path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 77 insertions, 958 deletions
diff --git a/lib/_tls_legacy.js b/lib/_tls_legacy.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7beec4805c..0000000000
--- a/lib/_tls_legacy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,956 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
-// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
-// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
-// following conditions:
-// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-'use strict';
-const internalUtil = require('internal/util');
-const assert = require('assert');
-const { Buffer } = require('buffer');
-const common = require('_tls_common');
-const { Connection } = process.binding('crypto');
-const EventEmitter = require('events');
-const stream = require('stream');
-const { Timer } = process.binding('timer_wrap');
-const tls = require('tls');
-const util = require('util');
-const debug = util.debuglog('tls-legacy');
-function SlabBuffer() {
- this.create();
-SlabBuffer.prototype.create = function create() {
- this.isFull = false;
- this.pool = Buffer.allocUnsafe(tls.SLAB_BUFFER_SIZE);
- this.offset = 0;
- this.remaining = this.pool.length;
-SlabBuffer.prototype.use = function use(context, fn, size) {
- if (this.remaining === 0) {
- this.isFull = true;
- return 0;
- }
- var actualSize = this.remaining;
- if (size !== null) actualSize = Math.min(size, actualSize);
- var bytes = fn.call(context, this.pool, this.offset, actualSize);
- if (bytes > 0) {
- this.offset += bytes;
- this.remaining -= bytes;
- }
- assert(this.remaining >= 0);
- return bytes;
-var slabBuffer = null;
-// Base class of both CleartextStream and EncryptedStream
-function CryptoStream(pair, options) {
- stream.Duplex.call(this, options);
- this.pair = pair;
- this._pending = null;
- this._pendingEncoding = '';
- this._pendingCallback = null;
- this._doneFlag = false;
- this._retryAfterPartial = false;
- this._halfRead = false;
- this._sslOutCb = null;
- this._resumingSession = false;
- this._reading = true;
- this._destroyed = false;
- this._ended = false;
- this._finished = false;
- this._opposite = null;
- if (slabBuffer === null) slabBuffer = new SlabBuffer();
- this._buffer = slabBuffer;
- this.once('finish', onCryptoStreamFinish);
- // net.Socket calls .onend too
- this.once('end', onCryptoStreamEnd);
-util.inherits(CryptoStream, stream.Duplex);
-function onCryptoStreamFinish() {
- this._finished = true;
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- debug('cleartext.onfinish');
- if (this.pair.ssl) {
- // Generate close notify
- // NOTE: first call checks if client has sent us shutdown,
- // second call enqueues shutdown into the BIO.
- if (this.pair.ssl.shutdownSSL() !== 1) {
- if (this.pair.ssl && this.pair.ssl.error)
- return this.pair.error();
- this.pair.ssl.shutdownSSL();
- }
- if (this.pair.ssl && this.pair.ssl.error)
- return this.pair.error();
- }
- } else {
- debug('encrypted.onfinish');
- }
- // Try to read just to get sure that we won't miss EOF
- if (this._opposite.readable) this._opposite.read(0);
- if (this._opposite._ended) {
- this._done();
- // No half-close, sorry
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) this._opposite._done();
- }
-function onCryptoStreamEnd() {
- this._ended = true;
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- debug('cleartext.onend');
- } else {
- debug('encrypted.onend');
- }
-// NOTE: Called once `this._opposite` is set.
-CryptoStream.prototype.init = function init() {
- var self = this;
- this._opposite.on('sslOutEnd', function() {
- if (self._sslOutCb) {
- var cb = self._sslOutCb;
- self._sslOutCb = null;
- cb(null);
- }
- });
-CryptoStream.prototype._write = function _write(data, encoding, cb) {
- assert(this._pending === null);
- // Black-hole data
- if (!this.pair.ssl) return cb(null);
- // When resuming session don't accept any new data.
- // And do not put too much data into openssl, before writing it from encrypted
- // side.
- //
- // TODO(indutny): Remove magic number, use watermark based limits
- if (!this._resumingSession &&
- this._opposite._internallyPendingBytes() < 128 * 1024) {
- // Write current buffer now
- var written;
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- debug('cleartext.write called with %d bytes', data.length);
- written = this.pair.ssl.clearIn(data, 0, data.length);
- } else {
- debug('encrypted.write called with %d bytes', data.length);
- written = this.pair.ssl.encIn(data, 0, data.length);
- }
- // Handle and report errors
- if (this.pair.ssl && this.pair.ssl.error) {
- return cb(this.pair.error(true));
- }
- // Force SSL_read call to cycle some states/data inside OpenSSL
- this.pair.cleartext.read(0);
- // Cycle encrypted data
- if (this.pair.encrypted._internallyPendingBytes())
- this.pair.encrypted.read(0);
- // Get ALPN, NPN and Server name when ready
- this.pair.maybeInitFinished();
- // Whole buffer was written
- if (written === data.length) {
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- debug('cleartext.write succeed with ' + written + ' bytes');
- } else {
- debug('encrypted.write succeed with ' + written + ' bytes');
- }
- // Invoke callback only when all data read from opposite stream
- if (this._opposite._halfRead) {
- assert(this._sslOutCb === null);
- this._sslOutCb = cb;
- } else {
- cb(null);
- }
- return;
- } else if (written !== 0 && written !== -1) {
- assert(!this._retryAfterPartial);
- this._retryAfterPartial = true;
- this._write(data.slice(written), encoding, cb);
- this._retryAfterPartial = false;
- return;
- }
- } else {
- debug('cleartext.write queue is full');
- // Force SSL_read call to cycle some states/data inside OpenSSL
- this.pair.cleartext.read(0);
- }
- // No write has happened
- this._pending = data;
- this._pendingEncoding = encoding;
- this._pendingCallback = cb;
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- debug('cleartext.write queued with %d bytes', data.length);
- } else {
- debug('encrypted.write queued with %d bytes', data.length);
- }
-CryptoStream.prototype._writePending = function _writePending() {
- const data = this._pending;
- const encoding = this._pendingEncoding;
- const cb = this._pendingCallback;
- this._pending = null;
- this._pendingEncoding = '';
- this._pendingCallback = null;
- this._write(data, encoding, cb);
-CryptoStream.prototype._read = function _read(size) {
- // XXX: EOF?!
- if (!this.pair.ssl) return this.push(null);
- // Wait for session to be resumed
- // Mark that we're done reading, but don't provide data or EOF
- if (this._resumingSession || !this._reading) return this.push('');
- var out;
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- debug('cleartext.read called with %d bytes', size);
- out = this.pair.ssl.clearOut;
- } else {
- debug('encrypted.read called with %d bytes', size);
- out = this.pair.ssl.encOut;
- }
- var bytesRead = 0;
- const start = this._buffer.offset;
- var last = start;
- do {
- assert(last === this._buffer.offset);
- var read = this._buffer.use(this.pair.ssl, out, size - bytesRead);
- if (read > 0) {
- bytesRead += read;
- }
- last = this._buffer.offset;
- // Handle and report errors
- if (this.pair.ssl && this.pair.ssl.error) {
- this.pair.error();
- break;
- }
- } while (read > 0 &&
- !this._buffer.isFull &&
- bytesRead < size &&
- this.pair.ssl !== null);
- // Get ALPN, NPN and Server name when ready
- this.pair.maybeInitFinished();
- // Create new buffer if previous was filled up
- var pool = this._buffer.pool;
- if (this._buffer.isFull) this._buffer.create();
- assert(bytesRead >= 0);
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- debug('cleartext.read succeed with %d bytes', bytesRead);
- } else {
- debug('encrypted.read succeed with %d bytes', bytesRead);
- }
- // Try writing pending data
- if (this._pending !== null) this._writePending();
- if (this._opposite._pending !== null) this._opposite._writePending();
- if (bytesRead === 0) {
- // EOF when cleartext has finished and we have nothing to read
- if (this._opposite._finished && this._internallyPendingBytes() === 0 ||
- this.pair.ssl && this.pair.ssl.receivedShutdown) {
- // Perform graceful shutdown
- this._done();
- // No half-open, sorry!
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- this._opposite._done();
- // EOF
- this.push(null);
- } else if (!this.pair.ssl || !this.pair.ssl.receivedShutdown) {
- // EOF
- this.push(null);
- }
- } else {
- // Bail out
- this.push('');
- }
- } else {
- // Give them requested data
- this.push(pool.slice(start, start + bytesRead));
- }
- // Let users know that we've some internal data to read
- var halfRead = this._internallyPendingBytes() !== 0;
- // Smart check to avoid invoking 'sslOutEnd' in the most of the cases
- if (this._halfRead !== halfRead) {
- this._halfRead = halfRead;
- // Notify listeners about internal data end
- if (!halfRead) {
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- debug('cleartext.sslOutEnd');
- } else {
- debug('encrypted.sslOutEnd');
- }
- this.emit('sslOutEnd');
- }
- }
-CryptoStream.prototype.setTimeout = function(timeout, callback) {
- if (this.socket) this.socket.setTimeout(timeout, callback);
-CryptoStream.prototype.setNoDelay = function(noDelay) {
- if (this.socket) this.socket.setNoDelay(noDelay);
-CryptoStream.prototype.setKeepAlive = function(enable, initialDelay) {
- if (this.socket) this.socket.setKeepAlive(enable, initialDelay);
-Object.defineProperty(CryptoStream.prototype, 'bytesWritten', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- get: function() {
- return this.socket ? this.socket.bytesWritten : 0;
- }
-CryptoStream.prototype.getPeerCertificate = function(detailed) {
- if (this.pair.ssl) {
- return common.translatePeerCertificate(
- this.pair.ssl.getPeerCertificate(detailed));
- }
- return null;
-CryptoStream.prototype.getSession = function() {
- if (this.pair.ssl) {
- return this.pair.ssl.getSession();
- }
- return null;
-CryptoStream.prototype.isSessionReused = function() {
- if (this.pair.ssl) {
- return this.pair.ssl.isSessionReused();
- }
- return null;
-CryptoStream.prototype.getCipher = function(err) {
- if (this.pair.ssl) {
- return this.pair.ssl.getCurrentCipher();
- } else {
- return null;
- }
-CryptoStream.prototype.end = function(chunk, encoding) {
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- debug('cleartext.end');
- } else {
- debug('encrypted.end');
- }
- // Write pending data first
- if (this._pending !== null) this._writePending();
- this.writable = false;
- stream.Duplex.prototype.end.call(this, chunk, encoding);
-CryptoStream.prototype.destroySoon = function(err) {
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- debug('cleartext.destroySoon');
- } else {
- debug('encrypted.destroySoon');
- }
- if (this.writable)
- this.end();
- if (this._writableState.finished && this._opposite._ended) {
- this.destroy();
- } else {
- // Wait for both `finish` and `end` events to ensure that all data that
- // was written on this side was read from the other side.
- var self = this;
- var waiting = 1;
- function finish() {
- if (--waiting === 0) self.destroy();
- }
- this._opposite.once('end', finish);
- if (!this._finished) {
- this.once('finish', finish);
- ++waiting;
- }
- }
-CryptoStream.prototype.destroy = function(err) {
- if (this._destroyed) return;
- this._destroyed = true;
- this.readable = this.writable = false;
- // Destroy both ends
- if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
- debug('cleartext.destroy');
- } else {
- debug('encrypted.destroy');
- }
- this._opposite.destroy();
- process.nextTick(destroyNT, this, err ? true : false);
-function destroyNT(self, hadErr) {
- // Force EOF
- self.push(null);
- // Emit 'close' event
- self.emit('close', hadErr);
-CryptoStream.prototype._done = function() {
- this._doneFlag = true;
- if (this === this.pair.encrypted && !this.pair._secureEstablished)
- return this.pair.error();
- if (this.pair.cleartext._doneFlag &&
- this.pair.encrypted._doneFlag &&
- !this.pair._doneFlag) {
- // If both streams are done:
- this.pair.destroy();
- }
-// readyState is deprecated. Don't use it.
-// Deprecation Code: DEP0004
-Object.defineProperty(CryptoStream.prototype, 'readyState', {
- get: function() {
- if (this.connecting) {
- return 'opening';
- } else if (this.readable && this.writable) {
- return 'open';
- } else if (this.readable && !this.writable) {
- return 'readOnly';
- } else if (!this.readable && this.writable) {
- return 'writeOnly';
- } else {
- return 'closed';
- }
- }
-function CleartextStream(pair, options) {
- CryptoStream.call(this, pair, options);
- // This is a fake kludge to support how the http impl sits
- // on top of net Sockets
- var self = this;
- this._handle = {
- readStop: function() {
- self._reading = false;
- },
- readStart: function() {
- if (self._reading && self.readableLength > 0) return;
- self._reading = true;
- self.read(0);
- if (self._opposite.readable) self._opposite.read(0);
- }
- };
-util.inherits(CleartextStream, CryptoStream);
-CleartextStream.prototype._internallyPendingBytes = function() {
- if (this.pair.ssl) {
- return this.pair.ssl.clearPending();
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
-CleartextStream.prototype.address = function() {
- return this.socket && this.socket.address();
-Object.defineProperty(CleartextStream.prototype, 'remoteAddress', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- get: function() {
- return this.socket && this.socket.remoteAddress;
- }
-Object.defineProperty(CleartextStream.prototype, 'remoteFamily', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- get: function() {
- return this.socket && this.socket.remoteFamily;
- }
-Object.defineProperty(CleartextStream.prototype, 'remotePort', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- get: function() {
- return this.socket && this.socket.remotePort;
- }
-Object.defineProperty(CleartextStream.prototype, 'localAddress', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- get: function() {
- return this.socket && this.socket.localAddress;
- }
-Object.defineProperty(CleartextStream.prototype, 'localPort', {
- configurable: true,
- enumerable: true,
- get: function() {
- return this.socket && this.socket.localPort;
- }
-function EncryptedStream(pair, options) {
- CryptoStream.call(this, pair, options);
-util.inherits(EncryptedStream, CryptoStream);
-EncryptedStream.prototype._internallyPendingBytes = function() {
- if (this.pair.ssl) {
- return this.pair.ssl.encPending();
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
-function onhandshakestart() {
- debug('onhandshakestart');
- var self = this;
- var ssl = self.ssl;
- var now = Timer.now();
- assert(now >= ssl.lastHandshakeTime);
- if ((now - ssl.lastHandshakeTime) >= tls.CLIENT_RENEG_WINDOW * 1000) {
- ssl.handshakes = 0;
- }
- var first = (ssl.lastHandshakeTime === 0);
- ssl.lastHandshakeTime = now;
- if (first) return;
- if (++ssl.handshakes > tls.CLIENT_RENEG_LIMIT) {
- // Defer the error event to the next tick. We're being called from OpenSSL's
- // state machine and OpenSSL is not re-entrant. We cannot allow the user's
- // callback to destroy the connection right now, it would crash and burn.
- setImmediate(function() {
- // Old-style error is not being migrated to the newer style
- // internal/errors.js because _tls_legacy.js has been deprecated.
- var err = new Error('TLS session renegotiation attack detected');
- if (self.cleartext) self.cleartext.emit('error', err);
- });
- }
-function onhandshakedone() {
- // for future use
- debug('onhandshakedone');
-function onclienthello(hello) {
- const self = this;
- var once = false;
- this._resumingSession = true;
- function callback(err, session) {
- if (once) return;
- once = true;
- if (err) return self.socket.destroy(err);
- setImmediate(function() {
- self.ssl.loadSession(session);
- self.ssl.endParser();
- // Cycle data
- self._resumingSession = false;
- self.cleartext.read(0);
- self.encrypted.read(0);
- });
- }
- if (hello.sessionId.length <= 0 ||
- !this.server ||
- !this.server.emit('resumeSession', hello.sessionId, callback)) {
- callback(null, null);
- }
-function onnewsession(key, session) {
- if (!this.server) return;
- var self = this;
- var once = false;
- if (!self.server.emit('newSession', key, session, done))
- done();
- function done() {
- if (once)
- return;
- once = true;
- if (self.ssl)
- self.ssl.newSessionDone();
- }
-function onocspresponse(resp) {
- this.emit('OCSPResponse', resp);
- * Provides a pair of streams to do encrypted communication.
- */
-function SecurePair(context, isServer, requestCert, rejectUnauthorized,
- options) {
- if (!(this instanceof SecurePair)) {
- return new SecurePair(context,
- isServer,
- requestCert,
- rejectUnauthorized,
- options);
- }
- options || (options = {});
- EventEmitter.call(this);
- this.server = options.server;
- this._secureEstablished = false;
- this._isServer = isServer ? true : false;
- this._encWriteState = true;
- this._clearWriteState = true;
- this._doneFlag = false;
- this._destroying = false;
- if (!context) {
- this.credentials = tls.createSecureContext();
- } else {
- this.credentials = context;
- }
- if (!this._isServer) {
- // For clients, we will always have either a given ca list or be using
- // default one
- requestCert = true;
- }
- this._rejectUnauthorized = rejectUnauthorized ? true : false;
- this._requestCert = requestCert ? true : false;
- this.ssl = new Connection(
- this.credentials.context,
- this._isServer ? true : false,
- this._isServer ? this._requestCert : options.servername,
- this._rejectUnauthorized
- );
- if (this._isServer) {
- this.ssl.onhandshakestart = () => onhandshakestart.call(this);
- this.ssl.onhandshakedone = () => onhandshakedone.call(this);
- this.ssl.onclienthello = (hello) => onclienthello.call(this, hello);
- this.ssl.onnewsession =
- (key, session) => onnewsession.call(this, key, session);
- this.ssl.lastHandshakeTime = 0;
- this.ssl.handshakes = 0;
- } else {
- this.ssl.onocspresponse = (resp) => onocspresponse.call(this, resp);
- }
- if (process.features.tls_sni) {
- if (this._isServer && options.SNICallback) {
- this.ssl.setSNICallback(options.SNICallback);
- }
- this.servername = null;
- }
- if (process.features.tls_npn && options.NPNProtocols) {
- this.ssl.setNPNProtocols(options.NPNProtocols);
- this.npnProtocol = null;
- }
- if (process.features.tls_alpn && options.ALPNProtocols) {
- // keep reference in secureContext not to be GC-ed
- this.ssl._secureContext.alpnBuffer = options.ALPNProtocols;
- this.ssl.setALPNrotocols(this.ssl._secureContext.alpnBuffer);
- this.alpnProtocol = null;
- }
- /* Acts as a r/w stream to the cleartext side of the stream. */
- this.cleartext = new CleartextStream(this, options.cleartext);
- /* Acts as a r/w stream to the encrypted side of the stream. */
- this.encrypted = new EncryptedStream(this, options.encrypted);
- /* Let streams know about each other */
- this.cleartext._opposite = this.encrypted;
- this.encrypted._opposite = this.cleartext;
- this.cleartext.init();
- this.encrypted.init();
- process.nextTick(securePairNT, this, options);
-util.inherits(SecurePair, EventEmitter);
-function securePairNT(self, options) {
- /* The Connection may be destroyed by an abort call */
- if (self.ssl) {
- self.ssl.start();
- if (options.requestOCSP)
- self.ssl.requestOCSP();
- /* In case of cipher suite failures - SSL_accept/SSL_connect may fail */
- if (self.ssl && self.ssl.error)
- self.error();
- }
-function createSecurePair(context, isServer, requestCert,
- rejectUnauthorized, options) {
- return new SecurePair(context, isServer, requestCert,
- rejectUnauthorized, options);
-SecurePair.prototype.maybeInitFinished = function() {
- if (this.ssl && !this._secureEstablished && this.ssl.isInitFinished()) {
- if (process.features.tls_npn) {
- this.npnProtocol = this.ssl.getNegotiatedProtocol();
- }
- if (process.features.tls_alpn) {
- this.alpnProtocol = this.ssl.getALPNNegotiatedProtocol();
- }
- if (process.features.tls_sni) {
- this.servername = this.ssl.getServername();
- }
- this._secureEstablished = true;
- debug('secure established');
- this.emit('secure');
- }
-SecurePair.prototype.destroy = function() {
- if (this._destroying) return;
- if (!this._doneFlag) {
- debug('SecurePair.destroy');
- this._destroying = true;
- // SecurePair should be destroyed only after it's streams
- this.cleartext.destroy();
- this.encrypted.destroy();
- this._doneFlag = true;
- this.ssl.error = null;
- this.ssl.close();
- this.ssl = null;
- }
-SecurePair.prototype.error = function(returnOnly) {
- var err = this.ssl.error;
- this.ssl.error = null;
- if (!this._secureEstablished) {
- // Emit ECONNRESET instead of zero return
- if (!err || err.message === 'ZERO_RETURN') {
- var connReset = new Error('socket hang up');
- connReset.code = 'ECONNRESET';
- connReset.sslError = err && err.message;
- err = connReset;
- }
- this.destroy();
- if (!returnOnly) this.emit('error', err);
- } else if (this._isServer &&
- this._rejectUnauthorized &&
- /peer did not return a certificate/.test(err.message)) {
- // Not really an error.
- this.destroy();
- } else if (!returnOnly) {
- this.cleartext.emit('error', err);
- }
- return err;
-function pipe(pair, socket) {
- pair.encrypted.pipe(socket);
- socket.pipe(pair.encrypted);
- pair.encrypted.on('close', function() {
- process.nextTick(pipeCloseNT, pair, socket);
- });
- pair.fd = socket.fd;
- var cleartext = pair.cleartext;
- cleartext.socket = socket;
- cleartext.encrypted = pair.encrypted;
- cleartext.authorized = false;
- // cycle the data whenever the socket drains, so that
- // we can pull some more into it. normally this would
- // be handled by the fact that pipe() triggers read() calls
- // on writable.drain, but CryptoStreams are a bit more
- // complicated. Since the encrypted side actually gets
- // its data from the cleartext side, we have to give it a
- // light kick to get in motion again.
- socket.on('drain', function() {
- if (pair.encrypted._pending)
- pair.encrypted._writePending();
- if (pair.cleartext._pending)
- pair.cleartext._writePending();
- pair.encrypted.read(0);
- pair.cleartext.read(0);
- });
- function onerror(e) {
- if (cleartext._controlReleased) {
- cleartext.emit('error', e);
- }
- }
- function onclose() {
- socket.removeListener('error', onerror);
- socket.removeListener('timeout', ontimeout);
- }
- function ontimeout() {
- cleartext.emit('timeout');
- }
- socket.on('error', onerror);
- socket.on('close', onclose);
- socket.on('timeout', ontimeout);
- return cleartext;
-function pipeCloseNT(pair, socket) {
- // Encrypted should be unpiped from socket to prevent possible
- // write after destroy.
- pair.encrypted.unpipe(socket);
- socket.destroySoon();
-module.exports = {
- createSecurePair:
- internalUtil.deprecate(createSecurePair,
- 'tls.createSecurePair() is deprecated. Please use ' +
- 'tls.TLSSocket instead.', 'DEP0064'),
- pipe
diff --git a/lib/internal/streams/duplexpair.js b/lib/internal/streams/duplexpair.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..beaf9e9eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/internal/streams/duplexpair.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+'use strict';
+const { Duplex } = require('stream');
+const kCallback = Symbol('Callback');
+const kOtherSide = Symbol('Other');
+class DuplexSocket extends Duplex {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this[kCallback] = null;
+ this[kOtherSide] = null;
+ }
+ _read() {
+ const callback = this[kCallback];
+ if (callback) {
+ this[kCallback] = null;
+ callback();
+ }
+ }
+ _write(chunk, encoding, callback) {
+ this[kOtherSide][kCallback] = callback;
+ this[kOtherSide].push(chunk);
+ }
+ _final(callback) {
+ this[kOtherSide].on('end', callback);
+ this[kOtherSide].push(null);
+ }
+class DuplexPair {
+ constructor() {
+ this.socket1 = new DuplexSocket();
+ this.socket2 = new DuplexSocket();
+ this.socket1[kOtherSide] = this.socket2;
+ this.socket2[kOtherSide] = this.socket1;
+ }
+module.exports = DuplexPair;
diff --git a/lib/tls.js b/lib/tls.js
index 554ddb77b8..96b6ec8d34 100644
--- a/lib/tls.js
+++ b/lib/tls.js
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ const net = require('net');
const url = require('url');
const binding = process.binding('crypto');
const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
+const EventEmitter = require('events');
+const DuplexPair = require('internal/streams/duplexpair');
const canonicalizeIP = process.binding('cares_wrap').canonicalizeIP;
// Allow {CLIENT_RENEG_LIMIT} client-initiated session renegotiations
@@ -230,6 +232,33 @@ exports.checkServerIdentity = function checkServerIdentity(host, cert) {
+class SecurePair extends EventEmitter {
+ constructor(secureContext = exports.createSecureContext(),
+ isServer = false,
+ requestCert = !isServer,
+ rejectUnauthorized = false,
+ options = {}) {
+ super();
+ const { socket1, socket2 } = new DuplexPair();
+ this.server = options.server;
+ this.credentials = secureContext;
+ this.encrypted = socket1;
+ this.cleartext = new exports.TLSSocket(socket2, Object.assign({
+ secureContext, isServer, requestCert, rejectUnauthorized
+ }, options));
+ this.cleartext.once('secure', () => this.emit('secure'));
+ }
+ destroy() {
+ this.cleartext.destroy();
+ this.encrypted.destroy();
+ }
exports.parseCertString = internalUtil.deprecate(
'tls.parseCertString() is deprecated. ' +
@@ -243,5 +272,9 @@ exports.Server = require('_tls_wrap').Server;
exports.createServer = require('_tls_wrap').createServer;
exports.connect = require('_tls_wrap').connect;
-// Deprecated: DEP0064
-exports.createSecurePair = require('_tls_legacy').createSecurePair;
+exports.createSecurePair = internalUtil.deprecate(
+ function createSecurePair(...args) {
+ return new SecurePair(...args);
+ },
+ 'tls.createSecurePair() is deprecated. Please use ' +
+ 'tls.TLSSocket instead.', 'DEP0064');