path: root/deps/npm/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/test')
18 files changed, 951 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/broken-under-nyc-and-travis/lifecycle-path.js b/deps/npm/test/broken-under-nyc-and-travis/lifecycle-path.js
index 61fe229bcf..5804eb59a8 100644
--- a/deps/npm/test/broken-under-nyc-and-travis/lifecycle-path.js
+++ b/deps/npm/test/broken-under-nyc-and-travis/lifecycle-path.js
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ function checkPath (testconfig, t) {
// get the ones we tacked on, then the system-specific requirements
- var expectedPaths = ['{{ROOT}}/bin/node-gyp-bin',
+ var expectedPaths = ['{{ROOT}}/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/node-gyp-bin',
// Check that the behaviour matches the configuration that was actually
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-always-auth.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-always-auth.js
index 375c3ab262..c0f302eef5 100644
--- a/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-always-auth.js
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-always-auth.js
@@ -35,8 +35,11 @@ function mocks (server) {
server.filteringRequestBody(function (r) {
if (r.match(/\"_id\":\"org\.couchdb\.user:u\"/)) {
return 'auth'
+ } else {
+ return 'invalid'
+'/-/v1/login', 'invalid').reply(404, 'not found')
server.put('/-/user/org.couchdb.user:u', 'auth')
.reply(201, { username: 'u', password: 'p', email: '' })
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-legacy-auth.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-legacy-auth.js
index 67292cf06a..677d378d89 100644
--- a/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-legacy-auth.js
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-legacy-auth.js
@@ -25,8 +25,11 @@ function mocks (server) {
server.filteringRequestBody(function (r) {
if (r.match(/"_id":"org\.couchdb\.user:u"/)) {
return 'auth'
+ } else {
+ return 'invalid'
+'/-/v1/login', 'invalid').reply(404, 'not found')
server.put('/-/user/org.couchdb.user:u', 'auth')
.reply(409, { error: 'user exists' })
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-oauth.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-oauth.js
index dc4ff895e0..20159bcebd 100644
--- a/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-oauth.js
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-oauth.js
@@ -20,8 +20,11 @@ function mocks (server) {
server.filteringRequestBody(function (r) {
if (r.match(/"_id":"org\.couchdb\.user:npm_oauth_auth_dummy_user"/)) {
return 'auth'
+ } else {
+ return 'invalid'
+'/-/v1/login', 'invalid').reply(404, 'not found')
server.put('/-/user/org.couchdb.user:npm_oauth_auth_dummy_user', 'auth')
.reply(201, { token: 'foo', sso: ssoUri })
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-saml.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-saml.js
index 7fd1da2392..a7941f6d6a 100644
--- a/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-saml.js
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/adduser-saml.js
@@ -20,8 +20,11 @@ function mocks (server) {
server.filteringRequestBody(function (r) {
if (r.match(/"_id":"org\.couchdb\.user:npm_saml_auth_dummy_user"/)) {
return 'auth'
+ } else {
+ return 'invalid'
+'/-/v1/login', 'invalid').reply(404, 'not found')
server.put('/-/user/org.couchdb.user:npm_saml_auth_dummy_user', 'auth')
.reply(201, { token: 'foo', sso: ssoUri })
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/auto-prune.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/auto-prune.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00d01675c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/auto-prune.js
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+'use strict'
+const path = require('path')
+const test = require('tap').test
+const mr = require('npm-registry-mock')
+const Tacks = require('tacks')
+const File = Tacks.File
+const Dir = Tacks.Dir
+const extend = Object.assign || require('util')._extend
+const common = require('../common-tap.js')
+const basedir = path.join(__dirname, path.basename(__filename, '.js'))
+const testdir = path.join(basedir, 'testdir')
+const cachedir = path.join(basedir, 'cache')
+const globaldir = path.join(basedir, 'global')
+const tmpdir = path.join(basedir, 'tmp')
+const conf = {
+ cwd: testdir,
+ env: extend(extend({}, process.env), {
+ npm_config_cache: cachedir,
+ npm_config_tmp: tmpdir,
+ npm_config_prefix: globaldir,
+ npm_config_registry: common.registry,
+ npm_config_loglevel: 'warn'
+ })
+let server
+const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ cache: Dir(),
+ global: Dir(),
+ tmp: Dir(),
+ testdir: Dir({
+ node_modules: Dir({
+ minimist: Dir({
+ 'package.json': File({
+ _integrity: 'sha1-hX/Kv8M5fSYluCKCYuhqp6ARsF0=',
+ _resolved: '',
+ name: 'minimist',
+ version: '0.0.8'
+ })
+ }),
+ mkdirp: Dir({
+ 'package.json': File({
+ _integrity: 'sha1-MAV0OOrGz3+MR2fzhkjWaX11yQM=',
+ _resolved: '',
+ dependencies: {
+ minimist: '0.0.8'
+ },
+ name: 'mkdirp',
+ version: '0.5.1'
+ })
+ }),
+ null: Dir({
+ 'package.json': File({
+ _integrity: 'sha1-WoIdUnAxMlyG06AasQFzKgkfoew=',
+ _resolved: '',
+ _spec: 'null',
+ name: 'null',
+ version: '1.0.1'
+ })
+ })
+ }),
+ 'package-lock.json': File({
+ name: 'with-lock',
+ version: '1.0.0',
+ lockfileVersion: 1,
+ requires: true,
+ dependencies: {
+ minimist: {
+ version: '0.0.8',
+ resolved: '',
+ integrity: 'sha1-hX/Kv8M5fSYluCKCYuhqp6ARsF0='
+ },
+ mkdirp: {
+ version: '0.5.1',
+ resolved: '',
+ integrity: 'sha1-MAV0OOrGz3+MR2fzhkjWaX11yQM=',
+ requires: {
+ minimist: '0.0.8'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ 'package.json': File({
+ name: 'with-lock',
+ version: '1.0.0',
+ dependencies: {
+ mkdirp: '^0.5.1'
+ }
+ })
+ })
+function setup () {
+ cleanup()
+ fixture.create(basedir)
+function cleanup () {
+ fixture.remove(basedir)
+test('setup', function (t) {
+ setup()
+ mr({port: common.port, throwOnUnmatched: true}, function (err, s) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ server = s
+ t.done()
+ })
+test('auto-prune w/ package-lock', function (t) {
+ common.npm(['install', '--dry-run', '--json'], conf, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
+ if (err) throw err
+, 0, 'command ran ok')
+ t.comment(stderr.trim())
+ const result = JSON.parse(stdout)
+, 0, 'nothing added')
+, 0, 'nothing updated')
+, 0, 'nothing moved')
+, 0, 'nothing failed')
+, 1, 'pruned 1')
+, {'removed': [{'name': 'null'}]}, 'pruned the right one')
+ t.done()
+ })
+test('auto-prune w/ --no-package-lock', function (t) {
+ common.npm(['install', '--dry-run', '--json', '--no-package-lock'], conf, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
+ if (err) throw err
+, 0, 'command ran ok')
+ t.comment(stderr.trim())
+ const result = JSON.parse(stdout)
+, 0, 'nothing added')
+, 0, 'nothing updated')
+, 0, 'nothing moved')
+, 0, 'nothing failed')
+, 0, 'nothing pruned')
+ t.done()
+ })
+test('cleanup', function (t) {
+ server.close()
+ cleanup()
+ t.done()
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/bundled-dependencies-no-pkgjson.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/bundled-dependencies-no-pkgjson.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a7056408a9..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/test/tap/bundled-dependencies-no-pkgjson.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-var test = require('tap').test
-var path = require('path')
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
-var rimraf = require('rimraf')
-var common = require('../common-tap.js')
-var dir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'bundled-dependencies-no-pkgjson')
-var pkg = path.resolve(dir, 'pkg-with-bundled-dep')
-var dep = path.resolve(pkg, 'node_modules', 'a-bundled-dep')
-var pkgJson = JSON.stringify({
- name: 'pkg-with-bundled-dep',
- version: '1.0.0',
- dependencies: {
- },
- bundledDependencies: [
- 'a-bundled-dep'
- ]
-}, null, 2) + '\n'
-var packed
-test('setup', function (t) {
- rimraf.sync(dir)
- mkdirp.sync(path.join(dir, 'node_modules'))
- mkdirp.sync(dep)
- fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(pkg, 'package.json'), pkgJson)
- fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(dep, 'index.js'), '')
- common.npm(['pack', pkg], {cwd: dir}, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
- if (err) throw err
-, 0, 'packed ok')
- packed = stdout.trim()
- t.comment(stderr)
- t.end()
- })
-test('proper error on bundled dep with no package.json', function (t) {
- t.plan(2)
- var npmArgs = ['install', packed]
- common.npm(npmArgs, { cwd: dir }, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
- if (err) throw err
- t.notEqual(code, 0, 'npm ended in error')
-, /ENOENT/, 'ENOENT should be in stderr')
- t.end()
- })
-test('cleanup', function (t) {
- rimraf.sync(dir)
- t.end()
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/ci.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/ci.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a67b57e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/ci.js
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+'use strict'
+const BB = require('bluebird')
+const common = BB.promisifyAll(require('../common-tap.js'))
+const fs = BB.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
+const mr = BB.promisify(require('npm-registry-mock'))
+const path = require('path')
+const rimraf = BB.promisify(require('rimraf'))
+const Tacks = require('tacks')
+const test = require('tap').test
+const Dir = Tacks.Dir
+const File = Tacks.File
+const testDir = path.join(__dirname, 'ci')
+const EXEC_OPTS = { cwd: testDir }
+const PKG = {
+ name: 'top',
+ version: '1.2.3',
+ dependencies: {
+ optimist: '0.6.0',
+ clean: '2.1.6'
+ }
+let TREE
+function scrubFrom (tree) {
+ // npm ci and npm i write different `from` fields for dependency deps. This
+ // is fine any ok, but it messes with `t.deepEqual` comparisons.
+ function _scrubFrom (deps) {
+ Object.keys(deps).forEach((k) => {
+ deps[k].from = ''
+ if (deps[k].dependencies) { _scrubFrom(deps[k].dependencies) }
+ })
+ }
+ tree.dependencies && _scrubFrom(tree.dependencies)
+test('setup', () => {
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG)
+ }))
+ fixture.create(testDir)
+ return mr({port: common.port})
+ .then((server) => {
+ SERVER = server
+ return common.npm([
+ 'install',
+ '--registry', common.registry
+ .then(() => fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'utf8')
+ )
+ .then((lock) => {
+ })
+ .then(() => common.npm(['ls', '--json'], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ TREE = scrubFrom(JSON.parse(ret[1]))
+ })
+ })
+test('basic installation', (t) => {
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG),
+ 'package-lock.json': File(RAW_LOCKFILE)
+ }))
+ return rimraf(testDir)
+ .then(() => fixture.create(testDir))
+ .then(() => common.npm([
+ 'ci',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--loglevel', 'warn'
+ ], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const code = ret[0]
+ const stdout = ret[1]
+ const stderr = ret[2]
+ t.equal(code, 0, 'command completed without error')
+ t.equal(stdout.trim(), '', 'no output on stdout')
+ t.match(
+ stderr.trim(),
+ /^added 6 packages in \d+(?:\.\d+)?s$/,
+ 'no warnings on stderr, and final output has right number of packages'
+ )
+ return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(testDir, 'node_modules'))
+ })
+ .then((modules) => {
+ t.deepEqual(modules.sort(), [
+ 'async', 'checker', 'clean', 'minimist', 'optimist', 'wordwrap'
+ ], 'packages installed')
+ return BB.all( => {
+ return fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'node_modules', mod, 'package.json')
+ )
+ .then((f) => JSON.parse(f))
+ .then((pkgjson) => {
+ t.equal(, mod, `${mod} package name correct`)
+ t.match(
+ pkgjson._integrity,
+ /sha\d+-[a-z0-9=+/]+$/i,
+ `${mod} pkgjson has _integrity`
+ )
+ t.match(
+ pkgjson._resolved,
+ new RegExp(`http.*/-/${mod}-${pkgjson.version}.tgz`),
+ `${mod} pkgjson has correct _resolved`
+ )
+ t.match(
+ pkgjson._from,
+ new RegExp(`${mod}@.*`),
+ `${mod} pkgjson has _from field`
+ )
+ })
+ }))
+ })
+ .then(() => fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'utf8')
+ )
+ .then((lock) => t.equal(lock, RAW_LOCKFILE, 'package-lock.json unchanged'))
+ .then(() => common.npm(['ls', '--json'], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const lsResult = JSON.parse(ret[1])
+ t.equal(ret[0], 0, 'ls exited successfully')
+ t.deepEqual(scrubFrom(lsResult), TREE, 'tree matches one from `install`')
+ })
+test('supports npm-shrinkwrap.json as well', (t) => {
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG),
+ 'npm-shrinkwrap.json': File(RAW_LOCKFILE)
+ }))
+ return rimraf(testDir)
+ .then(() => fixture.create(testDir))
+ .then(() => common.npm([
+ 'ci',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--loglevel', 'warn'
+ ], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const code = ret[0]
+ const stdout = ret[1]
+ const stderr = ret[2]
+ t.equal(code, 0, 'command completed without error')
+ t.equal(stdout.trim(), '', 'no output on stdout')
+ t.match(
+ stderr.trim(),
+ /^added 6 packages in \d+(?:\.\d+)?s$/,
+ 'no warnings on stderr, and final output has right number of packages'
+ )
+ })
+ .then(() => common.npm(['ls', '--json'], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ t.equal(ret[0], 0, 'ls exited successfully')
+ t.deepEqual(
+ scrubFrom(JSON.parse(ret[1])),
+ 'tree matches one from `install`'
+ )
+ })
+ .then(() => fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'npm-shrinkwrap.json'),
+ 'utf8')
+ )
+ .then((lock) => t.equal(lock, RAW_LOCKFILE, 'npm-shrinkwrap.json unchanged'))
+ .then(() => fs.readdirAsync(path.join(testDir)))
+ .then((files) => t.notOk(
+ files.some((f) => f === 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'no package-lock.json created'
+ ))
+test('removes existing node_modules/ before installing', (t) => {
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG),
+ 'package-lock.json': File(RAW_LOCKFILE),
+ 'node_modules': Dir({
+ foo: Dir({
+ 'index.js': File('"hello world"')
+ })
+ })
+ }))
+ return rimraf(testDir)
+ .then(() => fixture.create(testDir))
+ .then(() => common.npm([
+ 'ci',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--loglevel', 'warn'
+ ], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const code = ret[0]
+ const stdout = ret[1]
+ const stderr = ret[2]
+ t.equal(code, 0, 'command completed without error')
+ t.equal(stdout.trim(), '', 'no output on stdout')
+ t.match(
+ stderr.trim(),
+ /^npm.*WARN.*removing existing node_modules/,
+ 'user warned that existing node_modules were removed'
+ )
+ return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(testDir, 'node_modules'))
+ })
+ .then((modules) => {
+ t.deepEqual(modules.sort(), [
+ 'async', 'checker', 'clean', 'minimist', 'optimist', 'wordwrap'
+ ], 'packages installed, with old node_modules dir gone')
+ })
+ .then(() => common.npm(['ls'], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => t.equal(ret[0], 0, 'ls exited successfully'))
+ .then(() => fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'utf8')
+ )
+ .then((lock) => t.equal(lock, RAW_LOCKFILE, 'package-lock.json unchanged'))
+test('installs all package types correctly')
+test('errors if package-lock.json missing', (t) => {
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG)
+ }))
+ return rimraf(testDir)
+ .then(() => fixture.create(testDir))
+ .then(() => common.npm([
+ 'ci',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--loglevel', 'warn'
+ ], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const code = ret[0]
+ const stdout = ret[1]
+ const stderr = ret[2]
+ t.equal(code, 1, 'command errored')
+ t.equal(stdout.trim(), '', 'no output on stdout')
+ t.match(
+ stderr.trim(),
+ /can only install packages with an existing package-lock/i,
+ 'user informed about the issue'
+ )
+ return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(testDir))
+ })
+ .then((dir) => {
+ t.notOk(dir.some((f) => f === 'node_modules'), 'no node_modules installed')
+ t.notOk(
+ dir.some((f) => f === 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'no package-lock.json created'
+ )
+ })
+test('errors if package-lock.json invalid', (t) => {
+ const badJson = JSON.parse(RAW_LOCKFILE)
+ delete badJson.dependencies.optimist
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File(PKG),
+ 'package-lock.json': File(badJson)
+ }))
+ return rimraf(testDir)
+ .then(() => fixture.create(testDir))
+ .then(() => common.npm([
+ 'ci',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--loglevel', 'warn'
+ ], EXEC_OPTS))
+ .then((ret) => {
+ const code = ret[0]
+ const stdout = ret[1]
+ const stderr = ret[2]
+ t.equal(code, 1, 'command errored')
+ t.equal(stdout.trim(), '', 'no output on stdout')
+ t.match(
+ stderr.trim(),
+ /can only install packages when your package.json/i,
+ 'user informed about the issue'
+ )
+ return fs.readdirAsync(path.join(testDir))
+ })
+ .then((dir) => {
+ t.notOk(dir.some((f) => f === 'node_modules'), 'no node_modules installed')
+ })
+ .then(() => fs.readFileAsync(
+ path.join(testDir, 'package-lock.json'),
+ 'utf8')
+ )
+ .then((lock) => t.deepEqual(
+ JSON.parse(lock),
+ badJson,
+ 'bad package-lock.json left unchanged')
+ )
+test('cleanup', () => {
+ SERVER.close()
+ return rimraf(testDir)
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/config-envReplace.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/config-envReplace.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edec9e40db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/config-envReplace.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+const fs = require('fs')
+const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
+const rimraf = require('rimraf')
+const path = require('path')
+const ini = require('ini')
+const test = require('tap').test
+const npmconf = require('../../lib/config/core.js')
+const packagePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'config-envReplace')
+const packageJsonFile = JSON.stringify({
+ name: 'config-envReplace'
+const inputConfigFile = [
+ 'registry=${NPM_REGISTRY_URL}',
+ '//${NPM_REGISTRY_HOST}/:_authToken=${NPM_AUTH_TOKEN}',
+ 'always-auth=true',
+ ''
+const expectConfigFile = [
+ 'registry=',
+ '//',
+ 'always-auth=true',
+ ''
+test('environment variables replacing in configs', function (t) {
+ process.env = Object.assign(process.env, {
+ NPM_AUTH_TOKEN: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
+ })
+ mkdirp.sync(packagePath)
+ const packageJsonPath = path.resolve(packagePath, 'package.json')
+ const configPath = path.resolve(packagePath, '.npmrc')
+ fs.writeFileSync(packageJsonPath, packageJsonFile)
+ fs.writeFileSync(configPath, inputConfigFile)
+ const originalCwdPath = process.cwd()
+ process.chdir(packagePath)
+ npmconf.load(function (error, conf) {
+ if (error) throw error
+ const foundConfigFile = ini.stringify(
+ t.same(ini.parse(foundConfigFile), ini.parse(expectConfigFile))
+ fs.unlinkSync(packageJsonPath)
+ fs.unlinkSync(configPath)
+ rimraf.sync(packagePath)
+ process.chdir(originalCwdPath)
+ t.end()
+ })
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/config-list.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/config-list.js
index b06dc154b2..05402d4bbe 100644
--- a/deps/npm/test/tap/config-list.js
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/config-list.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ var mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
var common = require('../common-tap.js')
var pkg = path.resolve(__dirname, 'config-list')
-var opts = { cwd: pkg }
+var opts = { cwd: pkg, env: common.emptyEnv() }
var npmrc = path.resolve(pkg, '.npmrc')
var npmrcContents = `
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/install-contributors-count.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/install-contributors-count.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52fba0fd24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/install-contributors-count.js
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+'use strict'
+var path = require('path')
+var test = require('tap').test
+var Tacks = require('tacks')
+var Dir = Tacks.Dir
+var File = Tacks.File
+var common = require('../common-tap.js')
+var testdir = path.resolve(__dirname, path.basename(__filename, '.js'))
+var fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ node_modules: Dir({
+ a: Dir({
+ 'package.json': File({
+ name: 'a',
+ version: '1.0.0',
+ dependencies: {
+ b: '1.0.0'
+ }
+ }),
+ node_modules: Dir({
+ b: Dir({
+ 'package.json': File({
+ name: 'b',
+ version: '1.0.0'
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ }),
+ 'b-src': Dir({
+ 'package.json': File({
+ name: 'b',
+ author: 'Author Contributor',
+ contributors: [
+ {name: 'Author Contributor'},
+ 'Another Contributor'
+ ],
+ version: '1.0.0'
+ })
+ })
+function setup () {
+ cleanup()
+ fixture.create(testdir)
+function cleanup () {
+ fixture.remove(testdir)
+test('setup', function (t) {
+ setup()
+ t.end()
+test('install', function (t) {
+ common.npm(['install', '--no-save', './b-src'], {cwd: testdir}, function (err, code, stdout, stderr) {
+ if (err) throw err
+, 0, 'installed successfully')
+, '', 'no warnings')
+ t.includes(stdout, 'added 1 package from 2 contributors', 'lists number of unique contributors')
+ t.end()
+ })
+test('cleanup', function (t) {
+ cleanup()
+ t.end()
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/install-save-consistent-newlines.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/install-save-consistent-newlines.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6250377445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/install-save-consistent-newlines.js
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+'use strict'
+const fs = require('graceful-fs')
+const path = require('path')
+const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
+const mr = require('npm-registry-mock')
+const osenv = require('osenv')
+const rimraf = require('rimraf')
+const test = require('tap').test
+const common = require('../common-tap.js')
+const pkg = path.join(__dirname, 'install-save-consistent-newlines')
+const EXEC_OPTS = { cwd: pkg }
+const json = {
+ name: 'install-save-consistent-newlines',
+ version: '0.0.1',
+ description: 'fixture'
+var server
+test('setup', function (t) {
+ setup('\n')
+ mr({ port: common.port }, function (er, s) {
+ server = s
+ t.end()
+ })
+test('\'npm install --save\' should keep the original package.json line endings (LF)', function (t) {
+ common.npm(
+ [
+ '--loglevel', 'silent',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--save',
+ 'install', 'underscore@1.3.1'
+ ],
+ function (err, code) {
+ t.ifError(err, 'npm ran without issue')
+ t.notOk(code, 'npm install exited without raising an error code')
+ const pkgPath = path.resolve(pkg, 'package.json')
+ const pkgStr = fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf8')
+ t.match(pkgStr, '\n')
+ t.notMatch(pkgStr, '\r')
+ const pkgLockPath = path.resolve(pkg, 'package-lock.json')
+ const pkgLockStr = fs.readFileSync(pkgLockPath, 'utf8')
+ t.match(pkgLockStr, '\n')
+ t.notMatch(pkgLockStr, '\r')
+ t.end()
+ }
+ )
+test('\'npm install --save\' should keep the original package.json line endings (CRLF)', function (t) {
+ setup('\r\n')
+ common.npm(
+ [
+ '--loglevel', 'silent',
+ '--registry', common.registry,
+ '--save',
+ 'install', 'underscore@1.3.1'
+ ],
+ function (err, code) {
+ t.ifError(err, 'npm ran without issue')
+ t.notOk(code, 'npm install exited without raising an error code')
+ const pkgPath = path.resolve(pkg, 'package.json')
+ const pkgStr = fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf8')
+ t.match(pkgStr, '\r\n')
+ t.notMatch(pkgStr, /[^\r]\n/)
+ const pkgLockPath = path.resolve(pkg, 'package-lock.json')
+ const pkgLockStr = fs.readFileSync(pkgLockPath, 'utf8')
+ t.match(pkgLockStr, '\r\n')
+ t.notMatch(pkgLockStr, /[^\r]\n/)
+ t.end()
+ }
+ )
+test('cleanup', function (t) {
+ server.close()
+ cleanup()
+ t.end()
+function cleanup () {
+ process.chdir(osenv.tmpdir())
+ rimraf.sync(pkg)
+function setup (lineEnding) {
+ cleanup()
+ mkdirp.sync(path.resolve(pkg, 'node_modules'))
+ var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)
+ if (lineEnding === '\r\n') {
+ jsonStr = jsonStr.replace(/\n/g, '\r\n')
+ }
+ fs.writeFileSync(
+ path.join(pkg, 'package.json'),
+ jsonStr
+ )
+ process.chdir(pkg)
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/override-bundled.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/override-bundled.js
index cf6049a128..493ebf4a5d 100644
--- a/deps/npm/test/tap/override-bundled.js
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/override-bundled.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ var testtgz = testmod + '-1.0.0.tgz'
var bundleupdatesrc = path.resolve(testmod, 'bundle-update')
var bundleupdatetgz = bundleupdatesrc + '-1.0.0.tgz'
var bundleupdateNEW = path.resolve(bundleupdatesrc, 'NEW')
-var bundleupdateNEWpostinstall = path.resolve(testdir, 'node_modules', 'top-test', 'node_modules', 'bundle-update', 'NEW')
+var bundleupdateNEWpostinstall = path.resolve(testdir, 'node_modules', 'bundle-update', 'NEW')
var bundleupdatebad = path.resolve(testmod, 'node_modules', 'bundle-update')
var bundlekeepsrc = path.resolve(testmod, 'bundle-keep')
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ var bundledeepupdatesrc = path.resolve(testmod, 'bundle-deep-update')
var bundledeepupdatetgz = bundledeepupdatesrc + '-1.0.0.tgz'
var bundledeepupdate = path.resolve(bundledeep, 'node_modules', 'bundle-deep-update')
var bundledeepupdateNEW = path.resolve(bundledeepupdatesrc, 'NEW')
-var bundledeepupdateNEWpostinstall = path.resolve(testdir, 'node_modules', 'top-test',
- 'node_modules', 'bundle-deep', 'node_modules', 'bundle-deep-update', 'NEW')
+var bundledeepupdateNEWpostinstall = path.resolve(testdir, 'node_modules', 'bundle-deep-update', 'NEW')
var testjson = {
dependencies: {'top-test': 'file:' + testtgz}
@@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ var bundlejson = {
name: 'bundle-update',
version: '1.0.0',
files: ['OLD', 'NEW']
var bundlekeepjson = {
@@ -65,6 +63,8 @@ var bundlekeepjson = {
_requested: {
rawSpec: bundlekeeptgz
+ _resolved: bundlekeeptgz,
+ _shasum: 'baadf00d',
files: ['OLD', 'NEW']
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ var bundledeepjson = {
_requested: {
rawSpec: bundledeeptgz
+ _resolved: bundlekeeptgz,
+ _shasum: 'deadbeef',
files: ['OLD', 'NEW']
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/shrinkwrap-resolve-conflict.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/shrinkwrap-resolve-conflict.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c06be7d59e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/shrinkwrap-resolve-conflict.js
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+'use strict'
+const BB = require('bluebird')
+const common = require('../common-tap.js')
+const fs = BB.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
+const path = require('path')
+const rimraf = BB.promisify(require('rimraf'))
+const test = require('tap').test
+const Tacks = require('tacks')
+const File = Tacks.File
+const Dir = Tacks.Dir
+const testDir = path.resolve(__dirname, path.basename(__filename, '.js'))
+const modAdir = path.resolve(testDir, 'modA')
+const modBdir = path.resolve(testDir, 'modB')
+const modCdir = path.resolve(testDir, 'modC')
+test('conflicts in shrinkwrap are auto-resolved on install', (t) => {
+ const fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
+ 'package.json': File({
+ name: 'foo',
+ dependencies: {
+ modA: 'file://' + modAdir,
+ modB: 'file://' + modBdir
+ },
+ devDependencies: {
+ modC: 'file://' + modCdir
+ }
+ }),
+ 'npm-shrinkwrap.json': File(
+ "name": "foo",
+ "requires": true,
+ "lockfileVersion": 1,
+ "dependencies": {
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+ "modA": {
+ "version": "file:modA"
+||||||| merged common ancestors
+ "modB": {
+ "version": "file:modB"
+ "modC": {
+ "version": "file:modC",
+ "dev": true
+>>>>>>> branch
+ }
+ }
+ 'modA': Dir({
+ 'package.json': File({
+ name: 'modA',
+ version: '1.0.0'
+ })
+ }),
+ 'modB': Dir({
+ 'package.json': File({
+ name: 'modB',
+ version: '1.0.0'
+ })
+ }),
+ 'modC': Dir({
+ 'package.json': File({
+ name: 'modC',
+ version: '1.0.0'
+ })
+ })
+ }))
+ fixture.create(testDir)
+ function readJson (file) {
+ return fs.readFileAsync(path.join(testDir, file)).then(JSON.parse)
+ }
+ return BB.fromNode((cb) => {
+ common.npm([
+ 'install',
+ '--loglevel', 'warn'
+ ], {cwd: testDir}, (err, code, out, stderr) => {
+ t.comment(stderr)
+ t.match(stderr, /warn.*conflict/gi, 'warns about a conflict')
+ cb(err || (code && new Error('non-zero exit code')) || null, out)
+ })
+ })
+ .then(() => BB.join(
+ readJson('npm-shrinkwrap.json'),
+ readJson('node_modules/modA/package.json'),
+ readJson('node_modules/modB/package.json'),
+ readJson('node_modules/modC/package.json'),
+ (lockfile, A, B, C) => {
+ t.deepEqual(lockfile, {
+ name: 'foo',
+ requires: true,
+ lockfileVersion: 1,
+ dependencies: {
+ modA: {
+ version: 'file:modA'
+ },
+ modB: {
+ version: 'file:modB'
+ },
+ modC: {
+ version: 'file:modC',
+ dev: true
+ }
+ }
+ }, 'resolved lockfile matches expectations')
+ t.equal(, 'modA', 'installed modA')
+ t.equal(, 'modB', 'installed modB')
+ t.equal(, 'modC', 'installed modC')
+ }
+ ))
+test('cleanup', () => rimraf(testDir))
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/tagged-version-matching.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/tagged-version-matching.js
index 9d3f5f38e9..a04e749146 100644
--- a/deps/npm/test/tap/tagged-version-matching.js
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/tagged-version-matching.js
@@ -46,24 +46,6 @@ var fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
'package.json': File({
_from: 'npm/example-gitdep',
_id: 'gitdep@1.0.0',
- _requested: {
- raw: 'gitdep@git://',
- scope: null,
- escapedName: 'gitdep',
- name: 'gitdep',
- rawSpec: 'git://',
- spec: 'git://',
- type: 'hosted',
- hosted: {
- type: 'github',
- ssh: '',
- sshUrl: 'git+ssh://',
- httpsUrl: 'git+',
- gitUrl: 'git://',
- shortcut: 'github:npm/example-gitdep#da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709',
- directUrl: ''
- }
- },
_resolved: 'github:npm/example-gitdep#da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709',
name: 'gitdep',
version: '1.0.0'
@@ -74,15 +56,7 @@ var fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
_from: 'tagdep@latest',
_id: 'tagdep@1.0.0',
_integrity: 'sha1-0EJSKmsdk39848LlrRg/hZQo2B8=',
- _requested: {
- raw: 'tagdep@',
- scope: null,
- escapedName: 'tagdep',
- name: 'tagdep',
- rawSpec: '',
- spec: '',
- type: 'remote'
- },
+ _resolved: '',
name: 'tagdep',
version: '1.0.0'
@@ -102,7 +76,7 @@ var fixture = new Tacks(Dir({
example: {
version: 'file:example',
requires: {
- tagdep: '1.0.0',
+ tagdep: '^1.0.0',
gitdep: 'github:npm/example-gitdep#da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709'
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/unit-deps-earliestInstallable.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/unit-deps-earliestInstallable.js
index 538cfe6c09..8c5ca06ad8 100644
--- a/deps/npm/test/tap/unit-deps-earliestInstallable.js
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/unit-deps-earliestInstallable.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
var test = require('tap').test
var requireInject = require('require-inject')
var npa = require('npm-package-arg')
+var log = require('npmlog')
// we're just mocking to avoid having to call `npm.load`
var deps = requireInject('../../lib/install/deps.js', {
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ test('earliestInstallable should consider devDependencies', function (t) {
dep2a.parent = dep1
dep2.parent = pkg
- var earliest = earliestInstallable(dep1, dep1, dep2a.package)
+ var earliest = earliestInstallable(dep1, dep1, dep2a.package, log)
t.isDeeply(earliest, dep1, 'should hoist package when an incompatible devDependency is present')
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ test('earliestInstallable should reuse shared prod/dev deps when they are identi
dep1.parent = pkg
dep2.parent = pkg
- var earliest = earliestInstallable(dep1, dep1, dep2.package)
+ var earliest = earliestInstallable(dep1, dep1, dep2.package, log)
t.isDeeply(earliest, pkg, 'should reuse identical shared dev/prod deps when installing both')
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/unit-token-validate-cidr.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/unit-token-validate-cidr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db963c31f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/unit-token-validate-cidr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+'use strict'
+const test = require('tap').test
+const requireInject = require('require-inject')
+const validateCIDRList = requireInject('../../lib/token.js', {'../../lib/npm.js': {}})._validateCIDRList
+test('validateCIDRList', (t) => {
+ t.plan(10)
+ const single = ['']
+ const double = ['', '']
+ const ipv6 = '2620:0:2d0:200::7/32'
+ const ipv6Mixed = ['127.0.0/24', '2620:0:2d0:200::7/32', '']
+ t.doesNotThrow(() => t.isDeeply(validateCIDRList(single.join(',')), single), 'single string ipv4')
+ t.doesNotThrow(() => t.isDeeply(validateCIDRList(single), single), 'single array ipv4')
+ t.doesNotThrow(() => t.isDeeply(validateCIDRList(double.join(',')), double), 'double string ipv4')
+ t.doesNotThrow(() => t.isDeeply(validateCIDRList(double), double), 'double array ipv4')
+ t.throws(() => validateCIDRList(ipv6))
+ t.throws(() => validateCIDRList(ipv6Mixed))
+ t.done()
diff --git a/deps/npm/test/tap/version-consistent-newlines.js b/deps/npm/test/tap/version-consistent-newlines.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11020b2a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/test/tap/version-consistent-newlines.js
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+'use strict'
+const common = require('../common-tap.js')
+const test = require('tap').test
+const npm = require('../../')
+const osenv = require('osenv')
+const path = require('path')
+const fs = require('fs')
+const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
+const rimraf = require('rimraf')
+const requireInject = require('require-inject')
+const pkg = path.resolve(__dirname, 'version-no-git')
+const cache = path.resolve(pkg, 'cache')
+const gitDir = path.resolve(pkg, '.git')
+test('npm version does not alter the line endings in package.json (LF)', function (t) {
+ setup('\n')
+ npm.load({cache: cache, registry: common.registry}, function () {
+ const version = requireInject('../../lib/version', {
+ which: function (cmd, cb) {
+ process.nextTick(function () {
+ cb(new Error('ENOGIT!'))
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ version(['patch'], function (err) {
+ if (!t.error(err)) return t.end()
+ const pkgPath = path.resolve(pkg, 'package.json')
+ const pkgStr = fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf8')
+ t.match(pkgStr, '\n')
+ t.notMatch(pkgStr, '\r')
+ t.end()
+ })
+ })
+test('npm version does not alter the line endings in package.json (CRLF)', function (t) {
+ setup('\r\n')
+ npm.load({cache: cache, registry: common.registry}, function () {
+ const version = requireInject('../../lib/version', {
+ which: function (cmd, cb) {
+ process.nextTick(function () {
+ cb(new Error('ENOGIT!'))
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ version(['patch'], function (err) {
+ if (!t.error(err)) return t.end()
+ const pkgPath = path.resolve(pkg, 'package.json')
+ const pkgStr = fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf8')
+ t.match(pkgStr, '\r\n')
+ t.notMatch(pkgStr, /[^\r]\n/)
+ t.end()
+ })
+ })
+test('cleanup', function (t) {
+ process.chdir(osenv.tmpdir())
+ rimraf.sync(pkg)
+ t.end()
+function setup (lineEnding) {
+ mkdirp.sync(pkg)
+ mkdirp.sync(cache)
+ mkdirp.sync(gitDir)
+ fs.writeFileSync(
+ path.resolve(pkg, 'package.json'),
+ JSON.stringify({
+ author: 'Terin Stock',
+ name: 'version-no-git-test',
+ version: '0.0.0',
+ description: "Test for npm version if git binary doesn't exist"
+ }, null, 2).replace(/\n/g, lineEnding),
+ 'utf8'
+ )
+ process.chdir(pkg)