path: root/lib
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-04-01buffer: improve {read,write}{U}Int* methodsNick Apperson
2014-03-31fs: improve performance of all stat functionsJames Pickard
2014-03-29crypto: move `createCredentials` to tlsFedor Indutny
2014-03-28http: better client "protocol not supported" errorNathan Rajlich
2014-03-27tls: do not call SNICallback unless presentFedor Indutny
2014-03-27tls: force readable/writable to `true`Fedor Indutny
2014-03-24http: use defaultAgent.protocol in protocol checkNathan Rajlich
2014-03-12readline: consider newlines for cursor positionYazhong Liu
2014-03-10Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/v0.10'Timothy J Fontaine
2014-03-11crypto: do not lowercase cipher/hash namesFedor Indutny
2014-03-10buffer: fix typo in `SlowBuffer`Vladimir Kurchatkin
2014-03-10buffer: allow toString to accept Infinity for endBrian White
2014-03-05child_process: fix sending handle twiceFedor Indutny
2014-03-04crypto: allow setting add'l authenticated dataBrian White
2014-03-03timer: don't reschedule timer bucket in a domainGreg Brail
2014-03-02Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/v0.10'Fedor Indutny
2014-02-26http: remove the circular dependencyNathan Rajlich
2014-02-26http, https: don't depend on `globalAgent`Nathan Rajlich
2014-02-26http: invoke createConnection when no agentNathan Rajlich
2014-02-26src: make stdout/sterr pipes blockingAlexis Campailla
2014-02-26tls: stop NodeBIO::Gets from reading off end of bufferMaxwell Krohn
2014-02-25net: fix listening on FDs on WindowsAlexis Campailla
2014-02-25assert: Ensure reflexivity of deepEqualMike Pennisi
2014-02-24stream: remove useless checkBrian White
2014-02-21debugger: don't set the `repl.prompt` stringNathan Rajlich
2014-02-19http: avoid duplicate keys in writeHeadDavid Björklund
2014-02-18child_process: execFileSync stderr should inheritTimothy J Fontaine
2014-02-18net: add localPort to connect optionsTimothy J Fontaine
2014-02-18crypto: allow custom generator for DiffieHellmanBrian White
2014-02-17Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/v0.10'Timothy J Fontaine
2014-02-17debugger: Fix breakpoint not showing after restartFarid Neshat
2014-02-17lint: fix missing semi colon in replTimothy J Fontaine
2014-02-17readline: fix `line` event, if input emit 'end'Yazhong Liu
2014-02-17repl: remove a unnecessary concatenationYazhong Liu
2014-02-17repl: REPLServer inherits from readline.InterfaceYazhong Liu
2014-02-18tls: introduce asynchronous `newSession`Fedor Indutny
2014-02-15dgram: pass the bytes sent to the send callbackTimothy J Fontaine
2014-02-13cluster: handle bind errors on WindowsAlexis Campailla
2014-02-10child_process: js bits for spawnSync/execSyncTimothy J Fontaine
2014-02-10Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/v0.10'Timothy J Fontaine
2014-02-10stream: use `errorEmitted` from `_writableState`Fedor Indutny
2014-02-10net: do not re-emit stream errorsFedor Indutny
2014-02-09dns: validate arguments in resolverKenan Sulayman
2014-02-09dns: verify argument is valid function in resolveKenan Sulayman
2014-02-08Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/v0.10'Timothy J Fontaine
2014-02-08Revert "dns: validate arguments in resolve"Fedor Indutny
2014-02-08Revert "dns: verify argument is valid function in resolve"Fedor Indutny
2014-02-08dns: verify argument is valid function in resolveKenan Sulayman
2014-02-08dns: validate arguments in resolveKenan Sulayman
2014-02-06util: show meaningful values for boxed primitivesNathan Rajlich