path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/')
1 files changed, 1095 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/ b/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b26cc785a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/
@@ -0,0 +1,1095 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Notes:
+# This generates makefiles suitable for inclusion into the Android build system
+# via an file. It is based on, the standard makefile
+# generator.
+# The code below generates a separate .mk file for each target, but
+# all are sourced by the top-level This means that all
+# variables in .mk-files clobber one another, and furthermore that any
+# variables set potentially clash with other Android build system variables.
+# Try to avoid setting global variables where possible.
+import gyp
+import gyp.common
+import gyp.generator.make as make # Reuse global functions from make backend.
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+generator_default_variables = {
+ 'OS': 'android',
+ 'INTERMEDIATE_DIR': '$(gyp_intermediate_dir)',
+ 'SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR': '$(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir)',
+ 'PRODUCT_DIR': '$(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir)',
+ 'SHARED_LIB_DIR': '$(builddir)/lib.$(TOOLSET)',
+ 'LIB_DIR': '$(obj).$(TOOLSET)',
+ 'RULE_INPUT_ROOT': '%(INPUT_ROOT)s', # This gets expanded by Python.
+ 'RULE_INPUT_DIRNAME': '%(INPUT_DIRNAME)s', # This gets expanded by Python.
+ 'RULE_INPUT_EXT': '$(suffix $<)',
+ 'RULE_INPUT_NAME': '$(notdir $<)',
+# Make supports multiple toolsets
+generator_supports_multiple_toolsets = True
+# Generator-specific gyp specs.
+generator_additional_non_configuration_keys = [
+ # Boolean to declare that this target does not want its name mangled.
+ 'android_unmangled_name',
+ # Map of android build system variables to set.
+ 'aosp_build_settings',
+generator_additional_path_sections = []
+generator_extra_sources_for_rules = []
+# "gyp_all_modules" is a concatenation of the "gyp_all_modules" targets from
+# all the included sub-makefiles. This is just here to clarify.
+header = """\
+# This file is generated by gyp; do not edit.
+# Map gyp target types to Android module classes.
+ 'static_library': 'STATIC_LIBRARIES',
+ 'shared_library': 'SHARED_LIBRARIES',
+ 'executable': 'EXECUTABLES',
+def IsCPPExtension(ext):
+ return make.COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS.get(ext) == 'cxx'
+def Sourceify(path):
+ """Convert a path to its source directory form. The Android backend does not
+ support options.generator_output, so this function is a noop."""
+ return path
+# Map from qualified target to path to output.
+# For Android, the target of these maps is a tuple ('static', 'modulename'),
+# ('dynamic', 'modulename'), or ('path', 'some/path') instead of a string,
+# since we link by module.
+target_outputs = {}
+# Map from qualified target to any linkable output. A subset
+# of target_outputs. E.g. when mybinary depends on liba, we want to
+# include liba in the linker line; when otherbinary depends on
+# mybinary, we just want to build mybinary first.
+target_link_deps = {}
+class AndroidMkWriter(object):
+ """AndroidMkWriter packages up the writing of one target-specific
+ Its only real entry point is Write(), and is mostly used for namespacing.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, android_top_dir):
+ self.android_top_dir = android_top_dir
+ def Write(self, qualified_target, relative_target, base_path, output_filename,
+ spec, configs, part_of_all, write_alias_target, sdk_version):
+ """The main entry point: writes a .mk file for a single target.
+ Arguments:
+ qualified_target: target we're generating
+ relative_target: qualified target name relative to the root
+ base_path: path relative to source root we're building in, used to resolve
+ target-relative paths
+ output_filename: output .mk file name to write
+ spec, configs: gyp info
+ part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all'
+ write_alias_target: flag indicating whether to create short aliases for
+ this target
+ sdk_version: what to emit for LOCAL_SDK_VERSION in output
+ """
+ gyp.common.EnsureDirExists(output_filename)
+ self.fp = open(output_filename, 'w')
+ self.fp.write(header)
+ self.qualified_target = qualified_target
+ self.relative_target = relative_target
+ self.path = base_path
+ = spec['target_name']
+ self.type = spec['type']
+ self.toolset = spec['toolset']
+ deps, link_deps = self.ComputeDeps(spec)
+ # Some of the generation below can add extra output, sources, or
+ # link dependencies. All of the out params of the functions that
+ # follow use names like extra_foo.
+ extra_outputs = []
+ extra_sources = []
+ self.android_class = MODULE_CLASSES.get(self.type, 'GYP')
+ self.android_module = self.ComputeAndroidModule(spec)
+ (self.android_stem, self.android_suffix) = self.ComputeOutputParts(spec)
+ self.output = self.output_binary = self.ComputeOutput(spec)
+ # Standard header.
+ self.WriteLn('include $(CLEAR_VARS)\n')
+ # Module class and name.
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := ' + self.android_class)
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_MODULE := ' + self.android_module)
+ # Only emit LOCAL_MODULE_STEM if it's different to LOCAL_MODULE.
+ # The library module classes fail if the stem is set. ComputeOutputParts
+ # makes sure that stem == modulename in these cases.
+ if self.android_stem != self.android_module:
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_MODULE_STEM := ' + self.android_stem)
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX := ' + self.android_suffix)
+ if self.toolset == 'host':
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE := true')
+ elif sdk_version > 0:
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := %s' % sdk_version)
+ # Grab output directories; needed for Actions and Rules.
+ if self.toolset == 'host':
+ self.WriteLn('gyp_intermediate_dir := '
+ '$(call local-intermediates-dir,,$(GYP_HOST_VAR_PREFIX))')
+ else:
+ self.WriteLn('gyp_intermediate_dir := '
+ '$(call local-intermediates-dir,,$(GYP_VAR_PREFIX))')
+ self.WriteLn('gyp_shared_intermediate_dir := '
+ '$(call intermediates-dir-for,GYP,shared,,,$(GYP_VAR_PREFIX))')
+ self.WriteLn()
+ # List files this target depends on so that actions/rules/copies/sources
+ # can depend on the list.
+ # TODO: doesn't pull in things through transitive link deps; needed?
+ target_dependencies = [x[1] for x in deps if x[0] == 'path']
+ self.WriteLn('# Make sure our deps are built first.')
+ self.WriteList(target_dependencies, 'GYP_TARGET_DEPENDENCIES',
+ local_pathify=True)
+ # Actions must come first, since they can generate more OBJs for use below.
+ if 'actions' in spec:
+ self.WriteActions(spec['actions'], extra_sources, extra_outputs)
+ # Rules must be early like actions.
+ if 'rules' in spec:
+ self.WriteRules(spec['rules'], extra_sources, extra_outputs)
+ if 'copies' in spec:
+ self.WriteCopies(spec['copies'], extra_outputs)
+ # GYP generated outputs.
+ self.WriteList(extra_outputs, 'GYP_GENERATED_OUTPUTS', local_pathify=True)
+ # Set LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES so that Android's build rules depend
+ # on both our dependency targets and our generated files.
+ self.WriteLn('# Make sure our deps and generated files are built first.')
+ self.WriteLn()
+ # Sources.
+ if spec.get('sources', []) or extra_sources:
+ self.WriteSources(spec, configs, extra_sources)
+ self.WriteTarget(spec, configs, deps, link_deps, part_of_all,
+ write_alias_target)
+ # Update global list of target outputs, used in dependency tracking.
+ target_outputs[qualified_target] = ('path', self.output_binary)
+ # Update global list of link dependencies.
+ if self.type == 'static_library':
+ target_link_deps[qualified_target] = ('static', self.android_module)
+ elif self.type == 'shared_library':
+ target_link_deps[qualified_target] = ('shared', self.android_module)
+ self.fp.close()
+ return self.android_module
+ def WriteActions(self, actions, extra_sources, extra_outputs):
+ """Write Makefile code for any 'actions' from the gyp input.
+ extra_sources: a list that will be filled in with newly generated source
+ files, if any
+ extra_outputs: a list that will be filled in with any outputs of these
+ actions (used to make other pieces dependent on these
+ actions)
+ """
+ for action in actions:
+ name = make.StringToMakefileVariable('%s_%s' % (self.relative_target,
+ action['action_name']))
+ self.WriteLn('### Rules for action "%s":' % action['action_name'])
+ inputs = action['inputs']
+ outputs = action['outputs']
+ # Build up a list of outputs.
+ # Collect the output dirs we'll need.
+ dirs = set()
+ for out in outputs:
+ if not out.startswith('$'):
+ print ('WARNING: Action for target "%s" writes output to local path '
+ '"%s".' % (, out))
+ dir = os.path.split(out)[0]
+ if dir:
+ dirs.add(dir)
+ if int(action.get('process_outputs_as_sources', False)):
+ extra_sources += outputs
+ # Prepare the actual command.
+ command = gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList(action['action'])
+ if 'message' in action:
+ quiet_cmd = 'Gyp action: %s ($@)' % action['message']
+ else:
+ quiet_cmd = 'Gyp action: %s ($@)' % name
+ if len(dirs) > 0:
+ command = 'mkdir -p %s' % ' '.join(dirs) + '; ' + command
+ cd_action = 'cd $(gyp_local_path)/%s; ' % self.path
+ command = cd_action + command
+ # The makefile rules are all relative to the top dir, but the gyp actions
+ # are defined relative to their containing dir. This replaces the gyp_*
+ # variables for the action rule with an absolute version so that the
+ # output goes in the right place.
+ # Only write the gyp_* rules for the "primary" output (:1);
+ # it's superfluous for the "extra outputs", and this avoids accidentally
+ # writing duplicate dummy rules for those outputs.
+ main_output = make.QuoteSpaces(self.LocalPathify(outputs[0]))
+ self.WriteLn('%s: gyp_local_path := $(LOCAL_PATH)' % main_output)
+ self.WriteLn('%s: gyp_var_prefix := $(GYP_VAR_PREFIX)' % main_output)
+ self.WriteLn('%s: gyp_intermediate_dir := '
+ '$(abspath $(gyp_intermediate_dir))' % main_output)
+ self.WriteLn('%s: gyp_shared_intermediate_dir := '
+ '$(abspath $(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir))' % main_output)
+ # Android's adds a number of directories to the path including
+ # the built host binary directory. This causes actions/rules invoked by
+ # gyp to sometimes use these instead of system versions, e.g. bison.
+ # The built host binaries may not be suitable, and can cause errors.
+ # So, we remove them from the PATH using the ANDROID_BUILD_PATHS variable
+ # set by envsetup.
+ self.WriteLn('%s: export PATH := $(subst $(ANDROID_BUILD_PATHS),,$(PATH))'
+ % main_output)
+ # Don't allow spaces in input/output filenames, but make an exception for
+ # filenames which start with '$(' since it's okay for there to be spaces
+ # inside of make function/macro invocations.
+ for input in inputs:
+ if not input.startswith('$(') and ' ' in input:
+ raise gyp.common.GypError(
+ 'Action input filename "%s" in target %s contains a space' %
+ (input,
+ for output in outputs:
+ if not output.startswith('$(') and ' ' in output:
+ raise gyp.common.GypError(
+ 'Action output filename "%s" in target %s contains a space' %
+ (output,
+ self.WriteLn('%s: %s $(GYP_TARGET_DEPENDENCIES)' %
+ (main_output, ' '.join(map(self.LocalPathify, inputs))))
+ self.WriteLn('\t@echo "%s"' % quiet_cmd)
+ self.WriteLn('\t$(hide)%s\n' % command)
+ for output in outputs[1:]:
+ # Make each output depend on the main output, with an empty command
+ # to force make to notice that the mtime has changed.
+ self.WriteLn('%s: %s ;' % (self.LocalPathify(output), main_output))
+ extra_outputs += outputs
+ self.WriteLn()
+ self.WriteLn()
+ def WriteRules(self, rules, extra_sources, extra_outputs):
+ """Write Makefile code for any 'rules' from the gyp input.
+ extra_sources: a list that will be filled in with newly generated source
+ files, if any
+ extra_outputs: a list that will be filled in with any outputs of these
+ rules (used to make other pieces dependent on these rules)
+ """
+ if len(rules) == 0:
+ return
+ for rule in rules:
+ if len(rule.get('rule_sources', [])) == 0:
+ continue
+ name = make.StringToMakefileVariable('%s_%s' % (self.relative_target,
+ rule['rule_name']))
+ self.WriteLn('\n### Generated for rule "%s":' % name)
+ self.WriteLn('# "%s":' % rule)
+ inputs = rule.get('inputs')
+ for rule_source in rule.get('rule_sources', []):
+ (rule_source_dirname, rule_source_basename) = os.path.split(rule_source)
+ (rule_source_root, rule_source_ext) = \
+ os.path.splitext(rule_source_basename)
+ outputs = [self.ExpandInputRoot(out, rule_source_root,
+ rule_source_dirname)
+ for out in rule['outputs']]
+ dirs = set()
+ for out in outputs:
+ if not out.startswith('$'):
+ print ('WARNING: Rule for target %s writes output to local path %s'
+ % (, out))
+ dir = os.path.dirname(out)
+ if dir:
+ dirs.add(dir)
+ extra_outputs += outputs
+ if int(rule.get('process_outputs_as_sources', False)):
+ extra_sources.extend(outputs)
+ components = []
+ for component in rule['action']:
+ component = self.ExpandInputRoot(component, rule_source_root,
+ rule_source_dirname)
+ if '$(RULE_SOURCES)' in component:
+ component = component.replace('$(RULE_SOURCES)',
+ rule_source)
+ components.append(component)
+ command = gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList(components)
+ cd_action = 'cd $(gyp_local_path)/%s; ' % self.path
+ command = cd_action + command
+ if dirs:
+ command = 'mkdir -p %s' % ' '.join(dirs) + '; ' + command
+ # We set up a rule to build the first output, and then set up
+ # a rule for each additional output to depend on the first.
+ outputs = map(self.LocalPathify, outputs)
+ main_output = outputs[0]
+ self.WriteLn('%s: gyp_local_path := $(LOCAL_PATH)' % main_output)
+ self.WriteLn('%s: gyp_var_prefix := $(GYP_VAR_PREFIX)' % main_output)
+ self.WriteLn('%s: gyp_intermediate_dir := '
+ '$(abspath $(gyp_intermediate_dir))' % main_output)
+ self.WriteLn('%s: gyp_shared_intermediate_dir := '
+ '$(abspath $(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir))' % main_output)
+ # See explanation in WriteActions.
+ self.WriteLn('%s: export PATH := '
+ '$(subst $(ANDROID_BUILD_PATHS),,$(PATH))' % main_output)
+ main_output_deps = self.LocalPathify(rule_source)
+ if inputs:
+ main_output_deps += ' '
+ main_output_deps += ' '.join([self.LocalPathify(f) for f in inputs])
+ self.WriteLn('%s: %s $(GYP_TARGET_DEPENDENCIES)' %
+ (main_output, main_output_deps))
+ self.WriteLn('\t%s\n' % command)
+ for output in outputs[1:]:
+ # Make each output depend on the main output, with an empty command
+ # to force make to notice that the mtime has changed.
+ self.WriteLn('%s: %s ;' % (output, main_output))
+ self.WriteLn()
+ self.WriteLn()
+ def WriteCopies(self, copies, extra_outputs):
+ """Write Makefile code for any 'copies' from the gyp input.
+ extra_outputs: a list that will be filled in with any outputs of this action
+ (used to make other pieces dependent on this action)
+ """
+ self.WriteLn('### Generated for copy rule.')
+ variable = make.StringToMakefileVariable(self.relative_target + '_copies')
+ outputs = []
+ for copy in copies:
+ for path in copy['files']:
+ # The Android build system does not allow generation of files into the
+ # source tree. The destination should start with a variable, which will
+ # typically be $(gyp_intermediate_dir) or
+ # $(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir). Note that we can't use an assertion
+ # because some of the gyp tests depend on this.
+ if not copy['destination'].startswith('$'):
+ print ('WARNING: Copy rule for target %s writes output to '
+ 'local path %s' % (, copy['destination']))
+ # LocalPathify() calls normpath, stripping trailing slashes.
+ path = Sourceify(self.LocalPathify(path))
+ filename = os.path.split(path)[1]
+ output = Sourceify(self.LocalPathify(os.path.join(copy['destination'],
+ filename)))
+ self.WriteLn('%s: %s $(GYP_TARGET_DEPENDENCIES) | $(ACP)' %
+ (output, path))
+ self.WriteLn('\t@echo Copying: $@')
+ self.WriteLn('\t$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)')
+ self.WriteLn('\t$(hide) $(ACP) -rpf $< $@')
+ self.WriteLn()
+ outputs.append(output)
+ self.WriteLn('%s = %s' % (variable,
+ ' '.join(map(make.QuoteSpaces, outputs))))
+ extra_outputs.append('$(%s)' % variable)
+ self.WriteLn()
+ def WriteSourceFlags(self, spec, configs):
+ """Write out the flags and include paths used to compile source files for
+ the current target.
+ Args:
+ spec, configs: input from gyp.
+ """
+ for configname, config in sorted(configs.iteritems()):
+ extracted_includes = []
+ self.WriteLn('\n# Flags passed to both C and C++ files.')
+ cflags, includes_from_cflags = self.ExtractIncludesFromCFlags(
+ config.get('cflags', []) + config.get('cflags_c', []))
+ extracted_includes.extend(includes_from_cflags)
+ self.WriteList(cflags, 'MY_CFLAGS_%s' % configname)
+ self.WriteList(config.get('defines'), 'MY_DEFS_%s' % configname,
+ prefix='-D', quoter=make.EscapeCppDefine)
+ self.WriteLn('\n# Include paths placed before CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS')
+ includes = list(config.get('include_dirs', []))
+ includes.extend(extracted_includes)
+ includes = map(Sourceify, map(self.LocalPathify, includes))
+ includes = self.NormalizeIncludePaths(includes)
+ self.WriteList(includes, 'LOCAL_C_INCLUDES_%s' % configname)
+ self.WriteLn('\n# Flags passed to only C++ (and not C) files.')
+ self.WriteList(config.get('cflags_cc'), 'LOCAL_CPPFLAGS_%s' % configname)
+ # Undefine ANDROID for host modules
+ # TODO: the source code should not use macro ANDROID to tell if it's host
+ # or target module.
+ if self.toolset == 'host':
+ self.WriteLn('# Undefine ANDROID for host modules')
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_CFLAGS += -UANDROID')
+ # Android uses separate flags for assembly file invocations, but gyp expects
+ # the same CFLAGS to be applied:
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_ASFLAGS := $(LOCAL_CFLAGS)')
+ def WriteSources(self, spec, configs, extra_sources):
+ """Write Makefile code for any 'sources' from the gyp input.
+ These are source files necessary to build the current target.
+ We need to handle shared_intermediate directory source files as
+ a special case by copying them to the intermediate directory and
+ treating them as a genereated sources. Otherwise the Android build
+ rules won't pick them up.
+ Args:
+ spec, configs: input from gyp.
+ extra_sources: Sources generated from Actions or Rules.
+ """
+ sources = filter(make.Compilable, spec.get('sources', []))
+ generated_not_sources = [x for x in extra_sources if not make.Compilable(x)]
+ extra_sources = filter(make.Compilable, extra_sources)
+ # Determine and output the C++ extension used by these sources.
+ # We simply find the first C++ file and use that extension.
+ all_sources = sources + extra_sources
+ local_cpp_extension = '.cpp'
+ for source in all_sources:
+ (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(source)
+ if IsCPPExtension(ext):
+ local_cpp_extension = ext
+ break
+ if local_cpp_extension != '.cpp':
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := %s' % local_cpp_extension)
+ # We need to move any non-generated sources that are coming from the
+ # shared intermediate directory out of LOCAL_SRC_FILES and put them
+ # into LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES. We also need to move over any C++ files
+ # that don't match our local_cpp_extension, since Android will only
+ # generate Makefile rules for a single LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION.
+ local_files = []
+ for source in sources:
+ (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(source)
+ if '$(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir)' in source:
+ extra_sources.append(source)
+ elif '$(gyp_intermediate_dir)' in source:
+ extra_sources.append(source)
+ elif IsCPPExtension(ext) and ext != local_cpp_extension:
+ extra_sources.append(source)
+ else:
+ local_files.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.path, source)))
+ # For any generated source, if it is coming from the shared intermediate
+ # directory then we add a Make rule to copy them to the local intermediate
+ # directory first. This is because the Android LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES
+ # must be in the local module intermediate directory for the compile rules
+ # to work properly. If the file has the wrong C++ extension, then we add
+ # a rule to copy that to intermediates and use the new version.
+ final_generated_sources = []
+ # If a source file gets copied, we still need to add the orginal source
+ # directory as header search path, for GCC searches headers in the
+ # directory that contains the source file by default.
+ origin_src_dirs = []
+ for source in extra_sources:
+ local_file = source
+ if not '$(gyp_intermediate_dir)/' in local_file:
+ basename = os.path.basename(local_file)
+ local_file = '$(gyp_intermediate_dir)/' + basename
+ (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(local_file)
+ if IsCPPExtension(ext) and ext != local_cpp_extension:
+ local_file = root + local_cpp_extension
+ if local_file != source:
+ self.WriteLn('%s: %s' % (local_file, self.LocalPathify(source)))
+ self.WriteLn('\tmkdir -p $(@D); cp $< $@')
+ origin_src_dirs.append(os.path.dirname(source))
+ final_generated_sources.append(local_file)
+ # We add back in all of the non-compilable stuff to make sure that the
+ # make rules have dependencies on them.
+ final_generated_sources.extend(generated_not_sources)
+ self.WriteList(final_generated_sources, 'LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES')
+ origin_src_dirs = gyp.common.uniquer(origin_src_dirs)
+ origin_src_dirs = map(Sourceify, map(self.LocalPathify, origin_src_dirs))
+ self.WriteList(origin_src_dirs, 'GYP_COPIED_SOURCE_ORIGIN_DIRS')
+ self.WriteList(local_files, 'LOCAL_SRC_FILES')
+ # Write out the flags used to compile the source; this must be done last
+ # so that GYP_COPIED_SOURCE_ORIGIN_DIRS can be used as an include path.
+ self.WriteSourceFlags(spec, configs)
+ def ComputeAndroidModule(self, spec):
+ """Return the Android module name used for a gyp spec.
+ We use the complete qualified target name to avoid collisions between
+ duplicate targets in different directories. We also add a suffix to
+ distinguish gyp-generated module names.
+ """
+ if int(spec.get('android_unmangled_name', 0)):
+ assert self.type != 'shared_library' or'lib')
+ return
+ if self.type == 'shared_library':
+ # For reasons of convention, the Android build system requires that all
+ # shared library modules are named 'libfoo' when generating -l flags.
+ prefix = 'lib_'
+ else:
+ prefix = ''
+ if spec['toolset'] == 'host':
+ suffix = '_$(TARGET_$(GYP_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)_host_gyp'
+ else:
+ suffix = '_gyp'
+ if self.path:
+ middle = make.StringToMakefileVariable('%s_%s' % (self.path,
+ else:
+ middle = make.StringToMakefileVariable(
+ return ''.join([prefix, middle, suffix])
+ def ComputeOutputParts(self, spec):
+ """Return the 'output basename' of a gyp spec, split into filename + ext.
+ Android libraries must be named the same thing as their module name,
+ otherwise the linker can't find them, so product_name and so on must be
+ ignored if we are building a library, and the "lib" prepending is
+ not done for Android.
+ """
+ assert self.type != 'loadable_module' # TODO: not supported?
+ target = spec['target_name']
+ target_prefix = ''
+ target_ext = ''
+ if self.type == 'static_library':
+ target = self.ComputeAndroidModule(spec)
+ target_ext = '.a'
+ elif self.type == 'shared_library':
+ target = self.ComputeAndroidModule(spec)
+ target_ext = '.so'
+ elif self.type == 'none':
+ target_ext = '.stamp'
+ elif self.type != 'executable':
+ print ("ERROR: What output file should be generated?",
+ "type", self.type, "target", target)
+ if self.type != 'static_library' and self.type != 'shared_library':
+ target_prefix = spec.get('product_prefix', target_prefix)
+ target = spec.get('product_name', target)
+ product_ext = spec.get('product_extension')
+ if product_ext:
+ target_ext = '.' + product_ext
+ target_stem = target_prefix + target
+ return (target_stem, target_ext)
+ def ComputeOutputBasename(self, spec):
+ """Return the 'output basename' of a gyp spec.
+ E.g., the loadable module 'foobar' in directory 'baz' will produce
+ ''
+ """
+ return ''.join(self.ComputeOutputParts(spec))
+ def ComputeOutput(self, spec):
+ """Return the 'output' (full output path) of a gyp spec.
+ E.g., the loadable module 'foobar' in directory 'baz' will produce
+ '$(obj)/baz/'
+ """
+ if self.type == 'executable':
+ # We install host executables into shared_intermediate_dir so they can be
+ # run by gyp rules that refer to PRODUCT_DIR.
+ path = '$(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir)'
+ elif self.type == 'shared_library':
+ if self.toolset == 'host':
+ else:
+ else:
+ # Other targets just get built into their intermediate dir.
+ if self.toolset == 'host':
+ path = ('$(call intermediates-dir-for,%s,%s,true,,'
+ '$(GYP_HOST_VAR_PREFIX))' % (self.android_class,
+ self.android_module))
+ else:
+ path = ('$(call intermediates-dir-for,%s,%s,,,$(GYP_VAR_PREFIX))'
+ % (self.android_class, self.android_module))
+ assert spec.get('product_dir') is None # TODO: not supported?
+ return os.path.join(path, self.ComputeOutputBasename(spec))
+ def NormalizeIncludePaths(self, include_paths):
+ """ Normalize include_paths.
+ Convert absolute paths to relative to the Android top directory.
+ Args:
+ include_paths: A list of unprocessed include paths.
+ Returns:
+ A list of normalized include paths.
+ """
+ normalized = []
+ for path in include_paths:
+ if path[0] == '/':
+ path = gyp.common.RelativePath(path, self.android_top_dir)
+ normalized.append(path)
+ return normalized
+ def ExtractIncludesFromCFlags(self, cflags):
+ """Extract includes "-I..." out from cflags
+ Args:
+ cflags: A list of compiler flags, which may be mixed with "-I.."
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of lists: (clean_clfags, include_paths). "-I.." is trimmed.
+ """
+ clean_cflags = []
+ include_paths = []
+ for flag in cflags:
+ if flag.startswith('-I'):
+ include_paths.append(flag[2:])
+ else:
+ clean_cflags.append(flag)
+ return (clean_cflags, include_paths)
+ def FilterLibraries(self, libraries):
+ """Filter the 'libraries' key to separate things that shouldn't be ldflags.
+ Library entries that look like filenames should be converted to android
+ module names instead of being passed to the linker as flags.
+ Args:
+ libraries: the value of spec.get('libraries')
+ Returns:
+ A tuple (static_lib_modules, dynamic_lib_modules, ldflags)
+ """
+ static_lib_modules = []
+ dynamic_lib_modules = []
+ ldflags = []
+ for libs in libraries:
+ # Libs can have multiple words.
+ for lib in libs.split():
+ # Filter the system libraries, which are added by default by the Android
+ # build system.
+ if (lib == '-lc' or lib == '-lstdc++' or lib == '-lm' or
+ lib.endswith('libgcc.a')):
+ continue
+ match ='([^/]+)\.a$', lib)
+ if match:
+ static_lib_modules.append(
+ continue
+ match ='([^/]+)\.so$', lib)
+ if match:
+ dynamic_lib_modules.append(
+ continue
+ if lib.startswith('-l'):
+ ldflags.append(lib)
+ return (static_lib_modules, dynamic_lib_modules, ldflags)
+ def ComputeDeps(self, spec):
+ """Compute the dependencies of a gyp spec.
+ Returns a tuple (deps, link_deps), where each is a list of
+ filenames that will need to be put in front of make for either
+ building (deps) or linking (link_deps).
+ """
+ deps = []
+ link_deps = []
+ if 'dependencies' in spec:
+ deps.extend([target_outputs[dep] for dep in spec['dependencies']
+ if target_outputs[dep]])
+ for dep in spec['dependencies']:
+ if dep in target_link_deps:
+ link_deps.append(target_link_deps[dep])
+ deps.extend(link_deps)
+ return (gyp.common.uniquer(deps), gyp.common.uniquer(link_deps))
+ def WriteTargetFlags(self, spec, configs, link_deps):
+ """Write Makefile code to specify the link flags and library dependencies.
+ spec, configs: input from gyp.
+ link_deps: link dependency list; see ComputeDeps()
+ """
+ # Libraries (i.e. -lfoo)
+ # These must be included even for static libraries as some of them provide
+ # implicit include paths through the build system.
+ libraries = gyp.common.uniquer(spec.get('libraries', []))
+ static_libs, dynamic_libs, ldflags_libs = self.FilterLibraries(libraries)
+ if self.type != 'static_library':
+ for configname, config in sorted(configs.iteritems()):
+ ldflags = list(config.get('ldflags', []))
+ self.WriteLn('')
+ self.WriteList(ldflags, 'LOCAL_LDFLAGS_%s' % configname)
+ self.WriteList(ldflags_libs, 'LOCAL_GYP_LIBS')
+ # Link dependencies (i.e. other gyp targets this target depends on)
+ # These need not be included for static libraries as within the gyp build
+ # we do not use the implicit include path mechanism.
+ if self.type != 'static_library':
+ static_link_deps = [x[1] for x in link_deps if x[0] == 'static']
+ shared_link_deps = [x[1] for x in link_deps if x[0] == 'shared']
+ else:
+ static_link_deps = []
+ shared_link_deps = []
+ # Only write the lists if they are non-empty.
+ if static_libs or static_link_deps:
+ self.WriteLn('')
+ self.WriteList(static_libs + static_link_deps,
+ self.WriteLn('# Enable grouping to fix circular references')
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_GROUP_STATIC_LIBRARIES := true')
+ if dynamic_libs or shared_link_deps:
+ self.WriteLn('')
+ self.WriteList(dynamic_libs + shared_link_deps,
+ def WriteTarget(self, spec, configs, deps, link_deps, part_of_all,
+ write_alias_target):
+ """Write Makefile code to produce the final target of the gyp spec.
+ spec, configs: input from gyp.
+ deps, link_deps: dependency lists; see ComputeDeps()
+ part_of_all: flag indicating this target is part of 'all'
+ write_alias_target: flag indicating whether to create short aliases for this
+ target
+ """
+ self.WriteLn('### Rules for final target.')
+ if self.type != 'none':
+ self.WriteTargetFlags(spec, configs, link_deps)
+ settings = spec.get('aosp_build_settings', {})
+ if settings:
+ self.WriteLn('### Set directly by aosp_build_settings.')
+ for k, v in settings.iteritems():
+ if isinstance(v, list):
+ self.WriteList(v, k)
+ else:
+ self.WriteLn('%s := %s' % (k, make.QuoteIfNecessary(v)))
+ self.WriteLn('')
+ # Add to the set of targets which represent the gyp 'all' target. We use the
+ # name 'gyp_all_modules' as the Android build system doesn't allow the use
+ # of the Make target 'all' and because 'all_modules' is the equivalent of
+ # the Make target 'all' on Android.
+ if part_of_all and write_alias_target:
+ self.WriteLn('# Add target alias to "gyp_all_modules" target.')
+ self.WriteLn('.PHONY: gyp_all_modules')
+ self.WriteLn('gyp_all_modules: %s' % self.android_module)
+ self.WriteLn('')
+ # Add an alias from the gyp target name to the Android module name. This
+ # simplifies manual builds of the target, and is required by the test
+ # framework.
+ if != self.android_module and write_alias_target:
+ self.WriteLn('# Alias gyp target name.')
+ self.WriteLn('.PHONY: %s' %
+ self.WriteLn('%s: %s' % (, self.android_module))
+ self.WriteLn('')
+ # Add the command to trigger build of the target type depending
+ # NOTE: This has to come last!
+ modifier = ''
+ if self.toolset == 'host':
+ modifier = 'HOST_'
+ if self.type == 'static_library':
+ self.WriteLn('include $(BUILD_%sSTATIC_LIBRARY)' % modifier)
+ elif self.type == 'shared_library':
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE := false')
+ self.WriteLn('include $(BUILD_%sSHARED_LIBRARY)' % modifier)
+ elif self.type == 'executable':
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_CXX_STL := libc++_static')
+ # Executables are for build and test purposes only, so they're installed
+ # to a directory that doesn't get included in the system image.
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(gyp_shared_intermediate_dir)')
+ self.WriteLn('include $(BUILD_%sEXECUTABLE)' % modifier)
+ else:
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/gyp_stamp')
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE := true')
+ if self.toolset == 'target':
+ else:
+ self.WriteLn()
+ self.WriteLn('include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/')
+ self.WriteLn()
+ self.WriteLn('\t$(hide) echo "Gyp timestamp: $@"')
+ self.WriteLn('\t$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)')
+ self.WriteLn('\t$(hide) touch $@')
+ self.WriteLn()
+ self.WriteLn('LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX :=')
+ def WriteList(self, value_list, variable=None, prefix='',
+ quoter=make.QuoteIfNecessary, local_pathify=False):
+ """Write a variable definition that is a list of values.
+ E.g. WriteList(['a','b'], 'foo', prefix='blah') writes out
+ foo = blaha blahb
+ but in a pretty-printed style.
+ """
+ values = ''
+ if value_list:
+ value_list = [quoter(prefix + l) for l in value_list]
+ if local_pathify:
+ value_list = [self.LocalPathify(l) for l in value_list]
+ values = ' \\\n\t' + ' \\\n\t'.join(value_list)
+ self.fp.write('%s :=%s\n\n' % (variable, values))
+ def WriteLn(self, text=''):
+ self.fp.write(text + '\n')
+ def LocalPathify(self, path):
+ """Convert a subdirectory-relative path into a normalized path which starts
+ with the make variable $(LOCAL_PATH) (i.e. the top of the project tree).
+ Absolute paths, or paths that contain variables, are just normalized."""
+ if '$(' in path or os.path.isabs(path):
+ # path is not a file in the project tree in this case, but calling
+ # normpath is still important for trimming trailing slashes.
+ return os.path.normpath(path)
+ local_path = os.path.join('$(LOCAL_PATH)', self.path, path)
+ local_path = os.path.normpath(local_path)
+ # Check that normalizing the path didn't ../ itself out of $(LOCAL_PATH)
+ # - i.e. that the resulting path is still inside the project tree. The
+ # path may legitimately have ended up containing just $(LOCAL_PATH), though,
+ # so we don't look for a slash.
+ assert local_path.startswith('$(LOCAL_PATH)'), (
+ 'Path %s attempts to escape from gyp path %s !)' % (path, self.path))
+ return local_path
+ def ExpandInputRoot(self, template, expansion, dirname):
+ if '%(INPUT_ROOT)s' not in template and '%(INPUT_DIRNAME)s' not in template:
+ return template
+ path = template % {
+ 'INPUT_ROOT': expansion,
+ 'INPUT_DIRNAME': dirname,
+ }
+ return os.path.normpath(path)
+def PerformBuild(data, configurations, params):
+ # The android backend only supports the default configuration.
+ options = params['options']
+ makefile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(options.toplevel_dir,
+ ''))
+ env = dict(os.environ)
+ env['ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE'] = makefile
+ arguments = ['make', '-C', os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP'], 'gyp_all_modules']
+ print 'Building: %s' % arguments
+ subprocess.check_call(arguments, env=env)
+def GenerateOutput(target_list, target_dicts, data, params):
+ options = params['options']
+ generator_flags = params.get('generator_flags', {})
+ builddir_name = generator_flags.get('output_dir', 'out')
+ limit_to_target_all = generator_flags.get('limit_to_target_all', False)
+ write_alias_targets = generator_flags.get('write_alias_targets', True)
+ sdk_version = generator_flags.get('aosp_sdk_version', 0)
+ android_top_dir = os.environ.get('ANDROID_BUILD_TOP')
+ assert android_top_dir, '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP not set; you need to run lunch.'
+ def CalculateMakefilePath(build_file, base_name):
+ """Determine where to write a Makefile for a given gyp file."""
+ # Paths in gyp files are relative to the .gyp file, but we want
+ # paths relative to the source root for the master makefile. Grab
+ # the path of the .gyp file as the base to relativize against.
+ # E.g. "foo/bar" when we're constructing targets for "foo/bar/baz.gyp".
+ base_path = gyp.common.RelativePath(os.path.dirname(build_file),
+ options.depth)
+ # We write the file in the base_path directory.
+ output_file = os.path.join(options.depth, base_path, base_name)
+ assert not options.generator_output, (
+ 'The Android backend does not support options.generator_output.')
+ base_path = gyp.common.RelativePath(os.path.dirname(build_file),
+ options.toplevel_dir)
+ return base_path, output_file
+ # TODO: search for the first non-'Default' target. This can go
+ # away when we add verification that all targets have the
+ # necessary configurations.
+ default_configuration = None
+ toolsets = set([target_dicts[target]['toolset'] for target in target_list])
+ for target in target_list:
+ spec = target_dicts[target]
+ if spec['default_configuration'] != 'Default':
+ default_configuration = spec['default_configuration']
+ break
+ if not default_configuration:
+ default_configuration = 'Default'
+ srcdir = '.'
+ makefile_name = 'GypAndroid' + options.suffix + '.mk'
+ makefile_path = os.path.join(options.toplevel_dir, makefile_name)
+ assert not options.generator_output, (
+ 'The Android backend does not support options.generator_output.')
+ gyp.common.EnsureDirExists(makefile_path)
+ root_makefile = open(makefile_path, 'w')
+ root_makefile.write(header)
+ # We set LOCAL_PATH just once, here, to the top of the project tree. This
+ # allows all the other paths we use to be relative to the file,
+ # as the Android build system expects.
+ root_makefile.write('\nLOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)\n')
+ # Find the list of targets that derive from the gyp file(s) being built.
+ needed_targets = set()
+ for build_file in params['build_files']:
+ for target in gyp.common.AllTargets(target_list, target_dicts, build_file):
+ needed_targets.add(target)
+ build_files = set()
+ include_list = set()
+ android_modules = {}
+ for qualified_target in target_list:
+ build_file, target, toolset = gyp.common.ParseQualifiedTarget(
+ qualified_target)
+ relative_build_file = gyp.common.RelativePath(build_file,
+ options.toplevel_dir)
+ build_files.add(relative_build_file)
+ included_files = data[build_file]['included_files']
+ for included_file in included_files:
+ # The included_files entries are relative to the dir of the build file
+ # that included them, so we have to undo that and then make them relative
+ # to the root dir.
+ relative_include_file = gyp.common.RelativePath(
+ gyp.common.UnrelativePath(included_file, build_file),
+ options.toplevel_dir)
+ abs_include_file = os.path.abspath(relative_include_file)
+ # If the include file is from the ~/.gyp dir, we should use absolute path
+ # so that relocating the src dir doesn't break the path.
+ if (params['home_dot_gyp'] and
+ abs_include_file.startswith(params['home_dot_gyp'])):
+ build_files.add(abs_include_file)
+ else:
+ build_files.add(relative_include_file)
+ base_path, output_file = CalculateMakefilePath(build_file,
+ target + '.' + toolset + options.suffix + '.mk')
+ spec = target_dicts[qualified_target]
+ configs = spec['configurations']
+ part_of_all = qualified_target in needed_targets
+ if limit_to_target_all and not part_of_all:
+ continue
+ relative_target = gyp.common.QualifiedTarget(relative_build_file, target,
+ toolset)
+ writer = AndroidMkWriter(android_top_dir)
+ android_module = writer.Write(qualified_target, relative_target, base_path,
+ output_file, spec, configs,
+ part_of_all=part_of_all,
+ write_alias_target=write_alias_targets,
+ sdk_version=sdk_version)
+ if android_module in android_modules:
+ print ('ERROR: Android module names must be unique. The following '
+ 'targets both generate Android module name %s.\n %s\n %s' %
+ (android_module, android_modules[android_module],
+ qualified_target))
+ return
+ android_modules[android_module] = qualified_target
+ # Our root_makefile lives at the source root. Compute the relative path
+ # from there to the output_file for including.
+ mkfile_rel_path = gyp.common.RelativePath(output_file,
+ os.path.dirname(makefile_path))
+ include_list.add(mkfile_rel_path)
+ root_makefile.write('GYP_CONFIGURATION ?= %s\n' % default_configuration)
+ root_makefile.write('GYP_VAR_PREFIX ?=\n')
+ root_makefile.write('GYP_HOST_VAR_PREFIX ?=\n')
+ root_makefile.write('GYP_HOST_MULTILIB ?= first\n')
+ # Write out the sorted list of includes.
+ root_makefile.write('\n')
+ for include_file in sorted(include_list):
+ root_makefile.write('include $(LOCAL_PATH)/' + include_file + '\n')
+ root_makefile.write('\n')
+ if write_alias_targets:
+ root_makefile.write(ALL_MODULES_FOOTER)
+ root_makefile.close()