path: root/tools/blog/node_modules/glob/test/pause-resume.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/blog/node_modules/glob/test/pause-resume.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/tools/blog/node_modules/glob/test/pause-resume.js b/tools/blog/node_modules/glob/test/pause-resume.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 481d1aae4c..0000000000
--- a/tools/blog/node_modules/glob/test/pause-resume.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// show that no match events happen while paused.
-var tap = require("tap")
-, child_process = require("child_process")
-// just some gnarly pattern with lots of matches
-, pattern = "test/a/symlink/a/b/c/a/b/c/a/b/c//a/b/c////a/b/c/**/b/c/**"
-, glob = require("../")
-, Glob = glob.Glob
-, path = require("path")
-// run from the root of the project
-// this is usually where you're at anyway, but be sure.
-process.chdir(path.resolve(__dirname, ".."))
-function alphasort (a, b) {
- a = a.toLowerCase()
- b = b.toLowerCase()
- return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0
-function cleanResults (m) {
- // normalize discrepancies in ordering, duplication,
- // and ending slashes.
- return m.map(function (m) {
- return m.replace(/\/+/g, "/").replace(/\/$/, "")
- }).sort(alphasort).reduce(function (set, f) {
- if (f !== set[set.length - 1]) set.push(f)
- return set
- }, []).sort(alphasort)
-function flatten (chunks) {
- var s = 0
- chunks.forEach(function (c) { s += c.length })
- var out = new Buffer(s)
- s = 0
- chunks.forEach(function (c) {
- c.copy(out, s)
- s += c.length
- })
- return out.toString().trim()
-var bashResults
-tap.test("get bash output", function (t) {
- var bashPattern = pattern
- , cmd = "shopt -s globstar && " +
- "shopt -s extglob && " +
- "shopt -s nullglob && " +
- // "shopt >&2; " +
- "eval \'for i in " + bashPattern + "; do echo $i; done\'"
- , cp = child_process.spawn("bash", ["-c",cmd])
- , out = []
- , globResult
- cp.stdout.on("data", function (c) {
- out.push(c)
- })
- cp.stderr.on("data", function (c) {
- process.stderr.write(c)
- })
- cp.stdout.on("close", function () {
- bashResults = flatten(out)
- if (!bashResults) return t.fail("Didn't get results from bash")
- else {
- bashResults = cleanResults(bashResults.split(/\r*\n/))
- }
- t.ok(bashResults.length, "got some results")
- t.end()
- })
-var globResults = []
-tap.test("use a Glob object, and pause/resume it", function (t) {
- var g = new Glob(pattern)
- , paused = false
- , res = []
- g.on("match", function (m) {
- t.notOk(g.paused, "must not be paused")
- globResults.push(m)
- g.pause()
- t.ok(g.paused, "must be paused")
- setTimeout(g.resume.bind(g), 1)
- })
- g.on("end", function (matches) {
- t.pass("reached glob end")
- globResults = cleanResults(globResults)
- matches = cleanResults(matches)
- t.deepEqual(matches, globResults,
- "end event matches should be the same as match events")
- t.deepEqual(matches, bashResults,
- "glob matches should be the same as bash results")
- t.end()
- })