path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/jsprim
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+# Changelog
+## not yet released
+None yet.
+## v1.4.1 (2017-08-02)
+* #21 Update verror dep
+* #22 Update extsprintf dependency
+* #23 update contribution guidelines
+## v1.4.0 (2017-03-13)
+* #7 Add parseInteger() function for safer number parsing
+## v1.3.1 (2016-09-12)
+* #13 Incompatible with webpack
+## v1.3.0 (2016-06-22)
+* #14 add safer version of hasOwnProperty()
+* #15 forEachKey() should ignore inherited properties
+## v1.2.2 (2015-10-15)
+* #11 NPM package shouldn't include any code that does `require('JSV')`
+* #12 jsl.node.conf missing definition for "module"
+## v1.2.1 (2015-10-14)
+* #8 odd date parsing behaviour
+## v1.2.0 (2015-10-13)
+* #9 want function for returning RFC1123 dates
+## v1.1.0 (2015-09-02)
+* #6 a new suite of hrtime manipulation routines: `hrtimeAdd()`,
+ `hrtimeAccum()`, `hrtimeNanosec()`, `hrtimeMicrosec()` and
+ `hrtimeMillisec()`.
+## v1.0.0 (2015-09-01)
+First tracked release. Includes everything in previous releases, plus:
+* #4 want function for merging objects
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+# Contributing
+This repository uses []( (Gerrit) for new
+changes. Anyone can submit changes. To get started, see the [ user
+This repo does not use GitHub pull requests.
+See the [Joyent Engineering
+Guidelines]( for general
+best practices expected in this repository.
+Contributions should be "make prepush" clean. The "prepush" target runs the
+"check" target, which requires these separate tools:
+If you're changing something non-trivial or user-facing, you may want to submit
+an issue first.
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/jsprim/LICENSE b/deps/npm/node_modules/jsprim/LICENSE
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+Copyright (c) 2012, Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+# jsprim: utilities for primitive JavaScript types
+This module provides miscellaneous facilities for working with strings,
+numbers, dates, and objects and arrays of these basic types.
+### deepCopy(obj)
+Creates a deep copy of a primitive type, object, or array of primitive types.
+### deepEqual(obj1, obj2)
+Returns whether two objects are equal.
+### isEmpty(obj)
+Returns true if the given object has no properties and false otherwise. This
+is O(1) (unlike `Object.keys(obj).length === 0`, which is O(N)).
+### hasKey(obj, key)
+Returns true if the given object has an enumerable, non-inherited property
+called `key`. [For information on enumerability and ownership of properties, see
+the MDN
+### forEachKey(obj, callback)
+Like Array.forEach, but iterates enumerable, owned properties of an object
+rather than elements of an array. Equivalent to:
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ if (, key)) {
+ callback(key, obj[key]);
+ }
+ }
+### flattenObject(obj, depth)
+Flattens an object up to a given level of nesting, returning an array of arrays
+of length "depth + 1", where the first "depth" elements correspond to flattened
+columns and the last element contains the remaining object . For example:
+ flattenObject({
+ 'I': {
+ 'A': {
+ 'i': {
+ 'datum1': [ 1, 2 ],
+ 'datum2': [ 3, 4 ]
+ },
+ 'ii': {
+ 'datum1': [ 3, 4 ]
+ }
+ },
+ 'B': {
+ 'i': {
+ 'datum1': [ 5, 6 ]
+ },
+ 'ii': {
+ 'datum1': [ 7, 8 ],
+ 'datum2': [ 3, 4 ],
+ },
+ 'iii': {
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'II': {
+ 'A': {
+ 'i': {
+ 'datum1': [ 1, 2 ],
+ 'datum2': [ 3, 4 ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, 3)
+ [
+ [ 'I', 'A', 'i', { 'datum1': [ 1, 2 ], 'datum2': [ 3, 4 ] } ],
+ [ 'I', 'A', 'ii', { 'datum1': [ 3, 4 ] } ],
+ [ 'I', 'B', 'i', { 'datum1': [ 5, 6 ] } ],
+ [ 'I', 'B', 'ii', { 'datum1': [ 7, 8 ], 'datum2': [ 3, 4 ] } ],
+ [ 'I', 'B', 'iii', {} ],
+ [ 'II', 'A', 'i', { 'datum1': [ 1, 2 ], 'datum2': [ 3, 4 ] } ]
+ ]
+This function is strict: "depth" must be a non-negative integer and "obj" must
+be a non-null object with at least "depth" levels of nesting under all keys.
+### flattenIter(obj, depth, func)
+This is similar to `flattenObject` except that instead of returning an array,
+this function invokes `func(entry)` for each `entry` in the array that
+`flattenObject` would return. `flattenIter(obj, depth, func)` is logically
+equivalent to `flattenObject(obj, depth).forEach(func)`. Importantly, this
+version never constructs the full array. Its memory usage is O(depth) rather
+than O(n) (where `n` is the number of flattened elements).
+There's another difference between `flattenObject` and `flattenIter` that's
+related to the special case where `depth === 0`. In this case, `flattenObject`
+omits the array wrapping `obj` (which is regrettable).
+### pluck(obj, key)
+Fetch nested property "key" from object "obj", traversing objects as needed.
+For example, `pluck(obj, "")` is roughly equivalent to
+``, except that:
+1. If traversal fails, the resulting value is undefined, and no error is
+ thrown. For example, `pluck({}, "")` is just undefined.
+2. If "obj" has property "key" directly (without traversing), the
+ corresponding property is returned. For example,
+ `pluck({ '': 1 }, '')` is 1, not undefined. This is also
+ true recursively, so `pluck({ 'a': { '': 1 } }, '')` is
+ also 1, not undefined.
+### randElt(array)
+Returns an element from "array" selected uniformly at random. If "array" is
+empty, throws an Error.
+### startsWith(str, prefix)
+Returns true if the given string starts with the given prefix and false
+### endsWith(str, suffix)
+Returns true if the given string ends with the given suffix and false
+### parseInteger(str, options)
+Parses the contents of `str` (a string) as an integer. On success, the integer
+value is returned (as a number). On failure, an error is **returned** describing
+why parsing failed.
+By default, leading and trailing whitespace characters are not allowed, nor are
+trailing characters that are not part of the numeric representation. This
+behaviour can be toggled by using the options below. The empty string (`''`) is
+not considered valid input. If the return value cannot be precisely represented
+as a number (i.e., is smaller than `Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER` or larger than
+`Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`), an error is returned. Additionally, the string
+`'-0'` will be parsed as the integer `0`, instead of as the IEEE floating point
+value `-0`.
+This function accepts both upper and lowercase characters for digits, similar to
+`parseInt()`, `Number()`, and [strtol(3C)](
+The following may be specified in `options`:
+Option | Type | Default | Meaning
+------------------ | ------- | ------- | ---------------------------
+base | number | 10 | numeric base (radix) to use, in the range 2 to 36
+allowSign | boolean | true | whether to interpret any leading `+` (positive) and `-` (negative) characters
+allowImprecise | boolean | false | whether to accept values that may have lost precision (past `MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` or below `MIN_SAFE_INTEGER`)
+allowPrefix | boolean | false | whether to interpret the prefixes `0b` (base 2), `0o` (base 8), `0t` (base 10), or `0x` (base 16)
+allowTrailing | boolean | false | whether to ignore trailing characters
+trimWhitespace | boolean | false | whether to trim any leading or trailing whitespace/line terminators
+leadingZeroIsOctal | boolean | false | whether a leading zero indicates octal
+Note that if `base` is unspecified, and `allowPrefix` or `leadingZeroIsOctal`
+are, then the leading characters can change the default base from 10. If `base`
+is explicitly specified and `allowPrefix` is true, then the prefix will only be
+accepted if it matches the specified base. `base` and `leadingZeroIsOctal`
+cannot be used together.
+**Context:** It's tricky to parse integers with JavaScript's built-in facilities
+for several reasons:
+- `parseInt()` and `Number()` by default allow the base to be specified in the
+ input string by a prefix (e.g., `0x` for hex).
+- `parseInt()` allows trailing nonnumeric characters.
+- `Number(str)` returns 0 when `str` is the empty string (`''`).
+- Both functions return incorrect values when the input string represents a
+ valid integer outside the range of integers that can be represented precisely.
+ Specifically, `parseInt('9007199254740993')` returns 9007199254740992.
+- Both functions always accept `-` and `+` signs before the digit.
+- Some older JavaScript engines always interpret a leading 0 as indicating
+ octal, which can be surprising when parsing input from users who expect a
+ leading zero to be insignificant.
+While each of these may be desirable in some contexts, there are also times when
+none of them are wanted. `parseInteger()` grants greater control over what
+input's permissible.
+### iso8601(date)
+Converts a Date object to an ISO8601 date string of the form
+"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ". This format is not customizable.
+### parseDateTime(str)
+Parses a date expressed as a string, as either a number of milliseconds since
+the epoch or any string format that Date accepts, giving preference to the
+former where these two sets overlap (e.g., strings containing small numbers).
+### hrtimeDiff(timeA, timeB)
+Given two hrtime readings (as from Node's `process.hrtime()`), where timeA is
+later than timeB, compute the difference and return that as an hrtime. It is
+illegal to invoke this for a pair of times where timeB is newer than timeA.
+### hrtimeAdd(timeA, timeB)
+Add two hrtime intervals (as from Node's `process.hrtime()`), returning a new
+hrtime interval array. This function does not modify either input argument.
+### hrtimeAccum(timeA, timeB)
+Add two hrtime intervals (as from Node's `process.hrtime()`), storing the
+result in `timeA`. This function overwrites (and returns) the first argument
+passed in.
+### hrtimeNanosec(timeA), hrtimeMicrosec(timeA), hrtimeMillisec(timeA)
+This suite of functions converts a hrtime interval (as from Node's
+`process.hrtime()`) into a scalar number of nanoseconds, microseconds or
+milliseconds. Results are truncated, as with `Math.floor()`.
+### validateJsonObject(schema, object)
+Uses JSON validation (via JSV) to validate the given object against the given
+schema. On success, returns null. On failure, *returns* (does not throw) a
+useful Error object.
+### extraProperties(object, allowed)
+Check an object for unexpected properties. Accepts the object to check, and an
+array of allowed property name strings. If extra properties are detected, an
+array of extra property names is returned. If no properties other than those
+in the allowed list are present on the object, the returned array will be of
+zero length.
+### mergeObjects(provided, overrides, defaults)
+Merge properties from objects "provided", "overrides", and "defaults". The
+intended use case is for functions that accept named arguments in an "args"
+object, but want to provide some default values and override other values. In
+that case, "provided" is what the caller specified, "overrides" are what the
+function wants to override, and "defaults" contains default values.
+The function starts with the values in "defaults", overrides them with the
+values in "provided", and then overrides those with the values in "overrides".
+For convenience, any of these objects may be falsey, in which case they will be
+ignored. The input objects are never modified, but properties in the returned
+object are not deep-copied.
+For example:
+ mergeObjects(undefined, { 'objectMode': true }, { 'highWaterMark': 0 })
+ { 'objectMode': true, 'highWaterMark': 0 }
+For another example:
+ mergeObjects(
+ { 'highWaterMark': 16, 'objectMode': 7 }, /* from caller */
+ { 'objectMode': true }, /* overrides */
+ { 'highWaterMark': 0 }); /* default */
+ { 'objectMode': true, 'highWaterMark': 16 }
+# Contributing
+See separate [contribution guidelines](
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/jsprim/lib/jsprim.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/jsprim/lib/jsprim.js
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+ * lib/jsprim.js: utilities for primitive JavaScript types
+ */
+var mod_assert = require('assert-plus');
+var mod_util = require('util');
+var mod_extsprintf = require('extsprintf');
+var mod_verror = require('verror');
+var mod_jsonschema = require('json-schema');
+ * Public interface
+ */
+exports.deepCopy = deepCopy;
+exports.deepEqual = deepEqual;
+exports.isEmpty = isEmpty;
+exports.hasKey = hasKey;
+exports.forEachKey = forEachKey;
+exports.pluck = pluck;
+exports.flattenObject = flattenObject;
+exports.flattenIter = flattenIter;
+exports.validateJsonObject = validateJsonObjectJS;
+exports.validateJsonObjectJS = validateJsonObjectJS;
+exports.randElt = randElt;
+exports.extraProperties = extraProperties;
+exports.mergeObjects = mergeObjects;
+exports.startsWith = startsWith;
+exports.endsWith = endsWith;
+exports.parseInteger = parseInteger;
+exports.iso8601 = iso8601;
+exports.rfc1123 = rfc1123;
+exports.parseDateTime = parseDateTime;
+exports.hrtimediff = hrtimeDiff;
+exports.hrtimeDiff = hrtimeDiff;
+exports.hrtimeAccum = hrtimeAccum;
+exports.hrtimeAdd = hrtimeAdd;
+exports.hrtimeNanosec = hrtimeNanosec;
+exports.hrtimeMicrosec = hrtimeMicrosec;
+exports.hrtimeMillisec = hrtimeMillisec;
+ * Deep copy an acyclic *basic* Javascript object. This only handles basic
+ * scalars (strings, numbers, booleans) and arbitrarily deep arrays and objects
+ * containing these. This does *not* handle instances of other classes.
+ */
+function deepCopy(obj)
+ var ret, key;
+ var marker = '__deepCopy';
+ if (obj && obj[marker])
+ throw (new Error('attempted deep copy of cyclic object'));
+ if (obj && obj.constructor == Object) {
+ ret = {};
+ obj[marker] = true;
+ for (key in obj) {
+ if (key == marker)
+ continue;
+ ret[key] = deepCopy(obj[key]);
+ }
+ delete (obj[marker]);
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ if (obj && obj.constructor == Array) {
+ ret = [];
+ obj[marker] = true;
+ for (key = 0; key < obj.length; key++)
+ ret.push(deepCopy(obj[key]));
+ delete (obj[marker]);
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ /*
+ * It must be a primitive type -- just return it.
+ */
+ return (obj);
+function deepEqual(obj1, obj2)
+ if (typeof (obj1) != typeof (obj2))
+ return (false);
+ if (obj1 === null || obj2 === null || typeof (obj1) != 'object')
+ return (obj1 === obj2);
+ if (obj1.constructor != obj2.constructor)
+ return (false);
+ var k;
+ for (k in obj1) {
+ if (!obj2.hasOwnProperty(k))
+ return (false);
+ if (!deepEqual(obj1[k], obj2[k]))
+ return (false);
+ }
+ for (k in obj2) {
+ if (!obj1.hasOwnProperty(k))
+ return (false);
+ }
+ return (true);
+function isEmpty(obj)
+ var key;
+ for (key in obj)
+ return (false);
+ return (true);
+function hasKey(obj, key)
+ mod_assert.equal(typeof (key), 'string');
+ return (, key));
+function forEachKey(obj, callback)
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ if (hasKey(obj, key)) {
+ callback(key, obj[key]);
+ }
+ }
+function pluck(obj, key)
+ mod_assert.equal(typeof (key), 'string');
+ return (pluckv(obj, key));
+function pluckv(obj, key)
+ if (obj === null || typeof (obj) !== 'object')
+ return (undefined);
+ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))
+ return (obj[key]);
+ var i = key.indexOf('.');
+ if (i == -1)
+ return (undefined);
+ var key1 = key.substr(0, i);
+ if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key1))
+ return (undefined);
+ return (pluckv(obj[key1], key.substr(i + 1)));
+ * Invoke callback(row) for each entry in the array that would be returned by
+ * flattenObject(data, depth). This is just like flattenObject(data,
+ * depth).forEach(callback), except that the intermediate array is never
+ * created.
+ */
+function flattenIter(data, depth, callback)
+ doFlattenIter(data, depth, [], callback);
+function doFlattenIter(data, depth, accum, callback)
+ var each;
+ var key;
+ if (depth === 0) {
+ each = accum.slice(0);
+ each.push(data);
+ callback(each);
+ return;
+ }
+ mod_assert.ok(data !== null);
+ mod_assert.equal(typeof (data), 'object');
+ mod_assert.equal(typeof (depth), 'number');
+ mod_assert.ok(depth >= 0);
+ for (key in data) {
+ each = accum.slice(0);
+ each.push(key);
+ doFlattenIter(data[key], depth - 1, each, callback);
+ }
+function flattenObject(data, depth)
+ if (depth === 0)
+ return ([ data ]);
+ mod_assert.ok(data !== null);
+ mod_assert.equal(typeof (data), 'object');
+ mod_assert.equal(typeof (depth), 'number');
+ mod_assert.ok(depth >= 0);
+ var rv = [];
+ var key;
+ for (key in data) {
+ flattenObject(data[key], depth - 1).forEach(function (p) {
+ rv.push([ key ].concat(p));
+ });
+ }
+ return (rv);
+function startsWith(str, prefix)
+ return (str.substr(0, prefix.length) == prefix);
+function endsWith(str, suffix)
+ return (str.substr(
+ str.length - suffix.length, suffix.length) == suffix);
+function iso8601(d)
+ if (typeof (d) == 'number')
+ d = new Date(d);
+ mod_assert.ok(d.constructor === Date);
+ return (mod_extsprintf.sprintf('%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ',
+ d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth() + 1, d.getUTCDate(),
+ d.getUTCHours(), d.getUTCMinutes(), d.getUTCSeconds(),
+ d.getUTCMilliseconds()));
+var RFC1123_MONTHS = [
+ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
+ 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
+var RFC1123_DAYS = [
+ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];
+function rfc1123(date) {
+ return (mod_extsprintf.sprintf('%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT',
+ RFC1123_DAYS[date.getUTCDay()], date.getUTCDate(),
+ RFC1123_MONTHS[date.getUTCMonth()], date.getUTCFullYear(),
+ date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(),
+ date.getUTCSeconds()));
+ * Parses a date expressed as a string, as either a number of milliseconds since
+ * the epoch or any string format that Date accepts, giving preference to the
+ * former where these two sets overlap (e.g., small numbers).
+ */
+function parseDateTime(str)
+ /*
+ * This is irritatingly implicit, but significantly more concise than
+ * alternatives. The "+str" will convert a string containing only a
+ * number directly to a Number, or NaN for other strings. Thus, if the
+ * conversion succeeds, we use it (this is the milliseconds-since-epoch
+ * case). Otherwise, we pass the string directly to the Date
+ * constructor to parse.
+ */
+ var numeric = +str;
+ if (!isNaN(numeric)) {
+ return (new Date(numeric));
+ } else {
+ return (new Date(str));
+ }
+ * Number.*_SAFE_INTEGER isn't present before node v0.12, so we hardcode
+ * the ES6 definitions here, while allowing for them to someday be higher.
+ */
+var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || 9007199254740991;
+var MIN_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER || -9007199254740991;
+ * Default options for parseInteger().
+ */
+var PI_DEFAULTS = {
+ base: 10,
+ allowSign: true,
+ allowPrefix: false,
+ allowTrailing: false,
+ allowImprecise: false,
+ trimWhitespace: false,
+ leadingZeroIsOctal: false
+var CP_0 = 0x30;
+var CP_9 = 0x39;
+var CP_A = 0x41;
+var CP_B = 0x42;
+var CP_O = 0x4f;
+var CP_T = 0x54;
+var CP_X = 0x58;
+var CP_Z = 0x5a;
+var CP_a = 0x61;
+var CP_b = 0x62;
+var CP_o = 0x6f;
+var CP_t = 0x74;
+var CP_x = 0x78;
+var CP_z = 0x7a;
+var PI_CONV_DEC = 0x30;
+var PI_CONV_UC = 0x37;
+var PI_CONV_LC = 0x57;
+ * A stricter version of parseInt() that provides options for changing what
+ * is an acceptable string (for example, disallowing trailing characters).
+ */
+function parseInteger(str, uopts)
+ mod_assert.string(str, 'str');
+ mod_assert.optionalObject(uopts, 'options');
+ var baseOverride = false;
+ var options = PI_DEFAULTS;
+ if (uopts) {
+ baseOverride = hasKey(uopts, 'base');
+ options = mergeObjects(options, uopts);
+ mod_assert.number(options.base, 'options.base');
+ mod_assert.ok(options.base >= 2, 'options.base >= 2');
+ mod_assert.ok(options.base <= 36, 'options.base <= 36');
+ mod_assert.bool(options.allowSign, 'options.allowSign');
+ mod_assert.bool(options.allowPrefix, 'options.allowPrefix');
+ mod_assert.bool(options.allowTrailing,
+ 'options.allowTrailing');
+ mod_assert.bool(options.allowImprecise,
+ 'options.allowImprecise');
+ mod_assert.bool(options.trimWhitespace,
+ 'options.trimWhitespace');
+ mod_assert.bool(options.leadingZeroIsOctal,
+ 'options.leadingZeroIsOctal');
+ if (options.leadingZeroIsOctal) {
+ mod_assert.ok(!baseOverride,
+ '"base" and "leadingZeroIsOctal" are ' +
+ 'mutually exclusive');
+ }
+ }
+ var c;
+ var pbase = -1;
+ var base = options.base;
+ var start;
+ var mult = 1;
+ var value = 0;
+ var idx = 0;
+ var len = str.length;
+ /* Trim any whitespace on the left side. */
+ if (options.trimWhitespace) {
+ while (idx < len && isSpace(str.charCodeAt(idx))) {
+ ++idx;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check the number for a leading sign. */
+ if (options.allowSign) {
+ if (str[idx] === '-') {
+ idx += 1;
+ mult = -1;
+ } else if (str[idx] === '+') {
+ idx += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Parse the base-indicating prefix if there is one. */
+ if (str[idx] === '0') {
+ if (options.allowPrefix) {
+ pbase = prefixToBase(str.charCodeAt(idx + 1));
+ if (pbase !== -1 && (!baseOverride || pbase === base)) {
+ base = pbase;
+ idx += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pbase === -1 && options.leadingZeroIsOctal) {
+ base = 8;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Parse the actual digits. */
+ for (start = idx; idx < len; ++idx) {
+ c = translateDigit(str.charCodeAt(idx));
+ if (c !== -1 && c < base) {
+ value *= base;
+ value += c;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we didn't parse any digits, we have an invalid number. */
+ if (start === idx) {
+ return (new Error('invalid number: ' + JSON.stringify(str)));
+ }
+ /* Trim any whitespace on the right side. */
+ if (options.trimWhitespace) {
+ while (idx < len && isSpace(str.charCodeAt(idx))) {
+ ++idx;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for trailing characters. */
+ if (idx < len && !options.allowTrailing) {
+ return (new Error('trailing characters after number: ' +
+ JSON.stringify(str.slice(idx))));
+ }
+ /* If our value is 0, we return now, to avoid returning -0. */
+ if (value === 0) {
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /* Calculate our final value. */
+ var result = value * mult;
+ /*
+ * If the string represents a value that cannot be precisely represented
+ * by JavaScript, then we want to check that:
+ *
+ * - We never increased the value past MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
+ * - We don't make the result negative and below MIN_SAFE_INTEGER
+ *
+ * Because we only ever increment the value during parsing, there's no
+ * chance of moving past MAX_SAFE_INTEGER and then dropping below it
+ * again, losing precision in the process. This means that we only need
+ * to do our checks here, at the end.
+ */
+ if (!options.allowImprecise &&
+ (value > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || result < MIN_SAFE_INTEGER)) {
+ return (new Error('number is outside of the supported range: ' +
+ JSON.stringify(str.slice(start, idx))));
+ }
+ return (result);
+ * Interpret a character code as a base-36 digit.
+ */
+function translateDigit(d)
+ if (d >= CP_0 && d <= CP_9) {
+ /* '0' to '9' -> 0 to 9 */
+ return (d - PI_CONV_DEC);
+ } else if (d >= CP_A && d <= CP_Z) {
+ /* 'A' - 'Z' -> 10 to 35 */
+ return (d - PI_CONV_UC);
+ } else if (d >= CP_a && d <= CP_z) {
+ /* 'a' - 'z' -> 10 to 35 */
+ return (d - PI_CONV_LC);
+ } else {
+ /* Invalid character code */
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ * Test if a value matches the ECMAScript definition of trimmable whitespace.
+ */
+function isSpace(c)
+ return (c === 0x20) ||
+ (c >= 0x0009 && c <= 0x000d) ||
+ (c === 0x00a0) ||
+ (c === 0x1680) ||
+ (c === 0x180e) ||
+ (c >= 0x2000 && c <= 0x200a) ||
+ (c === 0x2028) ||
+ (c === 0x2029) ||
+ (c === 0x202f) ||
+ (c === 0x205f) ||
+ (c === 0x3000) ||
+ (c === 0xfeff);
+ * Determine which base a character indicates (e.g., 'x' indicates hex).
+ */
+function prefixToBase(c)
+ if (c === CP_b || c === CP_B) {
+ /* 0b/0B (binary) */
+ return (2);
+ } else if (c === CP_o || c === CP_O) {
+ /* 0o/0O (octal) */
+ return (8);
+ } else if (c === CP_t || c === CP_T) {
+ /* 0t/0T (decimal) */
+ return (10);
+ } else if (c === CP_x || c === CP_X) {
+ /* 0x/0X (hexadecimal) */
+ return (16);
+ } else {
+ /* Not a meaningful character */
+ return (-1);
+ }
+function validateJsonObjectJS(schema, input)
+ var report = mod_jsonschema.validate(input, schema);
+ if (report.errors.length === 0)
+ return (null);
+ /* Currently, we only do anything useful with the first error. */
+ var error = report.errors[0];
+ /* The failed property is given by a URI with an irrelevant prefix. */
+ var propname = error['property'];
+ var reason = error['message'].toLowerCase();
+ var i, j;
+ /*
+ * There's at least one case where the property error message is
+ * confusing at best. We work around this here.
+ */
+ if ((i = reason.indexOf('the property ')) != -1 &&
+ (j = reason.indexOf(' is not defined in the schema and the ' +
+ 'schema does not allow additional properties')) != -1) {
+ i += 'the property '.length;
+ if (propname === '')
+ propname = reason.substr(i, j - i);
+ else
+ propname = propname + '.' + reason.substr(i, j - i);
+ reason = 'unsupported property';
+ }
+ var rv = new mod_verror.VError('property "%s": %s', propname, reason);
+ rv.jsv_details = error;
+ return (rv);
+function randElt(arr)
+ mod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(arr) && arr.length > 0,
+ 'randElt argument must be a non-empty array');
+ return (arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]);
+function assertHrtime(a)
+ mod_assert.ok(a[0] >= 0 && a[1] >= 0,
+ 'negative numbers not allowed in hrtimes');
+ mod_assert.ok(a[1] < 1e9, 'nanoseconds column overflow');
+ * Compute the time elapsed between hrtime readings A and B, where A is later
+ * than B. hrtime readings come from Node's process.hrtime(). There is no
+ * defined way to represent negative deltas, so it's illegal to diff B from A
+ * where the time denoted by B is later than the time denoted by A. If this
+ * becomes valuable, we can define a representation and extend the
+ * implementation to support it.
+ */
+function hrtimeDiff(a, b)
+ assertHrtime(a);
+ assertHrtime(b);
+ mod_assert.ok(a[0] > b[0] || (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] >= b[1]),
+ 'negative differences not allowed');
+ var rv = [ a[0] - b[0], 0 ];
+ if (a[1] >= b[1]) {
+ rv[1] = a[1] - b[1];
+ } else {
+ rv[0]--;
+ rv[1] = 1e9 - (b[1] - a[1]);
+ }
+ return (rv);
+ * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's
+ * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of nanoseconds.
+ */
+function hrtimeNanosec(a)
+ assertHrtime(a);
+ return (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e9 + a[1]));
+ * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's
+ * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of microseconds.
+ */
+function hrtimeMicrosec(a)
+ assertHrtime(a);
+ return (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e6 + a[1] / 1e3));
+ * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's
+ * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of milliseconds.
+ */
+function hrtimeMillisec(a)
+ assertHrtime(a);
+ return (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e3 + a[1] / 1e6));
+ * Add two hrtime readings A and B, overwriting A with the result of the
+ * addition. This function is useful for accumulating several hrtime intervals
+ * into a counter. Returns A.
+ */
+function hrtimeAccum(a, b)
+ assertHrtime(a);
+ assertHrtime(b);
+ /*
+ * Accumulate the nanosecond component.
+ */
+ a[1] += b[1];
+ if (a[1] >= 1e9) {
+ /*
+ * The nanosecond component overflowed, so carry to the seconds
+ * field.
+ */
+ a[0]++;
+ a[1] -= 1e9;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Accumulate the seconds component.
+ */
+ a[0] += b[0];
+ return (a);
+ * Add two hrtime readings A and B, returning the result as a new hrtime array.
+ * Does not modify either input argument.
+ */
+function hrtimeAdd(a, b)
+ assertHrtime(a);
+ var rv = [ a[0], a[1] ];
+ return (hrtimeAccum(rv, b));
+ * Check an object for unexpected properties. Accepts the object to check, and
+ * an array of allowed property names (strings). Returns an array of key names
+ * that were found on the object, but did not appear in the list of allowed
+ * properties. If no properties were found, the returned array will be of
+ * zero length.
+ */
+function extraProperties(obj, allowed)
+ mod_assert.ok(typeof (obj) === 'object' && obj !== null,
+ 'obj argument must be a non-null object');
+ mod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(allowed),
+ 'allowed argument must be an array of strings');
+ for (var i = 0; i < allowed.length; i++) {
+ mod_assert.ok(typeof (allowed[i]) === 'string',
+ 'allowed argument must be an array of strings');
+ }
+ return (Object.keys(obj).filter(function (key) {
+ return (allowed.indexOf(key) === -1);
+ }));
+ * Given three sets of properties "provided" (may be undefined), "overrides"
+ * (required), and "defaults" (may be undefined), construct an object containing
+ * the union of these sets with "overrides" overriding "provided", and
+ * "provided" overriding "defaults". None of the input objects are modified.
+ */
+function mergeObjects(provided, overrides, defaults)
+ var rv, k;
+ rv = {};
+ if (defaults) {
+ for (k in defaults)
+ rv[k] = defaults[k];
+ }
+ if (provided) {
+ for (k in provided)
+ rv[k] = provided[k];
+ }
+ if (overrides) {
+ for (k in overrides)
+ rv[k] = overrides[k];
+ }
+ return (rv);
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/jsprim/package.json b/deps/npm/node_modules/jsprim/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d83416b2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/jsprim/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ "_from": "jsprim@^1.2.2",
+ "_id": "jsprim@1.4.1",
+ "_inBundle": false,
+ "_integrity": "sha1-MT5mvB5cwG5Di8G3SZwuXFastqI=",
+ "_location": "/jsprim",
+ "_phantomChildren": {},
+ "_requested": {
+ "type": "range",
+ "registry": true,
+ "raw": "jsprim@^1.2.2",
+ "name": "jsprim",
+ "escapedName": "jsprim",
+ "rawSpec": "^1.2.2",
+ "saveSpec": null,
+ "fetchSpec": "^1.2.2"
+ },
+ "_requiredBy": [
+ "/http-signature"
+ ],
+ "_resolved": "",
+ "_shasum": "313e66bc1e5cc06e438bc1b7499c2e5c56acb6a2",
+ "_spec": "jsprim@^1.2.2",
+ "_where": "/Users/rebecca/code/npm/node_modules/http-signature",
+ "bugs": {
+ "url": ""
+ },
+ "bundleDependencies": false,
+ "dependencies": {
+ "assert-plus": "1.0.0",
+ "extsprintf": "1.3.0",
+ "json-schema": "0.2.3",
+ "verror": "1.10.0"
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "description": "utilities for primitive JavaScript types",
+ "engines": [
+ "node >=0.6.0"
+ ],
+ "homepage": "",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "main": "./lib/jsprim.js",
+ "name": "jsprim",
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "git://"
+ },
+ "version": "1.4.1"