path: root/deps/npm/
diff options
authorMyles Borins <>2017-10-26 22:35:25 -0400
committerMyles Borins <>2017-10-29 21:32:15 -0400
commitace4fe566fc3af4876c7458f983feeb5eae3df26 (patch)
tree458d847e9bd56199cd0d8b34cec126c7410fb6ca /deps/npm/
parent64168eb9b43e30e4c0b986c9b29c41be63e85df6 (diff)
deps: update npm to 5.5.1
Closes: PR-URL: Fixes: Reviewed-By: Daijiro Wachi <> Reviewed-By: Anna Henningsen <> Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <>
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/ b/deps/npm/
index 0571c17272..1c650d724b 100644
--- a/deps/npm/
+++ b/deps/npm/
@@ -1,3 +1,402 @@
+## v5.5.1 (2017-10-04):
+A very quick, record time, patch release, of a bug fix to a (sigh) last minute bug fix.
+* [`e628e058b`](
+ Fix login to properly recognize OTP request and store bearer tokens.
+ ([@Rebecca Turner]( Turner))
+## v5.5.0 (2017-10-04):
+Hey y'all, this is a big new feature release! We've got some security
+related goodies plus a some quality-of-life improvements for anyone who uses
+the public registry (so, virtually everyone).
+The changes largely came together in one piece, so I'm just gonna leave the commit line here:
+* [`f6ebf5e8b`](
+ [`f97ad6a38`](
+ [`f644018e6`](
+ [`8af91528c`](
+ [`346a34260`](
+ Two factor authentication, profile editing and token management.
+ ([@iarna](
+You can now enable two-factor authentication for your npm account. You can
+even do it from the CLI. In fact, you have to, for the time being:
+npm profile enable-tfa
+With the default two-factor authentication mode you'll be prompted to enter
+a one-time password when logging in, when publishing and when modifying access rights to
+your modules.
+You can now create, list and delete authentication tokens from the comfort
+of the command line. Authentication tokens created this way can have NEW
+restrictions placed on them. For instance, you can create a `read-only`
+token to give to your CI. It will be able to download your private modules
+but it won't be able to publish or modify modules. You can also create
+tokens that can only be used from certain network addresses. This way you
+can lock down access to your corporate VPN or other trusted machines.
+Deleting tokens isn't new, you could [do it via the
+website]( but now you can do it via
+the CLI as well.
+You can finally change your password from the CLI with `npm profile set
+password`! You can also update your email address with `npm profile set
+email <address>`. If you change your email address we'll send you a new
+verification email so you verify that its yours.
+You can also update all of the other attributes of your profile that
+previously you could only update via the website: `fullname`, `homepage`,
+`freenode`, `twitter` and `github`.
+All of these features were implemented in a stand alone library, so if you
+have use for them in your own project you can find them in
+[npm-profile]( on the registry.
+There's also a little mini-cli written just for it at
+[npm-profile-cli]( You might
+also be interested in the [API
+documentation]( for these
+new features: [user profile editing]( and
+* [`5ee55dc71`](
+ Drop support for upgrading from npm@1 as npm@5 can't run on
+ any Node.js version that ships npm@1. This fixes an issue some folks were seeing when trying
+ to upgrade using `curl |`.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`5cad1699a`](
+ `npm-lifecycle@1.0.3` Fix a bug where when more than one lifecycle script
+ got queued to run, npm would crash.
+ ([@zkat](
+* [`cd256cbb2`](
+ `npm-packlist@1.1.9` Fix a bug where test directories would always be
+ excluded from published modules.
+ ([@isaacs](
+* [`2a11f0215`](
+ Fix formatting of unsupported version warning
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`6d2a285a5`](
+ `npm-registry-client@8.5.0`
+* [`69e64e27b`](
+ `request@2.83.0`
+* [`34e0f4209`](
+ `abbrev@1.1.1`
+* [`10d31739d`](
+ `aproba@1.2.0`
+* [`2b02e86c0`](
+ `meant@1.0.1`
+* [`b81fff808`](
+ `rimraf@2.6.2`:
+ Fixes a long standing bug in rimraf's attempts to work around Windows limitations
+ where it owns a file and can change its perms but can't remove it without
+ first changing its perms. This _may_ be an improvement for Windows users of npm under
+ some circumstances.
+ ([@isaacs](
+## v5.4.2 (2017-09-14):
+This is a small bug fix release wrapping up most of the issues introduced with 5.4.0.
+### Bugs
+* [`0b28ac72d`](
+ [#18458](
+ Fix a bug on Windows where rolling back of failed optional dependencies would fail.
+ ([@marcins](
+* [`3a1b29991`](
+ `write-file-atomic@2.1.0` Revert update of `write-file-atomic`. There were changes made to it
+ that were resulting in EACCES errors for many users.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`cd8687e12`](
+ Fix a bug where if npm decided it needed to move a module during an upgrade it would strip
+ out much of the `package.json`. This would result in broken trees after package updates.
+* [`5bd0244ee`](
+ [#18385](
+ Fix `npm outdated` when run on non-registry dependencies.
+ ([@joshclow](
+ ([@iarna](
+### Ux
+* [`339f17b1e`](
+ Report unsupported node versions with greater granularity.
+ ([@iarna](
+### Docs
+* [`b2ab6f43b`](
+ [#18397](
+ Document that the default loglevel with `npm@5` is `notice`.
+ ([@KenanY](
+* [`e5aedcd82`](
+ [#18372](
+ In npm-config documentation, note that env vars use \_ in place of -.
+ ([@jakubholynet](
+## v5.4.1 (2017-09-06):
+This is a very small bug fix release to fix a problem where permissions on
+installed binaries were being set incorrectly.
+* [`767ff6eee`](
+ [zkat/pacote#117](
+ [#18324](
+ `pacote@6.0.2`
+ ([@zkat](
+## v5.4.0 (2017-08-22):
+Here's another ~~small~~ big release, with a ~~handful~~ bunch of fixes and
+a couple of ~~small~~ new features! This release has been incubating rather
+longer than usual and it's grown quite a bit in that time. I'm also excited
+to say that it has contributions from **27** different folks, which is a new
+record for us. Our previous record was 5.1.0 at 21. Before that the record
+had been held by 1.3.16 since _December of 2013_.
+![chart of contributor counts by version, showing an increasing rate over time and spikes mid in the 1.x series and later at 5.x](
+If you can't get enough of the bleeding edge, I encourage you to check out
+our canary release of npm. Get it with `npm install -g npmc`. It's going to
+be seeing some exciting stuff in the next couple of weeks, starting with a
+rewriten `npm dedupe`, but moving on to… well, you'll just have to wait and
+find out.
+* [`d080379f6`](
+ `pacote@6.0.1` Updates extract to use tar@4, which is much faster than the
+ older tar@2. It reduces install times by as much as 10%.
+ ([@zkat](
+* [`4cd6a1774`](
+ [`0195c0a8c`](
+ [#16804](
+ `tar@4.0.1` Update publish to use tar@4. tar@4 brings many advantages
+ over tar@2: It's faster, better tested and easier to work with. It also
+ produces exactly the same byte-for-byte output when producing tarballs
+ from the same set of files. This will have some nice carry on effects for
+ things like caching builds from git. And finally, last but certainly not
+ least, upgrading to it also let's us finally eliminate `fstream`—if
+ you know what that is you'll know why we're so relieved.
+ ([@isaacs](
+* [`1ac470dd2`](
+ [#10382](
+ If you make a typo when writing a command now, npm will print a brief "did you
+ mean..." message with some possible alternatives to what you meant.
+ ([@watilde](
+* [`20c46228d`](
+ [#12356](
+ When running lifecycle scripts, `INIT_CWD` will now contain the original
+ working directory that npm was executed from. Remember that you can use `npm
+ run-script` even if you're not inside your package root directory!
+ ([@MichaelQQ](
+* [`be91e1726`](
+ [`4e7c41f4a`](
+ `libnpx@9.6.0`: Fixes a number of issues on Windows and adds support for
+ several more languages: Korean, Norwegian (bokmål and nynorsk), Ukrainian,
+ Serbian, Bahasa Indonesia, Polish, Dutch and Arabic.
+ ([@zkat](
+* [`2dec601c6`](
+ [#17142](
+ Add the new `commit-hooks` option to `npm version` so that you can disable commit
+ hooks when committing the version bump.
+ ([@faazshift](
+* [`bde151902`](
+ [#14461](
+ Make output from `npm ping` clear as to its success or failure.
+ ([@legodude17](
+* [`b6d5549d2`](
+ [#17844](
+ Make package-lock.json sorting locale-agnostic. Previously, sorting would vary
+ by locale, due to using `localeCompare` for key sorting. This'll give you
+ a little package-lock.json churn as it reshuffles things, sorry!
+ ([@LotharSee](
+* [`44b98b9dd`](
+ [#17919](
+ Fix a crash where `npm prune --production` would fail while removing `.bin`.
+ ([@fasterthanlime](
+* [`c3d1d3ba8`](
+ [#17816](
+ Fail more smoothly when attempting to install an invalid package name.
+ ([@SamuelMarks](
+* [`55ac2fca8`](
+ [#12784](
+ Guard against stack overflows when marking packages as failed.
+ ([@vtravieso](
+* [`597cc0e4b`](
+ [#15087](
+ Stop outputting progressbars or using color on dumb terminals.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`7a7710ba7`](
+ [#15088](
+ Don't exclude modules that are both dev & prod when using `npm ls --production`.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`867df2b02`](
+ [#18164](
+ Only do multiple procs on OSX for now. We've seen a handful of issues
+ relating to this in Docker and in on Windows with antivirus.
+ ([@zkat](
+* [`23540af7b`](
+ [#18117](
+ Some package managers would write spaces to the \_from field in package.json's in the
+ form of `name @spec`. This was causing npm to fail to interpret them. We now handle that
+ correctly and doubly make sure we don't do that ourselves.
+ ([@IgorNadj](
+* [`0ef320cb4`](
+ [#16634](
+ Convert any bin script with a shbang a the start to Unix line-endings. (These sorts of scripts
+ are not compatible with Windows line-endings even on Windows.)
+ ([@ScottFreeCode](
+* [`71191ca22`](
+ [#16476](
+ `npm-lifecycle@1.0.2` Running an install with `--ignore-scripts` was resulting in the
+ the package object being mutated to have the lifecycle scripts removed from it and that
+ in turn was being written out to disk, causing further problems. This fixes that:
+ No more mutation, no more unexpected changes.
+ ([@addaleax](
+* [`459fa9d51`](
+ [npm/read-package-json#74](
+ [#17802](
+ `read-package-json@2.0.1` Use unix-style slashes for generated bin
+ entries, which lets them be cross platform even when produced on Windows.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`5ec72ab5b`](
+ [#18229](
+ Make find nodejs on debian.
+ ([@cebe](
+* [`b019680db`](
+ [#10846](
+ Remind users that they have to install missing `peerDependencies` manually.
+ ([@ryanflorence](
+* [`3aee5986a`](
+ [#17898](
+ Minor punctuation fixes to the README.
+ ([@AndersDJohnson](
+* [`e0d0a7e1d`](
+ [#17832](
+ Fix grammar, format, and spelling in documentation for `run-script`.
+ ([@simonua](
+* [`3fd6a5f2f`](
+ [#17897](
+ Add more info about using `files` with `npm pack`/`npm publish`.
+ ([@davidjgoss](
+* [`f00cdc6eb`](
+ [#17785](
+ Add a note about filenames for certificates on Windows, which use a different
+ extension and file type.
+ ([@lgp1985](
+* [`0cea6f974`](
+ [#18022](
+ Clarify usage for the `files` field in `package.json`.
+ ([@xcambar](
+* [`a0fdd1571`](
+ [#15234](
+ Clarify the behavior of the `files` array in the package-json docs.
+ ([@jbcpollak](
+* [`cecd6aa5d`](
+ [#18137](
+ Clarify interaction between npmignore and files in package.json.
+ ([@supertong](
+* [`6b8972039`](
+ [#18044](
+ Corrected the typo in package-locks docs.
+ ([@vikramnr](
+* [`6e012924f`](
+ [#17667](
+ Fix description of package.json in npm-scripts docs.
+ ([@tripu](
+* [`48d84171a`](
+ [`f60b05d63`](
+ `semver@5.4.1` Perf improvements.
+ ([@zkat](
+* [`f4650b5d4`](
+ `write-file-atomic@2.3.0`:
+ Serialize writes to the same file so that results are deterministic.
+ Cleanup tempfiles when process is interrupted or killed.
+ ([@ferm10n](
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`96d78df98`](
+ [`80e2f4960`](
+ [`4f49f687b`](
+ [`07d2296b1`](
+ [`a267ab430`](
+ [#18176](
+ [#18025](
+ Move the lifecycle code out of npm into a separate library,
+ [`npm-lifecycle`]( Shh, I didn't tell you this, but this
+ portends to some pretty cool stuff to come very soon now.
+ ([@mikesherov](
+* [`0933c7eaf`](
+ [#18025](
+ Force Travis to use Precise instead of Trusty. We have issues with our
+ couchdb setup and Trusty. =/
+ ([@mikesherov](
+* [`afb086230`](
+ [#18138](
+ Fix typos in files-and-ignores test.
+ ([@supertong](
+* [`3e6d11cde`](
+ [#18175](
+ Update dependencies to eliminate transitive dependencies with the WTFPL license, which
+ some more serious corporate lawyery types aren't super comfortable with.
+ ([@zkat](
+* [`ee4c9bd8a`](
+ [#16474](
+ The tests in `test/tap/lifecycle-signal.js`, as well as the features
+ they are testing, are partially broken. This moves them from
+ being skipped in CI to being disabled only for certain platforms.
+ In particular, because `npm` spawns its lifecycle scripts in a
+ shell, signals are not necessarily forwarded by the shell and
+ won’t cause scripts to exit; also, shells may report the signal
+ they receive using their exit status, rather than terminating
+ themselves with a signal.
+ ([@addaleax](
+* [`9462e5d9c`](
+ [#16547](
+ Remove unused file: bin/read-package-json.js
+ ([@metux](
+* [`0756d687d`](
+ [#16550](
+ The build tools for the documentation need to be built/installed
+ before the documents, even with parallel builds.
+ Make has a simple mechanism which was made exactly for that:
+ target dependencies.
+ ([@metux](
## v5.3.0 (2017-07-12):
As mentioned before, we're continuing to do relatively rapid, smaller releases