path: root/deps/v8/src/profiler/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/src/profiler/')
1 files changed, 705 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/src/profiler/ b/deps/v8/src/profiler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3592bba65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/v8/src/profiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "src/profiler/profile-generator.h"
+#include "src/compiler.h"
+#include "src/debug/debug.h"
+#include "src/deoptimizer.h"
+#include "src/global-handles.h"
+#include "src/profiler/profile-generator-inl.h"
+#include "src/profiler/sampler.h"
+#include "src/scopeinfo.h"
+#include "src/splay-tree-inl.h"
+#include "src/unicode.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+JITLineInfoTable::JITLineInfoTable() {}
+JITLineInfoTable::~JITLineInfoTable() {}
+void JITLineInfoTable::SetPosition(int pc_offset, int line) {
+ DCHECK(pc_offset >= 0);
+ DCHECK(line > 0); // The 1-based number of the source line.
+ if (GetSourceLineNumber(pc_offset) != line) {
+ pc_offset_map_.insert(std::make_pair(pc_offset, line));
+ }
+int JITLineInfoTable::GetSourceLineNumber(int pc_offset) const {
+ PcOffsetMap::const_iterator it = pc_offset_map_.lower_bound(pc_offset);
+ if (it == pc_offset_map_.end()) {
+ if (pc_offset_map_.empty()) return v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo;
+ return (--pc_offset_map_.end())->second;
+ }
+ return it->second;
+const char* const CodeEntry::kEmptyNamePrefix = "";
+const char* const CodeEntry::kEmptyResourceName = "";
+const char* const CodeEntry::kEmptyBailoutReason = "";
+const char* const CodeEntry::kNoDeoptReason = "";
+CodeEntry::~CodeEntry() {
+ delete no_frame_ranges_;
+ delete line_info_;
+uint32_t CodeEntry::GetHash() const {
+ uint32_t hash = ComputeIntegerHash(tag(), v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed);
+ if (script_id_ != v8::UnboundScript::kNoScriptId) {
+ hash ^= ComputeIntegerHash(static_cast<uint32_t>(script_id_),
+ v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed);
+ hash ^= ComputeIntegerHash(static_cast<uint32_t>(position_),
+ v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed);
+ } else {
+ hash ^= ComputeIntegerHash(
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(name_prefix_)),
+ v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed);
+ hash ^= ComputeIntegerHash(
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(name_)),
+ v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed);
+ hash ^= ComputeIntegerHash(
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(resource_name_)),
+ v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed);
+ hash ^= ComputeIntegerHash(line_number_, v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed);
+ }
+ return hash;
+bool CodeEntry::IsSameFunctionAs(CodeEntry* entry) const {
+ if (this == entry) return true;
+ if (script_id_ != v8::UnboundScript::kNoScriptId) {
+ return script_id_ == entry->script_id_ && position_ == entry->position_;
+ }
+ return name_prefix_ == entry->name_prefix_ && name_ == entry->name_ &&
+ resource_name_ == entry->resource_name_ &&
+ line_number_ == entry->line_number_;
+void CodeEntry::SetBuiltinId(Builtins::Name id) {
+ bit_field_ = TagField::update(bit_field_, Logger::BUILTIN_TAG);
+ bit_field_ = BuiltinIdField::update(bit_field_, id);
+int CodeEntry::GetSourceLine(int pc_offset) const {
+ if (line_info_ && !line_info_->empty()) {
+ return line_info_->GetSourceLineNumber(pc_offset);
+ }
+ return v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo;
+void CodeEntry::FillFunctionInfo(SharedFunctionInfo* shared) {
+ if (!shared->script()->IsScript()) return;
+ Script* script = Script::cast(shared->script());
+ set_script_id(script->id());
+ set_position(shared->start_position());
+ set_bailout_reason(GetBailoutReason(shared->disable_optimization_reason()));
+CpuProfileDeoptInfo CodeEntry::GetDeoptInfo() {
+ DCHECK(has_deopt_info());
+ CpuProfileDeoptInfo info;
+ info.deopt_reason = deopt_reason_;
+ if (inlined_function_infos_.empty()) {
+ info.stack.push_back(CpuProfileDeoptFrame(
+ {script_id_, position_ + deopt_position_.position()}));
+ return info;
+ }
+ // Copy the only branch from the inlining tree where the deopt happened.
+ SourcePosition position = deopt_position_;
+ int inlining_id = InlinedFunctionInfo::kNoParentId;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < inlined_function_infos_.size(); ++i) {
+ InlinedFunctionInfo& current_info =;
+ if (std::binary_search(current_info.deopt_pc_offsets.begin(),
+ current_info.deopt_pc_offsets.end(), pc_offset_)) {
+ inlining_id = static_cast<int>(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (inlining_id != InlinedFunctionInfo::kNoParentId) {
+ InlinedFunctionInfo& inlined_info =;
+ info.stack.push_back(
+ CpuProfileDeoptFrame({inlined_info.script_id,
+ inlined_info.start_position + position.raw()}));
+ position = inlined_info.inline_position;
+ inlining_id = inlined_info.parent_id;
+ }
+ return info;
+void ProfileNode::CollectDeoptInfo(CodeEntry* entry) {
+ deopt_infos_.push_back(entry->GetDeoptInfo());
+ entry->clear_deopt_info();
+ProfileNode* ProfileNode::FindChild(CodeEntry* entry) {
+ HashMap::Entry* map_entry = children_.Lookup(entry, CodeEntryHash(entry));
+ return map_entry != NULL ?
+ reinterpret_cast<ProfileNode*>(map_entry->value) : NULL;
+ProfileNode* ProfileNode::FindOrAddChild(CodeEntry* entry) {
+ HashMap::Entry* map_entry =
+ children_.LookupOrInsert(entry, CodeEntryHash(entry));
+ ProfileNode* node = reinterpret_cast<ProfileNode*>(map_entry->value);
+ if (node == NULL) {
+ // New node added.
+ node = new ProfileNode(tree_, entry);
+ map_entry->value = node;
+ children_list_.Add(node);
+ }
+ return node;
+void ProfileNode::IncrementLineTicks(int src_line) {
+ if (src_line == v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) return;
+ // Increment a hit counter of a certain source line.
+ // Add a new source line if not found.
+ HashMap::Entry* e =
+ line_ticks_.LookupOrInsert(reinterpret_cast<void*>(src_line), src_line);
+ DCHECK(e);
+ e->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(e->value) + 1);
+bool ProfileNode::GetLineTicks(v8::CpuProfileNode::LineTick* entries,
+ unsigned int length) const {
+ if (entries == NULL || length == 0) return false;
+ unsigned line_count = line_ticks_.occupancy();
+ if (line_count == 0) return true;
+ if (length < line_count) return false;
+ v8::CpuProfileNode::LineTick* entry = entries;
+ for (HashMap::Entry* p = line_ticks_.Start(); p != NULL;
+ p = line_ticks_.Next(p), entry++) {
+ entry->line =
+ static_cast<unsigned int>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p->key));
+ entry->hit_count =
+ static_cast<unsigned int>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p->value));
+ }
+ return true;
+void ProfileNode::Print(int indent) {
+ base::OS::Print("%5u %*s %s%s %d #%d", self_ticks_, indent, "",
+ entry_->name_prefix(), entry_->name(), entry_->script_id(),
+ id());
+ if (entry_->resource_name()[0] != '\0')
+ base::OS::Print(" %s:%d", entry_->resource_name(), entry_->line_number());
+ base::OS::Print("\n");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < deopt_infos_.size(); ++i) {
+ CpuProfileDeoptInfo& info = deopt_infos_[i];
+ base::OS::Print(
+ "%*s;;; deopted at script_id: %d position: %d with reason '%s'.\n",
+ indent + 10, "", info.stack[0].script_id, info.stack[0].position,
+ info.deopt_reason);
+ for (size_t index = 1; index < info.stack.size(); ++index) {
+ base::OS::Print("%*s;;; Inline point: script_id %d position: %d.\n",
+ indent + 10, "", info.stack[index].script_id,
+ info.stack[index].position);
+ }
+ }
+ const char* bailout_reason = entry_->bailout_reason();
+ if (bailout_reason != GetBailoutReason(BailoutReason::kNoReason) &&
+ bailout_reason != CodeEntry::kEmptyBailoutReason) {
+ base::OS::Print("%*s bailed out due to '%s'\n", indent + 10, "",
+ bailout_reason);
+ }
+ for (HashMap::Entry* p = children_.Start();
+ p != NULL;
+ p = children_.Next(p)) {
+ reinterpret_cast<ProfileNode*>(p->value)->Print(indent + 2);
+ }
+class DeleteNodesCallback {
+ public:
+ void BeforeTraversingChild(ProfileNode*, ProfileNode*) { }
+ void AfterAllChildrenTraversed(ProfileNode* node) {
+ delete node;
+ }
+ void AfterChildTraversed(ProfileNode*, ProfileNode*) { }
+ : root_entry_(Logger::FUNCTION_TAG, "(root)"),
+ next_node_id_(1),
+ root_(new ProfileNode(this, &root_entry_)),
+ next_function_id_(1),
+ function_ids_(ProfileNode::CodeEntriesMatch) {}
+ProfileTree::~ProfileTree() {
+ DeleteNodesCallback cb;
+ TraverseDepthFirst(&cb);
+unsigned ProfileTree::GetFunctionId(const ProfileNode* node) {
+ CodeEntry* code_entry = node->entry();
+ HashMap::Entry* entry =
+ function_ids_.LookupOrInsert(code_entry, code_entry->GetHash());
+ if (!entry->value) {
+ entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(next_function_id_++);
+ }
+ return static_cast<unsigned>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(entry->value));
+ProfileNode* ProfileTree::AddPathFromEnd(const Vector<CodeEntry*>& path,
+ int src_line) {
+ ProfileNode* node = root_;
+ CodeEntry* last_entry = NULL;
+ for (CodeEntry** entry = path.start() + path.length() - 1;
+ entry != path.start() - 1;
+ --entry) {
+ if (*entry != NULL) {
+ node = node->FindOrAddChild(*entry);
+ last_entry = *entry;
+ }
+ }
+ if (last_entry && last_entry->has_deopt_info()) {
+ node->CollectDeoptInfo(last_entry);
+ }
+ node->IncrementSelfTicks();
+ if (src_line != v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) {
+ node->IncrementLineTicks(src_line);
+ }
+ return node;
+struct NodesPair {
+ NodesPair(ProfileNode* src, ProfileNode* dst)
+ : src(src), dst(dst) { }
+ ProfileNode* src;
+ ProfileNode* dst;
+class Position {
+ public:
+ explicit Position(ProfileNode* node)
+ : node(node), child_idx_(0) { }
+ INLINE(ProfileNode* current_child()) {
+ return node->children()->at(child_idx_);
+ }
+ INLINE(bool has_current_child()) {
+ return child_idx_ < node->children()->length();
+ }
+ INLINE(void next_child()) { ++child_idx_; }
+ ProfileNode* node;
+ private:
+ int child_idx_;
+// Non-recursive implementation of a depth-first post-order tree traversal.
+template <typename Callback>
+void ProfileTree::TraverseDepthFirst(Callback* callback) {
+ List<Position> stack(10);
+ stack.Add(Position(root_));
+ while (stack.length() > 0) {
+ Position& current = stack.last();
+ if (current.has_current_child()) {
+ callback->BeforeTraversingChild(current.node, current.current_child());
+ stack.Add(Position(current.current_child()));
+ } else {
+ callback->AfterAllChildrenTraversed(current.node);
+ if (stack.length() > 1) {
+ Position& parent = stack[stack.length() - 2];
+ callback->AfterChildTraversed(parent.node, current.node);
+ parent.next_child();
+ }
+ // Remove child from the stack.
+ stack.RemoveLast();
+ }
+ }
+CpuProfile::CpuProfile(const char* title, bool record_samples)
+ : title_(title),
+ record_samples_(record_samples),
+ start_time_(base::TimeTicks::HighResolutionNow()) {
+void CpuProfile::AddPath(base::TimeTicks timestamp,
+ const Vector<CodeEntry*>& path, int src_line) {
+ ProfileNode* top_frame_node = top_down_.AddPathFromEnd(path, src_line);
+ if (record_samples_) {
+ timestamps_.Add(timestamp);
+ samples_.Add(top_frame_node);
+ }
+void CpuProfile::CalculateTotalTicksAndSamplingRate() {
+ end_time_ = base::TimeTicks::HighResolutionNow();
+void CpuProfile::Print() {
+ base::OS::Print("[Top down]:\n");
+ top_down_.Print();
+CodeMap::~CodeMap() {}
+const CodeMap::CodeTreeConfig::Key CodeMap::CodeTreeConfig::kNoKey = NULL;
+void CodeMap::AddCode(Address addr, CodeEntry* entry, unsigned size) {
+ DeleteAllCoveredCode(addr, addr + size);
+ CodeTree::Locator locator;
+ tree_.Insert(addr, &locator);
+ locator.set_value(CodeEntryInfo(entry, size));
+void CodeMap::DeleteAllCoveredCode(Address start, Address end) {
+ List<Address> to_delete;
+ Address addr = end - 1;
+ while (addr >= start) {
+ CodeTree::Locator locator;
+ if (!tree_.FindGreatestLessThan(addr, &locator)) break;
+ Address start2 = locator.key(), end2 = start2 + locator.value().size;
+ if (start2 < end && start < end2) to_delete.Add(start2);
+ addr = start2 - 1;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < to_delete.length(); ++i) tree_.Remove(to_delete[i]);
+CodeEntry* CodeMap::FindEntry(Address addr) {
+ CodeTree::Locator locator;
+ if (tree_.FindGreatestLessThan(addr, &locator)) {
+ // locator.key() <= addr. Need to check that addr is within entry.
+ const CodeEntryInfo& entry = locator.value();
+ if (addr < (locator.key() + entry.size)) {
+ return entry.entry;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void CodeMap::MoveCode(Address from, Address to) {
+ if (from == to) return;
+ CodeTree::Locator locator;
+ if (!tree_.Find(from, &locator)) return;
+ CodeEntryInfo entry = locator.value();
+ tree_.Remove(from);
+ AddCode(to, entry.entry, entry.size);
+void CodeMap::CodeTreePrinter::Call(
+ const Address& key, const CodeMap::CodeEntryInfo& value) {
+ base::OS::Print("%p %5d %s\n", key, value.size, value.entry->name());
+void CodeMap::Print() {
+ CodeTreePrinter printer;
+ tree_.ForEach(&printer);
+CpuProfilesCollection::CpuProfilesCollection(Heap* heap)
+ : function_and_resource_names_(heap),
+ current_profiles_semaphore_(1) {
+static void DeleteCodeEntry(CodeEntry** entry_ptr) {
+ delete *entry_ptr;
+static void DeleteCpuProfile(CpuProfile** profile_ptr) {
+ delete *profile_ptr;
+CpuProfilesCollection::~CpuProfilesCollection() {
+ finished_profiles_.Iterate(DeleteCpuProfile);
+ current_profiles_.Iterate(DeleteCpuProfile);
+ code_entries_.Iterate(DeleteCodeEntry);
+bool CpuProfilesCollection::StartProfiling(const char* title,
+ bool record_samples) {
+ current_profiles_semaphore_.Wait();
+ if (current_profiles_.length() >= kMaxSimultaneousProfiles) {
+ current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal();
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < current_profiles_.length(); ++i) {
+ if (strcmp(current_profiles_[i]->title(), title) == 0) {
+ // Ignore attempts to start profile with the same title...
+ current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal();
+ // ... though return true to force it collect a sample.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ current_profiles_.Add(new CpuProfile(title, record_samples));
+ current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal();
+ return true;
+CpuProfile* CpuProfilesCollection::StopProfiling(const char* title) {
+ const int title_len = StrLength(title);
+ CpuProfile* profile = NULL;
+ current_profiles_semaphore_.Wait();
+ for (int i = current_profiles_.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if (title_len == 0 || strcmp(current_profiles_[i]->title(), title) == 0) {
+ profile = current_profiles_.Remove(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal();
+ if (profile == NULL) return NULL;
+ profile->CalculateTotalTicksAndSamplingRate();
+ finished_profiles_.Add(profile);
+ return profile;
+bool CpuProfilesCollection::IsLastProfile(const char* title) {
+ // Called from VM thread, and only it can mutate the list,
+ // so no locking is needed here.
+ if (current_profiles_.length() != 1) return false;
+ return StrLength(title) == 0
+ || strcmp(current_profiles_[0]->title(), title) == 0;
+void CpuProfilesCollection::RemoveProfile(CpuProfile* profile) {
+ // Called from VM thread for a completed profile.
+ for (int i = 0; i < finished_profiles_.length(); i++) {
+ if (profile == finished_profiles_[i]) {
+ finished_profiles_.Remove(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void CpuProfilesCollection::AddPathToCurrentProfiles(
+ base::TimeTicks timestamp, const Vector<CodeEntry*>& path, int src_line) {
+ // As starting / stopping profiles is rare relatively to this
+ // method, we don't bother minimizing the duration of lock holding,
+ // e.g. copying contents of the list to a local vector.
+ current_profiles_semaphore_.Wait();
+ for (int i = 0; i < current_profiles_.length(); ++i) {
+ current_profiles_[i]->AddPath(timestamp, path, src_line);
+ }
+ current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal();
+CodeEntry* CpuProfilesCollection::NewCodeEntry(
+ Logger::LogEventsAndTags tag, const char* name, const char* name_prefix,
+ const char* resource_name, int line_number, int column_number,
+ JITLineInfoTable* line_info, Address instruction_start) {
+ CodeEntry* code_entry =
+ new CodeEntry(tag, name, name_prefix, resource_name, line_number,
+ column_number, line_info, instruction_start);
+ code_entries_.Add(code_entry);
+ return code_entry;
+const char* const ProfileGenerator::kProgramEntryName =
+ "(program)";
+const char* const ProfileGenerator::kIdleEntryName =
+ "(idle)";
+const char* const ProfileGenerator::kGarbageCollectorEntryName =
+ "(garbage collector)";
+const char* const ProfileGenerator::kUnresolvedFunctionName =
+ "(unresolved function)";
+ProfileGenerator::ProfileGenerator(CpuProfilesCollection* profiles)
+ : profiles_(profiles),
+ program_entry_(
+ profiles->NewCodeEntry(Logger::FUNCTION_TAG, kProgramEntryName)),
+ idle_entry_(
+ profiles->NewCodeEntry(Logger::FUNCTION_TAG, kIdleEntryName)),
+ gc_entry_(
+ profiles->NewCodeEntry(Logger::BUILTIN_TAG,
+ kGarbageCollectorEntryName)),
+ unresolved_entry_(
+ profiles->NewCodeEntry(Logger::FUNCTION_TAG,
+ kUnresolvedFunctionName)) {
+void ProfileGenerator::RecordTickSample(const TickSample& sample) {
+ // Allocate space for stack frames + pc + function + vm-state.
+ ScopedVector<CodeEntry*> entries(sample.frames_count + 3);
+ // As actual number of decoded code entries may vary, initialize
+ // entries vector with NULL values.
+ CodeEntry** entry = entries.start();
+ memset(entry, 0, entries.length() * sizeof(*entry));
+ // The ProfileNode knows nothing about all versions of generated code for
+ // the same JS function. The line number information associated with
+ // the latest version of generated code is used to find a source line number
+ // for a JS function. Then, the detected source line is passed to
+ // ProfileNode to increase the tick count for this source line.
+ int src_line = v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo;
+ bool src_line_not_found = true;
+ if (sample.pc != NULL) {
+ if (sample.has_external_callback && sample.state == EXTERNAL &&
+ sample.top_frame_type == StackFrame::EXIT) {
+ // Don't use PC when in external callback code, as it can point
+ // inside callback's code, and we will erroneously report
+ // that a callback calls itself.
+ *entry++ = code_map_.FindEntry(sample.external_callback);
+ } else {
+ CodeEntry* pc_entry = code_map_.FindEntry(sample.pc);
+ // If there is no pc_entry we're likely in native code.
+ // Find out, if top of stack was pointing inside a JS function
+ // meaning that we have encountered a frameless invocation.
+ if (!pc_entry && (sample.top_frame_type == StackFrame::JAVA_SCRIPT ||
+ sample.top_frame_type == StackFrame::OPTIMIZED)) {
+ pc_entry = code_map_.FindEntry(sample.tos);
+ }
+ // If pc is in the function code before it set up stack frame or after the
+ // frame was destroyed SafeStackFrameIterator incorrectly thinks that
+ // ebp contains return address of the current function and skips caller's
+ // frame. Check for this case and just skip such samples.
+ if (pc_entry) {
+ List<OffsetRange>* ranges = pc_entry->no_frame_ranges();
+ int pc_offset =
+ static_cast<int>(sample.pc - pc_entry->instruction_start());
+ if (ranges) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < ranges->length(); i++) {
+ OffsetRange& range = ranges->at(i);
+ if (range.from <= pc_offset && pc_offset < {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ src_line = pc_entry->GetSourceLine(pc_offset);
+ if (src_line == v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) {
+ src_line = pc_entry->line_number();
+ }
+ src_line_not_found = false;
+ *entry++ = pc_entry;
+ if (pc_entry->builtin_id() == Builtins::kFunctionCall ||
+ pc_entry->builtin_id() == Builtins::kFunctionApply) {
+ // When current function is FunctionCall or FunctionApply builtin the
+ // top frame is either frame of the calling JS function or internal
+ // frame. In the latter case we know the caller for sure but in the
+ // former case we don't so we simply replace the frame with
+ // 'unresolved' entry.
+ if (sample.top_frame_type == StackFrame::JAVA_SCRIPT) {
+ *entry++ = unresolved_entry_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (const Address* stack_pos = sample.stack,
+ *stack_end = stack_pos + sample.frames_count;
+ stack_pos != stack_end;
+ ++stack_pos) {
+ *entry = code_map_.FindEntry(*stack_pos);
+ // Skip unresolved frames (e.g. internal frame) and get source line of
+ // the first JS caller.
+ if (src_line_not_found && *entry) {
+ int pc_offset =
+ static_cast<int>(*stack_pos - (*entry)->instruction_start());
+ src_line = (*entry)->GetSourceLine(pc_offset);
+ if (src_line == v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) {
+ src_line = (*entry)->line_number();
+ }
+ src_line_not_found = false;
+ }
+ entry++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (FLAG_prof_browser_mode) {
+ bool no_symbolized_entries = true;
+ for (CodeEntry** e = entries.start(); e != entry; ++e) {
+ if (*e != NULL) {
+ no_symbolized_entries = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If no frames were symbolized, put the VM state entry in.
+ if (no_symbolized_entries) {
+ *entry++ = EntryForVMState(sample.state);
+ }
+ }
+ profiles_->AddPathToCurrentProfiles(sample.timestamp, entries, src_line);
+CodeEntry* ProfileGenerator::EntryForVMState(StateTag tag) {
+ switch (tag) {
+ case GC:
+ return gc_entry_;
+ case JS:
+ case COMPILER:
+ // DOM events handlers are reported as OTHER / EXTERNAL entries.
+ // To avoid confusing people, let's put all these entries into
+ // one bucket.
+ case OTHER:
+ case EXTERNAL:
+ return program_entry_;
+ case IDLE:
+ return idle_entry_;
+ default: return NULL;
+ }
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8