path: root/src/env.h
diff options
authorJoyee Cheung <>2018-11-03 14:26:32 +0800
committerJoyee Cheung <>2018-11-15 02:30:40 +0800
commitbd765d61d7425d82e80bdf2f4f27c0424221837b (patch)
tree869a635d6609a9e5aa806be7b42c3d870c57a384 /src/env.h
parent3856d8a14c0d96eb95303ed391ed719b10ee7bdb (diff)
src: compile native modules and their code cache in C++
This patch refactors out a part of NativeModule.prototype.compile (in JS land) into a C++ NativeModule class, this enables a couple of possibilities: 1. By moving the code to the C++ land, we have more opportunity to specialize the compilation process of the native modules (e.g. compilation options, code cache) that is orthogonal to how user land modules are compiled 2. We can reuse the code to compile bootstrappers and context fixers and enable them to be compiled with the code cache later, since they are not loaded by NativeModule in the JS land their caching must be done in C++. 3. Since there is no need to pass the static data to JS for compilation anymore, this enables us to use (std::map<std::string, const char*>) in the generated and later, and scope every actual access to the source of native modules to a std::map lookup instead of a lookup on a v8::Object in dictionary mode. This patch also refactor the code cache generator and tests a bit and trace the `withCodeCache` and `withoutCodeCache` in a Set instead of an Array, and makes sure that all the cachable builtins are tested. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/env.h')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/src/env.h b/src/env.h
index 01f686833e..3ed76ac49d 100644
--- a/src/env.h
+++ b/src/env.h
@@ -120,248 +120,258 @@ constexpr size_t kFsStatsBufferLength = kFsStatsFieldsNumber * 2;
// Strings are per-isolate primitives but Environment proxies them
// for the sake of convenience. Strings should be ASCII-only.
- V(address_string, "address") \
- V(aliases_string, "aliases") \
- V(args_string, "args") \
- V(async_ids_stack_string, "async_ids_stack") \
- V(buffer_string, "buffer") \
- V(bytes_parsed_string, "bytesParsed") \
- V(bytes_read_string, "bytesRead") \
- V(bytes_written_string, "bytesWritten") \
- V(cached_data_string, "cachedData") \
- V(cached_data_produced_string, "cachedDataProduced") \
- V(cached_data_rejected_string, "cachedDataRejected") \
- V(change_string, "change") \
- V(channel_string, "channel") \
- V(chunks_sent_since_last_write_string, "chunksSentSinceLastWrite") \
- V(constants_string, "constants") \
- V(oncertcb_string, "oncertcb") \
- V(code_string, "code") \
- V(cwd_string, "cwd") \
- V(dest_string, "dest") \
- V(destroyed_string, "destroyed") \
- V(detached_string, "detached") \
- V(dns_a_string, "A") \
- V(dns_aaaa_string, "AAAA") \
- V(dns_cname_string, "CNAME") \
- V(dns_mx_string, "MX") \
- V(dns_naptr_string, "NAPTR") \
- V(dns_ns_string, "NS") \
- V(dns_ptr_string, "PTR") \
- V(dns_soa_string, "SOA") \
- V(dns_srv_string, "SRV") \
- V(dns_txt_string, "TXT") \
- V(duration_string, "duration") \
- V(emit_warning_string, "emitWarning") \
- V(exchange_string, "exchange") \
- V(encoding_string, "encoding") \
- V(entries_string, "entries") \
- V(entry_type_string, "entryType") \
- V(env_pairs_string, "envPairs") \
- V(env_var_settings_string, "envVarSettings") \
- V(errno_string, "errno") \
- V(error_string, "error") \
- V(exit_code_string, "exitCode") \
- V(expire_string, "expire") \
- V(exponent_string, "exponent") \
- V(exports_string, "exports") \
- V(ext_key_usage_string, "ext_key_usage") \
- V(external_stream_string, "_externalStream") \
- V(family_string, "family") \
- V(fatal_exception_string, "_fatalException") \
- V(fd_string, "fd") \
- V(file_string, "file") \
- V(fingerprint_string, "fingerprint") \
- V(fingerprint256_string, "fingerprint256") \
- V(flags_string, "flags") \
- V(fragment_string, "fragment") \
- V(get_data_clone_error_string, "_getDataCloneError") \
- V(get_shared_array_buffer_id_string, "_getSharedArrayBufferId") \
- V(gid_string, "gid") \
- V(handle_string, "handle") \
- V(help_text_string, "helpText") \
- V(homedir_string, "homedir") \
- V(host_string, "host") \
- V(hostmaster_string, "hostmaster") \
- V(ignore_string, "ignore") \
- V(infoaccess_string, "infoAccess") \
- V(inherit_string, "inherit") \
- V(input_string, "input") \
- V(internal_string, "internal") \
- V(ipv4_string, "IPv4") \
- V(ipv6_string, "IPv6") \
- V(isclosing_string, "isClosing") \
- V(issuer_string, "issuer") \
- V(issuercert_string, "issuerCertificate") \
- V(kill_signal_string, "killSignal") \
- V(kind_string, "kind") \
- V(mac_string, "mac") \
- V(main_string, "main") \
- V(max_buffer_string, "maxBuffer") \
- V(message_string, "message") \
- V(message_port_string, "messagePort") \
- V(message_port_constructor_string, "MessagePort") \
- V(minttl_string, "minttl") \
- V(modulus_string, "modulus") \
- V(name_string, "name") \
- V(netmask_string, "netmask") \
- V(nsname_string, "nsname") \
- V(ocsp_request_string, "OCSPRequest") \
- V(onaltsvc_string, "onaltsvc") \
- V(onchange_string, "onchange") \
- V(onclienthello_string, "onclienthello") \
- V(oncomplete_string, "oncomplete") \
- V(onconnection_string, "onconnection") \
- V(ondone_string, "ondone") \
- V(onerror_string, "onerror") \
- V(onexit_string, "onexit") \
- V(onframeerror_string, "onframeerror") \
- V(ongetpadding_string, "ongetpadding") \
- V(onhandshakedone_string, "onhandshakedone") \
- V(onhandshakestart_string, "onhandshakestart") \
- V(onheaders_string, "onheaders") \
- V(onmessage_string, "onmessage") \
- V(onnewsession_string, "onnewsession") \
- V(onocspresponse_string, "onocspresponse") \
- V(ongoawaydata_string, "ongoawaydata") \
- V(onorigin_string, "onorigin") \
- V(onpriority_string, "onpriority") \
- V(onread_string, "onread") \
- V(onreadstart_string, "onreadstart") \
- V(onreadstop_string, "onreadstop") \
- V(onping_string, "onping") \
- V(onsettings_string, "onsettings") \
- V(onshutdown_string, "onshutdown") \
- V(onsignal_string, "onsignal") \
- V(onstreamclose_string, "onstreamclose") \
- V(ontrailers_string, "ontrailers") \
- V(onunpipe_string, "onunpipe") \
- V(onwrite_string, "onwrite") \
- V(openssl_error_stack, "opensslErrorStack") \
- V(options_string, "options") \
- V(output_string, "output") \
- V(order_string, "order") \
- V(parse_error_string, "Parse Error") \
- V(password_string, "password") \
- V(path_string, "path") \
- V(pending_handle_string, "pendingHandle") \
- V(pid_string, "pid") \
- V(pipe_string, "pipe") \
- V(pipe_target_string, "pipeTarget") \
- V(pipe_source_string, "pipeSource") \
- V(port_string, "port") \
- V(port1_string, "port1") \
- V(port2_string, "port2") \
- V(preference_string, "preference") \
- V(priority_string, "priority") \
- V(promise_string, "promise") \
- V(pubkey_string, "pubkey") \
- V(query_string, "query") \
- V(raw_string, "raw") \
- V(read_host_object_string, "_readHostObject") \
- V(readable_string, "readable") \
- V(reason_string, "reason") \
- V(refresh_string, "refresh") \
- V(regexp_string, "regexp") \
- V(rename_string, "rename") \
- V(replacement_string, "replacement") \
- V(retry_string, "retry") \
- V(scheme_string, "scheme") \
- V(serial_string, "serial") \
- V(scopeid_string, "scopeid") \
- V(serial_number_string, "serialNumber") \
- V(service_string, "service") \
- V(servername_string, "servername") \
- V(session_id_string, "sessionId") \
- V(shell_string, "shell") \
- V(signal_string, "signal") \
- V(sink_string, "sink") \
- V(size_string, "size") \
- V(sni_context_err_string, "Invalid SNI context") \
- V(sni_context_string, "sni_context") \
- V(source_string, "source") \
- V(stack_string, "stack") \
- V(start_time_string, "startTime") \
- V(status_string, "status") \
- V(stdio_string, "stdio") \
- V(subject_string, "subject") \
- V(subjectaltname_string, "subjectaltname") \
- V(syscall_string, "syscall") \
- V(thread_id_string, "threadId") \
- V(ticketkeycallback_string, "onticketkeycallback") \
- V(timeout_string, "timeout") \
- V(tls_ticket_string, "tlsTicket") \
- V(ttl_string, "ttl") \
- V(type_string, "type") \
- V(uid_string, "uid") \
- V(unknown_string, "<unknown>") \
- V(url_string, "url") \
- V(username_string, "username") \
- V(valid_from_string, "valid_from") \
- V(valid_to_string, "valid_to") \
- V(value_string, "value") \
- V(verify_error_string, "verifyError") \
- V(version_string, "version") \
- V(weight_string, "weight") \
- V(windows_hide_string, "windowsHide") \
- V(windows_verbatim_arguments_string, "windowsVerbatimArguments") \
- V(wrap_string, "wrap") \
- V(writable_string, "writable") \
- V(write_host_object_string, "_writeHostObject") \
- V(write_queue_size_string, "writeQueueSize") \
- V(x_forwarded_string, "x-forwarded-for") \
+ V(address_string, "address") \
+ V(aliases_string, "aliases") \
+ V(args_string, "args") \
+ V(async_ids_stack_string, "async_ids_stack") \
+ V(buffer_string, "buffer") \
+ V(bytes_parsed_string, "bytesParsed") \
+ V(bytes_read_string, "bytesRead") \
+ V(bytes_written_string, "bytesWritten") \
+ V(cached_data_string, "cachedData") \
+ V(cached_data_produced_string, "cachedDataProduced") \
+ V(cached_data_rejected_string, "cachedDataRejected") \
+ V(change_string, "change") \
+ V(channel_string, "channel") \
+ V(chunks_sent_since_last_write_string, "chunksSentSinceLastWrite") \
+ V(constants_string, "constants") \
+ V(oncertcb_string, "oncertcb") \
+ V(code_string, "code") \
+ V(cwd_string, "cwd") \
+ V(dest_string, "dest") \
+ V(destroyed_string, "destroyed") \
+ V(detached_string, "detached") \
+ V(dns_a_string, "A") \
+ V(dns_aaaa_string, "AAAA") \
+ V(dns_cname_string, "CNAME") \
+ V(dns_mx_string, "MX") \
+ V(dns_naptr_string, "NAPTR") \
+ V(dns_ns_string, "NS") \
+ V(dns_ptr_string, "PTR") \
+ V(dns_soa_string, "SOA") \
+ V(dns_srv_string, "SRV") \
+ V(dns_txt_string, "TXT") \
+ V(duration_string, "duration") \
+ V(emit_warning_string, "emitWarning") \
+ V(exchange_string, "exchange") \
+ V(encoding_string, "encoding") \
+ V(entries_string, "entries") \
+ V(entry_type_string, "entryType") \
+ V(env_pairs_string, "envPairs") \
+ V(env_var_settings_string, "envVarSettings") \
+ V(errno_string, "errno") \
+ V(error_string, "error") \
+ V(exit_code_string, "exitCode") \
+ V(expire_string, "expire") \
+ V(exponent_string, "exponent") \
+ V(exports_string, "exports") \
+ V(ext_key_usage_string, "ext_key_usage") \
+ V(external_stream_string, "_externalStream") \
+ V(family_string, "family") \
+ V(fatal_exception_string, "_fatalException") \
+ V(fd_string, "fd") \
+ V(file_string, "file") \
+ V(fingerprint_string, "fingerprint") \
+ V(fingerprint256_string, "fingerprint256") \
+ V(flags_string, "flags") \
+ V(fragment_string, "fragment") \
+ V(get_data_clone_error_string, "_getDataCloneError") \
+ V(get_shared_array_buffer_id_string, "_getSharedArrayBufferId") \
+ V(gid_string, "gid") \
+ V(handle_string, "handle") \
+ V(help_text_string, "helpText") \
+ V(homedir_string, "homedir") \
+ V(host_string, "host") \
+ V(hostmaster_string, "hostmaster") \
+ V(ignore_string, "ignore") \
+ V(infoaccess_string, "infoAccess") \
+ V(inherit_string, "inherit") \
+ V(input_string, "input") \
+ V(internal_string, "internal") \
+ V(internal_binding_string, "internalBinding") \
+ V(ipv4_string, "IPv4") \
+ V(ipv6_string, "IPv6") \
+ V(isclosing_string, "isClosing") \
+ V(issuer_string, "issuer") \
+ V(issuercert_string, "issuerCertificate") \
+ V(kill_signal_string, "killSignal") \
+ V(kind_string, "kind") \
+ V(mac_string, "mac") \
+ V(main_string, "main") \
+ V(max_buffer_string, "maxBuffer") \
+ V(message_string, "message") \
+ V(message_port_string, "messagePort") \
+ V(message_port_constructor_string, "MessagePort") \
+ V(minttl_string, "minttl") \
+ V(module_string, "module") \
+ V(modulus_string, "modulus") \
+ V(name_string, "name") \
+ V(netmask_string, "netmask") \
+ V(nsname_string, "nsname") \
+ V(ocsp_request_string, "OCSPRequest") \
+ V(onaltsvc_string, "onaltsvc") \
+ V(onchange_string, "onchange") \
+ V(onclienthello_string, "onclienthello") \
+ V(oncomplete_string, "oncomplete") \
+ V(onconnection_string, "onconnection") \
+ V(ondone_string, "ondone") \
+ V(onerror_string, "onerror") \
+ V(onexit_string, "onexit") \
+ V(onframeerror_string, "onframeerror") \
+ V(ongetpadding_string, "ongetpadding") \
+ V(onhandshakedone_string, "onhandshakedone") \
+ V(onhandshakestart_string, "onhandshakestart") \
+ V(onheaders_string, "onheaders") \
+ V(onmessage_string, "onmessage") \
+ V(onnewsession_string, "onnewsession") \
+ V(onocspresponse_string, "onocspresponse") \
+ V(ongoawaydata_string, "ongoawaydata") \
+ V(onorigin_string, "onorigin") \
+ V(onpriority_string, "onpriority") \
+ V(onread_string, "onread") \
+ V(onreadstart_string, "onreadstart") \
+ V(onreadstop_string, "onreadstop") \
+ V(onping_string, "onping") \
+ V(onsettings_string, "onsettings") \
+ V(onshutdown_string, "onshutdown") \
+ V(onsignal_string, "onsignal") \
+ V(onstreamclose_string, "onstreamclose") \
+ V(ontrailers_string, "ontrailers") \
+ V(onunpipe_string, "onunpipe") \
+ V(onwrite_string, "onwrite") \
+ V(openssl_error_stack, "opensslErrorStack") \
+ V(options_string, "options") \
+ V(output_string, "output") \
+ V(order_string, "order") \
+ V(parse_error_string, "Parse Error") \
+ V(password_string, "password") \
+ V(path_string, "path") \
+ V(pending_handle_string, "pendingHandle") \
+ V(pid_string, "pid") \
+ V(pipe_string, "pipe") \
+ V(pipe_target_string, "pipeTarget") \
+ V(pipe_source_string, "pipeSource") \
+ V(port_string, "port") \
+ V(port1_string, "port1") \
+ V(port2_string, "port2") \
+ V(preference_string, "preference") \
+ V(priority_string, "priority") \
+ V(process_string, "process") \
+ V(promise_string, "promise") \
+ V(pubkey_string, "pubkey") \
+ V(query_string, "query") \
+ V(raw_string, "raw") \
+ V(read_host_object_string, "_readHostObject") \
+ V(readable_string, "readable") \
+ V(reason_string, "reason") \
+ V(refresh_string, "refresh") \
+ V(regexp_string, "regexp") \
+ V(rename_string, "rename") \
+ V(replacement_string, "replacement") \
+ V(require_string, "require") \
+ V(retry_string, "retry") \
+ V(scheme_string, "scheme") \
+ V(serial_string, "serial") \
+ V(scopeid_string, "scopeid") \
+ V(serial_number_string, "serialNumber") \
+ V(service_string, "service") \
+ V(servername_string, "servername") \
+ V(session_id_string, "sessionId") \
+ V(shell_string, "shell") \
+ V(signal_string, "signal") \
+ V(sink_string, "sink") \
+ V(size_string, "size") \
+ V(sni_context_err_string, "Invalid SNI context") \
+ V(sni_context_string, "sni_context") \
+ V(source_string, "source") \
+ V(stack_string, "stack") \
+ V(start_time_string, "startTime") \
+ V(status_string, "status") \
+ V(stdio_string, "stdio") \
+ V(subject_string, "subject") \
+ V(subjectaltname_string, "subjectaltname") \
+ V(syscall_string, "syscall") \
+ V(thread_id_string, "threadId") \
+ V(ticketkeycallback_string, "onticketkeycallback") \
+ V(timeout_string, "timeout") \
+ V(tls_ticket_string, "tlsTicket") \
+ V(ttl_string, "ttl") \
+ V(type_string, "type") \
+ V(uid_string, "uid") \
+ V(unknown_string, "<unknown>") \
+ V(url_string, "url") \
+ V(username_string, "username") \
+ V(valid_from_string, "valid_from") \
+ V(valid_to_string, "valid_to") \
+ V(value_string, "value") \
+ V(verify_error_string, "verifyError") \
+ V(version_string, "version") \
+ V(weight_string, "weight") \
+ V(windows_hide_string, "windowsHide") \
+ V(windows_verbatim_arguments_string, "windowsVerbatimArguments") \
+ V(wrap_string, "wrap") \
+ V(writable_string, "writable") \
+ V(write_host_object_string, "_writeHostObject") \
+ V(write_queue_size_string, "writeQueueSize") \
+ V(x_forwarded_string, "x-forwarded-for") \
V(zero_return_string, "ZERO_RETURN")
- V(as_external, v8::External) \
- V(async_hooks_after_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_before_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_binding, v8::Object) \
- V(async_hooks_destroy_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_init_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_hooks_promise_resolve_function, v8::Function) \
- V(async_wrap_object_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(async_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(buffer_prototype_object, v8::Object) \
- V(context, v8::Context) \
- V(domain_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(domexception_function, v8::Function) \
- V(fdclose_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(fd_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(filehandlereadwrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(fsreqpromise_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(fs_use_promises_symbol, v8::Symbol) \
- V(handle_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(host_import_module_dynamically_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(http2ping_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(http2settings_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(http2stream_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(immediate_callback_function, v8::Function) \
- V(inspector_console_api_object, v8::Object) \
- V(libuv_stream_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(message_port, v8::Object) \
- V(message_port_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(pipe_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(performance_entry_callback, v8::Function) \
- V(performance_entry_template, v8::Function) \
- V(process_object, v8::Object) \
- V(promise_handler_function, v8::Function) \
- V(promise_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(sab_lifetimepartner_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(script_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(script_data_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
- V(secure_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(shutdown_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
- V(tcp_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(tick_callback_function, v8::Function) \
- V(timers_callback_function, v8::Function) \
- V(tls_wrap_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
- V(trace_category_state_function, v8::Function) \
- V(tty_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
- V(udp_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
- V(url_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(as_external, v8::External) \
+ V(async_hooks_after_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_before_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_binding, v8::Object) \
+ V(async_hooks_destroy_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_init_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_hooks_promise_resolve_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(async_wrap_object_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(async_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(buffer_prototype_object, v8::Object) \
+ V(context, v8::Context) \
+ V(domain_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(domexception_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(fdclose_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(fd_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(filehandlereadwrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(fsreqpromise_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(fs_use_promises_symbol, v8::Symbol) \
+ V(handle_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(host_import_module_dynamically_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(host_initialize_import_meta_object_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(http2ping_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(http2settings_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(http2stream_constructor_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(immediate_callback_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(inspector_console_api_object, v8::Object) \
+ V(libuv_stream_wrap_ctor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(message_port, v8::Object) \
+ V(message_port_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(native_modules_code_cache, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_code_cache_hash, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_source, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_source_hash, v8::Object) \
+ V(native_modules_with_cache, v8::Set) \
+ V(native_modules_without_cache, v8::Set) \
+ V(pipe_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(performance_entry_callback, v8::Function) \
+ V(performance_entry_template, v8::Function) \
+ V(process_object, v8::Object) \
+ V(promise_handler_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(promise_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(sab_lifetimepartner_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(script_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(script_data_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(secure_context_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(shutdown_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate) \
+ V(tcp_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(tick_callback_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(timers_callback_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(tls_wrap_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(trace_category_state_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(tty_constructor_template, v8::FunctionTemplate) \
+ V(udp_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
+ V(url_constructor_function, v8::Function) \
V(write_wrap_template, v8::ObjectTemplate)
class Environment;