path: root/deps/v8/src/code-stubs.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/src/code-stubs.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 670 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/src/code-stubs.h b/deps/v8/src/code-stubs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4630fe7639..0000000000
--- a/deps/v8/src/code-stubs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,670 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#ifndef V8_CODE_STUBS_H_
-#define V8_CODE_STUBS_H_
-#include "src/interface-descriptors.h"
-#include "src/type-hints.h"
-namespace v8 {
-namespace internal {
-// Forward declarations.
-class CodeStubDescriptor;
-class Isolate;
-namespace compiler {
-class CodeAssemblerState;
-// List of code stubs used on all platforms.
- /* --- PlatformCodeStubs --- */ \
- V(CallApiCallback) \
- V(CallApiGetter) \
- V(JSEntry) \
- V(ProfileEntryHook) \
- /* --- TurboFanCodeStubs --- */ \
- V(StoreSlowElement) \
- V(StoreInArrayLiteralSlow) \
- V(ElementsTransitionAndStore) \
- V(KeyedLoadSloppyArguments) \
- V(KeyedStoreSloppyArguments) \
- V(StoreFastElement) \
- V(StoreInterceptor) \
- V(LoadIndexedInterceptor)
-// List of code stubs only used on ARM 32 bits platforms.
-#define CODE_STUB_LIST_ARM(V) V(DirectCEntry)
-// List of code stubs only used on ARM 64 bits platforms.
-#define CODE_STUB_LIST_ARM64(V) V(DirectCEntry)
-#define CODE_STUB_LIST_ARM64(V)
-// List of code stubs only used on PPC platforms.
-#define CODE_STUB_LIST_PPC(V) V(DirectCEntry)
-// List of code stubs only used on MIPS platforms.
-#define CODE_STUB_LIST_MIPS(V) V(DirectCEntry)
-#define CODE_STUB_LIST_MIPS(V) V(DirectCEntry)
-// List of code stubs only used on S390 platforms.
-#ifdef V8_TARGET_ARCH_S390
-#define CODE_STUB_LIST_S390(V) V(DirectCEntry)
-#define CODE_STUB_LIST_S390(V)
-// Combined list of code stubs.
-#define CODE_STUB_LIST(V) \
-static const int kHasReturnedMinusZeroSentinel = 1;
-class CodeStub : public ZoneObject {
- public:
- enum Major {
- // TODO(mvstanton): eliminate the NoCache key by getting rid
- // of the non-monomorphic-cache.
- NoCache = 0, // marker for stubs that do custom caching]
-#define DEF_ENUM(name) name,
-#undef DEF_ENUM
- };
- // Retrieve the code for the stub. Generate the code if needed.
- Handle<Code> GetCode();
- static Major MajorKeyFromKey(uint32_t key) {
- return static_cast<Major>(MajorKeyBits::decode(key));
- }
- static uint32_t MinorKeyFromKey(uint32_t key) {
- return MinorKeyBits::decode(key);
- }
- // Gets the major key from a code object that is a code stub or binary op IC.
- static Major GetMajorKey(const Code* code_stub);
- static uint32_t NoCacheKey() { return MajorKeyBits::encode(NoCache); }
- static const char* MajorName(Major major_key);
- explicit CodeStub(Isolate* isolate) : minor_key_(0), isolate_(isolate) {}
- virtual ~CodeStub() = default;
- static void GenerateStubsAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
- // Some stubs put untagged junk on the stack that cannot be scanned by the
- // GC. This means that we must be statically sure that no GC can occur while
- // they are running. If that is the case they should override this to return
- // true, which will cause an assertion if we try to call something that can
- // GC or if we try to put a stack frame on top of the junk, which would not
- // result in a traversable stack.
- virtual bool SometimesSetsUpAFrame() { return true; }
- // Lookup the code in the (possibly custom) cache.
- bool FindCodeInCache(Code** code_out);
- virtual CallInterfaceDescriptor GetCallInterfaceDescriptor() const = 0;
- virtual int GetStackParameterCount() const {
- return GetCallInterfaceDescriptor().GetStackParameterCount();
- }
- static void InitializeDescriptor(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t key,
- CodeStubDescriptor* desc);
- static MaybeHandle<Code> GetCode(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t key);
- // Returns information for computing the number key.
- virtual Major MajorKey() const = 0;
- uint32_t MinorKey() const { return minor_key_; }
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CodeStub& s) {
- s.PrintName(os);
- return os;
- }
- Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
- void set_isolate(Isolate* isolate) {
- DCHECK_NOT_NULL(isolate);
- DCHECK(isolate_ == nullptr || isolate_ == isolate);
- isolate_ = isolate;
- }
- void DeleteStubFromCacheForTesting();
- protected:
- CodeStub(uint32_t key, Isolate* isolate)
- : minor_key_(MinorKeyFromKey(key)), isolate_(isolate) {}
- // Generates the assembler code for the stub.
- virtual Handle<Code> GenerateCode() = 0;
- // Returns whether the code generated for this stub needs to be allocated as
- // a fixed (non-moveable) code object.
- // TODO(jgruber): Only required by DirectCEntryStub. Can be removed when/if
- // that is ported to a builtin.
- virtual Movability NeedsImmovableCode() { return kMovable; }
- virtual void PrintName(std::ostream& os) const; // NOLINT
- virtual void PrintBaseName(std::ostream& os) const; // NOLINT
- virtual void PrintState(std::ostream& os) const { ; } // NOLINT
- // Computes the key based on major and minor.
- uint32_t GetKey() {
- DCHECK(static_cast<int>(MajorKey()) < NUMBER_OF_IDS);
- return MinorKeyBits::encode(MinorKey()) | MajorKeyBits::encode(MajorKey());
- }
- uint32_t minor_key_;
- private:
- // Perform bookkeeping required after code generation when stub code is
- // initially generated.
- void RecordCodeGeneration(Handle<Code> code);
- // Activate newly generated stub. Is called after
- // registering stub in the stub cache.
- virtual void Activate(Code* code) { }
- // We use this dispatch to statically instantiate the correct code stub for
- // the given stub key and call the passed function with that code stub.
- typedef void (*DispatchedCall)(CodeStub* stub, void** value_out);
- static void Dispatch(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t key, void** value_out,
- DispatchedCall call);
- static void GetCodeDispatchCall(CodeStub* stub, void** value_out);
- STATIC_ASSERT(NUMBER_OF_IDS < (1 << kStubMajorKeyBits));
- class MajorKeyBits: public BitField<uint32_t, 0, kStubMajorKeyBits> {};
- class MinorKeyBits: public BitField<uint32_t,
- kStubMajorKeyBits, kStubMinorKeyBits> {}; // NOLINT
- friend class BreakPointIterator;
- Isolate* isolate_;
- public: \
- NAME(uint32_t key, Isolate* isolate) : SUPER(key, isolate) {} \
- \
- private: \
- public: \
- inline Major MajorKey() const override { return NAME; }; \
- \
- private: \
- void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) override; \
- public: \
- void GenerateAssembly(compiler::CodeAssemblerState* state) const override; \
- public: \
- typedef NAME##Descriptor Descriptor; \
- CallInterfaceDescriptor GetCallInterfaceDescriptor() const override { \
- return Descriptor(); \
- }
-// There are some code stubs we just can't describe right now with a
-// CallInterfaceDescriptor. Isolate behavior for those cases with this macro.
-// An attempt to retrieve a descriptor will fail.
- public: \
- CallInterfaceDescriptor GetCallInterfaceDescriptor() const override { \
- return CallInterfaceDescriptor(); \
- }
-class PlatformCodeStub : public CodeStub {
- public:
- // Retrieve the code for the stub. Generate the code if needed.
- Handle<Code> GenerateCode() override;
- protected:
- explicit PlatformCodeStub(Isolate* isolate) : CodeStub(isolate) {}
- // Generates the assembler code for the stub.
- virtual void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) = 0;
- // Generates the exception handler table for the stub.
- virtual int GenerateHandlerTable(MacroAssembler* masm);
- DEFINE_CODE_STUB_BASE(PlatformCodeStub, CodeStub);
-class CodeStubDescriptor {
- public:
- explicit CodeStubDescriptor(CodeStub* stub);
- CodeStubDescriptor(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t stub_key);
- void Initialize(Address deoptimization_handler = kNullAddress,
- int hint_stack_parameter_count = -1,
- StubFunctionMode function_mode = NOT_JS_FUNCTION_STUB_MODE);
- void Initialize(Register stack_parameter_count,
- Address deoptimization_handler = kNullAddress,
- int hint_stack_parameter_count = -1,
- StubFunctionMode function_mode = NOT_JS_FUNCTION_STUB_MODE);
- void SetMissHandler(Runtime::FunctionId id) {
- miss_handler_id_ = id;
- miss_handler_ = ExternalReference::Create(Runtime::FunctionForId(id));
- has_miss_handler_ = true;
- // Our miss handler infrastructure doesn't currently support
- // variable stack parameter counts.
- DCHECK(!stack_parameter_count_.is_valid());
- }
- void set_call_descriptor(CallInterfaceDescriptor d) {
- call_descriptor_ = std::move(d);
- }
- CallInterfaceDescriptor call_descriptor() const { return call_descriptor_; }
- int GetRegisterParameterCount() const {
- return call_descriptor().GetRegisterParameterCount();
- }
- int GetStackParameterCount() const {
- return call_descriptor().GetStackParameterCount();
- }
- int GetParameterCount() const {
- return call_descriptor().GetParameterCount();
- }
- Register GetRegisterParameter(int index) const {
- return call_descriptor().GetRegisterParameter(index);
- }
- MachineType GetParameterType(int index) const {
- return call_descriptor().GetParameterType(index);
- }
- ExternalReference miss_handler() const {
- DCHECK(has_miss_handler_);
- return miss_handler_;
- }
- Runtime::FunctionId miss_handler_id() const {
- DCHECK(has_miss_handler_);
- return miss_handler_id_;
- }
- bool has_miss_handler() const {
- return has_miss_handler_;
- }
- int GetHandlerParameterCount() const {
- int params = GetParameterCount();
- if (PassesArgumentsToDeoptimizationHandler()) {
- params += 1;
- }
- return params;
- }
- int hint_stack_parameter_count() const { return hint_stack_parameter_count_; }
- Register stack_parameter_count() const { return stack_parameter_count_; }
- StubFunctionMode function_mode() const { return function_mode_; }
- Address deoptimization_handler() const { return deoptimization_handler_; }
- private:
- bool PassesArgumentsToDeoptimizationHandler() const {
- return stack_parameter_count_.is_valid();
- }
- Isolate* isolate_;
- CallInterfaceDescriptor call_descriptor_;
- Register stack_parameter_count_;
- // If hint_stack_parameter_count_ > 0, the code stub can optimize the
- // return sequence. Default value is -1, which means it is ignored.
- int hint_stack_parameter_count_;
- StubFunctionMode function_mode_;
- Address deoptimization_handler_;
- ExternalReference miss_handler_;
- Runtime::FunctionId miss_handler_id_;
- bool has_miss_handler_;
-class TurboFanCodeStub : public CodeStub {
- public:
- // Retrieve the code for the stub. Generate the code if needed.
- Handle<Code> GenerateCode() override;
- int GetStackParameterCount() const override {
- return GetCallInterfaceDescriptor().GetStackParameterCount();
- }
- protected:
- explicit TurboFanCodeStub(Isolate* isolate) : CodeStub(isolate) {}
- virtual void GenerateAssembly(compiler::CodeAssemblerState* state) const = 0;
- private:
- DEFINE_CODE_STUB_BASE(TurboFanCodeStub, CodeStub);
-} // namespace internal
-} // namespace v8
-#elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64
-#include "src/arm64/code-stubs-arm64.h"
-#include "src/arm/code-stubs-arm.h"
-#include "src/ppc/code-stubs-ppc.h"
-#include "src/mips/code-stubs-mips.h"
-#include "src/mips64/code-stubs-mips64.h"
-#elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_S390
-#include "src/s390/code-stubs-s390.h"
-#error Unsupported target architecture.
-namespace v8 {
-namespace internal {
-// TODO(jgruber): Convert this stub into a builtin.
-class StoreInterceptorStub : public TurboFanCodeStub {
- public:
- explicit StoreInterceptorStub(Isolate* isolate) : TurboFanCodeStub(isolate) {}
- DEFINE_TURBOFAN_CODE_STUB(StoreInterceptor, TurboFanCodeStub);
-// TODO(jgruber): Convert this stub into a builtin.
-class LoadIndexedInterceptorStub : public TurboFanCodeStub {
- public:
- explicit LoadIndexedInterceptorStub(Isolate* isolate)
- : TurboFanCodeStub(isolate) {}
- DEFINE_TURBOFAN_CODE_STUB(LoadIndexedInterceptor, TurboFanCodeStub);
-// TODO(jgruber): Convert this stub into a builtin.
-class KeyedLoadSloppyArgumentsStub : public TurboFanCodeStub {
- public:
- explicit KeyedLoadSloppyArgumentsStub(Isolate* isolate)
- : TurboFanCodeStub(isolate) {}
- protected:
- DEFINE_TURBOFAN_CODE_STUB(KeyedLoadSloppyArguments, TurboFanCodeStub);
-class CommonStoreModeBits : public BitField<KeyedAccessStoreMode, 0, 3> {};
-class KeyedStoreSloppyArgumentsStub : public TurboFanCodeStub {
- public:
- explicit KeyedStoreSloppyArgumentsStub(Isolate* isolate,
- KeyedAccessStoreMode mode)
- : TurboFanCodeStub(isolate) {
- minor_key_ = CommonStoreModeBits::encode(mode);
- }
- protected:
- DEFINE_TURBOFAN_CODE_STUB(KeyedStoreSloppyArguments, TurboFanCodeStub);
-class CallApiCallbackStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
- public:
- static const int kArgBits = 7;
- static const int kArgMax = (1 << kArgBits) - 1;
- CallApiCallbackStub(Isolate* isolate, int argc)
- : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
- CHECK_LE(0, argc); // The argc in {0, 1} cases are covered by builtins.
- CHECK_LE(argc, kArgMax);
- minor_key_ = ArgumentBits::encode(argc);
- }
- private:
- int argc() const { return ArgumentBits::decode(minor_key_); }
- class ArgumentBits : public BitField<int, 0, kArgBits> {};
- friend class Builtins; // For generating the related builtin.
- DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(CallApiCallback, PlatformCodeStub);
-// TODO(jgruber): This stub only exists to avoid code duplication between
-// code-stubs-<arch>.cc and builtins-<arch>.cc. If CallApiCallbackStub is ever
-// completely removed, CallApiGetterStub can also be deleted.
-class CallApiGetterStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
- private:
- // For generating the related builtin.
- explicit CallApiGetterStub(Isolate* isolate) : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {}
- friend class Builtins;
- DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(CallApiGetter, PlatformCodeStub);
-class JSEntryStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
- public:
- enum class SpecialTarget { kNone, kRunMicrotasks };
- JSEntryStub(Isolate* isolate, StackFrame::Type type)
- : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
- DCHECK(type == StackFrame::ENTRY || type == StackFrame::CONSTRUCT_ENTRY);
- minor_key_ = StackFrameTypeBits::encode(type) |
- SpecialTargetBits::encode(SpecialTarget::kNone);
- }
- JSEntryStub(Isolate* isolate, SpecialTarget target)
- : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {
- minor_key_ = StackFrameTypeBits::encode(StackFrame::ENTRY) |
- SpecialTargetBits::encode(target);
- }
- private:
- int GenerateHandlerTable(MacroAssembler* masm) override;
- void PrintName(std::ostream& os) const override { // NOLINT
- os << (type() == StackFrame::ENTRY ? "JSEntryStub"
- : "JSConstructEntryStub");
- }
- StackFrame::Type type() const {
- return StackFrameTypeBits::decode(minor_key_);
- }
- SpecialTarget special_target() const {
- return SpecialTargetBits::decode(minor_key_);
- }
- Handle<Code> EntryTrampoline() {
- switch (special_target()) {
- case SpecialTarget::kNone:
- return (type() == StackFrame::CONSTRUCT_ENTRY)
- ? BUILTIN_CODE(isolate(), JSConstructEntryTrampoline)
- : BUILTIN_CODE(isolate(), JSEntryTrampoline);
- case SpecialTarget::kRunMicrotasks:
- return BUILTIN_CODE(isolate(), RunMicrotasks);
- }
- return Handle<Code>();
- }
- class StackFrameTypeBits : public BitField<StackFrame::Type, 0, 5> {};
- class SpecialTargetBits
- : public BitField<SpecialTarget, StackFrameTypeBits::kNext, 1> {};
- int handler_offset_;
-class StoreFastElementStub : public TurboFanCodeStub {
- public:
- StoreFastElementStub(Isolate* isolate, bool is_js_array,
- ElementsKind elements_kind, KeyedAccessStoreMode mode)
- : TurboFanCodeStub(isolate) {
- minor_key_ = CommonStoreModeBits::encode(mode) |
- ElementsKindBits::encode(elements_kind) |
- IsJSArrayBits::encode(is_js_array);
- }
- static void GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate);
- bool is_js_array() const { return IsJSArrayBits::decode(minor_key_); }
- ElementsKind elements_kind() const {
- return ElementsKindBits::decode(minor_key_);
- }
- KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode() const {
- return CommonStoreModeBits::decode(minor_key_);
- }
- private:
- class ElementsKindBits
- : public BitField<ElementsKind, CommonStoreModeBits::kNext, 8> {};
- class IsJSArrayBits : public BitField<bool, ElementsKindBits::kNext, 1> {};
- DEFINE_TURBOFAN_CODE_STUB(StoreFastElement, TurboFanCodeStub);
-class StoreSlowElementStub : public TurboFanCodeStub {
- public:
- StoreSlowElementStub(Isolate* isolate, KeyedAccessStoreMode mode)
- : TurboFanCodeStub(isolate) {
- minor_key_ = CommonStoreModeBits::encode(mode);
- }
- private:
- DEFINE_TURBOFAN_CODE_STUB(StoreSlowElement, TurboFanCodeStub);
-class StoreInArrayLiteralSlowStub : public TurboFanCodeStub {
- public:
- StoreInArrayLiteralSlowStub(Isolate* isolate, KeyedAccessStoreMode mode)
- : TurboFanCodeStub(isolate) {
- minor_key_ = CommonStoreModeBits::encode(mode);
- }
- private:
- DEFINE_TURBOFAN_CODE_STUB(StoreInArrayLiteralSlow, TurboFanCodeStub);
-class ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub : public TurboFanCodeStub {
- public:
- ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub(Isolate* isolate, ElementsKind from_kind,
- ElementsKind to_kind, bool is_jsarray,
- KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode)
- : TurboFanCodeStub(isolate) {
- minor_key_ = CommonStoreModeBits::encode(store_mode) |
- FromBits::encode(from_kind) | ToBits::encode(to_kind) |
- IsJSArrayBits::encode(is_jsarray);
- }
- ElementsKind from_kind() const { return FromBits::decode(minor_key_); }
- ElementsKind to_kind() const { return ToBits::decode(minor_key_); }
- bool is_jsarray() const { return IsJSArrayBits::decode(minor_key_); }
- KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode() const {
- return CommonStoreModeBits::decode(minor_key_);
- }
- private:
- class FromBits
- : public BitField<ElementsKind, CommonStoreModeBits::kNext, 8> {};
- class ToBits : public BitField<ElementsKind, 11, 8> {};
- class IsJSArrayBits : public BitField<bool, 19, 1> {};
- DEFINE_TURBOFAN_CODE_STUB(ElementsTransitionAndStore, TurboFanCodeStub);
-// TODO(jgruber): Convert this stub into a builtin.
-class ProfileEntryHookStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
- public:
- explicit ProfileEntryHookStub(Isolate* isolate) : PlatformCodeStub(isolate) {}
- // The profile entry hook function is not allowed to cause a GC.
- bool SometimesSetsUpAFrame() override { return false; }
- // Generates a call to the entry hook if it's enabled.
- static void MaybeCallEntryHook(MacroAssembler* masm);
- static void MaybeCallEntryHookDelayed(TurboAssembler* tasm, Zone* zone);
- private:
- static void EntryHookTrampoline(intptr_t function,
- intptr_t stack_pointer,
- Isolate* isolate);
- // ProfileEntryHookStub is called at the start of a function, so it has the
- // same register set.
- DEFINE_PLATFORM_CODE_STUB(ProfileEntryHook, PlatformCodeStub);
-} // namespace internal
-} // namespace v8
-#endif // V8_CODE_STUBS_H_