path: root/deps/v8/src/compiler/backend/instruction.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/src/compiler/backend/instruction.h')
1 files changed, 1642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/src/compiler/backend/instruction.h b/deps/v8/src/compiler/backend/instruction.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..760f9ffd88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/v8/src/compiler/backend/instruction.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1642 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <deque>
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include "src/base/compiler-specific.h"
+#include "src/compiler/backend/instruction-codes.h"
+#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
+#include "src/compiler/frame.h"
+#include "src/compiler/opcodes.h"
+#include "src/double.h"
+#include "src/external-reference.h"
+#include "src/globals.h"
+#include "src/register-arch.h"
+#include "src/source-position.h"
+#include "src/zone/zone-allocator.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class RegisterConfiguration;
+namespace compiler {
+class Schedule;
+class SourcePositionTable;
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE InstructionOperand {
+ public:
+ static const int kInvalidVirtualRegister = -1;
+ enum Kind {
+ // Location operand kinds.
+ // Location operand kinds must be last.
+ };
+ InstructionOperand() : InstructionOperand(INVALID) {}
+ Kind kind() const { return KindField::decode(value_); }
+ bool Is##name() const { return kind() == type; }
+ // UnallocatedOperands are place-holder operands created before register
+ // allocation. They later are assigned registers and become AllocatedOperands.
+ // Constant operands participate in register allocation. They are allocated to
+ // registers but have a special "spilling" behavior. When a ConstantOperand
+ // value must be rematerialized, it is loaded from an immediate constant
+ // rather from an unspilled slot.
+ // ImmediateOperands do not participate in register allocation and are only
+ // embedded directly in instructions, e.g. small integers and on some
+ // platforms Objects.
+ // ExplicitOperands do not participate in register allocation. They are
+ // created by the instruction selector for direct access to registers and
+ // stack slots, completely bypassing the register allocator. They are never
+ // associated with a virtual register
+ // AllocatedOperands are registers or stack slots that are assigned by the
+ // register allocator and are always associated with a virtual register.
+ inline bool IsAnyLocationOperand() const;
+ inline bool IsLocationOperand() const;
+ inline bool IsFPLocationOperand() const;
+ inline bool IsAnyRegister() const;
+ inline bool IsRegister() const;
+ inline bool IsFPRegister() const;
+ inline bool IsFloatRegister() const;
+ inline bool IsDoubleRegister() const;
+ inline bool IsSimd128Register() const;
+ inline bool IsAnyStackSlot() const;
+ inline bool IsStackSlot() const;
+ inline bool IsFPStackSlot() const;
+ inline bool IsFloatStackSlot() const;
+ inline bool IsDoubleStackSlot() const;
+ inline bool IsSimd128StackSlot() const;
+ template <typename SubKindOperand>
+ static SubKindOperand* New(Zone* zone, const SubKindOperand& op) {
+ void* buffer = zone->New(sizeof(op));
+ return new (buffer) SubKindOperand(op);
+ }
+ static void ReplaceWith(InstructionOperand* dest,
+ const InstructionOperand* src) {
+ *dest = *src;
+ }
+ bool Equals(const InstructionOperand& that) const {
+ return this->value_ == that.value_;
+ }
+ bool Compare(const InstructionOperand& that) const {
+ return this->value_ < that.value_;
+ }
+ bool EqualsCanonicalized(const InstructionOperand& that) const {
+ return this->GetCanonicalizedValue() == that.GetCanonicalizedValue();
+ }
+ bool CompareCanonicalized(const InstructionOperand& that) const {
+ return this->GetCanonicalizedValue() < that.GetCanonicalizedValue();
+ }
+ bool InterferesWith(const InstructionOperand& other) const;
+ // APIs to aid debugging. For general-stream APIs, use operator<<.
+ void Print() const;
+ protected:
+ explicit InstructionOperand(Kind kind) : value_(KindField::encode(kind)) {}
+ inline uint64_t GetCanonicalizedValue() const;
+ class KindField : public BitField64<Kind, 0, 3> {};
+ uint64_t value_;
+typedef ZoneVector<InstructionOperand> InstructionOperandVector;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const InstructionOperand&);
+#define INSTRUCTION_OPERAND_CASTS(OperandType, OperandKind) \
+ \
+ static OperandType* cast(InstructionOperand* op) { \
+ DCHECK_EQ(OperandKind, op->kind()); \
+ return static_cast<OperandType*>(op); \
+ } \
+ \
+ static const OperandType* cast(const InstructionOperand* op) { \
+ DCHECK_EQ(OperandKind, op->kind()); \
+ return static_cast<const OperandType*>(op); \
+ } \
+ \
+ static OperandType cast(const InstructionOperand& op) { \
+ DCHECK_EQ(OperandKind, op.kind()); \
+ return *static_cast<const OperandType*>(&op); \
+ }
+class UnallocatedOperand final : public InstructionOperand {
+ public:
+ enum BasicPolicy { FIXED_SLOT, EXTENDED_POLICY };
+ enum ExtendedPolicy {
+ };
+ // Lifetime of operand inside the instruction.
+ enum Lifetime {
+ // USED_AT_START operand is guaranteed to be live only at instruction start.
+ // The register allocator is free to assign the same register to some other
+ // operand used inside instruction (i.e. temporary or output).
+ // USED_AT_END operand is treated as live until the end of instruction.
+ // This means that register allocator will not reuse its register for any
+ // other operand inside instruction.
+ };
+ UnallocatedOperand(ExtendedPolicy policy, int virtual_register)
+ : UnallocatedOperand(virtual_register) {
+ value_ |= BasicPolicyField::encode(EXTENDED_POLICY);
+ value_ |= ExtendedPolicyField::encode(policy);
+ value_ |= LifetimeField::encode(USED_AT_END);
+ }
+ UnallocatedOperand(BasicPolicy policy, int index, int virtual_register)
+ : UnallocatedOperand(virtual_register) {
+ DCHECK(policy == FIXED_SLOT);
+ value_ |= BasicPolicyField::encode(policy);
+ value_ |= static_cast<int64_t>(index) << FixedSlotIndexField::kShift;
+ DCHECK(this->fixed_slot_index() == index);
+ }
+ UnallocatedOperand(ExtendedPolicy policy, int index, int virtual_register)
+ : UnallocatedOperand(virtual_register) {
+ value_ |= BasicPolicyField::encode(EXTENDED_POLICY);
+ value_ |= ExtendedPolicyField::encode(policy);
+ value_ |= LifetimeField::encode(USED_AT_END);
+ value_ |= FixedRegisterField::encode(index);
+ }
+ UnallocatedOperand(ExtendedPolicy policy, Lifetime lifetime,
+ int virtual_register)
+ : UnallocatedOperand(virtual_register) {
+ value_ |= BasicPolicyField::encode(EXTENDED_POLICY);
+ value_ |= ExtendedPolicyField::encode(policy);
+ value_ |= LifetimeField::encode(lifetime);
+ }
+ UnallocatedOperand(int reg_id, int slot_id, int virtual_register)
+ : UnallocatedOperand(FIXED_REGISTER, reg_id, virtual_register) {
+ value_ |= HasSecondaryStorageField::encode(true);
+ value_ |= SecondaryStorageField::encode(slot_id);
+ }
+ UnallocatedOperand(const UnallocatedOperand& other, int virtual_register) {
+ DCHECK_NE(kInvalidVirtualRegister, virtual_register);
+ value_ = VirtualRegisterField::update(
+ other.value_, static_cast<uint32_t>(virtual_register));
+ }
+ // Predicates for the operand policy.
+ bool HasRegisterOrSlotPolicy() const {
+ return basic_policy() == EXTENDED_POLICY &&
+ extended_policy() == REGISTER_OR_SLOT;
+ }
+ bool HasRegisterOrSlotOrConstantPolicy() const {
+ return basic_policy() == EXTENDED_POLICY &&
+ extended_policy() == REGISTER_OR_SLOT_OR_CONSTANT;
+ }
+ bool HasFixedPolicy() const {
+ return basic_policy() == FIXED_SLOT ||
+ extended_policy() == FIXED_REGISTER ||
+ extended_policy() == FIXED_FP_REGISTER;
+ }
+ bool HasRegisterPolicy() const {
+ return basic_policy() == EXTENDED_POLICY &&
+ extended_policy() == MUST_HAVE_REGISTER;
+ }
+ bool HasSlotPolicy() const {
+ return basic_policy() == EXTENDED_POLICY &&
+ extended_policy() == MUST_HAVE_SLOT;
+ }
+ bool HasSameAsInputPolicy() const {
+ return basic_policy() == EXTENDED_POLICY &&
+ extended_policy() == SAME_AS_FIRST_INPUT;
+ }
+ bool HasFixedSlotPolicy() const { return basic_policy() == FIXED_SLOT; }
+ bool HasFixedRegisterPolicy() const {
+ return basic_policy() == EXTENDED_POLICY &&
+ extended_policy() == FIXED_REGISTER;
+ }
+ bool HasFixedFPRegisterPolicy() const {
+ return basic_policy() == EXTENDED_POLICY &&
+ extended_policy() == FIXED_FP_REGISTER;
+ }
+ bool HasSecondaryStorage() const {
+ return basic_policy() == EXTENDED_POLICY &&
+ extended_policy() == FIXED_REGISTER &&
+ HasSecondaryStorageField::decode(value_);
+ }
+ int GetSecondaryStorage() const {
+ DCHECK(HasSecondaryStorage());
+ return SecondaryStorageField::decode(value_);
+ }
+ // [basic_policy]: Distinguish between FIXED_SLOT and all other policies.
+ BasicPolicy basic_policy() const { return BasicPolicyField::decode(value_); }
+ // [extended_policy]: Only for non-FIXED_SLOT. The finer-grained policy.
+ ExtendedPolicy extended_policy() const {
+ DCHECK(basic_policy() == EXTENDED_POLICY);
+ return ExtendedPolicyField::decode(value_);
+ }
+ // [fixed_slot_index]: Only for FIXED_SLOT.
+ int fixed_slot_index() const {
+ DCHECK(HasFixedSlotPolicy());
+ return static_cast<int>(static_cast<int64_t>(value_) >>
+ FixedSlotIndexField::kShift);
+ }
+ // [fixed_register_index]: Only for FIXED_REGISTER or FIXED_FP_REGISTER.
+ int fixed_register_index() const {
+ DCHECK(HasFixedRegisterPolicy() || HasFixedFPRegisterPolicy());
+ return FixedRegisterField::decode(value_);
+ }
+ // [virtual_register]: The virtual register ID for this operand.
+ int32_t virtual_register() const {
+ return static_cast<int32_t>(VirtualRegisterField::decode(value_));
+ }
+ // [lifetime]: Only for non-FIXED_SLOT.
+ bool IsUsedAtStart() const {
+ DCHECK(basic_policy() == EXTENDED_POLICY);
+ return LifetimeField::decode(value_) == USED_AT_START;
+ }
+ // The encoding used for UnallocatedOperand operands depends on the policy
+ // that is
+ // stored within the operand. The FIXED_SLOT policy uses a compact encoding
+ // because it accommodates a larger pay-load.
+ //
+ // For FIXED_SLOT policy:
+ // +------------------------------------------------+
+ // | slot_index | 0 | virtual_register | 001 |
+ // +------------------------------------------------+
+ //
+ // For all other (extended) policies:
+ // +-----------------------------------------------------+
+ // | reg_index | L | PPP | 1 | virtual_register | 001 |
+ // +-----------------------------------------------------+
+ // L ... Lifetime
+ // P ... Policy
+ //
+ // The slot index is a signed value which requires us to decode it manually
+ // instead of using the BitField utility class.
+ STATIC_ASSERT(KindField::kSize == 3);
+ class VirtualRegisterField : public BitField64<uint32_t, 3, 32> {};
+ // BitFields for all unallocated operands.
+ class BasicPolicyField : public BitField64<BasicPolicy, 35, 1> {};
+ // BitFields specific to BasicPolicy::FIXED_SLOT.
+ class FixedSlotIndexField : public BitField64<int, 36, 28> {};
+ // BitFields specific to BasicPolicy::EXTENDED_POLICY.
+ class ExtendedPolicyField : public BitField64<ExtendedPolicy, 36, 3> {};
+ class LifetimeField : public BitField64<Lifetime, 39, 1> {};
+ class HasSecondaryStorageField : public BitField64<bool, 40, 1> {};
+ class FixedRegisterField : public BitField64<int, 41, 6> {};
+ class SecondaryStorageField : public BitField64<int, 47, 3> {};
+ private:
+ explicit UnallocatedOperand(int virtual_register)
+ : InstructionOperand(UNALLOCATED) {
+ value_ |=
+ VirtualRegisterField::encode(static_cast<uint32_t>(virtual_register));
+ }
+class ConstantOperand : public InstructionOperand {
+ public:
+ explicit ConstantOperand(int virtual_register)
+ : InstructionOperand(CONSTANT) {
+ value_ |=
+ VirtualRegisterField::encode(static_cast<uint32_t>(virtual_register));
+ }
+ int32_t virtual_register() const {
+ return static_cast<int32_t>(VirtualRegisterField::decode(value_));
+ }
+ static ConstantOperand* New(Zone* zone, int virtual_register) {
+ return InstructionOperand::New(zone, ConstantOperand(virtual_register));
+ }
+ STATIC_ASSERT(KindField::kSize == 3);
+ class VirtualRegisterField : public BitField64<uint32_t, 3, 32> {};
+class ImmediateOperand : public InstructionOperand {
+ public:
+ enum ImmediateType { INLINE, INDEXED };
+ explicit ImmediateOperand(ImmediateType type, int32_t value)
+ : InstructionOperand(IMMEDIATE) {
+ value_ |= TypeField::encode(type);
+ value_ |= static_cast<int64_t>(value) << ValueField::kShift;
+ }
+ ImmediateType type() const { return TypeField::decode(value_); }
+ int32_t inline_value() const {
+ DCHECK_EQ(INLINE, type());
+ return static_cast<int64_t>(value_) >> ValueField::kShift;
+ }
+ int32_t indexed_value() const {
+ return static_cast<int64_t>(value_) >> ValueField::kShift;
+ }
+ static ImmediateOperand* New(Zone* zone, ImmediateType type, int32_t value) {
+ return InstructionOperand::New(zone, ImmediateOperand(type, value));
+ }
+ STATIC_ASSERT(KindField::kSize == 3);
+ class TypeField : public BitField64<ImmediateType, 3, 1> {};
+ class ValueField : public BitField64<int32_t, 32, 32> {};
+class LocationOperand : public InstructionOperand {
+ public:
+ enum LocationKind { REGISTER, STACK_SLOT };
+ LocationOperand(InstructionOperand::Kind operand_kind,
+ LocationOperand::LocationKind location_kind,
+ MachineRepresentation rep, int index)
+ : InstructionOperand(operand_kind) {
+ DCHECK_IMPLIES(location_kind == REGISTER, index >= 0);
+ DCHECK(IsSupportedRepresentation(rep));
+ value_ |= LocationKindField::encode(location_kind);
+ value_ |= RepresentationField::encode(rep);
+ value_ |= static_cast<int64_t>(index) << IndexField::kShift;
+ }
+ int index() const {
+ DCHECK(IsStackSlot() || IsFPStackSlot());
+ return static_cast<int64_t>(value_) >> IndexField::kShift;
+ }
+ int register_code() const {
+ DCHECK(IsRegister() || IsFPRegister());
+ return static_cast<int64_t>(value_) >> IndexField::kShift;
+ }
+ Register GetRegister() const {
+ DCHECK(IsRegister());
+ return Register::from_code(register_code());
+ }
+ FloatRegister GetFloatRegister() const {
+ DCHECK(IsFloatRegister());
+ return FloatRegister::from_code(register_code());
+ }
+ DoubleRegister GetDoubleRegister() const {
+ // On platforms where FloatRegister, DoubleRegister, and Simd128Register
+ // are all the same type, it's convenient to treat everything as a
+ // DoubleRegister, so be lax about type checking here.
+ DCHECK(IsFPRegister());
+ return DoubleRegister::from_code(register_code());
+ }
+ Simd128Register GetSimd128Register() const {
+ DCHECK(IsSimd128Register());
+ return Simd128Register::from_code(register_code());
+ }
+ LocationKind location_kind() const {
+ return LocationKindField::decode(value_);
+ }
+ MachineRepresentation representation() const {
+ return RepresentationField::decode(value_);
+ }
+ static bool IsSupportedRepresentation(MachineRepresentation rep) {
+ switch (rep) {
+ case MachineRepresentation::kWord32:
+ case MachineRepresentation::kWord64:
+ case MachineRepresentation::kFloat32:
+ case MachineRepresentation::kFloat64:
+ case MachineRepresentation::kSimd128:
+ case MachineRepresentation::kTaggedSigned:
+ case MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer:
+ case MachineRepresentation::kTagged:
+ return true;
+ case MachineRepresentation::kBit:
+ case MachineRepresentation::kWord8:
+ case MachineRepresentation::kWord16:
+ case MachineRepresentation::kNone:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return true if the locations can be moved to one another.
+ bool IsCompatible(LocationOperand* op);
+ static LocationOperand* cast(InstructionOperand* op) {
+ DCHECK(op->IsAnyLocationOperand());
+ return static_cast<LocationOperand*>(op);
+ }
+ static const LocationOperand* cast(const InstructionOperand* op) {
+ DCHECK(op->IsAnyLocationOperand());
+ return static_cast<const LocationOperand*>(op);
+ }
+ static LocationOperand cast(const InstructionOperand& op) {
+ DCHECK(op.IsAnyLocationOperand());
+ return *static_cast<const LocationOperand*>(&op);
+ }
+ STATIC_ASSERT(KindField::kSize == 3);
+ class LocationKindField : public BitField64<LocationKind, 3, 2> {};
+ class RepresentationField : public BitField64<MachineRepresentation, 5, 8> {};
+ class IndexField : public BitField64<int32_t, 35, 29> {};
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE ExplicitOperand
+ : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(LocationOperand) {
+ public:
+ ExplicitOperand(LocationKind kind, MachineRepresentation rep, int index);
+ static ExplicitOperand* New(Zone* zone, LocationKind kind,
+ MachineRepresentation rep, int index) {
+ return InstructionOperand::New(zone, ExplicitOperand(kind, rep, index));
+ }
+class AllocatedOperand : public LocationOperand {
+ public:
+ AllocatedOperand(LocationKind kind, MachineRepresentation rep, int index)
+ : LocationOperand(ALLOCATED, kind, rep, index) {}
+ static AllocatedOperand* New(Zone* zone, LocationKind kind,
+ MachineRepresentation rep, int index) {
+ return InstructionOperand::New(zone, AllocatedOperand(kind, rep, index));
+ }
+bool InstructionOperand::IsAnyLocationOperand() const {
+ return this->kind() >= FIRST_LOCATION_OPERAND_KIND;
+bool InstructionOperand::IsLocationOperand() const {
+ return IsAnyLocationOperand() &&
+ !IsFloatingPoint(LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation());
+bool InstructionOperand::IsFPLocationOperand() const {
+ return IsAnyLocationOperand() &&
+ IsFloatingPoint(LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation());
+bool InstructionOperand::IsAnyRegister() const {
+ return IsAnyLocationOperand() &&
+ LocationOperand::cast(this)->location_kind() ==
+ LocationOperand::REGISTER;
+bool InstructionOperand::IsRegister() const {
+ return IsAnyRegister() &&
+ !IsFloatingPoint(LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation());
+bool InstructionOperand::IsFPRegister() const {
+ return IsAnyRegister() &&
+ IsFloatingPoint(LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation());
+bool InstructionOperand::IsFloatRegister() const {
+ return IsAnyRegister() && LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation() ==
+ MachineRepresentation::kFloat32;
+bool InstructionOperand::IsDoubleRegister() const {
+ return IsAnyRegister() && LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation() ==
+ MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
+bool InstructionOperand::IsSimd128Register() const {
+ return IsAnyRegister() && LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation() ==
+ MachineRepresentation::kSimd128;
+bool InstructionOperand::IsAnyStackSlot() const {
+ return IsAnyLocationOperand() &&
+ LocationOperand::cast(this)->location_kind() ==
+ LocationOperand::STACK_SLOT;
+bool InstructionOperand::IsStackSlot() const {
+ return IsAnyStackSlot() &&
+ !IsFloatingPoint(LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation());
+bool InstructionOperand::IsFPStackSlot() const {
+ return IsAnyStackSlot() &&
+ IsFloatingPoint(LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation());
+bool InstructionOperand::IsFloatStackSlot() const {
+ return IsAnyLocationOperand() &&
+ LocationOperand::cast(this)->location_kind() ==
+ LocationOperand::STACK_SLOT &&
+ LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation() ==
+ MachineRepresentation::kFloat32;
+bool InstructionOperand::IsDoubleStackSlot() const {
+ return IsAnyLocationOperand() &&
+ LocationOperand::cast(this)->location_kind() ==
+ LocationOperand::STACK_SLOT &&
+ LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation() ==
+ MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
+bool InstructionOperand::IsSimd128StackSlot() const {
+ return IsAnyLocationOperand() &&
+ LocationOperand::cast(this)->location_kind() ==
+ LocationOperand::STACK_SLOT &&
+ LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation() ==
+ MachineRepresentation::kSimd128;
+uint64_t InstructionOperand::GetCanonicalizedValue() const {
+ if (IsAnyLocationOperand()) {
+ MachineRepresentation canonical = MachineRepresentation::kNone;
+ if (IsFPRegister()) {
+ if (kSimpleFPAliasing) {
+ // We treat all FP register operands the same for simple aliasing.
+ canonical = MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
+ } else {
+ // We need to distinguish FP register operands of different reps when
+ // aliasing is not simple (e.g. ARM).
+ canonical = LocationOperand::cast(this)->representation();
+ }
+ }
+ return InstructionOperand::KindField::update(
+ LocationOperand::RepresentationField::update(this->value_, canonical),
+ LocationOperand::EXPLICIT);
+ }
+ return this->value_;
+// Required for maps that don't care about machine type.
+struct CompareOperandModuloType {
+ bool operator()(const InstructionOperand& a,
+ const InstructionOperand& b) const {
+ return a.CompareCanonicalized(b);
+ }
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE MoveOperands final
+ : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ZoneObject) {
+ public:
+ MoveOperands(const InstructionOperand& source,
+ const InstructionOperand& destination)
+ : source_(source), destination_(destination) {
+ DCHECK(!source.IsInvalid() && !destination.IsInvalid());
+ }
+ const InstructionOperand& source() const { return source_; }
+ InstructionOperand& source() { return source_; }
+ void set_source(const InstructionOperand& operand) { source_ = operand; }
+ const InstructionOperand& destination() const { return destination_; }
+ InstructionOperand& destination() { return destination_; }
+ void set_destination(const InstructionOperand& operand) {
+ destination_ = operand;
+ }
+ // The gap resolver marks moves as "in-progress" by clearing the
+ // destination (but not the source).
+ bool IsPending() const {
+ return destination_.IsInvalid() && !source_.IsInvalid();
+ }
+ void SetPending() { destination_ = InstructionOperand(); }
+ // A move is redundant if it's been eliminated or if its source and
+ // destination are the same.
+ bool IsRedundant() const {
+ DCHECK_IMPLIES(!destination_.IsInvalid(), !destination_.IsConstant());
+ return IsEliminated() || source_.EqualsCanonicalized(destination_);
+ }
+ // We clear both operands to indicate move that's been eliminated.
+ void Eliminate() { source_ = destination_ = InstructionOperand(); }
+ bool IsEliminated() const {
+ DCHECK_IMPLIES(source_.IsInvalid(), destination_.IsInvalid());
+ return source_.IsInvalid();
+ }
+ // APIs to aid debugging. For general-stream APIs, use operator<<.
+ void Print() const;
+ private:
+ InstructionOperand source_;
+ InstructionOperand destination_;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const MoveOperands&);
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE ParallelMove final
+ : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ZoneVector<MoveOperands*>),
+ public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ZoneObject) {
+ public:
+ explicit ParallelMove(Zone* zone) : ZoneVector<MoveOperands*>(zone) {}
+ MoveOperands* AddMove(const InstructionOperand& from,
+ const InstructionOperand& to) {
+ Zone* zone = get_allocator().zone();
+ return AddMove(from, to, zone);
+ }
+ MoveOperands* AddMove(const InstructionOperand& from,
+ const InstructionOperand& to,
+ Zone* operand_allocation_zone) {
+ if (from.EqualsCanonicalized(to)) return nullptr;
+ MoveOperands* move = new (operand_allocation_zone) MoveOperands(from, to);
+ if (empty()) reserve(4);
+ push_back(move);
+ return move;
+ }
+ bool IsRedundant() const;
+ // Prepare this ParallelMove to insert move as if it happened in a subsequent
+ // ParallelMove. move->source() may be changed. Any MoveOperands added to
+ // to_eliminate must be Eliminated.
+ void PrepareInsertAfter(MoveOperands* move,
+ ZoneVector<MoveOperands*>* to_eliminate) const;
+ private:
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const ParallelMove&);
+class ReferenceMap final : public ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ explicit ReferenceMap(Zone* zone)
+ : reference_operands_(8, zone), instruction_position_(-1) {}
+ const ZoneVector<InstructionOperand>& reference_operands() const {
+ return reference_operands_;
+ }
+ int instruction_position() const { return instruction_position_; }
+ void set_instruction_position(int pos) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(-1, instruction_position_);
+ instruction_position_ = pos;
+ }
+ void RecordReference(const AllocatedOperand& op);
+ private:
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const ReferenceMap&);
+ ZoneVector<InstructionOperand> reference_operands_;
+ int instruction_position_;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const ReferenceMap&);
+class InstructionBlock;
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Instruction final {
+ public:
+ size_t OutputCount() const { return OutputCountField::decode(bit_field_); }
+ const InstructionOperand* OutputAt(size_t i) const {
+ DCHECK(i < OutputCount());
+ return &operands_[i];
+ }
+ InstructionOperand* OutputAt(size_t i) {
+ DCHECK(i < OutputCount());
+ return &operands_[i];
+ }
+ bool HasOutput() const { return OutputCount() > 0; }
+ const InstructionOperand* Output() const { return OutputAt(0); }
+ InstructionOperand* Output() { return OutputAt(0); }
+ size_t InputCount() const { return InputCountField::decode(bit_field_); }
+ const InstructionOperand* InputAt(size_t i) const {
+ DCHECK(i < InputCount());
+ return &operands_[OutputCount() + i];
+ }
+ InstructionOperand* InputAt(size_t i) {
+ DCHECK(i < InputCount());
+ return &operands_[OutputCount() + i];
+ }
+ size_t TempCount() const { return TempCountField::decode(bit_field_); }
+ const InstructionOperand* TempAt(size_t i) const {
+ DCHECK(i < TempCount());
+ return &operands_[OutputCount() + InputCount() + i];
+ }
+ InstructionOperand* TempAt(size_t i) {
+ DCHECK(i < TempCount());
+ return &operands_[OutputCount() + InputCount() + i];
+ }
+ InstructionCode opcode() const { return opcode_; }
+ ArchOpcode arch_opcode() const { return ArchOpcodeField::decode(opcode()); }
+ AddressingMode addressing_mode() const {
+ return AddressingModeField::decode(opcode());
+ }
+ FlagsMode flags_mode() const { return FlagsModeField::decode(opcode()); }
+ FlagsCondition flags_condition() const {
+ return FlagsConditionField::decode(opcode());
+ }
+ static Instruction* New(Zone* zone, InstructionCode opcode) {
+ return New(zone, opcode, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
+ }
+ static Instruction* New(Zone* zone, InstructionCode opcode,
+ size_t output_count, InstructionOperand* outputs,
+ size_t input_count, InstructionOperand* inputs,
+ size_t temp_count, InstructionOperand* temps) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, opcode);
+ DCHECK(output_count == 0 || outputs != nullptr);
+ DCHECK(input_count == 0 || inputs != nullptr);
+ DCHECK(temp_count == 0 || temps != nullptr);
+ // TODO(jarin/mstarzinger): Handle this gracefully. See
+ CHECK(InputCountField::is_valid(input_count));
+ size_t total_extra_ops = output_count + input_count + temp_count;
+ if (total_extra_ops != 0) total_extra_ops--;
+ int size = static_cast<int>(
+ RoundUp(sizeof(Instruction), sizeof(InstructionOperand)) +
+ total_extra_ops * sizeof(InstructionOperand));
+ return new (zone->New(size)) Instruction(
+ opcode, output_count, outputs, input_count, inputs, temp_count, temps);
+ }
+ Instruction* MarkAsCall() {
+ bit_field_ = IsCallField::update(bit_field_, true);
+ return this;
+ }
+ bool IsCall() const { return IsCallField::decode(bit_field_); }
+ bool NeedsReferenceMap() const { return IsCall(); }
+ bool HasReferenceMap() const { return reference_map_ != nullptr; }
+ bool ClobbersRegisters() const { return IsCall(); }
+ bool ClobbersTemps() const { return IsCall(); }
+ bool ClobbersDoubleRegisters() const { return IsCall(); }
+ ReferenceMap* reference_map() const { return reference_map_; }
+ void set_reference_map(ReferenceMap* map) {
+ DCHECK(NeedsReferenceMap());
+ DCHECK(!reference_map_);
+ reference_map_ = map;
+ }
+ void OverwriteWithNop() {
+ opcode_ = ArchOpcodeField::encode(kArchNop);
+ bit_field_ = 0;
+ reference_map_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ bool IsNop() const { return arch_opcode() == kArchNop; }
+ bool IsDeoptimizeCall() const {
+ return arch_opcode() == ArchOpcode::kArchDeoptimize ||
+ FlagsModeField::decode(opcode()) == kFlags_deoptimize ||
+ FlagsModeField::decode(opcode()) == kFlags_deoptimize_and_poison;
+ }
+ bool IsTrap() const {
+ return FlagsModeField::decode(opcode()) == kFlags_trap;
+ }
+ bool IsJump() const { return arch_opcode() == ArchOpcode::kArchJmp; }
+ bool IsRet() const { return arch_opcode() == ArchOpcode::kArchRet; }
+ bool IsTailCall() const {
+ return arch_opcode() == ArchOpcode::kArchTailCallCodeObject ||
+ arch_opcode() == ArchOpcode::kArchTailCallCodeObjectFromJSFunction ||
+ arch_opcode() == ArchOpcode::kArchTailCallAddress ||
+ arch_opcode() == ArchOpcode::kArchTailCallWasm;
+ }
+ bool IsThrow() const {
+ return arch_opcode() == ArchOpcode::kArchThrowTerminator;
+ }
+ enum GapPosition {
+ END,
+ };
+ ParallelMove* GetOrCreateParallelMove(GapPosition pos, Zone* zone) {
+ if (parallel_moves_[pos] == nullptr) {
+ parallel_moves_[pos] = new (zone) ParallelMove(zone);
+ }
+ return parallel_moves_[pos];
+ }
+ ParallelMove* GetParallelMove(GapPosition pos) {
+ return parallel_moves_[pos];
+ }
+ const ParallelMove* GetParallelMove(GapPosition pos) const {
+ return parallel_moves_[pos];
+ }
+ bool AreMovesRedundant() const;
+ ParallelMove* const* parallel_moves() const { return &parallel_moves_[0]; }
+ ParallelMove** parallel_moves() { return &parallel_moves_[0]; }
+ // The block_id may be invalidated in JumpThreading. It is only important for
+ // register allocation, to avoid searching for blocks from instruction
+ // indexes.
+ InstructionBlock* block() const { return block_; }
+ void set_block(InstructionBlock* block) {
+ block_ = block;
+ }
+ // APIs to aid debugging. For general-stream APIs, use operator<<.
+ void Print() const;
+ typedef BitField<size_t, 0, 8> OutputCountField;
+ typedef BitField<size_t, 8, 16> InputCountField;
+ typedef BitField<size_t, 24, 6> TempCountField;
+ static const size_t kMaxOutputCount = OutputCountField::kMax;
+ static const size_t kMaxInputCount = InputCountField::kMax;
+ static const size_t kMaxTempCount = TempCountField::kMax;
+ private:
+ explicit Instruction(InstructionCode opcode);
+ Instruction(InstructionCode opcode, size_t output_count,
+ InstructionOperand* outputs, size_t input_count,
+ InstructionOperand* inputs, size_t temp_count,
+ InstructionOperand* temps);
+ typedef BitField<bool, 30, 1> IsCallField;
+ InstructionCode opcode_;
+ uint32_t bit_field_;
+ ParallelMove* parallel_moves_[2];
+ ReferenceMap* reference_map_;
+ InstructionBlock* block_;
+ InstructionOperand operands_[1];
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Instruction&);
+class RpoNumber final {
+ public:
+ static const int kInvalidRpoNumber = -1;
+ int ToInt() const {
+ DCHECK(IsValid());
+ return index_;
+ }
+ size_t ToSize() const {
+ DCHECK(IsValid());
+ return static_cast<size_t>(index_);
+ }
+ bool IsValid() const { return index_ >= 0; }
+ static RpoNumber FromInt(int index) { return RpoNumber(index); }
+ static RpoNumber Invalid() { return RpoNumber(kInvalidRpoNumber); }
+ bool IsNext(const RpoNumber other) const {
+ DCHECK(IsValid());
+ return other.index_ == this->index_ + 1;
+ }
+ // Comparison operators.
+ bool operator==(RpoNumber other) const { return index_ == other.index_; }
+ bool operator!=(RpoNumber other) const { return index_ != other.index_; }
+ bool operator>(RpoNumber other) const { return index_ > other.index_; }
+ bool operator<(RpoNumber other) const { return index_ < other.index_; }
+ bool operator<=(RpoNumber other) const { return index_ <= other.index_; }
+ bool operator>=(RpoNumber other) const { return index_ >= other.index_; }
+ private:
+ explicit RpoNumber(int32_t index) : index_(index) {}
+ int32_t index_;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const RpoNumber&);
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Constant final {
+ public:
+ enum Type {
+ kInt32,
+ kInt64,
+ kFloat32,
+ kFloat64,
+ kExternalReference,
+ kHeapObject,
+ kRpoNumber,
+ kDelayedStringConstant
+ };
+ explicit Constant(int32_t v);
+ explicit Constant(int64_t v) : type_(kInt64), value_(v) {}
+ explicit Constant(float v) : type_(kFloat32), value_(bit_cast<int32_t>(v)) {}
+ explicit Constant(double v) : type_(kFloat64), value_(bit_cast<int64_t>(v)) {}
+ explicit Constant(ExternalReference ref)
+ : type_(kExternalReference), value_(bit_cast<intptr_t>(ref.address())) {}
+ explicit Constant(Handle<HeapObject> obj)
+ : type_(kHeapObject), value_(bit_cast<intptr_t>(obj)) {}
+ explicit Constant(RpoNumber rpo) : type_(kRpoNumber), value_(rpo.ToInt()) {}
+ explicit Constant(const StringConstantBase* str)
+ : type_(kDelayedStringConstant), value_(bit_cast<intptr_t>(str)) {}
+ explicit Constant(RelocatablePtrConstantInfo info);
+ Type type() const { return type_; }
+ RelocInfo::Mode rmode() const { return rmode_; }
+ int32_t ToInt32() const {
+ DCHECK(type() == kInt32 || type() == kInt64);
+ const int32_t value = static_cast<int32_t>(value_);
+ DCHECK_EQ(value_, static_cast<int64_t>(value));
+ return value;
+ }
+ int64_t ToInt64() const {
+ if (type() == kInt32) return ToInt32();
+ DCHECK_EQ(kInt64, type());
+ return value_;
+ }
+ float ToFloat32() const {
+ // TODO(ahaas): We should remove this function. If value_ has the bit
+ // representation of a signalling NaN, then returning it as float can cause
+ // the signalling bit to flip, and value_ is returned as a quiet NaN.
+ DCHECK_EQ(kFloat32, type());
+ return bit_cast<float>(static_cast<int32_t>(value_));
+ }
+ uint32_t ToFloat32AsInt() const {
+ DCHECK_EQ(kFloat32, type());
+ return bit_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(value_));
+ }
+ Double ToFloat64() const {
+ DCHECK_EQ(kFloat64, type());
+ return Double(bit_cast<uint64_t>(value_));
+ }
+ ExternalReference ToExternalReference() const {
+ DCHECK_EQ(kExternalReference, type());
+ return ExternalReference::FromRawAddress(static_cast<Address>(value_));
+ }
+ RpoNumber ToRpoNumber() const {
+ DCHECK_EQ(kRpoNumber, type());
+ return RpoNumber::FromInt(static_cast<int>(value_));
+ }
+ Handle<HeapObject> ToHeapObject() const;
+ Handle<Code> ToCode() const;
+ const StringConstantBase* ToDelayedStringConstant() const;
+ private:
+ Type type_;
+ RelocInfo::Mode rmode_ = RelocInfo::NONE;
+ int64_t value_;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Constant&);
+// Forward declarations.
+class FrameStateDescriptor;
+enum class StateValueKind : uint8_t {
+ kArgumentsElements,
+ kArgumentsLength,
+ kPlain,
+ kOptimizedOut,
+ kNested,
+ kDuplicate
+class StateValueDescriptor {
+ public:
+ StateValueDescriptor()
+ : kind_(StateValueKind::kPlain), type_(MachineType::AnyTagged()) {}
+ static StateValueDescriptor ArgumentsElements(ArgumentsStateType type) {
+ StateValueDescriptor descr(StateValueKind::kArgumentsElements,
+ MachineType::AnyTagged());
+ descr.args_type_ = type;
+ return descr;
+ }
+ static StateValueDescriptor ArgumentsLength(ArgumentsStateType type) {
+ StateValueDescriptor descr(StateValueKind::kArgumentsLength,
+ MachineType::AnyTagged());
+ descr.args_type_ = type;
+ return descr;
+ }
+ static StateValueDescriptor Plain(MachineType type) {
+ return StateValueDescriptor(StateValueKind::kPlain, type);
+ }
+ static StateValueDescriptor OptimizedOut() {
+ return StateValueDescriptor(StateValueKind::kOptimizedOut,
+ MachineType::AnyTagged());
+ }
+ static StateValueDescriptor Recursive(size_t id) {
+ StateValueDescriptor descr(StateValueKind::kNested,
+ MachineType::AnyTagged());
+ descr.id_ = id;
+ return descr;
+ }
+ static StateValueDescriptor Duplicate(size_t id) {
+ StateValueDescriptor descr(StateValueKind::kDuplicate,
+ MachineType::AnyTagged());
+ descr.id_ = id;
+ return descr;
+ }
+ bool IsArgumentsElements() const {
+ return kind_ == StateValueKind::kArgumentsElements;
+ }
+ bool IsArgumentsLength() const {
+ return kind_ == StateValueKind::kArgumentsLength;
+ }
+ bool IsPlain() const { return kind_ == StateValueKind::kPlain; }
+ bool IsOptimizedOut() const { return kind_ == StateValueKind::kOptimizedOut; }
+ bool IsNested() const { return kind_ == StateValueKind::kNested; }
+ bool IsDuplicate() const { return kind_ == StateValueKind::kDuplicate; }
+ MachineType type() const { return type_; }
+ size_t id() const {
+ DCHECK(kind_ == StateValueKind::kDuplicate ||
+ kind_ == StateValueKind::kNested);
+ return id_;
+ }
+ ArgumentsStateType arguments_type() const {
+ DCHECK(kind_ == StateValueKind::kArgumentsElements ||
+ kind_ == StateValueKind::kArgumentsLength);
+ return args_type_;
+ }
+ private:
+ StateValueDescriptor(StateValueKind kind, MachineType type)
+ : kind_(kind), type_(type) {}
+ StateValueKind kind_;
+ MachineType type_;
+ union {
+ size_t id_;
+ ArgumentsStateType args_type_;
+ };
+class StateValueList {
+ public:
+ explicit StateValueList(Zone* zone) : fields_(zone), nested_(zone) {}
+ size_t size() { return fields_.size(); }
+ struct Value {
+ StateValueDescriptor* desc;
+ StateValueList* nested;
+ Value(StateValueDescriptor* desc, StateValueList* nested)
+ : desc(desc), nested(nested) {}
+ };
+ class iterator {
+ public:
+ // Bare minimum of operators needed for range iteration.
+ bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const {
+ return field_iterator != other.field_iterator;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const iterator& other) const {
+ return field_iterator == other.field_iterator;
+ }
+ iterator& operator++() {
+ if (field_iterator->IsNested()) {
+ nested_iterator++;
+ }
+ ++field_iterator;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Value operator*() {
+ StateValueDescriptor* desc = &(*field_iterator);
+ StateValueList* nested = desc->IsNested() ? *nested_iterator : nullptr;
+ return Value(desc, nested);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class StateValueList;
+ iterator(ZoneVector<StateValueDescriptor>::iterator it,
+ ZoneVector<StateValueList*>::iterator nested)
+ : field_iterator(it), nested_iterator(nested) {}
+ ZoneVector<StateValueDescriptor>::iterator field_iterator;
+ ZoneVector<StateValueList*>::iterator nested_iterator;
+ };
+ void ReserveSize(size_t size) { fields_.reserve(size); }
+ StateValueList* PushRecursiveField(Zone* zone, size_t id) {
+ fields_.push_back(StateValueDescriptor::Recursive(id));
+ StateValueList* nested =
+ new (zone->New(sizeof(StateValueList))) StateValueList(zone);
+ nested_.push_back(nested);
+ return nested;
+ }
+ void PushArgumentsElements(ArgumentsStateType type) {
+ fields_.push_back(StateValueDescriptor::ArgumentsElements(type));
+ }
+ void PushArgumentsLength(ArgumentsStateType type) {
+ fields_.push_back(StateValueDescriptor::ArgumentsLength(type));
+ }
+ void PushDuplicate(size_t id) {
+ fields_.push_back(StateValueDescriptor::Duplicate(id));
+ }
+ void PushPlain(MachineType type) {
+ fields_.push_back(StateValueDescriptor::Plain(type));
+ }
+ void PushOptimizedOut() {
+ fields_.push_back(StateValueDescriptor::OptimizedOut());
+ }
+ iterator begin() { return iterator(fields_.begin(), nested_.begin()); }
+ iterator end() { return iterator(fields_.end(), nested_.end()); }
+ private:
+ ZoneVector<StateValueDescriptor> fields_;
+ ZoneVector<StateValueList*> nested_;
+class FrameStateDescriptor : public ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ FrameStateDescriptor(Zone* zone, FrameStateType type, BailoutId bailout_id,
+ OutputFrameStateCombine state_combine,
+ size_t parameters_count, size_t locals_count,
+ size_t stack_count,
+ MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info,
+ FrameStateDescriptor* outer_state = nullptr);
+ FrameStateType type() const { return type_; }
+ BailoutId bailout_id() const { return bailout_id_; }
+ OutputFrameStateCombine state_combine() const { return frame_state_combine_; }
+ size_t parameters_count() const { return parameters_count_; }
+ size_t locals_count() const { return locals_count_; }
+ size_t stack_count() const { return stack_count_; }
+ MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info() const { return shared_info_; }
+ FrameStateDescriptor* outer_state() const { return outer_state_; }
+ bool HasContext() const {
+ return FrameStateFunctionInfo::IsJSFunctionType(type_) ||
+ type_ == FrameStateType::kBuiltinContinuation ||
+ type_ == FrameStateType::kConstructStub;
+ }
+ size_t GetSize() const;
+ size_t GetTotalSize() const;
+ size_t GetFrameCount() const;
+ size_t GetJSFrameCount() const;
+ StateValueList* GetStateValueDescriptors() { return &values_; }
+ static const int kImpossibleValue = 0xdead;
+ private:
+ FrameStateType type_;
+ BailoutId bailout_id_;
+ OutputFrameStateCombine frame_state_combine_;
+ size_t parameters_count_;
+ size_t locals_count_;
+ size_t stack_count_;
+ StateValueList values_;
+ MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> const shared_info_;
+ FrameStateDescriptor* outer_state_;
+// A deoptimization entry is a pair of the reason why we deoptimize and the
+// frame state descriptor that we have to go back to.
+class DeoptimizationEntry final {
+ public:
+ DeoptimizationEntry() = default;
+ DeoptimizationEntry(FrameStateDescriptor* descriptor, DeoptimizeKind kind,
+ DeoptimizeReason reason, VectorSlotPair const& feedback)
+ : descriptor_(descriptor),
+ kind_(kind),
+ reason_(reason),
+ feedback_(feedback) {}
+ FrameStateDescriptor* descriptor() const { return descriptor_; }
+ DeoptimizeKind kind() const { return kind_; }
+ DeoptimizeReason reason() const { return reason_; }
+ VectorSlotPair const& feedback() const { return feedback_; }
+ private:
+ FrameStateDescriptor* descriptor_ = nullptr;
+ DeoptimizeKind kind_ = DeoptimizeKind::kEager;
+ DeoptimizeReason reason_ = DeoptimizeReason::kUnknown;
+ VectorSlotPair feedback_ = VectorSlotPair();
+typedef ZoneVector<DeoptimizationEntry> DeoptimizationVector;
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE PhiInstruction final
+ : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ZoneObject) {
+ public:
+ typedef ZoneVector<InstructionOperand> Inputs;
+ PhiInstruction(Zone* zone, int virtual_register, size_t input_count);
+ void SetInput(size_t offset, int virtual_register);
+ void RenameInput(size_t offset, int virtual_register);
+ int virtual_register() const { return virtual_register_; }
+ const IntVector& operands() const { return operands_; }
+ // TODO(dcarney): this has no real business being here, since it's internal to
+ // the register allocator, but putting it here was convenient.
+ const InstructionOperand& output() const { return output_; }
+ InstructionOperand& output() { return output_; }
+ private:
+ const int virtual_register_;
+ InstructionOperand output_;
+ IntVector operands_;
+// Analogue of BasicBlock for Instructions instead of Nodes.
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE InstructionBlock final
+ : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ZoneObject) {
+ public:
+ InstructionBlock(Zone* zone, RpoNumber rpo_number, RpoNumber loop_header,
+ RpoNumber loop_end, bool deferred, bool handler);
+ // Instruction indexes (used by the register allocator).
+ int first_instruction_index() const {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, code_start_);
+ DCHECK_LT(0, code_end_);
+ DCHECK_GE(code_end_, code_start_);
+ return code_start_;
+ }
+ int last_instruction_index() const {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, code_start_);
+ DCHECK_LT(0, code_end_);
+ DCHECK_GE(code_end_, code_start_);
+ return code_end_ - 1;
+ }
+ int32_t code_start() const { return code_start_; }
+ void set_code_start(int32_t start) { code_start_ = start; }
+ int32_t code_end() const { return code_end_; }
+ void set_code_end(int32_t end) { code_end_ = end; }
+ bool IsDeferred() const { return deferred_; }
+ bool IsHandler() const { return handler_; }
+ RpoNumber ao_number() const { return ao_number_; }
+ RpoNumber rpo_number() const { return rpo_number_; }
+ RpoNumber loop_header() const { return loop_header_; }
+ RpoNumber loop_end() const {
+ DCHECK(IsLoopHeader());
+ return loop_end_;
+ }
+ inline bool IsLoopHeader() const { return loop_end_.IsValid(); }
+ inline bool IsSwitchTarget() const { return switch_target_; }
+ inline bool ShouldAlign() const { return alignment_; }
+ typedef ZoneVector<RpoNumber> Predecessors;
+ Predecessors& predecessors() { return predecessors_; }
+ const Predecessors& predecessors() const { return predecessors_; }
+ size_t PredecessorCount() const { return predecessors_.size(); }
+ size_t PredecessorIndexOf(RpoNumber rpo_number) const;
+ typedef ZoneVector<RpoNumber> Successors;
+ Successors& successors() { return successors_; }
+ const Successors& successors() const { return successors_; }
+ size_t SuccessorCount() const { return successors_.size(); }
+ typedef ZoneVector<PhiInstruction*> PhiInstructions;
+ const PhiInstructions& phis() const { return phis_; }
+ PhiInstruction* PhiAt(size_t i) const { return phis_[i]; }
+ void AddPhi(PhiInstruction* phi) { phis_.push_back(phi); }
+ void set_ao_number(RpoNumber ao_number) { ao_number_ = ao_number; }
+ void set_alignment(bool val) { alignment_ = val; }
+ void set_switch_target(bool val) { switch_target_ = val; }
+ bool needs_frame() const { return needs_frame_; }
+ void mark_needs_frame() { needs_frame_ = true; }
+ bool must_construct_frame() const { return must_construct_frame_; }
+ void mark_must_construct_frame() { must_construct_frame_ = true; }
+ bool must_deconstruct_frame() const { return must_deconstruct_frame_; }
+ void mark_must_deconstruct_frame() { must_deconstruct_frame_ = true; }
+ private:
+ Successors successors_;
+ Predecessors predecessors_;
+ PhiInstructions phis_;
+ RpoNumber ao_number_; // Assembly order number.
+ const RpoNumber rpo_number_;
+ const RpoNumber loop_header_;
+ const RpoNumber loop_end_;
+ int32_t code_start_; // start index of arch-specific code.
+ int32_t code_end_ = -1; // end index of arch-specific code.
+ const bool deferred_ = -1; // Block contains deferred code.
+ const bool handler_; // Block is a handler entry point.
+ bool switch_target_ = false;
+ bool alignment_ = false; // insert alignment before this block
+ bool needs_frame_ = false;
+ bool must_construct_frame_ = false;
+ bool must_deconstruct_frame_ = false;
+class InstructionSequence;
+struct PrintableInstructionBlock {
+ const InstructionBlock* block_;
+ const InstructionSequence* code_;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const PrintableInstructionBlock&);
+typedef ZoneDeque<Constant> ConstantDeque;
+typedef std::map<int, Constant, std::less<int>,
+ ZoneAllocator<std::pair<const int, Constant> > >
+ ConstantMap;
+typedef ZoneDeque<Instruction*> InstructionDeque;
+typedef ZoneDeque<ReferenceMap*> ReferenceMapDeque;
+typedef ZoneVector<InstructionBlock*> InstructionBlocks;
+// Represents architecture-specific generated code before, during, and after
+// register allocation.
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE InstructionSequence final
+ : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ZoneObject) {
+ public:
+ static InstructionBlocks* InstructionBlocksFor(Zone* zone,
+ const Schedule* schedule);
+ InstructionSequence(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
+ InstructionBlocks* instruction_blocks);
+ int NextVirtualRegister();
+ int VirtualRegisterCount() const { return next_virtual_register_; }
+ const InstructionBlocks& instruction_blocks() const {
+ return *instruction_blocks_;
+ }
+ const InstructionBlocks& ao_blocks() const { return *ao_blocks_; }
+ int InstructionBlockCount() const {
+ return static_cast<int>(instruction_blocks_->size());
+ }
+ InstructionBlock* InstructionBlockAt(RpoNumber rpo_number) {
+ return instruction_blocks_->at(rpo_number.ToSize());
+ }
+ int LastLoopInstructionIndex(const InstructionBlock* block) {
+ return instruction_blocks_->at(block->loop_end().ToSize() - 1)
+ ->last_instruction_index();
+ }
+ const InstructionBlock* InstructionBlockAt(RpoNumber rpo_number) const {
+ return instruction_blocks_->at(rpo_number.ToSize());
+ }
+ InstructionBlock* GetInstructionBlock(int instruction_index) const;
+ static MachineRepresentation DefaultRepresentation() {
+ return MachineType::PointerRepresentation();
+ }
+ MachineRepresentation GetRepresentation(int virtual_register) const;
+ void MarkAsRepresentation(MachineRepresentation rep, int virtual_register);
+ bool IsReference(int virtual_register) const {
+ return CanBeTaggedPointer(GetRepresentation(virtual_register));
+ }
+ bool IsFP(int virtual_register) const {
+ return IsFloatingPoint(GetRepresentation(virtual_register));
+ }
+ int representation_mask() const { return representation_mask_; }
+ bool HasFPVirtualRegisters() const {
+ constexpr int kFPRepMask =
+ RepresentationBit(MachineRepresentation::kFloat32) |
+ RepresentationBit(MachineRepresentation::kFloat64) |
+ RepresentationBit(MachineRepresentation::kSimd128);
+ return (representation_mask() & kFPRepMask) != 0;
+ }
+ Instruction* GetBlockStart(RpoNumber rpo) const;
+ typedef InstructionDeque::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ const_iterator begin() const { return instructions_.begin(); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return instructions_.end(); }
+ const InstructionDeque& instructions() const { return instructions_; }
+ int LastInstructionIndex() const {
+ return static_cast<int>(instructions().size()) - 1;
+ }
+ Instruction* InstructionAt(int index) const {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, index);
+ DCHECK_GT(instructions_.size(), index);
+ return instructions_[index];
+ }
+ Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
+ const ReferenceMapDeque* reference_maps() const { return &reference_maps_; }
+ Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
+ // Used by the instruction selector while adding instructions.
+ int AddInstruction(Instruction* instr);
+ void StartBlock(RpoNumber rpo);
+ void EndBlock(RpoNumber rpo);
+ int AddConstant(int virtual_register, Constant constant) {
+ // TODO(titzer): allow RPO numbers as constants?
+ DCHECK_NE(Constant::kRpoNumber, constant.type());
+ DCHECK(virtual_register >= 0 && virtual_register < next_virtual_register_);
+ DCHECK(constants_.find(virtual_register) == constants_.end());
+ constants_.insert(std::make_pair(virtual_register, constant));
+ return virtual_register;
+ }
+ Constant GetConstant(int virtual_register) const {
+ ConstantMap::const_iterator it = constants_.find(virtual_register);
+ DCHECK(it != constants_.end());
+ DCHECK_EQ(virtual_register, it->first);
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ typedef ZoneVector<Constant> Immediates;
+ Immediates& immediates() { return immediates_; }
+ ImmediateOperand AddImmediate(const Constant& constant) {
+ if (constant.type() == Constant::kInt32 &&
+ RelocInfo::IsNone(constant.rmode())) {
+ return ImmediateOperand(ImmediateOperand::INLINE, constant.ToInt32());
+ }
+ int index = static_cast<int>(immediates_.size());
+ immediates_.push_back(constant);
+ return ImmediateOperand(ImmediateOperand::INDEXED, index);
+ }
+ Constant GetImmediate(const ImmediateOperand* op) const {
+ switch (op->type()) {
+ case ImmediateOperand::INLINE:
+ return Constant(op->inline_value());
+ case ImmediateOperand::INDEXED: {
+ int index = op->indexed_value();
+ DCHECK_LE(0, index);
+ DCHECK_GT(immediates_.size(), index);
+ return immediates_[index];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int AddDeoptimizationEntry(FrameStateDescriptor* descriptor,
+ DeoptimizeKind kind, DeoptimizeReason reason,
+ VectorSlotPair const& feedback);
+ DeoptimizationEntry const& GetDeoptimizationEntry(int deoptimization_id);
+ int GetDeoptimizationEntryCount() const {
+ return static_cast<int>(deoptimization_entries_.size());
+ }
+ RpoNumber InputRpo(Instruction* instr, size_t index);
+ bool GetSourcePosition(const Instruction* instr,
+ SourcePosition* result) const;
+ void SetSourcePosition(const Instruction* instr, SourcePosition value);
+ bool ContainsCall() const {
+ for (Instruction* instr : instructions_) {
+ if (instr->IsCall()) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // APIs to aid debugging. For general-stream APIs, use operator<<.
+ void Print() const;
+ void PrintBlock(int block_id) const;
+ void ValidateEdgeSplitForm() const;
+ void ValidateDeferredBlockExitPaths() const;
+ void ValidateDeferredBlockEntryPaths() const;
+ void ValidateSSA() const;
+ static void SetRegisterConfigurationForTesting(
+ const RegisterConfiguration* regConfig);
+ static void ClearRegisterConfigurationForTesting();
+ void RecomputeAssemblyOrderForTesting();
+ private:
+ friend V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,
+ const InstructionSequence&);
+ typedef ZoneMap<const Instruction*, SourcePosition> SourcePositionMap;
+ static const RegisterConfiguration* RegisterConfigurationForTesting();
+ static const RegisterConfiguration* registerConfigurationForTesting_;
+ // Puts the deferred blocks last and may rotate loops.
+ void ComputeAssemblyOrder();
+ Isolate* isolate_;
+ Zone* const zone_;
+ InstructionBlocks* const instruction_blocks_;
+ InstructionBlocks* ao_blocks_;
+ SourcePositionMap source_positions_;
+ ConstantMap constants_;
+ Immediates immediates_;
+ InstructionDeque instructions_;
+ int next_virtual_register_;
+ ReferenceMapDeque reference_maps_;
+ ZoneVector<MachineRepresentation> representations_;
+ int representation_mask_;
+ DeoptimizationVector deoptimization_entries_;
+ // Used at construction time
+ InstructionBlock* current_block_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InstructionSequence);
+V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,
+ const InstructionSequence&);
+} // namespace compiler
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8