path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/test/request.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/test/request.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/test/request.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/test/request.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ed02f19722..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/test/request.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-var Readable = require('readable-stream').Readable
-var inherits = require('util').inherits
-var test = require('tap').test
-var concat = require('concat-stream')
-var server = require('./lib/server.js')
-var common = require('./lib/common.js')
-var client = common.freshClient()
-function OneA () {
- this.push('A')
- this.push(null)
-inherits(OneA, Readable)
-function nop () {}
-var URI = 'http://localhost:1337/'
-var USERNAME = 'username'
-var PASSWORD = '%1234@asdf%'
-var EMAIL = ''
-var AUTH = {
- username: USERNAME,
- password: PASSWORD,
- email: EMAIL
-var PARAMS = { auth: AUTH }
-test('request call contract', function (t) {
- t.throws(
- function () {
- client.request(undefined, PARAMS, nop)
- },
- { name: 'AssertionError', message: 'must pass uri to request' },
- 'requires a URI'
- )
- t.throws(
- function () {
- client.request([], PARAMS, nop)
- },
- { name: 'AssertionError', message: 'must pass uri to request' },
- 'requires URI to be a string'
- )
- t.throws(
- function () {
- client.request(URI, undefined, nop)
- },
- { name: 'AssertionError', message: 'must pass params to request' },
- 'requires params object'
- )
- t.throws(
- function () {
- client.request(URI, '', nop)
- },
- { name: 'AssertionError', message: 'must pass params to request' },
- 'params must be object'
- )
- t.throws(
- function () {
- client.request(URI, PARAMS, undefined)
- },
- { name: 'AssertionError', message: 'must pass callback to request' },
- 'requires callback'
- )
- t.throws(
- function () {
- client.request(URI, PARAMS, 'callback')
- },
- { name: 'AssertionError', message: 'must pass callback to request' },
- 'callback must be function'
- )
- t.end()
-test('run request through its paces', function (t) {
- t.plan(34)
- server.expect('/request-defaults', function (req, res) {
- t.equal(req.method, 'GET', 'uses GET by default')
- req.pipe(concat(function (d) {
- t.notOk(d.toString('utf7'), 'no data included in request')
- res.statusCode = 200
- res.json({ fetched: 'defaults' })
- }))
- })
- server.expect('/last-modified', function (req, res) {
- t.equal(req.headers['if-modified-since'], 'test-last-modified',
- 'got test if-modified-since')
- res.statusCode = 200
- res.json({ fetched: 'last-modified' })
- })
- server.expect('/etag', function (req, res) {
- t.equal(req.headers['if-none-match'], 'test-etag', 'got test etag')
- res.statusCode = 200
- res.json({ fetched: 'etag' })
- })
- server.expect('POST', '/etag-post', function (req, res) {
- t.equal(req.headers['if-match'], 'post-etag', 'got test post etag')
- res.statusCode = 200
- res.json({ posted: 'etag' })
- })
- server.expect('PUT', '/body-stream', function (req, res) {
- req.pipe(concat(function (d) {
- t.equal(d.toString('utf8'), 'A', 'streamed expected data')
- res.statusCode = 200
- res.json({ put: 'stream' })
- }))
- })
- server.expect('PUT', '/body-buffer', function (req, res) {
- req.pipe(concat(function (d) {
- t.equal(d.toString('utf8'), 'hi', 'streamed expected data')
- res.statusCode = 200
- res.json({ put: 'buffer' })
- }))
- })
- server.expect('PUT', '/body-string', function (req, res) {
- req.pipe(concat(function (d) {
- t.equal(d.toString('utf8'), 'erp', 'streamed expected data')
- res.statusCode = 200
- res.json({ put: 'string' })
- }))
- })
- server.expect('PUT', '/body-object', function (req, res) {
- req.pipe(concat(function (d) {
- t.equal(d.toString('utf8'), '["tricky"]', 'streamed expected data')
- res.statusCode = 200
- res.json({ put: 'object' })
- }))
- })
- server.expect('GET', '/body-error-string', function (req, res) {
- req.pipe(concat(function () {
- res.statusCode = 200
- res.json({ error: 'not really an error', reason: 'unknown' })
- }))
- })
- server.expect('GET', '/body-error-object', function (req, res) {
- req.pipe(concat(function () {
- res.statusCode = 200
- res.json({ error: {} })
- }))
- })
- server.expect('GET', '/@scoped%2Fpackage-failing', function (req, res) {
- req.pipe(concat(function () {
- res.statusCode = 402
- res.json({ error: 'payment required' })
- }))
- })
- server.expect('GET', '/not-found-no-body', function (req, res) {
- req.pipe(concat(function () {
- res.statusCode = 404
- res.end()
- }))
- })
- var defaults = {}
- client.request(
- common.registry + '/request-defaults',
- defaults,
- function (er, data, raw, response) {
- t.ifError(er, 'call worked')
- t.deepEquals(data, { fetched: 'defaults' }, 'confirmed defaults work')
- t.equal(response.headers.connection, 'keep-alive', 'keep-alive set')
- }
- )
- var lastModified = { lastModified: 'test-last-modified' }
- client.request(common.registry + '/last-modified', lastModified, function (er, data) {
- t.ifError(er, 'call worked')
- t.deepEquals(data, { fetched: 'last-modified' }, 'last-modified request sent')
- })
- var etagged = { etag: 'test-etag' }
- client.request(common.registry + '/etag', etagged, function (er, data) {
- t.ifError(er, 'call worked')
- t.deepEquals(data, { fetched: 'etag' }, 'etag request sent')
- })
- var postEtagged = {
- method: 'post',
- etag: 'post-etag'
- }
- client.request(common.registry + '/etag-post', postEtagged, function (er, data) {
- t.ifError(er, 'call worked')
- t.deepEquals(data, { posted: 'etag' }, 'POST etag request sent')
- })
- var putStream = {
- method: 'PUT',
- body: new OneA(),
- auth: AUTH
- }
- client.request(common.registry + '/body-stream', putStream, function (er, data) {
- t.ifError(er, 'call worked')
- t.deepEquals(data, { put: 'stream' }, 'PUT request with stream sent')
- })
- var putBuffer = {
- method: 'PUT',
- body: new Buffer('hi'),
- auth: AUTH
- }
- client.request(common.registry + '/body-buffer', putBuffer, function (er, data) {
- t.ifError(er, 'call worked')
- t.deepEquals(data, { put: 'buffer' }, 'PUT request with buffer sent')
- })
- var putString = {
- method: 'PUT',
- body: 'erp',
- auth: AUTH
- }
- client.request(common.registry + '/body-string', putString, function (er, data) {
- t.ifError(er, 'call worked')
- t.deepEquals(data, { put: 'string' }, 'PUT request with string sent')
- })
- var putObject = {
- method: 'PUT',
- body: { toJSON: function () { return ['tricky'] } },
- auth: AUTH
- }
- client.request(common.registry + '/body-object', putObject, function (er, data) {
- t.ifError(er, 'call worked')
- t.deepEquals(data, { put: 'object' }, 'PUT request with object sent')
- })
- client.request(common.registry + '/body-error-string', defaults, function (er) {
- t.equal(
- er && er.message,
- 'not really an error unknown: body-error-string',
- 'call worked'
- )
- })
- client.request(common.registry + '/body-error-object', defaults, function (er) {
- t.ifError(er, 'call worked')
- })
- client.request(common.registry + '/@scoped%2Fpackage-failing', defaults, function (er) {
- t.equals(er.message, 'payment required : @scoped/package-failing')
- })
- client.request(common.registry + '/not-found-no-body', defaults, function (er) {
- t.equals(er.message, '404 Not Found')
- t.equals(er.statusCode, 404, 'got back 404 as .statusCode')
- t.equals(er.code, 'E404', 'got back expected string code')
- t.notOk(er.pkgid, "no package name returned when there's no body on response")
- t.ok(typeof er !== 'string', "Error shouldn't be returned as string.")
- })
-test('outputs notice if npm-notice header is set', function (t) {
- var client = common.freshClient({
- log: {
- error: noop,
- warn: function (prefix, msg) {
- warnings.push(msg)
- },
- info: noop,
- verbose: noop,
- silly: noop,
- http: noop,
- pause: noop,
- resume: noop
- }
- })
- var message = 'notice me!'
- var warnings = []
- function noop () {}
- server.expect('GET', '/npm-notice', function (req, res) {
- req.pipe(concat(function () {
- res.statusCode = 200
- res.setHeader('npm-notice', message)
- res.end()
- }))
- })
- client.request(common.registry + '/npm-notice', {}, function (er) {
- t.notEqual(warnings.indexOf(message), -1, 'notice not printed')
- t.end()
- })
-test('cleanup', function (t) {
- server.close()
- t.end()