path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py
diff options
authorFallenRiteMonk <fallenritemonk@gmail.com>2018-04-05 11:52:34 -0400
committerMyles Borins <mylesborins@google.com>2018-04-05 16:01:07 -0400
commit25a816dcda7b1db0929501acfe13f2fe5119759b (patch)
treed3df4377a11dfb643b5976d2048d9bb4ee527903 /deps/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py
parentb29c36b80746733994257b7380245102bc3c4cd6 (diff)
deps: upgrade npm to 5.8.0
PR-URL: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/19560 Fixes: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/19271 Reviewed-By: Michaƫl Zasso <targos@protonmail.com> Reviewed-By: Myles Borins <myles.borins@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py')
1 files changed, 1629 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py b/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b06bdc4e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/xcode_emulation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1629 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+This module contains classes that help to emulate xcodebuild behavior on top of
+other build systems, such as make and ninja.
+import copy
+import gyp.common
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from gyp.common import GypError
+# Populated lazily by XcodeVersion, for efficiency, and to fix an issue when
+# "xcodebuild" is called too quickly (it has been found to return incorrect
+# version number).
+# Populated lazily by GetXcodeArchsDefault, to an |XcodeArchsDefault| instance
+# corresponding to the installed version of Xcode.
+def XcodeArchsVariableMapping(archs, archs_including_64_bit=None):
+ """Constructs a dictionary with expansion for $(ARCHS_STANDARD) variable,
+ and optionally for $(ARCHS_STANDARD_INCLUDING_64_BIT)."""
+ mapping = {'$(ARCHS_STANDARD)': archs}
+ if archs_including_64_bit:
+ mapping['$(ARCHS_STANDARD_INCLUDING_64_BIT)'] = archs_including_64_bit
+ return mapping
+class XcodeArchsDefault(object):
+ """A class to resolve ARCHS variable from xcode_settings, resolving Xcode
+ macros and implementing filtering by VALID_ARCHS. The expansion of macros
+ depends on the SDKROOT used ("macosx", "iphoneos", "iphonesimulator") and
+ on the version of Xcode.
+ """
+ # Match variable like $(ARCHS_STANDARD).
+ variable_pattern = re.compile(r'\$\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)$')
+ def __init__(self, default, mac, iphonesimulator, iphoneos):
+ self._default = (default,)
+ self._archs = {'mac': mac, 'ios': iphoneos, 'iossim': iphonesimulator}
+ def _VariableMapping(self, sdkroot):
+ """Returns the dictionary of variable mapping depending on the SDKROOT."""
+ sdkroot = sdkroot.lower()
+ if 'iphoneos' in sdkroot:
+ return self._archs['ios']
+ elif 'iphonesimulator' in sdkroot:
+ return self._archs['iossim']
+ else:
+ return self._archs['mac']
+ def _ExpandArchs(self, archs, sdkroot):
+ """Expands variables references in ARCHS, and remove duplicates."""
+ variable_mapping = self._VariableMapping(sdkroot)
+ expanded_archs = []
+ for arch in archs:
+ if self.variable_pattern.match(arch):
+ variable = arch
+ try:
+ variable_expansion = variable_mapping[variable]
+ for arch in variable_expansion:
+ if arch not in expanded_archs:
+ expanded_archs.append(arch)
+ except KeyError as e:
+ print 'Warning: Ignoring unsupported variable "%s".' % variable
+ elif arch not in expanded_archs:
+ expanded_archs.append(arch)
+ return expanded_archs
+ def ActiveArchs(self, archs, valid_archs, sdkroot):
+ """Expands variables references in ARCHS, and filter by VALID_ARCHS if it
+ is defined (if not set, Xcode accept any value in ARCHS, otherwise, only
+ values present in VALID_ARCHS are kept)."""
+ expanded_archs = self._ExpandArchs(archs or self._default, sdkroot or '')
+ if valid_archs:
+ filtered_archs = []
+ for arch in expanded_archs:
+ if arch in valid_archs:
+ filtered_archs.append(arch)
+ expanded_archs = filtered_archs
+ return expanded_archs
+def GetXcodeArchsDefault():
+ """Returns the |XcodeArchsDefault| object to use to expand ARCHS for the
+ installed version of Xcode. The default values used by Xcode for ARCHS
+ and the expansion of the variables depends on the version of Xcode used.
+ For all version anterior to Xcode 5.0 or posterior to Xcode 5.1 included
+ uses $(ARCHS_STANDARD) if ARCHS is unset, while Xcode 5.0 to 5.0.2 uses
+ $(ARCHS_STANDARD_INCLUDING_64_BIT). This variable was added to Xcode 5.0
+ and deprecated with Xcode 5.1.
+ For "macosx" SDKROOT, all version starting with Xcode 5.0 includes 64-bit
+ architecture as part of $(ARCHS_STANDARD) and default to only building it.
+ For "iphoneos" and "iphonesimulator" SDKROOT, 64-bit architectures are part
+ of $(ARCHS_STANDARD_INCLUDING_64_BIT) from Xcode 5.0. From Xcode 5.1, they
+ are also part of $(ARCHS_STANDARD).
+ All thoses rules are coded in the construction of the |XcodeArchsDefault|
+ object to use depending on the version of Xcode detected. The object is
+ for performance reason."""
+ xcode_version, _ = XcodeVersion()
+ if xcode_version < '0500':
+ XcodeArchsVariableMapping(['i386']),
+ XcodeArchsVariableMapping(['i386']),
+ XcodeArchsVariableMapping(['armv7']))
+ elif xcode_version < '0510':
+ XcodeArchsVariableMapping(['x86_64'], ['x86_64']),
+ XcodeArchsVariableMapping(['i386'], ['i386', 'x86_64']),
+ XcodeArchsVariableMapping(
+ ['armv7', 'armv7s'],
+ ['armv7', 'armv7s', 'arm64']))
+ else:
+ XcodeArchsVariableMapping(['x86_64'], ['x86_64']),
+ XcodeArchsVariableMapping(['i386', 'x86_64'], ['i386', 'x86_64']),
+ XcodeArchsVariableMapping(
+ ['armv7', 'armv7s', 'arm64'],
+ ['armv7', 'armv7s', 'arm64']))
+class XcodeSettings(object):
+ """A class that understands the gyp 'xcode_settings' object."""
+ # Populated lazily by _SdkPath(). Shared by all XcodeSettings, so cached
+ # at class-level for efficiency.
+ _sdk_path_cache = {}
+ _sdk_root_cache = {}
+ # Populated lazily by GetExtraPlistItems(). Shared by all XcodeSettings, so
+ # cached at class-level for efficiency.
+ _plist_cache = {}
+ # Populated lazily by GetIOSPostbuilds. Shared by all XcodeSettings, so
+ # cached at class-level for efficiency.
+ _codesigning_key_cache = {}
+ def __init__(self, spec):
+ self.spec = spec
+ self.isIOS = False
+ # Per-target 'xcode_settings' are pushed down into configs earlier by gyp.
+ # This means self.xcode_settings[config] always contains all settings
+ # for that config -- the per-target settings as well. Settings that are
+ # the same for all configs are implicitly per-target settings.
+ self.xcode_settings = {}
+ configs = spec['configurations']
+ for configname, config in configs.iteritems():
+ self.xcode_settings[configname] = config.get('xcode_settings', {})
+ self._ConvertConditionalKeys(configname)
+ if self.xcode_settings[configname].get('IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET',
+ None):
+ self.isIOS = True
+ # This is only non-None temporarily during the execution of some methods.
+ self.configname = None
+ # Used by _AdjustLibrary to match .a and .dylib entries in libraries.
+ self.library_re = re.compile(r'^lib([^/]+)\.(a|dylib)$')
+ def _ConvertConditionalKeys(self, configname):
+ """Converts or warns on conditional keys. Xcode supports conditional keys,
+ such as CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]. This is a partial implementation
+ with some keys converted while the rest force a warning."""
+ settings = self.xcode_settings[configname]
+ conditional_keys = [key for key in settings if key.endswith(']')]
+ for key in conditional_keys:
+ # If you need more, speak up at http://crbug.com/122592
+ if key.endswith("[sdk=iphoneos*]"):
+ if configname.endswith("iphoneos"):
+ new_key = key.split("[")[0]
+ settings[new_key] = settings[key]
+ else:
+ print 'Warning: Conditional keys not implemented, ignoring:', \
+ ' '.join(conditional_keys)
+ del settings[key]
+ def _Settings(self):
+ assert self.configname
+ return self.xcode_settings[self.configname]
+ def _Test(self, test_key, cond_key, default):
+ return self._Settings().get(test_key, default) == cond_key
+ def _Appendf(self, lst, test_key, format_str, default=None):
+ if test_key in self._Settings():
+ lst.append(format_str % str(self._Settings()[test_key]))
+ elif default:
+ lst.append(format_str % str(default))
+ def _WarnUnimplemented(self, test_key):
+ if test_key in self._Settings():
+ print 'Warning: Ignoring not yet implemented key "%s".' % test_key
+ def IsBinaryOutputFormat(self, configname):
+ default = "binary" if self.isIOS else "xml"
+ format = self.xcode_settings[configname].get('INFOPLIST_OUTPUT_FORMAT',
+ default)
+ return format == "binary"
+ def _IsBundle(self):
+ return int(self.spec.get('mac_bundle', 0)) != 0
+ def _IsIosAppExtension(self):
+ return int(self.spec.get('ios_app_extension', 0)) != 0
+ def _IsIosWatchKitExtension(self):
+ return int(self.spec.get('ios_watchkit_extension', 0)) != 0
+ def _IsIosWatchApp(self):
+ return int(self.spec.get('ios_watch_app', 0)) != 0
+ def GetFrameworkVersion(self):
+ """Returns the framework version of the current target. Only valid for
+ bundles."""
+ assert self._IsBundle()
+ return self.GetPerTargetSetting('FRAMEWORK_VERSION', default='A')
+ def GetWrapperExtension(self):
+ """Returns the bundle extension (.app, .framework, .plugin, etc). Only
+ valid for bundles."""
+ assert self._IsBundle()
+ if self.spec['type'] in ('loadable_module', 'shared_library'):
+ default_wrapper_extension = {
+ 'loadable_module': 'bundle',
+ 'shared_library': 'framework',
+ }[self.spec['type']]
+ wrapper_extension = self.GetPerTargetSetting(
+ 'WRAPPER_EXTENSION', default=default_wrapper_extension)
+ return '.' + self.spec.get('product_extension', wrapper_extension)
+ elif self.spec['type'] == 'executable':
+ if self._IsIosAppExtension() or self._IsIosWatchKitExtension():
+ return '.' + self.spec.get('product_extension', 'appex')
+ else:
+ return '.' + self.spec.get('product_extension', 'app')
+ else:
+ assert False, "Don't know extension for '%s', target '%s'" % (
+ self.spec['type'], self.spec['target_name'])
+ def GetProductName(self):
+ """Returns PRODUCT_NAME."""
+ return self.spec.get('product_name', self.spec['target_name'])
+ def GetFullProductName(self):
+ """Returns FULL_PRODUCT_NAME."""
+ if self._IsBundle():
+ return self.GetWrapperName()
+ else:
+ return self._GetStandaloneBinaryPath()
+ def GetWrapperName(self):
+ """Returns the directory name of the bundle represented by this target.
+ Only valid for bundles."""
+ assert self._IsBundle()
+ return self.GetProductName() + self.GetWrapperExtension()
+ def GetBundleContentsFolderPath(self):
+ """Returns the qualified path to the bundle's contents folder. E.g.
+ Chromium.app/Contents or Foo.bundle/Versions/A. Only valid for bundles."""
+ if self.isIOS:
+ return self.GetWrapperName()
+ assert self._IsBundle()
+ if self.spec['type'] == 'shared_library':
+ return os.path.join(
+ self.GetWrapperName(), 'Versions', self.GetFrameworkVersion())
+ else:
+ # loadable_modules have a 'Contents' folder like executables.
+ return os.path.join(self.GetWrapperName(), 'Contents')
+ def GetBundleResourceFolder(self):
+ """Returns the qualified path to the bundle's resource folder. E.g.
+ Chromium.app/Contents/Resources. Only valid for bundles."""
+ assert self._IsBundle()
+ if self.isIOS:
+ return self.GetBundleContentsFolderPath()
+ return os.path.join(self.GetBundleContentsFolderPath(), 'Resources')
+ def GetBundlePlistPath(self):
+ """Returns the qualified path to the bundle's plist file. E.g.
+ Chromium.app/Contents/Info.plist. Only valid for bundles."""
+ assert self._IsBundle()
+ if self.spec['type'] in ('executable', 'loadable_module'):
+ return os.path.join(self.GetBundleContentsFolderPath(), 'Info.plist')
+ else:
+ return os.path.join(self.GetBundleContentsFolderPath(),
+ 'Resources', 'Info.plist')
+ def GetProductType(self):
+ """Returns the PRODUCT_TYPE of this target."""
+ if self._IsIosAppExtension():
+ assert self._IsBundle(), ('ios_app_extension flag requires mac_bundle '
+ '(target %s)' % self.spec['target_name'])
+ return 'com.apple.product-type.app-extension'
+ if self._IsIosWatchKitExtension():
+ assert self._IsBundle(), ('ios_watchkit_extension flag requires '
+ 'mac_bundle (target %s)' % self.spec['target_name'])
+ return 'com.apple.product-type.watchkit-extension'
+ if self._IsIosWatchApp():
+ assert self._IsBundle(), ('ios_watch_app flag requires mac_bundle '
+ '(target %s)' % self.spec['target_name'])
+ return 'com.apple.product-type.application.watchapp'
+ if self._IsBundle():
+ return {
+ 'executable': 'com.apple.product-type.application',
+ 'loadable_module': 'com.apple.product-type.bundle',
+ 'shared_library': 'com.apple.product-type.framework',
+ }[self.spec['type']]
+ else:
+ return {
+ 'executable': 'com.apple.product-type.tool',
+ 'loadable_module': 'com.apple.product-type.library.dynamic',
+ 'shared_library': 'com.apple.product-type.library.dynamic',
+ 'static_library': 'com.apple.product-type.library.static',
+ }[self.spec['type']]
+ def GetMachOType(self):
+ """Returns the MACH_O_TYPE of this target."""
+ # Weird, but matches Xcode.
+ if not self._IsBundle() and self.spec['type'] == 'executable':
+ return ''
+ return {
+ 'executable': 'mh_execute',
+ 'static_library': 'staticlib',
+ 'shared_library': 'mh_dylib',
+ 'loadable_module': 'mh_bundle',
+ }[self.spec['type']]
+ def _GetBundleBinaryPath(self):
+ """Returns the name of the bundle binary of by this target.
+ E.g. Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium. Only valid for bundles."""
+ assert self._IsBundle()
+ if self.spec['type'] in ('shared_library') or self.isIOS:
+ path = self.GetBundleContentsFolderPath()
+ elif self.spec['type'] in ('executable', 'loadable_module'):
+ path = os.path.join(self.GetBundleContentsFolderPath(), 'MacOS')
+ return os.path.join(path, self.GetExecutableName())
+ def _GetStandaloneExecutableSuffix(self):
+ if 'product_extension' in self.spec:
+ return '.' + self.spec['product_extension']
+ return {
+ 'executable': '',
+ 'static_library': '.a',
+ 'shared_library': '.dylib',
+ 'loadable_module': '.so',
+ }[self.spec['type']]
+ def _GetStandaloneExecutablePrefix(self):
+ return self.spec.get('product_prefix', {
+ 'executable': '',
+ 'static_library': 'lib',
+ 'shared_library': 'lib',
+ # Non-bundled loadable_modules are called foo.so for some reason
+ # (that is, .so and no prefix) with the xcode build -- match that.
+ 'loadable_module': '',
+ }[self.spec['type']])
+ def _GetStandaloneBinaryPath(self):
+ """Returns the name of the non-bundle binary represented by this target.
+ E.g. hello_world. Only valid for non-bundles."""
+ assert not self._IsBundle()
+ assert self.spec['type'] in (
+ 'executable', 'shared_library', 'static_library', 'loadable_module'), (
+ 'Unexpected type %s' % self.spec['type'])
+ target = self.spec['target_name']
+ if self.spec['type'] == 'static_library':
+ if target[:3] == 'lib':
+ target = target[3:]
+ elif self.spec['type'] in ('loadable_module', 'shared_library'):
+ if target[:3] == 'lib':
+ target = target[3:]
+ target_prefix = self._GetStandaloneExecutablePrefix()
+ target = self.spec.get('product_name', target)
+ target_ext = self._GetStandaloneExecutableSuffix()
+ return target_prefix + target + target_ext
+ def GetExecutableName(self):
+ """Returns the executable name of the bundle represented by this target.
+ E.g. Chromium."""
+ if self._IsBundle():
+ return self.spec.get('product_name', self.spec['target_name'])
+ else:
+ return self._GetStandaloneBinaryPath()
+ def GetExecutablePath(self):
+ """Returns the directory name of the bundle represented by this target. E.g.
+ Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium."""
+ if self._IsBundle():
+ return self._GetBundleBinaryPath()
+ else:
+ return self._GetStandaloneBinaryPath()
+ def GetActiveArchs(self, configname):
+ """Returns the architectures this target should be built for."""
+ config_settings = self.xcode_settings[configname]
+ xcode_archs_default = GetXcodeArchsDefault()
+ return xcode_archs_default.ActiveArchs(
+ config_settings.get('ARCHS'),
+ config_settings.get('VALID_ARCHS'),
+ config_settings.get('SDKROOT'))
+ def _GetSdkVersionInfoItem(self, sdk, infoitem):
+ # xcodebuild requires Xcode and can't run on Command Line Tools-only
+ # systems from 10.7 onward.
+ # Since the CLT has no SDK paths anyway, returning None is the
+ # most sensible route and should still do the right thing.
+ try:
+ return GetStdout(['xcodebuild', '-version', '-sdk', sdk, infoitem])
+ except:
+ pass
+ def _SdkRoot(self, configname):
+ if configname is None:
+ configname = self.configname
+ return self.GetPerConfigSetting('SDKROOT', configname, default='')
+ def _SdkPath(self, configname=None):
+ sdk_root = self._SdkRoot(configname)
+ if sdk_root.startswith('/'):
+ return sdk_root
+ return self._XcodeSdkPath(sdk_root)
+ def _XcodeSdkPath(self, sdk_root):
+ if sdk_root not in XcodeSettings._sdk_path_cache:
+ sdk_path = self._GetSdkVersionInfoItem(sdk_root, 'Path')
+ XcodeSettings._sdk_path_cache[sdk_root] = sdk_path
+ if sdk_root:
+ XcodeSettings._sdk_root_cache[sdk_path] = sdk_root
+ return XcodeSettings._sdk_path_cache[sdk_root]
+ def _AppendPlatformVersionMinFlags(self, lst):
+ self._Appendf(lst, 'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', '-mmacosx-version-min=%s')
+ if 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' in self._Settings():
+ # TODO: Implement this better?
+ sdk_path_basename = os.path.basename(self._SdkPath())
+ if sdk_path_basename.lower().startswith('iphonesimulator'):
+ self._Appendf(lst, 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET',
+ '-mios-simulator-version-min=%s')
+ else:
+ self._Appendf(lst, 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET',
+ '-miphoneos-version-min=%s')
+ def GetCflags(self, configname, arch=None):
+ """Returns flags that need to be added to .c, .cc, .m, and .mm
+ compilations."""
+ # This functions (and the similar ones below) do not offer complete
+ # emulation of all xcode_settings keys. They're implemented on demand.
+ self.configname = configname
+ cflags = []
+ sdk_root = self._SdkPath()
+ if 'SDKROOT' in self._Settings() and sdk_root:
+ cflags.append('-isysroot %s' % sdk_root)
+ if self._Test('CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ cflags.append('-Wconstant-conversion')
+ if self._Test('GCC_CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED_CHAR', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ cflags.append('-funsigned-char')
+ if self._Test('GCC_CW_ASM_SYNTAX', 'YES', default='YES'):
+ cflags.append('-fasm-blocks')
+ if 'GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC' in self._Settings():
+ if self._Settings()['GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC'] == 'YES':
+ cflags.append('-mdynamic-no-pic')
+ else:
+ pass
+ # TODO: In this case, it depends on the target. xcode passes
+ # mdynamic-no-pic by default for executable and possibly static lib
+ # according to mento
+ if self._Test('GCC_ENABLE_PASCAL_STRINGS', 'YES', default='YES'):
+ cflags.append('-mpascal-strings')
+ self._Appendf(cflags, 'GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL', '-O%s', default='s')
+ if self._Test('GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS', 'YES', default='YES'):
+ dbg_format = self._Settings().get('DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT', 'dwarf')
+ if dbg_format == 'dwarf':
+ cflags.append('-gdwarf-2')
+ elif dbg_format == 'stabs':
+ raise NotImplementedError('stabs debug format is not supported yet.')
+ elif dbg_format == 'dwarf-with-dsym':
+ cflags.append('-gdwarf-2')
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError('Unknown debug format %s' % dbg_format)
+ if self._Settings().get('GCC_STRICT_ALIASING') == 'YES':
+ cflags.append('-fstrict-aliasing')
+ elif self._Settings().get('GCC_STRICT_ALIASING') == 'NO':
+ cflags.append('-fno-strict-aliasing')
+ if self._Test('GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ cflags.append('-fvisibility=hidden')
+ if self._Test('GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ cflags.append('-Werror')
+ if self._Test('GCC_WARN_ABOUT_MISSING_NEWLINE', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ cflags.append('-Wnewline-eof')
+ # In Xcode, this is only activated when GCC_COMPILER_VERSION is clang or
+ # llvm-gcc. It also requires a fairly recent libtool, and
+ # if the system clang isn't used, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to contain the
+ # path to the libLTO.dylib that matches the used clang.
+ if self._Test('LLVM_LTO', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ cflags.append('-flto')
+ self._AppendPlatformVersionMinFlags(cflags)
+ # TODO:
+ if self._Test('COPY_PHASE_STRIP', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ self._WarnUnimplemented('COPY_PHASE_STRIP')
+ self._WarnUnimplemented('GCC_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS')
+ self._WarnUnimplemented('GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS')
+ # TODO: This is exported correctly, but assigning to it is not supported.
+ self._WarnUnimplemented('MACH_O_TYPE')
+ self._WarnUnimplemented('PRODUCT_TYPE')
+ if arch is not None:
+ archs = [arch]
+ else:
+ assert self.configname
+ archs = self.GetActiveArchs(self.configname)
+ if len(archs) != 1:
+ # TODO: Supporting fat binaries will be annoying.
+ self._WarnUnimplemented('ARCHS')
+ archs = ['i386']
+ cflags.append('-arch ' + archs[0])
+ if archs[0] in ('i386', 'x86_64'):
+ if self._Test('GCC_ENABLE_SSE3_EXTENSIONS', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ cflags.append('-msse3')
+ default='NO'):
+ cflags.append('-mssse3') # Note 3rd 's'.
+ if self._Test('GCC_ENABLE_SSE41_EXTENSIONS', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ cflags.append('-msse4.1')
+ if self._Test('GCC_ENABLE_SSE42_EXTENSIONS', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ cflags.append('-msse4.2')
+ cflags += self._Settings().get('WARNING_CFLAGS', [])
+ if sdk_root:
+ framework_root = sdk_root
+ else:
+ framework_root = ''
+ config = self.spec['configurations'][self.configname]
+ framework_dirs = config.get('mac_framework_dirs', [])
+ for directory in framework_dirs:
+ cflags.append('-F' + directory.replace('$(SDKROOT)', framework_root))
+ self.configname = None
+ return cflags
+ def GetCflagsC(self, configname):
+ """Returns flags that need to be added to .c, and .m compilations."""
+ self.configname = configname
+ cflags_c = []
+ if self._Settings().get('GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD', '') == 'ansi':
+ cflags_c.append('-ansi')
+ else:
+ self._Appendf(cflags_c, 'GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD', '-std=%s')
+ cflags_c += self._Settings().get('OTHER_CFLAGS', [])
+ self.configname = None
+ return cflags_c
+ def GetCflagsCC(self, configname):
+ """Returns flags that need to be added to .cc, and .mm compilations."""
+ self.configname = configname
+ cflags_cc = []
+ clang_cxx_language_standard = self._Settings().get(
+ # Note: Don't make c++0x to c++11 so that c++0x can be used with older
+ # clangs that don't understand c++11 yet (like Xcode 4.2's).
+ if clang_cxx_language_standard:
+ cflags_cc.append('-std=%s' % clang_cxx_language_standard)
+ self._Appendf(cflags_cc, 'CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY', '-stdlib=%s')
+ if self._Test('GCC_ENABLE_CPP_RTTI', 'NO', default='YES'):
+ cflags_cc.append('-fno-rtti')
+ if self._Test('GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS', 'NO', default='YES'):
+ cflags_cc.append('-fno-exceptions')
+ if self._Test('GCC_INLINES_ARE_PRIVATE_EXTERN', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ cflags_cc.append('-fvisibility-inlines-hidden')
+ if self._Test('GCC_THREADSAFE_STATICS', 'NO', default='YES'):
+ cflags_cc.append('-fno-threadsafe-statics')
+ # Note: This flag is a no-op for clang, it only has an effect for gcc.
+ if self._Test('GCC_WARN_ABOUT_INVALID_OFFSETOF_MACRO', 'NO', default='YES'):
+ cflags_cc.append('-Wno-invalid-offsetof')
+ other_ccflags = []
+ for flag in self._Settings().get('OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS', ['$(inherited)']):
+ # TODO: More general variable expansion. Missing in many other places too.
+ if flag in ('$inherited', '$(inherited)', '${inherited}'):
+ flag = '$OTHER_CFLAGS'
+ if flag in ('$OTHER_CFLAGS', '$(OTHER_CFLAGS)', '${OTHER_CFLAGS}'):
+ other_ccflags += self._Settings().get('OTHER_CFLAGS', [])
+ else:
+ other_ccflags.append(flag)
+ cflags_cc += other_ccflags
+ self.configname = None
+ return cflags_cc
+ def _AddObjectiveCGarbageCollectionFlags(self, flags):
+ gc_policy = self._Settings().get('GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_GC', 'unsupported')
+ if gc_policy == 'supported':
+ flags.append('-fobjc-gc')
+ elif gc_policy == 'required':
+ flags.append('-fobjc-gc-only')
+ def _AddObjectiveCARCFlags(self, flags):
+ if self._Test('CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ flags.append('-fobjc-arc')
+ def _AddObjectiveCMissingPropertySynthesisFlags(self, flags):
+ 'YES', default='NO'):
+ flags.append('-Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis')
+ def GetCflagsObjC(self, configname):
+ """Returns flags that need to be added to .m compilations."""
+ self.configname = configname
+ cflags_objc = []
+ self._AddObjectiveCGarbageCollectionFlags(cflags_objc)
+ self._AddObjectiveCARCFlags(cflags_objc)
+ self._AddObjectiveCMissingPropertySynthesisFlags(cflags_objc)
+ self.configname = None
+ return cflags_objc
+ def GetCflagsObjCC(self, configname):
+ """Returns flags that need to be added to .mm compilations."""
+ self.configname = configname
+ cflags_objcc = []
+ self._AddObjectiveCGarbageCollectionFlags(cflags_objcc)
+ self._AddObjectiveCARCFlags(cflags_objcc)
+ self._AddObjectiveCMissingPropertySynthesisFlags(cflags_objcc)
+ if self._Test('GCC_OBJC_CALL_CXX_CDTORS', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ cflags_objcc.append('-fobjc-call-cxx-cdtors')
+ self.configname = None
+ return cflags_objcc
+ def GetInstallNameBase(self):
+ """Return DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE for this target."""
+ # Xcode sets this for shared_libraries, and for nonbundled loadable_modules.
+ if (self.spec['type'] != 'shared_library' and
+ (self.spec['type'] != 'loadable_module' or self._IsBundle())):
+ return None
+ install_base = self.GetPerTargetSetting(
+ default='/Library/Frameworks' if self._IsBundle() else '/usr/local/lib')
+ return install_base
+ def _StandardizePath(self, path):
+ """Do :standardizepath processing for path."""
+ # I'm not quite sure what :standardizepath does. Just call normpath(),
+ # but don't let @executable_path/../foo collapse to foo.
+ if '/' in path:
+ prefix, rest = '', path
+ if path.startswith('@'):
+ prefix, rest = path.split('/', 1)
+ rest = os.path.normpath(rest) # :standardizepath
+ path = os.path.join(prefix, rest)
+ return path
+ def GetInstallName(self):
+ """Return LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME for this target."""
+ # Xcode sets this for shared_libraries, and for nonbundled loadable_modules.
+ if (self.spec['type'] != 'shared_library' and
+ (self.spec['type'] != 'loadable_module' or self._IsBundle())):
+ return None
+ default_install_name = \
+ install_name = self.GetPerTargetSetting(
+ 'LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME', default=default_install_name)
+ # Hardcode support for the variables used in chromium for now, to
+ # unblock people using the make build.
+ if '$' in install_name:
+ assert install_name in ('$(DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE:standardizepath)/'
+ '$(WRAPPER_NAME)/$(PRODUCT_NAME)', default_install_name), (
+ 'Variables in LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME are not generally supported '
+ 'yet in target \'%s\' (got \'%s\')' %
+ (self.spec['target_name'], install_name))
+ install_name = install_name.replace(
+ '$(DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE:standardizepath)',
+ self._StandardizePath(self.GetInstallNameBase()))
+ if self._IsBundle():
+ # These are only valid for bundles, hence the |if|.
+ install_name = install_name.replace(
+ '$(WRAPPER_NAME)', self.GetWrapperName())
+ install_name = install_name.replace(
+ '$(PRODUCT_NAME)', self.GetProductName())
+ else:
+ assert '$(WRAPPER_NAME)' not in install_name
+ assert '$(PRODUCT_NAME)' not in install_name
+ install_name = install_name.replace(
+ '$(EXECUTABLE_PATH)', self.GetExecutablePath())
+ return install_name
+ def _MapLinkerFlagFilename(self, ldflag, gyp_to_build_path):
+ """Checks if ldflag contains a filename and if so remaps it from
+ gyp-directory-relative to build-directory-relative."""
+ # This list is expanded on demand.
+ # They get matched as:
+ # -exported_symbols_list file
+ # -Wl,exported_symbols_list file
+ # -Wl,exported_symbols_list,file
+ LINKER_FILE = r'(\S+)'
+ WORD = r'\S+'
+ linker_flags = [
+ ['-exported_symbols_list', LINKER_FILE], # Needed for NaCl.
+ ['-unexported_symbols_list', LINKER_FILE],
+ ['-reexported_symbols_list', LINKER_FILE],
+ ['-sectcreate', WORD, WORD, LINKER_FILE], # Needed for remoting.
+ ]
+ for flag_pattern in linker_flags:
+ regex = re.compile('(?:-Wl,)?' + '[ ,]'.join(flag_pattern))
+ m = regex.match(ldflag)
+ if m:
+ ldflag = ldflag[:m.start(1)] + gyp_to_build_path(m.group(1)) + \
+ ldflag[m.end(1):]
+ # Required for ffmpeg (no idea why they don't use LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS,
+ # TODO(thakis): Update ffmpeg.gyp):
+ if ldflag.startswith('-L'):
+ ldflag = '-L' + gyp_to_build_path(ldflag[len('-L'):])
+ return ldflag
+ def GetLdflags(self, configname, product_dir, gyp_to_build_path, arch=None):
+ """Returns flags that need to be passed to the linker.
+ Args:
+ configname: The name of the configuration to get ld flags for.
+ product_dir: The directory where products such static and dynamic
+ libraries are placed. This is added to the library search path.
+ gyp_to_build_path: A function that converts paths relative to the
+ current gyp file to paths relative to the build direcotry.
+ """
+ self.configname = configname
+ ldflags = []
+ # The xcode build is relative to a gyp file's directory, and OTHER_LDFLAGS
+ # can contain entries that depend on this. Explicitly absolutify these.
+ for ldflag in self._Settings().get('OTHER_LDFLAGS', []):
+ ldflags.append(self._MapLinkerFlagFilename(ldflag, gyp_to_build_path))
+ if self._Test('DEAD_CODE_STRIPPING', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ ldflags.append('-Wl,-dead_strip')
+ if self._Test('PREBINDING', 'YES', default='NO'):
+ ldflags.append('-Wl,-prebind')
+ self._Appendf(
+ ldflags, 'DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION', '-compatibility_version %s')
+ self._Appendf(
+ ldflags, 'DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION', '-current_version %s')
+ self._AppendPlatformVersionMinFlags(ldflags)
+ if 'SDKROOT' in self._Settings() and self._SdkPath():
+ ldflags.append('-isysroot ' + self._SdkPath())
+ for library_path in self._Settings().get('LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS', []):
+ ldflags.append('-L' + gyp_to_build_path(library_path))
+ if 'ORDER_FILE' in self._Settings():
+ ldflags.append('-Wl,-order_file ' +
+ '-Wl,' + gyp_to_build_path(
+ self._Settings()['ORDER_FILE']))
+ if arch is not None:
+ archs = [arch]
+ else:
+ assert self.configname
+ archs = self.GetActiveArchs(self.configname)
+ if len(archs) != 1:
+ # TODO: Supporting fat binaries will be annoying.
+ self._WarnUnimplemented('ARCHS')
+ archs = ['i386']
+ ldflags.append('-arch ' + archs[0])
+ # Xcode adds the product directory by default.
+ ldflags.append('-L' + product_dir)
+ install_name = self.GetInstallName()
+ if install_name and self.spec['type'] != 'loadable_module':
+ ldflags.append('-install_name ' + install_name.replace(' ', r'\ '))
+ for rpath in self._Settings().get('LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS', []):
+ ldflags.append('-Wl,-rpath,' + rpath)
+ sdk_root = self._SdkPath()
+ if not sdk_root:
+ sdk_root = ''
+ config = self.spec['configurations'][self.configname]
+ framework_dirs = config.get('mac_framework_dirs', [])
+ for directory in framework_dirs:
+ ldflags.append('-F' + directory.replace('$(SDKROOT)', sdk_root))
+ is_extension = self._IsIosAppExtension() or self._IsIosWatchKitExtension()
+ if sdk_root and is_extension:
+ # Adds the link flags for extensions. These flags are common for all
+ # extensions and provide loader and main function.
+ # These flags reflect the compilation options used by xcode to compile
+ # extensions.
+ ldflags.append('-lpkstart')
+ if XcodeVersion() < '0900':
+ ldflags.append(sdk_root +
+ '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PlugInKit.framework/PlugInKit')
+ ldflags.append('-fapplication-extension')
+ ldflags.append('-Xlinker -rpath '
+ '-Xlinker @executable_path/../../Frameworks')
+ self._Appendf(ldflags, 'CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY', '-stdlib=%s')
+ self.configname = None
+ return ldflags
+ def GetLibtoolflags(self, configname):
+ """Returns flags that need to be passed to the static linker.
+ Args:
+ configname: The name of the configuration to get ld flags for.
+ """
+ self.configname = configname
+ libtoolflags = []
+ for libtoolflag in self._Settings().get('OTHER_LDFLAGS', []):
+ libtoolflags.append(libtoolflag)
+ # TODO(thakis): ARCHS?
+ self.configname = None
+ return libtoolflags
+ def GetPerTargetSettings(self):
+ """Gets a list of all the per-target settings. This will only fetch keys
+ whose values are the same across all configurations."""
+ first_pass = True
+ result = {}
+ for configname in sorted(self.xcode_settings.keys()):
+ if first_pass:
+ result = dict(self.xcode_settings[configname])
+ first_pass = False
+ else:
+ for key, value in self.xcode_settings[configname].iteritems():
+ if key not in result:
+ continue
+ elif result[key] != value:
+ del result[key]
+ return result
+ def GetPerConfigSetting(self, setting, configname, default=None):
+ if configname in self.xcode_settings:
+ return self.xcode_settings[configname].get(setting, default)
+ else:
+ return self.GetPerTargetSetting(setting, default)
+ def GetPerTargetSetting(self, setting, default=None):
+ """Tries to get xcode_settings.setting from spec. Assumes that the setting
+ has the same value in all configurations and throws otherwise."""
+ is_first_pass = True
+ result = None
+ for configname in sorted(self.xcode_settings.keys()):
+ if is_first_pass:
+ result = self.xcode_settings[configname].get(setting, None)
+ is_first_pass = False
+ else:
+ assert result == self.xcode_settings[configname].get(setting, None), (
+ "Expected per-target setting for '%s', got per-config setting "
+ "(target %s)" % (setting, self.spec['target_name']))
+ if result is None:
+ return default
+ return result
+ def _GetStripPostbuilds(self, configname, output_binary, quiet):
+ """Returns a list of shell commands that contain the shell commands
+ neccessary to strip this target's binary. These should be run as postbuilds
+ before the actual postbuilds run."""
+ self.configname = configname
+ result = []
+ if (self._Test('DEPLOYMENT_POSTPROCESSING', 'YES', default='NO') and
+ self._Test('STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT', 'YES', default='NO')):
+ default_strip_style = 'debugging'
+ if self.spec['type'] == 'loadable_module' and self._IsBundle():
+ default_strip_style = 'non-global'
+ elif self.spec['type'] == 'executable':
+ default_strip_style = 'all'
+ strip_style = self._Settings().get('STRIP_STYLE', default_strip_style)
+ strip_flags = {
+ 'all': '',
+ 'non-global': '-x',
+ 'debugging': '-S',
+ }[strip_style]
+ explicit_strip_flags = self._Settings().get('STRIPFLAGS', '')
+ if explicit_strip_flags:
+ strip_flags += ' ' + _NormalizeEnvVarReferences(explicit_strip_flags)
+ if not quiet:
+ result.append('echo STRIP\\(%s\\)' % self.spec['target_name'])
+ result.append('strip %s %s' % (strip_flags, output_binary))
+ self.configname = None
+ return result
+ def _GetDebugInfoPostbuilds(self, configname, output, output_binary, quiet):
+ """Returns a list of shell commands that contain the shell commands
+ neccessary to massage this target's debug information. These should be run
+ as postbuilds before the actual postbuilds run."""
+ self.configname = configname
+ # For static libraries, no dSYMs are created.
+ result = []
+ if (self._Test('GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS', 'YES', default='YES') and
+ self._Test(
+ 'DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT', 'dwarf-with-dsym', default='dwarf') and
+ self.spec['type'] != 'static_library'):
+ if not quiet:
+ result.append('echo DSYMUTIL\\(%s\\)' % self.spec['target_name'])
+ result.append('dsymutil %s -o %s' % (output_binary, output + '.dSYM'))
+ self.configname = None
+ return result
+ def _GetTargetPostbuilds(self, configname, output, output_binary,
+ quiet=False):
+ """Returns a list of shell commands that contain the shell commands
+ to run as postbuilds for this target, before the actual postbuilds."""
+ # dSYMs need to build before stripping happens.
+ return (
+ self._GetDebugInfoPostbuilds(configname, output, output_binary, quiet) +
+ self._GetStripPostbuilds(configname, output_binary, quiet))
+ def _GetIOSPostbuilds(self, configname, output_binary):
+ """Return a shell command to codesign the iOS output binary so it can
+ be deployed to a device. This should be run as the very last step of the
+ build."""
+ if not (self.isIOS and self.spec['type'] == 'executable'):
+ return []
+ settings = self.xcode_settings[configname]
+ key = self._GetIOSCodeSignIdentityKey(settings)
+ if not key:
+ return []
+ # Warn for any unimplemented signing xcode keys.
+ unimpl = ['OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS']
+ unimpl = set(unimpl) & set(self.xcode_settings[configname].keys())
+ if unimpl:
+ print 'Warning: Some codesign keys not implemented, ignoring: %s' % (
+ ', '.join(sorted(unimpl)))
+ return ['%s code-sign-bundle "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s"' % (
+ os.path.join('${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}', 'gyp-mac-tool'), key,
+ settings.get('CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH', ''),
+ settings.get('CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS', ''),
+ settings.get('PROVISIONING_PROFILE', ''))
+ ]
+ def _GetIOSCodeSignIdentityKey(self, settings):
+ identity = settings.get('CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY')
+ if not identity:
+ return None
+ if identity not in XcodeSettings._codesigning_key_cache:
+ output = subprocess.check_output(
+ ['security', 'find-identity', '-p', 'codesigning', '-v'])
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ if identity in line:
+ fingerprint = line.split()[1]
+ cache = XcodeSettings._codesigning_key_cache
+ assert identity not in cache or fingerprint == cache[identity], (
+ "Multiple codesigning fingerprints for identity: %s" % identity)
+ XcodeSettings._codesigning_key_cache[identity] = fingerprint
+ return XcodeSettings._codesigning_key_cache.get(identity, '')
+ def AddImplicitPostbuilds(self, configname, output, output_binary,
+ postbuilds=[], quiet=False):
+ """Returns a list of shell commands that should run before and after
+ |postbuilds|."""
+ assert output_binary is not None
+ pre = self._GetTargetPostbuilds(configname, output, output_binary, quiet)
+ post = self._GetIOSPostbuilds(configname, output_binary)
+ return pre + postbuilds + post
+ def _AdjustLibrary(self, library, config_name=None):
+ if library.endswith('.framework'):
+ l = '-framework ' + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(library))[0]
+ else:
+ m = self.library_re.match(library)
+ if m:
+ l = '-l' + m.group(1)
+ else:
+ l = library
+ sdk_root = self._SdkPath(config_name)
+ if not sdk_root:
+ sdk_root = ''
+ # Xcode 7 started shipping with ".tbd" (text based stubs) files instead of
+ # ".dylib" without providing a real support for them. What it does, for
+ # "/usr/lib" libraries, is do "-L/usr/lib -lname" which is dependent on the
+ # library order and cause collision when building Chrome.
+ #
+ # Instead substitude ".tbd" to ".dylib" in the generated project when the
+ # following conditions are both true:
+ # - library is referenced in the gyp file as "$(SDKROOT)/**/*.dylib",
+ # - the ".dylib" file does not exists but a ".tbd" file do.
+ library = l.replace('$(SDKROOT)', sdk_root)
+ if l.startswith('$(SDKROOT)'):
+ basename, ext = os.path.splitext(library)
+ if ext == '.dylib' and not os.path.exists(library):
+ tbd_library = basename + '.tbd'
+ if os.path.exists(tbd_library):
+ library = tbd_library
+ return library
+ def AdjustLibraries(self, libraries, config_name=None):
+ """Transforms entries like 'Cocoa.framework' in libraries into entries like
+ '-framework Cocoa', 'libcrypto.dylib' into '-lcrypto', etc.
+ """
+ libraries = [self._AdjustLibrary(library, config_name)
+ for library in libraries]
+ return libraries
+ def _BuildMachineOSBuild(self):
+ return GetStdout(['sw_vers', '-buildVersion'])
+ def _XcodeIOSDeviceFamily(self, configname):
+ family = self.xcode_settings[configname].get('TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY', '1')
+ return [int(x) for x in family.split(',')]
+ def GetExtraPlistItems(self, configname=None):
+ """Returns a dictionary with extra items to insert into Info.plist."""
+ if configname not in XcodeSettings._plist_cache:
+ cache = {}
+ cache['BuildMachineOSBuild'] = self._BuildMachineOSBuild()
+ xcode, xcode_build = XcodeVersion()
+ cache['DTXcode'] = xcode
+ cache['DTXcodeBuild'] = xcode_build
+ sdk_root = self._SdkRoot(configname)
+ if not sdk_root:
+ sdk_root = self._DefaultSdkRoot()
+ cache['DTSDKName'] = sdk_root
+ if xcode >= '0430':
+ cache['DTSDKBuild'] = self._GetSdkVersionInfoItem(
+ sdk_root, 'ProductBuildVersion')
+ else:
+ cache['DTSDKBuild'] = cache['BuildMachineOSBuild']
+ if self.isIOS:
+ cache['DTPlatformName'] = cache['DTSDKName']
+ if configname.endswith("iphoneos"):
+ cache['DTPlatformVersion'] = self._GetSdkVersionInfoItem(
+ sdk_root, 'ProductVersion')
+ cache['CFBundleSupportedPlatforms'] = ['iPhoneOS']
+ else:
+ cache['CFBundleSupportedPlatforms'] = ['iPhoneSimulator']
+ XcodeSettings._plist_cache[configname] = cache
+ # Include extra plist items that are per-target, not per global
+ # XcodeSettings.
+ items = dict(XcodeSettings._plist_cache[configname])
+ if self.isIOS:
+ items['UIDeviceFamily'] = self._XcodeIOSDeviceFamily(configname)
+ return items
+ def _DefaultSdkRoot(self):
+ """Returns the default SDKROOT to use.
+ Prior to version 5.0.0, if SDKROOT was not explicitly set in the Xcode
+ project, then the environment variable was empty. Starting with this
+ version, Xcode uses the name of the newest SDK installed.
+ """
+ xcode_version, xcode_build = XcodeVersion()
+ if xcode_version < '0500':
+ return ''
+ default_sdk_path = self._XcodeSdkPath('')
+ default_sdk_root = XcodeSettings._sdk_root_cache.get(default_sdk_path)
+ if default_sdk_root:
+ return default_sdk_root
+ try:
+ all_sdks = GetStdout(['xcodebuild', '-showsdks'])
+ except:
+ # If xcodebuild fails, there will be no valid SDKs
+ return ''
+ for line in all_sdks.splitlines():
+ items = line.split()
+ if len(items) >= 3 and items[-2] == '-sdk':
+ sdk_root = items[-1]
+ sdk_path = self._XcodeSdkPath(sdk_root)
+ if sdk_path == default_sdk_path:
+ return sdk_root
+ return ''
+class MacPrefixHeader(object):
+ """A class that helps with emulating Xcode's GCC_PREFIX_HEADER feature.
+ This feature consists of several pieces:
+ * If GCC_PREFIX_HEADER is present, all compilations in that project get an
+ additional |-include path_to_prefix_header| cflag.
+ * If GCC_PRECOMPILE_PREFIX_HEADER is present too, then the prefix header is
+ instead compiled, and all other compilations in the project get an
+ additional |-include path_to_compiled_header| instead.
+ + Compiled prefix headers have the extension gch. There is one gch file for
+ every language used in the project (c, cc, m, mm), since gch files for
+ different languages aren't compatible.
+ + gch files themselves are built with the target's normal cflags, but they
+ obviously don't get the |-include| flag. Instead, they need a -x flag that
+ describes their language.
+ + All o files in the target need to depend on the gch file, to make sure
+ it's built before any o file is built.
+ This class helps with some of these tasks, but it needs help from the build
+ system for writing dependencies to the gch files, for writing build commands
+ for the gch files, and for figuring out the location of the gch files.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, xcode_settings,
+ gyp_path_to_build_path, gyp_path_to_build_output):
+ """If xcode_settings is None, all methods on this class are no-ops.
+ Args:
+ gyp_path_to_build_path: A function that takes a gyp-relative path,
+ and returns a path relative to the build directory.
+ gyp_path_to_build_output: A function that takes a gyp-relative path and
+ a language code ('c', 'cc', 'm', or 'mm'), and that returns a path
+ to where the output of precompiling that path for that language
+ should be placed (without the trailing '.gch').
+ """
+ # This doesn't support per-configuration prefix headers. Good enough
+ # for now.
+ self.header = None
+ self.compile_headers = False
+ if xcode_settings:
+ self.header = xcode_settings.GetPerTargetSetting('GCC_PREFIX_HEADER')
+ self.compile_headers = xcode_settings.GetPerTargetSetting(
+ self.compiled_headers = {}
+ if self.header:
+ if self.compile_headers:
+ for lang in ['c', 'cc', 'm', 'mm']:
+ self.compiled_headers[lang] = gyp_path_to_build_output(
+ self.header, lang)
+ self.header = gyp_path_to_build_path(self.header)
+ def _CompiledHeader(self, lang, arch):
+ assert self.compile_headers
+ h = self.compiled_headers[lang]
+ if arch:
+ h += '.' + arch
+ return h
+ def GetInclude(self, lang, arch=None):
+ """Gets the cflags to include the prefix header for language |lang|."""
+ if self.compile_headers and lang in self.compiled_headers:
+ return '-include %s' % self._CompiledHeader(lang, arch)
+ elif self.header:
+ return '-include %s' % self.header
+ else:
+ return ''
+ def _Gch(self, lang, arch):
+ """Returns the actual file name of the prefix header for language |lang|."""
+ assert self.compile_headers
+ return self._CompiledHeader(lang, arch) + '.gch'
+ def GetObjDependencies(self, sources, objs, arch=None):
+ """Given a list of source files and the corresponding object files, returns
+ a list of (source, object, gch) tuples, where |gch| is the build-directory
+ relative path to the gch file each object file depends on. |compilable[i]|
+ has to be the source file belonging to |objs[i]|."""
+ if not self.header or not self.compile_headers:
+ return []
+ result = []
+ for source, obj in zip(sources, objs):
+ ext = os.path.splitext(source)[1]
+ lang = {
+ '.c': 'c',
+ '.cpp': 'cc', '.cc': 'cc', '.cxx': 'cc',
+ '.m': 'm',
+ '.mm': 'mm',
+ }.get(ext, None)
+ if lang:
+ result.append((source, obj, self._Gch(lang, arch)))
+ return result
+ def GetPchBuildCommands(self, arch=None):
+ """Returns [(path_to_gch, language_flag, language, header)].
+ |path_to_gch| and |header| are relative to the build directory.
+ """
+ if not self.header or not self.compile_headers:
+ return []
+ return [
+ (self._Gch('c', arch), '-x c-header', 'c', self.header),
+ (self._Gch('cc', arch), '-x c++-header', 'cc', self.header),
+ (self._Gch('m', arch), '-x objective-c-header', 'm', self.header),
+ (self._Gch('mm', arch), '-x objective-c++-header', 'mm', self.header),
+ ]
+def XcodeVersion():
+ """Returns a tuple of version and build version of installed Xcode."""
+ # `xcodebuild -version` output looks like
+ # Xcode 4.6.3
+ # Build version 4H1503
+ # or like
+ # Xcode 3.2.6
+ # Component versions: DevToolsCore-1809.0; DevToolsSupport-1806.0
+ # BuildVersion: 10M2518
+ # Convert that to '0463', '4H1503'.
+ try:
+ version_list = GetStdout(['xcodebuild', '-version']).splitlines()
+ # In some circumstances xcodebuild exits 0 but doesn't return
+ # the right results; for example, a user on 10.7 or 10.8 with
+ # a bogus path set via xcode-select
+ # In that case this may be a CLT-only install so fall back to
+ # checking that version.
+ if len(version_list) < 2:
+ raise GypError("xcodebuild returned unexpected results")
+ except:
+ version = CLTVersion()
+ if version:
+ version = re.match(r'(\d\.\d\.?\d*)', version).groups()[0]
+ else:
+ raise GypError("No Xcode or CLT version detected!")
+ # The CLT has no build information, so we return an empty string.
+ version_list = [version, '']
+ version = version_list[0]
+ build = version_list[-1]
+ # Be careful to convert "4.2" to "0420":
+ version = version.split()[-1].replace('.', '')
+ version = (version + '0' * (3 - len(version))).zfill(4)
+ if build:
+ build = build.split()[-1]
+ XCODE_VERSION_CACHE = (version, build)
+# This function ported from the logic in Homebrew's CLT version check
+def CLTVersion():
+ """Returns the version of command-line tools from pkgutil."""
+ # pkgutil output looks like
+ # package-id: com.apple.pkg.CLTools_Executables
+ # version:
+ # volume: /
+ # location: /
+ # install-time: 1382544035
+ # groups: com.apple.FindSystemFiles.pkg-group com.apple.DevToolsBoth.pkg-group com.apple.DevToolsNonRelocatableShared.pkg-group
+ STANDALONE_PKG_ID = "com.apple.pkg.DeveloperToolsCLILeo"
+ FROM_XCODE_PKG_ID = "com.apple.pkg.DeveloperToolsCLI"
+ MAVERICKS_PKG_ID = "com.apple.pkg.CLTools_Executables"
+ regex = re.compile('version: (?P<version>.+)')
+ try:
+ output = GetStdout(['/usr/sbin/pkgutil', '--pkg-info', key])
+ return re.search(regex, output).groupdict()['version']
+ except:
+ continue
+def GetStdout(cmdlist):
+ """Returns the content of standard output returned by invoking |cmdlist|.
+ Raises |GypError| if the command return with a non-zero return code."""
+ job = subprocess.Popen(cmdlist, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out = job.communicate()[0]
+ if job.returncode != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write(out + '\n')
+ raise GypError('Error %d running %s' % (job.returncode, cmdlist[0]))
+ return out.rstrip('\n')
+def MergeGlobalXcodeSettingsToSpec(global_dict, spec):
+ """Merges the global xcode_settings dictionary into each configuration of the
+ target represented by spec. For keys that are both in the global and the local
+ xcode_settings dict, the local key gets precendence.
+ """
+ # The xcode generator special-cases global xcode_settings and does something
+ # that amounts to merging in the global xcode_settings into each local
+ # xcode_settings dict.
+ global_xcode_settings = global_dict.get('xcode_settings', {})
+ for config in spec['configurations'].values():
+ if 'xcode_settings' in config:
+ new_settings = global_xcode_settings.copy()
+ new_settings.update(config['xcode_settings'])
+ config['xcode_settings'] = new_settings
+def IsMacBundle(flavor, spec):
+ """Returns if |spec| should be treated as a bundle.
+ Bundles are directories with a certain subdirectory structure, instead of
+ just a single file. Bundle rules do not produce a binary but also package
+ resources into that directory."""
+ is_mac_bundle = (int(spec.get('mac_bundle', 0)) != 0 and flavor == 'mac')
+ if is_mac_bundle:
+ assert spec['type'] != 'none', (
+ 'mac_bundle targets cannot have type none (target "%s")' %
+ spec['target_name'])
+ return is_mac_bundle
+def GetMacBundleResources(product_dir, xcode_settings, resources):
+ """Yields (output, resource) pairs for every resource in |resources|.
+ Only call this for mac bundle targets.
+ Args:
+ product_dir: Path to the directory containing the output bundle,
+ relative to the build directory.
+ xcode_settings: The XcodeSettings of the current target.
+ resources: A list of bundle resources, relative to the build directory.
+ """
+ dest = os.path.join(product_dir,
+ xcode_settings.GetBundleResourceFolder())
+ for res in resources:
+ output = dest
+ # The make generator doesn't support it, so forbid it everywhere
+ # to keep the generators more interchangable.
+ assert ' ' not in res, (
+ "Spaces in resource filenames not supported (%s)" % res)
+ # Split into (path,file).
+ res_parts = os.path.split(res)
+ # Now split the path into (prefix,maybe.lproj).
+ lproj_parts = os.path.split(res_parts[0])
+ # If the resource lives in a .lproj bundle, add that to the destination.
+ if lproj_parts[1].endswith('.lproj'):
+ output = os.path.join(output, lproj_parts[1])
+ output = os.path.join(output, res_parts[1])
+ # Compiled XIB files are referred to by .nib.
+ if output.endswith('.xib'):
+ output = os.path.splitext(output)[0] + '.nib'
+ # Compiled storyboard files are referred to by .storyboardc.
+ if output.endswith('.storyboard'):
+ output = os.path.splitext(output)[0] + '.storyboardc'
+ yield output, res
+def GetMacInfoPlist(product_dir, xcode_settings, gyp_path_to_build_path):
+ """Returns (info_plist, dest_plist, defines, extra_env), where:
+ * |info_plist| is the source plist path, relative to the
+ build directory,
+ * |dest_plist| is the destination plist path, relative to the
+ build directory,
+ * |defines| is a list of preprocessor defines (empty if the plist
+ shouldn't be preprocessed,
+ * |extra_env| is a dict of env variables that should be exported when
+ invoking |mac_tool copy-info-plist|.
+ Only call this for mac bundle targets.
+ Args:
+ product_dir: Path to the directory containing the output bundle,
+ relative to the build directory.
+ xcode_settings: The XcodeSettings of the current target.
+ gyp_to_build_path: A function that converts paths relative to the
+ current gyp file to paths relative to the build direcotry.
+ """
+ info_plist = xcode_settings.GetPerTargetSetting('INFOPLIST_FILE')
+ if not info_plist:
+ return None, None, [], {}
+ # The make generator doesn't support it, so forbid it everywhere
+ # to keep the generators more interchangable.
+ assert ' ' not in info_plist, (
+ "Spaces in Info.plist filenames not supported (%s)" % info_plist)
+ info_plist = gyp_path_to_build_path(info_plist)
+ # If explicitly set to preprocess the plist, invoke the C preprocessor and
+ # specify any defines as -D flags.
+ if xcode_settings.GetPerTargetSetting(
+ 'INFOPLIST_PREPROCESS', default='NO') == 'YES':
+ # Create an intermediate file based on the path.
+ defines = shlex.split(xcode_settings.GetPerTargetSetting(
+ else:
+ defines = []
+ dest_plist = os.path.join(product_dir, xcode_settings.GetBundlePlistPath())
+ extra_env = xcode_settings.GetPerTargetSettings()
+ return info_plist, dest_plist, defines, extra_env
+def _GetXcodeEnv(xcode_settings, built_products_dir, srcroot, configuration,
+ additional_settings=None):
+ """Return the environment variables that Xcode would set. See
+ http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/DeveloperTools/Reference/XcodeBuildSettingRef/1-Build_Setting_Reference/build_setting_ref.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003931-CH3-SW153
+ for a full list.
+ Args:
+ xcode_settings: An XcodeSettings object. If this is None, this function
+ returns an empty dict.
+ built_products_dir: Absolute path to the built products dir.
+ srcroot: Absolute path to the source root.
+ configuration: The build configuration name.
+ additional_settings: An optional dict with more values to add to the
+ result.
+ """
+ if not xcode_settings: return {}
+ # This function is considered a friend of XcodeSettings, so let it reach into
+ # its implementation details.
+ spec = xcode_settings.spec
+ # These are filled in on a as-needed basis.
+ env = {
+ 'BUILT_FRAMEWORKS_DIR' : built_products_dir,
+ 'BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR' : built_products_dir,
+ 'CONFIGURATION' : configuration,
+ 'PRODUCT_NAME' : xcode_settings.GetProductName(),
+ # See /Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Specifications/MacOSX\ Product\ Types.xcspec for FULL_PRODUCT_NAME
+ 'SRCROOT' : srcroot,
+ # This is not true for static libraries, but currently the env is only
+ # written for bundles:
+ 'TARGET_BUILD_DIR' : built_products_dir,
+ 'TEMP_DIR' : '${TMPDIR}',
+ }
+ if xcode_settings.GetPerConfigSetting('SDKROOT', configuration):
+ env['SDKROOT'] = xcode_settings._SdkPath(configuration)
+ else:
+ env['SDKROOT'] = ''
+ if spec['type'] in (
+ 'executable', 'static_library', 'shared_library', 'loadable_module'):
+ env['EXECUTABLE_NAME'] = xcode_settings.GetExecutableName()
+ env['EXECUTABLE_PATH'] = xcode_settings.GetExecutablePath()
+ env['FULL_PRODUCT_NAME'] = xcode_settings.GetFullProductName()
+ mach_o_type = xcode_settings.GetMachOType()
+ if mach_o_type:
+ env['MACH_O_TYPE'] = mach_o_type
+ env['PRODUCT_TYPE'] = xcode_settings.GetProductType()
+ if xcode_settings._IsBundle():
+ xcode_settings.GetBundleContentsFolderPath()
+ xcode_settings.GetBundleResourceFolder()
+ env['INFOPLIST_PATH'] = xcode_settings.GetBundlePlistPath()
+ env['WRAPPER_NAME'] = xcode_settings.GetWrapperName()
+ install_name = xcode_settings.GetInstallName()
+ if install_name:
+ env['LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME'] = install_name
+ install_name_base = xcode_settings.GetInstallNameBase()
+ if install_name_base:
+ env['DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE'] = install_name_base
+ if XcodeVersion() >= '0500' and not env.get('SDKROOT'):
+ sdk_root = xcode_settings._SdkRoot(configuration)
+ if not sdk_root:
+ sdk_root = xcode_settings._XcodeSdkPath('')
+ if sdk_root is None:
+ sdk_root = ''
+ env['SDKROOT'] = sdk_root
+ if not additional_settings:
+ additional_settings = {}
+ else:
+ # Flatten lists to strings.
+ for k in additional_settings:
+ if not isinstance(additional_settings[k], str):
+ additional_settings[k] = ' '.join(additional_settings[k])
+ additional_settings.update(env)
+ for k in additional_settings:
+ additional_settings[k] = _NormalizeEnvVarReferences(additional_settings[k])
+ return additional_settings
+def _NormalizeEnvVarReferences(str):
+ """Takes a string containing variable references in the form ${FOO}, $(FOO),
+ or $FOO, and returns a string with all variable references in the form ${FOO}.
+ """
+ # $FOO -> ${FOO}
+ str = re.sub(r'\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)', r'${\1}', str)
+ # $(FOO) -> ${FOO}
+ matches = re.findall(r'(\$\(([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)\))', str)
+ for match in matches:
+ to_replace, variable = match
+ assert '$(' not in match, '$($(FOO)) variables not supported: ' + match
+ str = str.replace(to_replace, '${' + variable + '}')
+ return str
+def ExpandEnvVars(string, expansions):
+ """Expands ${VARIABLES}, $(VARIABLES), and $VARIABLES in string per the
+ expansions list. If the variable expands to something that references
+ another variable, this variable is expanded as well if it's in env --
+ until no variables present in env are left."""
+ for k, v in reversed(expansions):
+ string = string.replace('${' + k + '}', v)
+ string = string.replace('$(' + k + ')', v)
+ string = string.replace('$' + k, v)
+ return string
+def _TopologicallySortedEnvVarKeys(env):
+ """Takes a dict |env| whose values are strings that can refer to other keys,
+ for example env['foo'] = '$(bar) and $(baz)'. Returns a list L of all keys of
+ env such that key2 is after key1 in L if env[key2] refers to env[key1].
+ Throws an Exception in case of dependency cycles.
+ """
+ # Since environment variables can refer to other variables, the evaluation
+ # order is important. Below is the logic to compute the dependency graph
+ # and sort it.
+ regex = re.compile(r'\$\{([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)\}')
+ def GetEdges(node):
+ # Use a definition of edges such that user_of_variable -> used_varible.
+ # This happens to be easier in this case, since a variable's
+ # definition contains all variables it references in a single string.
+ # We can then reverse the result of the topological sort at the end.
+ # Since: reverse(topsort(DAG)) = topsort(reverse_edges(DAG))
+ matches = set([v for v in regex.findall(env[node]) if v in env])
+ for dependee in matches:
+ assert '${' not in dependee, 'Nested variables not supported: ' + dependee
+ return matches
+ try:
+ # Topologically sort, and then reverse, because we used an edge definition
+ # that's inverted from the expected result of this function (see comment
+ # above).
+ order = gyp.common.TopologicallySorted(env.keys(), GetEdges)
+ order.reverse()
+ return order
+ except gyp.common.CycleError, e:
+ raise GypError(
+ 'Xcode environment variables are cyclically dependent: ' + str(e.nodes))
+def GetSortedXcodeEnv(xcode_settings, built_products_dir, srcroot,
+ configuration, additional_settings=None):
+ env = _GetXcodeEnv(xcode_settings, built_products_dir, srcroot, configuration,
+ additional_settings)
+ return [(key, env[key]) for key in _TopologicallySortedEnvVarKeys(env)]
+def GetSpecPostbuildCommands(spec, quiet=False):
+ """Returns the list of postbuilds explicitly defined on |spec|, in a form
+ executable by a shell."""
+ postbuilds = []
+ for postbuild in spec.get('postbuilds', []):
+ if not quiet:
+ postbuilds.append('echo POSTBUILD\\(%s\\) %s' % (
+ spec['target_name'], postbuild['postbuild_name']))
+ postbuilds.append(gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList(postbuild['action']))
+ return postbuilds
+def _HasIOSTarget(targets):
+ """Returns true if any target contains the iOS specific key
+ for target_dict in targets.values():
+ for config in target_dict['configurations'].values():
+ if config.get('xcode_settings', {}).get('IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'):
+ return True
+ return False
+def _AddIOSDeviceConfigurations(targets):
+ """Clone all targets and append -iphoneos to the name. Configure these targets
+ to build for iOS devices and use correct architectures for those builds."""
+ for target_dict in targets.itervalues():
+ toolset = target_dict['toolset']
+ configs = target_dict['configurations']
+ for config_name, config_dict in dict(configs).iteritems():
+ iphoneos_config_dict = copy.deepcopy(config_dict)
+ configs[config_name + '-iphoneos'] = iphoneos_config_dict
+ configs[config_name + '-iphonesimulator'] = config_dict
+ if toolset == 'target':
+ iphoneos_config_dict['xcode_settings']['SDKROOT'] = 'iphoneos'
+ return targets
+def CloneConfigurationForDeviceAndEmulator(target_dicts):
+ """If |target_dicts| contains any iOS targets, automatically create -iphoneos
+ targets for iOS device builds."""
+ if _HasIOSTarget(target_dicts):
+ return _AddIOSDeviceConfigurations(target_dicts)
+ return target_dicts