path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules')
9 files changed, 1277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/.travis.yml b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ce862c6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+sudo: false
+language: node_js
+ - "4"
+ - "5"
+ - "6"
+ - "7"
+ - "8"
+ - "9"
+ - PATH="`npm bin`:`npm bin -g`:$PATH"
+ # Install dependencies and build
+ - npm install
+ # Output useful info for debugging
+ - node --version
+ - npm --version
+ # Run tests
+ - npm test
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/History.md b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/History.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80c88dc401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/History.md
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+4.2.0 / 2018-01-15
+ * Add support for returning an `http.Agent` instance
+ * Optimize promisifying logic
+ * Set `timeout` to null for proper cleanup
+ * Remove Node.js <= 0.11.3 special-casing from test case
+4.1.2 / 2017-11-20
+ * test Node 9 on Travis
+ * ensure that `https.get()` uses the patched `https.request()`
+4.1.1 / 2017-07-20
+ * Correct `https.request()` with a String (#9)
+4.1.0 / 2017-06-26
+ * mix in Agent options into Request options
+ * throw when nothing is returned from agent-base callback
+ * do not modify the options object for https requests
+4.0.1 / 2017-06-13
+ * add `this` context tests and fixes
+4.0.0 / 2017-06-06
+ * drop support for Node.js < 4
+ * drop old versions of Node.js from Travis-CI
+ * specify Node.js >= 4.0.0 in `engines.node`
+ * remove more old code
+ * remove "extend" dependency
+ * remove "semver" dependency
+ * make the Promise logic a bit cleaner
+ * add async function pseudo-example to README
+ * use direct return in README example
+3.0.0 / 2017-06-02
+ * drop support for Node.js v0.8 and v0.10
+ * add support for async, Promises, and direct return
+ * add a couple `options` test cases
+ * implement a `"timeout"` option
+ * rename main file to `index.js`
+ * test Node 8 on Travis
+2.1.1 / 2017-05-30
+ * Revert [`fe2162e`](https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-agent-base/commit/fe2162e0ba18123f5b301cba4de1e9dd74e437cd) and [`270bdc9`](https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-agent-base/commit/270bdc92eb8e3bd0444d1e5266e8e9390aeb3095) (fixes #7)
+2.1.0 / 2017-05-26
+ * unref is not supported for node < 0.9.1 (@pi0)
+ * add tests to dangling socket (@pi0)
+ * check unref() is supported (@pi0)
+ * fix dangling sockets problem (@pi0)
+ * add basic "ws" module tests
+ * make `Agent` be subclassable
+ * turn `addRequest()` into a named function
+ * test: Node.js v4 likes to call `cork` on the stream (#3, @tomhughes)
+ * travis: test node v4, v5, v6 and v7
+2.0.1 / 2015-09-10
+ * package: update "semver" to v5.0.1 for WebPack (#1, @vhpoet)
+2.0.0 / 2015-07-10
+ * refactor to patch Node.js core for more consistent `opts` values
+ * ensure that HTTP(s) default port numbers are always given
+ * test: use ssl-cert-snakeoil SSL certs
+ * test: add tests for arbitrary options
+ * README: add API section
+ * README: make the Agent HTTP/HTTPS generic in the example
+ * README: use SVG for Travis-CI badge
+1.0.2 / 2015-06-27
+ * agent: set `req._hadError` to true after emitting "error"
+ * package: update "mocha" to v2
+ * test: add artificial HTTP GET request test
+ * test: add artificial data events test
+ * test: fix artifical GET response test on node > v0.11.3
+ * test: use a real timeout for the async error test
+1.0.1 / 2013-09-09
+ * Fix passing an "error" object to the callback function on the first tick
+1.0.0 / 2013-09-09
+ * New API: now you pass a callback function directly
+0.0.1 / 2013-07-09
+ * Initial release
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/README.md b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbeceab8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+### Turn a function into an [`http.Agent`][http.Agent] instance
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/TooTallNate/node-agent-base.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/TooTallNate/node-agent-base)
+This module provides an `http.Agent` generator. That is, you pass it an async
+callback function, and it returns a new `http.Agent` instance that will invoke the
+given callback function when sending outbound HTTP requests.
+#### Some subclasses:
+Here's some more interesting uses of `agent-base`.
+Send a pull request to list yours!
+ * [`http-proxy-agent`][http-proxy-agent]: An HTTP(s) proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTP endpoints
+ * [`https-proxy-agent`][https-proxy-agent]: An HTTP(s) proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTPS endpoints
+ * [`pac-proxy-agent`][pac-proxy-agent]: A PAC file proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTP and HTTPS
+ * [`socks-proxy-agent`][socks-proxy-agent]: A SOCKS (v4a) proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTP and HTTPS
+Install with `npm`:
+``` bash
+$ npm install agent-base
+Here's a minimal example that creates a new `net.Socket` connection to the server
+for every HTTP request (i.e. the equivalent of `agent: false` option):
+var net = require('net');
+var tls = require('tls');
+var url = require('url');
+var http = require('http');
+var agent = require('agent-base');
+var endpoint = 'http://nodejs.org/api/';
+var parsed = url.parse(endpoint);
+// This is the important part!
+parsed.agent = agent(function (req, opts) {
+ var socket;
+ // `secureEndpoint` is true when using the https module
+ if (opts.secureEndpoint) {
+ socket = tls.connect(opts);
+ } else {
+ socket = net.connect(opts);
+ }
+ return socket;
+// Everything else works just like normal...
+http.get(parsed, function (res) {
+ console.log('"response" event!', res.headers);
+ res.pipe(process.stdout);
+Returning a Promise or using an `async` function is also supported:
+agent(async function (req, opts) {
+ await sleep(1000);
+ // etc…
+Return another `http.Agent` instance to "pass through" the responsibility
+for that HTTP request to that agent:
+agent(function (req, opts) {
+ return opts.secureEndpoint ? https.globalAgent : http.globalAgent;
+## Agent(Function callback[, Object options]) → [http.Agent][]
+Creates a base `http.Agent` that will execute the callback function `callback`
+for every HTTP request that it is used as the `agent` for. The callback function
+is responsible for creating a `stream.Duplex` instance of some kind that will be
+used as the underlying socket in the HTTP request.
+The `options` object accepts the following properties:
+ * `timeout` - Number - Timeout for the `callback()` function in milliseconds. Defaults to Infinity (optional).
+The callback function should have the following signature:
+### callback(http.ClientRequest req, Object options, Function cb) → undefined
+The ClientRequest `req` can be accessed to read request headers and
+and the path, etc. The `options` object contains the options passed
+to the `http.request()`/`https.request()` function call, and is formatted
+to be directly passed to `net.connect()`/`tls.connect()`, or however
+else you want a Socket to be created. Pass the created socket to
+the callback function `cb` once created, and the HTTP request will
+continue to proceed.
+If the `https` module is used to invoke the HTTP request, then the
+`secureEndpoint` property on `options` _will be set to `true`_.
+(The MIT License)
+Copyright (c) 2013 Nathan Rajlich &lt;nathan@tootallnate.net&gt;
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+[http-proxy-agent]: https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-http-proxy-agent
+[https-proxy-agent]: https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-https-proxy-agent
+[pac-proxy-agent]: https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-pac-proxy-agent
+[socks-proxy-agent]: https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-socks-proxy-agent
+[http.Agent]: https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_agent
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/index.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ee6b29699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+'use strict';
+const inherits = require('util').inherits;
+const promisify = require('es6-promisify');
+const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
+module.exports = Agent;
+function isAgent(v) {
+ return v && typeof v.addRequest === 'function';
+ * Base `http.Agent` implementation.
+ * No pooling/keep-alive is implemented by default.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback
+ * @api public
+ */
+function Agent(callback, _opts) {
+ if (!(this instanceof Agent)) {
+ return new Agent(callback, _opts);
+ }
+ EventEmitter.call(this);
+ // The callback gets promisified if it has 3 parameters
+ // (i.e. it has a callback function) lazily
+ this._promisifiedCallback = false;
+ let opts = _opts;
+ if ('function' === typeof callback) {
+ this.callback = callback;
+ } else if (callback) {
+ opts = callback;
+ }
+ // timeout for the socket to be returned from the callback
+ this.timeout = (opts && opts.timeout) || null;
+ this.options = opts;
+inherits(Agent, EventEmitter);
+ * Override this function in your subclass!
+ */
+Agent.prototype.callback = function callback(req, opts) {
+ throw new Error(
+ '"agent-base" has no default implementation, you must subclass and override `callback()`'
+ );
+ * Called by node-core's "_http_client.js" module when creating
+ * a new HTTP request with this Agent instance.
+ *
+ * @api public
+ */
+Agent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, _opts) {
+ const ownOpts = Object.assign({}, _opts);
+ // Set default `host` for HTTP to localhost
+ if (null == ownOpts.host) {
+ ownOpts.host = 'localhost';
+ }
+ // Set default `port` for HTTP if none was explicitly specified
+ if (null == ownOpts.port) {
+ ownOpts.port = ownOpts.secureEndpoint ? 443 : 80;
+ }
+ const opts = Object.assign({}, this.options, ownOpts);
+ if (opts.host && opts.path) {
+ // If both a `host` and `path` are specified then it's most likely the
+ // result of a `url.parse()` call... we need to remove the `path` portion so
+ // that `net.connect()` doesn't attempt to open that as a unix socket file.
+ delete opts.path;
+ }
+ delete opts.agent;
+ delete opts.hostname;
+ delete opts._defaultAgent;
+ delete opts.defaultPort;
+ delete opts.createConnection;
+ // Hint to use "Connection: close"
+ // XXX: non-documented `http` module API :(
+ req._last = true;
+ req.shouldKeepAlive = false;
+ // Create the `stream.Duplex` instance
+ let timeout;
+ let timedOut = false;
+ const timeoutMs = this.timeout;
+ const freeSocket = this.freeSocket;
+ function onerror(err) {
+ if (req._hadError) return;
+ req.emit('error', err);
+ // For Safety. Some additional errors might fire later on
+ // and we need to make sure we don't double-fire the error event.
+ req._hadError = true;
+ }
+ function ontimeout() {
+ timeout = null;
+ timedOut = true;
+ const err = new Error(
+ 'A "socket" was not created for HTTP request before ' + timeoutMs + 'ms'
+ );
+ err.code = 'ETIMEOUT';
+ onerror(err);
+ }
+ function callbackError(err) {
+ if (timedOut) return;
+ if (timeout != null) {
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = null;
+ }
+ onerror(err);
+ }
+ function onsocket(socket) {
+ if (timedOut) return;
+ if (timeout != null) {
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = null;
+ }
+ if (isAgent(socket)) {
+ // `socket` is actually an http.Agent instance, so relinquish
+ // responsibility for this `req` to the Agent from here on
+ socket.addRequest(req, opts);
+ } else if (socket) {
+ function onfree() {
+ freeSocket(socket, opts);
+ }
+ socket.on('free', onfree);
+ req.onSocket(socket);
+ } else {
+ const err = new Error(
+ 'no Duplex stream was returned to agent-base for `' + req.method + ' ' + req.path + '`'
+ );
+ onerror(err);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this._promisifiedCallback && this.callback.length >= 3) {
+ // Legacy callback function - convert to a Promise
+ this.callback = promisify(this.callback, this);
+ this._promisifiedCallback = true;
+ }
+ if (timeoutMs > 0) {
+ timeout = setTimeout(ontimeout, timeoutMs);
+ }
+ try {
+ Promise.resolve(this.callback(req, opts)).then(onsocket, callbackError);
+ } catch (err) {
+ Promise.reject(err).catch(callbackError);
+ }
+Agent.prototype.freeSocket = function freeSocket(socket, opts) {
+ // TODO reuse sockets
+ socket.destroy();
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/package.json b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01139d0a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ "_from": "agent-base@~4.2.1",
+ "_id": "agent-base@4.2.1",
+ "_inBundle": false,
+ "_integrity": "sha512-JVwXMr9nHYTUXsBFKUqhJwvlcYU/blreOEUkhNR2eXZIvwd+c+o5V4MgDPKWnMS/56awN3TRzIP+KoPn+roQtg==",
+ "_location": "/socks-proxy-agent/agent-base",
+ "_phantomChildren": {},
+ "_requested": {
+ "type": "range",
+ "registry": true,
+ "raw": "agent-base@~4.2.1",
+ "name": "agent-base",
+ "escapedName": "agent-base",
+ "rawSpec": "~4.2.1",
+ "saveSpec": null,
+ "fetchSpec": "~4.2.1"
+ },
+ "_requiredBy": [
+ "/socks-proxy-agent"
+ ],
+ "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/agent-base/-/agent-base-4.2.1.tgz",
+ "_shasum": "d89e5999f797875674c07d87f260fc41e83e8ca9",
+ "_spec": "agent-base@~4.2.1",
+ "_where": "/Users/isaacs/dev/npm/cli/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent",
+ "author": {
+ "name": "Nathan Rajlich",
+ "email": "nathan@tootallnate.net",
+ "url": "http://n8.io/"
+ },
+ "bugs": {
+ "url": "https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-agent-base/issues"
+ },
+ "bundleDependencies": false,
+ "dependencies": {
+ "es6-promisify": "^5.0.0"
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "description": "Turn a function into an `http.Agent` instance",
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "mocha": "^3.4.2",
+ "ws": "^3.0.0"
+ },
+ "engines": {
+ "node": ">= 4.0.0"
+ },
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-agent-base#readme",
+ "keywords": [
+ "http",
+ "agent",
+ "base",
+ "barebones",
+ "https"
+ ],
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "main": "./index.js",
+ "name": "agent-base",
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "git://github.com/TooTallNate/node-agent-base.git"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "test": "mocha --reporter spec"
+ },
+ "version": "4.2.1"
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/patch-core.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/patch-core.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47d26a72b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/patch-core.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+'use strict';
+const url = require('url');
+const https = require('https');
+ * This currently needs to be applied to all Node.js versions
+ * in order to determine if the `req` is an HTTP or HTTPS request.
+ *
+ * There is currently no PR attempting to move this property upstream.
+ */
+https.request = (function(request) {
+ return function(_options, cb) {
+ let options;
+ if (typeof _options === 'string') {
+ options = url.parse(_options);
+ } else {
+ options = Object.assign({}, _options);
+ }
+ if (null == options.port) {
+ options.port = 443;
+ }
+ options.secureEndpoint = true;
+ return request.call(https, options, cb);
+ };
+ * This is needed for Node.js >= 9.0.0 to make sure `https.get()` uses the
+ * patched `https.request()`.
+ *
+ * Ref: https://github.com/nodejs/node/commit/5118f31
+ */
+https.get = function(options, cb) {
+ const req = https.request(options, cb);
+ req.end();
+ return req;
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/test/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/test/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd12501220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/test/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/test/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/test/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b115a5e914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/test/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/test/test.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/test/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a8ca68e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks-proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/test/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+ * Module dependencies.
+ */
+var fs = require('fs');
+var url = require('url');
+var net = require('net');
+var tls = require('tls');
+var http = require('http');
+var https = require('https');
+var WebSocket = require('ws');
+var assert = require('assert');
+var events = require('events');
+var inherits = require('util').inherits;
+var Agent = require('../');
+var PassthroughAgent = Agent(function(req, opts) {
+ return opts.secureEndpoint ? https.globalAgent : http.globalAgent;
+describe('Agent', function() {
+ describe('subclass', function() {
+ it('should be subclassable', function(done) {
+ function MyAgent() {
+ Agent.call(this);
+ }
+ inherits(MyAgent, Agent);
+ MyAgent.prototype.callback = function(req, opts, fn) {
+ assert.equal(req.path, '/foo');
+ assert.equal(req.getHeader('host'), '');
+ assert.equal(opts.secureEndpoint, true);
+ done();
+ };
+ var info = url.parse('');
+ info.agent = new MyAgent();
+ https.get(info);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('options', function() {
+ it('should support an options Object as first argument', function() {
+ var agent = new Agent({ timeout: 1000 });
+ assert.equal(1000, agent.timeout);
+ });
+ it('should support an options Object as second argument', function() {
+ var agent = new Agent(function() {}, { timeout: 1000 });
+ assert.equal(1000, agent.timeout);
+ });
+ it('should be mixed in with HTTP request options', function(done) {
+ var agent = new Agent({
+ host: 'my-proxy.com',
+ port: 3128,
+ foo: 'bar'
+ });
+ agent.callback = function(req, opts, fn) {
+ assert.equal('bar', opts.foo);
+ assert.equal('a', opts.b);
+ // `host` and `port` are special-cases, and should always be
+ // overwritten in the request `opts` inside the agent-base callback
+ assert.equal('localhost', opts.host);
+ assert.equal(80, opts.port);
+ done();
+ };
+ var opts = {
+ b: 'a',
+ agent: agent
+ };
+ http.get(opts);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('`this` context', function() {
+ it('should be the Agent instance', function(done) {
+ var called = false;
+ var agent = new Agent();
+ agent.callback = function() {
+ called = true;
+ assert.equal(this, agent);
+ };
+ var info = url.parse('');
+ info.agent = agent;
+ var req = http.get(info);
+ req.on('error', function(err) {
+ assert(/no Duplex stream was returned/.test(err.message));
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should be the Agent instance with callback signature', function(done) {
+ var called = false;
+ var agent = new Agent();
+ agent.callback = function(req, opts, fn) {
+ called = true;
+ assert.equal(this, agent);
+ fn();
+ };
+ var info = url.parse('');
+ info.agent = agent;
+ var req = http.get(info);
+ req.on('error', function(err) {
+ assert(/no Duplex stream was returned/.test(err.message));
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('"error" event', function() {
+ it('should be invoked on `http.ClientRequest` instance if `callback()` has not been defined', function(
+ done
+ ) {
+ var agent = new Agent();
+ var info = url.parse('');
+ info.agent = agent;
+ var req = http.get(info);
+ req.on('error', function(err) {
+ assert.equal(
+ '"agent-base" has no default implementation, you must subclass and override `callback()`',
+ err.message
+ );
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should be invoked on `http.ClientRequest` instance if Error passed to callback function on the first tick', function(
+ done
+ ) {
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ fn(new Error('is this caught?'));
+ });
+ var info = url.parse('');
+ info.agent = agent;
+ var req = http.get(info);
+ req.on('error', function(err) {
+ assert.equal('is this caught?', err.message);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should be invoked on `http.ClientRequest` instance if Error passed to callback function after the first tick', function(
+ done
+ ) {
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ fn(new Error('is this caught?'));
+ }, 10);
+ });
+ var info = url.parse('');
+ info.agent = agent;
+ var req = http.get(info);
+ req.on('error', function(err) {
+ assert.equal('is this caught?', err.message);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('artificial "streams"', function() {
+ it('should send a GET request', function(done) {
+ var stream = new events.EventEmitter();
+ // needed for the `http` module to call .write() on the stream
+ stream.writable = true;
+ stream.write = function(str) {
+ assert(0 == str.indexOf('GET / HTTP/1.1'));
+ done();
+ };
+ // needed for `http` module in Node.js 4
+ stream.cork = function() {};
+ var opts = {
+ method: 'GET',
+ host: '',
+ path: '/',
+ port: 80,
+ agent: new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ fn(null, stream);
+ })
+ };
+ var req = http.request(opts);
+ req.end();
+ });
+ it('should receive a GET response', function(done) {
+ var stream = new events.EventEmitter();
+ var opts = {
+ method: 'GET',
+ host: '',
+ path: '/',
+ port: 80,
+ agent: new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ fn(null, stream);
+ })
+ };
+ var req = http.request(opts, function(res) {
+ assert.equal('0.9', res.httpVersion);
+ assert.equal(111, res.statusCode);
+ assert.equal('bar', res.headers.foo);
+ done();
+ });
+ // have to wait for the "socket" event since `http.ClientRequest`
+ // doesn't *actually* attach the listeners to the "stream" until
+ // this happens
+ req.once('socket', function() {
+ var buf = new Buffer(
+ 'HTTP/0.9 111\r\n' +
+ 'Foo: bar\r\n' +
+ 'Set-Cookie: 1\r\n' +
+ 'Set-Cookie: 2\r\n\r\n'
+ );
+ stream.emit('data', buf);
+ });
+ req.end();
+ });
+ });
+describe('"http" module', function() {
+ var server;
+ var port;
+ // setup test HTTP server
+ before(function(done) {
+ server = http.createServer();
+ server.listen(0, function() {
+ port = server.address().port;
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ // shut down test HTTP server
+ after(function(done) {
+ server.once('close', function() {
+ done();
+ });
+ server.close();
+ });
+ it('should work for basic HTTP requests', function(done) {
+ var called = false;
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ called = true;
+ var socket = net.connect(opts);
+ fn(null, socket);
+ });
+ // add HTTP server "request" listener
+ var gotReq = false;
+ server.once('request', function(req, res) {
+ gotReq = true;
+ res.setHeader('X-Foo', 'bar');
+ res.setHeader('X-Url', req.url);
+ res.end();
+ });
+ var info = url.parse('' + port + '/foo');
+ info.agent = agent;
+ http.get(info, function(res) {
+ assert.equal('bar', res.headers['x-foo']);
+ assert.equal('/foo', res.headers['x-url']);
+ assert(gotReq);
+ assert(called);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should support direct return in `connect()`', function(done) {
+ var called = false;
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts) {
+ called = true;
+ return net.connect(opts);
+ });
+ // add HTTP server "request" listener
+ var gotReq = false;
+ server.once('request', function(req, res) {
+ gotReq = true;
+ res.setHeader('X-Foo', 'bar');
+ res.setHeader('X-Url', req.url);
+ res.end();
+ });
+ var info = url.parse('' + port + '/foo');
+ info.agent = agent;
+ http.get(info, function(res) {
+ assert.equal('bar', res.headers['x-foo']);
+ assert.equal('/foo', res.headers['x-url']);
+ assert(gotReq);
+ assert(called);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should support returning a Promise in `connect()`', function(done) {
+ var called = false;
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts) {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ called = true;
+ resolve(net.connect(opts));
+ });
+ });
+ // add HTTP server "request" listener
+ var gotReq = false;
+ server.once('request', function(req, res) {
+ gotReq = true;
+ res.setHeader('X-Foo', 'bar');
+ res.setHeader('X-Url', req.url);
+ res.end();
+ });
+ var info = url.parse('' + port + '/foo');
+ info.agent = agent;
+ http.get(info, function(res) {
+ assert.equal('bar', res.headers['x-foo']);
+ assert.equal('/foo', res.headers['x-url']);
+ assert(gotReq);
+ assert(called);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should set the `Connection: close` response header', function(done) {
+ var called = false;
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ called = true;
+ var socket = net.connect(opts);
+ fn(null, socket);
+ });
+ // add HTTP server "request" listener
+ var gotReq = false;
+ server.once('request', function(req, res) {
+ gotReq = true;
+ res.setHeader('X-Url', req.url);
+ assert.equal('close', req.headers.connection);
+ res.end();
+ });
+ var info = url.parse('' + port + '/bar');
+ info.agent = agent;
+ http.get(info, function(res) {
+ assert.equal('/bar', res.headers['x-url']);
+ assert.equal('close', res.headers.connection);
+ assert(gotReq);
+ assert(called);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should pass through options from `http.request()`', function(done) {
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ assert.equal('google.com', opts.host);
+ assert.equal('bar', opts.foo);
+ done();
+ });
+ http.get({
+ host: 'google.com',
+ foo: 'bar',
+ agent: agent
+ });
+ });
+ it('should default to port 80', function(done) {
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ assert.equal(80, opts.port);
+ done();
+ });
+ // (probably) not hitting a real HTTP server here,
+ // so no need to add a httpServer request listener
+ http.get({
+ host: '',
+ path: '/foo',
+ agent: agent
+ });
+ });
+ it('should support the "timeout" option', function(done) {
+ // ensure we timeout after the "error" event had a chance to trigger
+ this.timeout(1000);
+ this.slow(800);
+ var agent = new Agent(
+ function(req, opts, fn) {
+ // this function will time out
+ },
+ { timeout: 100 }
+ );
+ var opts = url.parse('http://nodejs.org');
+ opts.agent = agent;
+ var req = http.get(opts);
+ req.once('error', function(err) {
+ assert.equal('ETIMEOUT', err.code);
+ req.abort();
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should free sockets after use', function(done) {
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ var socket = net.connect(opts);
+ fn(null, socket);
+ });
+ // add HTTP server "request" listener
+ var gotReq = false;
+ server.once('request', function(req, res) {
+ gotReq = true;
+ res.end();
+ });
+ var info = url.parse('' + port + '/foo');
+ info.agent = agent;
+ http.get(info, function(res) {
+ res.socket.emit('free');
+ assert.equal(true, res.socket.destroyed);
+ assert(gotReq);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ describe('PassthroughAgent', function() {
+ it('should pass through to `http.globalAgent`', function(done) {
+ // add HTTP server "request" listener
+ var gotReq = false;
+ server.once('request', function(req, res) {
+ gotReq = true;
+ res.setHeader('X-Foo', 'bar');
+ res.setHeader('X-Url', req.url);
+ res.end();
+ });
+ var info = url.parse('' + port + '/foo');
+ info.agent = PassthroughAgent;
+ http.get(info, function(res) {
+ assert.equal('bar', res.headers['x-foo']);
+ assert.equal('/foo', res.headers['x-url']);
+ assert(gotReq);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+describe('"https" module', function() {
+ var server;
+ var port;
+ // setup test HTTPS server
+ before(function(done) {
+ var options = {
+ key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key'),
+ cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem')
+ };
+ server = https.createServer(options);
+ server.listen(0, function() {
+ port = server.address().port;
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ // shut down test HTTP server
+ after(function(done) {
+ server.once('close', function() {
+ done();
+ });
+ server.close();
+ });
+ it('should not modify the passed in Options object', function(done) {
+ var called = false;
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ called = true;
+ assert.equal(true, opts.secureEndpoint);
+ assert.equal(443, opts.port);
+ assert.equal('localhost', opts.host);
+ });
+ var opts = { agent: agent };
+ var req = https.request(opts);
+ assert.equal(true, called);
+ assert.equal(false, 'secureEndpoint' in opts);
+ assert.equal(false, 'port' in opts);
+ done();
+ });
+ it('should work with a String URL', function(done) {
+ var endpoint = '' + port;
+ var req = https.get(endpoint);
+ // it's gonna error out since `rejectUnauthorized` is not being passed in
+ req.on('error', function(err) {
+ assert.equal(err.code, 'DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should work for basic HTTPS requests', function(done) {
+ var called = false;
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ called = true;
+ assert(opts.secureEndpoint);
+ var socket = tls.connect(opts);
+ fn(null, socket);
+ });
+ // add HTTPS server "request" listener
+ var gotReq = false;
+ server.once('request', function(req, res) {
+ gotReq = true;
+ res.setHeader('X-Foo', 'bar');
+ res.setHeader('X-Url', req.url);
+ res.end();
+ });
+ var info = url.parse('' + port + '/foo');
+ info.agent = agent;
+ info.rejectUnauthorized = false;
+ https.get(info, function(res) {
+ assert.equal('bar', res.headers['x-foo']);
+ assert.equal('/foo', res.headers['x-url']);
+ assert(gotReq);
+ assert(called);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should pass through options from `https.request()`', function(done) {
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ assert.equal('google.com', opts.host);
+ assert.equal('bar', opts.foo);
+ done();
+ });
+ https.get({
+ host: 'google.com',
+ foo: 'bar',
+ agent: agent
+ });
+ });
+ it('should default to port 443', function(done) {
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ assert.equal(true, opts.secureEndpoint);
+ assert.equal(false, opts.rejectUnauthorized);
+ assert.equal(443, opts.port);
+ done();
+ });
+ // (probably) not hitting a real HTTPS server here,
+ // so no need to add a httpsServer request listener
+ https.get({
+ host: '',
+ path: '/foo',
+ agent: agent,
+ rejectUnauthorized: false
+ });
+ });
+ describe('PassthroughAgent', function() {
+ it('should pass through to `https.globalAgent`', function(done) {
+ // add HTTP server "request" listener
+ var gotReq = false;
+ server.once('request', function(req, res) {
+ gotReq = true;
+ res.setHeader('X-Foo', 'bar');
+ res.setHeader('X-Url', req.url);
+ res.end();
+ });
+ var info = url.parse('' + port + '/foo');
+ info.agent = PassthroughAgent;
+ info.rejectUnauthorized = false;
+ https.get(info, function(res) {
+ assert.equal('bar', res.headers['x-foo']);
+ assert.equal('/foo', res.headers['x-url']);
+ assert(gotReq);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+describe('"ws" server', function() {
+ var wss;
+ var server;
+ var port;
+ // setup test HTTP server
+ before(function(done) {
+ server = http.createServer();
+ wss = new WebSocket.Server({ server: server });
+ server.listen(0, function() {
+ port = server.address().port;
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ // shut down test HTTP server
+ after(function(done) {
+ server.once('close', function() {
+ done();
+ });
+ server.close();
+ });
+ it('should work for basic WebSocket connections', function(done) {
+ function onconnection(ws) {
+ ws.on('message', function(data) {
+ assert.equal('ping', data);
+ ws.send('pong');
+ });
+ }
+ wss.on('connection', onconnection);
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ var socket = net.connect(opts);
+ fn(null, socket);
+ });
+ var client = new WebSocket('ws://' + port + '/', {
+ agent: agent
+ });
+ client.on('open', function() {
+ client.send('ping');
+ });
+ client.on('message', function(data) {
+ assert.equal('pong', data);
+ client.close();
+ wss.removeListener('connection', onconnection);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+describe('"wss" server', function() {
+ var wss;
+ var server;
+ var port;
+ // setup test HTTP server
+ before(function(done) {
+ var options = {
+ key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key'),
+ cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem')
+ };
+ server = https.createServer(options);
+ wss = new WebSocket.Server({ server: server });
+ server.listen(0, function() {
+ port = server.address().port;
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ // shut down test HTTP server
+ after(function(done) {
+ server.once('close', function() {
+ done();
+ });
+ server.close();
+ });
+ it('should work for secure WebSocket connections', function(done) {
+ function onconnection(ws) {
+ ws.on('message', function(data) {
+ assert.equal('ping', data);
+ ws.send('pong');
+ });
+ }
+ wss.on('connection', onconnection);
+ var agent = new Agent(function(req, opts, fn) {
+ var socket = tls.connect(opts);
+ fn(null, socket);
+ });
+ var client = new WebSocket('wss://' + port + '/', {
+ agent: agent,
+ rejectUnauthorized: false
+ });
+ client.on('open', function() {
+ client.send('ping');
+ });
+ client.on('message', function(data) {
+ assert.equal('pong', data);
+ client.close();
+ wss.removeListener('connection', onconnection);
+ done();
+ });
+ });