path: root/packages/taler-wallet-core/src/dbless.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/taler-wallet-core/src/dbless.ts')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/taler-wallet-core/src/dbless.ts b/packages/taler-wallet-core/src/dbless.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfefe6ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/taler-wallet-core/src/dbless.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+ This file is part of GNU Taler
+ (C) 2021 Taler Systems S.A.
+ GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <>
+ */
+ * Helper functions to run wallet functionality (withdrawal, deposit, refresh)
+ * without a database or retry loop.
+ *
+ * Used for benchmarking, where we want to benchmark the exchange, but the
+ * normal wallet would be too sluggish.
+ */
+ * Imports.
+ */
+import {
+ AbsoluteTime,
+ AgeRestriction,
+ AmountJson,
+ AmountString,
+ Amounts,
+ DenominationPubKey,
+ ExchangeBatchDepositRequest,
+ ExchangeBatchWithdrawRequest,
+ ExchangeMeltRequest,
+ ExchangeProtocolVersion,
+ Logger,
+ TalerCorebankApiClient,
+ UnblindedSignature,
+ codecForAny,
+ codecForBankWithdrawalOperationPostResponse,
+ codecForBatchDepositSuccess,
+ codecForExchangeMeltResponse,
+ codecForExchangeRevealResponse,
+ codecForExchangeWithdrawBatchResponse,
+ encodeCrock,
+ getRandomBytes,
+ hashWire,
+ parsePaytoUri,
+} from "@gnu-taler/taler-util";
+import {
+ HttpRequestLibrary,
+ readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow,
+} from "@gnu-taler/taler-util/http";
+import { TalerCryptoInterface } from "./crypto/cryptoImplementation.js";
+import { DenominationRecord } from "./db.js";
+import { ExchangeInfo, downloadExchangeInfo } from "./exchanges.js";
+import { assembleRefreshRevealRequest } from "./refresh.js";
+import { isWithdrawableDenom } from "./denominations.js";
+import { getBankStatusUrl, getBankWithdrawalInfo } from "./withdraw.js";
+export { downloadExchangeInfo };
+const logger = new Logger("dbless.ts");
+export interface ReserveKeypair {
+ reservePub: string;
+ reservePriv: string;
+ * Denormalized info about a coin.
+ */
+export interface CoinInfo {
+ coinPub: string;
+ coinPriv: string;
+ exchangeBaseUrl: string;
+ denomSig: UnblindedSignature;
+ denomPub: DenominationPubKey;
+ denomPubHash: string;
+ feeDeposit: string;
+ feeRefresh: string;
+ maxAge: number;
+ * Check the status of a reserve, use long-polling to wait
+ * until the reserve actually has been created.
+ */
+export async function checkReserve(
+ http: HttpRequestLibrary,
+ exchangeBaseUrl: string,
+ reservePub: string,
+ longpollTimeoutMs: number = 500,
+): Promise<void> {
+ const reqUrl = new URL(`reserves/${reservePub}`, exchangeBaseUrl);
+ if (longpollTimeoutMs) {
+ reqUrl.searchParams.set("timeout_ms", `${longpollTimeoutMs}`);
+ }
+ const resp = await http.fetch(reqUrl.href, { method: "GET" });
+ if (resp.status !== 200) {
+ throw new Error("reserve not okay");
+ }
+export interface TopupReserveWithBankArgs {
+ http: HttpRequestLibrary;
+ reservePub: string;
+ corebankApiBaseUrl: string;
+ exchangeInfo: ExchangeInfo;
+ amount: AmountString;
+export async function topupReserveWithBank(
+ args: TopupReserveWithBankArgs,
+) {
+ const { http, corebankApiBaseUrl, amount, exchangeInfo, reservePub } = args;
+ const bankClient = new TalerCorebankApiClient(corebankApiBaseUrl);
+ const bankUser = await bankClient.createRandomBankUser();
+ const wopi = await bankClient.createWithdrawalOperation(
+ bankUser.username,
+ amount,
+ );
+ const bankInfo = await getBankWithdrawalInfo(http, wopi.taler_withdraw_uri);
+ const bankStatusUrl = getBankStatusUrl(wopi.taler_withdraw_uri);
+ if (!bankInfo.suggestedExchange) {
+ throw Error("no suggested exchange");
+ }
+ const plainPaytoUris =
+ => x.payto_uri) ?? [];
+ if (plainPaytoUris.length <= 0) {
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ const httpResp = await http.fetch(bankStatusUrl, {
+ method: "POST",
+ body: {
+ reserve_pub: reservePub,
+ selected_exchange: plainPaytoUris[0],
+ },
+ });
+ await readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow(
+ httpResp,
+ codecForBankWithdrawalOperationPostResponse(),
+ );
+ await bankClient.confirmWithdrawalOperation(bankUser.username, {
+ withdrawalOperationId: wopi.withdrawal_id,
+ });
+export async function withdrawCoin(args: {
+ http: HttpRequestLibrary;
+ cryptoApi: TalerCryptoInterface;
+ reserveKeyPair: ReserveKeypair;
+ denom: DenominationRecord;
+ exchangeBaseUrl: string;
+}): Promise<CoinInfo> {
+ const { http, cryptoApi, reserveKeyPair, denom, exchangeBaseUrl } = args;
+ const planchet = await cryptoApi.createPlanchet({
+ coinIndex: 0,
+ denomPub: denom.denomPub,
+ feeWithdraw: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denom.fees.feeWithdraw),
+ reservePriv: reserveKeyPair.reservePriv,
+ reservePub: reserveKeyPair.reservePub,
+ secretSeed: encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(32)),
+ value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(denom.value),
+ });
+ const reqBody: ExchangeBatchWithdrawRequest = {
+ planchets: [
+ {
+ denom_pub_hash: planchet.denomPubHash,
+ reserve_sig: planchet.withdrawSig,
+ coin_ev: planchet.coinEv,
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ const reqUrl = new URL(
+ `reserves/${planchet.reservePub}/batch-withdraw`,
+ exchangeBaseUrl,
+ ).href;
+ const resp = await http.fetch(reqUrl, { method: "POST", body: reqBody });
+ const rBatch = await readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow(
+ resp,
+ codecForExchangeWithdrawBatchResponse(),
+ );
+ const ubSig = await cryptoApi.unblindDenominationSignature({
+ planchet,
+ evSig: rBatch.ev_sigs[0].ev_sig,
+ });
+ return {
+ coinPriv: planchet.coinPriv,
+ coinPub: planchet.coinPub,
+ denomSig: ubSig,
+ denomPub: denom.denomPub,
+ denomPubHash: denom.denomPubHash,
+ feeDeposit: Amounts.stringify(denom.fees.feeDeposit),
+ feeRefresh: Amounts.stringify(denom.fees.feeRefresh),
+ exchangeBaseUrl: args.exchangeBaseUrl,
+ maxAge: AgeRestriction.AGE_UNRESTRICTED,
+ };
+export interface FindDenomOptions {
+ denomselAllowLate?: boolean;
+export function findDenomOrThrow(
+ exchangeInfo: ExchangeInfo,
+ amount: AmountString,
+ options: FindDenomOptions = {},
+): DenominationRecord {
+ const denomselAllowLate = options.denomselAllowLate ?? false;
+ for (const d of exchangeInfo.keys.currentDenominations) {
+ const value: AmountJson = Amounts.parseOrThrow(d.value);
+ if (
+ Amounts.cmp(value, amount) === 0 &&
+ isWithdrawableDenom(d, denomselAllowLate)
+ ) {
+ return d;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new Error("no matching denomination found");
+export async function depositCoin(args: {
+ http: HttpRequestLibrary;
+ cryptoApi: TalerCryptoInterface;
+ exchangeBaseUrl: string;
+ coin: CoinInfo;
+ amount: AmountString;
+ depositPayto?: string;
+ merchantPub?: string;
+ contractTermsHash?: string;
+ // 16 bytes, crockford encoded
+ wireSalt?: string;
+}): Promise<void> {
+ const { coin, http, cryptoApi } = args;
+ const depositPayto =
+ args.depositPayto ?? "payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/foo?receiver-name=foo";
+ const wireSalt = args.wireSalt ?? encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(16));
+ const timestampNow = AbsoluteTime.toProtocolTimestamp(;
+ const contractTermsHash =
+ args.contractTermsHash ?? encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(64));
+ const depositTimestamp = timestampNow;
+ const refundDeadline = timestampNow;
+ const wireTransferDeadline = timestampNow;
+ const merchantPub = args.merchantPub ?? encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(32));
+ const dp = await cryptoApi.signDepositPermission({
+ coinPriv: coin.coinPriv,
+ coinPub: coin.coinPub,
+ contractTermsHash,
+ denomKeyType: coin.denomPub.cipher,
+ denomPubHash: coin.denomPubHash,
+ denomSig: coin.denomSig,
+ exchangeBaseUrl: args.exchangeBaseUrl,
+ feeDeposit: Amounts.parseOrThrow(coin.feeDeposit),
+ merchantPub,
+ spendAmount: Amounts.parseOrThrow(args.amount),
+ timestamp: depositTimestamp,
+ refundDeadline: refundDeadline,
+ wireInfoHash: hashWire(depositPayto, wireSalt),
+ });
+ const requestBody: ExchangeBatchDepositRequest = {
+ coins: [
+ {
+ contribution: Amounts.stringify(dp.contribution),
+ coin_pub: dp.coin_pub,
+ coin_sig: dp.coin_sig,
+ denom_pub_hash: dp.h_denom,
+ ub_sig: dp.ub_sig,
+ },
+ ],
+ merchant_payto_uri: depositPayto,
+ wire_salt: wireSalt,
+ h_contract_terms: contractTermsHash,
+ timestamp: depositTimestamp,
+ wire_transfer_deadline: wireTransferDeadline,
+ refund_deadline: refundDeadline,
+ merchant_pub: merchantPub,
+ };
+ const url = new URL(`batch-deposit`, dp.exchange_url);
+ const httpResp = await http.fetch(url.href, {
+ method: "POST",
+ body: requestBody,
+ });
+ await readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow(httpResp, codecForBatchDepositSuccess());
+export async function refreshCoin(req: {
+ http: HttpRequestLibrary;
+ cryptoApi: TalerCryptoInterface;
+ oldCoin: CoinInfo;
+ newDenoms: DenominationRecord[];
+}): Promise<void> {
+ const { cryptoApi, oldCoin, http } = req;
+ const refreshSessionSeed = encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(32));
+ const session = await cryptoApi.deriveRefreshSession({
+ exchangeProtocolVersion: ExchangeProtocolVersion.V12,
+ feeRefresh: Amounts.parseOrThrow(oldCoin.feeRefresh),
+ kappa: 3,
+ meltCoinDenomPubHash: oldCoin.denomPubHash,
+ meltCoinPriv: oldCoin.coinPriv,
+ meltCoinPub: oldCoin.coinPub,
+ sessionSecretSeed: refreshSessionSeed,
+ newCoinDenoms: => ({
+ count: 1,
+ denomPub: x.denomPub,
+ denomPubHash: x.denomPubHash,
+ feeWithdraw: x.fees.feeWithdraw,
+ value: x.value,
+ })),
+ meltCoinMaxAge: oldCoin.maxAge,
+ });
+ const meltReqBody: ExchangeMeltRequest = {
+ coin_pub: oldCoin.coinPub,
+ confirm_sig: session.confirmSig,
+ denom_pub_hash: oldCoin.denomPubHash,
+ denom_sig: oldCoin.denomSig,
+ rc: session.hash,
+ value_with_fee: Amounts.stringify(session.meltValueWithFee),
+ };
+"requesting melt");
+ const meltReqUrl = new URL(
+ `coins/${oldCoin.coinPub}/melt`,
+ oldCoin.exchangeBaseUrl,
+ );
+"requesting melt done");
+ const meltHttpResp = await http.fetch(meltReqUrl.href, {
+ method: "POST",
+ body: meltReqBody,
+ });
+ const meltResponse = await readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow(
+ meltHttpResp,
+ codecForExchangeMeltResponse(),
+ );
+ const norevealIndex = meltResponse.noreveal_index;
+ const revealRequest = await assembleRefreshRevealRequest({
+ cryptoApi,
+ derived: session,
+ newDenoms: => ({
+ count: 1,
+ denomPubHash: x.denomPubHash,
+ })),
+ norevealIndex,
+ oldCoinPriv: oldCoin.coinPriv,
+ oldCoinPub: oldCoin.coinPub,
+ });
+"requesting reveal");
+ const reqUrl = new URL(
+ `refreshes/${session.hash}/reveal`,
+ oldCoin.exchangeBaseUrl,
+ );
+ const revealResp = await http.fetch(reqUrl.href, {
+ method: "POST",
+ body: revealRequest,
+ });
+"requesting reveal done");
+ const reveal = await readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow(
+ revealResp,
+ codecForExchangeRevealResponse(),
+ );
+ // We could unblind here, but we only use this function to
+ // benchmark the exchange.
+ * Create a reserve for testing withdrawals.
+ *
+ * The reserve is created using the test-only API "/admin/add-incoming".
+ */
+export async function createTestingReserve(args: {
+ http: HttpRequestLibrary;
+ corebankApiBaseUrl: string;
+ amount: string;
+ reservePub: string;
+ exchangeInfo: ExchangeInfo;
+}): Promise<void> {
+ const { http, corebankApiBaseUrl, amount, reservePub } = args;
+ const paytoUri = args.exchangeInfo.keys.accounts[0].payto_uri;
+ const pt = parsePaytoUri(paytoUri);
+ if (!pt) {
+ throw Error("failed to parse payto URI");
+ }
+ const components = pt.targetPath.split("/");
+ const creditorAcct = components[components.length - 1];
+ const fbReq = await http.fetch(
+ new URL(
+ `accounts/${creditorAcct}/taler-wire-gateway/admin/add-incoming`,
+ corebankApiBaseUrl,
+ ).href,
+ {
+ method: "POST",
+ body: {
+ amount,
+ reserve_pub: reservePub,
+ debit_account: "payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/testdebtor",
+ },
+ },
+ );
+ await readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow(fbReq, codecForAny());