path: root/deps/npm/
diff options
authorRebecca Turner <>2017-04-12 21:47:49 -0700
committerJeremiah Senkpiel <>2017-04-25 10:52:01 -0400
commit00842604483e4c2e622dfdb3a97440e07646158f (patch)
treef3346902636a44b6037652523767636bf7e4f2c9 /deps/npm/
parent061c5da010e0d249379618382a499840d38247b8 (diff)
deps: upgrade npm to 4.5.0
PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Jeremiah Senkpiel <>
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/ b/deps/npm/
index 6d1ccc252b..c6dc604bc9 100644
--- a/deps/npm/
+++ b/deps/npm/
@@ -1,3 +1,422 @@
+### v4.5.0 (2017-03-24)
+Welcome a wrinkle on npm's registry API!
+Codename: Corgi
+This release has some bug fixes, but it's mostly about bringing support for
+MUCH smaller package metadata. How much smaller? Well, for npm itself it
+reduces 416K of gzip compressed JSON to 24K.
+As a user, all you have to do is update to get to use the new API. If
+you're interested in the details we've [documented the
+in detail.
+Package metadata: now smaller. This means a smaller cache and less to download.
+* [`86dad0d74`](
+ Add support for filtered package metadata.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`41789cffa`](
+ `npm-registry-client@8.1.0`
+ ([@iarna](
+Previously we needed to extract every package's tarball to look for an
+`npm-shrinkwrap.json` before we could begin working through what its
+dependencies were. This was one of the things stopping npm's network
+accesses from happening more concurrently. The new filtered package
+metadata provides a new key, `_hasShrinkwrap`. When that's set to `false`
+then we know we don't have to look for one.
+* [`4f5060eb3`](
+ [#15969](
+ Add support for skipping `npm-shrinkwrap.json` extraction when the
+ registry can affirm that one doesn't exist.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`878aceb25`](
+ [#16129](
+ Better handle Ctrl-C while running scripts. `npm` will now no longer exit
+ until the script it is running has exited. If you press Ctrl-C a second
+ time it kill the script rather than just forwarding the Ctrl-C.
+ ([@jaridmargolin](
+* [`def75eebf`](
+ `hosted-git-info@2.4.1`:
+ Preserve case of the user name part of shortcut specifiers, previously they were lowercased.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`eb3789fd1`](
+ `node-gyp@3.6.0`: Add support for VS2017 and Chakracore improvements.
+ ([@refack](
+ ([@kunalspathak](
+* [`245e25315`](
+ `readable-stream@2.2.6` ([@mcollina](
+* [`30357ebc5`](
+ `which@1.2.14` ([@isaacs](
+### v4.4.4 (2017-03-16)
+๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜… Okay! We have another `next`
+release for ya today. So, yes! With v4.4.3 we fixed the bug that made
+bundled scoped modules uninstallable. But somehow I overlooked the fact
+that we: A) were using these and B) that made upgrading to v4.4.3 impossible. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
+So I've renamed those two scoped modules to no longer use scopes and we now
+have a shiny new test to ensure that scoped modules don't creep into our
+transitive deps and make it impossible to upgrade to `npm`.
+(None of our woes applies to most of you all because most of you all don't
+use bundled dependencies. `npm` does because we want the published artifact to be
+installable without having to already have `npm`.)
+* [`2a7409fcb`](
+ [#16066](
+ Ensure we aren't using any scoped modules
+ Because `npm`s prior 4.4.3 can't install dependencies that have bundled scoped
+ modules. This didn't show up sooner because they ALSO had a bug that caused
+ bundled scoped modules to not be included in the bundle.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`eb4c70796`](
+ [#16066](
+ Switch to move-concurrently to remove scoped dependency
+ ([@iarna](
+### v4.4.3 (2017-03-15)
+This is a small patch release, mostly because the published tarball for
+v4.4.2 was missing a couple of modules, due to a bug involving scoped
+modules, bundled dependencies and legacy tree layouts.
+There are a couple of other things here that happened to be ready to go. So
+without further adoโ€ฆ
+* [`3d80f8f70`](
+ [npm/fs-vacuum#6](
+ `fs-vacuum@1.2.1`: Make sure we never, ever remove home directories. Previously if your
+ home directory was entirely empty then we might `rmdir` it.
+ ([@helio-frota](
+* [`1af85ca9f`](
+ [#16040](
+ Fix bug where bundled transitive dependencies that happened to be
+ installed under bundled scoped dependencies wouldn't be included in the
+ tarball when building a package.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`13c7fdc2e`](
+ [#16040](
+ Fix a bug where bundled scoped dependencies couldn't be extracted.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`d6cde98c2`](
+ [#16040](
+ Stop printing `ENOENT` errors more than once.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`722fbf0f6`](
+ [#16040](
+ Rewrite the `extract` action for greater clarity.
+ Specifically, this involves moving things around structurally to do the same
+ thing [`d0c6d194`]( did, but in a more comprehensive manner.
+ This also fixes a long standing bug where errors from the move step would be
+ eaten during this phase and as a result we would get mysterious crashes in
+ the finalize phase when finalize tried to act on them.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`6754dabb6`](
+ [#16040](
+ Flatten out `@npmcorp/move`'s deps for backwards compatibility reasons. Versions prior to this
+ one will fail to install any package that bundles a scoped dependency. This was responsible
+ for `ENOENT` errors during the `finalize` phase.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`fba51c582`](
+ [#15960](
+ Update troubleshooting and contribution guide links.
+ ([@watilde](
+### v4.4.2 (2017-03-09):
+This week, the focus on the release was mainly going through [all of npm's deps
+that we manage
+ourselves](, and
+making sure all their PRs and versions were up to date. That means there's a few
+fixes here and there. Nothing too big codewise, though.
+The most exciting part of this release is probably our [shiny new
+Contributing]( and
+docs! [@snopeks]( did some โœจfantasticโœจ work hashing it
+out, and we're really hoping this is a nice big step towards making contributing
+to npm easier. The troubleshooting doc will also hopefully solve common issues
+for people! Do you think something is missing from it? File a PR and we'll add
+it! The current document is just a baseline for further editing and additions.
+Also there's maybe a bit of an easter egg in this release. 'Cause those are fun and I'm a huge nerd. ๐Ÿ˜‰
+* [`07e997a`](
+ [#15756](
+ Overhaul `` and add new `` files. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ
+ ([@snopeks](
+* [`2f3e4b6`](
+ [#15833](
+ Mention the [24-hour unpublish
+ policy](
+ on the main registry.
+ ([@carols10cents](
+* [`84be534`](
+ [#15888](
+ Stop flattening `ls`-tree output. From now on, deduped deps will be marked as
+ such in the place where they would've been before getting hoisted by the
+ installer.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`e9a5dca`](
+ [#15967](
+ Limit metadata fetches to 10 concurrent requests.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`46aa9bc`](
+ [#15967](
+ Limit concurrent installer actions to 10.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`c3b994b`](
+ [#15901](
+ Use EXDEV aware move instead of rename. This will allow moving across devices
+ and moving when filesystems don't support renaming directories full of files. It might make folks using Docker a bit happier.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`0de1a9c`](
+ [#15735](
+ Autocomplete support for npm scripts with `:` colons in the name.
+ ([@beyondcompute](
+* [`84b0b92`](
+ [#15874](
+ Stop using [undocumented](
+ `res.writeHeader` alias for `res.writeHead`.
+ ([@ChALkeR](
+* [`895ffe4`](
+ [#15824](
+ Fix empty versions column in `npm search` output.
+ ([@bcoe](
+* [`38c8d7a`](
+ `init-package-json@1.9.5`: [npm/init-package-json#61]( Exclude existing `devDependencies` from being added to `dependencies`. Fixes [#12260](
+ ([@addaleax](
+### v4.4.1 (2017-03-06):
+This is a quick little patch release to forgo the update notification
+checker if you're on an unsuported (but not otherwise broken) version of
+Node.js. Right now that means 0.10 or 0.12.
+* [`56ac249`](
+ [#15864](
+ Only use `update-notifier` on supported versions.
+ ([@legodude17](
+### v4.4.0 (2017-02-23):
+Aaaah, [@iarna]( here, it's been a little while
+since I did one of these! This is a nice little release, we've got an
+update notifier, vastly less verbose error messages, new warnings on package
+metadata that will probably give you a bad day, and a sprinkling of bug
+We now have a little nudge to update your `npm`, courtesy of
+* [`148ee66`](
+ [#15774](
+ `npm` will now check at start up to see if a newer version is available.
+ It will check once a day. If you want to disable this, set `optOut` to `true` in
+ `~/.config/configstore/update-notifier-npm.json`.
+ ([@ceejbot](
+`npm` has, for a long time, had very verbose error messages. There was a
+lot of info in there, including the cause of the error you were seeing but
+without a lot of experience reading them pulling that out was time consuming
+and difficult.
+With this change the output is cut down substantially, centering the error
+message. So, for example if you try to `npm run sdlkfj` then the entire
+error you'll get will be:
+npm ERR! missing script: sldkfj
+npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
+npm ERR! /Users/rebecca/.npm/_logs/2017-02-24T00_41_36_988Z-debug.log
+The CLI team has discussed cutting this down even further and stripping the
+`npm ERR!` prefix off those lines too. We'd appreciate your feedback on
+* [`e544124`](
+ [#15716](
+ Make error output less verbose.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`166bda9`](
+ [#15716](
+ Stop encouraging users to visit the issue tracker unless we know for
+ certain that it's an npm bug.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`53412eb`](
+ [#15772](
+ We now warn if you have a module listed in both dependencies and
+ devDependencies.
+ ([@TedYav](
+* [`426b180`](
+ [#15757](
+ Default reporting metrics to default registry. Previously it defaulted to using
+ ``, now it will default to the result of
+ `npm config get registry`. For most folks this won't actually change anything, but it
+ means that folks who use a private registry will have metrics routed there by default.
+ This has the potential to be interesting because it means that in the
+ future private registry products ([npme](!)
+ will be able to report on these metrics.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`8ea0de9`](
+ [#15716](
+ Write logs for `cb() never called` errors.
+* [`c4e83dc`](
+ Make it so that errors while reading the existing node_modules tree can't
+ result in installer crashes.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`2690dc2`](
+ Update `npm doctor` to not treat broken symlinks in your global modules as
+ a permission failure. This is particularly important if you link modules and your text
+ editor uses the convention of creating symlinks from `.#filename.js` to a
+ machine name and pid to lock files (eg emacs and compatible things).
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`f4c3f48`](
+ [#15777](
+ Not exactly a bug, but change a parameterless `.apply` to `.call`.
+ ([@notarseniy](
+* [`549dcff`](
+ `rimraf@2.6.0`:
+ Retry EBUSY, ENOTEMPTY and EPERM on non-Windows platforms too.
+ More reliable `rimraf.sync` on Windows.
+ ([@isaacs](
+* [`052dfb6`](
+ `validate-npm-package-name@3.0.0`:
+ Remove ableist language in README.
+ Stop allowing ~'!()* in package names.
+ ([@tomdale](
+ ([@chrisdickinson](
+* [`6663ea6`](
+ `abbrev@1.1.0` ([@isaacs](
+* [`be6de9a`](
+ `opener@1.4.3` ([@dominic](
+* [`900a5e3`](
+ `readable-stream@2.2.3` ([@RangerMauve]( ([@mcollina](
+* [`c972a8b`](
+ `tacks@1.2.6`
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`85a36ef`](
+ [`7ac9265`](
+ `tap@10.2.0`
+ ([@isaacs](
+### v4.3.0 (2017-02-09):
+Yay! Release time! It's a rainy day, and we have another smallish release for
+y'all. These things are not necessarily related. Or are they ๐ŸŒง๐Ÿค”
+As far as news go, you may have noticed that the CLI team dropped support for
+`node@0.12` when that version went out of maintenance. Still, we've avoided
+explicitly breaking it and `node@0.10` so far -- but not much longer.
+Sometime soon, the CLI team plans on switching over to language features only
+available as of `node@4 LTS`, and will likely start dropping old versions of node
+as they go out of maintenance. The new features are exciting! We're really
+looking forward to using them in the core CLI (and its dependencies) as we keep up
+with our current feature work.
+And speaking of features, this release is a minor bump due to a small change in
+how `npm login` works for the sake of supporting OAuth-based login for npm
+Enterprise users. But we won't leave the rest of y'all out -- we're working on a
+larger version of this feature. Soon enough, you'll be able to log in to npm
+with, say, GitHub -- and use some shiny features that come from the integration.
+Or turn on 2FA and other such security features. Keep your eyes peeled for new
+on this in the next few releases and our weekly newsletter!
+There's a new command line option: `--auth-type`, which can be used to log in to
+a supporting registry with OAuth2 or SAML. The current implementation is mainly
+meant to support npmE customers, so if you're one of those: ask us about using
+it! If not, just hold off cause we'll have a much more complete version of this
+feature out soon.
+* [`ac8595e`]( [`bcf2dd8`]( [`9298d20`]( [`66b61bc`]( [`dc85de7`](
+ [#13389](
+ Implement single-sign-on support with `--auth-type` option.
+ ([@zkat](
+`request` is pretty heavy. And it loads a bunch of things. It's actually a
+pretty big chunk of npm's load time. This small patch by Rebecca will make it so
+npm only loads that module when we're actually intending to make network
+requests. Those of you who use npm commands that run offline might see a small
+speedup in startup time.
+* [`ac73568`](
+ [#15631](
+ Lazy load `caching-registry-client`.
+ ([@iarna](
+* [`4ad9247`](
+ [#15630](
+ Fix formatting/rendering for root npm README.
+ ([@ungoldman](
+* [`8cc1112`](
+ [npm/hosted-git-info#21](
+ `hosted-git-info@2.2.0`:
+ Add support for `.tarball()` URLs.
+ ([@zkat](
+* [`6eacc1b`](
+ `npm-registry-mock@1.1.0`
+ ([@addaleax](
+* [`a9b6d77`](
+ `aproba@1.1.1`
+ ([@iarna](
### v4.2.0 (2017-01-26):
Hi all! I'm Kat, and I'm currently sitting in a train traveling at ~300km/h