path: root/deps/v8/src/torque/ls/message-handler.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/src/torque/ls/message-handler.cc')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/src/torque/ls/message-handler.cc b/deps/v8/src/torque/ls/message-handler.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d76365b5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/v8/src/torque/ls/message-handler.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "src/torque/ls/message-handler.h"
+#include "src/torque/ls/globals.h"
+#include "src/torque/ls/json-parser.h"
+#include "src/torque/ls/message-pipe.h"
+#include "src/torque/ls/message.h"
+#include "src/torque/server-data.h"
+#include "src/torque/source-positions.h"
+#include "src/torque/torque-compiler.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+namespace torque {
+namespace ls {
+static const char kContentLength[] = "Content-Length: ";
+static const size_t kContentLengthSize = sizeof(kContentLength) - 1;
+JsonValue ReadMessage() {
+ std::string line;
+ std::getline(std::cin, line);
+ if (line.rfind(kContentLength) != 0) {
+ // Invalid message, we just crash.
+ Logger::Log("[fatal] Did not find Content-Length ...\n");
+ v8::base::OS::Abort();
+ }
+ const int content_length = std::atoi(line.substr(kContentLengthSize).c_str());
+ std::getline(std::cin, line);
+ std::string content(content_length, ' ');
+ std::cin.read(&content[0], content_length);
+ Logger::Log("[incoming] ", content, "\n\n");
+ return ParseJson(content);
+void WriteMessage(JsonValue& message) {
+ std::string content = SerializeToString(message);
+ Logger::Log("[outgoing] ", content, "\n\n");
+ std::cout << kContentLength << content.size() << "\r\n\r\n";
+ std::cout << content << std::flush;
+namespace {
+void RecompileTorque() {
+ Logger::Log("[info] Start compilation run ...\n");
+ LanguageServerData::Get() = LanguageServerData();
+ SourceFileMap::Get() = SourceFileMap();
+ TorqueCompilerOptions options;
+ options.output_directory = "";
+ options.verbose = false;
+ options.collect_language_server_data = true;
+ options.abort_on_lint_errors = false;
+ CompileTorque(TorqueFileList::Get(), options);
+ Logger::Log("[info] Finished compilation run ...\n");
+void HandleInitializeRequest(InitializeRequest request, MessageWriter writer) {
+ InitializeResponse response;
+ response.set_id(request.id());
+ response.result().capabilities().textDocumentSync();
+ response.result().capabilities().set_definitionProvider(true);
+ // TODO(szuend): Register for document synchronisation here,
+ // so we work with the content that the client
+ // provides, not directly read from files.
+ // TODO(szuend): Check that the client actually supports dynamic
+ // "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles" capability.
+ // TODO(szuend): Check if client supports "LocationLink". This will
+ // influence the result of "goto definition".
+ writer(response.GetJsonValue());
+void HandleInitializedNotification(MessageWriter writer) {
+ RegistrationRequest request;
+ // TODO(szuend): The language server needs a "global" request id counter.
+ request.set_id(2000);
+ request.set_method("client/registerCapability");
+ Registration reg = request.params().add_registrations();
+ auto options =
+ reg.registerOptions<DidChangeWatchedFilesRegistrationOptions>();
+ FileSystemWatcher watcher = options.add_watchers();
+ watcher.set_globPattern("**/*.tq");
+ watcher.set_kind(FileSystemWatcher::WatchKind::kAll);
+ reg.set_id("did-change-id");
+ reg.set_method("workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles");
+ writer(request.GetJsonValue());
+void HandleTorqueFileListNotification(TorqueFileListNotification notification) {
+ CHECK_EQ(notification.params().object()["files"].tag, JsonValue::ARRAY);
+ std::vector<std::string>& files = TorqueFileList::Get();
+ Logger::Log("[info] Initial file list:\n");
+ for (const auto& file_json :
+ notification.params().object()["files"].ToArray()) {
+ CHECK(file_json.IsString());
+ // We only consider file URIs (there shouldn't be anything else).
+ // Internally we store the URI instead of the path, eliminating the need
+ // to encode it again.
+ if (auto maybe_path = FileUriDecode(file_json.ToString())) {
+ files.push_back(file_json.ToString());
+ Logger::Log(" ", *maybe_path, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // The Torque compiler expects to see some files first,
+ // we need to order them in the correct way.
+ std::sort(files.begin(), files.end(),
+ [](const std::string& a, const std::string& b) {
+ if (a.find("base.tq") != std::string::npos) return true;
+ if (b.find("base.tq") != std::string::npos) return false;
+ if (a.find("array.tq") != std::string::npos) return true;
+ if (b.find("array.tq") != std::string::npos) return false;
+ return false;
+ });
+ RecompileTorque();
+void HandleGotoDefinitionRequest(GotoDefinitionRequest request,
+ MessageWriter writer) {
+ GotoDefinitionResponse response;
+ response.set_id(request.id());
+ SourceId id =
+ SourceFileMap::GetSourceId(request.params().textDocument().uri());
+ // Unknown source files cause an empty response which corresponds with
+ // the definition not beeing found.
+ if (!id.IsValid()) {
+ response.SetNull("result");
+ writer(response.GetJsonValue());
+ return;
+ }
+ LineAndColumn pos{request.params().position().line(),
+ request.params().position().character()};
+ if (auto maybe_definition = LanguageServerData::FindDefinition(id, pos)) {
+ SourcePosition definition = *maybe_definition;
+ std::string definition_file = SourceFileMap::GetSource(definition.source);
+ response.result().set_uri(definition_file);
+ Range range = response.result().range();
+ range.start().set_line(definition.start.line);
+ range.start().set_character(definition.start.column);
+ range.end().set_line(definition.end.line);
+ range.end().set_character(definition.end.column);
+ } else {
+ response.SetNull("result");
+ }
+ writer(response.GetJsonValue());
+void HandleChangeWatchedFilesNotification(
+ DidChangeWatchedFilesNotification notification) {
+ // TODO(szuend): Implement updates to the TorqueFile list when create/delete
+ // notifications are received. Currently we simply re-compile.
+ RecompileTorque();
+} // namespace
+void HandleMessage(JsonValue& raw_message, MessageWriter writer) {
+ Request<bool> request(raw_message);
+ // We ignore responses for now. They are matched to requests
+ // by id and don't have a method set.
+ // TODO(szuend): Implement proper response handling for requests
+ // that originate from the server.
+ if (!request.has_method()) {
+ Logger::Log("[info] Unhandled response with id ", request.id(), "\n\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ const std::string method = request.method();
+ if (method == "initialize") {
+ HandleInitializeRequest(InitializeRequest(request.GetJsonValue()), writer);
+ } else if (method == "initialized") {
+ HandleInitializedNotification(writer);
+ } else if (method == "torque/fileList") {
+ HandleTorqueFileListNotification(
+ TorqueFileListNotification(request.GetJsonValue()));
+ } else if (method == "textDocument/definition") {
+ HandleGotoDefinitionRequest(GotoDefinitionRequest(request.GetJsonValue()),
+ writer);
+ } else if (method == "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles") {
+ HandleChangeWatchedFilesNotification(
+ DidChangeWatchedFilesNotification(request.GetJsonValue()));
+ } else {
+ Logger::Log("[error] Message of type ", method, " is not handled!\n\n");
+ }
+} // namespace ls
+} // namespace torque
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8