path: root/tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 844 deletions
diff --git a/tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/ b/tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/
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index c07dffc86e..0000000000
--- a/tools/closure_linter/closure_linter/
+++ /dev/null
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2008 The Closure Linter Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Core methods for checking EcmaScript files for common style guide violations.
-__author__ = (' (Robert Walker)',
- ' (Andy Perelson)',
- ' (Jacob Richman)')
-import re
-import gflags as flags
-from closure_linter import checkerbase
-from closure_linter import ecmametadatapass
-from closure_linter import error_check
-from closure_linter import errorrules
-from closure_linter import errors
-from closure_linter import indentation
-from closure_linter import javascripttokenizer
-from closure_linter import javascripttokens
-from closure_linter import statetracker
-from closure_linter import tokenutil
-from closure_linter.common import error
-from closure_linter.common import position
-FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
-flags.DEFINE_list('custom_jsdoc_tags', '', 'Extra jsdoc tags to allow')
-# TODO(user): When flipping this to True, remove logic from unit tests
-# that overrides this flag.
-flags.DEFINE_boolean('dot_on_next_line', False, 'Require dots to be'
- 'placed on the next line for wrapped expressions')
-# TODO(robbyw): Check for extra parens on return statements
-# TODO(robbyw): Check for 0px in strings
-# TODO(robbyw): Ensure inline jsDoc is in {}
-# TODO(robbyw): Check for valid JS types in parameter docs
-# Shorthand
-Context = ecmametadatapass.EcmaContext
-Error = error.Error
-Modes = javascripttokenizer.JavaScriptModes
-Position = position.Position
-Rule = error_check.Rule
-Type = javascripttokens.JavaScriptTokenType
-class EcmaScriptLintRules(checkerbase.LintRulesBase):
- """EmcaScript lint style checking rules.
- Can be used to find common style errors in JavaScript, ActionScript and other
- Ecma like scripting languages. Style checkers for Ecma scripting languages
- should inherit from this style checker.
- Please do not add any state to EcmaScriptLintRules or to any subclasses.
- All state should be added to the StateTracker subclass used for a particular
- language.
- """
- # It will be initialized in constructor so the flags are initialized.
- max_line_length = -1
- # Static constants.
- MISSING_PARAMETER_SPACE = re.compile(r',\S')
- EXTRA_SPACE = re.compile(r'(\(\s|\s\))')
- ENDS_WITH_SPACE = re.compile(r'\s$')
- ILLEGAL_TAB = re.compile(r'\t')
- # Regex used to split up complex types to check for invalid use of ? and |.
- TYPE_SPLIT = re.compile(r'[,<>()]')
- # Regex for form of author lines after the @author tag.
- AUTHOR_SPEC = re.compile(r'(\s*)[^\s]+@[^(\s]+(\s*)\(.+\)')
- # Acceptable tokens to remove for line too long testing.
- LONG_LINE_IGNORE = frozenset(
- ['*', '//', '@see'] +
- ['@%s' % tag for tag in statetracker.DocFlag.HAS_TYPE])
- '@fileoverview', '@param', '@return', '@returns'])
- def __init__(self):
- """Initialize this lint rule object."""
- checkerbase.LintRulesBase.__init__(self)
- if EcmaScriptLintRules.max_line_length == -1:
- EcmaScriptLintRules.max_line_length = errorrules.GetMaxLineLength()
- def Initialize(self, checker, limited_doc_checks, is_html):
- """Initialize this lint rule object before parsing a new file."""
- checkerbase.LintRulesBase.Initialize(self, checker, limited_doc_checks,
- is_html)
- self._indentation = indentation.IndentationRules()
- def HandleMissingParameterDoc(self, token, param_name):
- """Handle errors associated with a parameter missing a @param tag."""
- raise TypeError('Abstract method HandleMissingParameterDoc not implemented')
- def _CheckLineLength(self, last_token, state):
- """Checks whether the line is too long.
- Args:
- last_token: The last token in the line.
- state: parser_state object that indicates the current state in the page
- """
- # Start from the last token so that we have the flag object attached to
- # and DOC_FLAG tokens.
- line_number = last_token.line_number
- token = last_token
- # Build a representation of the string where spaces indicate potential
- # line-break locations.
- line = []
- while token and token.line_number == line_number:
- if state.IsTypeToken(token):
- line.insert(0, 'x' * len(token.string))
- elif token.type in (Type.IDENTIFIER, Type.OPERATOR):
- # Dots are acceptable places to wrap (may be tokenized as identifiers).
- line.insert(0, token.string.replace('.', ' '))
- else:
- line.insert(0, token.string)
- token = token.previous
- line = ''.join(line)
- line = line.rstrip('\n\r\f')
- try:
- length = len(unicode(line, 'utf-8'))
- except (LookupError, UnicodeDecodeError):
- # Unknown encoding. The line length may be wrong, as was originally the
- # case for utf-8 (see bug 1735846). For now just accept the default
- # length, but as we find problems we can either add test for other
- # possible encodings or return without an error to protect against
- # false positives at the cost of more false negatives.
- length = len(line)
- if length > EcmaScriptLintRules.max_line_length:
- # If the line matches one of the exceptions, then it's ok.
- for long_line_regexp in self.GetLongLineExceptions():
- if long_line_regexp.match(last_token.line):
- return
- # If the line consists of only one "word", or multiple words but all
- # except one are ignoreable, then it's ok.
- parts = set(line.split())
- # We allow two "words" (type and name) when the line contains @param
- max_parts = 1
- if '@param' in parts:
- max_parts = 2
- # Custom tags like @requires may have url like descriptions, so ignore
- # the tag, similar to how we handle @see.
- custom_tags = set(['@%s' % f for f in FLAGS.custom_jsdoc_tags])
- if (len(parts.difference(self.LONG_LINE_IGNORE | custom_tags))
- > max_parts):
- self._HandleError(
- errors.LINE_TOO_LONG,
- 'Line too long (%d characters).' % len(line), last_token)
- def _CheckJsDocType(self, token, js_type):
- """Checks the given type for style errors.
- Args:
- token: The DOC_FLAG token for the flag whose type to check.
- js_type: The flag's typeannotation.TypeAnnotation instance.
- """
- if not js_type: return
- if js_type.type_group and len(js_type.sub_types) == 2:
- identifiers = [t.identifier for t in js_type.sub_types]
- if 'null' in identifiers:
- # Don't warn if the identifier is a template type (e.g. {TYPE|null}.
- if not identifiers[0].isupper() and not identifiers[1].isupper():
- self._HandleError(
- 'Prefer "?Type" to "Type|null": "%s"' % js_type, token)
- # TODO(user): We should report an error for wrong usage of '?' and '|'
- # e.g. {?number|string|null} etc.
- for sub_type in js_type.IterTypes():
- self._CheckJsDocType(token, sub_type)
- def _CheckForMissingSpaceBeforeToken(self, token):
- """Checks for a missing space at the beginning of a token.
- Reports a MISSING_SPACE error if the token does not begin with a space or
- the previous token doesn't end with a space and the previous token is on the
- same line as the token.
- Args:
- token: The token being checked
- """
- # TODO(user): Check if too many spaces?
- if (len(token.string) == len(token.string.lstrip()) and
- token.previous and token.line_number == token.previous.line_number and
- len(token.previous.string) - len(token.previous.string.rstrip()) == 0):
- self._HandleError(
- 'Missing space before "%s"' % token.string,
- token,
- position=Position.AtBeginning())
- def _CheckOperator(self, token):
- """Checks an operator for spacing and line style.
- Args:
- token: The operator token.
- """
- last_code = token.metadata.last_code
- if not self._ExpectSpaceBeforeOperator(token):
- if (token.previous and token.previous.type == Type.WHITESPACE and
- last_code and last_code.type in (Type.NORMAL, Type.IDENTIFIER) and
- last_code.line_number == token.line_number):
- self._HandleError(
- errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space before "%s"' % token.string,
- token.previous, position=Position.All(token.previous.string))
- elif (token.previous and
- not token.previous.IsComment() and
- not tokenutil.IsDot(token) and
- token.previous.type in Type.EXPRESSION_ENDER_TYPES):
- self._HandleError(errors.MISSING_SPACE,
- 'Missing space before "%s"' % token.string, token,
- position=Position.AtBeginning())
- # Check wrapping of operators.
- next_code = tokenutil.GetNextCodeToken(token)
- is_dot = tokenutil.IsDot(token)
- wrapped_before = last_code and last_code.line_number != token.line_number
- wrapped_after = next_code and next_code.line_number != token.line_number
- if FLAGS.dot_on_next_line and is_dot and wrapped_after:
- self._HandleError(
- '"." must go on the following line',
- token)
- if (not is_dot and wrapped_before and
- not token.metadata.IsUnaryOperator()):
- self._HandleError(
- 'Binary operator must go on previous line "%s"' % token.string,
- token)
- def _IsLabel(self, token):
- # A ':' token is considered part of a label if it occurs in a case
- # statement, a plain label, or an object literal, i.e. is not part of a
- # ternary.
- return (token.string == ':' and
- token.metadata.context.type in (Context.LITERAL_ELEMENT,
- Context.CASE_BLOCK,
- Context.STATEMENT))
- def _ExpectSpaceBeforeOperator(self, token):
- """Returns whether a space should appear before the given operator token.
- Args:
- token: The operator token.
- Returns:
- Whether there should be a space before the token.
- """
- if token.string == ',' or token.metadata.IsUnaryPostOperator():
- return False
- if tokenutil.IsDot(token):
- return False
- # Colons should appear in labels, object literals, the case of a switch
- # statement, and ternary operator. Only want a space in the case of the
- # ternary operator.
- if self._IsLabel(token):
- return False
- if token.metadata.IsUnaryOperator() and token.IsFirstInLine():
- return False
- return True
- def CheckToken(self, token, state):
- """Checks a token, given the current parser_state, for warnings and errors.
- Args:
- token: The current token under consideration
- state: parser_state object that indicates the current state in the page
- """
- # Store some convenience variables
- first_in_line = token.IsFirstInLine()
- last_in_line = token.IsLastInLine()
- last_non_space_token = state.GetLastNonSpaceToken()
- token_type = token.type
- # Process the line change.
- if not self._is_html and error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.INDENTATION):
- # TODO(robbyw): Support checking indentation in HTML files.
- indentation_errors = self._indentation.CheckToken(token, state)
- for indentation_error in indentation_errors:
- self._HandleError(*indentation_error)
- if last_in_line:
- self._CheckLineLength(token, state)
- if token_type == Type.PARAMETERS:
- # Find missing spaces in parameter lists.
- if
- fix_data = ', '.join([s.strip() for s in token.string.split(',')])
- self._HandleError(errors.MISSING_SPACE, 'Missing space after ","',
- token, position=None, fix_data=fix_data.strip())
- # Find extra spaces at the beginning of parameter lists. Make sure
- # we aren't at the beginning of a continuing multi-line list.
- if not first_in_line:
- space_count = len(token.string) - len(token.string.lstrip())
- if space_count:
- self._HandleError(errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space after "("',
- token, position=Position(0, space_count))
- elif (token_type == Type.START_BLOCK and
- token.metadata.context.type == Context.BLOCK):
- self._CheckForMissingSpaceBeforeToken(token)
- elif token_type == Type.END_BLOCK:
- last_code = token.metadata.last_code
- if state.InFunction() and state.IsFunctionClose():
- if state.InTopLevelFunction():
- # A semicolons should not be included at the end of a function
- # declaration.
- if not state.InAssignedFunction():
- if not last_in_line and == Type.SEMICOLON:
- self._HandleError(
- 'Illegal semicolon after function declaration',
-, position=Position.All(
- # A semicolon should be included at the end of a function expression
- # that is not immediately called or used by a dot operator.
- if (state.InAssignedFunction() and
- and != Type.SEMICOLON):
- next_token = tokenutil.GetNextCodeToken(token)
- is_immediately_used = (next_token.type == Type.START_PAREN or
- tokenutil.IsDot(next_token))
- if not is_immediately_used:
- self._HandleError(
- 'Missing semicolon after function assigned to a variable',
- token, position=Position.AtEnd(token.string))
- if state.InInterfaceMethod() and last_code.type != Type.START_BLOCK:
- 'Interface methods cannot contain code', last_code)
- elif (state.IsBlockClose() and
- and == Type.SEMICOLON):
- if (last_code.metadata.context.parent.type != Context.OBJECT_LITERAL
- and last_code.metadata.context.type != Context.OBJECT_LITERAL):
- self._HandleError(
- 'No semicolon is required to end a code block',
-, position=Position.All(
- elif token_type == Type.SEMICOLON:
- if token.previous and token.previous.type == Type.WHITESPACE:
- self._HandleError(
- errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space before ";"',
- token.previous, position=Position.All(token.previous.string))
- if and == token.line_number:
- if token.metadata.context.type != Context.FOR_GROUP_BLOCK:
- # TODO(robbyw): Error about no multi-statement lines.
- pass
- elif not in (
- self._HandleError(
- 'Missing space after ";" in for statement',
- position=Position.AtBeginning())
- last_code = token.metadata.last_code
- if last_code and last_code.type == Type.SEMICOLON:
- # Allow a single double semi colon in for loops for cases like:
- # for (;;) { }.
- # NOTE(user): This is not a perfect check, and will not throw an error
- # for cases like: for (var i = 0;; i < n; i++) {}, but then your code
- # probably won't work either.
- for_token = tokenutil.CustomSearch(
- last_code,
- lambda token: token.type == Type.KEYWORD and token.string == 'for',
- end_func=lambda token: token.type == Type.SEMICOLON,
- distance=None,
- reverse=True)
- if not for_token:
- self._HandleError(errors.REDUNDANT_SEMICOLON, 'Redundant semicolon',
- token, position=Position.All(token.string))
- elif token_type == Type.START_PAREN:
- # Ensure that opening parentheses have a space before any keyword
- # that is not being invoked like a member function.
- if (token.previous and token.previous.type == Type.KEYWORD and
- (not token.previous.metadata or
- not token.previous.metadata.last_code or
- not token.previous.metadata.last_code.string or
- token.previous.metadata.last_code.string[-1:] != '.')):
- self._HandleError(errors.MISSING_SPACE, 'Missing space before "("',
- token, position=Position.AtBeginning())
- elif token.previous and token.previous.type == Type.WHITESPACE:
- before_space = token.previous.previous
- # Ensure that there is no extra space before a function invocation,
- # even if the function being invoked happens to be a keyword.
- if (before_space and before_space.line_number == token.line_number and
- before_space.type == Type.IDENTIFIER or
- (before_space.type == Type.KEYWORD and before_space.metadata and
- before_space.metadata.last_code and
- before_space.metadata.last_code.string and
- before_space.metadata.last_code.string[-1:] == '.')):
- self._HandleError(
- errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space before "("',
- token.previous, position=Position.All(token.previous.string))
- elif token_type == Type.START_BRACKET:
- self._HandleStartBracket(token, last_non_space_token)
- elif token_type in (Type.END_PAREN, Type.END_BRACKET):
- # Ensure there is no space before closing parentheses, except when
- # it's in a for statement with an omitted section, or when it's at the
- # beginning of a line.
- if (token.previous and token.previous.type == Type.WHITESPACE and
- not token.previous.IsFirstInLine() and
- not (last_non_space_token and last_non_space_token.line_number ==
- token.line_number and
- last_non_space_token.type == Type.SEMICOLON)):
- self._HandleError(
- errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space before "%s"' %
- token.string, token.previous,
- position=Position.All(token.previous.string))
- elif token_type == Type.WHITESPACE:
- if
- if token.IsFirstInLine():
- if
- self._HandleError(
- errors.ILLEGAL_TAB,
- 'Illegal tab in whitespace before "%s"' %,
- token, position=Position.All(token.string))
- else:
- self._HandleError(
- errors.ILLEGAL_TAB,
- 'Illegal tab in whitespace',
- token, position=Position.All(token.string))
- else:
- self._HandleError(
- errors.ILLEGAL_TAB,
- 'Illegal tab in whitespace after "%s"' % token.previous.string,
- token, position=Position.All(token.string))
- # Check whitespace length if it's not the first token of the line and
- # if it's not immediately before a comment.
- if last_in_line:
- # Check for extra whitespace at the end of a line.
- self._HandleError(errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space at end of line',
- token, position=Position.All(token.string))
- elif not first_in_line and not
- if token.length > 1:
- self._HandleError(
- errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space after "%s"' %
- token.previous.string, token,
- position=Position(1, len(token.string) - 1))
- elif token_type == Type.OPERATOR:
- self._CheckOperator(token)
- elif token_type == Type.DOC_FLAG:
- flag = token.attached_object
- if flag.flag_type == 'bug':
- # TODO(robbyw): Check for exactly 1 space on the left.
- string =
- string = string.split(' ', 1)[0]
- if not string.isdigit():
- self._HandleError(errors.NO_BUG_NUMBER_AFTER_BUG_TAG,
- '@bug should be followed by a bug number', token)
- elif flag.flag_type == 'suppress':
- if flag.type is None:
- # A syntactically invalid suppress tag will get tokenized as a normal
- # flag, indicating an error.
- self._HandleError(
- 'Invalid suppress syntax: should be @suppress {errortype}. '
- 'Spaces matter.', token)
- else:
- for suppress_type in flag.jstype.IterIdentifiers():
- if suppress_type not in state.GetDocFlag().SUPPRESS_TYPES:
- self._HandleError(
- 'Invalid suppression type: %s' % suppress_type, token)
- elif (error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.WELL_FORMED_AUTHOR) and
- flag.flag_type == 'author'):
- # TODO(user): In non strict mode check the author tag for as much as
- # it exists, though the full form checked below isn't required.
- string =
- result = self.AUTHOR_SPEC.match(string)
- if not result:
- self._HandleError(errors.INVALID_AUTHOR_TAG_DESCRIPTION,
- 'Author tag line should be of the form: '
- '@author (Your Name)',
- else:
- # Check spacing between email address and name. Do this before
- # checking earlier spacing so positions are easier to calculate for
- # autofixing.
- num_spaces = len(
- if num_spaces < 1:
- self._HandleError(errors.MISSING_SPACE,
- 'Missing space after email address',
-, position=Position(result.start(2), 0))
- elif num_spaces > 1:
- self._HandleError(
- errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space after email address',
- position=Position(result.start(2) + 1, num_spaces - 1))
- # Check for extra spaces before email address. Can't be too few, if
- # not at least one we wouldn't match @author tag.
- num_spaces = len(
- if num_spaces > 1:
- self._HandleError(errors.EXTRA_SPACE,
- 'Extra space before email address',
-, position=Position(1, num_spaces - 1))
- elif (flag.flag_type in state.GetDocFlag().HAS_DESCRIPTION and
- not self._limited_doc_checks):
- if flag.flag_type == 'param':
- if is None:
- self._HandleError(errors.MISSING_JSDOC_PARAM_NAME,
- 'Missing name in @param tag', token)
- if not flag.description or flag.description is None:
- flag_name = token.type
- if 'name' in token.values:
- flag_name = '@' + token.values['name']
- if flag_name not in self.JSDOC_FLAGS_DESCRIPTION_NOT_REQUIRED:
- self._HandleError(
- 'Missing description in %s tag' % flag_name, token)
- else:
- self._CheckForMissingSpaceBeforeToken(flag.description_start_token)
- if flag.HasType():
- if flag.type_start_token is not None:
- self._CheckForMissingSpaceBeforeToken(
- token.attached_object.type_start_token)
- if flag.jstype and not flag.jstype.IsEmpty():
- self._CheckJsDocType(token, flag.jstype)
- if error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.BRACES_AROUND_TYPE) and (
- flag.type_start_token.type != Type.DOC_START_BRACE or
- flag.type_end_token.type != Type.DOC_END_BRACE):
- self._HandleError(
- 'Type must always be surrounded by curly braces.', token)
- if token_type in (Type.DOC_FLAG, Type.DOC_INLINE_FLAG):
- if (token.values['name'] not in state.GetDocFlag().LEGAL_DOC and
- token.values['name'] not in FLAGS.custom_jsdoc_tags):
- self._HandleError(
- 'Invalid JsDoc tag: %s' % token.values['name'], token)
- if (error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.NO_BRACES_AROUND_INHERIT_DOC) and
- token.values['name'] == 'inheritDoc' and
- token_type == Type.DOC_INLINE_FLAG):
- 'Unnecessary braces around @inheritDoc',
- token)
- elif token_type == Type.SIMPLE_LVALUE:
- identifier = token.values['identifier']
- if ((not state.InFunction() or state.InConstructor()) and
- state.InTopLevel() and not state.InObjectLiteralDescendant()):
- jsdoc = state.GetDocComment()
- if not state.HasDocComment(identifier):
- # Only test for documentation on identifiers with .s in them to
- # avoid checking things like simple variables. We don't require
- # documenting assignments to .prototype itself (bug 1880803).
- if (not state.InConstructor() and
- identifier.find('.') != -1 and not
- identifier.endswith('.prototype') and not
- self._limited_doc_checks):
- comment = state.GetLastComment()
- if not (comment and comment.lower().count('jsdoc inherited')):
- self._HandleError(
- "No docs found for member '%s'" % identifier,
- token)
- elif jsdoc and (not state.InConstructor() or
- identifier.startswith('this.')):
- # We are at the top level and the function/member is documented.
- if identifier.endswith('_') and not identifier.endswith('__'):
- # Can have a private class which inherits documentation from a
- # public superclass.
- #
- # @inheritDoc is deprecated in favor of using @override, and they
- if (jsdoc.HasFlag('override') and not jsdoc.HasFlag('constructor')
- and ('accessControls' not in jsdoc.suppressions)):
- self._HandleError(
- '%s should not override a private member.' % identifier,
- jsdoc.GetFlag('override').flag_token)
- if (jsdoc.HasFlag('inheritDoc') and not jsdoc.HasFlag('constructor')
- and ('accessControls' not in jsdoc.suppressions)):
- self._HandleError(
- '%s should not inherit from a private member.' % identifier,
- jsdoc.GetFlag('inheritDoc').flag_token)
- if (not jsdoc.HasFlag('private') and
- ('underscore' not in jsdoc.suppressions) and not
- ((jsdoc.HasFlag('inheritDoc') or jsdoc.HasFlag('override')) and
- ('accessControls' in jsdoc.suppressions))):
- self._HandleError(
- 'Member "%s" must have @private JsDoc.' %
- identifier, token)
- if jsdoc.HasFlag('private') and 'underscore' in jsdoc.suppressions:
- self._HandleError(
- '@suppress {underscore} is not necessary with @private',
- jsdoc.suppressions['underscore'])
- elif (jsdoc.HasFlag('private') and
- not self.InExplicitlyTypedLanguage()):
- # It is convention to hide public fields in some ECMA
- # implementations from documentation using the @private tag.
- self._HandleError(
- 'Member "%s" must not have @private JsDoc' %
- identifier, token)
- # These flags are only legal on localizable message definitions;
- # such variables always begin with the prefix MSG_.
- for f in ('desc', 'hidden', 'meaning'):
- if (jsdoc.HasFlag(f)
- and not identifier.startswith('MSG_')
- and identifier.find('.MSG_') == -1):
- self._HandleError(
- 'Member "%s" should not have @%s JsDoc' % (identifier, f),
- token)
- # Check for illegaly assigning live objects as prototype property values.
- index = identifier.find('.prototype.')
- # Ignore anything with additional .s after the prototype.
- if index != -1 and identifier.find('.', index + 11) == -1:
- equal_operator = tokenutil.SearchExcept(token, Type.NON_CODE_TYPES)
- next_code = tokenutil.SearchExcept(equal_operator, Type.NON_CODE_TYPES)
- if next_code and (
- next_code.type in (Type.START_BRACKET, Type.START_BLOCK) or
- next_code.IsOperator('new')):
- self._HandleError(
- 'Member %s cannot have a non-primitive value' % identifier,
- token)
- elif token_type == Type.END_PARAMETERS:
- # Find extra space at the end of parameter lists. We check the token
- # prior to the current one when it is a closing paren.
- if (token.previous and token.previous.type == Type.PARAMETERS
- and
- self._HandleError(errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space before ")"',
- token.previous)
- jsdoc = state.GetDocComment()
- if state.GetFunction().is_interface:
- if token.previous and token.previous.type == Type.PARAMETERS:
- self._HandleError(
- 'Interface constructor cannot have parameters',
- token.previous)
- elif (state.InTopLevel() and jsdoc and not jsdoc.HasFlag('see')
- and not jsdoc.InheritsDocumentation()
- and not state.InObjectLiteralDescendant() and not
- jsdoc.IsInvalidated()):
- distance, edit = jsdoc.CompareParameters(state.GetParams())
- if distance:
- params_iter = iter(state.GetParams())
- docs_iter = iter(jsdoc.ordered_params)
- for op in edit:
- if op == 'I':
- # Insertion.
- # Parsing doc comments is the same for all languages
- # but some languages care about parameters that don't have
- # doc comments and some languages don't care.
- # Languages that don't allow variables to by typed such as
- # JavaScript care but languages such as ActionScript or Java
- # that allow variables to be typed don't care.
- if not self._limited_doc_checks:
- self.HandleMissingParameterDoc(token,
- elif op == 'D':
- # Deletion
- 'Found docs for non-existing parameter: "%s"' %
-, token)
- elif op == 'S':
- # Substitution
- if not self._limited_doc_checks:
- self._HandleError(
- 'Parameter mismatch: got "%s", expected "%s"' %
- (,, token)
- else:
- # Equality - just advance the iterators
- elif token_type == Type.STRING_TEXT:
- # If this is the first token after the start of the string, but it's at
- # the end of a line, we know we have a multi-line string.
- if token.previous.type in (
- Type.DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_START) and last_in_line:
- self._HandleError(errors.MULTI_LINE_STRING,
- 'Multi-line strings are not allowed', token)
- # This check is orthogonal to the ones above, and repeats some types, so
- # it is a plain if and not an elif.
- if token.type in Type.COMMENT_TYPES:
- if
- self._HandleError(errors.ILLEGAL_TAB,
- 'Illegal tab in comment "%s"' % token.string, token)
- trimmed = token.string.rstrip()
- if last_in_line and token.string != trimmed:
- # Check for extra whitespace at the end of a line.
- self._HandleError(
- errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space at end of line', token,
- position=Position(len(trimmed), len(token.string) - len(trimmed)))
- # This check is also orthogonal since it is based on metadata.
- if token.metadata.is_implied_semicolon:
- self._HandleError(errors.MISSING_SEMICOLON,
- 'Missing semicolon at end of line', token)
- def _HandleStartBracket(self, token, last_non_space_token):
- """Handles a token that is an open bracket.
- Args:
- token: The token to handle.
- last_non_space_token: The last token that was not a space.
- """
- if (not token.IsFirstInLine() and token.previous.type == Type.WHITESPACE and
- last_non_space_token and
- last_non_space_token.type in Type.EXPRESSION_ENDER_TYPES):
- self._HandleError(
- errors.EXTRA_SPACE, 'Extra space before "["',
- token.previous, position=Position.All(token.previous.string))
- # If the [ token is the first token in a line we shouldn't complain
- # about a missing space before [. This is because some Ecma script
- # languages allow syntax like:
- # [Annotation]
- # class MyClass {...}
- # So we don't want to blindly warn about missing spaces before [.
- # In the the future, when rules for computing exactly how many spaces
- # lines should be indented are added, then we can return errors for
- # [ tokens that are improperly indented.
- # For example:
- # var someVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLongVariableName =
- # [a,b,c];
- # should trigger a proper indentation warning message as [ is not indented
- # by four spaces.
- elif (not token.IsFirstInLine() and token.previous and
- token.previous.type not in (
- self._HandleError(errors.MISSING_SPACE, 'Missing space before "["',
- token, position=Position.AtBeginning())
- def Finalize(self, state):
- """Perform all checks that need to occur after all lines are processed.
- Args:
- state: State of the parser after parsing all tokens
- Raises:
- TypeError: If not overridden.
- """
- last_non_space_token = state.GetLastNonSpaceToken()
- # Check last line for ending with newline.
- if state.GetLastLine() and not (
- state.GetLastLine().isspace() or
- state.GetLastLine().rstrip('\n\r\f') != state.GetLastLine()):
- self._HandleError(
- 'File does not end with new line. (%s)' % state.GetLastLine(),
- last_non_space_token)
- try:
- self._indentation.Finalize()
- except Exception, e:
- self._HandleError(
- str(e),
- last_non_space_token)
- def GetLongLineExceptions(self):
- """Gets a list of regexps for lines which can be longer than the limit.
- Returns:
- A list of regexps, used as matches (rather than searches).
- """
- return []
- def InExplicitlyTypedLanguage(self):
- """Returns whether this ecma implementation is explicitly typed."""
- return False