path: root/src
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3 files changed, 485 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/commonMain/kotlin/net/taler/wallet/kotlin/Amount.kt b/src/commonMain/kotlin/net/taler/wallet/kotlin/Amount.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a078089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/commonMain/kotlin/net/taler/wallet/kotlin/Amount.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ * This file is part of GNU Taler
+ * (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <>
+ */
+package net.taler.wallet.kotlin
+import net.taler.wallet.kotlin.crypto.CryptoImpl.Companion.toByteArray
+import kotlin.math.floor
+import kotlin.math.pow
+import kotlin.math.roundToInt
+class AmountParserException(msg: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : Exception(msg, cause)
+class AmountOverflowException(msg: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : Exception(msg, cause)
+data class Amount(
+ /**
+ * name of the currency using either a three-character ISO 4217 currency code,
+ * or a regional currency identifier starting with a "*" followed by at most 10 characters.
+ * ISO 4217 exponents in the name are not supported,
+ * although the "fraction" is corresponds to an ISO 4217 exponent of 6.
+ */
+ val currency: String,
+ /**
+ * The integer part may be at most 2^52.
+ * Note that "1" here would correspond to 1 EUR or 1 USD, depending on currency, not 1 cent.
+ */
+ val value: Long,
+ /**
+ * Unsigned 32 bit fractional value to be added to value representing
+ * an additional currency fraction, in units of one hundred millionth (1e-8)
+ * of the base currency value. For example, a fraction
+ * of 50_000_000 would correspond to 50 cents.
+ */
+ val fraction: Int
+) : Comparable<Amount> {
+ companion object {
+ private const val FRACTIONAL_BASE: Int = 100000000 // 1e8
+ @Suppress("unused")
+ private val REGEX = Regex("""^[-_*A-Za-z0-9]{1,12}:([0-9]+)\.?([0-9]+)?$""")
+ private val REGEX_CURRENCY = Regex("""^[-_*A-Za-z0-9]{1,12}$""")
+ internal val MAX_VALUE = 2.0.pow(52).toLong()
+ private const val MAX_FRACTION_LENGTH = 8
+ internal const val MAX_FRACTION = 99_999_999
+ fun zero(currency: String): Amount {
+ return Amount(checkCurrency(currency), 0, 0)
+ }
+ fun fromJSONString(str: String): Amount {
+ val split = str.split(":")
+ if (split.size != 2) throw AmountParserException("Invalid Amount Format")
+ return fromString(split[0], split[1])
+ }
+ fun fromString(currency: String, str: String): Amount {
+ // value
+ val valueSplit = str.split(".")
+ val value = checkValue(valueSplit[0].toLongOrNull())
+ // fraction
+ val fraction: Int = if (valueSplit.size > 1) {
+ val fractionStr = valueSplit[1]
+ if (fractionStr.length > MAX_FRACTION_LENGTH)
+ throw AmountParserException("Fraction $fractionStr too long")
+ val fraction = "0.$fractionStr".toDoubleOrNull()
+ ?.roundToInt()
+ checkFraction(fraction)
+ } else 0
+ return Amount(checkCurrency(currency), value, fraction)
+ }
+ fun min(currency: String): Amount = Amount(currency, 0, 1)
+ fun max(currency: String): Amount = Amount(currency, MAX_VALUE, MAX_FRACTION)
+// fun fromJsonObject(json: JSONObject): Amount {
+// val currency = checkCurrency(json.optString("currency"))
+// val value = checkValue(json.optString("value").toLongOrNull())
+// val fraction = checkFraction(json.optString("fraction").toIntOrNull())
+// return Amount(currency, value, fraction)
+// }
+ private fun checkCurrency(currency: String): String {
+ if (!REGEX_CURRENCY.matches(currency))
+ throw AmountParserException("Invalid currency: $currency")
+ return currency
+ }
+ private fun checkValue(value: Long?): Long {
+ if (value == null || value > MAX_VALUE)
+ throw AmountParserException("Value $value greater than $MAX_VALUE")
+ return value
+ }
+ private fun checkFraction(fraction: Int?): Int {
+ if (fraction == null || fraction > MAX_FRACTION)
+ throw AmountParserException("Fraction $fraction greater than $MAX_FRACTION")
+ return fraction
+ }
+ }
+ val amountStr: String
+ get() = if (fraction == 0) "$value" else {
+ var f = fraction
+ var fractionStr = ""
+ while (f > 0) {
+ fractionStr += f / (FRACTIONAL_BASE / 10)
+ f = (f * 10) % FRACTIONAL_BASE
+ }
+ "$value.$fractionStr"
+ }
+ operator fun plus(other: Amount): Amount {
+ check(currency == other.currency) { "Can only subtract from same currency" }
+ val resultValue = value + other.value + floor((fraction + other.fraction).toDouble() / FRACTIONAL_BASE).toLong()
+ if (resultValue > MAX_VALUE)
+ throw AmountOverflowException()
+ val resultFraction = (fraction + other.fraction) % FRACTIONAL_BASE
+ return Amount(currency, resultValue, resultFraction)
+ }
+ operator fun times(factor: Int): Amount {
+ var result = this
+ for (i in 1 until factor) result += this
+ return result
+ }
+ operator fun minus(other: Amount): Amount {
+ check(currency == other.currency) { "Can only subtract from same currency" }
+ var resultValue = value
+ var resultFraction = fraction
+ if (resultFraction < other.fraction) {
+ if (resultValue < 1L)
+ throw AmountOverflowException()
+ resultValue--
+ resultFraction += FRACTIONAL_BASE
+ }
+ check(resultFraction >= other.fraction)
+ resultFraction -= other.fraction
+ if (resultValue < other.value)
+ throw AmountOverflowException()
+ resultValue -= other.value
+ return Amount(currency, resultValue, resultFraction)
+ }
+ fun isZero(): Boolean {
+ return value == 0L && fraction == 0
+ }
+ fun toJSONString(): String {
+ return "$currency:$amountStr"
+ }
+ fun toByteArray() = ByteArray(8 + 4 + 12).apply {
+ value.toByteArray().copyInto(this, 0, 0, 8)
+ fraction.toByteArray().copyInto(this, 8, 0, 4)
+ currency.encodeToByteArray().copyInto(this, 12)
+ }
+ override fun toString(): String {
+ return "$amountStr $currency"
+ }
+ override fun compareTo(other: Amount): Int {
+ check(currency == other.currency) { "Can only compare amounts with the same currency" }
+ when {
+ value == other.value -> {
+ if (fraction < other.fraction) return -1
+ if (fraction > other.fraction) return 1
+ return 0
+ }
+ value < other.value -> return -1
+ else -> return 1
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/commonMain/kotlin/net/taler/wallet/kotlin/crypto/CryptoImpl.kt b/src/commonMain/kotlin/net/taler/wallet/kotlin/crypto/CryptoImpl.kt
index 98ee656..e6995b1 100644
--- a/src/commonMain/kotlin/net/taler/wallet/kotlin/crypto/CryptoImpl.kt
+++ b/src/commonMain/kotlin/net/taler/wallet/kotlin/crypto/CryptoImpl.kt
@@ -1,7 +1,28 @@
package net.taler.wallet.kotlin.crypto
+import net.taler.wallet.kotlin.crypto.CryptoImpl.Companion.toByteArray
abstract class CryptoImpl : Crypto {
+ companion object {
+ fun Int.toByteArray(): ByteArray {
+ val bytes = ByteArray(4)
+ bytes[3] = (this and 0xFFFF).toByte()
+ bytes[2] = ((this ushr 8) and 0xFFFF).toByte()
+ bytes[1] = ((this ushr 16) and 0xFFFF).toByte()
+ bytes[0] = ((this ushr 24) and 0xFFFF).toByte()
+ return bytes
+ }
+ fun Long.toByteArray() = ByteArray(8).apply {
+ var l = this@toByteArray
+ for (i in 7 downTo 0) {
+ this[i] = (l and 0xFF).toByte()
+ l = l shr 8
+ }
+ }
+ }
override fun kdf(outputLength: Int, ikm: ByteArray, salt: ByteArray, info: ByteArray): ByteArray {
return Kdf.kdf(outputLength, ikm, salt, info, { sha256(it) }, { sha512(it) })
@@ -15,13 +36,4 @@ abstract class CryptoImpl : Crypto {
return FreshCoin(eddsaGetPublic(coinPrivateKey), coinPrivateKey, bks)
- private fun Int.toByteArray(): ByteArray {
- val bytes = ByteArray(4)
- bytes[3] = (this and 0xFFFF).toByte()
- bytes[2] = ((this ushr 8) and 0xFFFF).toByte()
- bytes[1] = ((this ushr 16) and 0xFFFF).toByte()
- bytes[0] = ((this ushr 24) and 0xFFFF).toByte()
- return bytes
- }
diff --git a/src/commonTest/kotlin/net/taler/wallet/kotlin/AmountTest.kt b/src/commonTest/kotlin/net/taler/wallet/kotlin/AmountTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..578874d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/commonTest/kotlin/net/taler/wallet/kotlin/AmountTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+ * This file is part of GNU Taler
+ * (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <>
+ */
+package net.taler.wallet.kotlin
+import kotlin.random.Random
+import kotlin.test.Test
+import kotlin.test.assertEquals
+import kotlin.test.assertFalse
+import kotlin.test.assertTrue
+class AmountTest {
+ companion object {
+ private val charPool: List<Char> = ('a'..'z') + ('A'..'Z') + ('0'..'9')
+ fun getRandomString(minLength: Int = 1, maxLength: Int = Random.nextInt(0, 1337)) = (minLength..maxLength)
+ .map { Random.nextInt(0, charPool.size) }
+ .map(charPool::get)
+ .joinToString("")
+ fun getRandomAmount() = getRandomAmount(getRandomString(1, Random.nextInt(1, 12)))
+ fun getRandomAmount(currency: String): Amount {
+ val value = Random.nextLong(0, Amount.MAX_VALUE)
+ val fraction = Random.nextInt(0, Amount.MAX_FRACTION)
+ return Amount(currency, value, fraction)
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testFromJSONString() {
+ var str = "TESTKUDOS:23.42"
+ var amount = Amount.fromJSONString(str)
+ assertEquals(str, amount.toJSONString())
+ assertEquals("TESTKUDOS", amount.currency)
+ assertEquals(23, amount.value)
+ assertEquals((0.42 * 1e8).toInt(), amount.fraction)
+ assertEquals("23.42 TESTKUDOS", amount.toString())
+ str = "EUR:500000000.00000001"
+ amount = Amount.fromJSONString(str)
+ assertEquals(str, amount.toJSONString())
+ assertEquals("EUR", amount.currency)
+ assertEquals(500000000, amount.value)
+ assertEquals(1, amount.fraction)
+ assertEquals("500000000.00000001 EUR", amount.toString())
+ str = "EUR:1500000000.00000003"
+ amount = Amount.fromJSONString(str)
+ assertEquals(str, amount.toJSONString())
+ assertEquals("EUR", amount.currency)
+ assertEquals(1500000000, amount.value)
+ assertEquals(3, amount.fraction)
+ assertEquals("1500000000.00000003 EUR", amount.toString())
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testFromJSONStringAcceptsMaxValuesRejectsAbove() {
+ val maxValue = 4503599627370496
+ val str = "TESTKUDOS123:$maxValue.99999999"
+ val amount = Amount.fromJSONString(str)
+ assertEquals(str, amount.toJSONString())
+ assertEquals("TESTKUDOS123", amount.currency)
+ assertEquals(maxValue, amount.value)
+ assertEquals("$maxValue.99999999 TESTKUDOS123", amount.toString())
+ // longer currency not accepted
+ assertThrows<AmountParserException>("longer currency was accepted") {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("TESTKUDOS1234:$maxValue.99999999")
+ }
+ // max value + 1 not accepted
+ assertThrows<AmountParserException>("max value + 1 was accepted") {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("TESTKUDOS123:${maxValue + 1}.99999999")
+ }
+ // max fraction + 1 not accepted
+ assertThrows<AmountParserException>("max fraction + 1 was accepted") {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("TESTKUDOS123:$maxValue.999999990")
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testFromJSONStringRejections() {
+ assertThrows<AmountParserException> {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("TESTKUDOS:0,5")
+ }
+ assertThrows<AmountParserException> {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("+TESTKUDOS:0.5")
+ }
+ assertThrows<AmountParserException> {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("0.5")
+ }
+ assertThrows<AmountParserException> {
+ Amount.fromJSONString(":0.5")
+ }
+ assertThrows<AmountParserException> {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR::0.5")
+ }
+ assertThrows<AmountParserException> {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:.5")
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testAddition() {
+ assertEquals(
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:2"),
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1") + Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1")
+ )
+ assertEquals(
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:3"),
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1.5") + Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1.5")
+ )
+ assertEquals(
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:500000000.00000002"),
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:500000000.00000001") + Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.00000001")
+ )
+ assertThrows<AmountOverflowException>("addition didn't overflow") {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:4503599627370496.99999999") + Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.00000001")
+ }
+ assertThrows<AmountOverflowException>("addition didn't overflow") {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:4000000000000000") + Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:4000000000000000")
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testTimes() {
+ assertEquals(
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:2"),
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:2") * 1
+ )
+ assertEquals(
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:2"),
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1") * 2
+ )
+ assertEquals(
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:4.5"),
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1.5") * 3
+ )
+ assertEquals(
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1500000000.00000003"),
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:500000000.00000001") * 3
+ )
+ assertThrows<AmountOverflowException>("times didn't overflow") {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:4000000000000000") * 2
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testSubtraction() {
+ assertEquals(
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0"),
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1") - Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1")
+ )
+ assertEquals(
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1.5"),
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:3") - Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1.5")
+ )
+ assertEquals(
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:500000000.00000001"),
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:500000000.00000002") - Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.00000001")
+ )
+ assertThrows<AmountOverflowException>("subtraction didn't underflow") {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:23.42") - Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:42.23")
+ }
+ assertThrows<AmountOverflowException>("subtraction didn't underflow") {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.5") - Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.50000001")
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testIsZero() {
+ assertTrue("EUR").isZero())
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0").isZero())
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.0").isZero())
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.00000").isZero())
+ assertTrue((Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1.001") - Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1.001")).isZero())
+ assertFalse(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.00000001").isZero())
+ assertFalse(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1.0").isZero())
+ assertFalse(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0001.0").isZero())
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testComparision() {
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0") <= Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0"))
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0") <= Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.00000001"))
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0") < Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.00000001"))
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0") < Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1"))
+ assertEquals(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0"), Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0"))
+ assertEquals(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:42"), Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:42"))
+ assertEquals(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:42.00000001"), Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:42.00000001"))
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:42.00000001") >= Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:42.00000001"))
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:42.00000002") >= Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:42.00000001"))
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:42.00000002") > Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:42.00000001"))
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.00000002") > Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.00000001"))
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.00000001") > Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0"))
+ assertTrue(Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:2") > Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:1"))
+ assertThrows<IllegalStateException>("could compare amounts with different currencies") {
+ Amount.fromJSONString("EUR:0.5") < Amount.fromJSONString("USD:0.50000001")
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testToByteArray() {
+ val vectors = listOf(
+ Pair("ceicWVf9GhJ:3902026702525079.40496378", "006XSQV3G899E0K9XKX66SB9CDBNCSHS8XM4M00"),
+ Pair("asYDLuK2A:3800267550024600.02072907", "006R0MNXBVHSG00ZM55P2WTS8H67AJSJ8400000"),
+ Pair("pV1m:1347558259914570.09786232", "002CK66VCNVMM04NADW70NHHDM0000000000000"),
+ Pair("geO82l:553744321840253.41004983", "000ZF855K627T0KHNYVPESAF70S6R0000000000"),
+ Pair("B9bWK7WPEO:3663912678613976.12122563", "006G8KS5P9HXG05RZ71M4EB2AX5KENTG8N7G000"),
+ Pair("X:1537372109907438.77850768", "002QCETPFYJYW153X285G000000000000000000"),
+ Pair("5:4271492725553118.39728399", "007JSSK6J4VXW0JY6M7KA000000000000000000"),
+ Pair("OSdV:801656289790342.08256189", "001DJ6H6CA4RC03XZAYMYMV4AR0000000000000"),
+ Pair("Y6:2908617536334646.94126271", "0055AQTB19NKC1CW82ZNJDG0000000000000000"),
+ Pair("kSHoOZj:2610656582865206.00292046", "004MCR6T828KC004EK76PMT8DX7NMTG00000000"),
+ Pair("GkhLXrlGES:4246330707533398.83874252", "007HC0Z9DFF5C17ZT764ETV89HC74V278N9G000"),
+ Pair("CNS09:738124490298524.71259462", "0019YMG01DA9R11ZAN346KJK60WG00000000000"),
+ Pair("sw0b1tKXZym:2132978464977419.28199478", "003S7VNZPZS0P0DE98V76XSGC8RQ8JTRB9WPT00"),
+ Pair("fC:1275322307696988.17178522", "0028FSGX3ZCNR0863YD6CGR0000000000000000"),
+ Pair("cRai6j:166032749022734.69444771", "0009E0C30V70W113MJHP6MK1D4V6M0000000000"),
+ Pair("KOADwTb3:3932974019564218.48282023", "006ZJ16ZB39BM0Q0Q6KMPKT18HVN8RHK0000000"),
+ Pair("9Fi9wcLgDe:1268366772151214.97268853", "002834N6WRHTW1EC6HTKJHK975VP6K378HJG000"),
+ Pair("SDN:3370670470236379.88943272", "005ZK6V0124DP1AD5AM56H2E000000000000000"),
+ Pair("zGCP5V:4010014441349620.76121145", "0073Y5HYA8GZ8149GGWQMHT3A0TNC0000000000"),
+ Pair("VsW1JjBLn:2037070181191907.99717275", "003KSD2WH18E61FHJ2DNCWTQ6556MGJCDR00000"),
+ Pair("A:1806895799429502.00887758", "0036PQ5P8NMQW00DHF742000000000000000000"),
+ Pair("njA8:4015261148004966.43708687", "00747PYPD116C0MTY47PWTJ1700000000000000"),
+ Pair("Bwq:3562876074139250.28829179", "006AGTNTRWF740DQWQXM4XVH000000000000000"),
+ Pair("8e75v8:3716241006992995.95213823", "006K7SP93WF661DCV3ZKGS9Q6NV3G0000000000"),
+ Pair("XrnbQTTn:3887603772953949.94721267", "006WZGA9X8ANT1D5AKSNGWKEC98N8N3E0000000"),
+ Pair("MIN:0.00000001", "0000000000000000000MTJAE000000000000000"),
+ Pair("MAX:4503599627370496.99999999", "00800000000001FNW3ZMTGAR000000000000000")
+ )
+ for (v in vectors) {
+ val amount = Amount.fromJSONString(v.first)
+ val encodedBytes = Base32Crockford.encode(amount.toByteArray())
+ assertEquals(v.second, encodedBytes)
+ }
+ }
+ private inline fun <reified T : Throwable> assertThrows(
+ msg: String? = null,
+ function: () -> Any
+ ) {
+ try {
+ function.invoke()
+ fail(msg)
+ } catch (e: Exception) {
+ assertTrue(e is T)
+ }
+ }