path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/socks/build/client/socksclient.js
diff options
authorRebecca Turner <me@re-becca.org>2018-04-20 18:26:37 -0700
committerRebecca Turner <me@re-becca.org>2018-05-24 23:24:45 -0700
commit468ab4519e1b92473acefb22801497a1af6aebae (patch)
treebdac1d062cd4b094bde3a21147bab5d82c792ece /deps/npm/node_modules/socks/build/client/socksclient.js
parentac8226115e2192a7a46ba07789fa5136f74223e1 (diff)
deps: upgrade npm to 6.1.0
PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/20190 Reviewed-By: Rich Trott <rtrott@gmail.com> Reviewed-By: Ruben Bridgewater <ruben@bridgewater.de> Reviewed-By: Tiancheng "Timothy" Gu <timothygu99@gmail.com> Reviewed-By: Benjamin Gruenbaum <benjamingr@gmail.com> Reviewed-By: Michaƫl Zasso <targos@protonmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/socks/build/client/socksclient.js')
1 files changed, 702 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/socks/build/client/socksclient.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks/build/client/socksclient.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a58fe5337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/socks/build/client/socksclient.js
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+"use strict";
+var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
+ return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
+ function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+ function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
+ function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
+ step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
+ });
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+const events_1 = require("events");
+const net = require("net");
+const ip = require("ip");
+const smart_buffer_1 = require("smart-buffer");
+const constants_1 = require("../common/constants");
+const helpers_1 = require("../common/helpers");
+const receivebuffer_1 = require("../common/receivebuffer");
+const util_1 = require("../common/util");
+class SocksClient extends events_1.EventEmitter {
+ constructor(options) {
+ super();
+ this._options = Object.assign({}, options);
+ // Validate SocksClientOptions
+ helpers_1.validateSocksClientOptions(options);
+ // Default state
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.Created;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SOCKS connection.
+ *
+ * Note: Supports callbacks and promises. Only supports the connect command.
+ * @param options { SocksClientOptions } Options.
+ * @param callback { Function } An optional callback function.
+ * @returns { Promise }
+ */
+ static createConnection(options, callback) {
+ // Validate SocksClientOptions
+ helpers_1.validateSocksClientOptions(options, ['connect']);
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const client = new SocksClient(options);
+ client.connect(options.existing_socket);
+ client.once('established', (info) => {
+ client.removeAllListeners();
+ if (typeof callback === 'function') {
+ callback(null, info);
+ resolve(); // Resolves pending promise (prevents memory leaks).
+ }
+ else {
+ resolve(info);
+ }
+ });
+ // Error occurred, failed to establish connection.
+ client.once('error', (err) => {
+ client.removeAllListeners();
+ if (typeof callback === 'function') {
+ callback(err);
+ resolve(); // Resolves pending promise (prevents memory leaks).
+ }
+ else {
+ reject(err);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new SOCKS connection chain to a destination host through 2 or more SOCKS proxies.
+ *
+ * Note: Supports callbacks and promises. Only supports the connect method.
+ * Note: Implemented via createConnection() factory function.
+ * @param options { SocksClientChainOptions } Options
+ * @param callback { Function } An optional callback function.
+ * @returns { Promise }
+ */
+ static createConnectionChain(options, callback) {
+ // Validate SocksClientChainOptions
+ helpers_1.validateSocksClientChainOptions(options);
+ // Shuffle proxies
+ if (options.randomizeChain) {
+ util_1.shuffleArray(options.proxies);
+ }
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+ let sock;
+ try {
+ for (let i = 0; i < options.proxies.length; i++) {
+ const nextProxy = options.proxies[i];
+ // If we've reached the last proxy in the chain, the destination is the actual destination, otherwise it's the next proxy.
+ const nextDestination = i === options.proxies.length - 1
+ ? options.destination
+ : {
+ host: options.proxies[i + 1].ipaddress,
+ port: options.proxies[i + 1].port
+ };
+ // Creates the next connection in the chain.
+ const result = yield SocksClient.createConnection({
+ command: 'connect',
+ proxy: nextProxy,
+ destination: nextDestination
+ // Initial connection ignores this as sock is undefined. Subsequent connections re-use the first proxy socket to form a chain.
+ });
+ // If sock is undefined, assign it here.
+ if (!sock) {
+ sock = result.socket;
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof callback === 'function') {
+ callback(null, { socket: sock });
+ resolve(); // Resolves pending promise (prevents memory leaks).
+ }
+ else {
+ resolve({ socket: sock });
+ }
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ if (typeof callback === 'function') {
+ callback(err);
+ resolve(); // Resolves pending promise (prevents memory leaks).
+ }
+ else {
+ reject(err);
+ }
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a SOCKS UDP Frame.
+ * @param options
+ */
+ static createUDPFrame(options) {
+ const buff = new smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer();
+ buff.writeUInt16BE(0);
+ buff.writeUInt8(options.frameNumber || 0);
+ // IPv4/IPv6/Hostname
+ if (net.isIPv4(options.remoteHost.host)) {
+ buff.writeUInt8(constants_1.Socks5HostType.IPv4);
+ buff.writeUInt32BE(ip.toLong(options.remoteHost.host));
+ }
+ else if (net.isIPv6(options.remoteHost.host)) {
+ buff.writeUInt8(constants_1.Socks5HostType.IPv6);
+ buff.writeBuffer(ip.toBuffer(options.remoteHost.host));
+ }
+ else {
+ buff.writeUInt8(constants_1.Socks5HostType.Hostname);
+ buff.writeUInt8(Buffer.byteLength(options.remoteHost.host));
+ buff.writeString(options.remoteHost.host);
+ }
+ // Port
+ buff.writeUInt16BE(options.remoteHost.port);
+ // Data
+ buff.writeBuffer(options.data);
+ return buff.toBuffer();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses a SOCKS UDP frame.
+ * @param data
+ */
+ static parseUDPFrame(data) {
+ const buff = smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer.fromBuffer(data);
+ buff.readOffset = 2;
+ const frameNumber = buff.readUInt8();
+ const hostType = buff.readUInt8();
+ let remoteHost;
+ if (hostType === constants_1.Socks5HostType.IPv4) {
+ remoteHost = ip.fromLong(buff.readUInt32BE());
+ }
+ else if (hostType === constants_1.Socks5HostType.IPv6) {
+ remoteHost = ip.toString(buff.readBuffer(16));
+ }
+ else {
+ remoteHost = buff.readString(buff.readUInt8());
+ }
+ const remotePort = buff.readUInt16BE();
+ return {
+ frameNumber,
+ remoteHost: {
+ host: remoteHost,
+ port: remotePort
+ },
+ data: buff.readBuffer()
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the SocksClient internal state.
+ */
+ get state() {
+ return this._state;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Internal state setter. If the SocksClient is in an error state, it cannot be changed to a non error state.
+ */
+ set state(newState) {
+ if (this._state !== constants_1.SocksClientState.Error) {
+ this._state = newState;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Starts the connection establishment to the proxy and destination.
+ * @param existing_socket Connected socket to use instead of creating a new one (internal use).
+ */
+ connect(existing_socket) {
+ this._onDataReceived = (data) => this.onDataReceived(data);
+ this._onClose = () => this.onClose();
+ this._onError = (err) => this.onError(err);
+ this._onConnect = () => this.onConnect();
+ // Start timeout timer (defaults to 30 seconds)
+ setTimeout(() => this.onEstablishedTimeout(), this._options.timeout || constants_1.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
+ // If an existing socket is provided, use it to negotiate SOCKS handshake. Otherwise create a new Socket.
+ if (existing_socket) {
+ this._socket = existing_socket;
+ }
+ else {
+ this._socket = new net.Socket();
+ }
+ // Attach Socket error handlers.
+ this._socket.once('close', this._onClose);
+ this._socket.once('error', this._onError);
+ this._socket.once('connect', this._onConnect);
+ this._socket.on('data', this._onDataReceived);
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.Connecting;
+ this._receiveBuffer = new receivebuffer_1.ReceiveBuffer();
+ if (existing_socket) {
+ this._socket.emit('connect');
+ }
+ else {
+ this._socket.connect(this._options.proxy.port, this._options.proxy.ipaddress);
+ }
+ // Listen for established event so we can re-emit any excess data received during handshakes.
+ this.prependOnceListener('established', info => {
+ setImmediate(() => {
+ if (this._receiveBuffer.length > 0) {
+ const excessData = this._receiveBuffer.get(this._receiveBuffer.length);
+ info.socket.emit('data', excessData);
+ }
+ info.socket.resume();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles internal Socks timeout callback.
+ * Note: If the Socks client is not BoundWaitingForConnection or Established, the connection will be closed.
+ */
+ onEstablishedTimeout() {
+ if (this.state !== constants_1.SocksClientState.Established &&
+ this.state !== constants_1.SocksClientState.BoundWaitingForConnection) {
+ this._closeSocket(constants_1.ERRORS.ProxyConnectionTimedOut);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles Socket connect event.
+ */
+ onConnect() {
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.Connected;
+ // Send initial handshake.
+ if (this._options.proxy.type === 4) {
+ this.sendSocks4InitialHandshake();
+ }
+ else {
+ this.sendSocks5InitialHandshake();
+ }
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.SentInitialHandshake;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles Socket data event.
+ * @param data
+ */
+ onDataReceived(data) {
+ /*
+ All received data is appended to a ReceiveBuffer.
+ This makes sure that all the data we need is received before we attempt to process it.
+ */
+ this._receiveBuffer.append(data);
+ // Process data that we have.
+ this.processData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles processing of the data we have received.
+ */
+ processData() {
+ // If we have enough data to process the next step in the SOCKS handshake, proceed.
+ if (this._receiveBuffer.length >= this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize) {
+ // Sent initial handshake, waiting for response.
+ if (this.state === constants_1.SocksClientState.SentInitialHandshake) {
+ if (this._options.proxy.type === 4) {
+ // Socks v4 only has one handshake response.
+ this.handleSocks4FinalHandshakeResponse();
+ }
+ else {
+ // Socks v5 has two handshakes, handle initial one here.
+ this.handleInitialSocks5HandshakeResponse();
+ }
+ // Sent auth request for Socks v5, waiting for response.
+ }
+ else if (this.state === constants_1.SocksClientState.SentAuthentication) {
+ this.handleInitialSocks5AuthenticationHandshakeResponse();
+ // Sent final Socks v5 handshake, waiting for final response.
+ }
+ else if (this.state === constants_1.SocksClientState.SentFinalHandshake) {
+ this.handleSocks5FinalHandshakeResponse();
+ // Socks BIND established. Waiting for remote connection via proxy.
+ }
+ else if (this.state === constants_1.SocksClientState.BoundWaitingForConnection) {
+ if (this._options.proxy.type === 4) {
+ this.handleSocks4IncomingConnectionResponse();
+ }
+ else {
+ this.handleSocks5IncomingConnectionResponse();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (this.state === constants_1.SocksClientState.Established) {
+ // do nothing (prevents closing of the socket)
+ }
+ else {
+ this._closeSocket(constants_1.ERRORS.InternalError);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles Socket close event.
+ * @param had_error
+ */
+ onClose() {
+ this._closeSocket(constants_1.ERRORS.SocketClosed);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles Socket error event.
+ * @param err
+ */
+ onError(err) {
+ this._closeSocket(err.message);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes internal event listeners on the underlying Socket.
+ */
+ removeInternalSocketHandlers() {
+ // Pauses data flow of the socket (this is internally resumed after 'established' is emitted)
+ this._socket.pause();
+ this._socket.removeListener('data', this._onDataReceived);
+ this._socket.removeListener('close', this._onClose);
+ this._socket.removeListener('error', this._onError);
+ this._socket.removeListener('connect', this.onConnect);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Closes and destroys the underlying Socket. Emits an error event.
+ * @param err { String } An error string to include in error event.
+ */
+ _closeSocket(err) {
+ // Make sure only one 'error' event is fired for the lifetime of this SocksClient instance.
+ if (this.state !== constants_1.SocksClientState.Error) {
+ // Set internal state to Error.
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.Error;
+ // Destroy Socket
+ this._socket.destroy();
+ // Remove internal listeners
+ this.removeInternalSocketHandlers();
+ // Fire 'error' event.
+ this.emit('error', new util_1.SocksClientError(err, this._options));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends initial Socks v4 handshake request.
+ */
+ sendSocks4InitialHandshake() {
+ const userId = this._options.proxy.userId || '';
+ const buff = new smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer();
+ buff.writeUInt8(0x04);
+ buff.writeUInt8(constants_1.SocksCommand[this._options.command]);
+ buff.writeUInt16BE(this._options.destination.port);
+ // Socks 4 (IPv4)
+ if (net.isIPv4(this._options.destination.host)) {
+ buff.writeBuffer(ip.toBuffer(this._options.destination.host));
+ buff.writeStringNT(userId);
+ // Socks 4a (hostname)
+ }
+ else {
+ buff.writeUInt8(0x00);
+ buff.writeUInt8(0x00);
+ buff.writeUInt8(0x00);
+ buff.writeUInt8(0x01);
+ buff.writeStringNT(userId);
+ buff.writeStringNT(this._options.destination.host);
+ }
+ this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize =
+ constants_1.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES.Socks4Response;
+ this._socket.write(buff.toBuffer());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles Socks v4 handshake response.
+ * @param data
+ */
+ handleSocks4FinalHandshakeResponse() {
+ const data = this._receiveBuffer.get(8);
+ if (data[1] !== constants_1.Socks4Response.Granted) {
+ this._closeSocket(`${constants_1.ERRORS.Socks4ProxyRejectedConnection} - (${constants_1.Socks4Response[data[1]]})`);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Bind response
+ if (constants_1.SocksCommand[this._options.command] === constants_1.SocksCommand.bind) {
+ const buff = smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer.fromBuffer(data);
+ buff.readOffset = 2;
+ const remoteHost = {
+ port: buff.readUInt16BE(),
+ host: ip.fromLong(buff.readUInt32BE())
+ };
+ // If host is, set to proxy host.
+ if (remoteHost.host === '') {
+ remoteHost.host = this._options.proxy.ipaddress;
+ }
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.BoundWaitingForConnection;
+ this.emit('bound', { socket: this._socket, remoteHost });
+ // Connect response
+ }
+ else {
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.Established;
+ this.removeInternalSocketHandlers();
+ this.emit('established', { socket: this._socket });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles Socks v4 incoming connection request (BIND)
+ * @param data
+ */
+ handleSocks4IncomingConnectionResponse() {
+ const data = this._receiveBuffer.get(8);
+ if (data[1] !== constants_1.Socks4Response.Granted) {
+ this._closeSocket(`${constants_1.ERRORS.Socks4ProxyRejectedIncomingBoundConnection} - (${constants_1.Socks4Response[data[1]]})`);
+ }
+ else {
+ const buff = smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer.fromBuffer(data);
+ buff.readOffset = 2;
+ const remoteHost = {
+ port: buff.readUInt16BE(),
+ host: ip.fromLong(buff.readUInt32BE())
+ };
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.Established;
+ this.removeInternalSocketHandlers();
+ this.emit('established', { socket: this._socket, remoteHost });
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends initial Socks v5 handshake request.
+ */
+ sendSocks5InitialHandshake() {
+ const buff = new smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer();
+ buff.writeUInt8(0x05);
+ buff.writeUInt8(2);
+ buff.writeUInt8(constants_1.Socks5Auth.NoAuth);
+ buff.writeUInt8(constants_1.Socks5Auth.UserPass);
+ this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize =
+ constants_1.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES.Socks5InitialHandshakeResponse;
+ this._socket.write(buff.toBuffer());
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.SentInitialHandshake;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles initial Socks v5 handshake response.
+ * @param data
+ */
+ handleInitialSocks5HandshakeResponse() {
+ const data = this._receiveBuffer.get(2);
+ if (data[0] !== 0x05) {
+ this._closeSocket(constants_1.ERRORS.InvalidSocks5IntiailHandshakeSocksVersion);
+ }
+ else if (data[1] === 0xff) {
+ this._closeSocket(constants_1.ERRORS.InvalidSocks5InitialHandshakeNoAcceptedAuthType);
+ }
+ else {
+ // If selected Socks v5 auth method is no auth, send final handshake request.
+ if (data[1] === constants_1.Socks5Auth.NoAuth) {
+ this.sendSocks5CommandRequest();
+ // If selected Socks v5 auth method is user/password, send auth handshake.
+ }
+ else if (data[1] === constants_1.Socks5Auth.UserPass) {
+ this.sendSocks5UserPassAuthentication();
+ }
+ else {
+ this._closeSocket(constants_1.ERRORS.InvalidSocks5InitialHandshakeUnknownAuthType);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends Socks v5 user & password auth handshake.
+ *
+ * Note: No auth and user/pass are currently supported.
+ */
+ sendSocks5UserPassAuthentication() {
+ const userId = this._options.proxy.userId || '';
+ const password = this._options.proxy.password || '';
+ const buff = new smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer();
+ buff.writeUInt8(0x01);
+ buff.writeUInt8(Buffer.byteLength(userId));
+ buff.writeString(userId);
+ buff.writeUInt8(Buffer.byteLength(password));
+ buff.writeString(password);
+ this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize =
+ constants_1.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES.Socks5UserPassAuthenticationResponse;
+ this._socket.write(buff.toBuffer());
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.SentAuthentication;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles Socks v5 auth handshake response.
+ * @param data
+ */
+ handleInitialSocks5AuthenticationHandshakeResponse() {
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.ReceivedAuthenticationResponse;
+ const data = this._receiveBuffer.get(2);
+ if (data[1] !== 0x00) {
+ this._closeSocket(constants_1.ERRORS.Socks5AuthenticationFailed);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.sendSocks5CommandRequest();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends Socks v5 final handshake request.
+ */
+ sendSocks5CommandRequest() {
+ const buff = new smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer();
+ buff.writeUInt8(0x05);
+ buff.writeUInt8(constants_1.SocksCommand[this._options.command]);
+ buff.writeUInt8(0x00);
+ // ipv4, ipv6, domain?
+ if (net.isIPv4(this._options.destination.host)) {
+ buff.writeUInt8(constants_1.Socks5HostType.IPv4);
+ buff.writeBuffer(ip.toBuffer(this._options.destination.host));
+ }
+ else if (net.isIPv6(this._options.destination.host)) {
+ buff.writeUInt8(constants_1.Socks5HostType.IPv6);
+ buff.writeBuffer(ip.toBuffer(this._options.destination.host));
+ }
+ else {
+ buff.writeUInt8(constants_1.Socks5HostType.Hostname);
+ buff.writeUInt8(this._options.destination.host.length);
+ buff.writeString(this._options.destination.host);
+ }
+ buff.writeUInt16BE(this._options.destination.port);
+ this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize =
+ constants_1.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES.Socks5ResponseHeader;
+ this._socket.write(buff.toBuffer());
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.SentFinalHandshake;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles Socks v5 final handshake response.
+ * @param data
+ */
+ handleSocks5FinalHandshakeResponse() {
+ // Peek at available data (we need at least 5 bytes to get the hostname length)
+ const header = this._receiveBuffer.peek(5);
+ if (header[0] !== 0x05 || header[1] !== constants_1.Socks5Response.Granted) {
+ this._closeSocket(`${constants_1.ERRORS.InvalidSocks5FinalHandshakeRejected} - ${constants_1.Socks5Response[header[1]]}`);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Read address type
+ const addressType = header[3];
+ let remoteHost;
+ let buff;
+ // IPv4
+ if (addressType === constants_1.Socks5HostType.IPv4) {
+ // Check if data is available.
+ const dataNeeded = constants_1.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES.Socks5ResponseIPv4;
+ if (this._receiveBuffer.length < dataNeeded) {
+ this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize = dataNeeded;
+ return;
+ }
+ buff = smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer.fromBuffer(this._receiveBuffer.get(dataNeeded).slice(4));
+ remoteHost = {
+ host: ip.fromLong(buff.readUInt32BE()),
+ port: buff.readUInt16BE()
+ };
+ // If given host is, assume remote proxy ip instead.
+ if (remoteHost.host === '') {
+ remoteHost.host = this._options.proxy.ipaddress;
+ }
+ // Hostname
+ }
+ else if (addressType === constants_1.Socks5HostType.Hostname) {
+ const hostLength = header[4];
+ const dataNeeded = constants_1.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES.Socks5ResponseHostname(hostLength); // header + host length + host + port
+ // Check if data is available.
+ if (this._receiveBuffer.length < dataNeeded) {
+ this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize = dataNeeded;
+ return;
+ }
+ buff = smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer.fromBuffer(this._receiveBuffer.get(dataNeeded).slice(5) // Slice at 5 to skip host length
+ );
+ remoteHost = {
+ host: buff.readString(hostLength),
+ port: buff.readUInt16BE()
+ };
+ // IPv6
+ }
+ else if (addressType === constants_1.Socks5HostType.IPv6) {
+ // Check if data is available.
+ const dataNeeded = constants_1.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES.Socks5ResponseIPv6;
+ if (this._receiveBuffer.length < dataNeeded) {
+ this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize = dataNeeded;
+ return;
+ }
+ buff = smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer.fromBuffer(this._receiveBuffer.get(dataNeeded).slice(4));
+ remoteHost = {
+ host: ip.toString(buff.readBuffer(16)),
+ port: buff.readUInt16BE()
+ };
+ }
+ // We have everything we need
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.ReceivedFinalResponse;
+ // If using CONNECT, the client is now in the established state.
+ if (constants_1.SocksCommand[this._options.command] === constants_1.SocksCommand.connect) {
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.Established;
+ this.removeInternalSocketHandlers();
+ this.emit('established', { socket: this._socket });
+ }
+ else if (constants_1.SocksCommand[this._options.command] === constants_1.SocksCommand.bind) {
+ /* If using BIND, the Socks client is now in BoundWaitingForConnection state.
+ This means that the remote proxy server is waiting for a remote connection to the bound port. */
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.BoundWaitingForConnection;
+ this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize =
+ constants_1.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES.Socks5ResponseHeader;
+ this.emit('bound', { socket: this._socket, remoteHost });
+ /*
+ If using Associate, the Socks client is now Established. And the proxy server is now accepting UDP packets at the
+ given bound port. This initial Socks TCP connection must remain open for the UDP relay to continue to work.
+ */
+ }
+ else if (constants_1.SocksCommand[this._options.command] === constants_1.SocksCommand.associate) {
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.Established;
+ this.removeInternalSocketHandlers();
+ this.emit('established', { socket: this._socket, remoteHost });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles Socks v5 incoming connection request (BIND).
+ */
+ handleSocks5IncomingConnectionResponse() {
+ // Peek at available data (we need at least 5 bytes to get the hostname length)
+ const header = this._receiveBuffer.peek(5);
+ if (header[0] !== 0x05 || header[1] !== constants_1.Socks5Response.Granted) {
+ this._closeSocket(`${constants_1.ERRORS.Socks5ProxyRejectedIncomingBoundConnection} - ${constants_1.Socks5Response[header[1]]}`);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Read address type
+ const addressType = header[3];
+ let remoteHost;
+ let buff;
+ // IPv4
+ if (addressType === constants_1.Socks5HostType.IPv4) {
+ // Check if data is available.
+ const dataNeeded = constants_1.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES.Socks5ResponseIPv4;
+ if (this._receiveBuffer.length < dataNeeded) {
+ this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize = dataNeeded;
+ return;
+ }
+ buff = smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer.fromBuffer(this._receiveBuffer.get(dataNeeded).slice(4));
+ remoteHost = {
+ host: ip.fromLong(buff.readUInt32BE()),
+ port: buff.readUInt16BE()
+ };
+ // If given host is, assume remote proxy ip instead.
+ if (remoteHost.host === '') {
+ remoteHost.host = this._options.proxy.ipaddress;
+ }
+ // Hostname
+ }
+ else if (addressType === constants_1.Socks5HostType.Hostname) {
+ const hostLength = header[4];
+ const dataNeeded = constants_1.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES.Socks5ResponseHostname(hostLength); // header + host length + port
+ // Check if data is available.
+ if (this._receiveBuffer.length < dataNeeded) {
+ this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize = dataNeeded;
+ return;
+ }
+ buff = smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer.fromBuffer(this._receiveBuffer.get(dataNeeded).slice(5) // Slice at 5 to skip host length
+ );
+ remoteHost = {
+ host: buff.readString(hostLength),
+ port: buff.readUInt16BE()
+ };
+ // IPv6
+ }
+ else if (addressType === constants_1.Socks5HostType.IPv6) {
+ // Check if data is available.
+ const dataNeeded = constants_1.SOCKS_INCOMING_PACKET_SIZES.Socks5ResponseIPv6;
+ if (this._receiveBuffer.length < dataNeeded) {
+ this._nextRequiredPacketBufferSize = dataNeeded;
+ return;
+ }
+ buff = smart_buffer_1.SmartBuffer.fromBuffer(this._receiveBuffer.get(dataNeeded).slice(4));
+ remoteHost = {
+ host: ip.toString(buff.readBuffer(16)),
+ port: buff.readUInt16BE()
+ };
+ }
+ this.state = constants_1.SocksClientState.Established;
+ this.removeInternalSocketHandlers();
+ this.emit('established', { socket: this._socket, remoteHost });
+ }
+ }
+ get socksClientOptions() {
+ return Object.assign({}, this._options);
+ }
+exports.SocksClient = SocksClient;
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