path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-profile/node_modules/make-fetch-happen/node_modules/ssri
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-# Change Log
-All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
-<a name="4.1.6"></a>
-## [4.1.6]( (2017-06-07)
-### Bug Fixes
-* **checkStream:** make sure to pass all opts through ([0b1bcbe](
-<a name="4.1.5"></a>
-## [4.1.5]( (2017-06-05)
-### Bug Fixes
-* **integrityStream:** stop crashing if opts.algorithms and opts.integrity have an algo mismatch ([fb1293e](
-<a name="4.1.4"></a>
-## [4.1.4]( (2017-05-31)
-### Bug Fixes
-* **node:** older versions of node[@4]( do not support base64buffer string parsing ([513df4e](
-<a name="4.1.3"></a>
-## [4.1.3]( (2017-05-24)
-### Bug Fixes
-* **check:** handle various bad hash corner cases better ([c2c262b](
-<a name="4.1.2"></a>
-## [4.1.2]( (2017-04-18)
-### Bug Fixes
-* **stream:** _flush can be called multiple times. use on("end") ([b1c4805](
-<a name="4.1.1"></a>
-## [4.1.1]( (2017-04-12)
-### Bug Fixes
-* **pickAlgorithm:** error if pickAlgorithm() is used in an empty Integrity ([fab470e](
-<a name="4.1.0"></a>
-# [4.1.0]( (2017-04-07)
-### Features
-* adding ssri.create for a crypto style interface (#2) ([96f52ad](
-<a name="4.0.0"></a>
-# [4.0.0]( (2017-04-03)
-### Bug Fixes
-* **integrity:** should have changed the error code before. oops ([8381afa](
-* **integrity:** EBADCHECKSUM -> EINTEGRITY for verification errors
-<a name="3.0.2"></a>
-## [3.0.2]( (2017-04-03)
-<a name="3.0.1"></a>
-## [3.0.1]( (2017-04-03)
-### Bug Fixes
-* **package.json:** really should have these in the keywords because search ([a6ac6d0](
-<a name="3.0.0"></a>
-# [3.0.0]( (2017-04-03)
-### Bug Fixes
-* **hashes:** IntegrityMetadata -> Hash ([d04aa1f](
-### Features
-* **check:** return IntegrityMetadata on check success ([2301e74](
-* **fromHex:** ssri.fromHex to make it easier to generate them from hex valus ([049b89e](
-* **hex:** utility function for getting hex version of digest ([a9f021c](
-* **hexDigest:** added hexDigest method to Integrity objects too ([85208ba](
-* **integrity:** add .isIntegrity and .isIntegrityMetadata ([1b29e6f](
-* **integrityStream:** new stream that can both generate and check streamed data ([fd23e1b](
-* **parse:** allow parsing straight into a single IntegrityMetadata object ([c8ddf48](
-* **pickAlgorithm:** Intergrity#pickAlgorithm() added ([b97a796](
-* **size:** calculate and update stream sizes ([02ed1ad](
-* **hashes:** `.isIntegrityMetadata` is now `.isHash`. Also, any references to `IntegrityMetadata` now refer to `Hash`.
-* **integrityStream:** createCheckerStream has been removed and replaced with a general-purpose integrityStream.
-To convert existing createCheckerStream code, move the `sri` argument into `opts.integrity` in integrityStream. All other options should be the same.
-* **check:** `checkData`, `checkStream`, and `createCheckerStream` now yield a whole IntegrityMetadata instance representing the first successful hash match.
-<a name="2.0.0"></a>
-# [2.0.0]( (2017-03-24)
-### Bug Fixes
-* **strict-mode:** make regexes more rigid ([122a32c](
-### Features
-* **api:** added serialize alias for unparse ([999b421](
-* **concat:** add Integrity#concat() ([cae12c7](
-* **pickAlgo:** pick the strongest algorithm provided, by default ([58c18f7](
-* **strict-mode:** strict SRI support ([3f0b64c](
-* **stringify:** replaced unparse/serialize with stringify ([4acad30](
-* **verification:** add opts.pickAlgorithm ([f72e658](
-* **pickAlgo:** ssri will prioritize specific hashes now
-* **stringify:** serialize and unparse have been removed. Use ssri.stringify instead.
-* **strict-mode:** functions that accepted an optional `sep` argument now expect `opts.sep`.
-<a name="1.0.0"></a>
-# 1.0.0 (2017-03-23)
-### Features
-* **api:** implemented initial api ([4fbb16b](
-* **api:** Initial API established.
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-profile/node_modules/make-fetch-happen/node_modules/ssri/ b/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-profile/node_modules/make-fetch-happen/node_modules/ssri/
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-To the extent possible under law, maintainers for this project have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this project.
-For more information on this waiver, see:
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-profile/node_modules/make-fetch-happen/node_modules/ssri/ b/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-profile/node_modules/make-fetch-happen/node_modules/ssri/
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-# ssri [![npm version](]( [![license](]( [![Travis](]( [![AppVeyor](]( [![Coverage Status](](
-[`ssri`](, short for Standard Subresource
-Integrity, is a Node.js utility for parsing, manipulating, serializing,
-generating, and verifying [Subresource
-Integrity]( hashes.
-## Install
-`$ npm install --save ssri`
-## Table of Contents
-* [Example](#example)
-* [Features](#features)
-* [Contributing](#contributing)
-* [API](#api)
- * Parsing & Serializing
- * [`parse`](#parse)
- * [`stringify`](#stringify)
- * [`Integrity#concat`](#integrity-concat)
- * [`Integrity#toString`](#integrity-to-string)
- * [`Integrity#toJSON`](#integrity-to-json)
- * [`Integrity#pickAlgorithm`](#integrity-pick-algorithm)
- * [`Integrity#hexDigest`](#integrity-hex-digest)
- * Integrity Generation
- * [`fromHex`](#from-hex)
- * [`fromData`](#from-data)
- * [`fromStream`](#from-stream)
- * [`create`](#create)
- * Integrity Verification
- * [`checkData`](#check-data)
- * [`checkStream`](#check-stream)
- * [`integrityStream`](#integrity-stream)
-### Example
-const ssri = require('ssri')
-const integrity = 'sha512-9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==?foo'
-// Parsing and serializing
-const parsed = ssri.parse(integrity)
-ssri.stringify(parsed) // === integrity (works on non-Integrity objects)
-parsed.toString() // === integrity
-// Async stream functions
-ssri.checkStream(fs.createReadStream('./my-file'), integrity).then(...)
-ssri.fromStream(fs.createReadStream('./my-file')).then(sri => {
- sri.toString() === integrity
-// Sync data functions
-ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('./my-file')) // === parsed
-ssri.checkData(fs.readFileSync('./my-file'), integrity) // => 'sha512'
-### Features
-* Parses and stringifies SRI strings.
-* Generates SRI strings from raw data or Streams.
-* Strict standard compliance.
-* `?foo` metadata option support.
-* Multiple entries for the same algorithm.
-* Object-based integrity hash manipulation.
-* Small footprint: no dependencies, concise implementation.
-* Full test coverage.
-* Customizable algorithm picker.
-### Contributing
-The ssri team enthusiastically welcomes contributions and project participation!
-There's a bunch of things you can do if you want to contribute! The [Contributor
-Guide]( has all the information you need for everything from
-reporting bugs to contributing entire new features. Please don't hesitate to
-jump in if you'd like to, or even ask us questions if something isn't clear.
-### API
-#### <a name="parse"></a> `> ssri.parse(sri, [opts]) -> Integrity`
-Parses `sri` into an `Integrity` data structure. `sri` can be an integrity
-string, an `Hash`-like with `digest` and `algorithm` fields and an optional
-`options` field, or an `Integrity`-like object. The resulting object will be an
-`Integrity` instance that has this shape:
- 'sha1': [{algorithm: 'sha1', digest: 'deadbeef', options: []}],
- 'sha512': [
- {algorithm: 'sha512', digest: 'c0ffee', options: []},
- {algorithm: 'sha512', digest: 'bad1dea', options: ['foo']}
- ],
-If `opts.single` is truthy, a single `Hash` object will be returned. That is, a
-single object that looks like `{algorithm, digest, options}`, as opposed to a
-larger object with multiple of these.
-If `opts.strict` is truthy, the resulting object will be filtered such that
-it strictly follows the Subresource Integrity spec, throwing away any entries
-with any invalid components. This also means a restricted set of algorithms
-will be used -- the spec limits them to `sha256`, `sha384`, and `sha512`.
-Strict mode is recommended if the integrity strings are intended for use in
-browsers, or in other situations where strict adherence to the spec is needed.
-##### Example
-ssri.parse('sha512-9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==?foo') // -> Integrity object
-#### <a name="stringify"></a> `> ssri.stringify(sri, [opts]) -> String`
-This function is identical to [`Integrity#toString()`](#integrity-to-string),
-except it can be used on _any_ object that [`parse`](#parse) can handle -- that
-is, a string, an `Hash`-like, or an `Integrity`-like.
-The `opts.sep` option defines the string to use when joining multiple entries
-together. To be spec-compliant, this _must_ be whitespace. The default is a
-single space (`' '`).
-If `opts.strict` is true, the integrity string will be created using strict
-parsing rules. See [`ssri.parse`](#parse).
-##### Example
-// Useful for cleaning up input SRI strings:
-// -> 'sha512-foo sha384-bar'
-// Hash-like: only a single entry.
- algorithm: 'sha512',
- digest:'9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==',
- options: ['foo']
-// ->
-// 'sha512-9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==?foo'
-// Integrity-like: full multi-entry syntax. Similar to output of `ssri.parse`
- 'sha512': [
- {
- algorithm: 'sha512',
- digest:'9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==',
- options: ['foo']
- }
- ]
-// ->
-// 'sha512-9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==?foo'
-#### <a name="integrity-concat"></a> `> Integrity#concat(otherIntegrity, [opts]) -> Integrity`
-Concatenates an `Integrity` object with another IntegrityLike, or an integrity
-This is functionally equivalent to concatenating the string format of both
-integrity arguments, and calling [`ssri.parse`](#ssri-parse) on the new string.
-If `opts.strict` is true, the new `Integrity` will be created using strict
-parsing rules. See [`ssri.parse`](#parse).
-##### Example
-// This will combine the integrity checks for two different versions of
-// your index.js file so you can use a single integrity string and serve
-// either of these to clients, from a single `<script>` tag.
-const desktopIntegrity = ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('./index.desktop.js'))
-const mobileIntegrity = ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('./'))
-// Note that browsers (and ssri) will succeed as long as ONE of the entries
-// for the *prioritized* algorithm succeeds. That is, in order for this fallback
-// to work, both desktop and mobile *must* use the same `algorithm` values.
-#### <a name="integrity-to-string"></a> `> Integrity#toString([opts]) -> String`
-Returns the string representation of an `Integrity` object. All hash entries
-will be concatenated in the string by `opts.sep`, which defaults to `' '`.
-If you want to serialize an object that didn't from from an `ssri` function,
-use [`ssri.stringify()`](#stringify).
-If `opts.strict` is true, the integrity string will be created using strict
-parsing rules. See [`ssri.parse`](#parse).
-##### Example
-const integrity = 'sha512-9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==?foo'
-ssri.parse(integrity).toString() === integrity
-#### <a name="integrity-to-json"></a> `> Integrity#toJSON() -> String`
-Returns the string representation of an `Integrity` object. All hash entries
-will be concatenated in the string by `' '`.
-This is a convenience method so you can pass an `Integrity` object directly to `JSON.stringify`.
-For more info check out [toJSON() behavior on mdn](
-##### Example
-const integrity = '"sha512-9KhgCRIx/AmzC8xqYJTZRrnO8OW2Pxyl2DIMZSBOr0oDvtEFyht3xpp71j/r/pAe1DM+JI/A+line3jUBgzQ7A==?foo"'
-JSON.stringify(ssri.parse(integrity)) === integrity
-#### <a name="integrity-pick-algorithm"></a> `> Integrity#pickAlgorithm([opts]) -> String`
-Returns the "best" algorithm from those available in the integrity object.
-If `opts.pickAlgorithm` is provided, it will be passed two algorithms as
-arguments. ssri will prioritize whichever of the two algorithms is returned by
-this function. Note that the function may be called multiple times, and it
-**must** return one of the two algorithms provided. By default, ssri will make
-a best-effort to pick the strongest/most reliable of the given algorithms. It
-may intentionally deprioritize algorithms with known vulnerabilities.
-##### Example
-ssri.parse('sha1-WEakDigEST sha512-yzd8ELD1piyANiWnmdnpCL5F52f10UfUdEkHywVZeqTt0ymgrxR63Qz0GB7TKPoeeZQmWCaz7T1').pickAlgorithm() // sha512
-#### <a name="integrity-hex-digest"></a> `> Integrity#hexDigest() -> String`
-`Integrity` is assumed to be either a single-hash `Integrity` instance, or a
-`Hash` instance. Returns its `digest`, converted to a hex representation of the
-base64 data.
-##### Example
-ssri.parse('sha1-deadbeef').hexDigest() // '75e69d6de79f'
-#### <a name="from-hex"></a> `> ssri.fromHex(hexDigest, algorithm, [opts]) -> Integrity`
-Creates an `Integrity` object with a single entry, based on a hex-formatted
-hash. This is a utility function to help convert existing shasums to the
-Integrity format, and is roughly equivalent to something like:
-algorithm + '-' + Buffer.from(hexDigest, 'hex').toString('base64')
-`opts.options` may optionally be passed in: it must be an array of option
-strings that will be added to all generated integrity hashes generated by
-`fromData`. This is a loosely-specified feature of SRIs, and currently has no
-specified semantics besides being `?`-separated. Use at your own risk, and
-probably avoid if your integrity strings are meant to be used with browsers.
-If `opts.strict` is true, the integrity object will be created using strict
-parsing rules. See [`ssri.parse`](#parse).
-If `opts.single` is true, a single `Hash` object will be returned.
-##### Example
-ssri.fromHex('75e69d6de79f', 'sha1').toString() // 'sha1-deadbeef'
-#### <a name="from-data"></a> `> ssri.fromData(data, [opts]) -> Integrity`
-Creates an `Integrity` object from either string or `Buffer` data, calculating
-all the requested hashes and adding any specified options to the object.
-`opts.algorithms` determines which algorithms to generate hashes for. All
-results will be included in a single `Integrity` object. The default value for
-`opts.algorithms` is `['sha512']`. All algorithm strings must be hashes listed
-in `crypto.getHashes()` for the host Node.js platform.
-`opts.options` may optionally be passed in: it must be an array of option
-strings that will be added to all generated integrity hashes generated by
-`fromData`. This is a loosely-specified feature of SRIs, and currently has no
-specified semantics besides being `?`-separated. Use at your own risk, and
-probably avoid if your integrity strings are meant to be used with browsers.
-If `opts.strict` is true, the integrity object will be created using strict
-parsing rules. See [`ssri.parse`](#parse).
-##### Example
-const integrityObj = ssri.fromData('foobarbaz', {
- algorithms: ['sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']
-// ->
-// sha256-l981iLWj8kurw4UbNy8Lpxqdzd7UOxS50Glhv8FwfZ0=
-// sha384-irnCxQ0CfQhYGlVAUdwTPC9bF3+YWLxlaDGM4xbYminxpbXEq+D+2GCEBTxcjES9
-// sha512-yzd8ELD1piyANiWnmdnpCL5F52f10UfUdEkHywVZeqTt0ymgrxR63Qz0GB7TKPoeeZQmWCaz7T1+9vBnypkYWg==
-#### <a name="from-stream"></a> `> ssri.fromStream(stream, [opts]) -> Promise<Integrity>`
-Returns a Promise of an Integrity object calculated by reading data from
-a given `stream`.
-It accepts both `opts.algorithms` and `opts.options`, which are documented as
-part of [`ssri.fromData`](#from-data).
-Additionally, `opts.Promise` may be passed in to inject a Promise library of
-choice. By default, ssri will use Node's built-in Promises.
-If `opts.strict` is true, the integrity object will be created using strict
-parsing rules. See [`ssri.parse`](#parse).
-##### Example
-ssri.fromStream(fs.createReadStream('index.js'), {
- algorithms: ['sha1', 'sha512']
-}).then(integrity => {
- return ssri.checkStream(fs.createReadStream('index.js'), integrity)
-}) // succeeds
-#### <a name="create"></a> `> ssri.create([opts]) -> <Hash>`
-Returns a Hash object with `update(<Buffer or string>[,enc])` and `digest()` methods.
-The Hash object provides the same methods as [crypto class Hash](
-`digest()` accepts no arguments and returns an Integrity object calculated by reading data from
-calls to update.
-It accepts both `opts.algorithms` and `opts.options`, which are documented as
-part of [`ssri.fromData`](#from-data).
-If `opts.strict` is true, the integrity object will be created using strict
-parsing rules. See [`ssri.parse`](#parse).
-##### Example
-const integrity = ssri.create().update('foobarbaz').digest()
-// ->
-// sha512-yzd8ELD1piyANiWnmdnpCL5F52f10UfUdEkHywVZeqTt0ymgrxR63Qz0GB7TKPoeeZQmWCaz7T1+9vBnypkYWg==
-#### <a name="check-data"></a> `> ssri.checkData(data, sri, [opts]) -> Hash|false`
-Verifies `data` integrity against an `sri` argument. `data` may be either a
-`String` or a `Buffer`, and `sri` can be any subresource integrity
-representation that [`ssri.parse`](#parse) can handle.
-If verification succeeds, `checkData` will return the name of the algorithm that
-was used for verification (a truthy value). Otherwise, it will return `false`.
-If `opts.pickAlgorithm` is provided, it will be used by
-[`Integrity#pickAlgorithm`](#integrity-pick-algorithm) when deciding which of
-the available digests to match against.
-##### Example
-const data = fs.readFileSync('index.js')
-ssri.checkData(data, ssri.fromData(data)) // -> 'sha512'
-ssri.checkData(data, 'sha256-l981iLWj8kurw4UbNy8Lpxqdzd7UOxS50Glhv8FwfZ0')
-ssri.checkData(data, 'sha1-BaDDigEST') // -> false
-#### <a name="check-stream"></a> `> ssri.checkStream(stream, sri, [opts]) -> Promise<Hash>`
-Verifies the contents of `stream` against an `sri` argument. `stream` will be
-consumed in its entirety by this process. `sri` can be any subresource integrity
-representation that [`ssri.parse`](#parse) can handle.
-`checkStream` will return a Promise that either resolves to the
-`Hash` that succeeded verification, or, if the verification fails
-or an error happens with `stream`, the Promise will be rejected.
-If the Promise is rejected because verification failed, the returned error will
-have `err.code` as `EINTEGRITY`.
-If `opts.size` is given, it will be matched against the stream size. An error
-with `err.code` `EBADSIZE` will be returned by a rejection if the expected size
-and actual size fail to match.
-If `opts.pickAlgorithm` is provided, it will be used by
-[`Integrity#pickAlgorithm`](#integrity-pick-algorithm) when deciding which of
-the available digests to match against.
-##### Example
-const integrity = ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('index.js'))
- fs.createReadStream('index.js'),
- integrity
-// ->
-// Promise<{
-// algorithm: 'sha512',
-// digest: 'sha512-yzd8ELD1piyANiWnmdnpCL5F52f10UfUdEkHywVZeqTt0ymgrxR63Qz0GB7TKPoeeZQmWCaz7T1'
-// }>
- fs.createReadStream('index.js'),
- 'sha256-l981iLWj8kurw4UbNy8Lpxqdzd7UOxS50Glhv8FwfZ0'
-) // -> Promise<Hash>
- fs.createReadStream('index.js'),
- 'sha1-BaDDigEST'
-) // -> Promise<Error<{code: 'EINTEGRITY'}>>
-#### <a name="integrity-stream"></a> `> integrityStream(sri, [opts]) -> IntegrityStream`
-Returns a `Transform` stream that data can be piped through in order to generate
-and optionally check data integrity for piped data. When the stream completes
-successfully, it emits `size` and `integrity` events, containing the total
-number of bytes processed and a calculated `Integrity` instance based on stream
-data, respectively.
-If `opts.algorithms` is passed in, the listed algorithms will be calculated when
-generating the final `Integrity` instance. The default is `['sha512']`.
-If `opts.single` is passed in, a single `Hash` instance will be returned.
-If `opts.integrity` is passed in, it should be an `integrity` value understood
-by [`parse`](#parse) that the stream will check the data against. If
-verification succeeds, the integrity stream will emit a `verified` event whose
-value is a single `Hash` object that is the one that succeeded verification. If
-verification fails, the stream will error with an `EINTEGRITY` error code.
-If `opts.size` is given, it will be matched against the stream size. An error
-with `err.code` `EBADSIZE` will be emitted by the stream if the expected size
-and actual size fail to match.
-If `opts.pickAlgorithm` is provided, it will be passed two algorithms as
-arguments. ssri will prioritize whichever of the two algorithms is returned by
-this function. Note that the function may be called multiple times, and it
-**must** return one of the two algorithms provided. By default, ssri will make
-a best-effort to pick the strongest/most reliable of the given algorithms. It
-may intentionally deprioritize algorithms with known vulnerabilities.
-##### Example
-const integrity = ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('index.js'))
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-profile/node_modules/make-fetch-happen/node_modules/ssri/index.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-profile/node_modules/make-fetch-happen/node_modules/ssri/index.js
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index 8ece662ba6..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-profile/node_modules/make-fetch-happen/node_modules/ssri/index.js
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-'use strict'
-const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer
-const crypto = require('crypto')
-const Transform = require('stream').Transform
-const SPEC_ALGORITHMS = ['sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']
-const BASE64_REGEX = /^[a-z0-9+/]+(?:=?=?)$/i
-const SRI_REGEX = /^([^-]+)-([^?]+)([?\S*]*)$/
-const STRICT_SRI_REGEX = /^([^-]+)-([A-Za-z0-9+/]+(?:=?=?))([?\x21-\x7E]*)$/
-const VCHAR_REGEX = /^[\x21-\x7E]+$/
-class Hash {
- get isHash () { return true }
- constructor (hash, opts) {
- const strict = !!(opts && opts.strict)
- this.source = hash.trim()
- // 3.1. Integrity metadata (called "Hash" by ssri)
- //
- const match = this.source.match(
- strict
- )
- if (!match) { return }
- if (strict && !SPEC_ALGORITHMS.some(a => a === match[1])) { return }
- this.algorithm = match[1]
- this.digest = match[2]
- const rawOpts = match[3]
- this.options = rawOpts ? rawOpts.slice(1).split('?') : []
- }
- hexDigest () {
- return this.digest && Buffer.from(this.digest, 'base64').toString('hex')
- }
- toJSON () {
- return this.toString()
- }
- toString (opts) {
- if (opts && opts.strict) {
- // Strict mode enforces the standard as close to the foot of the
- // letter as it can.
- if (!(
- // The spec has very restricted productions for algorithms.
- //
- SPEC_ALGORITHMS.some(x => x === this.algorithm) &&
- // Usually, if someone insists on using a "different" base64, we
- // leave it as-is, since there's multiple standards, and the
- // specified is not a URL-safe variant.
- //
- this.digest.match(BASE64_REGEX) &&
- // Option syntax is strictly visual chars.
- //
- //
- (this.options || []).every(opt => opt.match(VCHAR_REGEX))
- )) {
- return ''
- }
- }
- const options = this.options && this.options.length
- ? `?${this.options.join('?')}`
- : ''
- return `${this.algorithm}-${this.digest}${options}`
- }
-class Integrity {
- get isIntegrity () { return true }
- toJSON () {
- return this.toString()
- }
- toString (opts) {
- opts = opts || {}
- let sep = opts.sep || ' '
- if (opts.strict) {
- // Entries must be separated by whitespace, according to spec.
- sep = sep.replace(/\S+/g, ' ')
- }
- return Object.keys(this).map(k => {
- return this[k].map(hash => {
- return, opts)
- }).filter(x => x.length).join(sep)
- }).filter(x => x.length).join(sep)
- }
- concat (integrity, opts) {
- const other = typeof integrity === 'string'
- ? integrity
- : stringify(integrity, opts)
- return parse(`${this.toString(opts)} ${other}`, opts)
- }
- hexDigest () {
- return parse(this, {single: true}).hexDigest()
- }
- pickAlgorithm (opts) {
- const pickAlgorithm = (opts && opts.pickAlgorithm) || getPrioritizedHash
- const keys = Object.keys(this)
- if (!keys.length) {
- throw new Error(`No algorithms available for ${
- JSON.stringify(this.toString())
- }`)
- }
- return keys.reduce((acc, algo) => {
- return pickAlgorithm(acc, algo) || acc
- })
- }
-module.exports.parse = parse
-function parse (sri, opts) {
- opts = opts || {}
- if (typeof sri === 'string') {
- return _parse(sri, opts)
- } else if (sri.algorithm && sri.digest) {
- const fullSri = new Integrity()
- fullSri[sri.algorithm] = [sri]
- return _parse(stringify(fullSri, opts), opts)
- } else {
- return _parse(stringify(sri, opts), opts)
- }
-function _parse (integrity, opts) {
- // 3.4.3. Parse metadata
- //
- if (opts.single) {
- return new Hash(integrity, opts)
- }
- return integrity.trim().split(/\s+/).reduce((acc, string) => {
- const hash = new Hash(string, opts)
- if (hash.algorithm && hash.digest) {
- const algo = hash.algorithm
- if (!acc[algo]) { acc[algo] = [] }
- acc[algo].push(hash)
- }
- return acc
- }, new Integrity())
-module.exports.stringify = stringify
-function stringify (obj, opts) {
- if (obj.algorithm && obj.digest) {
- return, opts)
- } else if (typeof obj === 'string') {
- return stringify(parse(obj, opts), opts)
- } else {
- return, opts)
- }
-module.exports.fromHex = fromHex
-function fromHex (hexDigest, algorithm, opts) {
- const optString = (opts && opts.options && opts.options.length)
- ? `?${opts.options.join('?')}`
- : ''
- return parse(
- `${algorithm}-${
- Buffer.from(hexDigest, 'hex').toString('base64')
- }${optString}`, opts
- )
-module.exports.fromData = fromData
-function fromData (data, opts) {
- opts = opts || {}
- const algorithms = opts.algorithms || ['sha512']
- const optString = opts.options && opts.options.length
- ? `?${opts.options.join('?')}`
- : ''
- return algorithms.reduce((acc, algo) => {
- const digest = crypto.createHash(algo).update(data).digest('base64')
- const hash = new Hash(
- `${algo}-${digest}${optString}`,
- opts
- )
- if (hash.algorithm && hash.digest) {
- const algo = hash.algorithm
- if (!acc[algo]) { acc[algo] = [] }
- acc[algo].push(hash)
- }
- return acc
- }, new Integrity())
-module.exports.fromStream = fromStream
-function fromStream (stream, opts) {
- opts = opts || {}
- const P = opts.Promise || Promise
- const istream = integrityStream(opts)
- return new P((resolve, reject) => {
- stream.pipe(istream)
- stream.on('error', reject)
- istream.on('error', reject)
- let sri
- istream.on('integrity', s => { sri = s })
- istream.on('end', () => resolve(sri))
- istream.on('data', () => {})
- })
-module.exports.checkData = checkData
-function checkData (data, sri, opts) {
- opts = opts || {}
- sri = parse(sri, opts)
- if (!Object.keys(sri).length) { return false }
- const algorithm = sri.pickAlgorithm(opts)
- const digests = sri[algorithm] || []
- const digest = crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(data).digest('base64')
- return digests.find(hash => hash.digest === digest) || false
-module.exports.checkStream = checkStream
-function checkStream (stream, sri, opts) {
- opts = opts || {}
- const P = opts.Promise || Promise
- const checker = integrityStream(Object.assign({}, opts, {
- integrity: sri
- }))
- return new P((resolve, reject) => {
- stream.pipe(checker)
- stream.on('error', reject)
- checker.on('error', reject)
- let sri
- checker.on('verified', s => { sri = s })
- checker.on('end', () => resolve(sri))
- checker.on('data', () => {})
- })
-module.exports.integrityStream = integrityStream
-function integrityStream (opts) {
- opts = opts || {}
- // For verification
- const sri = opts.integrity && parse(opts.integrity, opts)
- const goodSri = sri && Object.keys(sri).length
- const algorithm = goodSri && sri.pickAlgorithm(opts)
- const digests = goodSri && sri[algorithm]
- // Calculating stream
- const algorithms = opts.algorithms || [algorithm || 'sha512']
- const hashes =
- let streamSize = 0
- const stream = new Transform({
- transform (chunk, enc, cb) {
- streamSize += chunk.length
- hashes.forEach(h => h.update(chunk, enc))
- cb(null, chunk, enc)
- }
- }).on('end', () => {
- const optString = (opts.options && opts.options.length)
- ? `?${opts.options.join('?')}`
- : ''
- const newSri = parse(, i) => {
- return `${algorithms[i]}-${h.digest('base64')}${optString}`
- }).join(' '), opts)
- const match = (
- // Integrity verification mode
- opts.integrity &&
- newSri[algorithm] &&
- digests &&
- digests.find(hash => {
- return newSri[algorithm].find(newhash => {
- return hash.digest === newhash.digest
- })
- })
- )
- if (typeof opts.size === 'number' && streamSize !== opts.size) {
- const err = new Error(`stream size mismatch when checking ${sri}.\n Wanted: ${opts.size}\n Found: ${streamSize}`)
- err.code = 'EBADSIZE'
- err.found = streamSize
- err.expected = opts.size
- err.sri = sri
- stream.emit('error', err)
- } else if (opts.integrity && !match) {
- const err = new Error(`${sri} integrity checksum failed when using ${algorithm}: wanted ${digests} but got ${newSri}. (${streamSize} bytes)`)
- err.code = 'EINTEGRITY'
- err.found = newSri
- err.expected = digests
- err.algorithm = algorithm
- err.sri = sri
- stream.emit('error', err)
- } else {
- stream.emit('size', streamSize)
- stream.emit('integrity', newSri)
- match && stream.emit('verified', match)
- }
- })
- return stream
-module.exports.create = createIntegrity
-function createIntegrity (opts) {
- opts = opts || {}
- const algorithms = opts.algorithms || ['sha512']
- const optString = opts.options && opts.options.length
- ? `?${opts.options.join('?')}`
- : ''
- const hashes =
- return {
- update: function (chunk, enc) {
- hashes.forEach(h => h.update(chunk, enc))
- return this
- },
- digest: function (enc) {
- const integrity = algorithms.reduce((acc, algo) => {
- const digest = hashes.shift().digest('base64')
- const hash = new Hash(
- `${algo}-${digest}${optString}`,
- opts
- )
- if (hash.algorithm && hash.digest) {
- const algo = hash.algorithm
- if (!acc[algo]) { acc[algo] = [] }
- acc[algo].push(hash)
- }
- return acc
- }, new Integrity())
- return integrity
- }
- }
-// This is a Best Effortâ„¢ at a reasonable priority for hash algos
- 'md5', 'whirlpool', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512'
-function getPrioritizedHash (algo1, algo2) {
- return DEFAULT_PRIORITY.indexOf(algo1.toLowerCase()) >= DEFAULT_PRIORITY.indexOf(algo2.toLowerCase())
- ? algo1
- : algo2
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- "_id": "ssri@4.1.6",
- "_inBundle": false,
- "_integrity": "sha512-WUbCdgSAMQjTFZRWvSPpauryvREEA+Krn19rx67UlJEJx/M192ZHxMmJXjZ4tkdFm+Sb0SXGlENeQVlA5wY7kA==",
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- "_requested": {
- "type": "range",
- "registry": true,
- "raw": "ssri@^4.1.6",
- "name": "ssri",
- "escapedName": "ssri",
- "rawSpec": "^4.1.6",
- "saveSpec": null,
- "fetchSpec": "^4.1.6"
- },
- "_requiredBy": [
- "/npm-profile/make-fetch-happen",
- "/npm-profile/make-fetch-happen/cacache"
- ],
- "_resolved": "",
- "_shasum": "0cb49b6ac84457e7bdd466cb730c3cb623e9a25b",
- "_spec": "ssri@^4.1.6",
- "_where": "/Users/zkat/Documents/code/npm/node_modules/npm-profile/node_modules/make-fetch-happen",
- "author": {
- "name": "Kat Marchán",
- "email": ""
- },
- "bugs": {
- "url": ""
- },
- "bundleDependencies": false,
- "config": {
- "nyc": {
- "exclude": [
- "node_modules/**",
- "test/**"
- ]
- }
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "safe-buffer": "^5.1.0"
- },
- "deprecated": false,
- "description": "Standard Subresource Integrity library -- parses, serializes, generates, and verifies integrity metadata according to the SRI spec.",
- "devDependencies": {
- "nyc": "^10.3.2",
- "standard": "^9.0.2",
- "standard-version": "^4.1.0",
- "tap": "^10.3.3",
- "weallbehave": "^1.2.0",
- "weallcontribute": "^1.0.8"
- },
- "files": [
- "*.js"
- ],
- "homepage": "",
- "keywords": [
- "w3c",
- "web",
- "security",
- "integrity",
- "checksum",
- "hashing",
- "subresource integrity",
- "sri",
- "sri hash",
- "sri string",
- "sri generator",
- "html"
- ],
- "license": "CC0-1.0",
- "main": "index.js",
- "name": "ssri",
- "repository": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "git+"
- },
- "scripts": {
- "postrelease": "npm publish && git push --follow-tags",
- "prerelease": "npm t",
- "pretest": "standard",
- "release": "standard-version -s",
- "test": "tap -J --coverage test/*.js",
- "update-coc": "weallbehave -o . && git add && git commit -m 'docs(coc): updated'",
- "update-contrib": "weallcontribute -o . && git add && git commit -m 'docs(contributing): updated'"
- },
- "version": "4.1.6"