path: root/deps/npm/lib/utils/output.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/lib/utils/output.js')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/lib/utils/output.js b/deps/npm/lib/utils/output.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00da9f69f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/lib/utils/output.js
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// centralized stdout writer.
+exports.doColor = doColor
+exports.write = write
+var npm = require("../npm.js")
+ , tty = require("tty")
+ , streams = {}
+ , ttys = {}
+ , net = require("net")
+ , util = require("util")
+ , deadStreams = {}
+function doColor (stream) {
+ var conf = npm.config.get("color")
+ return (!conf) ? false
+ : (conf === "always") ? true
+ : isatty(stream)
+function isatty (stream) {
+ // console.error("isatty?", stream)
+ if (!tty.isatty) return true
+ if (!stream) return false
+ if (stream.isTTY) return true
+ if (stream && (typeof stream.fd === "number")) {
+ stream.isTTY = tty.isatty(stream.fd)
+ }
+ return stream.isTTY
+function write (args, stream, lf, cb) {
+ // console.error("write", [args, stream, lf, cb])
+ if (typeof cb !== "function" && typeof lf === "function") {
+ cb = lf
+ lf = null
+ }
+ if (typeof cb !== "function" && typeof stream === "function") {
+ cb = stream
+ stream = npm.config.get("outfd")
+ }
+ stream = getStream(stream)
+ // console.error("gotStream", stream)
+ if (lf == null) lf = isatty(stream)
+ if (!stream) return cb && cb(), false
+ if (!Array.isArray(args)) args = [args]
+ // console.error("write", args)
+ var msg = ""
+ , colored = doColor(stream)
+ msg = (arg) {
+ if (typeof arg !== "string") {
+ return util.inspect(arg, false, 5, colored) + "\n"
+ }
+ if (!colored) arg = arg.replace(/\033\[[0-9;]*m/g, '')
+ if (!npm.config.get("unicode")) {
+ arg = arg.replace(/└/g, "`")
+ .replace(/─/g, "-")
+ .replace(/├/g, "+")
+ .replace(/┬/g, "-")
+ }
+ return arg
+ }).join(" ")
+ // listen to the "output" event to cancel/modify/redirect
+ npm.output = {stream:stream, message:msg}
+ npm.emit("output", npm.output)
+ if (!npm.output) return cb && cb(), false // cancelled
+ stream =
+ msg = npm.output.message
+ // EPIPE errors just mean that the stream is not listening
+ // any more. Mark the stream as dead, and return.
+ if (deadStreams[stream.fd]) {
+ return cb && cb(), false
+ }
+ if (!deadStreams.hasOwnProperty(stream.fd)) {
+ deadStreams[stream.fd] = false
+ stream.on("error", function (er) {
+ if (er.code === "EPIPE") {
+ deadStreams[stream.fd] = true
+ return cb && cb()
+ }
+ if (stream.listeners("error").length === 1) {
+ throw er
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ // use the \r\n in case we're in raw mode.
+ msg = msg.split(/\r?\n/).concat("").join(lf ? "\r\n" : "\n")
+ // output to stderr should be synchronous
+ if (stream === process.stderr || stream.fd === 2) {
+ process.stderr.write(msg)
+ if (cb) cb()
+ return true
+ }
+ // console.error("writing ", msg)
+ var flushed = stream.write(msg)
+ if (flushed && cb) {
+ process.nextTick(cb)
+ } else if (cb) {
+ stream.once("drain", cb)
+ }
+ return flushed
+var hadError = false
+function getStream (fd) {
+ if (hadError) return
+ var stream
+ if (!fd && fd !== 0) return
+ if (typeof fd === "string") fd = +fd
+ // console.error("getStream", fd, hadError)
+ if (fd && typeof fd === "object") {
+ stream = fd
+ fd = fd.fd
+ } else if (streams[fd]) {
+ stream = streams[fd]
+ } else {
+ switch (fd) {
+ case 1:
+ stream = process.stdout
+ stream.fd = fd
+ stream.writable = true
+ break
+ case 2:
+ stream = process.stderr
+ stream.fd = fd
+ stream.writable = true
+ break
+ default:
+ try {
+ stream = new net.Stream(fd)
+ if (!stream || !stream.writable) {
+ throw new Error("Stream not writable")
+ }
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // if this fails, then regular logging is most likely broken.
+ var er = new Error("cannot output to fd "+fd + ": "+
+ (ex.stack || ex.message).substr(7) + "\n")
+ console.error(er.stack)
+ hadError = true
+ process.exit(1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!stream || !stream.writable) return
+ return streams[fd] = stream