path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib')
14 files changed, 0 insertions, 1906 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/abstract.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/abstract.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 97c120e1d5..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/abstract.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// the parent class for all fstreams.
-module.exports = Abstract
-var Stream = require('stream').Stream
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-function Abstract () {
- Stream.call(this)
-inherits(Abstract, Stream)
-Abstract.prototype.on = function (ev, fn) {
- if (ev === 'ready' && this.ready) {
- process.nextTick(fn.bind(this))
- } else {
- Stream.prototype.on.call(this, ev, fn)
- }
- return this
-Abstract.prototype.abort = function () {
- this._aborted = true
- this.emit('abort')
-Abstract.prototype.destroy = function () {}
-Abstract.prototype.warn = function (msg, code) {
- var self = this
- var er = decorate(msg, code, self)
- if (!self.listeners('warn')) {
- console.error('%s %s\n' +
- 'path = %s\n' +
- 'syscall = %s\n' +
- 'fstream_type = %s\n' +
- 'fstream_path = %s\n' +
- 'fstream_unc_path = %s\n' +
- 'fstream_class = %s\n' +
- 'fstream_stack =\n%s\n',
- code || 'UNKNOWN',
- er.stack,
- er.path,
- er.syscall,
- er.fstream_type,
- er.fstream_path,
- er.fstream_unc_path,
- er.fstream_class,
- er.fstream_stack.join('\n'))
- } else {
- self.emit('warn', er)
- }
-Abstract.prototype.info = function (msg, code) {
- this.emit('info', msg, code)
-Abstract.prototype.error = function (msg, code, th) {
- var er = decorate(msg, code, this)
- if (th) throw er
- else this.emit('error', er)
-function decorate (er, code, self) {
- if (!(er instanceof Error)) er = new Error(er)
- er.code = er.code || code
- er.path = er.path || self.path
- er.fstream_type = er.fstream_type || self.type
- er.fstream_path = er.fstream_path || self.path
- if (self._path !== self.path) {
- er.fstream_unc_path = er.fstream_unc_path || self._path
- }
- if (self.linkpath) {
- er.fstream_linkpath = er.fstream_linkpath || self.linkpath
- }
- er.fstream_class = er.fstream_class || self.constructor.name
- er.fstream_stack = er.fstream_stack ||
- new Error().stack.split(/\n/).slice(3).map(function (s) {
- return s.replace(/^ {4}at /, '')
- })
- return er
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/collect.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/collect.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e5d4f35833..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/collect.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = collect
-function collect (stream) {
- if (stream._collected) return
- if (stream._paused) return stream.on('resume', collect.bind(null, stream))
- stream._collected = true
- stream.pause()
- stream.on('data', save)
- stream.on('end', save)
- var buf = []
- function save (b) {
- if (typeof b === 'string') b = new Buffer(b)
- if (Buffer.isBuffer(b) && !b.length) return
- buf.push(b)
- }
- stream.on('entry', saveEntry)
- var entryBuffer = []
- function saveEntry (e) {
- collect(e)
- entryBuffer.push(e)
- }
- stream.on('proxy', proxyPause)
- function proxyPause (p) {
- p.pause()
- }
- // replace the pipe method with a new version that will
- // unlock the buffered stuff. if you just call .pipe()
- // without a destination, then it'll re-play the events.
- stream.pipe = (function (orig) {
- return function (dest) {
- // console.error(' === open the pipes', dest && dest.path)
- // let the entries flow through one at a time.
- // Once they're all done, then we can resume completely.
- var e = 0
- ;(function unblockEntry () {
- var entry = entryBuffer[e++]
- // console.error(" ==== unblock entry", entry && entry.path)
- if (!entry) return resume()
- entry.on('end', unblockEntry)
- if (dest) dest.add(entry)
- else stream.emit('entry', entry)
- })()
- function resume () {
- stream.removeListener('entry', saveEntry)
- stream.removeListener('data', save)
- stream.removeListener('end', save)
- stream.pipe = orig
- if (dest) stream.pipe(dest)
- buf.forEach(function (b) {
- if (b) stream.emit('data', b)
- else stream.emit('end')
- })
- stream.resume()
- }
- return dest
- }
- })(stream.pipe)
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-reader.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-reader.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 820cdc85a8..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-reader.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-// A thing that emits "entry" events with Reader objects
-// Pausing it causes it to stop emitting entry events, and also
-// pauses the current entry if there is one.
-module.exports = DirReader
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-var path = require('path')
-var Reader = require('./reader.js')
-var assert = require('assert').ok
-inherits(DirReader, Reader)
-function DirReader (props) {
- var self = this
- if (!(self instanceof DirReader)) {
- throw new Error('DirReader must be called as constructor.')
- }
- // should already be established as a Directory type
- if (props.type !== 'Directory' || !props.Directory) {
- throw new Error('Non-directory type ' + props.type)
- }
- self.entries = null
- self._index = -1
- self._paused = false
- self._length = -1
- if (props.sort) {
- this.sort = props.sort
- }
- Reader.call(this, props)
-DirReader.prototype._getEntries = function () {
- var self = this
- // race condition. might pause() before calling _getEntries,
- // and then resume, and try to get them a second time.
- if (self._gotEntries) return
- self._gotEntries = true
- fs.readdir(self._path, function (er, entries) {
- if (er) return self.error(er)
- self.entries = entries
- self.emit('entries', entries)
- if (self._paused) self.once('resume', processEntries)
- else processEntries()
- function processEntries () {
- self._length = self.entries.length
- if (typeof self.sort === 'function') {
- self.entries = self.entries.sort(self.sort.bind(self))
- }
- self._read()
- }
- })
-// start walking the dir, and emit an "entry" event for each one.
-DirReader.prototype._read = function () {
- var self = this
- if (!self.entries) return self._getEntries()
- if (self._paused || self._currentEntry || self._aborted) {
- // console.error('DR paused=%j, current=%j, aborted=%j', self._paused, !!self._currentEntry, self._aborted)
- return
- }
- self._index++
- if (self._index >= self.entries.length) {
- if (!self._ended) {
- self._ended = true
- self.emit('end')
- self.emit('close')
- }
- return
- }
- // ok, handle this one, then.
- // save creating a proxy, by stat'ing the thing now.
- var p = path.resolve(self._path, self.entries[self._index])
- assert(p !== self._path)
- assert(self.entries[self._index])
- // set this to prevent trying to _read() again in the stat time.
- self._currentEntry = p
- fs[ self.props.follow ? 'stat' : 'lstat' ](p, function (er, stat) {
- if (er) return self.error(er)
- var who = self._proxy || self
- stat.path = p
- stat.basename = path.basename(p)
- stat.dirname = path.dirname(p)
- var childProps = self.getChildProps.call(who, stat)
- childProps.path = p
- childProps.basename = path.basename(p)
- childProps.dirname = path.dirname(p)
- var entry = Reader(childProps, stat)
- // console.error("DR Entry", p, stat.size)
- self._currentEntry = entry
- // "entry" events are for direct entries in a specific dir.
- // "child" events are for any and all children at all levels.
- // This nomenclature is not completely final.
- entry.on('pause', function (who) {
- if (!self._paused && !entry._disowned) {
- self.pause(who)
- }
- })
- entry.on('resume', function (who) {
- if (self._paused && !entry._disowned) {
- self.resume(who)
- }
- })
- entry.on('stat', function (props) {
- self.emit('_entryStat', entry, props)
- if (entry._aborted) return
- if (entry._paused) {
- entry.once('resume', function () {
- self.emit('entryStat', entry, props)
- })
- } else self.emit('entryStat', entry, props)
- })
- entry.on('ready', function EMITCHILD () {
- // console.error("DR emit child", entry._path)
- if (self._paused) {
- // console.error(" DR emit child - try again later")
- // pause the child, and emit the "entry" event once we drain.
- // console.error("DR pausing child entry")
- entry.pause(self)
- return self.once('resume', EMITCHILD)
- }
- // skip over sockets. they can't be piped around properly,
- // so there's really no sense even acknowledging them.
- // if someone really wants to see them, they can listen to
- // the "socket" events.
- if (entry.type === 'Socket') {
- self.emit('socket', entry)
- } else {
- self.emitEntry(entry)
- }
- })
- var ended = false
- entry.on('close', onend)
- entry.on('disown', onend)
- function onend () {
- if (ended) return
- ended = true
- self.emit('childEnd', entry)
- self.emit('entryEnd', entry)
- self._currentEntry = null
- if (!self._paused) {
- self._read()
- }
- }
- // XXX Remove this. Works in node as of 0.6.2 or so.
- // Long filenames should not break stuff.
- entry.on('error', function (er) {
- if (entry._swallowErrors) {
- self.warn(er)
- entry.emit('end')
- entry.emit('close')
- } else {
- self.emit('error', er)
- }
- })
- // proxy up some events.
- ;[
- 'child',
- 'childEnd',
- 'warn'
- ].forEach(function (ev) {
- entry.on(ev, self.emit.bind(self, ev))
- })
- })
-DirReader.prototype.disown = function (entry) {
- entry.emit('beforeDisown')
- entry._disowned = true
- entry.parent = entry.root = null
- if (entry === this._currentEntry) {
- this._currentEntry = null
- }
- entry.emit('disown')
-DirReader.prototype.getChildProps = function () {
- return {
- depth: this.depth + 1,
- root: this.root || this,
- parent: this,
- follow: this.follow,
- filter: this.filter,
- sort: this.props.sort,
- hardlinks: this.props.hardlinks
- }
-DirReader.prototype.pause = function (who) {
- var self = this
- if (self._paused) return
- who = who || self
- self._paused = true
- if (self._currentEntry && self._currentEntry.pause) {
- self._currentEntry.pause(who)
- }
- self.emit('pause', who)
-DirReader.prototype.resume = function (who) {
- var self = this
- if (!self._paused) return
- who = who || self
- self._paused = false
- // console.error('DR Emit Resume', self._path)
- self.emit('resume', who)
- if (self._paused) {
- // console.error('DR Re-paused', self._path)
- return
- }
- if (self._currentEntry) {
- if (self._currentEntry.resume) self._currentEntry.resume(who)
- } else self._read()
-DirReader.prototype.emitEntry = function (entry) {
- this.emit('entry', entry)
- this.emit('child', entry)
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-writer.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-writer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ec50dca900..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-writer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-// It is expected that, when .add() returns false, the consumer
-// of the DirWriter will pause until a "drain" event occurs. Note
-// that this is *almost always going to be the case*, unless the
-// thing being written is some sort of unsupported type, and thus
-// skipped over.
-module.exports = DirWriter
-var Writer = require('./writer.js')
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-var mkdir = require('mkdirp')
-var path = require('path')
-var collect = require('./collect.js')
-inherits(DirWriter, Writer)
-function DirWriter (props) {
- var self = this
- if (!(self instanceof DirWriter)) {
- self.error('DirWriter must be called as constructor.', null, true)
- }
- // should already be established as a Directory type
- if (props.type !== 'Directory' || !props.Directory) {
- self.error('Non-directory type ' + props.type + ' ' +
- JSON.stringify(props), null, true)
- }
- Writer.call(this, props)
-DirWriter.prototype._create = function () {
- var self = this
- mkdir(self._path, Writer.dirmode, function (er) {
- if (er) return self.error(er)
- // ready to start getting entries!
- self.ready = true
- self.emit('ready')
- self._process()
- })
-// a DirWriter has an add(entry) method, but its .write() doesn't
-// do anything. Why a no-op rather than a throw? Because this
-// leaves open the door for writing directory metadata for
-// gnu/solaris style dumpdirs.
-DirWriter.prototype.write = function () {
- return true
-DirWriter.prototype.end = function () {
- this._ended = true
- this._process()
-DirWriter.prototype.add = function (entry) {
- var self = this
- // console.error('\tadd', entry._path, '->', self._path)
- collect(entry)
- if (!self.ready || self._currentEntry) {
- self._buffer.push(entry)
- return false
- }
- // create a new writer, and pipe the incoming entry into it.
- if (self._ended) {
- return self.error('add after end')
- }
- self._buffer.push(entry)
- self._process()
- return this._buffer.length === 0
-DirWriter.prototype._process = function () {
- var self = this
- // console.error('DW Process p=%j', self._processing, self.basename)
- if (self._processing) return
- var entry = self._buffer.shift()
- if (!entry) {
- // console.error("DW Drain")
- self.emit('drain')
- if (self._ended) self._finish()
- return
- }
- self._processing = true
- // console.error("DW Entry", entry._path)
- self.emit('entry', entry)
- // ok, add this entry
- //
- // don't allow recursive copying
- var p = entry
- var pp
- do {
- pp = p._path || p.path
- if (pp === self.root._path || pp === self._path ||
- (pp && pp.indexOf(self._path) === 0)) {
- // console.error('DW Exit (recursive)', entry.basename, self._path)
- self._processing = false
- if (entry._collected) entry.pipe()
- return self._process()
- }
- p = p.parent
- } while (p)
- // console.error("DW not recursive")
- // chop off the entry's root dir, replace with ours
- var props = {
- parent: self,
- root: self.root || self,
- type: entry.type,
- depth: self.depth + 1
- }
- pp = entry._path || entry.path || entry.props.path
- if (entry.parent) {
- pp = pp.substr(entry.parent._path.length + 1)
- }
- // get rid of any ../../ shenanigans
- props.path = path.join(self.path, path.join('/', pp))
- // if i have a filter, the child should inherit it.
- props.filter = self.filter
- // all the rest of the stuff, copy over from the source.
- Object.keys(entry.props).forEach(function (k) {
- if (!props.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
- props[k] = entry.props[k]
- }
- })
- // not sure at this point what kind of writer this is.
- var child = self._currentChild = new Writer(props)
- child.on('ready', function () {
- // console.error("DW Child Ready", child.type, child._path)
- // console.error(" resuming", entry._path)
- entry.pipe(child)
- entry.resume()
- })
- // XXX Make this work in node.
- // Long filenames should not break stuff.
- child.on('error', function (er) {
- if (child._swallowErrors) {
- self.warn(er)
- child.emit('end')
- child.emit('close')
- } else {
- self.emit('error', er)
- }
- })
- // we fire _end internally *after* end, so that we don't move on
- // until any "end" listeners have had their chance to do stuff.
- child.on('close', onend)
- var ended = false
- function onend () {
- if (ended) return
- ended = true
- // console.error("* DW Child end", child.basename)
- self._currentChild = null
- self._processing = false
- self._process()
- }
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/file-reader.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/file-reader.js
deleted file mode 100644
index baa01f4b3d..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/file-reader.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-// Basically just a wrapper around an fs.ReadStream
-module.exports = FileReader
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-var Reader = require('./reader.js')
-var EOF = {EOF: true}
-var CLOSE = {CLOSE: true}
-inherits(FileReader, Reader)
-function FileReader (props) {
- // console.error(" FR create", props.path, props.size, new Error().stack)
- var self = this
- if (!(self instanceof FileReader)) {
- throw new Error('FileReader must be called as constructor.')
- }
- // should already be established as a File type
- // XXX Todo: preserve hardlinks by tracking dev+inode+nlink,
- // with a HardLinkReader class.
- if (!((props.type === 'Link' && props.Link) ||
- (props.type === 'File' && props.File))) {
- throw new Error('Non-file type ' + props.type)
- }
- self._buffer = []
- self._bytesEmitted = 0
- Reader.call(self, props)
-FileReader.prototype._getStream = function () {
- var self = this
- var stream = self._stream = fs.createReadStream(self._path, self.props)
- if (self.props.blksize) {
- stream.bufferSize = self.props.blksize
- }
- stream.on('open', self.emit.bind(self, 'open'))
- stream.on('data', function (c) {
- // console.error('\t\t%d %s', c.length, self.basename)
- self._bytesEmitted += c.length
- // no point saving empty chunks
- if (!c.length) {
- return
- } else if (self._paused || self._buffer.length) {
- self._buffer.push(c)
- self._read()
- } else self.emit('data', c)
- })
- stream.on('end', function () {
- if (self._paused || self._buffer.length) {
- // console.error('FR Buffering End', self._path)
- self._buffer.push(EOF)
- self._read()
- } else {
- self.emit('end')
- }
- if (self._bytesEmitted !== self.props.size) {
- self.error("Didn't get expected byte count\n" +
- 'expect: ' + self.props.size + '\n' +
- 'actual: ' + self._bytesEmitted)
- }
- })
- stream.on('close', function () {
- if (self._paused || self._buffer.length) {
- // console.error('FR Buffering Close', self._path)
- self._buffer.push(CLOSE)
- self._read()
- } else {
- // console.error('FR close 1', self._path)
- self.emit('close')
- }
- })
- stream.on('error', function (e) {
- self.emit('error', e)
- })
- self._read()
-FileReader.prototype._read = function () {
- var self = this
- // console.error('FR _read', self._path)
- if (self._paused) {
- // console.error('FR _read paused', self._path)
- return
- }
- if (!self._stream) {
- // console.error('FR _getStream calling', self._path)
- return self._getStream()
- }
- // clear out the buffer, if there is one.
- if (self._buffer.length) {
- // console.error('FR _read has buffer', self._buffer.length, self._path)
- var buf = self._buffer
- for (var i = 0, l = buf.length; i < l; i++) {
- var c = buf[i]
- if (c === EOF) {
- // console.error('FR Read emitting buffered end', self._path)
- self.emit('end')
- } else if (c === CLOSE) {
- // console.error('FR Read emitting buffered close', self._path)
- self.emit('close')
- } else {
- // console.error('FR Read emitting buffered data', self._path)
- self.emit('data', c)
- }
- if (self._paused) {
- // console.error('FR Read Re-pausing at '+i, self._path)
- self._buffer = buf.slice(i)
- return
- }
- }
- self._buffer.length = 0
- }
-// console.error("FR _read done")
-// that's about all there is to it.
-FileReader.prototype.pause = function (who) {
- var self = this
- // console.error('FR Pause', self._path)
- if (self._paused) return
- who = who || self
- self._paused = true
- if (self._stream) self._stream.pause()
- self.emit('pause', who)
-FileReader.prototype.resume = function (who) {
- var self = this
- // console.error('FR Resume', self._path)
- if (!self._paused) return
- who = who || self
- self.emit('resume', who)
- self._paused = false
- if (self._stream) self._stream.resume()
- self._read()
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/file-writer.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/file-writer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c803d8d68..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/file-writer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = FileWriter
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var Writer = require('./writer.js')
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-var EOF = {}
-inherits(FileWriter, Writer)
-function FileWriter (props) {
- var self = this
- if (!(self instanceof FileWriter)) {
- throw new Error('FileWriter must be called as constructor.')
- }
- // should already be established as a File type
- if (props.type !== 'File' || !props.File) {
- throw new Error('Non-file type ' + props.type)
- }
- self._buffer = []
- self._bytesWritten = 0
- Writer.call(this, props)
-FileWriter.prototype._create = function () {
- var self = this
- if (self._stream) return
- var so = {}
- if (self.props.flags) so.flags = self.props.flags
- so.mode = Writer.filemode
- if (self._old && self._old.blksize) so.bufferSize = self._old.blksize
- self._stream = fs.createWriteStream(self._path, so)
- self._stream.on('open', function () {
- // console.error("FW open", self._buffer, self._path)
- self.ready = true
- self._buffer.forEach(function (c) {
- if (c === EOF) self._stream.end()
- else self._stream.write(c)
- })
- self.emit('ready')
- // give this a kick just in case it needs it.
- self.emit('drain')
- })
- self._stream.on('error', function (er) { self.emit('error', er) })
- self._stream.on('drain', function () { self.emit('drain') })
- self._stream.on('close', function () {
- // console.error('\n\nFW Stream Close', self._path, self.size)
- self._finish()
- })
-FileWriter.prototype.write = function (c) {
- var self = this
- self._bytesWritten += c.length
- if (!self.ready) {
- if (!Buffer.isBuffer(c) && typeof c !== 'string') {
- throw new Error('invalid write data')
- }
- self._buffer.push(c)
- return false
- }
- var ret = self._stream.write(c)
- // console.error('\t-- fw wrote, _stream says', ret, self._stream._queue.length)
- // allow 2 buffered writes, because otherwise there's just too
- // much stop and go bs.
- if (ret === false && self._stream._queue) {
- return self._stream._queue.length <= 2
- } else {
- return ret
- }
-FileWriter.prototype.end = function (c) {
- var self = this
- if (c) self.write(c)
- if (!self.ready) {
- self._buffer.push(EOF)
- return false
- }
- return self._stream.end()
-FileWriter.prototype._finish = function () {
- var self = this
- if (typeof self.size === 'number' && self._bytesWritten !== self.size) {
- self.error(
- 'Did not get expected byte count.\n' +
- 'expect: ' + self.size + '\n' +
- 'actual: ' + self._bytesWritten)
- }
- Writer.prototype._finish.call(self)
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/get-type.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/get-type.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 19f6a657db..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/get-type.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = getType
-function getType (st) {
- var types = [
- 'Directory',
- 'File',
- 'SymbolicLink',
- 'Link', // special for hardlinks from tarballs
- 'BlockDevice',
- 'CharacterDevice',
- 'FIFO',
- 'Socket'
- ]
- var type
- if (st.type && types.indexOf(st.type) !== -1) {
- st[st.type] = true
- return st.type
- }
- for (var i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i++) {
- type = types[i]
- var is = st[type] || st['is' + type]
- if (typeof is === 'function') is = is.call(st)
- if (is) {
- st[type] = true
- st.type = type
- return type
- }
- }
- return null
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/link-reader.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/link-reader.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fb4cc67a98..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/link-reader.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Basically just a wrapper around an fs.readlink
-// XXX: Enhance this to support the Link type, by keeping
-// a lookup table of {<dev+inode>:<path>}, so that hardlinks
-// can be preserved in tarballs.
-module.exports = LinkReader
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-var Reader = require('./reader.js')
-inherits(LinkReader, Reader)
-function LinkReader (props) {
- var self = this
- if (!(self instanceof LinkReader)) {
- throw new Error('LinkReader must be called as constructor.')
- }
- if (!((props.type === 'Link' && props.Link) ||
- (props.type === 'SymbolicLink' && props.SymbolicLink))) {
- throw new Error('Non-link type ' + props.type)
- }
- Reader.call(self, props)
-// When piping a LinkReader into a LinkWriter, we have to
-// already have the linkpath property set, so that has to
-// happen *before* the "ready" event, which means we need to
-// override the _stat method.
-LinkReader.prototype._stat = function (currentStat) {
- var self = this
- fs.readlink(self._path, function (er, linkpath) {
- if (er) return self.error(er)
- self.linkpath = self.props.linkpath = linkpath
- self.emit('linkpath', linkpath)
- Reader.prototype._stat.call(self, currentStat)
- })
-LinkReader.prototype._read = function () {
- var self = this
- if (self._paused) return
- // basically just a no-op, since we got all the info we need
- // from the _stat method
- if (!self._ended) {
- self.emit('end')
- self.emit('close')
- self._ended = true
- }
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/link-writer.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/link-writer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index af54284008..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/link-writer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = LinkWriter
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var Writer = require('./writer.js')
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-var path = require('path')
-var rimraf = require('rimraf')
-inherits(LinkWriter, Writer)
-function LinkWriter (props) {
- var self = this
- if (!(self instanceof LinkWriter)) {
- throw new Error('LinkWriter must be called as constructor.')
- }
- // should already be established as a Link type
- if (!((props.type === 'Link' && props.Link) ||
- (props.type === 'SymbolicLink' && props.SymbolicLink))) {
- throw new Error('Non-link type ' + props.type)
- }
- if (props.linkpath === '') props.linkpath = '.'
- if (!props.linkpath) {
- self.error('Need linkpath property to create ' + props.type)
- }
- Writer.call(this, props)
-LinkWriter.prototype._create = function () {
- // console.error(" LW _create")
- var self = this
- var hard = self.type === 'Link' || process.platform === 'win32'
- var link = hard ? 'link' : 'symlink'
- var lp = hard ? path.resolve(self.dirname, self.linkpath) : self.linkpath
- // can only change the link path by clobbering
- // For hard links, let's just assume that's always the case, since
- // there's no good way to read them if we don't already know.
- if (hard) return clobber(self, lp, link)
- fs.readlink(self._path, function (er, p) {
- // only skip creation if it's exactly the same link
- if (p && p === lp) return finish(self)
- clobber(self, lp, link)
- })
-function clobber (self, lp, link) {
- rimraf(self._path, function (er) {
- if (er) return self.error(er)
- create(self, lp, link)
- })
-function create (self, lp, link) {
- fs[link](lp, self._path, function (er) {
- // if this is a hard link, and we're in the process of writing out a
- // directory, it's very possible that the thing we're linking to
- // doesn't exist yet (especially if it was intended as a symlink),
- // so swallow ENOENT errors here and just soldier in.
- // Additionally, an EPERM or EACCES can happen on win32 if it's trying
- // to make a link to a directory. Again, just skip it.
- // A better solution would be to have fs.symlink be supported on
- // windows in some nice fashion.
- if (er) {
- if ((er.code === 'ENOENT' ||
- er.code === 'EACCES' ||
- er.code === 'EPERM') && process.platform === 'win32') {
- self.ready = true
- self.emit('ready')
- self.emit('end')
- self.emit('close')
- self.end = self._finish = function () {}
- } else return self.error(er)
- }
- finish(self)
- })
-function finish (self) {
- self.ready = true
- self.emit('ready')
- if (self._ended && !self._finished) self._finish()
-LinkWriter.prototype.end = function () {
- // console.error("LW finish in end")
- this._ended = true
- if (this.ready) {
- this._finished = true
- this._finish()
- }
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/proxy-reader.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/proxy-reader.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f431c9d9e..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/proxy-reader.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// A reader for when we don't yet know what kind of thing
-// the thing is.
-module.exports = ProxyReader
-var Reader = require('./reader.js')
-var getType = require('./get-type.js')
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-inherits(ProxyReader, Reader)
-function ProxyReader (props) {
- var self = this
- if (!(self instanceof ProxyReader)) {
- throw new Error('ProxyReader must be called as constructor.')
- }
- self.props = props
- self._buffer = []
- self.ready = false
- Reader.call(self, props)
-ProxyReader.prototype._stat = function () {
- var self = this
- var props = self.props
- // stat the thing to see what the proxy should be.
- var stat = props.follow ? 'stat' : 'lstat'
- fs[stat](props.path, function (er, current) {
- var type
- if (er || !current) {
- type = 'File'
- } else {
- type = getType(current)
- }
- props[type] = true
- props.type = self.type = type
- self._old = current
- self._addProxy(Reader(props, current))
- })
-ProxyReader.prototype._addProxy = function (proxy) {
- var self = this
- if (self._proxyTarget) {
- return self.error('proxy already set')
- }
- self._proxyTarget = proxy
- proxy._proxy = self
- ;[
- 'error',
- 'data',
- 'end',
- 'close',
- 'linkpath',
- 'entry',
- 'entryEnd',
- 'child',
- 'childEnd',
- 'warn',
- 'stat'
- ].forEach(function (ev) {
- // console.error('~~ proxy event', ev, self.path)
- proxy.on(ev, self.emit.bind(self, ev))
- })
- self.emit('proxy', proxy)
- proxy.on('ready', function () {
- // console.error("~~ proxy is ready!", self.path)
- self.ready = true
- self.emit('ready')
- })
- var calls = self._buffer
- self._buffer.length = 0
- calls.forEach(function (c) {
- proxy[c[0]].apply(proxy, c[1])
- })
-ProxyReader.prototype.pause = function () {
- return this._proxyTarget ? this._proxyTarget.pause() : false
-ProxyReader.prototype.resume = function () {
- return this._proxyTarget ? this._proxyTarget.resume() : false
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/proxy-writer.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/proxy-writer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a6544621bf..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/proxy-writer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// A writer for when we don't know what kind of thing
-// the thing is. That is, it's not explicitly set,
-// so we're going to make it whatever the thing already
-// is, or "File"
-// Until then, collect all events.
-module.exports = ProxyWriter
-var Writer = require('./writer.js')
-var getType = require('./get-type.js')
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-var collect = require('./collect.js')
-var fs = require('fs')
-inherits(ProxyWriter, Writer)
-function ProxyWriter (props) {
- var self = this
- if (!(self instanceof ProxyWriter)) {
- throw new Error('ProxyWriter must be called as constructor.')
- }
- self.props = props
- self._needDrain = false
- Writer.call(self, props)
-ProxyWriter.prototype._stat = function () {
- var self = this
- var props = self.props
- // stat the thing to see what the proxy should be.
- var stat = props.follow ? 'stat' : 'lstat'
- fs[stat](props.path, function (er, current) {
- var type
- if (er || !current) {
- type = 'File'
- } else {
- type = getType(current)
- }
- props[type] = true
- props.type = self.type = type
- self._old = current
- self._addProxy(Writer(props, current))
- })
-ProxyWriter.prototype._addProxy = function (proxy) {
- // console.error("~~ set proxy", this.path)
- var self = this
- if (self._proxy) {
- return self.error('proxy already set')
- }
- self._proxy = proxy
- ;[
- 'ready',
- 'error',
- 'close',
- 'pipe',
- 'drain',
- 'warn'
- ].forEach(function (ev) {
- proxy.on(ev, self.emit.bind(self, ev))
- })
- self.emit('proxy', proxy)
- var calls = self._buffer
- calls.forEach(function (c) {
- // console.error("~~ ~~ proxy buffered call", c[0], c[1])
- proxy[c[0]].apply(proxy, c[1])
- })
- self._buffer.length = 0
- if (self._needsDrain) self.emit('drain')
-ProxyWriter.prototype.add = function (entry) {
- // console.error("~~ proxy add")
- collect(entry)
- if (!this._proxy) {
- this._buffer.push(['add', [entry]])
- this._needDrain = true
- return false
- }
- return this._proxy.add(entry)
-ProxyWriter.prototype.write = function (c) {
- // console.error('~~ proxy write')
- if (!this._proxy) {
- this._buffer.push(['write', [c]])
- this._needDrain = true
- return false
- }
- return this._proxy.write(c)
-ProxyWriter.prototype.end = function (c) {
- // console.error('~~ proxy end')
- if (!this._proxy) {
- this._buffer.push(['end', [c]])
- return false
- }
- return this._proxy.end(c)
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/reader.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/reader.js
deleted file mode 100644
index be4f570eeb..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/reader.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = Reader
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var Stream = require('stream').Stream
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-var path = require('path')
-var getType = require('./get-type.js')
-var hardLinks = Reader.hardLinks = {}
-var Abstract = require('./abstract.js')
-// Must do this *before* loading the child classes
-inherits(Reader, Abstract)
-var LinkReader = require('./link-reader.js')
-function Reader (props, currentStat) {
- var self = this
- if (!(self instanceof Reader)) return new Reader(props, currentStat)
- if (typeof props === 'string') {
- props = { path: props }
- }
- // polymorphism.
- // call fstream.Reader(dir) to get a DirReader object, etc.
- // Note that, unlike in the Writer case, ProxyReader is going
- // to be the *normal* state of affairs, since we rarely know
- // the type of a file prior to reading it.
- var type
- var ClassType
- if (props.type && typeof props.type === 'function') {
- type = props.type
- ClassType = type
- } else {
- type = getType(props)
- ClassType = Reader
- }
- if (currentStat && !type) {
- type = getType(currentStat)
- props[type] = true
- props.type = type
- }
- switch (type) {
- case 'Directory':
- ClassType = require('./dir-reader.js')
- break
- case 'Link':
- // XXX hard links are just files.
- // However, it would be good to keep track of files' dev+inode
- // and nlink values, and create a HardLinkReader that emits
- // a linkpath value of the original copy, so that the tar
- // writer can preserve them.
- // ClassType = HardLinkReader
- // break
- case 'File':
- ClassType = require('./file-reader.js')
- break
- case 'SymbolicLink':
- ClassType = LinkReader
- break
- case 'Socket':
- ClassType = require('./socket-reader.js')
- break
- case null:
- ClassType = require('./proxy-reader.js')
- break
- }
- if (!(self instanceof ClassType)) {
- return new ClassType(props)
- }
- Abstract.call(self)
- if (!props.path) {
- self.error('Must provide a path', null, true)
- }
- self.readable = true
- self.writable = false
- self.type = type
- self.props = props
- self.depth = props.depth = props.depth || 0
- self.parent = props.parent || null
- self.root = props.root || (props.parent && props.parent.root) || self
- self._path = self.path = path.resolve(props.path)
- if (process.platform === 'win32') {
- self.path = self._path = self.path.replace(/\?/g, '_')
- if (self._path.length >= 260) {
- // how DOES one create files on the moon?
- // if the path has spaces in it, then UNC will fail.
- self._swallowErrors = true
- // if (self._path.indexOf(" ") === -1) {
- self._path = '\\\\?\\' + self.path.replace(/\//g, '\\')
- // }
- }
- }
- self.basename = props.basename = path.basename(self.path)
- self.dirname = props.dirname = path.dirname(self.path)
- // these have served their purpose, and are now just noisy clutter
- props.parent = props.root = null
- // console.error("\n\n\n%s setting size to", props.path, props.size)
- self.size = props.size
- self.filter = typeof props.filter === 'function' ? props.filter : null
- if (props.sort === 'alpha') props.sort = alphasort
- // start the ball rolling.
- // this will stat the thing, and then call self._read()
- // to start reading whatever it is.
- // console.error("calling stat", props.path, currentStat)
- self._stat(currentStat)
-function alphasort (a, b) {
- return a === b ? 0
- : a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? 1
- : a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1
- : a > b ? 1
- : -1
-Reader.prototype._stat = function (currentStat) {
- var self = this
- var props = self.props
- var stat = props.follow ? 'stat' : 'lstat'
- // console.error("Reader._stat", self._path, currentStat)
- if (currentStat) process.nextTick(statCb.bind(null, null, currentStat))
- else fs[stat](self._path, statCb)
- function statCb (er, props_) {
- // console.error("Reader._stat, statCb", self._path, props_, props_.nlink)
- if (er) return self.error(er)
- Object.keys(props_).forEach(function (k) {
- props[k] = props_[k]
- })
- // if it's not the expected size, then abort here.
- if (undefined !== self.size && props.size !== self.size) {
- return self.error('incorrect size')
- }
- self.size = props.size
- var type = getType(props)
- var handleHardlinks = props.hardlinks !== false
- // special little thing for handling hardlinks.
- if (handleHardlinks && type !== 'Directory' && props.nlink && props.nlink > 1) {
- var k = props.dev + ':' + props.ino
- // console.error("Reader has nlink", self._path, k)
- if (hardLinks[k] === self._path || !hardLinks[k]) {
- hardLinks[k] = self._path
- } else {
- // switch into hardlink mode.
- type = self.type = self.props.type = 'Link'
- self.Link = self.props.Link = true
- self.linkpath = self.props.linkpath = hardLinks[k]
- // console.error("Hardlink detected, switching mode", self._path, self.linkpath)
- // Setting __proto__ would arguably be the "correct"
- // approach here, but that just seems too wrong.
- self._stat = self._read = LinkReader.prototype._read
- }
- }
- if (self.type && self.type !== type) {
- self.error('Unexpected type: ' + type)
- }
- // if the filter doesn't pass, then just skip over this one.
- // still have to emit end so that dir-walking can move on.
- if (self.filter) {
- var who = self._proxy || self
- // special handling for ProxyReaders
- if (!self.filter.call(who, who, props)) {
- if (!self._disowned) {
- self.abort()
- self.emit('end')
- self.emit('close')
- }
- return
- }
- }
- // last chance to abort or disown before the flow starts!
- var events = ['_stat', 'stat', 'ready']
- var e = 0
- ;(function go () {
- if (self._aborted) {
- self.emit('end')
- self.emit('close')
- return
- }
- if (self._paused && self.type !== 'Directory') {
- self.once('resume', go)
- return
- }
- var ev = events[e++]
- if (!ev) {
- return self._read()
- }
- self.emit(ev, props)
- go()
- })()
- }
-Reader.prototype.pipe = function (dest) {
- var self = this
- if (typeof dest.add === 'function') {
- // piping to a multi-compatible, and we've got directory entries.
- self.on('entry', function (entry) {
- var ret = dest.add(entry)
- if (ret === false) {
- self.pause()
- }
- })
- }
- // console.error("R Pipe apply Stream Pipe")
- return Stream.prototype.pipe.apply(this, arguments)
-Reader.prototype.pause = function (who) {
- this._paused = true
- who = who || this
- this.emit('pause', who)
- if (this._stream) this._stream.pause(who)
-Reader.prototype.resume = function (who) {
- this._paused = false
- who = who || this
- this.emit('resume', who)
- if (this._stream) this._stream.resume(who)
- this._read()
-Reader.prototype._read = function () {
- this.error('Cannot read unknown type: ' + this.type)
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/socket-reader.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/socket-reader.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e0456ba890..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/socket-reader.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Just get the stats, and then don't do anything.
-// You can't really "read" from a socket. You "connect" to it.
-// Mostly, this is here so that reading a dir with a socket in it
-// doesn't blow up.
-module.exports = SocketReader
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-var Reader = require('./reader.js')
-inherits(SocketReader, Reader)
-function SocketReader (props) {
- var self = this
- if (!(self instanceof SocketReader)) {
- throw new Error('SocketReader must be called as constructor.')
- }
- if (!(props.type === 'Socket' && props.Socket)) {
- throw new Error('Non-socket type ' + props.type)
- }
- Reader.call(self, props)
-SocketReader.prototype._read = function () {
- var self = this
- if (self._paused) return
- // basically just a no-op, since we got all the info we have
- // from the _stat method
- if (!self._ended) {
- self.emit('end')
- self.emit('close')
- self._ended = true
- }
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/writer.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/writer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f10547820..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/writer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = Writer
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var inherits = require('inherits')
-var rimraf = require('rimraf')
-var mkdir = require('mkdirp')
-var path = require('path')
-var umask = process.platform === 'win32' ? 0 : process.umask()
-var getType = require('./get-type.js')
-var Abstract = require('./abstract.js')
-// Must do this *before* loading the child classes
-inherits(Writer, Abstract)
-Writer.dirmode = parseInt('0777', 8) & (~umask)
-Writer.filemode = parseInt('0666', 8) & (~umask)
-var DirWriter = require('./dir-writer.js')
-var LinkWriter = require('./link-writer.js')
-var FileWriter = require('./file-writer.js')
-var ProxyWriter = require('./proxy-writer.js')
-// props is the desired state. current is optionally the current stat,
-// provided here so that subclasses can avoid statting the target
-// more than necessary.
-function Writer (props, current) {
- var self = this
- if (typeof props === 'string') {
- props = { path: props }
- }
- // polymorphism.
- // call fstream.Writer(dir) to get a DirWriter object, etc.
- var type = getType(props)
- var ClassType = Writer
- switch (type) {
- case 'Directory':
- ClassType = DirWriter
- break
- case 'File':
- ClassType = FileWriter
- break
- case 'Link':
- case 'SymbolicLink':
- ClassType = LinkWriter
- break
- case null:
- default:
- // Don't know yet what type to create, so we wrap in a proxy.
- ClassType = ProxyWriter
- break
- }
- if (!(self instanceof ClassType)) return new ClassType(props)
- // now get down to business.
- Abstract.call(self)
- if (!props.path) self.error('Must provide a path', null, true)
- // props is what we want to set.
- // set some convenience properties as well.
- self.type = props.type
- self.props = props
- self.depth = props.depth || 0
- self.clobber = props.clobber === false ? props.clobber : true
- self.parent = props.parent || null
- self.root = props.root || (props.parent && props.parent.root) || self
- self._path = self.path = path.resolve(props.path)
- if (process.platform === 'win32') {
- self.path = self._path = self.path.replace(/\?/g, '_')
- if (self._path.length >= 260) {
- self._swallowErrors = true
- self._path = '\\\\?\\' + self.path.replace(/\//g, '\\')
- }
- }
- self.basename = path.basename(props.path)
- self.dirname = path.dirname(props.path)
- self.linkpath = props.linkpath || null
- props.parent = props.root = null
- // console.error("\n\n\n%s setting size to", props.path, props.size)
- self.size = props.size
- if (typeof props.mode === 'string') {
- props.mode = parseInt(props.mode, 8)
- }
- self.readable = false
- self.writable = true
- // buffer until ready, or while handling another entry
- self._buffer = []
- self.ready = false
- self.filter = typeof props.filter === 'function' ? props.filter : null
- // start the ball rolling.
- // this checks what's there already, and then calls
- // self._create() to call the impl-specific creation stuff.
- self._stat(current)
-// Calling this means that it's something we can't create.
-// Just assert that it's already there, otherwise raise a warning.
-Writer.prototype._create = function () {
- var self = this
- fs[self.props.follow ? 'stat' : 'lstat'](self._path, function (er) {
- if (er) {
- return self.warn('Cannot create ' + self._path + '\n' +
- 'Unsupported type: ' + self.type, 'ENOTSUP')
- }
- self._finish()
- })
-Writer.prototype._stat = function (current) {
- var self = this
- var props = self.props
- var stat = props.follow ? 'stat' : 'lstat'
- var who = self._proxy || self
- if (current) statCb(null, current)
- else fs[stat](self._path, statCb)
- function statCb (er, current) {
- if (self.filter && !self.filter.call(who, who, current)) {
- self._aborted = true
- self.emit('end')
- self.emit('close')
- return
- }
- // if it's not there, great. We'll just create it.
- // if it is there, then we'll need to change whatever differs
- if (er || !current) {
- return create(self)
- }
- self._old = current
- var currentType = getType(current)
- // if it's a type change, then we need to clobber or error.
- // if it's not a type change, then let the impl take care of it.
- if (currentType !== self.type || self.type === 'File' && current.nlink > 1) {
- return rimraf(self._path, function (er) {
- if (er) return self.error(er)
- self._old = null
- create(self)
- })
- }
- // otherwise, just handle in the app-specific way
- // this creates a fs.WriteStream, or mkdir's, or whatever
- create(self)
- }
-function create (self) {
- // console.error("W create", self._path, Writer.dirmode)
- // XXX Need to clobber non-dirs that are in the way,
- // unless { clobber: false } in the props.
- mkdir(path.dirname(self._path), Writer.dirmode, function (er, made) {
- // console.error("W created", path.dirname(self._path), er)
- if (er) return self.error(er)
- // later on, we have to set the mode and owner for these
- self._madeDir = made
- return self._create()
- })
-function endChmod (self, want, current, path, cb) {
- var wantMode = want.mode
- var chmod = want.follow || self.type !== 'SymbolicLink'
- ? 'chmod' : 'lchmod'
- if (!fs[chmod]) return cb()
- if (typeof wantMode !== 'number') return cb()
- var curMode = current.mode & parseInt('0777', 8)
- wantMode = wantMode & parseInt('0777', 8)
- if (wantMode === curMode) return cb()
- fs[chmod](path, wantMode, cb)
-function endChown (self, want, current, path, cb) {
- // Don't even try it unless root. Too easy to EPERM.
- if (process.platform === 'win32') return cb()
- if (!process.getuid || process.getuid() !== 0) return cb()
- if (typeof want.uid !== 'number' &&
- typeof want.gid !== 'number') return cb()
- if (current.uid === want.uid &&
- current.gid === want.gid) return cb()
- var chown = (self.props.follow || self.type !== 'SymbolicLink')
- ? 'chown' : 'lchown'
- if (!fs[chown]) return cb()
- if (typeof want.uid !== 'number') want.uid = current.uid
- if (typeof want.gid !== 'number') want.gid = current.gid
- fs[chown](path, want.uid, want.gid, cb)
-function endUtimes (self, want, current, path, cb) {
- if (!fs.utimes || process.platform === 'win32') return cb()
- var utimes = (want.follow || self.type !== 'SymbolicLink')
- ? 'utimes' : 'lutimes'
- if (utimes === 'lutimes' && !fs[utimes]) {
- utimes = 'utimes'
- }
- if (!fs[utimes]) return cb()
- var curA = current.atime
- var curM = current.mtime
- var meA = want.atime
- var meM = want.mtime
- if (meA === undefined) meA = curA
- if (meM === undefined) meM = curM
- if (!isDate(meA)) meA = new Date(meA)
- if (!isDate(meM)) meA = new Date(meM)
- if (meA.getTime() === curA.getTime() &&
- meM.getTime() === curM.getTime()) return cb()
- fs[utimes](path, meA, meM, cb)
-// XXX This function is beastly. Break it up!
-Writer.prototype._finish = function () {
- var self = this
- if (self._finishing) return
- self._finishing = true
- // console.error(" W Finish", self._path, self.size)
- // set up all the things.
- // At this point, we're already done writing whatever we've gotta write,
- // adding files to the dir, etc.
- var todo = 0
- var errState = null
- var done = false
- if (self._old) {
- // the times will almost *certainly* have changed.
- // adds the utimes syscall, but remove another stat.
- self._old.atime = new Date(0)
- self._old.mtime = new Date(0)
- // console.error(" W Finish Stale Stat", self._path, self.size)
- setProps(self._old)
- } else {
- var stat = self.props.follow ? 'stat' : 'lstat'
- // console.error(" W Finish Stating", self._path, self.size)
- fs[stat](self._path, function (er, current) {
- // console.error(" W Finish Stated", self._path, self.size, current)
- if (er) {
- // if we're in the process of writing out a
- // directory, it's very possible that the thing we're linking to
- // doesn't exist yet (especially if it was intended as a symlink),
- // so swallow ENOENT errors here and just soldier on.
- if (er.code === 'ENOENT' &&
- (self.type === 'Link' || self.type === 'SymbolicLink') &&
- process.platform === 'win32') {
- self.ready = true
- self.emit('ready')
- self.emit('end')
- self.emit('close')
- self.end = self._finish = function () {}
- return
- } else return self.error(er)
- }
- setProps(self._old = current)
- })
- }
- return
- function setProps (current) {
- todo += 3
- endChmod(self, self.props, current, self._path, next('chmod'))
- endChown(self, self.props, current, self._path, next('chown'))
- endUtimes(self, self.props, current, self._path, next('utimes'))
- }
- function next (what) {
- return function (er) {
- // console.error(" W Finish", what, todo)
- if (errState) return
- if (er) {
- er.fstream_finish_call = what
- return self.error(errState = er)
- }
- if (--todo > 0) return
- if (done) return
- done = true
- // we may still need to set the mode/etc. on some parent dirs
- // that were created previously. delay end/close until then.
- if (!self._madeDir) return end()
- else endMadeDir(self, self._path, end)
- function end (er) {
- if (er) {
- er.fstream_finish_call = 'setupMadeDir'
- return self.error(er)
- }
- // all the props have been set, so we're completely done.
- self.emit('end')
- self.emit('close')
- }
- }
- }
-function endMadeDir (self, p, cb) {
- var made = self._madeDir
- // everything *between* made and path.dirname(self._path)
- // needs to be set up. Note that this may just be one dir.
- var d = path.dirname(p)
- endMadeDir_(self, d, function (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- if (d === made) {
- return cb()
- }
- endMadeDir(self, d, cb)
- })
-function endMadeDir_ (self, p, cb) {
- var dirProps = {}
- Object.keys(self.props).forEach(function (k) {
- dirProps[k] = self.props[k]
- // only make non-readable dirs if explicitly requested.
- if (k === 'mode' && self.type !== 'Directory') {
- dirProps[k] = dirProps[k] | parseInt('0111', 8)
- }
- })
- var todo = 3
- var errState = null
- fs.stat(p, function (er, current) {
- if (er) return cb(errState = er)
- endChmod(self, dirProps, current, p, next)
- endChown(self, dirProps, current, p, next)
- endUtimes(self, dirProps, current, p, next)
- })
- function next (er) {
- if (errState) return
- if (er) return cb(errState = er)
- if (--todo === 0) return cb()
- }
-Writer.prototype.pipe = function () {
- this.error("Can't pipe from writable stream")
-Writer.prototype.add = function () {
- this.error("Can't add to non-Directory type")
-Writer.prototype.write = function () {
- return true
-function objectToString (d) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(d)
-function isDate (d) {
- return typeof d === 'object' && objectToString(d) === '[object Date]'