AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-09-05addressing #7275v0.9.3-dev.4MS
2023-09-04Improving the "get all the transactions" query.MS
2023-09-02bank DB: conditional cash-out deletion.MS
2023-09-02bank DB: creating cash-out operations.MS
2023-09-01Bank DB: getting the history query to return.MS
2023-09-01Bank DB: basic operations on withdrawals.MS
2023-09-01SQL to get bank histories.MS
2023-09-01Bank DB refactoring.MS
2023-09-01Bank DB refactoring.MS
2023-08-31progress on bank DB refactoringMS
2023-08-31Drafting the bank_wire_transfer() SQL function.MS
2023-08-30bank DB refactoring.MS
2023-08-30Bank DB refactoring.MS
2023-08-29SQL syntaxMS
2023-08-29SQL syntaxMS
2023-08-29sandbox DB refactoring: some prepared statements.MS
2023-08-28Bring 'make check' to pass again.MS
2023-08-28nexus DB refactoring.MS
2023-08-27-fix issue with multiple dbinit running concurrentlyChristian Grothoff
2023-08-05schema improvementsFlorian Dold
2023-08-04fix #7762 (remove dbconfig from libeufin packages)Christian Grothoff
2023-08-04Refactoring the Sandbox SQLMS
2023-08-03remove FIXMEMS
2023-08-03Using the wireTransfer() method for EBICS.MS
2023-08-03SQL nexus by designChristian Grothoff
2023-08-03editsChristian Grothoff
2023-08-03SQL commentsMS
2023-08-03copyChristian Grothoff
2023-08-02Fix API usageMS
2023-08-02Fixing dashed-date to milliseconds conversion.MS
2023-08-02Time-framed query.MS
2023-08-02commenting the SQLMS
2023-08-02Server side EBICS date range.MS
2023-07-29time-frame -> time-rangeMS
2023-07-29balance accountingMS
2023-07-29balance accountingMS
2023-07-28Fix #7890 follow-up.MS
2023-07-28Testing the EBICS time-framed history request.MS
2023-07-27commenting the SQLMS
2023-07-26DB refatcoring: schema-based drop files.MS
2023-07-26DB refactoring: tables in schemas.MS
2023-07-26SQL refactoring.MS
2023-07-25DB sync.MS
2023-07-25Addressing #7890.MS
2023-07-24Naming in test script.MS
2023-07-22Nexus DB schema.MS
2023-07-21Neuxs DB schema: using camel case.MS
2023-07-21placing FIXMEs in the SQLMS