path: root/tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/ansi-escapes/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/ansi-escapes/')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/ansi-escapes/ b/tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/ansi-escapes/
index 513ef60826..b290753094 100644
--- a/tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/ansi-escapes/
+++ b/tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/ansi-escapes/
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ process.stdout.write(ansiEscapes.cursorUp(2) + ansiEscapes.cursorLeft);
## API
-### cursorTo(x, [y])
+### cursorTo(x, y?)
Set the absolute position of the cursor. `x0` `y0` is the top left of the screen.
-### cursorMove(x, [y])
+### cursorMove(x, y?)
Set the position of the cursor relative to its current position.
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ Move cursor down a specific amount of rows. Default is `1`.
### cursorForward(count)
-Move cursor forward a specific amount of rows. Default is `1`.
+Move cursor forward a specific amount of columns. Default is `1`.
### cursorBackward(count)
-Move cursor backward a specific amount of rows. Default is `1`.
+Move cursor backward a specific amount of columns. Default is `1`.
### cursorLeft
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Create a clickable link.
[Supported terminals.]( Use [`supports-hyperlinks`]( to detect link support.
-### image(input, [options])
+### image(filePath, options?)
Display an image.
@@ -149,10 +149,12 @@ Buffer of an image. Usually read in with `fs.readFile()`.
#### options
+Type: `object`
##### width
##### height
-Type: `string` `number`
+Type: `string | number`
The width and height are given as a number followed by a unit, or the word "auto".
@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ The width and height are given as a number followed by a unit, or the word "auto
Type: `boolean`<br>
Default: `true`
-### iTerm.setCwd([path])
+### iTerm.setCwd(path?)
Type: `string`<br>
Default: `process.cwd()`
@@ -179,6 +181,14 @@ Default: `process.cwd()`
- [ansi-styles]( - ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal
-## License
-MIT © [Sindre Sorhus](
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