path: root/tools/closure_linter/build/lib/closure_linter/javascriptlintrules.py
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authorYosuke Furukawa <yosuke.furukawa@gmail.com>2015-04-29 02:03:05 +0900
committerYosuke Furukawa <yosuke.furukawa@gmail.com>2015-05-09 12:09:52 +0900
commitf9dd34d301ab385ae316769b85ef916f9b70b6f6 (patch)
tree9ce5db7bdff46e587535de5549eef7e02656f5d8 /tools/closure_linter/build/lib/closure_linter/javascriptlintrules.py
parent5883a59b21a97e8b7339f435c977155a2c29ba8d (diff)
tools: replace closure-linter with eslint
PR-URL: https://github.com/iojs/io.js/pull/1539 Fixes: https://github.com/iojs/io.js/issues/1253 Reviewed-By: Jeremiah Senkpiel <fishrock123@rocketmail.com> Reviewed-By: Trevor Norris <trev.norris@gmail.com> Reviewed-By: Roman Reiss <me@silverwind.io> Reviewed-By: Chris Dickinson <christopher.s.dickinson@gmail.com> Reviewed-By: Johan Bergström <bugs@bergstroem.nu> Reviewed-By: Fedor Indutny <fedor.indutny@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/closure_linter/build/lib/closure_linter/javascriptlintrules.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 754 deletions
diff --git a/tools/closure_linter/build/lib/closure_linter/javascriptlintrules.py b/tools/closure_linter/build/lib/closure_linter/javascriptlintrules.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9578009daa..0000000000
--- a/tools/closure_linter/build/lib/closure_linter/javascriptlintrules.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,754 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2011 The Closure Linter Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Methods for checking JS files for common style guide violations.
-These style guide violations should only apply to JavaScript and not an Ecma
-scripting languages.
-__author__ = ('robbyw@google.com (Robert Walker)',
- 'ajp@google.com (Andy Perelson)',
- 'jacobr@google.com (Jacob Richman)')
-import re
-from closure_linter import ecmalintrules
-from closure_linter import error_check
-from closure_linter import errors
-from closure_linter import javascripttokenizer
-from closure_linter import javascripttokens
-from closure_linter import requireprovidesorter
-from closure_linter import tokenutil
-from closure_linter.common import error
-from closure_linter.common import position
-# Shorthand
-Error = error.Error
-Position = position.Position
-Rule = error_check.Rule
-Type = javascripttokens.JavaScriptTokenType
-class JavaScriptLintRules(ecmalintrules.EcmaScriptLintRules):
- """JavaScript lint rules that catch JavaScript specific style errors."""
- def __init__(self, namespaces_info):
- """Initializes a JavaScriptLintRules instance."""
- ecmalintrules.EcmaScriptLintRules.__init__(self)
- self._namespaces_info = namespaces_info
- self._declared_private_member_tokens = {}
- self._declared_private_members = set()
- self._used_private_members = set()
- # A stack of dictionaries, one for each function scope entered. Each
- # dictionary is keyed by an identifier that defines a local variable and has
- # a token as its value.
- self._unused_local_variables_by_scope = []
- def HandleMissingParameterDoc(self, token, param_name):
- """Handle errors associated with a parameter missing a param tag."""
- 'Missing docs for parameter: "%s"' % param_name, token)
- # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
- def CheckToken(self, token, state):
- """Checks a token, given the current parser_state, for warnings and errors.
- Args:
- token: The current token under consideration
- state: parser_state object that indicates the current state in the page
- """
- # Call the base class's CheckToken function.
- super(JavaScriptLintRules, self).CheckToken(token, state)
- # Store some convenience variables
- namespaces_info = self._namespaces_info
- if error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLES):
- self._CheckUnusedLocalVariables(token, state)
- if error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.UNUSED_PRIVATE_MEMBERS):
- # Find all assignments to private members.
- if token.type == Type.SIMPLE_LVALUE:
- identifier = token.string
- if identifier.endswith('_') and not identifier.endswith('__'):
- doc_comment = state.GetDocComment()
- suppressed = doc_comment and (
- 'underscore' in doc_comment.suppressions or
- 'unusedPrivateMembers' in doc_comment.suppressions)
- if not suppressed:
- # Look for static members defined on a provided namespace.
- if namespaces_info:
- namespace = namespaces_info.GetClosurizedNamespace(identifier)
- provided_namespaces = namespaces_info.GetProvidedNamespaces()
- else:
- namespace = None
- provided_namespaces = set()
- # Skip cases of this.something_.somethingElse_.
- regex = re.compile(r'^this\.[a-zA-Z_]+$')
- if namespace in provided_namespaces or regex.match(identifier):
- variable = identifier.split('.')[-1]
- self._declared_private_member_tokens[variable] = token
- self._declared_private_members.add(variable)
- elif not identifier.endswith('__'):
- # Consider setting public members of private members to be a usage.
- for piece in identifier.split('.'):
- if piece.endswith('_'):
- self._used_private_members.add(piece)
- # Find all usages of private members.
- if token.type == Type.IDENTIFIER:
- for piece in token.string.split('.'):
- if piece.endswith('_'):
- self._used_private_members.add(piece)
- if token.type == Type.DOC_FLAG:
- flag = token.attached_object
- if flag.flag_type == 'param' and flag.name_token is not None:
- self._CheckForMissingSpaceBeforeToken(
- token.attached_object.name_token)
- if flag.type is not None and flag.name is not None:
- if error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.VARIABLE_ARG_MARKER):
- # Check for variable arguments marker in type.
- if flag.jstype.IsVarArgsType() and flag.name != 'var_args':
- self._HandleError(errors.JSDOC_MISSING_VAR_ARGS_NAME,
- 'Variable length argument %s must be renamed '
- 'to var_args.' % flag.name,
- token)
- elif not flag.jstype.IsVarArgsType() and flag.name == 'var_args':
- self._HandleError(errors.JSDOC_MISSING_VAR_ARGS_TYPE,
- 'Variable length argument %s type must start '
- 'with \'...\'.' % flag.name,
- token)
- if error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.OPTIONAL_TYPE_MARKER):
- # Check for optional marker in type.
- if (flag.jstype.opt_arg and
- not flag.name.startswith('opt_')):
- self._HandleError(errors.JSDOC_MISSING_OPTIONAL_PREFIX,
- 'Optional parameter name %s must be prefixed '
- 'with opt_.' % flag.name,
- token)
- elif (not flag.jstype.opt_arg and
- flag.name.startswith('opt_')):
- self._HandleError(errors.JSDOC_MISSING_OPTIONAL_TYPE,
- 'Optional parameter %s type must end with =.' %
- flag.name,
- token)
- if flag.flag_type in state.GetDocFlag().HAS_TYPE:
- # Check for both missing type token and empty type braces '{}'
- # Missing suppress types are reported separately and we allow enums,
- # const, private, public and protected without types.
- if (flag.flag_type not in state.GetDocFlag().CAN_OMIT_TYPE
- and (not flag.jstype or flag.jstype.IsEmpty())):
- self._HandleError(errors.MISSING_JSDOC_TAG_TYPE,
- 'Missing type in %s tag' % token.string, token)
- elif flag.name_token and flag.type_end_token and tokenutil.Compare(
- flag.type_end_token, flag.name_token) > 0:
- self._HandleError(
- 'Type should be immediately after %s tag' % token.string,
- token)
- elif token.type == Type.DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_START:
- next_token = token.next
- while next_token.type == Type.STRING_TEXT:
- if javascripttokenizer.JavaScriptTokenizer.SINGLE_QUOTE.search(
- next_token.string):
- break
- next_token = next_token.next
- else:
- self._HandleError(
- 'Single-quoted string preferred over double-quoted string.',
- token,
- position=Position.All(token.string))
- elif token.type == Type.END_DOC_COMMENT:
- doc_comment = state.GetDocComment()
- # When @externs appears in a @fileoverview comment, it should trigger
- # the same limited doc checks as a special filename like externs.js.
- if doc_comment.HasFlag('fileoverview') and doc_comment.HasFlag('externs'):
- self._SetLimitedDocChecks(True)
- if (error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.BLANK_LINES_AT_TOP_LEVEL) and
- not self._is_html and
- state.InTopLevel() and
- not state.InNonScopeBlock()):
- # Check if we're in a fileoverview or constructor JsDoc.
- is_constructor = (
- doc_comment.HasFlag('constructor') or
- doc_comment.HasFlag('interface'))
- # @fileoverview is an optional tag so if the dosctring is the first
- # token in the file treat it as a file level docstring.
- is_file_level_comment = (
- doc_comment.HasFlag('fileoverview') or
- not doc_comment.start_token.previous)
- # If the comment is not a file overview, and it does not immediately
- # precede some code, skip it.
- # NOTE: The tokenutil methods are not used here because of their
- # behavior at the top of a file.
- next_token = token.next
- if (not next_token or
- (not is_file_level_comment and
- next_token.type in Type.NON_CODE_TYPES)):
- return
- # Don't require extra blank lines around suppression of extra
- # goog.require errors.
- if (doc_comment.SuppressionOnly() and
- next_token.type == Type.IDENTIFIER and
- next_token.string in ['goog.provide', 'goog.require']):
- return
- # Find the start of this block (include comments above the block, unless
- # this is a file overview).
- block_start = doc_comment.start_token
- if not is_file_level_comment:
- token = block_start.previous
- while token and token.type in Type.COMMENT_TYPES:
- block_start = token
- token = token.previous
- # Count the number of blank lines before this block.
- blank_lines = 0
- token = block_start.previous
- while token and token.type in [Type.WHITESPACE, Type.BLANK_LINE]:
- if token.type == Type.BLANK_LINE:
- # A blank line.
- blank_lines += 1
- elif token.type == Type.WHITESPACE and not token.line.strip():
- # A line with only whitespace on it.
- blank_lines += 1
- token = token.previous
- # Log errors.
- error_message = False
- expected_blank_lines = 0
- # Only need blank line before file overview if it is not the beginning
- # of the file, e.g. copyright is first.
- if is_file_level_comment and blank_lines == 0 and block_start.previous:
- error_message = 'Should have a blank line before a file overview.'
- expected_blank_lines = 1
- elif is_constructor and blank_lines != 3:
- error_message = (
- 'Should have 3 blank lines before a constructor/interface.')
- expected_blank_lines = 3
- elif (not is_file_level_comment and not is_constructor and
- blank_lines != 2):
- error_message = 'Should have 2 blank lines between top-level blocks.'
- expected_blank_lines = 2
- if error_message:
- self._HandleError(
- errors.WRONG_BLANK_LINE_COUNT, error_message,
- block_start, position=Position.AtBeginning(),
- fix_data=expected_blank_lines - blank_lines)
- elif token.type == Type.END_BLOCK:
- if state.InFunction() and state.IsFunctionClose():
- is_immediately_called = (token.next and
- token.next.type == Type.START_PAREN)
- function = state.GetFunction()
- if not self._limited_doc_checks:
- if (function.has_return and function.doc and
- not is_immediately_called and
- not function.doc.HasFlag('return') and
- not function.doc.InheritsDocumentation() and
- not function.doc.HasFlag('constructor')):
- # Check for proper documentation of return value.
- self._HandleError(
- 'Missing @return JsDoc in function with non-trivial return',
- function.doc.end_token, position=Position.AtBeginning())
- elif (not function.has_return and
- not function.has_throw and
- function.doc and
- function.doc.HasFlag('return') and
- not state.InInterfaceMethod()):
- flag = function.doc.GetFlag('return')
- valid_no_return_names = ['undefined', 'void', '*']
- invalid_return = flag.jstype is None or not any(
- sub_type.identifier in valid_no_return_names
- for sub_type in flag.jstype.IterTypeGroup())
- if invalid_return:
- self._HandleError(
- 'Found @return JsDoc on function that returns nothing',
- flag.flag_token, position=Position.AtBeginning())
- # b/4073735. Method in object literal definition of prototype can
- # safely reference 'this'.
- prototype_object_literal = False
- block_start = None
- previous_code = None
- previous_previous_code = None
- # Search for cases where prototype is defined as object literal.
- # previous_previous_code
- # | previous_code
- # | | block_start
- # | | |
- # a.b.prototype = {
- # c : function() {
- # this.d = 1;
- # }
- # }
- # If in object literal, find first token of block so to find previous
- # tokens to check above condition.
- if state.InObjectLiteral():
- block_start = state.GetCurrentBlockStart()
- # If an object literal then get previous token (code type). For above
- # case it should be '='.
- if block_start:
- previous_code = tokenutil.SearchExcept(block_start,
- reverse=True)
- # If previous token to block is '=' then get its previous token.
- if previous_code and previous_code.IsOperator('='):
- previous_previous_code = tokenutil.SearchExcept(previous_code,
- reverse=True)
- # If variable/token before '=' ends with '.prototype' then its above
- # case of prototype defined with object literal.
- prototype_object_literal = (previous_previous_code and
- previous_previous_code.string.endswith(
- '.prototype'))
- if (function.has_this and function.doc and
- not function.doc.HasFlag('this') and
- not function.is_constructor and
- not function.is_interface and
- '.prototype.' not in function.name and
- not prototype_object_literal):
- self._HandleError(
- 'Missing @this JsDoc in function referencing "this". ('
- 'this usually means you are trying to reference "this" in '
- 'a static function, or you have forgotten to mark a '
- 'constructor with @constructor)',
- function.doc.end_token, position=Position.AtBeginning())
- elif token.type == Type.IDENTIFIER:
- if token.string == 'goog.inherits' and not state.InFunction():
- if state.GetLastNonSpaceToken().line_number == token.line_number:
- self._HandleError(
- errors.MISSING_LINE,
- 'Missing newline between constructor and goog.inherits',
- token,
- position=Position.AtBeginning())
- extra_space = state.GetLastNonSpaceToken().next
- while extra_space != token:
- if extra_space.type == Type.BLANK_LINE:
- self._HandleError(
- errors.EXTRA_LINE,
- 'Extra line between constructor and goog.inherits',
- extra_space)
- extra_space = extra_space.next
- # TODO(robbyw): Test the last function was a constructor.
- # TODO(robbyw): Test correct @extends and @implements documentation.
- elif (token.string == 'goog.provide' and
- not state.InFunction() and
- namespaces_info is not None):
- namespace = tokenutil.GetStringAfterToken(token)
- # Report extra goog.provide statement.
- if not namespace or namespaces_info.IsExtraProvide(token):
- if not namespace:
- msg = 'Empty namespace in goog.provide'
- else:
- msg = 'Unnecessary goog.provide: ' + namespace
- # Hint to user if this is a Test namespace.
- if namespace.endswith('Test'):
- msg += (' *Test namespaces must be mentioned in the '
- 'goog.setTestOnly() call')
- self._HandleError(
- msg,
- token, position=Position.AtBeginning())
- if namespaces_info.IsLastProvide(token):
- # Report missing provide statements after the last existing provide.
- missing_provides = namespaces_info.GetMissingProvides()
- if missing_provides:
- self._ReportMissingProvides(
- missing_provides,
- tokenutil.GetLastTokenInSameLine(token).next,
- False)
- # If there are no require statements, missing requires should be
- # reported after the last provide.
- if not namespaces_info.GetRequiredNamespaces():
- missing_requires, illegal_alias_statements = (
- namespaces_info.GetMissingRequires())
- if missing_requires:
- self._ReportMissingRequires(
- missing_requires,
- tokenutil.GetLastTokenInSameLine(token).next,
- True)
- if illegal_alias_statements:
- self._ReportIllegalAliasStatement(illegal_alias_statements)
- elif (token.string == 'goog.require' and
- not state.InFunction() and
- namespaces_info is not None):
- namespace = tokenutil.GetStringAfterToken(token)
- # If there are no provide statements, missing provides should be
- # reported before the first require.
- if (namespaces_info.IsFirstRequire(token) and
- not namespaces_info.GetProvidedNamespaces()):
- missing_provides = namespaces_info.GetMissingProvides()
- if missing_provides:
- self._ReportMissingProvides(
- missing_provides,
- tokenutil.GetFirstTokenInSameLine(token),
- True)
- # Report extra goog.require statement.
- if not namespace or namespaces_info.IsExtraRequire(token):
- if not namespace:
- msg = 'Empty namespace in goog.require'
- else:
- msg = 'Unnecessary goog.require: ' + namespace
- self._HandleError(
- msg,
- token, position=Position.AtBeginning())
- # Report missing goog.require statements.
- if namespaces_info.IsLastRequire(token):
- missing_requires, illegal_alias_statements = (
- namespaces_info.GetMissingRequires())
- if missing_requires:
- self._ReportMissingRequires(
- missing_requires,
- tokenutil.GetLastTokenInSameLine(token).next,
- False)
- if illegal_alias_statements:
- self._ReportIllegalAliasStatement(illegal_alias_statements)
- elif token.type == Type.OPERATOR:
- last_in_line = token.IsLastInLine()
- # If the token is unary and appears to be used in a unary context
- # it's ok. Otherwise, if it's at the end of the line or immediately
- # before a comment, it's ok.
- # Don't report an error before a start bracket - it will be reported
- # by that token's space checks.
- if (not token.metadata.IsUnaryOperator() and not last_in_line
- and not token.next.IsComment()
- and not token.next.IsOperator(',')
- and not tokenutil.IsDot(token)
- and token.next.type not in (Type.WHITESPACE, Type.END_PAREN,
- self._HandleError(
- 'Missing space after "%s"' % token.string,
- token,
- position=Position.AtEnd(token.string))
- elif token.type == Type.WHITESPACE:
- first_in_line = token.IsFirstInLine()
- last_in_line = token.IsLastInLine()
- # Check whitespace length if it's not the first token of the line and
- # if it's not immediately before a comment.
- if not last_in_line and not first_in_line and not token.next.IsComment():
- # Ensure there is no space after opening parentheses.
- if (token.previous.type in (Type.START_PAREN, Type.START_BRACKET,
- or token.next.type == Type.START_PARAMETERS):
- self._HandleError(
- errors.EXTRA_SPACE,
- 'Extra space after "%s"' % token.previous.string,
- token,
- position=Position.All(token.string))
- elif token.type == Type.SEMICOLON:
- previous_token = tokenutil.SearchExcept(token, Type.NON_CODE_TYPES,
- reverse=True)
- if not previous_token:
- self._HandleError(
- 'Semicolon without any statement',
- token,
- position=Position.AtEnd(token.string))
- elif (previous_token.type == Type.KEYWORD and
- previous_token.string not in ['break', 'continue', 'return']):
- self._HandleError(
- ('Semicolon after \'%s\' without any statement.'
- ' Looks like an error.' % previous_token.string),
- token,
- position=Position.AtEnd(token.string))
- def _CheckUnusedLocalVariables(self, token, state):
- """Checks for unused local variables in function blocks.
- Args:
- token: The token to check.
- state: The state tracker.
- """
- # We don't use state.InFunction because that disregards scope functions.
- in_function = state.FunctionDepth() > 0
- if token.type == Type.SIMPLE_LVALUE or token.type == Type.IDENTIFIER:
- if in_function:
- identifier = token.string
- # Check whether the previous token was var.
- previous_code_token = tokenutil.CustomSearch(
- token,
- lambda t: t.type not in Type.NON_CODE_TYPES,
- reverse=True)
- if previous_code_token and previous_code_token.IsKeyword('var'):
- # Add local variable declaration to the top of the unused locals
- # stack.
- self._unused_local_variables_by_scope[-1][identifier] = token
- elif token.type == Type.IDENTIFIER:
- # This covers most cases where the variable is used as an identifier.
- self._MarkLocalVariableUsed(token.string)
- elif token.type == Type.SIMPLE_LVALUE and '.' in identifier:
- # This covers cases where a value is assigned to a property of the
- # variable.
- self._MarkLocalVariableUsed(token.string)
- elif token.type == Type.START_BLOCK:
- if in_function and state.IsFunctionOpen():
- # Push a new map onto the stack
- self._unused_local_variables_by_scope.append({})
- elif token.type == Type.END_BLOCK:
- if state.IsFunctionClose():
- # Pop the stack and report any remaining locals as unused.
- unused_local_variables = self._unused_local_variables_by_scope.pop()
- for unused_token in unused_local_variables.values():
- self._HandleError(
- 'Unused local variable: %s.' % unused_token.string,
- unused_token)
- elif token.type == Type.DOC_FLAG:
- # Flags that use aliased symbols should be counted.
- flag = token.attached_object
- js_type = flag and flag.jstype
- if flag and flag.flag_type in state.GetDocFlag().HAS_TYPE and js_type:
- self._MarkAliasUsed(js_type)
- def _MarkAliasUsed(self, js_type):
- """Marks aliases in a type as used.
- Recursively iterates over all subtypes in a jsdoc type annotation and
- tracks usage of aliased symbols (which may be local variables).
- Marks the local variable as used in the scope nearest to the current
- scope that matches the given token.
- Args:
- js_type: The jsdoc type, a typeannotation.TypeAnnotation object.
- """
- if js_type.alias:
- self._MarkLocalVariableUsed(js_type.identifier)
- for sub_type in js_type.IterTypes():
- self._MarkAliasUsed(sub_type)
- def _MarkLocalVariableUsed(self, identifier):
- """Marks the local variable as used in the relevant scope.
- Marks the local variable in the scope nearest to the current scope that
- matches the given identifier as used.
- Args:
- identifier: The identifier representing the potential usage of a local
- variable.
- """
- identifier = identifier.split('.', 1)[0]
- # Find the first instance of the identifier in the stack of function scopes
- # and mark it used.
- for unused_local_variables in reversed(
- self._unused_local_variables_by_scope):
- if identifier in unused_local_variables:
- del unused_local_variables[identifier]
- break
- def _ReportMissingProvides(self, missing_provides, token, need_blank_line):
- """Reports missing provide statements to the error handler.
- Args:
- missing_provides: A dictionary of string(key) and integer(value) where
- each string(key) is a namespace that should be provided, but is not
- and integer(value) is first line number where it's required.
- token: The token where the error was detected (also where the new provides
- will be inserted.
- need_blank_line: Whether a blank line needs to be inserted after the new
- provides are inserted. May be True, False, or None, where None
- indicates that the insert location is unknown.
- """
- missing_provides_msg = 'Missing the following goog.provide statements:\n'
- missing_provides_msg += '\n'.join(['goog.provide(\'%s\');' % x for x in
- sorted(missing_provides)])
- missing_provides_msg += '\n'
- missing_provides_msg += '\nFirst line where provided: \n'
- missing_provides_msg += '\n'.join(
- [' %s : line %d' % (x, missing_provides[x]) for x in
- sorted(missing_provides)])
- missing_provides_msg += '\n'
- self._HandleError(
- missing_provides_msg,
- token, position=Position.AtBeginning(),
- fix_data=(missing_provides.keys(), need_blank_line))
- def _ReportMissingRequires(self, missing_requires, token, need_blank_line):
- """Reports missing require statements to the error handler.
- Args:
- missing_requires: A dictionary of string(key) and integer(value) where
- each string(key) is a namespace that should be required, but is not
- and integer(value) is first line number where it's required.
- token: The token where the error was detected (also where the new requires
- will be inserted.
- need_blank_line: Whether a blank line needs to be inserted before the new
- requires are inserted. May be True, False, or None, where None
- indicates that the insert location is unknown.
- """
- missing_requires_msg = 'Missing the following goog.require statements:\n'
- missing_requires_msg += '\n'.join(['goog.require(\'%s\');' % x for x in
- sorted(missing_requires)])
- missing_requires_msg += '\n'
- missing_requires_msg += '\nFirst line where required: \n'
- missing_requires_msg += '\n'.join(
- [' %s : line %d' % (x, missing_requires[x]) for x in
- sorted(missing_requires)])
- missing_requires_msg += '\n'
- self._HandleError(
- missing_requires_msg,
- token, position=Position.AtBeginning(),
- fix_data=(missing_requires.keys(), need_blank_line))
- def _ReportIllegalAliasStatement(self, illegal_alias_statements):
- """Reports alias statements that would need a goog.require."""
- for namespace, token in illegal_alias_statements.iteritems():
- self._HandleError(
- 'The alias definition would need the namespace \'%s\' which is not '
- 'required through any other symbol.' % namespace,
- token, position=Position.AtBeginning())
- def Finalize(self, state):
- """Perform all checks that need to occur after all lines are processed."""
- # Call the base class's Finalize function.
- super(JavaScriptLintRules, self).Finalize(state)
- if error_check.ShouldCheck(Rule.UNUSED_PRIVATE_MEMBERS):
- # Report an error for any declared private member that was never used.
- unused_private_members = (self._declared_private_members -
- self._used_private_members)
- for variable in unused_private_members:
- token = self._declared_private_member_tokens[variable]
- self._HandleError(errors.UNUSED_PRIVATE_MEMBER,
- 'Unused private member: %s.' % token.string,
- token)
- # Clear state to prepare for the next file.
- self._declared_private_member_tokens = {}
- self._declared_private_members = set()
- self._used_private_members = set()
- namespaces_info = self._namespaces_info
- if namespaces_info is not None:
- # If there are no provide or require statements, missing provides and
- # requires should be reported on line 1.
- if (not namespaces_info.GetProvidedNamespaces() and
- not namespaces_info.GetRequiredNamespaces()):
- missing_provides = namespaces_info.GetMissingProvides()
- if missing_provides:
- self._ReportMissingProvides(
- missing_provides, state.GetFirstToken(), None)
- missing_requires, illegal_alias = namespaces_info.GetMissingRequires()
- if missing_requires:
- self._ReportMissingRequires(
- missing_requires, state.GetFirstToken(), None)
- if illegal_alias:
- self._ReportIllegalAliasStatement(illegal_alias)
- self._CheckSortedRequiresProvides(state.GetFirstToken())
- def _CheckSortedRequiresProvides(self, token):
- """Checks that all goog.require and goog.provide statements are sorted.
- Note that this method needs to be run after missing statements are added to
- preserve alphabetical order.
- Args:
- token: The first token in the token stream.
- """
- sorter = requireprovidesorter.RequireProvideSorter()
- first_provide_token = sorter.CheckProvides(token)
- if first_provide_token:
- new_order = sorter.GetFixedProvideString(first_provide_token)
- self._HandleError(
- 'goog.provide classes must be alphabetized. The correct code is:\n' +
- new_order,
- first_provide_token,
- position=Position.AtBeginning(),
- fix_data=first_provide_token)
- first_require_token = sorter.CheckRequires(token)
- if first_require_token:
- new_order = sorter.GetFixedRequireString(first_require_token)
- self._HandleError(
- 'goog.require classes must be alphabetized. The correct code is:\n' +
- new_order,
- first_require_token,
- position=Position.AtBeginning(),
- fix_data=first_require_token)
- def GetLongLineExceptions(self):
- """Gets a list of regexps for lines which can be longer than the limit.
- Returns:
- A list of regexps, used as matches (rather than searches).
- """
- return [
- re.compile(r'(var .+\s*=\s*)?goog\.require\(.+\);?\s*$'),
- re.compile(r'goog\.(provide|module|setTestOnly)\(.+\);?\s*$'),
- re.compile(r'[\s/*]*@visibility\s*{.*}[\s*/]*$'),
- ]