
MaybeLocal<Function> loaders_bootstrapper =
@@ -1831,6 +1822,8 @@ void LoadEnvironment(Environment* env) {
+ NativeModule::LoadBindings(env);
// Bootstrap internal loaders
Local<Value> bootstrapped_loaders;
if (!ExecuteBootstrapper(env, loaders_bootstrapper.ToLocalChecked(),
@@ -2484,6 +2477,8 @@ Local<Context> NewContext(Isolate* isolate,
// Run lib/internal/per_context.js
Context::Scope context_scope(context);
+ // TODO(joyeecheung): use NativeModule::Compile
Local<String> per_context = NodePerContextSource(isolate);
ScriptCompiler::Source per_context_src(per_context, nullptr);
Local<Script> s = ScriptCompiler::Compile(
diff --git a/src/node_code_cache.h b/src/node_code_cache.h
index db80122861..8054279d55 100644
--- a/src/node_code_cache.h
+++ b/src/node_code_cache.h
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
namespace node {
+extern const bool native_module_has_code_cache;
void DefineCodeCache(Environment* env, v8::Local<v8::Object> target);
void DefineCodeCacheHash(Environment* env, v8::Local<v8::Object> target);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 35780e13f0..2fb86c5bf7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
// The stub here is used when configure is run without `--code-cache-path`
namespace node {
+const bool native_module_has_code_cache = false;
void DefineCodeCache(Environment* env, v8::Local<v8::Object> target) {
// When we do not produce code cache for builtin modules,
// `internalBinding('code_cache')` returns an empty object
diff --git a/src/node_internals.h b/src/node_internals.h
index b026a96843..b6cd628086 100644
--- a/src/node_internals.h
+++ b/src/node_internals.h
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ struct sockaddr;
V(js_stream) \
V(messaging) \
V(module_wrap) \
+ V(native_module) \
V(options) \
V(os) \
V(performance) \
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea7fe9189a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#include "node_native_module.h"
+#include "node_code_cache.h"
+#include "node_errors.h"
+#include "node_javascript.h"
+namespace node {
+namespace native_module {
+using v8::Array;
+using v8::ArrayBuffer;
+using v8::Context;
+using v8::EscapableHandleScope;
+using v8::Function;
+using v8::FunctionCallbackInfo;
+using v8::HandleScope;
+using v8::Integer;
+using v8::IntegrityLevel;
+using v8::Isolate;
+using v8::Local;
+using v8::Maybe;
+using v8::MaybeLocal;
+using v8::Object;
+using v8::Script;
+using v8::ScriptCompiler;
+using v8::ScriptOrigin;
+using v8::Set;
+using v8::String;
+using v8::TryCatch;
+using v8::Uint8Array;
+using v8::Value;
+void NativeModule::GetNatives(Environment* env, Local<Object> exports) {
+ DefineJavaScript(env, exports);
+void NativeModule::LoadBindings(Environment* env) {
+ // TODO(joyeecheung): put the static values into a
+ // std::map<std::string, const uint8_t*> instead of a v8::Object,
+ // because here they are only looked up from the C++ side
+ // (except in process.binding('natives') which we don't use)
+ // so there is little value to put them in a v8::Object upfront.
+ // Moreover, a std::map lookup should be faster than a lookup on
+ // an V8 Object in dictionary mode.
+ Isolate* isolate = env->isolate();
+ Local<Context> context = env->context();
+ Local<Value> null = Null(isolate);
+ Local<Object> native_modules_source = Object::New(isolate);
+ CHECK(native_modules_source->SetPrototype(context, null).FromJust());
+ DefineJavaScript(env, native_modules_source);
+ native_modules_source->SetIntegrityLevel(context, IntegrityLevel::kFrozen)
+ .FromJust();
+ env->set_native_modules_source(native_modules_source);
+ Local<Object> native_modules_source_hash = Object::New(isolate);
+ CHECK(native_modules_source_hash->SetPrototype(context, null).FromJust());
+ DefineJavaScriptHash(env, native_modules_source_hash);
+ native_modules_source_hash
+ ->SetIntegrityLevel(context, IntegrityLevel::kFrozen)
+ .FromJust();
+ env->set_native_modules_source_hash(native_modules_source_hash);
+ Local<Object> native_modules_code_cache = Object::New(isolate);
+ CHECK(native_modules_code_cache->SetPrototype(context, null).FromJust());
+ DefineCodeCache(env, native_modules_code_cache);
+ native_modules_code_cache->SetIntegrityLevel(context, IntegrityLevel::kFrozen)
+ .FromJust();
+ env->set_native_modules_code_cache(native_modules_code_cache);
+ Local<Object> native_modules_code_cache_hash = Object::New(isolate);
+ CHECK(native_modules_code_cache_hash->SetPrototype(context, null).FromJust());
+ DefineCodeCacheHash(env, native_modules_code_cache_hash);
+ native_modules_code_cache_hash
+ ->SetIntegrityLevel(context, IntegrityLevel::kFrozen)
+ .FromJust();
+ env->set_native_modules_code_cache_hash(native_modules_code_cache_hash);
+ env->set_native_modules_with_cache(Set::New(isolate));
+ env->set_native_modules_without_cache(Set::New(isolate));
+void NativeModule::CompileCodeCache(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
+ Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);
+ CHECK(args[0]->IsString());
+ Local<String> id = args[0].As<String>();
+ Local<Value> result = CompileAsModule(env, id, true);
+ if (!result.IsEmpty()) {
+ args.GetReturnValue().Set(result);
+ }
+void NativeModule::CompileFunction(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
+ Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);
+ CHECK(args[0]->IsString());
+ Local<String> id = args[0].As<String>();
+ Local<Value> result = CompileAsModule(env, id, false);
+ if (!result.IsEmpty()) {
+ args.GetReturnValue().Set(result);
+ }
+Local<Value> NativeModule::CompileAsModule(Environment* env,
+ Local<String> id,
+ bool produce_code_cache) {
+ Local<String> parameters[] = {env->exports_string(),
+ env->require_string(),
+ env->module_string(),
+ env->process_string(),
+ env->internal_binding_string()};
+ return Compile(
+ env, id, parameters, arraysize(parameters), produce_code_cache);
+// Currently V8 only checks that the length of the source code is the
+// same as the code used to generate the hash, so we add an additional
+// check here:
+// 1. During compile time, when generating and
+//, we compute and include the hash of the
+// JavaScript source in both.
+// 2. At runtime, we check that the hash of the code being compiled
+// and the hash of the code used to generate the cache
+// (without the parameters) is the same.
+// This is based on the assumptions:
+// 1. `code_cache_hash` must be in sync with `code_cache`
+// (both defined in
+// 2. `source_hash` must be in sync with `source`
+// (both defined in
+// 3. If `source_hash` is in sync with `code_cache_hash`,
+// then the source code used to generate `code_cache`
+// should be in sync with the source code in `source`
+// The only variable left, then, are the parameters passed to the
+// CompileFunctionInContext. If the parameters used generate the cache
+// is different from the one used to compile modules at run time, then
+// there could be false postivies, but that should be rare and should fail
+// early in the bootstrap process so it should be easy to detect and fix.
+// Returns nullptr if there is no code cache corresponding to the id
+ScriptCompiler::CachedData* GetCachedData(Environment* env, Local<String> id) {
+ HandleScope scope(env->isolate());
+ Local<Context> context = env->context();
+ Local<Value> result =
+ env->native_modules_code_cache()->Get(context, id).ToLocalChecked();
+ // This could be false if the module cannot be cached somehow.
+ // See lib/internal/bootstrap/cache.js on the modules that cannot be cached
+ if (result->IsUndefined()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ CHECK(result->IsUint8Array());
+ Local<Uint8Array> code_cache = result.As<Uint8Array>();
+ result =
+ env->native_modules_code_cache_hash()->Get(context, id).ToLocalChecked();
+ CHECK(result->IsString());
+ Local<String> code_cache_hash = result.As<String>();
+ result =
+ env->native_modules_source_hash()->Get(context, id).ToLocalChecked();
+ CHECK(result->IsString());
+ Local<String> source_hash = result.As<String>();
+ // It may fail when any of the inputs of the `node_js2c` target in
+ // node.gyp is modified but the tools/generate_code_cache.js
+ // is not re run.
+ // FIXME(joyeecheung): Figure out how to resolve the dependency issue.
+ // When the code cache was introduced we were at a point where refactoring
+ // node.gyp may not be worth the effort.
+ CHECK(code_cache_hash->StrictEquals(source_hash));
+ ArrayBuffer::Contents contents = code_cache->Buffer()->GetContents();
+ uint8_t* data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(contents.Data());
+ return new ScriptCompiler::CachedData(data + code_cache->ByteOffset(),
+ code_cache->ByteLength());
+// Returns Local<Function> of the compiled module if produce_code_cache
+// is false (we are only compiling the function).
+// Otherwise return a Local<Object> containing the cache.
+Local<Value> NativeModule::Compile(Environment* env,
+ Local<String> id,
+ Local<String> parameters[],
+ size_t parameters_count,
+ bool produce_code_cache) {
+ EscapableHandleScope scope(env->isolate());
+ Local<Context> context = env->context();
+ Isolate* isolate = env->isolate();
+ Local<Value> result =
+ env->native_modules_source()->Get(context, id).ToLocalChecked();
+ CHECK(result->IsString());
+ Local<String> source = result.As<String>();
+ Local<String> filename =
+ String::Concat(isolate, id, FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(isolate, ".js"));
+ Local<Integer> line_offset = Integer::New(isolate, 0);
+ Local<Integer> column_offset = Integer::New(isolate, 0);
+ ScriptOrigin origin(filename, line_offset, column_offset);
+ bool use_cache = false;
+ ScriptCompiler::CachedData* cached_data = nullptr;
+ // 1. We won't even check the existence of the cache if the binary is not
+ // built with them.
+ // 2. If we are generating code cache for tools/general_code_cache.js, we
+ // are not going to use any cache ourselves.
+ if (native_module_has_code_cache && !produce_code_cache) {
+ cached_data = GetCachedData(env, id);
+ if (cached_data != nullptr) {
+ use_cache = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ScriptCompiler::Source script_source(source, origin, cached_data);
+ ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions options;
+ if (produce_code_cache) {
+ options = ScriptCompiler::kEagerCompile;
+ } else if (use_cache) {
+ options = ScriptCompiler::kConsumeCodeCache;
+ } else {
+ options = ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions;
+ }
+ MaybeLocal<Function> maybe_fun =
+ ScriptCompiler::CompileFunctionInContext(context,
+ &script_source,
+ parameters_count,
+ parameters,
+ 0,
+ nullptr,
+ options);
+ TryCatch try_catch(isolate);
+ Local<Function> fun;
+ // This could fail when there are early errors in the native modules,
+ // e.g. the syntax errors
+ if (maybe_fun.IsEmpty() || !maybe_fun.ToLocal(&fun)) {
+ DecorateErrorStack(env, try_catch);
+ try_catch.ReThrow();
+ return scope.Escape(Local<Value>());
+ }
+ if (use_cache) {
+ // If the cache is rejected, something must be wrong with the build
+ // and we should just crash.
+ CHECK(!script_source.GetCachedData()->rejected);
+ if (env->native_modules_with_cache()->Add(context, id).IsEmpty()) {
+ return scope.Escape(Local<Value>());
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (env->native_modules_without_cache()->Add(context, id).IsEmpty()) {
+ return scope.Escape(Local<Value>());
+ }
+ }
+ if (produce_code_cache) {
+ std::unique_ptr<ScriptCompiler::CachedData> cached_data(
+ ScriptCompiler::CreateCodeCacheForFunction(fun));
+ CHECK_NE(cached_data, nullptr);
+ char* data =
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(const_cast<uint8_t*>(cached_data->data));
+ // Since we have no API to create a buffer from a new'ed pointer,
+ // we will need to copy it - but this code path is only run by the
+ // tooling that generates the code cache to be bundled in the binary
+ // so it should be fine.
+ Local<Object> buf =
+ Buffer::Copy(env, data, cached_data->length).ToLocalChecked();
+ return scope.Escape(buf);
+ } else {
+ return scope.Escape(fun);
+ }
+void Initialize(Local<Object> target,
+ Local<Value> unused,
+ Local<Context> context) {
+ Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(context);
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "source"),
+ env->native_modules_source())
+ .FromJust();
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "sourceHash"),
+ env->native_modules_source_hash())
+ .FromJust();
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "codeCache"),
+ env->native_modules_code_cache())
+ .FromJust();
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "codeCacheHash"),
+ env->native_modules_code_cache_hash())
+ .FromJust();
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "compiledWithCache"),
+ env->native_modules_with_cache())
+ .FromJust();
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "compiledWithoutCache"),
+ env->native_modules_without_cache())
+ .FromJust();
+ env->SetMethod(target, "compileFunction", NativeModule::CompileFunction);
+ env->SetMethod(target, "compileCodeCache", NativeModule::CompileCodeCache);
+ // internalBinding('native_module') should be frozen
+ target->SetIntegrityLevel(context, IntegrityLevel::kFrozen).FromJust();
+} // namespace native_module
+} // namespace node
+ node::native_module::Initialize)
diff --git a/src/node_native_module.h b/src/node_native_module.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4ffbfb0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/node_native_module.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "node_internals.h"
+namespace node {
+namespace native_module {
+// The native (C++) side of the native module compilation.
+class NativeModule {
+ public:
+ // For legacy process.binding('natives') which is mutable
+ static void GetNatives(Environment* env, v8::Local<v8::Object> exports);
+ // Loads the static JavaScript source code and the cache into Environment
+ static void LoadBindings(Environment* env);
+ // Compile code cache for a specific native module
+ static void CompileCodeCache(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args);
+ // Compile a specific native module as a function
+ static void CompileFunction(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args);
+ private:
+ static v8::Local<v8::Value> CompileAsModule(Environment* env,
+ v8::Local<v8::String> id,
+ bool produce_code_cache);
+ // TODO(joyeecheung): make this public and reuse it to compile bootstrappers
+ static v8::Local<v8::Value> Compile(Environment* env,
+ v8::Local<v8::String> id,
+ v8::Local<v8::String> parameters[],
+ size_t parameters_count,
+ bool produce_code_cache);
+} // namespace native_module
+} // namespace node