path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass')
3 files changed, 674 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/ b/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/
index 7a83c59ffd..c989beea0e 100644
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/
@@ -24,25 +24,374 @@ If you set `objectMode: true` in the options, then whatever is written
will be emitted. Otherwise, it'll do a minimal amount of Buffer
copying to ensure proper Streams semantics when `read(n)` is called.
+`objectMode` can also be set by doing `stream.objectMode = true`, or by
+writing any non-string/non-buffer data. `objectMode` cannot be set to
+false once it is set.
This is not a `through` or `through2` stream. It doesn't transform
the data, it just passes it right through. If you want to transform
the data, extend the class, and override the `write()` method. Once
you're done transforming the data however you want, call
`super.write()` with the transform output.
-For an example of a stream that extends MiniPass to provide transform
-capabilities, check out [minizlib](
+For some examples of streams that extend Minipass in various ways, check
+- [minizlib](
+- [fs-minipass](
+- [tar](
+- [minipass-collect](
+- [minipass-flush](
+- [minipass-pipeline](
+- [tap](
+- [tap-parser](
+- [treport](
+## Differences from Node.js Streams
+There are several things that make Minipass streams different from (and in
+some ways superior to) Node.js core streams.
+Please read these caveats if you are familiar with noode-core streams and
+intend to use Minipass streams in your programs.
+### Timing
+Minipass streams are designed to support synchronous use-cases. Thus, data
+is emitted as soon as it is available, always. It is buffered until read,
+but no longer. Another way to look at it is that Minipass streams are
+exactly as synchronous as the logic that writes into them.
+This can be surprising if your code relies on `PassThrough.write()` always
+providing data on the next tick rather than the current one, or being able
+to call `resume()` and not have the entire buffer disappear immediately.
+However, without this synchronicity guarantee, there would be no way for
+Minipass to achieve the speeds it does, or support the synchronous use
+cases that it does. Simply put, waiting takes time.
+This non-deferring approach makes Minipass streams much easier to reason
+about, especially in the context of Promises and other flow-control
+### No High/Low Water Marks
+Node.js core streams will optimistically fill up a buffer, returning `true`
+on all writes until the limit is hit, even if the data has nowhere to go.
+Then, they will not attempt to draw more data in until the buffer size dips
+below a minimum value.
+Minipass streams are much simpler. The `write()` method will return `true`
+if the data has somewhere to go (which is to say, given the timing
+guarantees, that the data is already there by the time `write()` returns).
+If the data has nowhere to go, then `write()` returns false, and the data
+sits in a buffer, to be drained out immediately as soon as anyone consumes
+### Hazards of Buffering (or: Why Minipass Is So Fast)
+Since data written to a Minipass stream is immediately written all the way
+through the pipeline, and `write()` always returns true/false based on
+whether the data was fully flushed, backpressure is communicated
+immediately to the upstream caller. This minimizes buffering.
+Consider this case:
+const {PassThrough} = require('stream')
+const p1 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 })
+const p2 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 })
+const p3 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 })
+const p4 = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1024 })
+p4.on('data', () => console.log('made it through'))
+// this returns false and buffers, then writes to p2 on next tick (1)
+// p2 returns false and buffers, pausing p1, then writes to p3 on next tick (2)
+// p3 returns false and buffers, pausing p2, then writes to p4 on next tick (3)
+// p4 returns false and buffers, pausing p3, then emits 'data' and 'drain'
+// on next tick (4)
+// p3 sees p4's 'drain' event, and calls resume(), emitting 'resume' and
+// 'drain' on next tick (5)
+// p2 sees p3's 'drain', calls resume(), emits 'resume' and 'drain' on next tick (6)
+// p1 sees p2's 'drain', calls resume(), emits 'resume' and 'drain' on next
+// tick (7)
+p1.write(Buffer.alloc(2048)) // returns false
+Along the way, the data was buffered and deferred at each stage, and
+multiple event deferrals happened, for an unblocked pipeline where it was
+perfectly safe to write all the way through!
+Furthermore, setting a `highWaterMark` of `1024` might lead someone reading
+the code to think an advisory maximum of 1KiB is being set for the
+pipeline. However, the actual advisory buffering level is the _sum_ of
+`highWaterMark` values, since each one has its own bucket.
+Consider the Minipass case:
+const m1 = new Minipass()
+const m2 = new Minipass()
+const m3 = new Minipass()
+const m4 = new Minipass()
+m4.on('data', () => console.log('made it through'))
+// m1 is flowing, so it writes the data to m2 immediately
+// m2 is flowing, so it writes the data to m3 immediately
+// m3 is flowing, so it writes the data to m4 immediately
+// m4 is flowing, so it fires the 'data' event immediately, returns true
+// m4's write returned true, so m3 is still flowing, returns true
+// m3's write returned true, so m2 is still flowing, returns true
+// m2's write returned true, so m1 is still flowing, returns true
+// No event deferrals or buffering along the way!
+m1.write(Buffer.alloc(2048)) // returns true
+It is extremely unlikely that you _don't_ want to buffer any data written,
+or _ever_ buffer data that can be flushed all the way through. Neither
+node-core streams nor Minipass ever fail to buffer written data, but
+node-core streams do a lot of unnecessary buffering and pausing.
+As always, the faster implementation is the one that does less stuff and
+waits less time to do it.
+### Immediately emit `end` for empty streams (when not paused)
+If a stream is not paused, and `end()` is called before writing any data
+into it, then it will emit `end` immediately.
+If you have logic that occurs on the `end` event which you don't want to
+potentially happen immediately (for example, closing file descriptors,
+moving on to the next entry in an archive parse stream, etc.) then be sure
+to call `stream.pause()` on creation, and then `stream.resume()` once you
+are ready to respond to the `end` event.
+### Emit `end` When Asked
+One hazard of immediately emitting `'end'` is that you may not yet have had
+a chance to add a listener. In order to avoid this hazard, Minipass
+streams safely re-emit the `'end'` event if a new listener is added after
+`'end'` has been emitted.
+Ie, if you do `stream.on('end', someFunction)`, and the stream has already
+emitted `end`, then it will call the handler right away. (You can think of
+this somewhat like attaching a new `.then(fn)` to a previously-resolved
+To prevent calling handlers multiple times who would not expect multiple
+ends to occur, all listeners are removed from the `'end'` event whenever it
+is emitted.
+### Impact of "immediate flow" on Tee-streams
+A "tee stream" is a stream piping to multiple destinations:
+const tee = new Minipass()
+t.write('foo') // goes to both destinations
+Since Minipass streams _immediately_ process any pending data through the
+pipeline when a new pipe destination is added, this can have surprising
+effects, especially when a stream comes in from some other function and may
+or may not have data in its buffer.
+const src = new Minipass()
+src.pipe(dest1) // 'foo' chunk flows to dest1 immediately, and is gone
+src.pipe(dest2) // gets nothing!
+The solution is to create a dedicated tee-stream junction that pipes to
+both locations, and then pipe to _that_ instead.
+// Safe example: tee to both places
+const src = new Minipass()
+const tee = new Minipass()
+stream.pipe(tee) // tee gets 'foo', pipes to both locations
+The same caveat applies to `on('data')` event listeners. The first one
+added will _immediately_ receive all of the data, leaving nothing for the
+const src = new Minipass()
+src.on('data', handler1) // receives 'foo' right away
+src.on('data', handler2) // nothing to see here!
+Using a dedicated tee-stream can be used in this case as well:
+// Safe example: tee to both data handlers
+const src = new Minipass()
+const tee = new Minipass()
+tee.on('data', handler1)
+tee.on('data', handler2)
+It's a stream! Use it like a stream and it'll most likely do what you want.
-const MiniPass = require('minipass')
-const mp = new MiniPass(options) // optional: { encoding }
+const Minipass = require('minipass')
+const mp = new Minipass(options) // optional: { encoding, objectMode }
+* `encoding` How would you like the data coming _out_ of the stream to be
+ encoded? Accepts any values that can be passed to `Buffer.toString()`.
+* `objectMode` Emit data exactly as it comes in. This will be flipped on
+ by default if you write() something other than a string or Buffer at any
+ point. Setting `objectMode: true` will prevent setting any encoding
+ value.
+### API
+Implements the user-facing portions of Node.js's `Readable` and `Writable`
+### Methods
+* `write(chunk, [encoding], [callback])` - Put data in. (Note that, in the
+ base Minipass class, the same data will come out.) Returns `false` if
+ the stream will buffer the next write, or true if it's still in
+ "flowing" mode.
+* `end([chunk, [encoding]], [callback])` - Signal that you have no more
+ data to write. This will queue an `end` event to be fired when all the
+ data has been consumed.
+* `setEncoding(encoding)` - Set the encoding for data coming of the
+ stream. This can only be done once.
+* `pause()` - No more data for a while, please. This also prevents `end`
+ from being emitted for empty streams until the stream is resumed.
+* `resume()` - Resume the stream. If there's data in the buffer, it is
+ all discarded. Any buffered events are immediately emitted.
+* `pipe(dest)` - Send all output to the stream provided. There is no way
+ to unpipe. When data is emitted, it is immediately written to any and
+ all pipe destinations.
+* `on(ev, fn)`, `emit(ev, fn)` - Minipass streams are EventEmitters.
+ Some events are given special treatment, however. (See below under
+ "events".)
+* `promise()` - Returns a Promise that resolves when the stream emits
+ `end`, or rejects if the stream emits `error`.
+* `collect()` - Return a Promise that resolves on `end` with an array
+ containing each chunk of data that was emitted, or rejects if the
+ stream emits `error`. Note that this consumes the stream data.
+* `concat()` - Same as `collect()`, but concatenates the data into a
+ single Buffer object. Will reject the returned promise if the stream is
+ in objectMode, or if it goes into objectMode by the end of the data.
+* `read(n)` - Consume `n` bytes of data out of the buffer. If `n` is not
+ provided, then consume all of it. If `n` bytes are not available, then
+ it returns null. **Note** consuming streams in this way is less
+ efficient, and can lead to unnecessary Buffer copying.
+* `destroy([er])` - Destroy the stream. If an error is provided, then an
+ `'error'` event is emitted. If the stream has a `close()` method, and
+ has not emitted a `'close'` event yet, then `stream.close()` will be
+ called. Any Promises returned by `.promise()`, `.collect()` or
+ `.concat()` will be rejected. After being destroyed, writing to the
+ stream will emit an error. No more data will be emitted if the stream is
+ destroyed, even if it was previously buffered.
+### Properties
+* `bufferLength` Read-only. Total number of bytes buffered, or in the case
+ of objectMode, the total number of objects.
+* `encoding` The encoding that has been set. (Setting this is equivalent
+ to calling `setEncoding(enc)` and has the same prohibition against
+ setting multiple times.)
+* `flowing` Read-only. Boolean indicating whether a chunk written to the
+ stream will be immediately emitted.
+* `emittedEnd` Read-only. Boolean indicating whether the end-ish events
+ (ie, `end`, `prefinish`, `finish`) have been emitted. Note that
+ listening on any end-ish event will immediateyl re-emit it if it has
+ already been emitted.
+* `writable` Whether the stream is writable. Default `true`. Set to
+ `false` when `end()`
+* `readable` Whether the stream is readable. Default `true`.
+* `buffer` A [yallist]( linked list of chunks written
+ to the stream that have not yet been emitted. (It's probably a bad idea
+ to mess with this.)
+* `pipes` A [yallist]( linked list of streams that
+ this stream is piping into. (It's probably a bad idea to mess with
+ this.)
+* `destroyed` A getter that indicates whether the stream was destroyed.
+* `paused` True if the stream has been explicitly paused, otherwise false.
+* `objectMode` Indicates whether the stream is in `objectMode`. Once set
+ to `true`, it cannot be set to `false`.
+### Events
+* `data` Emitted when there's data to read. Argument is the data to read.
+ This is never emitted while not flowing. If a listener is attached, that
+ will resume the stream.
+* `end` Emitted when there's no more data to read. This will be emitted
+ immediately for empty streams when `end()` is called. If a listener is
+ attached, and `end` was already emitted, then it will be emitted again.
+ All listeners are removed when `end` is emitted.
+* `prefinish` An end-ish event that follows the same logic as `end` and is
+ emitted in the same conditions where `end` is emitted. Emitted after
+ `'end'`.
+* `finish` An end-ish event that follows the same logic as `end` and is
+ emitted in the same conditions where `end` is emitted. Emitted after
+ `'prefinish'`.
+* `close` An indication that an underlying resource has been released.
+ Minipass does not emit this event, but will defer it until after `end`
+ has been emitted, since it throws off some stream libraries otherwise.
+* `drain` Emitted when the internal buffer empties, and it is again
+ suitable to `write()` into the stream.
+* `readable` Emitted when data is buffered and ready to be read by a
+ consumer.
+* `resume` Emitted when stream changes state from buffering to flowing
+ mode. (Ie, when `resume` is called, `pipe` is called, or a `data` event
+ listener is added.)
+### Static Methods
+* `Minipass.isStream(stream)` Returns `true` if the argument is a stream,
+ and false otherwise. To be considered a stream, the object must be
+ either an instance of Minipass, or an EventEmitter that has either a
+ `pipe()` method, or both `write()` and `end()` methods. (Pretty much any
+ stream in node-land will return `true` for this.)
+Here are some examples of things you can do with Minipass streams.
+### simple "are you done yet" promise
+mp.promise().then(() => {
+ // stream is finished
+}, er => {
+ // stream emitted an error
### collecting
@@ -57,6 +406,19 @@ mp.collect().then(all => {
+### collecting into a single blob
+This is a bit slower because it concatenates the data into one chunk for
+you, but if you're going to do it yourself anyway, it's convenient this
+mp.concat().then(onebigchunk => {
+ // onebigchunk is a string if the stream
+ // had an encoding set, or a buffer otherwise.
### iteration
You can iterate over streams synchronously or asynchronously in
@@ -122,3 +484,123 @@ async function consume () {
consume().then(res => console.log(res))
// logs `foo\n` 5 times, and then `ok`
+### subclass that `console.log()`s everything written into it
+class Logger extends Minipass {
+ write (chunk, encoding, callback) {
+ console.log('WRITE', chunk, encoding)
+ return super.write(chunk, encoding, callback)
+ }
+ end (chunk, encoding, callback) {
+ console.log('END', chunk, encoding)
+ return super.end(chunk, encoding, callback)
+ }
+someSource.pipe(new Logger()).pipe(someDest)
+### same thing, but using an inline anonymous class
+// js classes are fun
+ .pipe(new (class extends Minipass {
+ emit (ev, {
+ // let's also log events, because debugging some weird thing
+ console.log('EMIT', ev)
+ return super.emit(ev,
+ }
+ write (chunk, encoding, callback) {
+ console.log('WRITE', chunk, encoding)
+ return super.write(chunk, encoding, callback)
+ }
+ end (chunk, encoding, callback) {
+ console.log('END', chunk, encoding)
+ return super.end(chunk, encoding, callback)
+ }
+ }))
+ .pipe(someDest)
+### subclass that defers 'end' for some reason
+class SlowEnd extends Minipass {
+ emit (ev, ...args) {
+ if (ev === 'end') {
+ console.log('going to end, hold on a sec')
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ console.log('ok, ready to end now')
+ super.emit('end', ...args)
+ }, 100)
+ } else {
+ return super.emit(ev, ...args)
+ }
+ }
+### transform that creates newline-delimited JSON
+class NDJSONEncode extends Minipass {
+ write (obj, cb) {
+ try {
+ // JSON.stringify can throw, emit an error on that
+ return super.write(JSON.stringify(obj) + '\n', 'utf8', cb)
+ } catch (er) {
+ this.emit('error', er)
+ }
+ }
+ end (obj, cb) {
+ if (typeof obj === 'function') {
+ cb = obj
+ obj = undefined
+ }
+ if (obj !== undefined) {
+ this.write(obj)
+ }
+ return super.end(cb)
+ }
+### transform that parses newline-delimited JSON
+class NDJSONDecode extends Minipass {
+ constructor (options) {
+ // always be in object mode, as far as Minipass is concerned
+ super({ objectMode: true })
+ this._jsonBuffer = ''
+ }
+ write (chunk, encoding, cb) {
+ if (typeof chunk === 'string' &&
+ typeof encoding === 'string' &&
+ encoding !== 'utf8') {
+ chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding).toString()
+ } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk))
+ chunk = chunk.toString()
+ }
+ if (typeof encoding === 'function') {
+ cb = encoding
+ }
+ const jsonData = (this._jsonBuffer + chunk).split('\n')
+ this._jsonBuffer = jsonData.pop()
+ for (let i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++) {
+ let parsed
+ try {
+ super.write(parsed)
+ } catch (er) {
+ this.emit('error', er)
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ if (cb)
+ cb()
+ }
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/index.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/index.js
index de472c36e7..cab9009f2b 100644
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/index.js
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/index.js
@@ -1,39 +1,54 @@
'use strict'
const EE = require('events')
const Yallist = require('yallist')
+const SD = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder
const EOF = Symbol('EOF')
const MAYBE_EMIT_END = Symbol('maybeEmitEnd')
const EMITTED_END = Symbol('emittedEnd')
+const EMITTING_END = Symbol('emittingEnd')
const CLOSED = Symbol('closed')
const READ = Symbol('read')
const FLUSH = Symbol('flush')
-const doIter = process.env._MP_NO_ITERATOR_SYMBOLS_ !== '1'
-const ASYNCITERATOR = doIter && Symbol.asyncIterator || Symbol('asyncIterator not implemented')
-const ITERATOR = doIter && Symbol.iterator || Symbol('iterator not implemented')
const FLUSHCHUNK = Symbol('flushChunk')
-const SD = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder
const ENCODING = Symbol('encoding')
const DECODER = Symbol('decoder')
const FLOWING = Symbol('flowing')
+const PAUSED = Symbol('paused')
const RESUME = Symbol('resume')
const BUFFERLENGTH = Symbol('bufferLength')
const BUFFERPUSH = Symbol('bufferPush')
const BUFFERSHIFT = Symbol('bufferShift')
const OBJECTMODE = Symbol('objectMode')
+const DESTROYED = Symbol('destroyed')
+// TODO remove when Node v8 support drops
+const doIter = global._MP_NO_ITERATOR_SYMBOLS_ !== '1'
+const ASYNCITERATOR = doIter && Symbol.asyncIterator
+ || Symbol('asyncIterator not implemented')
+const ITERATOR = doIter && Symbol.iterator
+ || Symbol('iterator not implemented')
// Buffer in node 4.x < 4.5.0 doesn't have working Buffer.from
// or Buffer.alloc, and Buffer in node 10 deprecated the ctor.
// .M, this is fine .\^/M..
-let B = Buffer
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-if (!B.alloc) {
- B = require('safe-buffer').Buffer
-module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
+const B = Buffer.alloc ? Buffer
+ : /* istanbul ignore next */ require('safe-buffer').Buffer
+// events that mean 'the stream is over'
+// these are treated specially, and re-emitted
+// if they are listened for after emitting.
+const isEndish = ev =>
+ ev === 'end' ||
+ ev === 'finish' ||
+ ev === 'prefinish'
+module.exports = class Minipass extends EE {
constructor (options) {
this[FLOWING] = false
+ // whether we're explicitly paused
+ this[PAUSED] = false
this.pipes = new Yallist()
this.buffer = new Yallist()
this[OBJECTMODE] = options && options.objectMode || false
@@ -46,10 +61,12 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
this[DECODER] = this[ENCODING] ? new SD(this[ENCODING]) : null
this[EOF] = false
this[EMITTED_END] = false
+ this[EMITTING_END] = false
this[CLOSED] = false
this.writable = true
this.readable = true
+ this[DESTROYED] = false
get bufferLength () { return this[BUFFERLENGTH] }
@@ -76,16 +93,41 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
this.encoding = enc
+ get objectMode () { return this[OBJECTMODE] }
+ set objectMode (ॐ ) { this[OBJECTMODE] = this[OBJECTMODE] || !!ॐ }
write (chunk, encoding, cb) {
if (this[EOF])
throw new Error('write after end')
+ if (this[DESTROYED]) {
+ this.emit('error', Object.assign(
+ new Error('Cannot call write after a stream was destroyed'),
+ ))
+ return true
+ }
if (typeof encoding === 'function')
cb = encoding, encoding = 'utf8'
if (!encoding)
encoding = 'utf8'
+ if (typeof chunk !== 'string' && !B.isBuffer(chunk) && !this[OBJECTMODE])
+ this.objectMode = true
+ // this ensures at this point that the chunk is a buffer or string
+ // don't buffer it up or send it to the decoder
+ if (!this.objectMode && !chunk.length) {
+ const ret = this.flowing
+ if (this[BUFFERLENGTH] !== 0)
+ this.emit('readable')
+ if (cb)
+ cb()
+ return ret
+ }
// fast-path writing strings of same encoding to a stream with
// an empty buffer, skipping the buffer/decoder dance
if (typeof chunk === 'string' && !this[OBJECTMODE] &&
@@ -102,13 +144,17 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
? (this.emit('data', chunk), this.flowing)
: (this[BUFFERPUSH](chunk), false)
} finally {
- this.emit('readable')
+ if (this[BUFFERLENGTH] !== 0)
+ this.emit('readable')
if (cb)
read (n) {
+ if (this[DESTROYED])
+ return null
try {
if (this[BUFFERLENGTH] === 0 || n === 0 || n > this[BUFFERLENGTH])
return null
@@ -161,12 +207,22 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
this.once('end', cb)
this[EOF] = true
this.writable = false
- if (this.flowing)
+ // if we haven't written anything, then go ahead and emit,
+ // even if we're not reading.
+ // we'll re-emit if a new 'end' listener is added anyway.
+ // This makes MP more suitable to write-only use cases.
+ if (this.flowing || !this[PAUSED])
+ return this
// don't let the internal resume be overwritten
[RESUME] () {
+ if (this[DESTROYED])
+ return
+ this[PAUSED] = false
this[FLOWING] = true
if (this.buffer.length)
@@ -183,12 +239,21 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
pause () {
this[FLOWING] = false
+ this[PAUSED] = true
+ }
+ get destroyed () {
+ return this[DESTROYED]
get flowing () {
return this[FLOWING]
+ get paused () {
+ return this[PAUSED]
+ }
[BUFFERPUSH] (chunk) {
if (this[OBJECTMODE])
@@ -219,13 +284,24 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
pipe (dest, opts) {
+ if (this[DESTROYED])
+ return
+ const ended = this[EMITTED_END]
+ opts = opts || {}
if (dest === process.stdout || dest === process.stderr)
- (opts = opts || {}).end = false
+ opts.end = false
+ else
+ opts.end = opts.end !== false
const p = { dest: dest, opts: opts, ondrain: _ => this[RESUME]() }
dest.on('drain', p.ondrain)
+ // piping an ended stream ends immediately
+ if (ended && p.opts.end)
+ p.dest.end()
return dest
@@ -239,9 +315,9 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
} finally {
if (ev === 'data' && !this.pipes.length && !this.flowing)
- else if (ev === 'end' && this[EMITTED_END]) {
- super.emit('end')
- this.removeAllListeners('end')
+ else if (isEndish(ev) && this[EMITTED_END]) {
+ super.emit(ev)
+ this.removeAllListeners(ev)
@@ -251,23 +327,34 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
- if (!this[EMITTED_END] && this.buffer.length === 0 && this[EOF]) {
+ if (!this[EMITTING_END] &&
+ !this[EMITTED_END] &&
+ !this[DESTROYED] &&
+ this.buffer.length === 0 &&
+ this[EOF]) {
+ this[EMITTING_END] = true
if (this[CLOSED])
+ this[EMITTING_END] = false
emit (ev, data) {
- if (ev === 'data') {
+ // error and close are only events allowed after calling destroy()
+ if (ev !== 'error' && ev !== 'close' && ev !== DESTROYED && this[DESTROYED])
+ return
+ else if (ev === 'data') {
if (!data)
if (this.pipes.length)
- this.pipes.forEach(p => p.dest.write(data) || this.pause())
+ this.pipes.forEach(p =>
+ p.dest.write(data) === false && this.pause())
} else if (ev === 'end') {
+ // only actual end gets this treatment
if (this[EMITTED_END] === true)
@@ -284,16 +371,17 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
this.pipes.forEach(p => {
p.dest.removeListener('drain', p.ondrain)
- if (!p.opts || p.opts.end !== false)
+ if (p.opts.end)
} else if (ev === 'close') {
this[CLOSED] = true
// don't emit close before 'end' and 'finish'
- if (!this[EMITTED_END])
+ if (!this[EMITTED_END] && !this[DESTROYED])
+ // TODO: replace with a spread operator when Node v4 support drops
const args = new Array(arguments.length)
args[0] = ev
args[1] = data
@@ -306,20 +394,40 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
try {
return super.emit.apply(this, args)
} finally {
- if (ev !== 'end')
+ if (!isEndish(ev))
- this.removeAllListeners('end')
+ this.removeAllListeners(ev)
// const all = await stream.collect()
collect () {
+ const buf = []
+ buf.dataLength = 0
+ this.on('data', c => {
+ buf.push(c)
+ buf.dataLength += c.length
+ })
+ return this.promise().then(() => buf)
+ }
+ // const data = await stream.concat()
+ concat () {
+ return this[OBJECTMODE]
+ ? Promise.reject(new Error('cannot concat in objectMode'))
+ : this.collect().then(buf =>
+ ? Promise.reject(new Error('cannot concat in objectMode'))
+ : this[ENCODING] ? buf.join('') : B.concat(buf, buf.dataLength))
+ }
+ // stream.promise().then(() => done, er => emitted error)
+ promise () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const buf = []
- this.on('data', c => buf.push(c))
- this.on('end', () => resolve(buf))
- this.on('error', reject)
+ this.on(DESTROYED, () => reject(new Error('stream destroyed')))
+ this.on('end', () => resolve())
+ this.on('error', er => reject(er))
@@ -351,9 +459,11 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
this.removeListener('data', ondata)
resolve({ done: true })
+ const ondestroy = () => onerr(new Error('stream destroyed'))
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
reject = rej
resolve = res
+ this.once(DESTROYED, ondestroy)
this.once('error', onerr)
this.once('end', onend)
this.once('data', ondata)
@@ -372,4 +482,37 @@ module.exports = class MiniPass extends EE {
return { next }
+ destroy (er) {
+ if (this[DESTROYED]) {
+ if (er)
+ this.emit('error', er)
+ else
+ this.emit(DESTROYED)
+ return this
+ }
+ this[DESTROYED] = true
+ // throw away all buffered data, it's never coming out
+ this.buffer = new Yallist()
+ this[BUFFERLENGTH] = 0
+ if (typeof this.close === 'function' && !this[CLOSED])
+ this.close()
+ if (er)
+ this.emit('error', er)
+ else // if no error to emit, still reject pending promises
+ this.emit(DESTROYED)
+ return this
+ }
+ static isStream (s) {
+ return !!s && (s instanceof Minipass || s instanceof EE && (
+ typeof s.pipe === 'function' || // readable
+ (typeof s.write === 'function' && typeof s.end === 'function') // writable
+ ))
+ }
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/package.json b/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/package.json
index d38e18f6ef..5c782f120d 100644
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/package.json
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/tar/node_modules/minipass/package.json
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- "_from": "minipass@^2.3.4",
- "_id": "minipass@2.3.5",
+ "_from": "minipass@^2.8.6",
+ "_id": "minipass@2.8.6",
"_inBundle": false,
- "_integrity": "sha512-Gi1W4k059gyRbyVUZQ4mEqLm0YIUiGYfvxhF6SIlk3ui1WVxMTGfGdQ2SInh3PDrRTVvPKgULkpJtT4RH10+VA==",
+ "_integrity": "sha512-lFG7d6g3+/UaFDCOtqPiKAC9zngWWsQZl1g5q6gaONqrjq61SX2xFqXMleQiFVyDpYwa018E9hmlAFY22PCb+A==",
"_location": "/tar/minipass",
"_phantomChildren": {},
"_requested": {
"type": "range",
"registry": true,
- "raw": "minipass@^2.3.4",
+ "raw": "minipass@^2.8.6",
"name": "minipass",
"escapedName": "minipass",
- "rawSpec": "^2.3.4",
+ "rawSpec": "^2.8.6",
"saveSpec": null,
- "fetchSpec": "^2.3.4"
+ "fetchSpec": "^2.8.6"
"_requiredBy": [
- "_resolved": "",
- "_shasum": "cacebe492022497f656b0f0f51e2682a9ed2d848",
- "_spec": "minipass@^2.3.4",
- "_where": "/Users/zkat/Documents/code/work/npm/node_modules/tar",
+ "_resolved": "",
+ "_shasum": "620d889ace26356391d010ecb9458749df9b6db5",
+ "_spec": "minipass@^2.8.6",
+ "_where": "/Users/mperrotte/npminc/cli/node_modules/tar",
"author": {
"name": "Isaac Z. Schlueter",
"email": "",
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
"description": "minimal implementation of a PassThrough stream",
"devDependencies": {
"end-of-stream": "^1.4.0",
- "tap": "^12.0.1",
+ "tap": "^14.6.4",
"through2": "^2.0.3"
"files": [
@@ -58,10 +58,13 @@
"url": "git+"
"scripts": {
- "postpublish": "git push origin --all; git push origin --tags",
+ "postpublish": "git push origin --follow-tags",
"postversion": "npm publish",
"preversion": "npm test",
- "test": "tap test/*.js --100"
+ "test": "tap"
- "version": "2.3.5"
+ "tap": {
+ "check-coverage": true
+ },
+ "version": "2.8.6"