path: root/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/measfmt.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/icu-small/source/i18n/measfmt.cpp')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/measfmt.cpp b/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/measfmt.cpp
index 03e4417e64..47ffb140cf 100644
--- a/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/measfmt.cpp
+++ b/deps/icu-small/source/i18n/measfmt.cpp
@@ -55,28 +55,23 @@ UOBJECT_DEFINE_RTTI_IMPLEMENTATION(MeasureFormat)
class NumericDateFormatters : public UMemory {
// Formats like H:mm
- SimpleDateFormat hourMinute;
+ UnicodeString hourMinute;
// formats like M:ss
- SimpleDateFormat minuteSecond;
+ UnicodeString minuteSecond;
// formats like H:mm:ss
- SimpleDateFormat hourMinuteSecond;
+ UnicodeString hourMinuteSecond;
// Constructor that takes the actual patterns for hour-minute,
// minute-second, and hour-minute-second respectively.
const UnicodeString &hm,
const UnicodeString &ms,
- const UnicodeString &hms,
- UErrorCode &status) :
- hourMinute(hm, status),
- minuteSecond(ms, status),
- hourMinuteSecond(hms, status) {
- const TimeZone *gmt = TimeZone::getGMT();
- hourMinute.setTimeZone(*gmt);
- minuteSecond.setTimeZone(*gmt);
- hourMinuteSecond.setTimeZone(*gmt);
+ const UnicodeString &hms) :
+ hourMinute(hm),
+ minuteSecond(ms),
+ hourMinuteSecond(hms) {
NumericDateFormatters(const NumericDateFormatters &other);
@@ -233,8 +228,7 @@ static NumericDateFormatters *loadNumericDateFormatters(
NumericDateFormatters *result = new NumericDateFormatters(
loadNumericDateFormatterPattern(resource, "hm", status),
loadNumericDateFormatterPattern(resource, "ms", status),
- loadNumericDateFormatterPattern(resource, "hms", status),
- status);
+ loadNumericDateFormatterPattern(resource, "hms", status));
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
delete result;
return NULL;
@@ -466,7 +460,7 @@ UBool MeasureFormat::operator==(const Format &other) const {
**numberFormat == **rhs.numberFormat);
-Format *MeasureFormat::clone() const {
+MeasureFormat *MeasureFormat::clone() const {
return new MeasureFormat(*this);
@@ -691,9 +685,19 @@ UnicodeString &MeasureFormat::formatMeasure(
auto* df = dynamic_cast<const DecimalFormat*>(&nf);
if (df == nullptr) {
- // Don't know how to handle other types of NumberFormat
- return appendTo;
+ // Handle other types of NumberFormat using the ICU 63 code, modified to
+ // get the unitPattern from LongNameHandler and handle fallback to OTHER.
+ UnicodeString formattedNumber;
+ StandardPlural::Form pluralForm = QuantityFormatter::selectPlural(
+ amtNumber, nf, **pluralRules, formattedNumber, pos, status);
+ UnicodeString pattern = number::impl::LongNameHandler::getUnitPattern(getLocale(status),
+ amtUnit, getUnitWidth(fWidth), pluralForm, status);
+ // The above handles fallback from other widths to short, and from other plural forms to OTHER
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return appendTo;
+ }
+ SimpleFormatter formatter(pattern, 0, 1, status);
+ return QuantityFormatter::format(formatter, formattedNumber, appendTo, pos, status);
number::FormattedNumber result;
if (auto* lnf = df->toNumberFormatter(status)) {
@@ -706,135 +710,112 @@ UnicodeString &MeasureFormat::formatMeasure(
return appendTo;
-// Formats hours-minutes-seconds as 5:37:23 or similar.
+// Formats numeric time duration as 5:00:47 or 3:54.
UnicodeString &MeasureFormat::formatNumeric(
const Formattable *hms, // always length 3
- int32_t bitMap, // 1=hourset, 2=minuteset, 4=secondset
+ int32_t bitMap, // 1=hour set, 2=minute set, 4=second set
UnicodeString &appendTo,
UErrorCode &status) const {
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
return appendTo;
- UDate millis =
- (UDate) (((uprv_trunc(hms[0].getDouble(status)) * 60.0
- + uprv_trunc(hms[1].getDouble(status))) * 60.0
- + uprv_trunc(hms[2].getDouble(status))) * 1000.0);
- switch (bitMap) {
- case 5: // hs
- case 7: // hms
- return formatNumeric(
- millis,
- cache->getNumericDateFormatters()->hourMinuteSecond,
- hms[2],
- appendTo,
- status);
- break;
- case 6: // ms
- return formatNumeric(
- millis,
- cache->getNumericDateFormatters()->minuteSecond,
- hms[2],
- appendTo,
- status);
- break;
- case 3: // hm
- return formatNumeric(
- millis,
- cache->getNumericDateFormatters()->hourMinute,
- hms[1],
- appendTo,
- status);
- break;
- default:
- return appendTo;
- break;
- }
-static void appendRange(
- const UnicodeString &src,
- int32_t start,
- int32_t end,
- UnicodeString &dest) {
- dest.append(src, start, end - start);
-static void appendRange(
- const UnicodeString &src,
- int32_t end,
- UnicodeString &dest) {
- dest.append(src, end, src.length() - end);
+ UnicodeString pattern;
-// Formats time like 5:37:23
-UnicodeString &MeasureFormat::formatNumeric(
- UDate date, // Time since epoch 1:30:00 would be 5400000
- const DateFormat &dateFmt, // h:mm, m:ss, or h:mm:ss
- UDateFormatField smallestField, // seconds in 5:37:23.5
- const Formattable &smallestAmount, // 23.5 for 5:37:23.5
- UnicodeString &appendTo,
- UErrorCode &status) const {
+ double hours = hms[0].getDouble(status);
+ double minutes = hms[1].getDouble(status);
+ double seconds = hms[2].getDouble(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
return appendTo;
- // Format the smallest amount with this object's NumberFormat
- UnicodeString smallestAmountFormatted;
- // We keep track of the integer part of smallest amount so that
- // we can replace it later so that we get '0:00:09.3' instead of
- // '0:00:9.3'
- FieldPosition intFieldPosition(UNUM_INTEGER_FIELD);
- (*numberFormat)->format(
- smallestAmount, smallestAmountFormatted, intFieldPosition, status);
- if (
- intFieldPosition.getBeginIndex() == 0 &&
- intFieldPosition.getEndIndex() == 0) {
+ // All possible combinations: "h", "m", "s", "hm", "hs", "ms", "hms"
+ if (bitMap == 5 || bitMap == 7) { // "hms" & "hs" (we add minutes if "hs")
+ pattern = cache->getNumericDateFormatters()->hourMinuteSecond;
+ hours = uprv_trunc(hours);
+ minutes = uprv_trunc(minutes);
+ } else if (bitMap == 3) { // "hm"
+ pattern = cache->getNumericDateFormatters()->hourMinute;
+ hours = uprv_trunc(hours);
+ } else if (bitMap == 6) { // "ms"
+ pattern = cache->getNumericDateFormatters()->minuteSecond;
+ minutes = uprv_trunc(minutes);
+ } else { // h m s, handled outside formatNumeric. No value is also an error.
return appendTo;
- // Format time. draft becomes something like '5:30:45'
- // #13606: DateFormat is not thread-safe, but MeasureFormat advertises itself as thread-safe.
- FieldPosition smallestFieldPosition(smallestField);
- UnicodeString draft;
- static UMutex dateFmtMutex = U_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
- umtx_lock(&dateFmtMutex);
- dateFmt.format(date, draft, smallestFieldPosition, status);
- umtx_unlock(&dateFmtMutex);
- // If we find field for smallest amount replace it with the formatted
- // smallest amount from above taking care to replace the integer part
- // with what is in original time. For example, If smallest amount
- // is 9.35s and the formatted time is 0:00:09 then 9.35 becomes 09.35
- // and replacing yields 0:00:09.35
- if (smallestFieldPosition.getBeginIndex() != 0 ||
- smallestFieldPosition.getEndIndex() != 0) {
- appendRange(draft, 0, smallestFieldPosition.getBeginIndex(), appendTo);
- appendRange(
- smallestAmountFormatted,
- 0,
- intFieldPosition.getBeginIndex(),
- appendTo);
- appendRange(
- draft,
- smallestFieldPosition.getBeginIndex(),
- smallestFieldPosition.getEndIndex(),
- appendTo);
- appendRange(
- smallestAmountFormatted,
- intFieldPosition.getEndIndex(),
- appendTo);
- appendRange(
- draft,
- smallestFieldPosition.getEndIndex(),
- appendTo);
+ const DecimalFormat *numberFormatter = dynamic_cast<const DecimalFormat*>(numberFormat->get());
+ if (!numberFormatter) {
+ return appendTo;
+ }
+ number::LocalizedNumberFormatter numberFormatter2;
+ if (auto* lnf = numberFormatter->toNumberFormatter(status)) {
+ numberFormatter2 = lnf->integerWidth(number::IntegerWidth::zeroFillTo(2));
} else {
- appendTo.append(draft);
+ return appendTo;
+ FormattedStringBuilder fsb;
+ UBool protect = FALSE;
+ const int32_t patternLength = pattern.length();
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < patternLength; i++) {
+ char16_t c = pattern[i];
+ // Also set the proper field in this switch
+ // We don't use DateFormat.Field because this is not a date / time, is a duration.
+ double value = 0;
+ switch (c) {
+ case u'H': value = hours; break;
+ case u'm': value = minutes; break;
+ case u's': value = seconds; break;
+ }
+ // For undefined field we use UNUM_FIELD_COUNT, for historical reasons.
+ // See cleanup bug:
+ // But we give it a clear name, to keep "the ugly part" in one place.
+ constexpr UNumberFormatFields undefinedField = UNUM_FIELD_COUNT;
+ // There is not enough info to add Field(s) for the unit because all we have are plain
+ // text patterns. For example in "21:51" there is no text for something like "hour",
+ // while in something like "21h51" there is ("h"). But we can't really tell...
+ switch (c) {
+ case u'H':
+ case u'm':
+ case u's':
+ if (protect) {
+ fsb.appendChar16(c, undefinedField, status);
+ } else {
+ UnicodeString tmp;
+ if ((i + 1 < patternLength) && pattern[i + 1] == c) { // doubled
+ tmp = numberFormatter2.formatDouble(value, status).toString(status);
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ numberFormatter->format(value, tmp, status);
+ }
+ // TODO: Use proper Field
+ fsb.append(tmp, undefinedField, status);
+ }
+ break;
+ case u'\'':
+ // '' is escaped apostrophe
+ if ((i + 1 < patternLength) && pattern[i + 1] == c) {
+ fsb.appendChar16(c, undefinedField, status);
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ protect = !protect;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fsb.appendChar16(c, undefinedField, status);
+ }
+ }
+ appendTo.append(fsb.toTempUnicodeString());
return appendTo;