path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/request/node_modules/har-validator/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/request/node_modules/har-validator/')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/request/node_modules/har-validator/ b/deps/npm/node_modules/request/node_modules/har-validator/
index 91526e6ddb..77ff935018 100644
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/request/node_modules/har-validator/
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/request/node_modules/har-validator/
@@ -1,285 +1,60 @@
# HAR Validator [![version][npm-version]][npm-url] [![License][npm-license]][license-url]
-Extremely fast HTTP Archive ([HAR]( validator using JSON Schema.
+> Extremely fast HTTP Archive ([HAR]( validator using JSON Schema.
[![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url]
[![Code Climate][codeclimate-quality]][codeclimate-url]
[![Coverage Status][codeclimate-coverage]][codeclimate-url]
+[![Dependency Status][dependencyci-image]][dependencyci-url]
## Install
-# to use in cli
-npm install --global har-validator
-# to use as a module
-npm install --save har-validator
+npm install --only=production --save har-validator
## Usage
- Usage: har-validator [options] <files ...>
- Options:
- -h, --help output usage information
- -V, --version output the version number
- -s, --schema [name] validate schema name (log, request, response, etc ...)
-###### Example
-har-validator har.json
-har-validator --schema request request.json
-## API
-**Note**: as of [`v2.0.0`]( this module defaults to Promise based API. *For backward comptability with `v1.x` an [async/callback API](#callback-api) is provided*
-### Validate(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a full [HAR]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.log(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [log]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.cache(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [cache]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.cacheEntry(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a ["beforeRequest" or "afterRequest"]( objects
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.content(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [content]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.cookie(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [cookie]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.creator(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [creator]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.entry(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- an [entry]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.log(data)
-alias of [`Validate(data)`](#validate-data-callback-)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [page]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.pageTimings(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [pageTimings]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.postData(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [postData]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.record(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [record]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.request(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [request]( object
+I recommend using an optimized build matching your Node.js environment version, otherwise, the standard `require` would work just fine with any version of Node `>= v4.0` .
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
-### Validate.response(data)
+ * Node 7
+ */
+const validate = require('har-validator/lib/node7')
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
+ * Node 6
+ */
+const validate = require('har-validator/lib/node6')
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [response]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
+ * Node 4 (Default)
+ */
+var validate = require('har-validator')
-### Validate.timings(data)
-> Returns a promise that resolves to the valid object.
-- **data**: `Object` *(Required)*
- a [timings]( object
- .then(data => console.log('horray!'))
- .catch(console.error)
+## CLI Usage
-## Callback API
+Please refer to [`har-cli`]( for more info.
-### Validate(data [, callback])
-> Returns `true` or `false`.
-var HAR = require('./har.json');
-var validate = require('har-validator/lib/async');
-validate(HAR, function (e, valid) {
- if (e) console.log(e.errors)
+## API
- if (valid) console.log('horray!');
+**Note**: as of [`v2.0.0`]( this module defaults to Promise based API. *For backward comptability with `v1.x` an [async/callback API](docs/ is also provided*
-The async API provides exactly the same methods as the [Promise API](#promise-api)
+- [async API](docs/
+- [callback API](docs/
+- [Promise API](docs/ *(default)*
+> :copyright: []( &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;
+> License: [ISC][license-url] &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;
+> Github: [@ahmadnassri]( &nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;
+> Twitter: [@ahmadnassri](
-## Support
-Donations are welcome to help support the continuous development of this project.
-## License
-[ISC License](LICENSE) &copy; [Ahmad Nassri](
@@ -296,14 +71,5 @@ Donations are welcome to help support the continuous development of this project