diff options
authorAntoine A <>2023-11-23 03:52:49 +0100
committerAntoine A <>2023-11-23 03:52:49 +0100
commit52e7d8b74bdf30f0b718758dc3636d0ebe17c3cf (patch)
parent50be772c9d85eb2c1b59cd6ed9865acf7747e254 (diff)
Fix dirty fix
4 files changed, 181 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/btc-wire/src/ b/btc-wire/src/
index 5b7414d..e754d71 100644
--- a/btc-wire/src/
+++ b/btc-wire/src/
@@ -1,171 +1,172 @@
- This file is part of TALER
- Copyright (C) 2022 Taler Systems SA
- TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
- TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
- TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see <>
-use bech32::{u5, FromBase32, ToBase32, Variant};
-use common::{rand::rngs::OsRng, rand_slice};
-/// Encode metadata into a segwit address
-pub fn encode_segwit_addr(hrp: &str, metada: &[u8; 20]) -> String {
- // We use the version 0 with bech32 encoding
- let mut buf = vec![u5::try_from_u8(0).unwrap()];
- buf.extend_from_slice(&metada.to_base32());
- bech32::encode(hrp, buf, Variant::Bech32).unwrap()
-/// Encode half of a 32B key into a segwit address
-fn encode_segwit_key_half(
- hrp: &str,
- is_first: bool,
- prefix: &[u8; 4],
- key_half: &[u8; 16],
-) -> String {
- // Combine prefix and the key half
- let mut buf = [0u8; 20];
- buf[..4].copy_from_slice(prefix);
- buf[4..].copy_from_slice(key_half);
- // Toggle first bit for ordering
- if is_first {
- buf[0] &= 0b0111_1111 // Unset first bit
- } else {
- buf[0] |= 0b1000_0000 // Set first bit
- }
- // Encode into an fake segwit address
- encode_segwit_addr(hrp, &buf)
-/// Encode a 32B key into two segwit adresses
-pub fn encode_segwit_key(hrp: &str, msg: &[u8; 32]) -> [String; 2] {
- // Generate a random prefix
- let prefix = rand_slice();
- // Split key in half;
- let split: (&[u8; 16], &[u8; 16]) =
- (msg[..16].try_into().unwrap(), msg[16..].try_into().unwrap());
- [
- encode_segwit_key_half(hrp, true, &prefix, split.0),
- encode_segwit_key_half(hrp, false, &prefix, split.1),
- ]
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, thiserror::Error)]
-pub enum DecodeSegWitErr {
- #[error("There is less than 2 segwit addresses")]
- MissingSegWitAddress,
- #[error("No adresses are sharing a common prefix")]
- NoPrefixMatch,
- #[error("More than two addresses are sharing a common prefix")]
- PrefixCollision,
-/// Decode a 32B key into from adresses
-pub fn decode_segwit_msg(segwit_addrs: &[impl AsRef<str>]) -> Result<[u8; 32], DecodeSegWitErr> {
- // Extract parts from every addresses
- let decoded: Vec<(bool, [u8; 4], [u8; 16])> = segwit_addrs
- .iter()
- .filter_map(|addr| {
- bech32::decode(addr.as_ref()).ok().and_then(|(_, wp, _)| {
- // Skip version
- let pg: Vec<u8> = Vec::from_base32(&wp[1..]).unwrap();
- if pg.len() == 20 {
- let mut prefix: [u8; 4] = pg[..4].try_into().unwrap();
- let key_half: [u8; 16] = pg[4..].try_into().unwrap();
- let is_first = !pg[0] & 0b1000_0000 == 0;
- // Clear first bit
- prefix[0] &= 0b0111_1111;
- Some((is_first, prefix, key_half))
- } else {
- None
- }
- })
- })
- .collect();
- if decoded.len() < 2 {
- return Err(DecodeSegWitErr::MissingSegWitAddress);
- }
- // Keep only the addresses with duplicated prefix
- // TODO use sort_unstable_by and partition_dedup_by_key when stable
- let matches: Vec<&(bool, [u8; 4], [u8; 16])> = decoded
- .iter()
- .filter(|(_, prefix, _)| {
- decoded
- .iter()
- .filter(|(_, other, _)| other == prefix)
- .count()
- > 1
- })
- .collect();
- if matches.len() > 2 {
- return Err(DecodeSegWitErr::PrefixCollision);
- } else if matches.len() < 2 {
- return Err(DecodeSegWitErr::MissingSegWitAddress);
- }
- let mut key = [0; 32];
- for (is_first, _, half) in matches {
- key[*is_first as usize * 16..][..16].copy_from_slice(half);
- }
- Ok(key)
-// TODO find a way to hide that function while using it in test and benchmark
-pub fn rand_addresses(hrp: &str, key: &[u8; 32]) -> Vec<String> {
- use common::rand::prelude::SliceRandom;
- let mut rng_address: Vec<String> =
- std::iter::repeat_with(|| encode_segwit_addr(hrp, &rand_slice()))
- .take(2)
- .collect();
- let mut addresses = encode_segwit_key(hrp, key).to_vec();
- addresses.append(&mut rng_address);
- addresses.shuffle(&mut OsRng);
- addresses
-mod test {
- use common::{
- rand::{prelude::SliceRandom, rngs::OsRng},
- rand_slice,
- };
- use crate::segwit::{decode_segwit_msg, encode_segwit_key, rand_addresses};
- #[test]
- fn test_shuffle() {
- for _ in 0..1000 {
- let key = rand_slice();
- let mut addresses = encode_segwit_key("test", &key);
- addresses.shuffle(&mut OsRng);
- let decoded =
- decode_segwit_msg(&addresses.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect::<Vec<&str>>())
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(key, decoded);
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_shuffle_many() {
- for _ in 0..1000 {
- let key = rand_slice();
- let addresses = rand_addresses("test", &key);
- let decoded =
- decode_segwit_msg(&addresses.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect::<Vec<&str>>())
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(key, decoded);
- }
- }
+ This file is part of TALER
+ Copyright (C) 2022 Taler Systems SA
+ TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
+ TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see <>
+use bech32::{u5, FromBase32, ToBase32, Variant};
+use common::{rand::rngs::OsRng, rand_slice};
+use std::cmp::Ordering;
+/// Encode metadata into a segwit address
+pub fn encode_segwit_addr(hrp: &str, metada: &[u8; 20]) -> String {
+ // We use the version 0 with bech32 encoding
+ let mut buf = vec![u5::try_from_u8(0).unwrap()];
+ buf.extend_from_slice(&metada.to_base32());
+ bech32::encode(hrp, buf, Variant::Bech32).unwrap()
+/// Encode half of a 32B key into a segwit address
+fn encode_segwit_key_half(
+ hrp: &str,
+ is_first: bool,
+ prefix: &[u8; 4],
+ key_half: &[u8; 16],
+) -> String {
+ // Combine prefix and the key half
+ let mut buf = [0u8; 20];
+ buf[..4].copy_from_slice(prefix);
+ buf[4..].copy_from_slice(key_half);
+ // Toggle first bit for ordering
+ if is_first {
+ buf[0] &= 0b0111_1111 // Unset first bit
+ } else {
+ buf[0] |= 0b1000_0000 // Set first bit
+ }
+ // Encode into an fake segwit address
+ encode_segwit_addr(hrp, &buf)
+/// Encode a 32B key into two segwit adresses
+pub fn encode_segwit_key(hrp: &str, msg: &[u8; 32]) -> [String; 2] {
+ // Generate a random prefix
+ let prefix = rand_slice();
+ // Split key in half;
+ let split: (&[u8; 16], &[u8; 16]) =
+ (msg[..16].try_into().unwrap(), msg[16..].try_into().unwrap());
+ [
+ encode_segwit_key_half(hrp, true, &prefix, split.0),
+ encode_segwit_key_half(hrp, false, &prefix, split.1),
+ ]
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, thiserror::Error)]
+pub enum DecodeSegWitErr {
+ #[error("There is less than 2 segwit addresses")]
+ MissingSegWitAddress,
+ #[error("No adresses are sharing a common prefix")]
+ NoPrefixMatch,
+ #[error("More than two addresses are sharing a common prefix")]
+ PrefixCollision,
+/// Decode a 32B key into from adresses
+pub fn decode_segwit_msg(segwit_addrs: &[impl AsRef<str>]) -> Result<[u8; 32], DecodeSegWitErr> {
+ // Extract parts from every addresses
+ let decoded: Vec<(bool, [u8; 4], [u8; 16])> = segwit_addrs
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|addr| {
+ bech32::decode(addr.as_ref()).ok().and_then(|(_, wp, _)| {
+ // Skip version
+ let pg: Vec<u8> = Vec::from_base32(&wp[1..]).unwrap();
+ if pg.len() == 20 {
+ let mut prefix: [u8; 4] = pg[..4].try_into().unwrap();
+ let key_half: [u8; 16] = pg[4..].try_into().unwrap();
+ let is_first = !pg[0] & 0b1000_0000 == 0;
+ // Clear first bit
+ prefix[0] &= 0b0111_1111;
+ Some((is_first, prefix, key_half))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ .collect();
+ if decoded.len() < 2 {
+ return Err(DecodeSegWitErr::MissingSegWitAddress);
+ }
+ // Keep only the addresses with duplicated prefix
+ // TODO use sort_unstable_by and partition_dedup_by_key when stable
+ let matches: Vec<&(bool, [u8; 4], [u8; 16])> = decoded
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|(_, prefix, _)| {
+ decoded
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|(_, other, _)| other == prefix)
+ .count()
+ > 1
+ })
+ .collect();
+ match matches.len().cmp(&2) {
+ Ordering::Equal => {
+ let mut key = [0; 32];
+ for (is_first, _, half) in matches {
+ key[*is_first as usize * 16..][..16].copy_from_slice(half);
+ }
+ Ok(key)
+ }
+ Ordering::Greater => Err(DecodeSegWitErr::PrefixCollision),
+ Ordering::Less => Err(DecodeSegWitErr::MissingSegWitAddress),
+ }
+// TODO find a way to hide that function while using it in test and benchmark
+pub fn rand_addresses(hrp: &str, key: &[u8; 32]) -> Vec<String> {
+ use common::rand::prelude::SliceRandom;
+ let mut rng_address: Vec<String> =
+ std::iter::repeat_with(|| encode_segwit_addr(hrp, &rand_slice()))
+ .take(2)
+ .collect();
+ let mut addresses = encode_segwit_key(hrp, key).to_vec();
+ addresses.append(&mut rng_address);
+ addresses.shuffle(&mut OsRng);
+ addresses
+mod test {
+ use common::{
+ rand::{prelude::SliceRandom, rngs::OsRng},
+ rand_slice,
+ };
+ use crate::segwit::{decode_segwit_msg, encode_segwit_key, rand_addresses};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_shuffle() {
+ for _ in 0..1000 {
+ let key = rand_slice();
+ let mut addresses = encode_segwit_key("test", &key);
+ addresses.shuffle(&mut OsRng);
+ let decoded =
+ decode_segwit_msg(&addresses.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect::<Vec<&str>>())
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(key, decoded);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_shuffle_many() {
+ for _ in 0..1000 {
+ let key = rand_slice();
+ let addresses = rand_addresses("test", &key);
+ let decoded =
+ decode_segwit_msg(&addresses.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()).collect::<Vec<&str>>())
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(key, decoded);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/eth-wire/src/ b/eth-wire/src/
index 95d3428..66b16b0 100644
--- a/eth-wire/src/
+++ b/eth-wire/src/
@@ -180,14 +180,7 @@ impl Rpc {
pub fn subscribe_new_head(&mut self) -> Result<RpcStream<Nothing>> {
- self.send("eth_subscribe", &["newHeads"])?;
- let id = loop {
- match self.receive::<SubscribeDirtyFix>()? {
- SubscribeDirtyFix::Fix(_) => { /* TODO debug */ }
- SubscribeDirtyFix::Id(id) => break id,
- }
- };
- let id = self.handle_response(id)?;
+ let id: String ="eth_subscribe", &["newHeads"])?;
Ok(RpcStream::new(self, id))
@@ -288,7 +281,6 @@ impl<N: Debug + DeserializeOwned> Drop for RpcStream<'_, N> {
NotificationOrResponse::Response(_) => return,
- println!("has unusubsriced")
@@ -407,11 +399,8 @@ pub trait RpcClient {
/* ----- Miner ----- */
- fn miner_set_etherbase(&mut self, addr: &H160) -> Result<()> {
- match"miner_setEtherbase", &[addr]) {
- Err(Error::Null) => Ok(()),
- i => i,
- }
+ fn miner_set_etherbase(&mut self, addr: &H160) -> Result<bool> {
+"miner_setEtherbase", &[addr])
/// Start mining
diff --git a/instrumentation/src/ b/instrumentation/src/
index f215fd3..7d5c534 100644
--- a/instrumentation/src/
+++ b/instrumentation/src/
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ impl EthCtx {
- "--rpc.enabledeprecatedpersonal"
+ "--rpc.enabledeprecatedpersonal",
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ impl EthCtx {
// Generate wallet
let out = cmd_out(
- &ctx.wire_bin_path,
+ &ctx.wire_bin_path,
&["-c", ctx.conf.to_str().unwrap(), "initwallet"],
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ impl EthCtx {
- "--rpc.enabledeprecatedpersonal"
+ "--rpc.enabledeprecatedpersonal",
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ impl EthCtx {
- "--rpc.enabledeprecatedpersonal"
+ "--rpc.enabledeprecatedpersonal",
diff --git a/instrumentation/src/ b/instrumentation/src/
index 12971ad..c31fb71 100644
--- a/instrumentation/src/
+++ b/instrumentation/src/
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
use std::{
- time::{Duration, Instant}, sync::{Arc, Mutex},
+ sync::{Arc, Mutex},
+ time::{Duration, Instant},
use clap::Parser;