path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/
diff options
authorFallenRiteMonk <>2018-04-05 11:52:34 -0400
committerMyles Borins <>2018-04-05 16:01:07 -0400
commit25a816dcda7b1db0929501acfe13f2fe5119759b (patch)
treed3df4377a11dfb643b5976d2048d9bb4ee527903 /deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/
parentb29c36b80746733994257b7380245102bc3c4cd6 (diff)
deps: upgrade npm to 5.8.0
PR-URL: Fixes: Reviewed-By: Michaƫl Zasso <> Reviewed-By: Myles Borins <>
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1221 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/ b/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f5e6396c..0000000000
--- a/deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1221 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""cmake output module
-This module is under development and should be considered experimental.
-This module produces cmake (2.8.8+) input as its output. One CMakeLists.txt is
-created for each configuration.
-This module's original purpose was to support editing in IDEs like KDevelop
-which use CMake for project management. It is also possible to use CMake to
-generate projects for other IDEs such as eclipse cdt and code::blocks. QtCreator
-will convert the CMakeLists.txt to a code::blocks cbp for the editor to read,
-but build using CMake. As a result QtCreator editor is unaware of compiler
-defines. The generated CMakeLists.txt can also be used to build on Linux. There
-is currently no support for building on platforms other than Linux.
-The generated CMakeLists.txt should properly compile all projects. However,
-there is a mismatch between gyp and cmake with regard to linking. All attempts
-are made to work around this, but CMake sometimes sees -Wl,--start-group as a
-library and incorrectly repeats it. As a result the output of this generator
-should not be relied on for building.
-When using with kdevelop, use version 4.4+. Previous versions of kdevelop will
-not be able to find the header file directories described in the generated
-CMakeLists.txt file.
-import multiprocessing
-import os
-import signal
-import string
-import subprocess
-import gyp.common
-generator_default_variables = {
- 'SHARED_LIB_DIR': '${builddir}/lib.${TOOLSET}',
- 'LIB_DIR': '${obj}.${TOOLSET}',
- 'INTERMEDIATE_DIR': '${obj}.${TOOLSET}/${TARGET}/geni',
- 'SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR': '${obj}/gen',
- 'PRODUCT_DIR': '${builddir}',
- 'CONFIGURATION_NAME': '${configuration}',
-FULL_PATH_VARS = ('${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}', '${builddir}', '${obj}')
-generator_supports_multiple_toolsets = True
-generator_wants_static_library_dependencies_adjusted = True
- '.c': 'cc',
- '.cc': 'cxx',
- '.cpp': 'cxx',
- '.cxx': 'cxx',
- '.s': 's', # cc
- '.S': 's', # cc
-def RemovePrefix(a, prefix):
- """Returns 'a' without 'prefix' if it starts with 'prefix'."""
- return a[len(prefix):] if a.startswith(prefix) else a
-def CalculateVariables(default_variables, params):
- """Calculate additional variables for use in the build (called by gyp)."""
- default_variables.setdefault('OS', gyp.common.GetFlavor(params))
-def Compilable(filename):
- """Return true if the file is compilable (should be in OBJS)."""
- return any(filename.endswith(e) for e in COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS)
-def Linkable(filename):
- """Return true if the file is linkable (should be on the link line)."""
- return filename.endswith('.o')
-def NormjoinPathForceCMakeSource(base_path, rel_path):
- """Resolves rel_path against base_path and returns the result.
- If rel_path is an absolute path it is returned unchanged.
- Otherwise it is resolved against base_path and normalized.
- If the result is a relative path, it is forced to be relative to the
- CMakeLists.txt.
- """
- if os.path.isabs(rel_path):
- return rel_path
- if any([rel_path.startswith(var) for var in FULL_PATH_VARS]):
- return rel_path
- # TODO: do we need to check base_path for absolute variables as well?
- return os.path.join('${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}',
- os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_path, rel_path)))
-def NormjoinPath(base_path, rel_path):
- """Resolves rel_path against base_path and returns the result.
- TODO: what is this really used for?
- If rel_path begins with '$' it is returned unchanged.
- Otherwise it is resolved against base_path if relative, then normalized.
- """
- if rel_path.startswith('$') and not rel_path.startswith('${configuration}'):
- return rel_path
- return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base_path, rel_path))
-def CMakeStringEscape(a):
- """Escapes the string 'a' for use inside a CMake string.
- This means escaping
- '\' otherwise it may be seen as modifying the next character
- '"' otherwise it will end the string
- ';' otherwise the string becomes a list
- The following do not need to be escaped
- '#' when the lexer is in string state, this does not start a comment
- The following are yet unknown
- '$' generator variables (like ${obj}) must not be escaped,
- but text $ should be escaped
- what is wanted is to know which $ come from generator variables
- """
- return a.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(';', '\\;').replace('"', '\\"')
-def SetFileProperty(output, source_name, property_name, values, sep):
- """Given a set of source file, sets the given property on them."""
- output.write('set_source_files_properties(')
- output.write(source_name)
- output.write(' PROPERTIES ')
- output.write(property_name)
- output.write(' "')
- for value in values:
- output.write(CMakeStringEscape(value))
- output.write(sep)
- output.write('")\n')
-def SetFilesProperty(output, variable, property_name, values, sep):
- """Given a set of source files, sets the given property on them."""
- output.write('set_source_files_properties(')
- WriteVariable(output, variable)
- output.write(' PROPERTIES ')
- output.write(property_name)
- output.write(' "')
- for value in values:
- output.write(CMakeStringEscape(value))
- output.write(sep)
- output.write('")\n')
-def SetTargetProperty(output, target_name, property_name, values, sep=''):
- """Given a target, sets the given property."""
- output.write('set_target_properties(')
- output.write(target_name)
- output.write(' PROPERTIES ')
- output.write(property_name)
- output.write(' "')
- for value in values:
- output.write(CMakeStringEscape(value))
- output.write(sep)
- output.write('")\n')
-def SetVariable(output, variable_name, value):
- """Sets a CMake variable."""
- output.write('set(')
- output.write(variable_name)
- output.write(' "')
- output.write(CMakeStringEscape(value))
- output.write('")\n')
-def SetVariableList(output, variable_name, values):
- """Sets a CMake variable to a list."""
- if not values:
- return SetVariable(output, variable_name, "")
- if len(values) == 1:
- return SetVariable(output, variable_name, values[0])
- output.write('list(APPEND ')
- output.write(variable_name)
- output.write('\n "')
- output.write('"\n "'.join([CMakeStringEscape(value) for value in values]))
- output.write('")\n')
-def UnsetVariable(output, variable_name):
- """Unsets a CMake variable."""
- output.write('unset(')
- output.write(variable_name)
- output.write(')\n')
-def WriteVariable(output, variable_name, prepend=None):
- if prepend:
- output.write(prepend)
- output.write('${')
- output.write(variable_name)
- output.write('}')
-class CMakeTargetType(object):
- def __init__(self, command, modifier, property_modifier):
- self.command = command
- self.modifier = modifier
- self.property_modifier = property_modifier
-cmake_target_type_from_gyp_target_type = {
- 'executable': CMakeTargetType('add_executable', None, 'RUNTIME'),
- 'static_library': CMakeTargetType('add_library', 'STATIC', 'ARCHIVE'),
- 'shared_library': CMakeTargetType('add_library', 'SHARED', 'LIBRARY'),
- 'loadable_module': CMakeTargetType('add_library', 'MODULE', 'LIBRARY'),
- 'none': CMakeTargetType('add_custom_target', 'SOURCES', None),
-def StringToCMakeTargetName(a):
- """Converts the given string 'a' to a valid CMake target name.
- All invalid characters are replaced by '_'.
- Invalid for cmake: ' ', '/', '(', ')', '"'
- Invalid for make: ':'
- Invalid for unknown reasons but cause failures: '.'
- """
- return a.translate(string.maketrans(' /():."', '_______'))
-def WriteActions(target_name, actions, extra_sources, extra_deps,
- path_to_gyp, output):
- """Write CMake for the 'actions' in the target.
- Args:
- target_name: the name of the CMake target being generated.
- actions: the Gyp 'actions' dict for this target.
- extra_sources: [(<cmake_src>, <src>)] to append with generated source files.
- extra_deps: [<cmake_taget>] to append with generated targets.
- path_to_gyp: relative path from CMakeLists.txt being generated to
- the Gyp file in which the target being generated is defined.
- """
- for action in actions:
- action_name = StringToCMakeTargetName(action['action_name'])
- action_target_name = '%s__%s' % (target_name, action_name)
- inputs = action['inputs']
- inputs_name = action_target_name + '__input'
- SetVariableList(output, inputs_name,
- [NormjoinPathForceCMakeSource(path_to_gyp, dep) for dep in inputs])
- outputs = action['outputs']
- cmake_outputs = [NormjoinPathForceCMakeSource(path_to_gyp, out)
- for out in outputs]
- outputs_name = action_target_name + '__output'
- SetVariableList(output, outputs_name, cmake_outputs)
- # Build up a list of outputs.
- # Collect the output dirs we'll need.
- dirs = set(dir for dir in (os.path.dirname(o) for o in outputs) if dir)
- if int(action.get('process_outputs_as_sources', False)):
- extra_sources.extend(zip(cmake_outputs, outputs))
- # add_custom_command
- output.write('add_custom_command(OUTPUT ')
- WriteVariable(output, outputs_name)
- output.write('\n')
- if len(dirs) > 0:
- for directory in dirs:
- output.write(' COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ')
- output.write(directory)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(' COMMAND ')
- output.write(gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList(action['action']))
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(' DEPENDS ')
- WriteVariable(output, inputs_name)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(path_to_gyp)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(' COMMENT ')
- if 'message' in action:
- output.write(action['message'])
- else:
- output.write(action_target_name)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(' VERBATIM\n')
- output.write(')\n')
- # add_custom_target
- output.write('add_custom_target(')
- output.write(action_target_name)
- output.write('\n DEPENDS ')
- WriteVariable(output, outputs_name)
- output.write('\n SOURCES ')
- WriteVariable(output, inputs_name)
- output.write('\n)\n')
- extra_deps.append(action_target_name)
-def NormjoinRulePathForceCMakeSource(base_path, rel_path, rule_source):
- if rel_path.startswith(("${RULE_INPUT_PATH}","${RULE_INPUT_DIRNAME}")):
- if any([rule_source.startswith(var) for var in FULL_PATH_VARS]):
- return rel_path
- return NormjoinPathForceCMakeSource(base_path, rel_path)
-def WriteRules(target_name, rules, extra_sources, extra_deps,
- path_to_gyp, output):
- """Write CMake for the 'rules' in the target.
- Args:
- target_name: the name of the CMake target being generated.
- actions: the Gyp 'actions' dict for this target.
- extra_sources: [(<cmake_src>, <src>)] to append with generated source files.
- extra_deps: [<cmake_taget>] to append with generated targets.
- path_to_gyp: relative path from CMakeLists.txt being generated to
- the Gyp file in which the target being generated is defined.
- """
- for rule in rules:
- rule_name = StringToCMakeTargetName(target_name + '__' + rule['rule_name'])
- inputs = rule.get('inputs', [])
- inputs_name = rule_name + '__input'
- SetVariableList(output, inputs_name,
- [NormjoinPathForceCMakeSource(path_to_gyp, dep) for dep in inputs])
- outputs = rule['outputs']
- var_outputs = []
- for count, rule_source in enumerate(rule.get('rule_sources', [])):
- action_name = rule_name + '_' + str(count)
- rule_source_dirname, rule_source_basename = os.path.split(rule_source)
- rule_source_root, rule_source_ext = os.path.splitext(rule_source_basename)
- SetVariable(output, 'RULE_INPUT_PATH', rule_source)
- SetVariable(output, 'RULE_INPUT_DIRNAME', rule_source_dirname)
- SetVariable(output, 'RULE_INPUT_NAME', rule_source_basename)
- SetVariable(output, 'RULE_INPUT_ROOT', rule_source_root)
- SetVariable(output, 'RULE_INPUT_EXT', rule_source_ext)
- # Build up a list of outputs.
- # Collect the output dirs we'll need.
- dirs = set(dir for dir in (os.path.dirname(o) for o in outputs) if dir)
- # Create variables for the output, as 'local' variable will be unset.
- these_outputs = []
- for output_index, out in enumerate(outputs):
- output_name = action_name + '_' + str(output_index)
- SetVariable(output, output_name,
- NormjoinRulePathForceCMakeSource(path_to_gyp, out,
- rule_source))
- if int(rule.get('process_outputs_as_sources', False)):
- extra_sources.append(('${' + output_name + '}', out))
- these_outputs.append('${' + output_name + '}')
- var_outputs.append('${' + output_name + '}')
- # add_custom_command
- output.write('add_custom_command(OUTPUT\n')
- for out in these_outputs:
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(out)
- output.write('\n')
- for directory in dirs:
- output.write(' COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ')
- output.write(directory)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(' COMMAND ')
- output.write(gyp.common.EncodePOSIXShellList(rule['action']))
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(' DEPENDS ')
- WriteVariable(output, inputs_name)
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(NormjoinPath(path_to_gyp, rule_source))
- output.write('\n')
- # CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR is where the CMakeLists.txt lives.
- # The cwd is the current build directory.
- output.write(path_to_gyp)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(' COMMENT ')
- if 'message' in rule:
- output.write(rule['message'])
- else:
- output.write(action_name)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(' VERBATIM\n')
- output.write(')\n')
- UnsetVariable(output, 'RULE_INPUT_PATH')
- UnsetVariable(output, 'RULE_INPUT_DIRNAME')
- UnsetVariable(output, 'RULE_INPUT_NAME')
- UnsetVariable(output, 'RULE_INPUT_ROOT')
- UnsetVariable(output, 'RULE_INPUT_EXT')
- # add_custom_target
- output.write('add_custom_target(')
- output.write(rule_name)
- output.write(' DEPENDS\n')
- for out in var_outputs:
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(out)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write('SOURCES ')
- WriteVariable(output, inputs_name)
- output.write('\n')
- for rule_source in rule.get('rule_sources', []):
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(NormjoinPath(path_to_gyp, rule_source))
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(')\n')
- extra_deps.append(rule_name)
-def WriteCopies(target_name, copies, extra_deps, path_to_gyp, output):
- """Write CMake for the 'copies' in the target.
- Args:
- target_name: the name of the CMake target being generated.
- actions: the Gyp 'actions' dict for this target.
- extra_deps: [<cmake_taget>] to append with generated targets.
- path_to_gyp: relative path from CMakeLists.txt being generated to
- the Gyp file in which the target being generated is defined.
- """
- copy_name = target_name + '__copies'
- # CMake gets upset with custom targets with OUTPUT which specify no output.
- have_copies = any(copy['files'] for copy in copies)
- if not have_copies:
- output.write('add_custom_target(')
- output.write(copy_name)
- output.write(')\n')
- extra_deps.append(copy_name)
- return
- class Copy(object):
- def __init__(self, ext, command):
- self.cmake_inputs = []
- self.cmake_outputs = []
- self.gyp_inputs = []
- self.gyp_outputs = []
- self.ext = ext
- self.inputs_name = None
- self.outputs_name = None
- self.command = command
- file_copy = Copy('', 'copy')
- dir_copy = Copy('_dirs', 'copy_directory')
- for copy in copies:
- files = copy['files']
- destination = copy['destination']
- for src in files:
- path = os.path.normpath(src)
- basename = os.path.split(path)[1]
- dst = os.path.join(destination, basename)
- copy = file_copy if os.path.basename(src) else dir_copy
- copy.cmake_inputs.append(NormjoinPathForceCMakeSource(path_to_gyp, src))
- copy.cmake_outputs.append(NormjoinPathForceCMakeSource(path_to_gyp, dst))
- copy.gyp_inputs.append(src)
- copy.gyp_outputs.append(dst)
- for copy in (file_copy, dir_copy):
- if copy.cmake_inputs:
- copy.inputs_name = copy_name + '__input' + copy.ext
- SetVariableList(output, copy.inputs_name, copy.cmake_inputs)
- copy.outputs_name = copy_name + '__output' + copy.ext
- SetVariableList(output, copy.outputs_name, copy.cmake_outputs)
- # add_custom_command
- output.write('add_custom_command(\n')
- output.write('OUTPUT')
- for copy in (file_copy, dir_copy):
- if copy.outputs_name:
- WriteVariable(output, copy.outputs_name, ' ')
- output.write('\n')
- for copy in (file_copy, dir_copy):
- for src, dst in zip(copy.gyp_inputs, copy.gyp_outputs):
- # 'cmake -E copy src dst' will create the 'dst' directory if needed.
- output.write('COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E %s ' % copy.command)
- output.write(src)
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(dst)
- output.write("\n")
- output.write('DEPENDS')
- for copy in (file_copy, dir_copy):
- if copy.inputs_name:
- WriteVariable(output, copy.inputs_name, ' ')
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(path_to_gyp)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write('COMMENT Copying for ')
- output.write(target_name)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write('VERBATIM\n')
- output.write(')\n')
- # add_custom_target
- output.write('add_custom_target(')
- output.write(copy_name)
- output.write('\n DEPENDS')
- for copy in (file_copy, dir_copy):
- if copy.outputs_name:
- WriteVariable(output, copy.outputs_name, ' ')
- output.write('\n SOURCES')
- if file_copy.inputs_name:
- WriteVariable(output, file_copy.inputs_name, ' ')
- output.write('\n)\n')
- extra_deps.append(copy_name)
-def CreateCMakeTargetBaseName(qualified_target):
- """This is the name we would like the target to have."""
- _, gyp_target_name, gyp_target_toolset = (
- gyp.common.ParseQualifiedTarget(qualified_target))
- cmake_target_base_name = gyp_target_name
- if gyp_target_toolset and gyp_target_toolset != 'target':
- cmake_target_base_name += '_' + gyp_target_toolset
- return StringToCMakeTargetName(cmake_target_base_name)
-def CreateCMakeTargetFullName(qualified_target):
- """An unambiguous name for the target."""
- gyp_file, gyp_target_name, gyp_target_toolset = (
- gyp.common.ParseQualifiedTarget(qualified_target))
- cmake_target_full_name = gyp_file + ':' + gyp_target_name
- if gyp_target_toolset and gyp_target_toolset != 'target':
- cmake_target_full_name += '_' + gyp_target_toolset
- return StringToCMakeTargetName(cmake_target_full_name)
-class CMakeNamer(object):
- """Converts Gyp target names into CMake target names.
- CMake requires that target names be globally unique. One way to ensure
- this is to fully qualify the names of the targets. Unfortunatly, this
- ends up with all targets looking like "chrome_chrome_gyp_chrome" instead
- of just "chrome". If this generator were only interested in building, it
- would be possible to fully qualify all target names, then create
- unqualified target names which depend on all qualified targets which
- should have had that name. This is more or less what the 'make' generator
- does with aliases. However, one goal of this generator is to create CMake
- files for use with IDEs, and fully qualified names are not as user
- friendly.
- Since target name collision is rare, we do the above only when required.
- Toolset variants are always qualified from the base, as this is required for
- building. However, it also makes sense for an IDE, as it is possible for
- defines to be different.
- """
- def __init__(self, target_list):
- self.cmake_target_base_names_conficting = set()
- cmake_target_base_names_seen = set()
- for qualified_target in target_list:
- cmake_target_base_name = CreateCMakeTargetBaseName(qualified_target)
- if cmake_target_base_name not in cmake_target_base_names_seen:
- cmake_target_base_names_seen.add(cmake_target_base_name)
- else:
- self.cmake_target_base_names_conficting.add(cmake_target_base_name)
- def CreateCMakeTargetName(self, qualified_target):
- base_name = CreateCMakeTargetBaseName(qualified_target)
- if base_name in self.cmake_target_base_names_conficting:
- return CreateCMakeTargetFullName(qualified_target)
- return base_name
-def WriteTarget(namer, qualified_target, target_dicts, build_dir, config_to_use,
- options, generator_flags, all_qualified_targets, output):
- # The make generator does this always.
- # TODO: It would be nice to be able to tell CMake all dependencies.
- circular_libs = generator_flags.get('circular', True)
- if not generator_flags.get('standalone', False):
- output.write('\n#')
- output.write(qualified_target)
- output.write('\n')
- gyp_file, _, _ = gyp.common.ParseQualifiedTarget(qualified_target)
- rel_gyp_file = gyp.common.RelativePath(gyp_file, options.toplevel_dir)
- rel_gyp_dir = os.path.dirname(rel_gyp_file)
- # Relative path from build dir to top dir.
- build_to_top = gyp.common.InvertRelativePath(build_dir, options.toplevel_dir)
- # Relative path from build dir to gyp dir.
- build_to_gyp = os.path.join(build_to_top, rel_gyp_dir)
- path_from_cmakelists_to_gyp = build_to_gyp
- spec = target_dicts.get(qualified_target, {})
- config = spec.get('configurations', {}).get(config_to_use, {})
- target_name = spec.get('target_name', '<missing target name>')
- target_type = spec.get('type', '<missing target type>')
- target_toolset = spec.get('toolset')
- cmake_target_type = cmake_target_type_from_gyp_target_type.get(target_type)
- if cmake_target_type is None:
- print ('Target %s has unknown target type %s, skipping.' %
- ( target_name, target_type ) )
- return
- SetVariable(output, 'TARGET', target_name)
- SetVariable(output, 'TOOLSET', target_toolset)
- cmake_target_name = namer.CreateCMakeTargetName(qualified_target)
- extra_sources = []
- extra_deps = []
- # Actions must come first, since they can generate more OBJs for use below.
- if 'actions' in spec:
- WriteActions(cmake_target_name, spec['actions'], extra_sources, extra_deps,
- path_from_cmakelists_to_gyp, output)
- # Rules must be early like actions.
- if 'rules' in spec:
- WriteRules(cmake_target_name, spec['rules'], extra_sources, extra_deps,
- path_from_cmakelists_to_gyp, output)
- # Copies
- if 'copies' in spec:
- WriteCopies(cmake_target_name, spec['copies'], extra_deps,
- path_from_cmakelists_to_gyp, output)
- # Target and sources
- srcs = spec.get('sources', [])
- # Gyp separates the sheep from the goats based on file extensions.
- # A full separation is done here because of flag handing (see below).
- s_sources = []
- c_sources = []
- cxx_sources = []
- linkable_sources = []
- other_sources = []
- for src in srcs:
- _, ext = os.path.splitext(src)
- src_type = COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS.get(ext, None)
- src_norm_path = NormjoinPath(path_from_cmakelists_to_gyp, src);
- if src_type == 's':
- s_sources.append(src_norm_path)
- elif src_type == 'cc':
- c_sources.append(src_norm_path)
- elif src_type == 'cxx':
- cxx_sources.append(src_norm_path)
- elif Linkable(ext):
- linkable_sources.append(src_norm_path)
- else:
- other_sources.append(src_norm_path)
- for extra_source in extra_sources:
- src, real_source = extra_source
- _, ext = os.path.splitext(real_source)
- src_type = COMPILABLE_EXTENSIONS.get(ext, None)
- if src_type == 's':
- s_sources.append(src)
- elif src_type == 'cc':
- c_sources.append(src)
- elif src_type == 'cxx':
- cxx_sources.append(src)
- elif Linkable(ext):
- linkable_sources.append(src)
- else:
- other_sources.append(src)
- s_sources_name = None
- if s_sources:
- s_sources_name = cmake_target_name + '__asm_srcs'
- SetVariableList(output, s_sources_name, s_sources)
- c_sources_name = None
- if c_sources:
- c_sources_name = cmake_target_name + '__c_srcs'
- SetVariableList(output, c_sources_name, c_sources)
- cxx_sources_name = None
- if cxx_sources:
- cxx_sources_name = cmake_target_name + '__cxx_srcs'
- SetVariableList(output, cxx_sources_name, cxx_sources)
- linkable_sources_name = None
- if linkable_sources:
- linkable_sources_name = cmake_target_name + '__linkable_srcs'
- SetVariableList(output, linkable_sources_name, linkable_sources)
- other_sources_name = None
- if other_sources:
- other_sources_name = cmake_target_name + '__other_srcs'
- SetVariableList(output, other_sources_name, other_sources)
- # CMake gets upset when executable targets provide no sources.
- #
- dummy_sources_name = None
- has_sources = (s_sources_name or
- c_sources_name or
- cxx_sources_name or
- linkable_sources_name or
- other_sources_name)
- if target_type == 'executable' and not has_sources:
- dummy_sources_name = cmake_target_name + '__dummy_srcs'
- SetVariable(output, dummy_sources_name,
- "${obj}.${TOOLSET}/${TARGET}/genc/dummy.c")
- output.write('if(NOT EXISTS "')
- WriteVariable(output, dummy_sources_name)
- output.write('")\n')
- output.write(' file(WRITE "')
- WriteVariable(output, dummy_sources_name)
- output.write('" "")\n')
- output.write("endif()\n")
- # CMake is opposed to setting linker directories and considers the practice
- # of setting linker directories dangerous. Instead, it favors the use of
- # find_library and passing absolute paths to target_link_libraries.
- # However, CMake does provide the command link_directories, which adds
- # link directories to targets defined after it is called.
- # As a result, link_directories must come before the target definition.
- # CMake unfortunately has no means of removing entries from LINK_DIRECTORIES.
- library_dirs = config.get('library_dirs')
- if library_dirs is not None:
- output.write('link_directories(')
- for library_dir in library_dirs:
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(NormjoinPath(path_from_cmakelists_to_gyp, library_dir))
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(')\n')
- output.write(cmake_target_type.command)
- output.write('(')
- output.write(cmake_target_name)
- if cmake_target_type.modifier is not None:
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(cmake_target_type.modifier)
- if s_sources_name:
- WriteVariable(output, s_sources_name, ' ')
- if c_sources_name:
- WriteVariable(output, c_sources_name, ' ')
- if cxx_sources_name:
- WriteVariable(output, cxx_sources_name, ' ')
- if linkable_sources_name:
- WriteVariable(output, linkable_sources_name, ' ')
- if other_sources_name:
- WriteVariable(output, other_sources_name, ' ')
- if dummy_sources_name:
- WriteVariable(output, dummy_sources_name, ' ')
- output.write(')\n')
- # Let CMake know if the 'all' target should depend on this target.
- exclude_from_all = ('TRUE' if qualified_target not in all_qualified_targets
- else 'FALSE')
- SetTargetProperty(output, cmake_target_name,
- 'EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL', exclude_from_all)
- for extra_target_name in extra_deps:
- SetTargetProperty(output, extra_target_name,
- 'EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL', exclude_from_all)
- # Output name and location.
- if target_type != 'none':
- # Link as 'C' if there are no other files
- if not c_sources and not cxx_sources:
- SetTargetProperty(output, cmake_target_name, 'LINKER_LANGUAGE', ['C'])
- # Mark uncompiled sources as uncompiled.
- if other_sources_name:
- output.write('set_source_files_properties(')
- WriteVariable(output, other_sources_name, '')
- output.write(' PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY "TRUE")\n')
- # Mark object sources as linkable.
- if linkable_sources_name:
- output.write('set_source_files_properties(')
- WriteVariable(output, other_sources_name, '')
- # Output directory
- target_output_directory = spec.get('product_dir')
- if target_output_directory is None:
- if target_type in ('executable', 'loadable_module'):
- target_output_directory = generator_default_variables['PRODUCT_DIR']
- elif target_type == 'shared_library':
- target_output_directory = '${builddir}/lib.${TOOLSET}'
- elif spec.get('standalone_static_library', False):
- target_output_directory = generator_default_variables['PRODUCT_DIR']
- else:
- base_path = gyp.common.RelativePath(os.path.dirname(gyp_file),
- options.toplevel_dir)
- target_output_directory = '${obj}.${TOOLSET}'
- target_output_directory = (
- os.path.join(target_output_directory, base_path))
- cmake_target_output_directory = NormjoinPathForceCMakeSource(
- path_from_cmakelists_to_gyp,
- target_output_directory)
- SetTargetProperty(output,
- cmake_target_name,
- cmake_target_type.property_modifier + '_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY',
- cmake_target_output_directory)
- # Output name
- default_product_prefix = ''
- default_product_name = target_name
- default_product_ext = ''
- if target_type == 'static_library':
- static_library_prefix = generator_default_variables['STATIC_LIB_PREFIX']
- default_product_name = RemovePrefix(default_product_name,
- static_library_prefix)
- default_product_prefix = static_library_prefix
- default_product_ext = generator_default_variables['STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX']
- elif target_type in ('loadable_module', 'shared_library'):
- shared_library_prefix = generator_default_variables['SHARED_LIB_PREFIX']
- default_product_name = RemovePrefix(default_product_name,
- shared_library_prefix)
- default_product_prefix = shared_library_prefix
- default_product_ext = generator_default_variables['SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX']
- elif target_type != 'executable':
- print ('ERROR: What output file should be generated?',
- 'type', target_type, 'target', target_name)
- product_prefix = spec.get('product_prefix', default_product_prefix)
- product_name = spec.get('product_name', default_product_name)
- product_ext = spec.get('product_extension')
- if product_ext:
- product_ext = '.' + product_ext
- else:
- product_ext = default_product_ext
- SetTargetProperty(output, cmake_target_name, 'PREFIX', product_prefix)
- SetTargetProperty(output, cmake_target_name,
- cmake_target_type.property_modifier + '_OUTPUT_NAME',
- product_name)
- SetTargetProperty(output, cmake_target_name, 'SUFFIX', product_ext)
- # Make the output of this target referenceable as a source.
- cmake_target_output_basename = product_prefix + product_name + product_ext
- cmake_target_output = os.path.join(cmake_target_output_directory,
- cmake_target_output_basename)
- SetFileProperty(output, cmake_target_output, 'GENERATED', ['TRUE'], '')
- # Includes
- includes = config.get('include_dirs')
- if includes:
- # This (target include directories) is what requires CMake 2.8.8
- includes_name = cmake_target_name + '__include_dirs'
- SetVariableList(output, includes_name,
- [NormjoinPathForceCMakeSource(path_from_cmakelists_to_gyp, include)
- for include in includes])
- output.write('set_property(TARGET ')
- output.write(cmake_target_name)
- WriteVariable(output, includes_name, '')
- output.write(')\n')
- # Defines
- defines = config.get('defines')
- if defines is not None:
- SetTargetProperty(output,
- cmake_target_name,
- defines,
- ';')
- # Compile Flags -
- # CMake currently does not have target C and CXX flags.
- # So, instead of doing...
- # cflags_c = config.get('cflags_c')
- # if cflags_c is not None:
- # SetTargetProperty(output, cmake_target_name,
- # 'C_COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags_c, ' ')
- # cflags_cc = config.get('cflags_cc')
- # if cflags_cc is not None:
- # SetTargetProperty(output, cmake_target_name,
- # 'CXX_COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags_cc, ' ')
- # Instead we must...
- cflags = config.get('cflags', [])
- cflags_c = config.get('cflags_c', [])
- cflags_cxx = config.get('cflags_cc', [])
- if (not cflags_c or not c_sources) and (not cflags_cxx or not cxx_sources):
- SetTargetProperty(output, cmake_target_name, 'COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags, ' ')
- elif c_sources and not (s_sources or cxx_sources):
- flags = []
- flags.extend(cflags)
- flags.extend(cflags_c)
- SetTargetProperty(output, cmake_target_name, 'COMPILE_FLAGS', flags, ' ')
- elif cxx_sources and not (s_sources or c_sources):
- flags = []
- flags.extend(cflags)
- flags.extend(cflags_cxx)
- SetTargetProperty(output, cmake_target_name, 'COMPILE_FLAGS', flags, ' ')
- else:
- # TODO: This is broken, one cannot generally set properties on files,
- # as other targets may require different properties on the same files.
- if s_sources and cflags:
- SetFilesProperty(output, s_sources_name, 'COMPILE_FLAGS', cflags, ' ')
- if c_sources and (cflags or cflags_c):
- flags = []
- flags.extend(cflags)
- flags.extend(cflags_c)
- SetFilesProperty(output, c_sources_name, 'COMPILE_FLAGS', flags, ' ')
- if cxx_sources and (cflags or cflags_cxx):
- flags = []
- flags.extend(cflags)
- flags.extend(cflags_cxx)
- SetFilesProperty(output, cxx_sources_name, 'COMPILE_FLAGS', flags, ' ')
- # Linker flags
- ldflags = config.get('ldflags')
- if ldflags is not None:
- SetTargetProperty(output, cmake_target_name, 'LINK_FLAGS', ldflags, ' ')
- # Note on Dependencies and Libraries:
- # CMake wants to handle link order, resolving the link line up front.
- # Gyp does not retain or enforce specifying enough information to do so.
- # So do as other gyp generators and use --start-group and --end-group.
- # Give CMake as little information as possible so that it doesn't mess it up.
- # Dependencies
- rawDeps = spec.get('dependencies', [])
- static_deps = []
- shared_deps = []
- other_deps = []
- for rawDep in rawDeps:
- dep_cmake_name = namer.CreateCMakeTargetName(rawDep)
- dep_spec = target_dicts.get(rawDep, {})
- dep_target_type = dep_spec.get('type', None)
- if dep_target_type == 'static_library':
- static_deps.append(dep_cmake_name)
- elif dep_target_type == 'shared_library':
- shared_deps.append(dep_cmake_name)
- else:
- other_deps.append(dep_cmake_name)
- # ensure all external dependencies are complete before internal dependencies
- # extra_deps currently only depend on their own deps, so otherwise run early
- if static_deps or shared_deps or other_deps:
- for extra_dep in extra_deps:
- output.write('add_dependencies(')
- output.write(extra_dep)
- output.write('\n')
- for deps in (static_deps, shared_deps, other_deps):
- for dep in gyp.common.uniquer(deps):
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(dep)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(')\n')
- linkable = target_type in ('executable', 'loadable_module', 'shared_library')
- other_deps.extend(extra_deps)
- if other_deps or (not linkable and (static_deps or shared_deps)):
- output.write('add_dependencies(')
- output.write(cmake_target_name)
- output.write('\n')
- for dep in gyp.common.uniquer(other_deps):
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(dep)
- output.write('\n')
- if not linkable:
- for deps in (static_deps, shared_deps):
- for lib_dep in gyp.common.uniquer(deps):
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(lib_dep)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(')\n')
- # Libraries
- if linkable:
- external_libs = [lib for lib in spec.get('libraries', []) if len(lib) > 0]
- if external_libs or static_deps or shared_deps:
- output.write('target_link_libraries(')
- output.write(cmake_target_name)
- output.write('\n')
- if static_deps:
- write_group = circular_libs and len(static_deps) > 1
- if write_group:
- output.write('-Wl,--start-group\n')
- for dep in gyp.common.uniquer(static_deps):
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(dep)
- output.write('\n')
- if write_group:
- output.write('-Wl,--end-group\n')
- if shared_deps:
- for dep in gyp.common.uniquer(shared_deps):
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(dep)
- output.write('\n')
- if external_libs:
- for lib in gyp.common.uniquer(external_libs):
- output.write(' ')
- output.write(lib)
- output.write('\n')
- output.write(')\n')
- UnsetVariable(output, 'TOOLSET')
- UnsetVariable(output, 'TARGET')
-def GenerateOutputForConfig(target_list, target_dicts, data,
- params, config_to_use):
- options = params['options']
- generator_flags = params['generator_flags']
- # generator_dir: relative path from pwd to where make puts build files.
- # Makes migrating from make to cmake easier, cmake doesn't put anything here.
- # Each Gyp configuration creates a different CMakeLists.txt file
- # to avoid incompatibilities between Gyp and CMake configurations.
- generator_dir = os.path.relpath(options.generator_output or '.')
- # output_dir: relative path from generator_dir to the build directory.
- output_dir = generator_flags.get('output_dir', 'out')
- # build_dir: relative path from source root to our output files.
- # e.g. "out/Debug"
- build_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(generator_dir,
- output_dir,
- config_to_use))
- toplevel_build = os.path.join(options.toplevel_dir, build_dir)
- output_file = os.path.join(toplevel_build, 'CMakeLists.txt')
- gyp.common.EnsureDirExists(output_file)
- output = open(output_file, 'w')
- output.write('cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8 FATAL_ERROR)\n')
- output.write('cmake_policy(VERSION 2.8.8)\n')
- gyp_file, project_target, _ = gyp.common.ParseQualifiedTarget(target_list[-1])
- output.write('project(')
- output.write(project_target)
- output.write(')\n')
- SetVariable(output, 'configuration', config_to_use)
- ar = None
- cc = None
- cxx = None
- make_global_settings = data[gyp_file].get('make_global_settings', [])
- build_to_top = gyp.common.InvertRelativePath(build_dir,
- options.toplevel_dir)
- for key, value in make_global_settings:
- if key == 'AR':
- ar = os.path.join(build_to_top, value)
- if key == 'CC':
- cc = os.path.join(build_to_top, value)
- if key == 'CXX':
- cxx = os.path.join(build_to_top, value)
- ar = gyp.common.GetEnvironFallback(['AR_target', 'AR'], ar)
- cc = gyp.common.GetEnvironFallback(['CC_target', 'CC'], cc)
- cxx = gyp.common.GetEnvironFallback(['CXX_target', 'CXX'], cxx)
- if ar:
- SetVariable(output, 'CMAKE_AR', ar)
- if cc:
- SetVariable(output, 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER', cc)
- if cxx:
- SetVariable(output, 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER', cxx)
- # The following appears to be as-yet undocumented.
- #
- output.write('enable_language(ASM)\n')
- # ASM-ATT does not support .S files.
- # output.write('enable_language(ASM-ATT)\n')
- if cc:
- SetVariable(output, 'CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER', cc)
- SetVariable(output, 'builddir', '${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}')
- SetVariable(output, 'obj', '${builddir}/obj')
- output.write('\n')
- # TODO: Undocumented/unsupported (the CMake Java generator depends on it).
- # CMake by default names the object resulting from foo.c to be foo.c.o.
- # Gyp traditionally names the object resulting from foo.c foo.o.
- # This should be irrelevant, but some targets extract .o files from .a
- # and depend on the name of the extracted .o files.
- output.write('set(CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION_REPLACE 1)\n')
- output.write('set(CMAKE_CXX_OUTPUT_EXTENSION_REPLACE 1)\n')
- output.write('\n')
- # Force ninja to use rsp files. Otherwise link and ar lines can get too long,
- # resulting in 'Argument list too long' errors.
- output.write('set(CMAKE_NINJA_FORCE_RESPONSE_FILE 1)\n')
- output.write('\n')
- namer = CMakeNamer(target_list)
- # The list of targets upon which the 'all' target should depend.
- # CMake has it's own implicit 'all' target, one is not created explicitly.
- all_qualified_targets = set()
- for build_file in params['build_files']:
- for qualified_target in gyp.common.AllTargets(target_list,
- target_dicts,
- os.path.normpath(build_file)):
- all_qualified_targets.add(qualified_target)
- for qualified_target in target_list:
- WriteTarget(namer, qualified_target, target_dicts, build_dir, config_to_use,
- options, generator_flags, all_qualified_targets, output)
- output.close()
-def PerformBuild(data, configurations, params):
- options = params['options']
- generator_flags = params['generator_flags']
- # generator_dir: relative path from pwd to where make puts build files.
- # Makes migrating from make to cmake easier, cmake doesn't put anything here.
- generator_dir = os.path.relpath(options.generator_output or '.')
- # output_dir: relative path from generator_dir to the build directory.
- output_dir = generator_flags.get('output_dir', 'out')
- for config_name in configurations:
- # build_dir: relative path from source root to our output files.
- # e.g. "out/Debug"
- build_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(generator_dir,
- output_dir,
- config_name))
- arguments = ['cmake', '-G', 'Ninja']
- print 'Generating [%s]: %s' % (config_name, arguments)
- subprocess.check_call(arguments, cwd=build_dir)
- arguments = ['ninja', '-C', build_dir]
- print 'Building [%s]: %s' % (config_name, arguments)
- subprocess.check_call(arguments)
-def CallGenerateOutputForConfig(arglist):
- # Ignore the interrupt signal so that the parent process catches it and
- # kills all multiprocessing children.
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
- target_list, target_dicts, data, params, config_name = arglist
- GenerateOutputForConfig(target_list, target_dicts, data, params, config_name)
-def GenerateOutput(target_list, target_dicts, data, params):
- user_config = params.get('generator_flags', {}).get('config', None)
- if user_config:
- GenerateOutputForConfig(target_list, target_dicts, data,
- params, user_config)
- else:
- config_names = target_dicts[target_list[0]]['configurations'].keys()
- if params['parallel']:
- try:
- pool = multiprocessing.Pool(len(config_names))
- arglists = []
- for config_name in config_names:
- arglists.append((target_list, target_dicts, data,
- params, config_name))
-, arglists)
- except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
- pool.terminate()
- raise e
- else:
- for config_name in config_names:
- GenerateOutputForConfig(target_list, target_dicts, data,
- params, config_name)