path: root/deps/v8/test/perf-test/Collections/base.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/test/perf-test/Collections/base.js')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/test/perf-test/Collections/base.js b/deps/v8/test/perf-test/Collections/base.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0ce40b888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/v8/test/perf-test/Collections/base.js
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+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// Performance.now is used in latency benchmarks, the fallback is Date.now.
+var performance = performance || {};
+performance.now = (function() {
+ return performance.now ||
+ performance.mozNow ||
+ performance.msNow ||
+ performance.oNow ||
+ performance.webkitNow ||
+ Date.now;
+// Simple framework for running the benchmark suites and
+// computing a score based on the timing measurements.
+// A benchmark has a name (string) and a function that will be run to
+// do the performance measurement. The optional setup and tearDown
+// arguments are functions that will be invoked before and after
+// running the benchmark, but the running time of these functions will
+// not be accounted for in the benchmark score.
+function Benchmark(name, doWarmup, doDeterministic, deterministicIterations,
+ run, setup, tearDown, rmsResult, minIterations) {
+ this.name = name;
+ this.doWarmup = doWarmup;
+ this.doDeterministic = doDeterministic;
+ this.deterministicIterations = deterministicIterations;
+ this.run = run;
+ this.Setup = setup ? setup : function() { };
+ this.TearDown = tearDown ? tearDown : function() { };
+ this.rmsResult = rmsResult ? rmsResult : null;
+ this.minIterations = minIterations ? minIterations : 32;
+// Benchmark results hold the benchmark and the measured time used to
+// run the benchmark. The benchmark score is computed later once a
+// full benchmark suite has run to completion. If latency is set to 0
+// then there is no latency score for this benchmark.
+function BenchmarkResult(benchmark, time, latency) {
+ this.benchmark = benchmark;
+ this.time = time;
+ this.latency = latency;
+// Automatically convert results to numbers. Used by the geometric
+// mean computation.
+BenchmarkResult.prototype.valueOf = function() {
+ return this.time;
+// Suites of benchmarks consist of a name and the set of benchmarks in
+// addition to the reference timing that the final score will be based
+// on. This way, all scores are relative to a reference run and higher
+// scores implies better performance.
+function BenchmarkSuite(name, reference, benchmarks) {
+ this.name = name;
+ this.reference = reference;
+ this.benchmarks = benchmarks;
+ BenchmarkSuite.suites.push(this);
+// Keep track of all declared benchmark suites.
+BenchmarkSuite.suites = [];
+// Scores are not comparable across versions. Bump the version if
+// you're making changes that will affect that scores, e.g. if you add
+// a new benchmark or change an existing one.
+BenchmarkSuite.version = '1';
+// Defines global benchsuite running mode that overrides benchmark suite
+// behavior. Intended to be set by the benchmark driver. Undefined
+// values here allow a benchmark to define behaviour itself.
+BenchmarkSuite.config = {
+ doWarmup: undefined,
+ doDeterministic: undefined
+// Override the alert function to throw an exception instead.
+alert = function(s) {
+ throw "Alert called with argument: " + s;
+// To make the benchmark results predictable, we replace Math.random
+// with a 100% deterministic alternative.
+BenchmarkSuite.ResetRNG = function() {
+ Math.random = (function() {
+ var seed = 49734321;
+ return function() {
+ // Robert Jenkins' 32 bit integer hash function.
+ seed = ((seed + 0x7ed55d16) + (seed << 12)) & 0xffffffff;
+ seed = ((seed ^ 0xc761c23c) ^ (seed >>> 19)) & 0xffffffff;
+ seed = ((seed + 0x165667b1) + (seed << 5)) & 0xffffffff;
+ seed = ((seed + 0xd3a2646c) ^ (seed << 9)) & 0xffffffff;
+ seed = ((seed + 0xfd7046c5) + (seed << 3)) & 0xffffffff;
+ seed = ((seed ^ 0xb55a4f09) ^ (seed >>> 16)) & 0xffffffff;
+ return (seed & 0xfffffff) / 0x10000000;
+ };
+ })();
+// Runs all registered benchmark suites and optionally yields between
+// each individual benchmark to avoid running for too long in the
+// context of browsers. Once done, the final score is reported to the
+// runner.
+BenchmarkSuite.RunSuites = function(runner, skipBenchmarks) {
+ skipBenchmarks = typeof skipBenchmarks === 'undefined' ? [] : skipBenchmarks;
+ var continuation = null;
+ var suites = BenchmarkSuite.suites;
+ var length = suites.length;
+ BenchmarkSuite.scores = [];
+ var index = 0;
+ function RunStep() {
+ while (continuation || index < length) {
+ if (continuation) {
+ continuation = continuation();
+ } else {
+ var suite = suites[index++];
+ if (runner.NotifyStart) runner.NotifyStart(suite.name);
+ if (skipBenchmarks.indexOf(suite.name) > -1) {
+ suite.NotifySkipped(runner);
+ } else {
+ continuation = suite.RunStep(runner);
+ }
+ }
+ if (continuation && typeof window != 'undefined' && window.setTimeout) {
+ window.setTimeout(RunStep, 25);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // show final result
+ if (runner.NotifyScore) {
+ var score = BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMean(BenchmarkSuite.scores);
+ var formatted = BenchmarkSuite.FormatScore(100 * score);
+ runner.NotifyScore(formatted);
+ }
+ }
+ RunStep();
+// Counts the total number of registered benchmarks. Useful for
+// showing progress as a percentage.
+BenchmarkSuite.CountBenchmarks = function() {
+ var result = 0;
+ var suites = BenchmarkSuite.suites;
+ for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
+ result += suites[i].benchmarks.length;
+ }
+ return result;
+// Computes the geometric mean of a set of numbers.
+BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMean = function(numbers) {
+ var log = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
+ log += Math.log(numbers[i]);
+ }
+ return Math.pow(Math.E, log / numbers.length);
+// Computes the geometric mean of a set of throughput time measurements.
+BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMeanTime = function(measurements) {
+ var log = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < measurements.length; i++) {
+ log += Math.log(measurements[i].time);
+ }
+ return Math.pow(Math.E, log / measurements.length);
+// Computes the geometric mean of a set of rms measurements.
+BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMeanLatency = function(measurements) {
+ var log = 0;
+ var hasLatencyResult = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < measurements.length; i++) {
+ if (measurements[i].latency != 0) {
+ log += Math.log(measurements[i].latency);
+ hasLatencyResult = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasLatencyResult) {
+ return Math.pow(Math.E, log / measurements.length);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+// Converts a score value to a string with at least three significant
+// digits.
+BenchmarkSuite.FormatScore = function(value) {
+ if (value > 100) {
+ return value.toFixed(0);
+ } else {
+ return value.toPrecision(3);
+ }
+// Notifies the runner that we're done running a single benchmark in
+// the benchmark suite. This can be useful to report progress.
+BenchmarkSuite.prototype.NotifyStep = function(result) {
+ this.results.push(result);
+ if (this.runner.NotifyStep) this.runner.NotifyStep(result.benchmark.name);
+// Notifies the runner that we're done with running a suite and that
+// we have a result which can be reported to the user if needed.
+BenchmarkSuite.prototype.NotifyResult = function() {
+ var mean = BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMeanTime(this.results);
+ var score = this.reference[0] / mean;
+ BenchmarkSuite.scores.push(score);
+ if (this.runner.NotifyResult) {
+ var formatted = BenchmarkSuite.FormatScore(100 * score);
+ this.runner.NotifyResult(this.name, formatted);
+ }
+ if (this.reference.length == 2) {
+ var meanLatency = BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMeanLatency(this.results);
+ if (meanLatency != 0) {
+ var scoreLatency = this.reference[1] / meanLatency;
+ BenchmarkSuite.scores.push(scoreLatency);
+ if (this.runner.NotifyResult) {
+ var formattedLatency = BenchmarkSuite.FormatScore(100 * scoreLatency)
+ this.runner.NotifyResult(this.name + "Latency", formattedLatency);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+BenchmarkSuite.prototype.NotifySkipped = function(runner) {
+ BenchmarkSuite.scores.push(1); // push default reference score.
+ if (runner.NotifyResult) {
+ runner.NotifyResult(this.name, "Skipped");
+ }
+// Notifies the runner that running a benchmark resulted in an error.
+BenchmarkSuite.prototype.NotifyError = function(error) {
+ if (this.runner.NotifyError) {
+ this.runner.NotifyError(this.name, error);
+ }
+ if (this.runner.NotifyStep) {
+ this.runner.NotifyStep(this.name);
+ }
+// Runs a single benchmark for at least a second and computes the
+// average time it takes to run a single iteration.
+BenchmarkSuite.prototype.RunSingleBenchmark = function(benchmark, data) {
+ var config = BenchmarkSuite.config;
+ var doWarmup = config.doWarmup !== undefined
+ ? config.doWarmup
+ : benchmark.doWarmup;
+ var doDeterministic = config.doDeterministic !== undefined
+ ? config.doDeterministic
+ : benchmark.doDeterministic;
+ function Measure(data) {
+ var elapsed = 0;
+ var start = new Date();
+ // Run either for 1 second or for the number of iterations specified
+ // by minIterations, depending on the config flag doDeterministic.
+ for (var i = 0; (doDeterministic ?
+ i<benchmark.deterministicIterations : elapsed < 1000); i++) {
+ benchmark.run();
+ elapsed = new Date() - start;
+ }
+ if (data != null) {
+ data.runs += i;
+ data.elapsed += elapsed;
+ }
+ }
+ // Sets up data in order to skip or not the warmup phase.
+ if (!doWarmup && data == null) {
+ data = { runs: 0, elapsed: 0 };
+ }
+ if (data == null) {
+ Measure(null);
+ return { runs: 0, elapsed: 0 };
+ } else {
+ Measure(data);
+ // If we've run too few iterations, we continue for another second.
+ if (data.runs < benchmark.minIterations) return data;
+ var usec = (data.elapsed * 1000) / data.runs;
+ var rms = (benchmark.rmsResult != null) ? benchmark.rmsResult() : 0;
+ this.NotifyStep(new BenchmarkResult(benchmark, usec, rms));
+ return null;
+ }
+// This function starts running a suite, but stops between each
+// individual benchmark in the suite and returns a continuation
+// function which can be invoked to run the next benchmark. Once the
+// last benchmark has been executed, null is returned.
+BenchmarkSuite.prototype.RunStep = function(runner) {
+ BenchmarkSuite.ResetRNG();
+ this.results = [];
+ this.runner = runner;
+ var length = this.benchmarks.length;
+ var index = 0;
+ var suite = this;
+ var data;
+ // Run the setup, the actual benchmark, and the tear down in three
+ // separate steps to allow the framework to yield between any of the
+ // steps.
+ function RunNextSetup() {
+ if (index < length) {
+ try {
+ suite.benchmarks[index].Setup();
+ } catch (e) {
+ suite.NotifyError(e);
+ return null;
+ }
+ return RunNextBenchmark;
+ }
+ suite.NotifyResult();
+ return null;
+ }
+ function RunNextBenchmark() {
+ try {
+ data = suite.RunSingleBenchmark(suite.benchmarks[index], data);
+ } catch (e) {
+ suite.NotifyError(e);
+ return null;
+ }
+ // If data is null, we're done with this benchmark.
+ return (data == null) ? RunNextTearDown : RunNextBenchmark();
+ }
+ function RunNextTearDown() {
+ try {
+ suite.benchmarks[index++].TearDown();
+ } catch (e) {
+ suite.NotifyError(e);
+ return null;
+ }
+ return RunNextSetup;
+ }
+ // Start out running the setup.
+ return RunNextSetup();