path: root/deps/v8/test/cctest/parsing/
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/test/cctest/parsing/')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/test/cctest/parsing/ b/deps/v8/test/cctest/parsing/
index 6f9b58daf3..a9dc4482ef 100644
--- a/deps/v8/test/cctest/parsing/
+++ b/deps/v8/test/cctest/parsing/
@@ -185,6 +185,110 @@ TEST(Utf8SplitBOM) {
+TEST(Utf8SplitMultiBOM) {
+ // Construct chunks with a split BOM followed by another split BOM.
+ const char* chunks = "\xef\xbb\0\xbf\xef\xbb\0\xbf\0\0";
+ ChunkSource chunk_source(chunks);
+ std::unique_ptr<i::Utf16CharacterStream> stream(
+ v8::internal::ScannerStream::For(
+ &chunk_source, v8::ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::UTF8, nullptr));
+ // Read the data, ensuring we get exactly one of the two BOMs back.
+ CHECK_EQ(0xFEFF, stream->Advance());
+ CHECK_EQ(i::Utf16CharacterStream::kEndOfInput, stream->Advance());
+TEST(Utf8AdvanceUntil) {
+ // Test utf-8 advancing until a certain char.
+ const char line_term = '\n';
+ const size_t kLen = arraysize(unicode_utf8);
+ char data[kLen + 1];
+ strncpy(data, unicode_utf8, kLen);
+ data[kLen - 1] = line_term;
+ data[kLen] = '\0';
+ {
+ const char* chunks[] = {data, "\0"};
+ ChunkSource chunk_source(chunks);
+ std::unique_ptr<v8::internal::Utf16CharacterStream> stream(
+ v8::internal::ScannerStream::For(
+ &chunk_source, v8::ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::UTF8, nullptr));
+ int32_t res = stream->AdvanceUntil(
+ [](int32_t c0_) { return unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c0_); });
+ CHECK_EQ(line_term, res);
+ }
+TEST(AdvanceMatchAdvanceUntil) {
+ // Test if single advance and advanceUntil behave the same
+ char data[] = {'a', 'b', '\n', 'c', '\0'};
+ {
+ const char* chunks[] = {data, "\0"};
+ ChunkSource chunk_source_a(chunks);
+ std::unique_ptr<v8::internal::Utf16CharacterStream> stream_advance(
+ v8::internal::ScannerStream::For(
+ &chunk_source_a, v8::ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::UTF8,
+ nullptr));
+ ChunkSource chunk_source_au(chunks);
+ std::unique_ptr<v8::internal::Utf16CharacterStream> stream_advance_until(
+ v8::internal::ScannerStream::For(
+ &chunk_source_au, v8::ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::UTF8,
+ nullptr));
+ int32_t au_c0_ = stream_advance_until->AdvanceUntil(
+ [](int32_t c0_) { return unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c0_); });
+ int32_t a_c0_ = '0';
+ while (!unibrow::IsLineTerminator(a_c0_)) {
+ a_c0_ = stream_advance->Advance();
+ }
+ // Check both advances methods have the same output
+ CHECK_EQ(a_c0_, au_c0_);
+ // Check if both set the cursor to the correct position by advancing both
+ // streams by one character.
+ a_c0_ = stream_advance->Advance();
+ au_c0_ = stream_advance_until->Advance();
+ CHECK_EQ(a_c0_, au_c0_);
+ }
+TEST(Utf8AdvanceUntilOverChunkBoundaries) {
+ // Test utf-8 advancing until a certain char, crossing chunk boundaries.
+ // Split the test string at each byte and pass it to the stream. This way,
+ // we'll have a split at each possible boundary.
+ size_t len = strlen(unicode_utf8);
+ char buffer[arraysize(unicode_utf8) + 4];
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < len; i++) {
+ // Copy source string into buffer, splitting it at i.
+ // Then add three chunks, 0..i-1, i..strlen-1, empty.
+ strncpy(buffer, unicode_utf8, i);
+ strncpy(buffer + i + 1, unicode_utf8 + i, len - i);
+ buffer[i] = '\0';
+ buffer[len + 1] = '\n';
+ buffer[len + 2] = '\0';
+ buffer[len + 3] = '\0';
+ const char* chunks[] = {buffer, buffer + i + 1, buffer + len + 2};
+ ChunkSource chunk_source(chunks);
+ std::unique_ptr<v8::internal::Utf16CharacterStream> stream(
+ v8::internal::ScannerStream::For(
+ &chunk_source, v8::ScriptCompiler::StreamedSource::UTF8, nullptr));
+ int32_t res = stream->AdvanceUntil(
+ [](int32_t c0_) { return unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c0_); });
+ CHECK_EQ(buffer[len + 1], res);
+ }
TEST(Utf8ChunkBoundaries) {
// Test utf-8 parsing at chunk boundaries.
@@ -323,7 +427,7 @@ void TestCharacterStreams(const char* one_byte_source, unsigned length,
// This avoids the GC from trying to free a stack allocated resource.
if (uc16_string->IsExternalString())
- ->set_resource(nullptr);
+ ->SetResource(isolate, nullptr);
// 1-byte external string
@@ -343,7 +447,7 @@ void TestCharacterStreams(const char* one_byte_source, unsigned length,
// This avoids the GC from trying to free a stack allocated resource.
if (ext_one_byte_string->IsExternalString())
- ->set_resource(nullptr);
+ ->SetResource(isolate, nullptr);
// 1-byte generic i::String
@@ -560,3 +664,34 @@ TEST(TestOverlongAndInvalidSequences) {
CHECK_EQ(unicode_expected.size(), arraysize(cases));
TestChunkStreamAgainstReference(cases, unicode_expected);
+TEST(RelocatingCharacterStream) {
+ ManualGCScope manual_gc_scope;
+ CcTest::InitializeVM();
+ i::Isolate* i_isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
+ v8::HandleScope scope(CcTest::isolate());
+ const char* string = "abcd";
+ int length = static_cast<int>(strlen(string));
+ std::unique_ptr<i::uc16[]> uc16_buffer(new i::uc16[length]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ uc16_buffer[i] = string[i];
+ }
+ i::Vector<const i::uc16> two_byte_vector(uc16_buffer.get(), length);
+ i::Handle<i::String> two_byte_string =
+ i_isolate->factory()
+ ->NewStringFromTwoByte(two_byte_vector, i::NOT_TENURED)
+ .ToHandleChecked();
+ std::unique_ptr<i::Utf16CharacterStream> two_byte_string_stream(
+ i::ScannerStream::For(i_isolate, two_byte_string, 0, length));
+ CHECK_EQ('a', two_byte_string_stream->Advance());
+ CHECK_EQ('b', two_byte_string_stream->Advance());
+ CHECK_EQ(size_t{2}, two_byte_string_stream->pos());
+ i::String* raw = *two_byte_string;
+ i_isolate->heap()->CollectGarbage(i::NEW_SPACE,
+ i::GarbageCollectionReason::kUnknown);
+ // GC moved the string.
+ CHECK_NE(raw, *two_byte_string);
+ CHECK_EQ('c', two_byte_string_stream->Advance());
+ CHECK_EQ('d', two_byte_string_stream->Advance());