path: root/src
diff options
authorJoyee Cheung <>2018-11-03 14:26:32 +0800
committerJoyee Cheung <>2018-11-15 02:30:40 +0800
commitbd765d61d7425d82e80bdf2f4f27c0424221837b (patch)
tree869a635d6609a9e5aa806be7b42c3d870c57a384 /src
parent3856d8a14c0d96eb95303ed391ed719b10ee7bdb (diff)
src: compile native modules and their code cache in C++
This patch refactors out a part of NativeModule.prototype.compile (in JS land) into a C++ NativeModule class, this enables a couple of possibilities: 1. By moving the code to the C++ land, we have more opportunity to specialize the compilation process of the native modules (e.g. compilation options, code cache) that is orthogonal to how user land modules are compiled 2. We can reuse the code to compile bootstrappers and context fixers and enable them to be compiled with the code cache later, since they are not loaded by NativeModule in the JS land their caching must be done in C++. 3. Since there is no need to pass the static data to JS for compilation anymore, this enables us to use (std::map<std::string, const char*>) in the generated and later, and scope every actual access to the source of native modules to a std::map lookup instead of a lookup on a v8::Object in dictionary mode. This patch also refactor the code cache generator and tests a bit and trace the `withCodeCache` and `withoutCodeCache` in a Set instead of an Array, and makes sure that all the cachable builtins are tested. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
7 files changed, 634 insertions, 256 deletions
diff --git a/src/env.h b/src/env.h
index 01f686833e..3ed76ac49d 100644
--- a/src/env.h
+++ b/src/env.h
@@ -120,248 +120,258 @@ constexpr size_t kFsStatsBufferLength = kFsStatsFieldsNumber * 2;
// Strings are per-isolate primitives but Environment proxies them
// for the sake of convenience. Strings should be ASCII-only.
- V(address_string, "address") \
- V(aliases_string, "aliases") \
- V(args_string, "args") \
- V(async_ids_stack_string, "async_ids_stack") \
- V(buffer_string, "buffer") \
- V(bytes_parsed_string, "bytesParsed") \
- V(bytes_read_string, "bytesRead") \
- V(bytes_written_string, "bytesWritten") \
- V(cached_data_string, "cachedData") \
- V(cached_data_produced_string, "cachedDataProduced") \
- V(cached_data_rejected_string, "cachedDataRejected") \
- V(change_string, "change") \
- V(channel_string, "channel") \
- V(chunks_sent_since_last_write_string, "chunksSentSinceLastWrite") \
- V(constants_string, "constants") \
- V(oncertcb_string, "oncertcb") \
- V(code_string, "code") \
- V(cwd_string, "cwd") \
- V(dest_string, "dest") \
- V(destroyed_string, "destroyed") \
- V(detached_string, "detached") \
- V(dns_a_string, "A") \
- V(dns_aaaa_string, "AAAA") \
- V(dns_cname_string, "CNAME") \
- V(dns_mx_string, "MX") \
- V(dns_naptr_string, "NAPTR") \
- V(dns_ns_string, "NS") \
- V(dns_ptr_string, "PTR") \
- V(dns_soa_string, "SOA") \
- V(dns_srv_string, "SRV") \
- V(dns_txt_string, "TXT") \
- V(duration_string, "duration") \
- V(emit_warning_string, "emitWarning") \
- V(exchange_string, "exchange") \
- V(encoding_string, "encoding") \
- V(entries_string, "entries") \
- V(entry_type_string, "entryType") \
- V(env_pairs_string, "envPairs") \
- V(env_var_settings_string, "envVarSettings") \
- V(errno_string, "errno") \
- V(error_string, "error") \
- V(exit_code_string, "exitCode") \
- V(expire_string, "expire") \
- V(exponent_string, "exponent") \
- V(exports_string, "exports") \
- V(ext_key_usage_string, "ext_key_usage") \
- V(external_stream_string, "_externalStream") \
- V(family_string, "family") \
- V(fatal_exception_string, "_fatalException") \
- V(fd_string, "fd") \
- V(file_string, "file") \
- V(fingerprint_string, "fingerprint") \
- V(fingerprint256_string, "fingerprint256") \
- V(flags_string, "flags") \
- V(fragment_string, "fragment") \
- V(get_data_clone_error_string, "_getDataCloneError") \
- V(get_shared_array_buffer_id_string, "_getSharedArrayBufferId") \
- V(gid_string, "gid") \
- V(handle_string, "handle") \
- V(help_text_string, "helpText") \
- V(homedir_string, "homedir") \
- V(host_string, "host") \
- V(hostmaster_string, "hostmaster") \
- V(ignore_string, "ignore") \
- V(infoaccess_string, "infoAccess") \
- V(inherit_string, "inherit") \
- V(input_string, "input") \
- V(internal_string, "internal") \
- V(ipv4_string, "IPv4") \
- V(ipv6_string, "IPv6") \
- V(isclosing_string, "isClosing") \
- V(issuer_string, "issuer") \
- V(issuercert_string, "issuerCertificate") \
- V(kill_signal_string, "killSignal") \
- V(kind_string, "kind") \
- V(mac_string, "mac") \
- V(main_string, "main") \
- V(max_buffer_string, "maxBuffer") \
- V(message_string, "message") \
- V(message_port_string, "messagePort") \
- V(message_port_constructor_string, "MessagePort") \
- V(minttl_string, "minttl") \
- V(modulus_string, "modulus") \
- V(name_string, "name") \
- V(netmask_string, "netmask") \
- V(nsname_string, "nsname") \
- V(ocsp_request_string, "OCSPRequest") \
- V(onaltsvc_string, "onaltsvc") \
- V(onchange_string, "onchange") \
- V(onclienthello_string, "onclienthello") \
- V(oncomplete_string, "oncomplete") \
- V(onconnection_string, "onconnection") \
- V(ondone_string, "ondone") \
- V(onerror_string, "onerror") \
- V(onexit_string, "onexit") \
- V(onframeerror_string, "onframeerror") \
- V(ongetpadding_string, "ongetpadding") \
- V(onhandshakedone_string, "onhandshakedone") \
- V(onhandshakestart_string, "onhandshakestart") \
- V(onheaders_string, "onheaders") \
- V(onmessage_string, "onmessage") \
- V(onnewsession_string, "onnewsession") \
- V(onocspresponse_string, "onocspresponse") \
- V(ongoawaydata_string, "ongoawaydata") \
- V(onorigin_string, "onorigin") \
- V(onpriority_string, "onpriority") \
- V(onread_string, "onread") \
- V(onreadstart_string, "onreadstart") \
- V(onreadstop_string, "onreadstop") \
- V(onping_string, "onping") \
- V(onsettings_string, "onsettings") \
- V(onshutdown_string, "onshutdown") \
- V(onsignal_string, "onsignal") \
- V(onstreamclose_string, "onstreamclose") \
- V(ontrailers_string, "ontrailers") \
- V(onunpipe_string, "onunpipe") \
- V(onwrite_string, "onwrite") \
- V(openssl_error_stack, "opensslErrorStack") \
- V(options_string, "options") \
- V(output_string, "output") \
- V(order_string, "order") \
- V(parse_error_string, "Parse Error") \
- V(password_string, "password") \
- V(path_string, "path") \
- V(pending_handle_string, "pendingHandle") \
- V(pid_string, "pid") \
- V(pipe_string, "pipe") \
- V(pipe_target_string, "pipeTarget") \
- V(pipe_source_string, "pipeSource") \
- V(port_string, "port") \
- V(port1_string, "port1") \
- V(port2_string, "port2") \
- V(preference_string, "preference") \
- V(priority_string, "priority") \
- V(promise_string, "promise") \
- V(pubkey_string, "pubkey") \
- V(query_string, "query") \
- V(raw_string, "raw") \
- V(read_host_object_string, "_readHostObject") \
- V(readable_string, "readable") \
- V(reason_string, "reason") \
- V(refresh_string, "refresh") \
- V(regexp_string, "regexp") \
- V(rename_string, "rename") \
- V(replacement_string, "replacement") \
- V(retry_string, "retry") \
- V(scheme_string, "scheme") \
- V(serial_string, "serial") \
- V(scopeid_string, "scopeid") \
- V(serial_number_string, "serialNumber") \
- V(service_string, "service") \
- V(servername_string, "servername") \
- V(session_id_string, "sessionId") \
- V(shell_string, "shell") \
- V(signal_string, "signal") \
- V(sink_string, "sink") \
- V(size_string, "size") \
- V(sni_context_err_string, "Invalid SNI context") \
- V(sni_context_string, "sni_context") \
- V(source_string, "source") \
- V(stack_string, "stack") \
- V(start_time_string, "startTime") \
- V(status_string, "status") \
- V(stdio_string, "stdio") \
- V(subject_string, "subject") \
- V(subjectaltname_string, "subjectaltname") \
- V(syscall_string, "syscall") \
- V(thread_id_string, "threadId") \
- V(ticketkeycallback_string, "onticketkeycallback") \
- V(timeout_string, "timeout") \
- V(tls_ticket_string, "tlsTicket") \
- V(ttl_string, "ttl") \
- V(type_string, "type") \
- V(uid_string, "uid") \
- V(unknown_string, "<unknown>") \
- V(url_string, "url") \
- V(username_string, "username") \
- V(valid_from_string, "valid_from") \
- V(valid_to_string, "valid_to") \
- V(value_string, "value") \
- V(verify_error_string, "verifyError") \
- V(version_string, "version") \
- V(weight_string, "weight") \
- V(windows_hide_string, "windowsHide") \
- V(windows_verbatim_arguments_string, "windowsVerbatimArguments") \
- V(wrap_string, "wrap") \
- V(writable_string, "writable") \
- V(write_host_object_string, "_writeHostObject") \
- V(write_queue_size_string, "writeQueueSize") \
- V(x_forwarded_string, "x-forwarded-for") \
+ V(address_string, "address") \
+ V(aliases_string, "aliases") \
+ V(args_string, "args") \
+ V(async_ids_stack_string, "async_ids_stack") \
+ V(buffer_string, "buffer") \
+ V(bytes_parsed_string, "bytesParsed") \
+ V(bytes_read_string, "bytesRead") \
+ V(bytes_written_string, "bytesWritten") \
+ V(cached_data_string, "cachedData") \
+ V(cached_data_produced_string, "cachedDataProduced") \
+ V(cached_data_rejected_string, "cachedDataRejected") \
+ V(change_string, "change") \
+ V(channel_string, "channel") \
+ V(chunks_sent_since_last_write_string, "chunksSentSinceLastWrite") \
+ V(constants_string, "constants") \
+ V(oncertcb_string, "oncertcb") \
+ V(code_string, "code") \
+ V(cwd_string, "cwd") \
+ V(dest_string, "dest") \
+ V(destroyed_string, "destroyed") \
+ V(detached_string, "detached") \
+ V(dns_a_string, "A") \
+ V(dns_aaaa_string, "AAAA") \
+ V(dns_cname_string, "CNAME") \
+ V(dns_mx_string, "MX") \
+ V(dns_naptr_string, "NAPTR") \
+ V(dns_ns_string, "NS") \
+ V(dns_ptr_string, "PTR") \
+ V(dns_soa_string, "SOA") \
+ V(dns_srv_string, "SRV") \
+ V(dns_txt_string, "TXT") \
+ V(duration_string, "duration") \
+ V(emit_warning_string, "emitWarning") \
+ V(exchange_string, "exchange") \
+ V(encoding_string, "encoding") \
+ V(entries_string, "entries") \
+ V(entry_type_string, "entryType") \
+ V(env_pairs_string, "envPairs") \
+ V(env_var_settings_string, "envVarSettings") \
+ V(errno_string, "errno") \
+ V(error_string, "error") \
+ V(exit_code_string, "exitCode") \
+ V(expire_string, "expire") \
+ V(exponent_string, "exponent") \
+ V(exports_string, "exports") \
+ V(ext_key_usage_string, "ext_key_usage") \
+ V(external_stream_string, "_externalStream") \
+ V(family_string, "family") \
+ V(fatal_exception_string, "_fatalException") \
+ V(fd_string, "fd") \
+ V(file_string, "file") \
+ V(fingerprint_string, "fingerprint") \
+ V(fingerprint256_string, "fingerprint256") \
+ V(flags_string, "flags") \
+ V(fragment_string, "fragment") \
+ V(get_data_clone_error_string, "_getDataCloneError") \
+ V(get_shared_array_buffer_id_string, "_getSharedArrayBufferId") \
+ V(gid_string, "gid") \
+ V(handle_string, "handle") \
+ V(help_text_string, "helpText") \
+ V(homedir_string, "homedir") \
+ V(host_string, "host") \
+ V(hostmaster_string, "hostmaster") \
+ V(ignore_string, "ignore") \
+ V(infoaccess_string, "infoAccess") \
+ V(inherit_string, "inherit") \
+ V(input_string, "input") \
+ V(internal_string, "internal") \
+ V(internal_binding_string, "internalBinding") \
+ V(ipv4_string, "IPv4") \
+ V(ipv6_string, "IPv6") \
+ V(isclosing_string, "isClosing") \
+ V(issuer_string, "issuer") \
+ V(issuercert_string, "issuerCertificate") \
+ V(kill_signal_string, "killSignal") \
+ V(kind_string, "kind") \
+ V(mac_string, "mac") \
+ V(main_string, "main") \
+ V(max_buffer_string, "maxBuffer") \
+ V(message_string, "message") \
+ V(message_port_string, "messagePort") \
+ V(message_port_constructor_string, "MessagePort") \
+ V(minttl_string, "minttl") \
+ V(module_string, "module") \
+ V(modulus_string, "modulus") \
+ V(name_string, "name") \
+ V(netmask_string, "netmask") \
+ V(nsname_string, "nsname") \
+ V(ocsp_request_string, "OCSPRequest") \
+ V(onaltsvc_string, "onaltsvc") \
+ V(onchange_string, "onchange") \
+ V(onclienthello_string, "onclienthello") \
+ V(oncomplete_string, "oncomplete") \
+ V(onconnection_string, "onconnection") \
+ V(ondone_string, "ondone") \
+ V(onerror_string, "onerror") \
+ V(onexit_string, "onexit") \
+ V(onframeerror_string, "onframeerror") \
+ V(ongetpadding_string, "ongetpadding") \
+ V(onhandshakedone_string, "onhandshakedone") \
+ V(onhandshakestart_string, "onhandshakestart") \
+ V(onheaders_string, "onheaders") \
+ V(onmessage_string, "onmessage") \
+ V(onnewsession_string, "onnewsession") \
+ V(onocspresponse_string, "onocspresponse") \
+ V(ongoawaydata_string, "ongoawaydata") \
+ V(onorigin_string, "onorigin") \
+ V(onpriority_string, "onpriority") \
+ V(onread_string, "onread") \
+ V(onreadstart_string, "onreadstart") \
+ V(onreadstop_string, "onreadstop") \
+ V(onping_string, "onping") \
+ V(onsettings_string, "onsettings") \
+ V(onshutdown_string, "onshutdown") \
+ V(onsignal_string, "onsignal") \
+ V(onstreamclose_string, "onstreamclose") \
+ V(ontrailers_string, "ontrailers") \
+ V(onunpipe_string, "onunpipe") \
+ V(onwrite_string, "onwrite") \
+ V(openssl_error_stack, "opensslErrorStack") \
+ V(options_string, "options") \
+ V(output_string, "output") \
+ V(order_string, "order") \
+ V(parse_error_string, "Parse Error") \
+ V(password_string, "password") \
+ V(path_string, "path") \
+ V(pending_handle_string, "pendingHandle") \
+ V(pid_string, "pid") \
+ V(pipe_string, "pipe") \
+ V(pipe_target_string, "pipeTarget") \
+ V(pipe_source_string, "pipeSource") \
+ V(port_string, "port") \
+ V(port1_string, "port1") \
+ V(port2_string, "port2") \
+ V(preference_string, "preference") \
+ V(priority_string, "priority") \
+ V(process_string, "process") \
+ V(promise_string, "promise") \
+ V(pubkey_string, "pubkey") \
+ V(query_string, "query") \
+ V(raw_string, "raw") \
+ V(read_host_object_string, "_readHostObject") \
+ V(readable_string, "readable") \
+ V(reason_string, "reason") \
+ V(refresh_string, "refresh") \
+ V(regexp_string, "regexp") \
+ V(rename_string, "rename") \
+ V(replacement_string, "replacement") \
+ V(require_string, "require") \
+ V(retry_string, "retry") \
+ V(scheme_string, "scheme") \
+ V(serial_string, "serial") \
+ V(scopeid_string, "scopeid") \
+ V(serial_number_string, "serialNumber") \
+ V(service_string, "service") \
+ V(servername_string, "servername") \
+ V(session_id_string, "sessionId") \
+ V(shell_string, "shell") \
+ V(signal_string, "signal") \
+ V(sink_string, "sink") \
+ V(size_string, "size") \
+ V(sni_context_err_string, "Invalid SNI context") \
+ V(sni_context_string, "sni_context") \
+ V(source_string, "source") \
+ V(stack_string, "stack") \
+ V(start_time_string, "startTime") \
+ V(status_string, "status") \
+ V(stdio_string, "stdio") \
+ V(subject_string, "subject") \
+ V(subjectaltname_string, "subjectaltname") \
+ V(syscall_string, "syscall") \
+ V(thread_id_string, "threadId") \
+ V(ticketkeycallback_string, "onticketkeycallback") \
+ V(timeout_string, "timeout") \
+ V(tls_ticket_string, "tlsTicket") \
+ V(ttl_string, "ttl") \
+ V(type_string, "type") \
+ V(uid_string, "uid") \
+ V(unknown_string, "<unknown>") \
+ V(url_string, "url") \
+ V(username_string, "username") \
+ V(valid_from_string, "valid_from") \
+ V(valid_to_string, "valid_to") \
+ V(value_string, "value") \
+ V(verify_error_string, "verifyError") \
+ V(version_string, "version") \
+ V(weight_string, "weight") \
+ V(windows_hide_string, "windowsHide") \
+ V(windows_verbatim_arguments_string, "windowsVerbatimArguments") \
+ V(wrap_string, "wrap") \
+ V(writable_string, "writable") \
+ V(write_host_object_string, "_writeHostObject") \
+ V(write_queue_size_string, "writeQueueSize") \
+ V(x_forwarded_string, "x-forwarded-for") \
V(zero_return_string, "ZERO_RETURN")
- V(as_external, v8::External) \
- V(async_hooks_after_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_before_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_binding, v8::Object) \
- V(async_hooks_destroy_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_init_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_promise_resolve_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_wrap_object_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(async_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(buffer_prototype_object, v8::Object) \
- V(context, v8::Context) \
- V(domain_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(domexception_function, v8::Function) \
- V(fdclose_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(fd_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(filehandlereadwrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(fsreqpromise_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(fs_use_promises_symbol, v8::Symbol) \
- V(handle_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(host_import_module_dynamically_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(http2ping_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(http2settings_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(http2stream_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(immediate_callback_function, v8::Function) \
- V(inspector_console_api_object, v8::Object) \
- V(libuv_stream_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(message_port, v8::Object) \
- V(message_port_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(pipe_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(performance_entry_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(performance_entry_template, v8::Function) \
- V(process_object, v8::Object) \
- V(promise_handler_function, v8::Function) \
- V(promise_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(sab_lifetimepartner_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(script_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(script_data_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
- V(secure_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(shutdown_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(tcp_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(tick_callback_function, v8::Function) \
- V(timers_callback_function, v8::Function) \
- V(tls_wrap_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
- V(trace_category_state_function, v8::Function) \
- V(tty_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(udp_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
- V(url_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(as_external, v8::External) \
+ V(async_hooks_after_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_before_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_binding, v8::Object) \
+ V(async_hooks_destroy_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_init_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_promise_resolve_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_wrap_object_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(async_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(buffer_prototype_object, v8::Object) \
+ V(context, v8::Context) \
+ V(domain_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(domexception_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(fdclose_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(fd_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(filehandlereadwrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(fsreqpromise_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(fs_use_promises_symbol, v8::Symbol) \
+ V(handle_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(host_import_module_dynamically_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(http2ping_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(http2settings_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(http2stream_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(immediate_callback_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(inspector_console_api_object, v8::Object) \
+ V(libuv_stream_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(message_port, v8::Object) \
+ V(message_port_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(native_modules_code_cache, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_code_cache_hash, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_source, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_source_hash, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_with_cache, v8::Set) \
+ V(native_modules_without_cache, v8::Set) \
+ V(pipe_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(performance_entry_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(performance_entry_template, v8::Function) \
+ V(process_object, v8::Object) \
+ V(promise_handler_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(promise_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(sab_lifetimepartner_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(script_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(script_data_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(secure_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(shutdown_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(tcp_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(tick_callback_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(timers_callback_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(tls_wrap_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(trace_category_state_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(tty_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(udp_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(url_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
V(write_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)
class Environment;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d4272bea20..48e8f0a249 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -25,10 +25,9 @@
#include "node_errors.h"
#include "node_internals.h"
#include "node_javascript.h"
-#include "node_code_cache.h"
+#include "node_native_module.h"
+#include "node_perf.h"
#include "node_platform.h"
-#include "node_version.h"
-#include "node_internals.h"
#include "node_revert.h"
#include "node_version.h"
#include "tracing/traced_value.h"
@@ -131,6 +130,7 @@ typedef int mode_t;
namespace node {
+using native_module::NativeModule;
using options_parser::kAllowedInEnvironment;
using options_parser::kDisallowedInEnvironment;
using v8::Array;
@@ -775,6 +775,7 @@ static MaybeLocal<Value> ExecuteString(Environment* env,
ScriptOrigin origin(filename);
MaybeLocal<Script> script =
Script::Compile(env->context(), source, &origin);
if (script.IsEmpty()) {
@@ -1222,19 +1223,7 @@ static void GetInternalBinding(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
DefineConstants(env->isolate(), exports);
} else if (!strcmp(*module_v, "natives")) {
exports = Object::New(env->isolate());
- DefineJavaScript(env, exports);
- } else if (!strcmp(*module_v, "code_cache")) {
- // internalBinding('code_cache')
- exports = Object::New(env->isolate());
- DefineCodeCache(env, exports);
- } else if (!strcmp(*module_v, "code_cache_hash")) {
- // internalBinding('code_cache_hash')
- exports = Object::New(env->isolate());
- DefineCodeCacheHash(env, exports);
- } else if (!strcmp(*module_v, "natives_hash")) {
- // internalBinding('natives_hash')
- exports = Object::New(env->isolate());
- DefineJavaScriptHash(env, exports);
+ NativeModule::GetNatives(env, exports);
} else {
return ThrowIfNoSuchModule(env, *module_v);
@@ -1772,6 +1761,8 @@ void LoadEnvironment(Environment* env) {
// lib/internal/bootstrap/node.js, each included as a static C string
// defined in node_javascript.h, generated in by
// node_js2c.
+ // TODO(joyeecheung): use NativeModule::Compile
Local<String> loaders_name =
FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "internal/bootstrap/loaders.js");
MaybeLocal<Function> loaders_bootstrapper =
@@ -1831,6 +1822,8 @@ void LoadEnvironment(Environment* env) {
+ NativeModule::LoadBindings(env);
// Bootstrap internal loaders
Local<Value> bootstrapped_loaders;
if (!ExecuteBootstrapper(env, loaders_bootstrapper.ToLocalChecked(),
@@ -2484,6 +2477,8 @@ Local<Context> NewContext(Isolate* isolate,
// Run lib/internal/per_context.js
Context::Scope context_scope(context);
+ // TODO(joyeecheung): use NativeModule::Compile
Local<String> per_context = NodePerContextSource(isolate);
ScriptCompiler::Source per_context_src(per_context, nullptr);
Local<Script> s = ScriptCompiler::Compile(
diff --git a/src/node_code_cache.h b/src/node_code_cache.h
index db80122861..8054279d55 100644
--- a/src/node_code_cache.h
+++ b/src/node_code_cache.h
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
namespace node {
+extern const bool native_module_has_code_cache;
void DefineCodeCache(Environment* env, v8::Local<v8::Object> target);
void DefineCodeCacheHash(Environment* env, v8::Local<v8::Object> target);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 35780e13f0..2fb86c5bf7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
// The stub here is used when configure is run without `--code-cache-path`
namespace node {
+const bool native_module_has_code_cache = false;
void DefineCodeCache(Environment* env, v8::Local<v8::Object> target) {
// When we do not produce code cache for builtin modules,
// `internalBinding('code_cache')` returns an empty object
diff --git a/src/node_internals.h b/src/node_internals.h
index b026a96843..b6cd628086 100644
--- a/src/node_internals.h
+++ b/src/node_internals.h
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ struct sockaddr;
V(js_stream) \
V(messaging) \
V(module_wrap) \
+ V(native_module) \
V(options) \
V(os) \
V(performance) \
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea7fe9189a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#include "node_native_module.h"
+#include "node_code_cache.h"
+#include "node_errors.h"
+#include "node_javascript.h"
+namespace node {
+namespace native_module {
+using v8::Array;
+using v8::ArrayBuffer;
+using v8::Context;
+using v8::EscapableHandleScope;
+using v8::Function;
+using v8::FunctionCallbackInfo;
+using v8::HandleScope;
+using v8::Integer;
+using v8::IntegrityLevel;
+using v8::Isolate;
+using v8::Local;
+using v8::Maybe;
+using v8::MaybeLocal;
+using v8::Object;
+using v8::Script;
+using v8::ScriptCompiler;
+using v8::ScriptOrigin;
+using v8::Set;
+using v8::String;
+using v8::TryCatch;
+using v8::Uint8Array;
+using v8::Value;
+void NativeModule::GetNatives(Environment* env, Local<Object> exports) {
+ DefineJavaScript(env, exports);
+void NativeModule::LoadBindings(Environment* env) {
+ // TODO(joyeecheung): put the static values into a
+ // std::map<std::string, const uint8_t*> instead of a v8::Object,
+ // because here they are only looked up from the C++ side
+ // (except in process.binding('natives') which we don't use)
+ // so there is little value to put them in a v8::Object upfront.
+ // Moreover, a std::map lookup should be faster than a lookup on
+ // an V8 Object in dictionary mode.
+ Isolate* isolate = env->isolate();
+ Local<Context> context = env->context();
+ Local<Value> null = Null(isolate);
+ Local<Object> native_modules_source = Object::New(isolate);
+ CHECK(native_modules_source->SetPrototype(context, null).FromJust());
+ DefineJavaScript(env, native_modules_source);
+ native_modules_source->SetIntegrityLevel(context, IntegrityLevel::kFrozen)
+ .FromJust();
+ env->set_native_modules_source(native_modules_source);
+ Local<Object> native_modules_source_hash = Object::New(isolate);
+ CHECK(native_modules_source_hash->SetPrototype(context, null).FromJust());
+ DefineJavaScriptHash(env, native_modules_source_hash);
+ native_modules_source_hash
+ ->SetIntegrityLevel(context, IntegrityLevel::kFrozen)
+ .FromJust();
+ env->set_native_modules_source_hash(native_modules_source_hash);
+ Local<Object> native_modules_code_cache = Object::New(isolate);
+ CHECK(native_modules_code_cache->SetPrototype(context, null).FromJust());
+ DefineCodeCache(env, native_modules_code_cache);
+ native_modules_code_cache->SetIntegrityLevel(context, IntegrityLevel::kFrozen)
+ .FromJust();
+ env->set_native_modules_code_cache(native_modules_code_cache);
+ Local<Object> native_modules_code_cache_hash = Object::New(isolate);
+ CHECK(native_modules_code_cache_hash->SetPrototype(context, null).FromJust());
+ DefineCodeCacheHash(env, native_modules_code_cache_hash);
+ native_modules_code_cache_hash
+ ->SetIntegrityLevel(context, IntegrityLevel::kFrozen)
+ .FromJust();
+ env->set_native_modules_code_cache_hash(native_modules_code_cache_hash);
+ env->set_native_modules_with_cache(Set::New(isolate));
+ env->set_native_modules_without_cache(Set::New(isolate));
+void NativeModule::CompileCodeCache(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
+ Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);
+ CHECK(args[0]->IsString());
+ Local<String> id = args[0].As<String>();
+ Local<Value> result = CompileAsModule(env, id, true);
+ if (!result.IsEmpty()) {
+ args.GetReturnValue().Set(result);
+ }
+void NativeModule::CompileFunction(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
+ Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);
+ CHECK(args[0]->IsString());
+ Local<String> id = args[0].As<String>();
+ Local<Value> result = CompileAsModule(env, id, false);
+ if (!result.IsEmpty()) {
+ args.GetReturnValue().Set(result);
+ }
+Local<Value> NativeModule::CompileAsModule(Environment* env,
+ Local<String> id,
+ bool produce_code_cache) {
+ Local<String> parameters[] = {env->exports_string(),
+ env->require_string(),
+ env->module_string(),
+ env->process_string(),
+ env->internal_binding_string()};
+ return Compile(
+ env, id, parameters, arraysize(parameters), produce_code_cache);
+// Currently V8 only checks that the length of the source code is the
+// same as the code used to generate the hash, so we add an additional
+// check here:
+// 1. During compile time, when generating and
+//, we compute and include the hash of the
+// JavaScript source in both.
+// 2. At runtime, we check that the hash of the code being compiled
+// and the hash of the code used to generate the cache
+// (without the parameters) is the same.
+// This is based on the assumptions:
+// 1. `code_cache_hash` must be in sync with `code_cache`
+// (both defined in
+// 2. `source_hash` must be in sync with `source`
+// (both defined in
+// 3. If `source_hash` is in sync with `code_cache_hash`,
+// then the source code used to generate `code_cache`
+// should be in sync with the source code in `source`
+// The only variable left, then, are the parameters passed to the
+// CompileFunctionInContext. If the parameters used generate the cache
+// is different from the one used to compile modules at run time, then
+// there could be false postivies, but that should be rare and should fail
+// early in the bootstrap process so it should be easy to detect and fix.
+// Returns nullptr if there is no code cache corresponding to the id
+ScriptCompiler::CachedData* GetCachedData(Environment* env, Local<String> id) {
+ HandleScope scope(env->isolate());
+ Local<Context> context = env->context();
+ Local<Value> result =
+ env->native_modules_code_cache()->Get(context, id).ToLocalChecked();
+ // This could be false if the module cannot be cached somehow.
+ // See lib/internal/bootstrap/cache.js on the modules that cannot be cached
+ if (result->IsUndefined()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ CHECK(result->IsUint8Array());
+ Local<Uint8Array> code_cache = result.As<Uint8Array>();
+ result =
+ env->native_modules_code_cache_hash()->Get(context, id).ToLocalChecked();
+ CHECK(result->IsString());
+ Local<String> code_cache_hash = result.As<String>();
+ result =
+ env->native_modules_source_hash()->Get(context, id).ToLocalChecked();
+ CHECK(result->IsString());
+ Local<String> source_hash = result.As<String>();
+ // It may fail when any of the inputs of the `node_js2c` target in
+ // node.gyp is modified but the tools/generate_code_cache.js
+ // is not re run.
+ // FIXME(joyeecheung): Figure out how to resolve the dependency issue.
+ // When the code cache was introduced we were at a point where refactoring
+ // node.gyp may not be worth the effort.
+ CHECK(code_cache_hash->StrictEquals(source_hash));
+ ArrayBuffer::Contents contents = code_cache->Buffer()->GetContents();
+ uint8_t* data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(contents.Data());
+ return new ScriptCompiler::CachedData(data + code_cache->ByteOffset(),
+ code_cache->ByteLength());
+// Returns Local<Function> of the compiled module if produce_code_cache
+// is false (we are only compiling the function).
+// Otherwise return a Local<Object> containing the cache.
+Local<Value> NativeModule::Compile(Environment* env,
+ Local<String> id,
+ Local<String> parameters[],
+ size_t parameters_count,
+ bool produce_code_cache) {
+ EscapableHandleScope scope(env->isolate());
+ Local<Context> context = env->context();
+ Isolate* isolate = env->isolate();
+ Local<Value> result =
+ env->native_modules_source()->Get(context, id).ToLocalChecked();
+ CHECK(result->IsString());
+ Local<String> source = result.As<String>();
+ Local<String> filename =
+ String::Concat(isolate, id, FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(isolate, ".js"));
+ Local<Integer> line_offset = Integer::New(isolate, 0);
+ Local<Integer> column_offset = Integer::New(isolate, 0);
+ ScriptOrigin origin(filename, line_offset, column_offset);
+ bool use_cache = false;
+ ScriptCompiler::CachedData* cached_data = nullptr;
+ // 1. We won't even check the existence of the cache if the binary is not
+ // built with them.
+ // 2. If we are generating code cache for tools/general_code_cache.js, we
+ // are not going to use any cache ourselves.
+ if (native_module_has_code_cache && !produce_code_cache) {
+ cached_data = GetCachedData(env, id);
+ if (cached_data != nullptr) {
+ use_cache = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ScriptCompiler::Source script_source(source, origin, cached_data);
+ ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions options;
+ if (produce_code_cache) {
+ options = ScriptCompiler::kEagerCompile;
+ } else if (use_cache) {
+ options = ScriptCompiler::kConsumeCodeCache;
+ } else {
+ options = ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions;
+ }
+ MaybeLocal<Function> maybe_fun =
+ ScriptCompiler::CompileFunctionInContext(context,
+ &script_source,
+ parameters_count,
+ parameters,
+ 0,
+ nullptr,
+ options);
+ TryCatch try_catch(isolate);
+ Local<Function> fun;
+ // This could fail when there are early errors in the native modules,
+ // e.g. the syntax errors
+ if (maybe_fun.IsEmpty() || !maybe_fun.ToLocal(&fun)) {
+ DecorateErrorStack(env, try_catch);
+ try_catch.ReThrow();
+ return scope.Escape(Local<Value>());
+ }
+ if (use_cache) {
+ // If the cache is rejected, something must be wrong with the build
+ // and we should just crash.
+ CHECK(!script_source.GetCachedData()->rejected);
+ if (env->native_modules_with_cache()->Add(context, id).IsEmpty()) {
+ return scope.Escape(Local<Value>());
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (env->native_modules_without_cache()->Add(context, id).IsEmpty()) {
+ return scope.Escape(Local<Value>());
+ }
+ }
+ if (produce_code_cache) {
+ std::unique_ptr<ScriptCompiler::CachedData> cached_data(
+ ScriptCompiler::CreateCodeCacheForFunction(fun));
+ CHECK_NE(cached_data, nullptr);
+ char* data =
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(const_cast<uint8_t*>(cached_data->data));
+ // Since we have no API to create a buffer from a new'ed pointer,
+ // we will need to copy it - but this code path is only run by the
+ // tooling that generates the code cache to be bundled in the binary
+ // so it should be fine.
+ Local<Object> buf =
+ Buffer::Copy(env, data, cached_data->length).ToLocalChecked();
+ return scope.Escape(buf);
+ } else {
+ return scope.Escape(fun);
+ }
+void Initialize(Local<Object> target,
+ Local<Value> unused,
+ Local<Context> context) {
+ Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(context);
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "source"),
+ env->native_modules_source())
+ .FromJust();
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "sourceHash"),
+ env->native_modules_source_hash())
+ .FromJust();
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "codeCache"),
+ env->native_modules_code_cache())
+ .FromJust();
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "codeCacheHash"),
+ env->native_modules_code_cache_hash())
+ .FromJust();
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "compiledWithCache"),
+ env->native_modules_with_cache())
+ .FromJust();
+ target
+ ->Set(context,
+ FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "compiledWithoutCache"),
+ env->native_modules_without_cache())
+ .FromJust();
+ env->SetMethod(target, "compileFunction", NativeModule::CompileFunction);
+ env->SetMethod(target, "compileCodeCache", NativeModule::CompileCodeCache);
+ // internalBinding('native_module') should be frozen
+ target->SetIntegrityLevel(context, IntegrityLevel::kFrozen).FromJust();
+} // namespace native_module
+} // namespace node
+ node::native_module::Initialize)
diff --git a/src/node_native_module.h b/src/node_native_module.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4ffbfb0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/node_native_module.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "node_internals.h"
+namespace node {
+namespace native_module {
+// The native (C++) side of the native module compilation.
+class NativeModule {
+ public:
+ // For legacy process.binding('natives') which is mutable
+ static void GetNatives(Environment* env, v8::Local<v8::Object> exports);
+ // Loads the static JavaScript source code and the cache into Environment
+ static void LoadBindings(Environment* env);
+ // Compile code cache for a specific native module
+ static void CompileCodeCache(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args);
+ // Compile a specific native module as a function
+ static void CompileFunction(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args);
+ private:
+ static v8::Local<v8::Value> CompileAsModule(Environment* env,
+ v8::Local<v8::String> id,
+ bool produce_code_cache);
+ // TODO(joyeecheung): make this public and reuse it to compile bootstrappers
+ static v8::Local<v8::Value> Compile(Environment* env,
+ v8::Local<v8::String> id,
+ v8::Local<v8::String> parameters[],
+ size_t parameters_count,
+ bool produce_code_cache);
+} // namespace native_module
+} // namespace node