path: root/deps/v8/test/cctest/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/test/cctest/')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/test/cctest/ b/deps/v8/test/cctest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67236e5a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/v8/test/cctest/
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/api/api-inl.h"
+#include "src/heap/spaces.h"
+#include "test/cctest/cctest.h"
+#include "tools/debug_helper/debug-helper.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+namespace {
+namespace d = v8::debug_helper;
+uintptr_t memory_fail_start = 0;
+uintptr_t memory_fail_end = 0;
+class MemoryFailureRegion {
+ public:
+ MemoryFailureRegion(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) {
+ memory_fail_start = start;
+ memory_fail_end = end;
+ }
+ ~MemoryFailureRegion() {
+ memory_fail_start = 0;
+ memory_fail_end = 0;
+ }
+// Implement the memory-reading callback. This one just fetches memory from the
+// current process, but a real implementation for a debugging extension would
+// fetch memory from the debuggee process or crash dump.
+d::MemoryAccessResult ReadMemory(uintptr_t address, uint8_t* destination,
+ size_t byte_count) {
+ if (address >= memory_fail_start && address <= memory_fail_end) {
+ // Simulate failure to read debuggee memory.
+ return d::MemoryAccessResult::kAddressValidButInaccessible;
+ }
+ memcpy(destination, reinterpret_cast<void*>(address), byte_count);
+ return d::MemoryAccessResult::kOk;
+void CheckProp(const d::ObjectProperty& property, const char* expected_type,
+ const char* expected_name,
+ d::PropertyKind expected_kind = d::PropertyKind::kSingle,
+ size_t expected_num_values = 1) {
+ CHECK_EQ(property.num_values, expected_num_values);
+ CHECK(property.type == std::string("v8::internal::TaggedValue") ||
+ property.type == std::string(expected_type));
+ CHECK(property.decompressed_type == std::string(expected_type));
+ CHECK(property.kind == expected_kind);
+ CHECK( == std::string(expected_name));
+template <typename TValue>
+void CheckProp(const d::ObjectProperty& property, const char* expected_type,
+ const char* expected_name, TValue expected_value) {
+ CheckProp(property, expected_type, expected_name);
+ CHECK(*reinterpret_cast<TValue*>(property.address) == expected_value);
+} // namespace
+TEST(GetObjectProperties) {
+ CcTest::InitializeVM();
+ v8::Isolate* isolate = CcTest::isolate();
+ v8::HandleScope scope(isolate);
+ LocalContext context;
+ d::Roots roots{0, 0, 0, 0}; // We don't know the heap roots.
+ v8::Local<v8::Value> v = CompileRun("42");
+ Handle<Object> o = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*v);
+ d::ObjectPropertiesResultPtr props =
+ d::GetObjectProperties(o->ptr(), &ReadMemory, roots);
+ CHECK(props->type_check_result == d::TypeCheckResult::kSmi);
+ CHECK(props->brief == std::string("42 (0x2a)"));
+ CHECK(props->type == std::string("v8::internal::Smi"));
+ CHECK_EQ(props->num_properties, 0);
+ v = CompileRun("[\"a\", \"bc\"]");
+ o = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*v);
+ props = d::GetObjectProperties(o->ptr(), &ReadMemory, roots);
+ CHECK(props->type_check_result == d::TypeCheckResult::kUsedMap);
+ CHECK(props->type == std::string("v8::internal::JSArray"));
+ CHECK_EQ(props->num_properties, 4);
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[0], "v8::internal::Map", "map");
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[1], "v8::internal::Object",
+ "properties_or_hash");
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[2], "v8::internal::FixedArrayBase", "elements");
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[3], "v8::internal::Object", "length",
+ static_cast<i::Tagged_t>(IntToSmi(2)));
+ // We need to supply a root address for decompression before reading the
+ // elements from the JSArray.
+ roots.any_heap_pointer = o->ptr();
+ i::Tagged_t properties_or_hash =
+ *reinterpret_cast<i::Tagged_t*>(props->properties[1]->address);
+ i::Tagged_t elements =
+ *reinterpret_cast<i::Tagged_t*>(props->properties[2]->address);
+ // The properties_or_hash_code field should be an empty fixed array. Since
+ // that is at a known offset, we should be able to detect it even without
+ // any ability to read memory.
+ {
+ MemoryFailureRegion failure(0, UINTPTR_MAX);
+ props = d::GetObjectProperties(properties_or_hash, &ReadMemory, roots);
+ CHECK(props->type_check_result ==
+ d::TypeCheckResult::kObjectPointerValidButInaccessible);
+ CHECK(props->type == std::string("v8::internal::HeapObject"));
+ CHECK_EQ(props->num_properties, 1);
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[0], "v8::internal::Map", "map");
+ CHECK(std::string(props->brief).substr(0, 21) ==
+ std::string("maybe EmptyFixedArray"));
+ // Provide a heap root so the API can be more sure.
+ roots.read_only_space =
+ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(reinterpret_cast<i::Isolate*>(isolate)
+ ->heap()
+ ->read_only_space()
+ ->first_page());
+ props = d::GetObjectProperties(properties_or_hash, &ReadMemory, roots);
+ CHECK(props->type_check_result ==
+ d::TypeCheckResult::kObjectPointerValidButInaccessible);
+ CHECK(props->type == std::string("v8::internal::HeapObject"));
+ CHECK_EQ(props->num_properties, 1);
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[0], "v8::internal::Map", "map");
+ CHECK(std::string(props->brief).substr(0, 15) ==
+ std::string("EmptyFixedArray"));
+ }
+ props = d::GetObjectProperties(elements, &ReadMemory, roots);
+ CHECK(props->type_check_result == d::TypeCheckResult::kUsedMap);
+ CHECK(props->type == std::string("v8::internal::FixedArray"));
+ CHECK_EQ(props->num_properties, 3);
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[0], "v8::internal::Map", "map");
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[1], "v8::internal::Object", "length",
+ static_cast<i::Tagged_t>(IntToSmi(2)));
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[2], "v8::internal::Object", "objects",
+ d::PropertyKind::kArrayOfKnownSize, 2);
+ // Get the second string value from the FixedArray.
+ i::Tagged_t second_string_address = *reinterpret_cast<i::Tagged_t*>(
+ props->properties[2]->address + sizeof(i::Tagged_t));
+ props = d::GetObjectProperties(second_string_address, &ReadMemory, roots);
+ CHECK(props->type_check_result == d::TypeCheckResult::kUsedMap);
+ CHECK(props->type == std::string("v8::internal::SeqOneByteString"));
+ CHECK_EQ(props->num_properties, 4);
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[0], "v8::internal::Map", "map");
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[1], "uint32_t", "hash_field");
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[2], "int32_t", "length", 2);
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[3], "char", "chars",
+ d::PropertyKind::kArrayOfKnownSize, 2);
+ strncmp("bc",
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(props->properties[3]->address), 2),
+ 0);
+ // Read the second string again, using a type hint instead of the map. All of
+ // its properties should match what we read last time.
+ d::ObjectPropertiesResultPtr props2;
+ {
+ uintptr_t map_address =
+ d::GetObjectProperties(
+ *reinterpret_cast<i::Tagged_t*>(props->properties[0]->address),
+ &ReadMemory, roots)
+ ->properties[0]
+ ->address;
+ MemoryFailureRegion failure(map_address, map_address + i::Map::kSize);
+ props2 = d::GetObjectProperties(second_string_address, &ReadMemory, roots,
+ "v8::internal::String");
+ CHECK(props2->type_check_result == d::TypeCheckResult::kUsedTypeHint);
+ CHECK(props2->type == std::string("v8::internal::String"));
+ CHECK_EQ(props2->num_properties, 3);
+ CheckProp(*props2->properties[0], "v8::internal::Map", "map",
+ *reinterpret_cast<i::Tagged_t*>(props->properties[0]->address));
+ CheckProp(*props2->properties[1], "uint32_t", "hash_field",
+ *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(props->properties[1]->address));
+ CheckProp(*props2->properties[2], "int32_t", "length", 2);
+ }
+ // Try a weak reference.
+ props2 = d::GetObjectProperties(second_string_address | kWeakHeapObjectMask,
+ &ReadMemory, roots);
+ std::string weak_ref_prefix = "weak ref to ";
+ CHECK(weak_ref_prefix + props->brief == props2->brief);
+ CHECK(props2->type_check_result == d::TypeCheckResult::kUsedMap);
+ CHECK(props2->type == std::string("v8::internal::SeqOneByteString"));
+ CHECK_EQ(props2->num_properties, 4);
+ CheckProp(*props2->properties[0], "v8::internal::Map", "map",
+ *reinterpret_cast<i::Tagged_t*>(props->properties[0]->address));
+ CheckProp(*props2->properties[1], "uint32_t", "hash_field",
+ *reinterpret_cast<i::Tagged_t*>(props->properties[1]->address));
+ CheckProp(*props2->properties[2], "int32_t", "length", 2);
+ // Build a complicated string (multi-level cons with slices inside) to test
+ // string printing.
+ v = CompileRun(R"(
+ const alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ alphabet.substr(3,20) + alphabet.toUpperCase().substr(5,15) + "7")");
+ o = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*v);
+ props = d::GetObjectProperties(o->ptr(), &ReadMemory, roots);
+ CHECK(std::string(props->brief).substr(0, 38) ==
+ std::string("\"defghijklmnopqrstuvwFGHIJKLMNOPQRST7\""));
+ // Cause a failure when reading the "second" pointer within the top-level
+ // ConsString.
+ {
+ CheckProp(*props->properties[4], "v8::internal::String", "second");
+ uintptr_t second_address = props->properties[4]->address;
+ MemoryFailureRegion failure(second_address, second_address + 4);
+ props = d::GetObjectProperties(o->ptr(), &ReadMemory, roots);
+ CHECK(std::string(props->brief).substr(0, 40) ==
+ std::string("\"defghijklmnopqrstuvwFGHIJKLMNOPQRST...\""));
+ }
+ // Build a very long string.
+ v = CompileRun("'a'.repeat(1000)");
+ o = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*v);
+ props = d::GetObjectProperties(o->ptr(), &ReadMemory, roots);
+ CHECK(std::string(props->brief).substr(79, 7) == std::string("aa...\" "));
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8