path: root/tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/rxjs/src/internal/observable/zip.ts
diff options
authorRich Trott <rtrott@gmail.com>2019-05-16 02:41:40 -0700
committerRich Trott <rtrott@gmail.com>2019-05-18 19:03:17 -0700
commit7bdd8d6e98d375a8f4a66d741642af68f5ce562d (patch)
tree9b3aaa58013bae10e0eda29bc7755ddf025adff6 /tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/rxjs/src/internal/observable/zip.ts
parentbfbc035033e4cedbe039a9757da693c50ac44c5c (diff)
tools: remove unneeded dependency files
The new version of dmn more effectively cleans unneeded dependency files. (Thanks, BridgeAR!) It's now in the udpate-*.sh files but run it manually to get the benefits now (and to have a smaller diff when we update). PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/27730 Reviewed-By: Michaƫl Zasso <targos@protonmail.com> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <ruben@bridgewater.de> Reviewed-By: Yongsheng Zhang <zyszys98@gmail.com> Reviewed-By: Roman Reiss <me@silverwind.io> Reviewed-By: Luigi Pinca <luigipinca@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/rxjs/src/internal/observable/zip.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 330 deletions
diff --git a/tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/rxjs/src/internal/observable/zip.ts b/tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/rxjs/src/internal/observable/zip.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 18a0cce688..0000000000
--- a/tools/node_modules/eslint/node_modules/rxjs/src/internal/observable/zip.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-import { Observable } from '../Observable';
-import { fromArray } from './fromArray';
-import { isArray } from '../util/isArray';
-import { Operator } from '../Operator';
-import { ObservableInput, PartialObserver, ObservedValueOf } from '../types';
-import { Subscriber } from '../Subscriber';
-import { Subscription } from '../Subscription';
-import { OuterSubscriber } from '../OuterSubscriber';
-import { InnerSubscriber } from '../InnerSubscriber';
-import { subscribeToResult } from '../util/subscribeToResult';
-import { iterator as Symbol_iterator } from '../../internal/symbol/iterator';
-/* tslint:disable:max-line-length */
-/** @deprecated resultSelector is no longer supported, pipe to map instead */
-export function zip<O1 extends ObservableInput<any>, R>(v1: O1, resultSelector: (v1: ObservedValueOf<O1>) => R): Observable<R>;
-/** @deprecated resultSelector is no longer supported, pipe to map instead */
-export function zip<O1 extends ObservableInput<any>, O2 extends ObservableInput<any>, R>(v1: O1, v2: O2, resultSelector: (v1: ObservedValueOf<O1>, v2: ObservedValueOf<O2>) => R): Observable<R>;
-/** @deprecated resultSelector is no longer supported, pipe to map instead */
-export function zip<O1 extends ObservableInput<any>, O2 extends ObservableInput<any>, O3 extends ObservableInput<any>, R>(v1: O1, v2: O2, v3: O3, resultSelector: (v1: ObservedValueOf<O1>, v2: ObservedValueOf<O2>, v3: ObservedValueOf<O3>) => R): Observable<R>;
-/** @deprecated resultSelector is no longer supported, pipe to map instead */
-export function zip<O1 extends ObservableInput<any>, O2 extends ObservableInput<any>, O3 extends ObservableInput<any>, O4 extends ObservableInput<any>, R>(v1: O1, v2: O2, v3: O3, v4: O4, resultSelector: (v1: ObservedValueOf<O1>, v2: ObservedValueOf<O2>, v3: ObservedValueOf<O3>, v4: ObservedValueOf<O4>) => R): Observable<R>;
-/** @deprecated resultSelector is no longer supported, pipe to map instead */
-export function zip<O1 extends ObservableInput<any>, O2 extends ObservableInput<any>, O3 extends ObservableInput<any>, O4 extends ObservableInput<any>, O5 extends ObservableInput<any>, R>(v1: O1, v2: O2, v3: O3, v4: O4, v5: O5, resultSelector: (v1: ObservedValueOf<O1>, v2: ObservedValueOf<O2>, v3: ObservedValueOf<O3>, v4: ObservedValueOf<O4>, v5: ObservedValueOf<O5>) => R): Observable<R>;
-/** @deprecated resultSelector is no longer supported, pipe to map instead */
-export function zip<O1 extends ObservableInput<any>, O2 extends ObservableInput<any>, O3 extends ObservableInput<any>, O4 extends ObservableInput<any>, O5 extends ObservableInput<any>, O6 extends ObservableInput<any>, R>(v1: O1, v2: O2, v3: O3, v4: O4, v5: O5, v6: O6, resultSelector: (v1: ObservedValueOf<O1>, v2: ObservedValueOf<O2>, v3: ObservedValueOf<O3>, v4: ObservedValueOf<O4>, v5: ObservedValueOf<O5>, v6: ObservedValueOf<O6>) => R): Observable<R>;
-export function zip<O1 extends ObservableInput<any>, O2 extends ObservableInput<any>>(v1: O1, v2: O2): Observable<[ObservedValueOf<O1>, ObservedValueOf<O2>]>;
-export function zip<O1 extends ObservableInput<any>, O2 extends ObservableInput<any>, O3 extends ObservableInput<any>>(v1: O1, v2: O2, v3: O3): Observable<[ObservedValueOf<O1>, ObservedValueOf<O2>, ObservedValueOf<O3>]>;
-export function zip<O1 extends ObservableInput<any>, O2 extends ObservableInput<any>, O3 extends ObservableInput<any>, O4 extends ObservableInput<any>>(v1: O1, v2: O2, v3: O3, v4: O4): Observable<[ObservedValueOf<O1>, ObservedValueOf<O2>, ObservedValueOf<O3>, ObservedValueOf<O4>]>;
-export function zip<O1 extends ObservableInput<any>, O2 extends ObservableInput<any>, O3 extends ObservableInput<any>, O4 extends ObservableInput<any>, O5 extends ObservableInput<any>>(v1: O1, v2: O2, v3: O3, v4: O4, v5: O5): Observable<[ObservedValueOf<O1>, ObservedValueOf<O2>, ObservedValueOf<O3>, ObservedValueOf<O4>, ObservedValueOf<O5>]>;
-export function zip<O1 extends ObservableInput<any>, O2 extends ObservableInput<any>, O3 extends ObservableInput<any>, O4 extends ObservableInput<any>, O5 extends ObservableInput<any>, O6 extends ObservableInput<any>>(v1: O1, v2: O2, v3: O3, v4: O4, v5: O5, v6: O6): Observable<[ObservedValueOf<O1>, ObservedValueOf<O2>, ObservedValueOf<O3>, ObservedValueOf<O4>, ObservedValueOf<O5>, ObservedValueOf<O6>]>;
-export function zip<O extends ObservableInput<any>>(array: O[]): Observable<ObservedValueOf<O>[]>;
-export function zip<R>(array: ObservableInput<any>[]): Observable<R>;
-/** @deprecated resultSelector is no longer supported, pipe to map instead */
-export function zip<O extends ObservableInput<any>, R>(array: O[], resultSelector: (...values: ObservedValueOf<O>[]) => R): Observable<R>;
-/** @deprecated resultSelector is no longer supported, pipe to map instead */
-export function zip<R>(array: ObservableInput<any>[], resultSelector: (...values: any[]) => R): Observable<R>;
-export function zip<O extends ObservableInput<any>>(...observables: O[]): Observable<ObservedValueOf<O>[]>;
-export function zip<O extends ObservableInput<any>, R>(...observables: Array<O | ((...values: ObservedValueOf<O>[]) => R)>): Observable<R>;
-export function zip<R>(...observables: Array<ObservableInput<any> | ((...values: Array<any>) => R)>): Observable<R>;
-/* tslint:enable:max-line-length */
- * Combines multiple Observables to create an Observable whose values are calculated from the values, in order, of each
- * of its input Observables.
- *
- * If the last parameter is a function, this function is used to compute the created value from the input values.
- * Otherwise, an array of the input values is returned.
- *
- * ## Example
- * Combine age and name from different sources
- * ```javascript
- * import { zip, of } from 'rxjs';
- * import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
- *
- * let age$ = of<number>(27, 25, 29);
- * let name$ = of<string>('Foo', 'Bar', 'Beer');
- * let isDev$ = of<boolean>(true, true, false);
- *
- * zip(age$, name$, isDev$).pipe(
- * map(([age, name, isDev]) => ({ age, name, isDev })),
- * )
- * .subscribe(x => console.log(x));
- *
- * // outputs
- * // { age: 27, name: 'Foo', isDev: true }
- * // { age: 25, name: 'Bar', isDev: true }
- * // { age: 29, name: 'Beer', isDev: false }
- * ```
- * @param observables
- * @return {Observable<R>}
- * @static true
- * @name zip
- * @owner Observable
- */
-export function zip<O extends ObservableInput<any>, R>(
- ...observables: Array<O | ((...values: ObservedValueOf<O>[]) => R)>
-): Observable<ObservedValueOf<O>[]|R> {
- const resultSelector = <((...ys: Array<any>) => R)> observables[observables.length - 1];
- if (typeof resultSelector === 'function') {
- observables.pop();
- }
- return fromArray(observables, undefined).lift(new ZipOperator(resultSelector));
-export class ZipOperator<T, R> implements Operator<T, R> {
- resultSelector: (...values: Array<any>) => R;
- constructor(resultSelector?: (...values: Array<any>) => R) {
- this.resultSelector = resultSelector;
- }
- call(subscriber: Subscriber<R>, source: any): any {
- return source.subscribe(new ZipSubscriber(subscriber, this.resultSelector));
- }
- * We need this JSDoc comment for affecting ESDoc.
- * @ignore
- * @extends {Ignored}
- */
-export class ZipSubscriber<T, R> extends Subscriber<T> {
- private values: any;
- private resultSelector: (...values: Array<any>) => R;
- private iterators: LookAheadIterator<any>[] = [];
- private active = 0;
- constructor(destination: Subscriber<R>,
- resultSelector?: (...values: Array<any>) => R,
- values: any = Object.create(null)) {
- super(destination);
- this.resultSelector = (typeof resultSelector === 'function') ? resultSelector : null;
- this.values = values;
- }
- protected _next(value: any) {
- const iterators = this.iterators;
- if (isArray(value)) {
- iterators.push(new StaticArrayIterator(value));
- } else if (typeof value[Symbol_iterator] === 'function') {
- iterators.push(new StaticIterator(value[Symbol_iterator]()));
- } else {
- iterators.push(new ZipBufferIterator(this.destination, this, value));
- }
- }
- protected _complete() {
- const iterators = this.iterators;
- const len = iterators.length;
- this.unsubscribe();
- if (len === 0) {
- this.destination.complete();
- return;
- }
- this.active = len;
- for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- let iterator: ZipBufferIterator<any, any> = <any>iterators[i];
- if (iterator.stillUnsubscribed) {
- const destination = this.destination as Subscription;
- destination.add(iterator.subscribe(iterator, i));
- } else {
- this.active--; // not an observable
- }
- }
- }
- notifyInactive() {
- this.active--;
- if (this.active === 0) {
- this.destination.complete();
- }
- }
- checkIterators() {
- const iterators = this.iterators;
- const len = iterators.length;
- const destination = this.destination;
- // abort if not all of them have values
- for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- let iterator = iterators[i];
- if (typeof iterator.hasValue === 'function' && !iterator.hasValue()) {
- return;
- }
- }
- let shouldComplete = false;
- const args: any[] = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- let iterator = iterators[i];
- let result = iterator.next();
- // check to see if it's completed now that you've gotten
- // the next value.
- if (iterator.hasCompleted()) {
- shouldComplete = true;
- }
- if (result.done) {
- destination.complete();
- return;
- }
- args.push(result.value);
- }
- if (this.resultSelector) {
- this._tryresultSelector(args);
- } else {
- destination.next(args);
- }
- if (shouldComplete) {
- destination.complete();
- }
- }
- protected _tryresultSelector(args: any[]) {
- let result: any;
- try {
- result = this.resultSelector.apply(this, args);
- } catch (err) {
- this.destination.error(err);
- return;
- }
- this.destination.next(result);
- }
-interface LookAheadIterator<T> extends Iterator<T> {
- hasValue(): boolean;
- hasCompleted(): boolean;
-class StaticIterator<T> implements LookAheadIterator<T> {
- private nextResult: IteratorResult<T>;
- constructor(private iterator: Iterator<T>) {
- this.nextResult = iterator.next();
- }
- hasValue() {
- return true;
- }
- next(): IteratorResult<T> {
- const result = this.nextResult;
- this.nextResult = this.iterator.next();
- return result;
- }
- hasCompleted() {
- const nextResult = this.nextResult;
- return nextResult && nextResult.done;
- }
-class StaticArrayIterator<T> implements LookAheadIterator<T> {
- private index = 0;
- private length = 0;
- constructor(private array: T[]) {
- this.length = array.length;
- }
- [Symbol_iterator]() {
- return this;
- }
- next(value?: any): IteratorResult<T> {
- const i = this.index++;
- const array = this.array;
- return i < this.length ? { value: array[i], done: false } : { value: null, done: true };
- }
- hasValue() {
- return this.array.length > this.index;
- }
- hasCompleted() {
- return this.array.length === this.index;
- }
- * We need this JSDoc comment for affecting ESDoc.
- * @ignore
- * @extends {Ignored}
- */
-class ZipBufferIterator<T, R> extends OuterSubscriber<T, R> implements LookAheadIterator<T> {
- stillUnsubscribed = true;
- buffer: T[] = [];
- isComplete = false;
- constructor(destination: PartialObserver<T>,
- private parent: ZipSubscriber<T, R>,
- private observable: Observable<T>) {
- super(destination);
- }
- [Symbol_iterator]() {
- return this;
- }
- // NOTE: there is actually a name collision here with Subscriber.next and Iterator.next
- // this is legit because `next()` will never be called by a subscription in this case.
- next(): IteratorResult<T> {
- const buffer = this.buffer;
- if (buffer.length === 0 && this.isComplete) {
- return { value: null, done: true };
- } else {
- return { value: buffer.shift(), done: false };
- }
- }
- hasValue() {
- return this.buffer.length > 0;
- }
- hasCompleted() {
- return this.buffer.length === 0 && this.isComplete;
- }
- notifyComplete() {
- if (this.buffer.length > 0) {
- this.isComplete = true;
- this.parent.notifyInactive();
- } else {
- this.destination.complete();
- }
- }
- notifyNext(outerValue: T, innerValue: any,
- outerIndex: number, innerIndex: number,
- innerSub: InnerSubscriber<T, R>): void {
- this.buffer.push(innerValue);
- this.parent.checkIterators();
- }
- subscribe(value: any, index: number) {
- return subscribeToResult<any, any>(this, this.observable, this, index);
- }