path: root/deps/npm/lib/cache
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/lib/cache')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1485 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-local-tarball.js b/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-local-tarball.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d0952b64ef..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-local-tarball.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-var mkdir = require('mkdirp')
-var assert = require('assert')
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var writeFileAtomic = require('write-file-atomic')
-var path = require('path')
-var sha = require('sha')
-var npm = require('../npm.js')
-var log = require('npmlog')
-var tar = require('../utils/tar.js')
-var pathIsInside = require('path-is-inside')
-var getCacheStat = require('./get-stat.js')
-var cachedPackageRoot = require('./cached-package-root.js')
-var chownr = require('chownr')
-var inflight = require('inflight')
-var once = require('once')
-var writeStreamAtomic = require('fs-write-stream-atomic')
-var tempFilename = require('../utils/temp-filename.js')
-var rimraf = require('rimraf')
-var packageId = require('../utils/package-id.js')
-module.exports = addLocalTarball
-function addLocalTarball (p, pkgData, shasum, cb) {
- assert(typeof p === 'string', 'must have path')
- assert(typeof cb === 'function', 'must have callback')
- if (!pkgData) pkgData = {}
- // If we don't have a shasum yet, compute it.
- if (!shasum) {
- return sha.get(p, function (er, shasum) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- log.silly('addLocalTarball', 'shasum (computed)', shasum)
- addLocalTarball(p, pkgData, shasum, cb)
- })
- }
- if (pathIsInside(p, npm.cache)) {
- if (path.basename(p) !== 'package.tgz') {
- return cb(new Error('Not a valid cache tarball name: ' + p))
- }
- log.verbose('addLocalTarball', 'adding from inside cache', p)
- return addPlacedTarball(p, pkgData, shasum, cb)
- }
- addTmpTarball(p, pkgData, shasum, function (er, data) {
- if (data) {
- data._resolved = p
- data._shasum = data._shasum || shasum
- }
- return cb(er, data)
- })
-function addPlacedTarball (p, pkgData, shasum, cb) {
- assert(pkgData, 'should have package data by now')
- assert(typeof cb === 'function', 'cb function required')
- getCacheStat(function (er, cs) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- return addPlacedTarball_(p, pkgData, cs.uid, cs.gid, shasum, cb)
- })
-function addPlacedTarball_ (p, pkgData, uid, gid, resolvedSum, cb) {
- var folder = path.join(cachedPackageRoot(pkgData), 'package')
- // First, make sure we have the shasum, if we don't already.
- if (!resolvedSum) {
- sha.get(p, function (er, shasum) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- addPlacedTarball_(p, pkgData, uid, gid, shasum, cb)
- })
- return
- }
- mkdir(folder, function (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- var pj = path.join(folder, 'package.json')
- var json = JSON.stringify(pkgData, null, 2)
- writeFileAtomic(pj, json, function (er) {
- cb(er, pkgData)
- })
- })
-function addTmpTarball (tgz, pkgData, shasum, cb) {
- assert(typeof cb === 'function', 'must have callback function')
- assert(shasum, 'must have shasum by now')
- cb = inflight('addTmpTarball:' + tgz, cb)
- if (!cb) return log.verbose('addTmpTarball', tgz, 'already in flight; not adding')
- log.verbose('addTmpTarball', tgz, 'not in flight; adding')
- // we already have the package info, so just move into place
- if (pkgData && pkgData.name && pkgData.version) {
- log.verbose(
- 'addTmpTarball',
- 'already have metadata; skipping unpack for',
- packageId(pkgData)
- )
- return addTmpTarball_(tgz, pkgData, shasum, cb)
- }
- // This is a tarball we probably downloaded from the internet. The shasum's
- // already been checked, but we haven't ever had a peek inside, so we unpack
- // it here just to make sure it is what it says it is.
- //
- // NOTE: we might not have any clue what we think it is, for example if the
- // user just did `npm install ./foo.tgz`
- var target = tempFilename('unpack')
- getCacheStat(function (er, cs) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- log.verbose('addTmpTarball', 'validating metadata from', tgz)
- tar.unpack(tgz, target, null, null, cs.uid, cs.gid, function (unpackEr, data) {
- // cleanup the extracted package and move on with the metadata
- rimraf(target, function () {
- if (unpackEr) return cb(unpackEr)
- // check that this is what we expected.
- if (!data.name) {
- return cb(new Error('No name provided'))
- } else if (pkgData.name && data.name !== pkgData.name) {
- return cb(new Error('Invalid Package: expected ' + pkgData.name +
- ' but found ' + data.name))
- }
- if (!data.version) {
- return cb(new Error('No version provided'))
- } else if (pkgData.version && data.version !== pkgData.version) {
- return cb(new Error('Invalid Package: expected ' +
- packageId(pkgData) +
- ' but found ' + packageId(data)))
- }
- addTmpTarball_(tgz, data, shasum, cb)
- })
- })
- })
-function addTmpTarball_ (tgz, data, shasum, cb) {
- assert(typeof cb === 'function', 'must have callback function')
- cb = once(cb)
- assert(data.name, 'should have package name by now')
- assert(data.version, 'should have package version by now')
- var root = cachedPackageRoot(data)
- var pkg = path.resolve(root, 'package')
- var target = path.resolve(root, 'package.tgz')
- getCacheStat(function (er, cs) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- mkdir(pkg, function (er, created) {
- // chown starting from the first dir created by mkdirp,
- // or the root dir, if none had to be created, so that
- // we know that we get all the children.
- function chown () {
- chownr(created || root, cs.uid, cs.gid, done)
- }
- if (er) return cb(er)
- var read = fs.createReadStream(tgz)
- var write = writeStreamAtomic(target, { mode: npm.modes.file })
- var fin = cs.uid && cs.gid ? chown : done
- read.on('error', cb).pipe(write).on('error', cb).on('close', fin)
- })
- })
- function done () {
- data._shasum = data._shasum || shasum
- cb(null, data)
- }
diff --git a/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-local.js b/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-local.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 221505625e..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-local.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-var assert = require('assert')
-var path = require('path')
-var mkdir = require('mkdirp')
-var chownr = require('chownr')
-var pathIsInside = require('path-is-inside')
-var readJson = require('read-package-json')
-var log = require('npmlog')
-var npm = require('../npm.js')
-var tar = require('../utils/tar.js')
-var deprCheck = require('../utils/depr-check.js')
-var prepublishWarning = require('../utils/warn-deprecated.js')('prepublish-on-install')
-var getCacheStat = require('./get-stat.js')
-var cachedPackageRoot = require('./cached-package-root.js')
-var addLocalTarball = require('./add-local-tarball.js')
-var sha = require('sha')
-var inflight = require('inflight')
-var lifecycle = require('../utils/lifecycle.js')
-var iferr = require('iferr')
-var chain = require('slide').chain
-module.exports = addLocal
-function addLocal (p, pkgData, cb_) {
- assert(typeof p === 'object', 'must have spec info')
- assert(typeof cb_ === 'function', 'must have callback')
- pkgData = pkgData || {}
- function cb (er, data) {
- if (er) {
- log.error('addLocal', 'Could not install %s', p.spec)
- return cb_(er)
- }
- if (data && !data._fromHosted) {
- data._from = path.relative(npm.prefix, p.spec) || '.'
- var resolved = path.relative(npm.prefix, p.spec)
- if (resolved) data._resolved = 'file:' + resolved
- }
- return cb_(er, data)
- }
- if (p.type === 'directory') {
- addLocalDirectory(p.spec, pkgData, null, cb)
- } else {
- addLocalTarball(p.spec, pkgData, null, cb)
- }
-// At this point, if shasum is set, it's something that we've already
-// read and checked. Just stashing it in the data at this point.
-function addLocalDirectory (p, pkgData, shasum, cb) {
- assert(pkgData, 'must pass package data')
- assert(typeof cb === 'function', 'must have callback')
- // if it's a folder, then read the package.json,
- // tar it to the proper place, and add the cache tar
- if (pathIsInside(p, npm.cache)) {
- return cb(new Error(
- 'Adding a cache directory to the cache will make the world implode.'
- ))
- }
- readJson(path.join(p, 'package.json'), false, function (er, data) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- if (!data.name) {
- return cb(new Error('No name provided in package.json'))
- } else if (pkgData.name && pkgData.name !== data.name) {
- return cb(new Error(
- 'Invalid package: expected ' + pkgData.name + ' but found ' + data.name
- ))
- }
- if (!data.version) {
- return cb(new Error('No version provided in package.json'))
- } else if (pkgData.version && pkgData.version !== data.version) {
- return cb(new Error(
- 'Invalid package: expected ' + pkgData.name + '@' + pkgData.version +
- ' but found ' + data.name + '@' + data.version
- ))
- }
- deprCheck(data)
- // pack to {cache}/name/ver/package.tgz
- var root = cachedPackageRoot(data)
- var tgz = path.resolve(root, 'package.tgz')
- var pj = path.resolve(root, 'package/package.json')
- var wrapped = inflight(tgz, next)
- if (!wrapped) return log.verbose('addLocalDirectory', tgz, 'already in flight; waiting')
- log.verbose('addLocalDirectory', tgz, 'not in flight; packing')
- getCacheStat(function (er, cs) {
- mkdir(path.dirname(pj), function (er, made) {
- if (er) return wrapped(er)
- var doPrePublish = !pathIsInside(p, npm.tmp)
- if (doPrePublish) {
- // TODO: for `npm@5`, change the behavior and remove this warning.
- // see https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/10074 for details
- if (data && data.scripts && data.scripts.prepublish) {
- prepublishWarning([
- 'As of npm@5, `prepublish` scripts will run only for `npm publish`.',
- '(In npm@4 and previous versions, it also runs for `npm install`.)',
- 'See the deprecation note in `npm help scripts` for more information.'
- ])
- }
- chain(
- [
- [lifecycle, data, 'prepublish', p],
- [lifecycle, data, 'prepare', p]
- ],
- iferr(wrapped, thenPack)
- )
- } else {
- thenPack()
- }
- function thenPack () {
- tar.pack(tgz, p, data, function (er) {
- if (er) {
- log.error('addLocalDirectory', 'Could not pack', p, 'to', tgz)
- return wrapped(er)
- }
- if (!cs || isNaN(cs.uid) || isNaN(cs.gid)) return wrapped()
- chownr(made || tgz, cs.uid, cs.gid, function (er) {
- if (er && er.code === 'ENOENT') return wrapped()
- wrapped(er)
- })
- })
- }
- })
- })
- function next (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- // if we have the shasum already, just add it
- if (shasum) {
- return addLocalTarball(tgz, data, shasum, cb)
- } else {
- sha.get(tgz, function (er, shasum) {
- if (er) {
- return cb(er)
- }
- data._shasum = shasum
- return addLocalTarball(tgz, data, shasum, cb)
- })
- }
- }
- })
diff --git a/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-named.js b/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-named.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a48b42e7f..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-named.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-var path = require('path')
-var assert = require('assert')
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var http = require('http')
-var log = require('npmlog')
-var semver = require('semver')
-var readJson = require('read-package-json')
-var url = require('url')
-var npm = require('../npm.js')
-var deprCheck = require('../utils/depr-check.js')
-var inflight = require('inflight')
-var addRemoteTarball = require('./add-remote-tarball.js')
-var cachedPackageRoot = require('./cached-package-root.js')
-var mapToRegistry = require('../utils/map-to-registry.js')
-var pulseTillDone = require('../utils/pulse-till-done.js')
-var packageId = require('../utils/package-id.js')
-var pickManifestFromRegistryMetadata = require('../utils/pick-manifest-from-registry-metadata.js')
-module.exports = addNamed
-function getOnceFromRegistry (name, from, next, done) {
- function fixName (err, data, json, resp) {
- // this is only necessary until npm/npm-registry-client#80 is fixed
- if (err && err.pkgid && err.pkgid !== name) {
- err.message = err.message.replace(
- new RegExp(': ' + err.pkgid.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1') + '$'),
- ': ' + name
- )
- err.pkgid = name
- }
- next(err, data, json, resp)
- }
- mapToRegistry(name, npm.config, function (er, uri, auth) {
- if (er) return done(er)
- var key = 'registry:' + uri
- next = inflight(key, next)
- if (!next) return log.verbose(from, key, 'already in flight; waiting')
- else log.verbose(from, key, 'not in flight; fetching')
- npm.registry.get(uri, { auth: auth }, pulseTillDone('fetchRegistry', fixName))
- })
-function addNamed (name, version, data, cb_) {
- assert(typeof name === 'string', 'must have module name')
- assert(typeof cb_ === 'function', 'must have callback')
- var key = name + '@' + version
- log.silly('addNamed', key)
- function cb (er, data) {
- if (data && !data._fromHosted) data._from = key
- cb_(er, data)
- }
- if (semver.valid(version, true)) {
- log.verbose('addNamed', JSON.stringify(version), 'is a plain semver version for', name)
- addNameVersion(name, version, data, cb)
- } else if (semver.validRange(version, true)) {
- log.verbose('addNamed', JSON.stringify(version), 'is a valid semver range for', name)
- addNameRange(name, version, data, cb)
- } else {
- log.verbose('addNamed', JSON.stringify(version), 'is being treated as a dist-tag for', name)
- addNameTag(name, version, data, cb)
- }
-function addNameTag (name, tag, data, cb) {
- log.info('addNameTag', [name, tag])
- var explicit = true
- if (!tag) {
- explicit = false
- tag = npm.config.get('tag')
- }
- getOnceFromRegistry(name, 'addNameTag', next, cb)
- function next (er, data, json, resp) {
- if (!er) er = errorResponse(name, resp)
- if (er) return cb(er)
- log.silly('addNameTag', 'next cb for', name, 'with tag', tag)
- engineFilter(data)
- if (data['dist-tags'] && data['dist-tags'][tag] &&
- data.versions[data['dist-tags'][tag]]) {
- var ver = data['dist-tags'][tag]
- return addNamed(name, ver, data.versions[ver], cb)
- }
- if (!explicit && Object.keys(data.versions).length) {
- return addNamed(name, '*', data, cb)
- }
- er = installTargetsError(tag, data)
- return cb(er)
- }
-function engineFilter (data) {
- var npmv = npm.version
- var nodev = npm.config.get('node-version')
- var strict = npm.config.get('engine-strict')
- if (!nodev || npm.config.get('force')) return data
- Object.keys(data.versions || {}).forEach(function (v) {
- var eng = data.versions[v].engines
- if (!eng) return
- if (!strict) return
- if (eng.node && !semver.satisfies(nodev, eng.node, true) ||
- eng.npm && !semver.satisfies(npmv, eng.npm, true)) {
- delete data.versions[v]
- }
- })
-function addNameVersion (name, v, data, cb) {
- var ver = semver.valid(v, true)
- if (!ver) return cb(new Error('Invalid version: ' + v))
- var response
- if (data) {
- response = null
- return next()
- }
- getOnceFromRegistry(name, 'addNameVersion', setData, cb)
- function setData (er, d, json, resp) {
- if (!er) {
- er = errorResponse(name, resp)
- }
- if (er) return cb(er)
- data = d && d.versions[ver]
- if (!data) {
- er = new Error('version not found: ' + name + '@' + ver)
- er.package = name
- er.statusCode = 404
- return cb(er)
- }
- response = resp
- next()
- }
- function next () {
- deprCheck(data)
- var dist = data.dist
- if (!dist) return cb(new Error('No dist in ' + packageId(data) + ' package'))
- if (!dist.tarball) {
- return cb(new Error(
- 'No dist.tarball in ' + packageId(data) + ' package'
- ))
- }
- if ((response && response.statusCode !== 304) || npm.config.get('force')) {
- return fetchit()
- }
- // we got cached data, so let's see if we have a tarball.
- var pkgroot = cachedPackageRoot({ name: name, version: ver })
- var pkgtgz = path.join(pkgroot, 'package.tgz')
- var pkgjson = path.join(pkgroot, 'package', 'package.json')
- fs.stat(pkgtgz, function (er) {
- if (!er) {
- readJson(pkgjson, function (er, data) {
- if (er && er.code !== 'ENOENT' && er.code !== 'ENOTDIR') return cb(er)
- if (data) {
- if (!data.name) return cb(new Error('No name provided'))
- if (!data.version) return cb(new Error('No version provided'))
- // check the SHA of the package we have, to ensure it wasn't installed
- // from somewhere other than the registry (eg, a fork)
- if (data._shasum && dist.shasum && data._shasum !== dist.shasum) {
- return fetchit()
- }
- }
- if (er) return fetchit()
- else return cb(null, data)
- })
- } else return fetchit()
- })
- function fetchit () {
- mapToRegistry(name, npm.config, function (er, _, auth, ruri) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- // Use the same protocol as the registry. https registry --> https
- // tarballs, but only if they're the same hostname, or else detached
- // tarballs may not work.
- var tb = url.parse(dist.tarball)
- var rp = url.parse(ruri)
- if (tb.hostname === rp.hostname && tb.protocol !== rp.protocol) {
- tb.protocol = rp.protocol
- // If a different port is associated with the other protocol
- // we need to update that as well
- if (rp.port !== tb.port) {
- tb.port = rp.port
- delete tb.host
- }
- delete tb.href
- }
- tb = url.format(tb)
- // Only add non-shasum'ed packages if --forced. Only ancient things
- // would lack this for good reasons nowadays.
- if (!dist.shasum && !npm.config.get('force')) {
- return cb(new Error('package lacks shasum: ' + packageId(data)))
- }
- addRemoteTarball(tb, data, dist.shasum, auth, cb)
- })
- }
- }
-function addNameRange (name, range, data, cb) {
- range = semver.validRange(range, true)
- if (range === null) {
- return cb(new Error(
- 'Invalid version range: ' + range
- ))
- }
- log.silly('addNameRange', { name: name, range: range, hasData: !!data })
- if (data) return next()
- getOnceFromRegistry(name, 'addNameRange', setData, cb)
- function setData (er, d, json, resp) {
- if (!er) {
- er = errorResponse(name, resp)
- }
- if (er) return cb(er)
- data = d
- next()
- }
- function next () {
- log.silly(
- 'addNameRange',
- 'number 2', { name: name, range: range, hasData: !!data }
- )
- engineFilter(data)
- log.silly('addNameRange', 'versions'
- , [data.name, Object.keys(data.versions || {})])
- var versions = Object.keys(data.versions).filter(function (v) { return semver.valid(v) })
- var picked = pickManifestFromRegistryMetadata(range, npm.config.get('tag'), versions, data)
- if (picked) return addNamed(name, picked.resolvedTo, picked.manifest, cb)
- return cb(installTargetsError(range, data))
- }
-function installTargetsError (requested, data) {
- var targets = Object.keys(data['dist-tags']).filter(function (f) {
- return (data.versions || {}).hasOwnProperty(f)
- }).concat(Object.keys(data.versions || {}))
- requested = data.name + (requested ? "@'" + requested + "'" : '')
- targets = targets.length
- ? 'Valid install targets:\n' + targets.join(', ') + '\n'
- : 'No valid targets found.\n' +
- 'Perhaps not compatible with your version of node?'
- var er = new Error('No compatible version found: ' + requested + '\n' + targets)
- er.code = 'ETARGET'
- return er
-function errorResponse (name, response) {
- var er
- if (response.statusCode >= 400) {
- er = new Error(http.STATUS_CODES[response.statusCode])
- er.statusCode = response.statusCode
- er.code = 'E' + er.statusCode
- er.pkgid = name
- }
- return er
diff --git a/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-remote-git.js b/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-remote-git.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da1554f80..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-remote-git.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-var assert = require('assert')
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var path = require('path')
-var url = require('url')
-var chownr = require('chownr')
-var dezalgo = require('dezalgo')
-var hostedFromURL = require('hosted-git-info').fromUrl
-var inflight = require('inflight')
-var log = require('npmlog')
-var mkdir = require('mkdirp')
-var normalizeGitUrl = require('normalize-git-url')
-var npa = require('npm-package-arg')
-var realizePackageSpecifier = require('realize-package-specifier')
-var uniqueFilename = require('unique-filename')
-var addLocal = require('./add-local.js')
-var correctMkdir = require('../utils/correct-mkdir.js')
-var git = require('../utils/git.js')
-var npm = require('../npm.js')
-var rm = require('../utils/gently-rm.js')
-var tempFilename = require('../utils/temp-filename.js')
-var remotes = path.resolve(npm.config.get('cache'), '_git-remotes')
-var templates = path.join(remotes, '_templates')
- 'GIT_SSH',
-module.exports = addRemoteGit
-function addRemoteGit (uri, _cb) {
- assert(typeof uri === 'string', 'must have git URL')
- assert(typeof _cb === 'function', 'must have callback')
- var cb = dezalgo(_cb)
- log.verbose('addRemoteGit', 'caching', uri)
- // the URL comes in exactly as it was passed on the command line, or as
- // normalized by normalize-package-data / read-package-json / read-installed,
- // so figure out what to do with it using hosted-git-info
- var parsed = hostedFromURL(uri)
- if (parsed) {
- // normalize GitHub syntax to org/repo (for now)
- var from
- if (parsed.type === 'github' && parsed.getDefaultRepresentation() === 'shortcut') {
- from = parsed.path()
- } else {
- from = parsed.toString()
- }
- log.verbose('addRemoteGit', from, 'is a repository hosted by', parsed.type)
- // prefer explicit URLs to pushing everything through shortcuts
- if (parsed.getDefaultRepresentation() !== 'shortcut') {
- return tryClone(from, parsed.toString(), false, cb)
- }
- // try git:, then git+ssh:, then git+https: before failing
- tryGitProto(from, parsed, cb)
- } else {
- // verify that this is a Git URL before continuing
- parsed = npa(uri)
- if (parsed.type !== 'git') {
- return cb(new Error(uri + 'is not a Git or GitHub URL'))
- }
- tryClone(parsed.rawSpec, uri, false, cb)
- }
-function tryGitProto (from, hostedInfo, cb) {
- var gitURL = hostedInfo.git()
- if (!gitURL) return tryHTTPS(from, hostedInfo, cb)
- log.silly('tryGitProto', 'attempting to clone', gitURL)
- tryClone(from, gitURL, true, function (er) {
- if (er) return tryHTTPS(from, hostedInfo, cb)
- cb.apply(this, arguments)
- })
-function tryHTTPS (from, hostedInfo, cb) {
- var httpsURL = hostedInfo.https()
- if (!httpsURL) {
- return cb(new Error(from + ' can not be cloned via Git, SSH, or HTTPS'))
- }
- log.silly('tryHTTPS', 'attempting to clone', httpsURL)
- tryClone(from, httpsURL, true, function (er) {
- if (er) return trySSH(from, hostedInfo, cb)
- cb.apply(this, arguments)
- })
-function trySSH (from, hostedInfo, cb) {
- var sshURL = hostedInfo.ssh()
- if (!sshURL) return tryHTTPS(from, hostedInfo, cb)
- log.silly('trySSH', 'attempting to clone', sshURL)
- tryClone(from, sshURL, false, cb)
-function tryClone (from, combinedURL, silent, cb) {
- log.silly('tryClone', 'cloning', from, 'via', combinedURL)
- var normalized = normalizeGitUrl(combinedURL)
- var cloneURL = normalized.url
- var treeish = normalized.branch
- // ensure that similarly-named remotes don't collide
- var cachedRemote = uniqueFilename(remotes, combinedURL.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, '-'), cloneURL)
- var repoID = path.relative(remotes, cachedRemote)
- cachedRemote = path.join(remotes, repoID)
- cb = inflight(repoID, cb)
- if (!cb) {
- return log.verbose('tryClone', repoID, 'already in flight; waiting')
- }
- log.verbose('tryClone', repoID, 'not in flight; caching')
- // initialize the remotes cache with the correct perms
- getGitDir(function (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- fs.stat(cachedRemote, function (er, s) {
- if (er) return mirrorRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, silent, finish)
- if (!s.isDirectory()) return resetRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, finish)
- validateExistingRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, finish)
- })
- // always set permissions on the cached remote
- function finish (er, data) {
- if (er) return cb(er, data)
- addModeRecursive(cachedRemote, npm.modes.file, function (er) {
- return cb(er, data)
- })
- }
- })
-// don't try too hard to hold on to a remote
-function resetRemote (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb) {
- log.info('resetRemote', 'resetting', cachedRemote, 'for', from)
- rm(cachedRemote, function (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- mirrorRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, false, cb)
- })
-// reuse a cached remote when possible, but nuke it if it's in an
-// inconsistent state
-function validateExistingRemote (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb) {
- git.whichAndExec(
- ['config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'],
- { cwd: cachedRemote, env: gitEnv() },
- function (er, stdout, stderr) {
- var originURL
- if (stdout) {
- originURL = stdout.trim()
- log.silly('validateExistingRemote', from, 'remote.origin.url:', originURL)
- }
- if (stderr) stderr = stderr.trim()
- if (stderr || er) {
- log.warn('addRemoteGit', from, 'resetting remote', cachedRemote, 'because of error:', stderr || er)
- return resetRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
- } else if (cloneURL !== originURL) {
- log.warn(
- 'addRemoteGit',
- from,
- 'pre-existing cached repo', cachedRemote, 'points to', originURL, 'and not', cloneURL
- )
- return resetRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
- }
- log.verbose('validateExistingRemote', from, 'is updating existing cached remote', cachedRemote)
- updateRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
- }
- )
-// make a complete bare mirror of the remote repo
-// NOTE: npm uses a blank template directory to prevent weird inconsistencies
-// https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/5867
-function mirrorRemote (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, silent, cb) {
- mkdir(cachedRemote, function (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- var args = [
- 'clone',
- '--template=' + templates,
- '--mirror',
- cloneURL, cachedRemote
- ]
- git.whichAndExec(
- ['clone', '--template=' + templates, '--mirror', cloneURL, cachedRemote],
- { cwd: cachedRemote, env: gitEnv() },
- function (er, stdout, stderr) {
- if (er) {
- var combined = (stdout + '\n' + stderr).trim()
- var command = 'git ' + args.join(' ') + ':'
- if (silent) {
- log.verbose(command, combined)
- } else {
- log.error(command, combined)
- }
- return cb(er)
- }
- log.verbose('mirrorRemote', from, 'git clone ' + cloneURL, stdout.trim())
- setPermissions(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
- }
- )
- })
-function setPermissions (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb) {
- if (process.platform === 'win32') {
- log.verbose('setPermissions', from, 'skipping chownr on Windows')
- resolveHead(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
- } else {
- getGitDir(function (er, cs) {
- if (er) {
- log.error('setPermissions', from, 'could not get cache stat')
- return cb(er)
- }
- chownr(cachedRemote, cs.uid, cs.gid, function (er) {
- if (er) {
- log.error(
- 'setPermissions',
- 'Failed to change git repository ownership under npm cache for',
- cachedRemote
- )
- return cb(er)
- }
- log.verbose('setPermissions', from, 'set permissions on', cachedRemote)
- resolveHead(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
- })
- })
- }
-// always fetch the origin, even right after mirroring, because this way
-// permissions will get set correctly
-function updateRemote (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb) {
- git.whichAndExec(
- ['fetch', '-a', 'origin'],
- { cwd: cachedRemote, env: gitEnv() },
- function (er, stdout, stderr) {
- if (er) {
- var combined = (stdout + '\n' + stderr).trim()
- log.error('git fetch -a origin (' + cloneURL + ')', combined)
- return cb(er)
- }
- log.verbose('updateRemote', 'git fetch -a origin (' + cloneURL + ')', stdout.trim())
- setPermissions(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
- }
- )
-// branches and tags are both symbolic labels that can be attached to different
-// commits, so resolve the commit-ish to the current actual treeish the label
-// corresponds to
-// important for shrinkwrap
-function resolveHead (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb) {
- log.verbose('resolveHead', from, 'original treeish:', treeish)
- var args = ['rev-list', '-n1', treeish]
- git.whichAndExec(
- args,
- { cwd: cachedRemote, env: gitEnv() },
- function (er, stdout, stderr) {
- if (er) {
- log.error('git ' + args.join(' ') + ':', stderr)
- return cb(er)
- }
- var resolvedTreeish = stdout.trim()
- log.silly('resolveHead', from, 'resolved treeish:', resolvedTreeish)
- var resolvedURL = getResolved(cloneURL, resolvedTreeish)
- if (!resolvedURL) {
- return cb(new Error(
- 'unable to clone ' + from + ' because git clone string ' +
- cloneURL + ' is in a form npm can\'t handle'
- ))
- }
- log.verbose('resolveHead', from, 'resolved Git URL:', resolvedURL)
- // generate a unique filename
- var tmpdir = path.join(tempFilename('git-cache'), resolvedTreeish)
- log.silly('resolveHead', 'Git working directory:', tmpdir)
- mkdir(tmpdir, function (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- cloneResolved(from, resolvedURL, resolvedTreeish, cachedRemote, tmpdir, cb)
- })
- }
- )
-// make a clone from the mirrored cache so we have a temporary directory in
-// which we can check out the resolved treeish
-function cloneResolved (from, resolvedURL, resolvedTreeish, cachedRemote, tmpdir, cb) {
- var args = ['clone', cachedRemote, tmpdir]
- git.whichAndExec(
- args,
- { cwd: cachedRemote, env: gitEnv() },
- function (er, stdout, stderr) {
- stdout = (stdout + '\n' + stderr).trim()
- if (er) {
- log.error('git ' + args.join(' ') + ':', stderr)
- return cb(er)
- }
- log.verbose('cloneResolved', from, 'clone', stdout)
- checkoutTreeish(from, resolvedURL, resolvedTreeish, tmpdir, cb)
- }
- )
-// there is no safe way to do a one-step clone to a treeish that isn't
-// guaranteed to be a branch, so explicitly check out the treeish once it's
-// cloned
-function checkoutTreeish (from, resolvedURL, resolvedTreeish, tmpdir, cb) {
- var args = ['checkout', resolvedTreeish]
- git.whichAndExec(
- args,
- { cwd: tmpdir, env: gitEnv() },
- function (er, stdout, stderr) {
- stdout = (stdout + '\n' + stderr).trim()
- if (er) {
- log.error('git ' + args.join(' ') + ':', stderr)
- return cb(er)
- }
- log.verbose('checkoutTreeish', from, 'checkout', stdout)
- updateSubmodules(from, resolvedURL, tmpdir, cb)
- }
- )
-function updateSubmodules (from, resolvedURL, tmpdir, cb) {
- var args = ['submodule', '-q', 'update', '--init', '--recursive']
- git.whichAndExec(
- args,
- { cwd: tmpdir, env: gitEnv() },
- function (er, stdout, stderr) {
- stdout = (stdout + '\n' + stderr).trim()
- if (er) {
- log.error('git ' + args.join(' ') + ':', stderr)
- return cb(er)
- }
- log.verbose('updateSubmodules', from, 'submodule update', stdout)
- // convince addLocal that the checkout is a local dependency
- realizePackageSpecifier(tmpdir, function (er, spec) {
- if (er) {
- log.error('addRemoteGit', 'Failed to map', tmpdir, 'to a package specifier')
- return cb(er)
- }
- // ensure pack logic is applied
- // https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/6400
- addLocal(spec, null, function (er, data) {
- if (data) {
- if (npm.config.get('save-exact')) {
- log.verbose('addRemoteGit', 'data._from:', resolvedURL, '(save-exact)')
- data._from = resolvedURL
- } else {
- log.verbose('addRemoteGit', 'data._from:', from)
- data._from = from
- }
- log.verbose('addRemoteGit', 'data._resolved:', resolvedURL)
- data._resolved = resolvedURL
- }
- cb(er, data)
- })
- })
- }
- )
-function getGitDir (cb) {
- correctMkdir(remotes, function (er, stats) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- // We don't need global templates when cloning. Use an empty directory for
- // the templates, creating it (and setting its permissions) if necessary.
- mkdir(templates, function (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- // Ensure that both the template and remotes directories have the correct
- // permissions.
- fs.chown(templates, stats.uid, stats.gid, function (er) {
- cb(er, stats)
- })
- })
- })
-var gitEnv_
-function gitEnv () {
- // git responds to env vars in some weird ways in post-receive hooks
- // so don't carry those along.
- if (gitEnv_) return gitEnv_
- // allow users to override npm's insistence on not prompting for
- // passphrases, but default to just failing when credentials
- // aren't available
- gitEnv_ = { GIT_ASKPASS: 'echo' }
- for (var k in process.env) {
- if (!~VALID_VARIABLES.indexOf(k) && k.match(/^GIT/)) continue
- gitEnv_[k] = process.env[k]
- }
- return gitEnv_
-addRemoteGit.getResolved = getResolved
-function getResolved (uri, treeish) {
- // normalize hosted-git-info clone URLs back into regular URLs
- // this will only work on URLs that hosted-git-info recognizes
- // https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/7961
- var rehydrated = hostedFromURL(uri)
- if (rehydrated) uri = rehydrated.toString()
- var parsed = url.parse(uri)
- // Checks for known protocols:
- // http:, https:, ssh:, and git:, with optional git+ prefix.
- if (!parsed.protocol ||
- !parsed.protocol.match(/^(((git\+)?(https?|ssh|file))|git|file):$/)) {
- uri = 'git+ssh://' + uri
- }
- if (!/^git[+:]/.test(uri)) {
- uri = 'git+' + uri
- }
- // Not all URIs are actually URIs, so use regex for the treeish.
- return uri.replace(/(?:#.*)?$/, '#' + treeish)
-// similar to chmodr except it add permissions rather than overwriting them
-// adapted from https://github.com/isaacs/chmodr/blob/master/chmodr.js
-function addModeRecursive (cachedRemote, mode, cb) {
- fs.readdir(cachedRemote, function (er, children) {
- // Any error other than ENOTDIR means it's not readable, or doesn't exist.
- // Give up.
- if (er && er.code !== 'ENOTDIR') return cb(er)
- if (er || !children.length) return addMode(cachedRemote, mode, cb)
- var len = children.length
- var errState = null
- children.forEach(function (child) {
- addModeRecursive(path.resolve(cachedRemote, child), mode, then)
- })
- function then (er) {
- if (errState) return undefined
- if (er) return cb(errState = er)
- if (--len === 0) return addMode(cachedRemote, dirMode(mode), cb)
- }
- })
-function addMode (cachedRemote, mode, cb) {
- fs.stat(cachedRemote, function (er, stats) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- mode = stats.mode | mode
- fs.chmod(cachedRemote, mode, cb)
- })
-// taken from https://github.com/isaacs/chmodr/blob/master/chmodr.js
-function dirMode (mode) {
- if (mode & parseInt('0400', 8)) mode |= parseInt('0100', 8)
- if (mode & parseInt('040', 8)) mode |= parseInt('010', 8)
- if (mode & parseInt('04', 8)) mode |= parseInt('01', 8)
- return mode
diff --git a/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-remote-tarball.js b/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-remote-tarball.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 90296c111f..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/lib/cache/add-remote-tarball.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-var mkdir = require('mkdirp')
-var assert = require('assert')
-var log = require('npmlog')
-var path = require('path')
-var sha = require('sha')
-var retry = require('retry')
-var writeStreamAtomic = require('fs-write-stream-atomic')
-var PassThrough = require('readable-stream').PassThrough
-var npm = require('../npm.js')
-var inflight = require('inflight')
-var addLocalTarball = require('./add-local-tarball.js')
-var cacheFile = require('npm-cache-filename')
-var rimraf = require('rimraf')
-var pulseTillDone = require('../utils/pulse-till-done.js')
-module.exports = addRemoteTarball
-function addRemoteTarball (u, pkgData, shasum, auth, cb_) {
- assert(typeof u === 'string', 'must have module URL')
- assert(typeof cb_ === 'function', 'must have callback')
- function cb (er, data) {
- if (data) {
- data._from = u
- data._resolved = u
- data._shasum = data._shasum || shasum
- }
- cb_(er, data)
- }
- cb_ = inflight(u, cb_)
- if (!cb_) return log.verbose('addRemoteTarball', u, 'already in flight; waiting')
- log.verbose('addRemoteTarball', u, 'not in flight; adding')
- // XXX Fetch direct to cache location, store tarballs under
- // ${cache}/registry.npmjs.org/pkg/-/pkg-1.2.3.tgz
- var tmp = cacheFile(npm.tmp, u)
- function next (er, resp, shasum) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- addLocalTarball(tmp, pkgData, shasum, cleanup)
- }
- function cleanup (er, data) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- rimraf(tmp, function () {
- cb(er, data)
- })
- }
- log.verbose('addRemoteTarball', [u, shasum])
- mkdir(path.dirname(tmp), function (er) {
- if (er) return cb(er)
- addRemoteTarball_(u, tmp, shasum, auth, next)
- })
-function addRemoteTarball_ (u, tmp, shasum, auth, cb) {
- // Tuned to spread 3 attempts over about a minute.
- // See formula at <https://github.com/tim-kos/node-retry>.
- var operation = retry.operation({
- retries: npm.config.get('fetch-retries'),
- factor: npm.config.get('fetch-retry-factor'),
- minTimeout: npm.config.get('fetch-retry-mintimeout'),
- maxTimeout: npm.config.get('fetch-retry-maxtimeout')
- })
- operation.attempt(function (currentAttempt) {
- log.info(
- 'retry',
- 'fetch attempt', currentAttempt,
- 'at', (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()
- )
- fetchAndShaCheck(u, tmp, shasum, auth, function (er, response, shasum) {
- // Only retry on 408, 5xx or no `response`.
- var sc = response && response.statusCode
- var statusRetry = !sc || (sc === 408 || sc >= 500)
- if (er && statusRetry && operation.retry(er)) {
- log.warn('retry', 'will retry, error on last attempt: ' + er)
- return
- }
- cb(er, response, shasum)
- })
- })
-function fetchAndShaCheck (u, tmp, shasum, auth, cb) {
- cb = pulseTillDone('fetchTarball', cb)
- npm.registry.fetch(u, { auth: auth }, function (er, response) {
- if (er) {
- log.error('fetch failed', u)
- return cb(er, response)
- }
- var tarball = writeStreamAtomic(tmp, { mode: npm.modes.file })
- tarball.on('error', function (er) {
- cb(er)
- tarball.destroy()
- })
- tarball.on('finish', function () {
- if (!shasum) {
- // Well, we weren't given a shasum, so at least sha what we have
- // in case we want to compare it to something else later
- return sha.get(tmp, function (er, shasum) {
- log.silly('fetchAndShaCheck', 'shasum', shasum)
- cb(er, response, shasum)
- })
- }
- // validate that the url we just downloaded matches the expected shasum.
- log.silly('fetchAndShaCheck', 'shasum', shasum)
- sha.check(tmp, shasum, function (er) {
- if (er && er.message) {
- // add original filename for better debuggability
- er.message = er.message + '\n' + 'From: ' + u
- }
- return cb(er, response, shasum)
- })
- })
- // 0.8 http streams have a bug, where if they're paused with data in
- // their buffers when the socket closes, they call `end` before emptying
- // those buffers, which results in the entire pipeline ending and thus
- // the point that applied backpressure never being able to trigger a
- // `resume`.
- // We work around this by piping into a pass through stream that has
- // unlimited buffering. The pass through stream is from readable-stream
- // and is thus a current streams3 implementation that is free of these
- // bugs even on 0.8.
- response.pipe(PassThrough({highWaterMark: Infinity})).pipe(tarball)
- })
diff --git a/deps/npm/lib/cache/cached-package-root.js b/deps/npm/lib/cache/cached-package-root.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b47fac6c9e..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/lib/cache/cached-package-root.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-var assert = require('assert')
-var resolve = require('path').resolve
-var npm = require('../npm.js')
-module.exports = getCacheRoot
-function getCacheRoot (data) {
- assert(data, 'must pass package metadata')
- assert(data.name, 'package metadata must include name')
- assert(data.version, 'package metadata must include version')
- return resolve(npm.cache, data.name, data.version)
diff --git a/deps/npm/lib/cache/caching-client.js b/deps/npm/lib/cache/caching-client.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 61fb83b311..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/lib/cache/caching-client.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = CachingRegistryClient
-var path = require('path')
-var fs = require('graceful-fs')
-var url = require('url')
-var assert = require('assert')
-var inherits = require('util').inherits
-var RegistryClient = require('npm-registry-client')
-var npm = require('../npm.js')
-var log = require('npmlog')
-var getCacheStat = require('./get-stat.js')
-var cacheFile = require('npm-cache-filename')
-var mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
-var rimraf = require('rimraf')
-var chownr = require('chownr')
-var writeFile = require('write-file-atomic')
-var parseJSON = require('../utils/parse-json')
-function CachingRegistryClient (config) {
- RegistryClient.call(this, adaptConfig(config))
- this._mapToCache = cacheFile(config.get('cache'))
- // swizzle in our custom cache invalidation logic
- this._request = this.request
- this.request = this._invalidatingRequest
- this.get = get
-inherits(CachingRegistryClient, RegistryClient)
-CachingRegistryClient.prototype._invalidatingRequest = function (uri, params, cb) {
- var client = this
- this._request(uri, params, function () {
- var args = arguments
- var method = params.method
- if (method !== 'HEAD' && method !== 'GET') {
- var invalidated = client._mapToCache(uri)
- // invalidate cache
- //
- // This is irrelevant for commands that do etag / last-modified caching,
- // but ls and view also have a timed cache, so this keeps the user from
- // thinking that it didn't work when it did.
- // Note that failure is an acceptable option here, since the only
- // result will be a stale cache for some helper commands.
- log.verbose('request', 'invalidating', invalidated, 'on', method)
- return rimraf(invalidated, function () {
- cb.apply(undefined, args)
- })
- }
- cb.apply(undefined, args)
- })
-function get (uri, params, cb) {
- assert(typeof uri === 'string', 'must pass registry URI to get')
- assert(params && typeof params === 'object', 'must pass params to get')
- assert(typeof cb === 'function', 'must pass callback to get')
- var parsed = url.parse(uri)
- assert(
- parsed.protocol === 'http:' || parsed.protocol === 'https:',
- 'must have a URL that starts with http: or https:'
- )
- var cacheBase = cacheFile(npm.config.get('cache'))(uri)
- var cachePath = path.join(cacheBase, '.cache.json')
- // If the GET is part of a write operation (PUT or DELETE), then
- // skip past the cache entirely, but still save the results.
- if (uri.match(/\?write=true$/)) {
- log.verbose('get', 'GET as part of write; not caching result')
- return get_.call(this, uri, cachePath, params, cb)
- }
- if (params.skipCache) {
- return get_.call(this, uri, cachePath, params, cb)
- }
- var client = this
- fs.stat(cachePath, function (er, stat) {
- if (!er) {
- fs.readFile(cachePath, function (er, data) {
- data = parseJSON.noExceptions(data)
- params.stat = stat
- params.data = data
- get_.call(client, uri, cachePath, params, cb)
- })
- } else {
- get_.call(client, uri, cachePath, params, cb)
- }
- })
-function get_ (uri, cachePath, params, cb) {
- var staleOk = params.staleOk === undefined ? false : params.staleOk
- var timeout = params.timeout === undefined ? -1 : params.timeout
- var data = params.data
- var stat = params.stat
- var etag
- var lastModified
- timeout = Math.min(timeout, npm.config.get('cache-max') || 0)
- timeout = Math.max(timeout, npm.config.get('cache-min') || -Infinity)
- if (process.env.COMP_CWORD !== undefined &&
- process.env.COMP_LINE !== undefined &&
- process.env.COMP_POINT !== undefined) {
- timeout = Math.max(timeout, 60000)
- }
- if (data) {
- if (data._etag) etag = data._etag
- if (data._lastModified) lastModified = data._lastModified
- data._cached = true
- if (stat && timeout && timeout > 0) {
- if ((Date.now() - stat.mtime.getTime()) / 1000 < timeout) {
- log.verbose('get', uri, 'not expired, no request')
- delete data._etag
- delete data._lastModified
- return cb(null, data, JSON.stringify(data), { statusCode: 304 })
- }
- if (staleOk) {
- log.verbose('get', uri, 'staleOk, background update')
- delete data._etag
- delete data._lastModified
- process.nextTick(
- cb.bind(null, null, data, JSON.stringify(data), { statusCode: 304 })
- )
- cb = function () {}
- }
- }
- }
- var options = {
- etag: etag,
- lastModified: lastModified,
- follow: params.follow,
- auth: params.auth
- }
- this.request(uri, options, function (er, remoteData, raw, response) {
- // if we get an error talking to the registry, but we have it
- // from the cache, then just pretend we got it.
- if (er && cachePath && data && !data.error) {
- er = null
- response = { statusCode: 304 }
- }
- if (response) {
- log.silly('get', 'cb', [response.statusCode, response.headers])
- if (response.statusCode === 304 && (etag || lastModified)) {
- remoteData = data
- log.verbose(etag ? 'etag' : 'lastModified', uri + ' from cache')
- }
- }
- data = remoteData
- if (!data) er = er || new Error('failed to fetch from registry: ' + uri)
- if (er) return cb(er, data, raw, response)
- saveToCache(cachePath, data, saved)
- // just give the write the old college try. if it fails, whatever.
- function saved () {
- delete data._etag
- delete data._lastModified
- cb(er, data, raw, response)
- }
- function saveToCache (cachePath, data, saved) {
- log.verbose('get', 'saving', data.name, 'to', cachePath)
- getCacheStat(function (er, st) {
- mkdirp(path.dirname(cachePath), function (er, made) {
- if (er) return saved()
- writeFile(cachePath, JSON.stringify(data), function (er) {
- if (er) return saved()
- chownr(made || cachePath, st.uid, st.gid, saved)
- })
- })
- })
- }
- })
-function adaptConfig (config) {
- return {
- proxy: {
- http: config.get('proxy'),
- https: config.get('https-proxy'),
- localAddress: config.get('local-address')
- },
- ssl: {
- certificate: config.get('cert'),
- key: config.get('key'),
- ca: config.get('ca'),
- strict: config.get('strict-ssl')
- },
- retry: {
- retries: config.get('fetch-retries'),
- factor: config.get('fetch-retry-factor'),
- minTimeout: config.get('fetch-retry-mintimeout'),
- maxTimeout: config.get('fetch-retry-maxtimeout')
- },
- userAgent: config.get('user-agent'),
- log: log,
- defaultTag: config.get('tag'),
- couchToken: config.get('_token'),
- maxSockets: config.get('maxsockets'),
- scope: npm.projectScope
- }
diff --git a/deps/npm/lib/cache/get-stat.js b/deps/npm/lib/cache/get-stat.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ea797a4da..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/lib/cache/get-stat.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-var npm = require('../npm.js')
-var correctMkdir = require('../utils/correct-mkdir.js')
-module.exports = function getCacheStat (cb) {
- correctMkdir(npm.cache, cb)