path: root/packages/taler-harness/src/integrationtests/testrunner.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/taler-harness/src/integrationtests/testrunner.ts')
1 files changed, 597 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/taler-harness/src/integrationtests/testrunner.ts b/packages/taler-harness/src/integrationtests/testrunner.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b23d7762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/taler-harness/src/integrationtests/testrunner.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+ This file is part of GNU Taler
+ (C) 2021 Taler Systems S.A.
+ GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <>
+ */
+import { CancellationToken, Logger, minimatch } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util";
+import * as child_process from "child_process";
+import { spawnSync } from "child_process";
+import * as fs from "fs";
+import * as os from "os";
+import * as path from "path";
+import url from "url";
+import {
+ GlobalTestState,
+ TestRunResult,
+ runTestWithState,
+ shouldLingerInTest,
+} from "../harness/harness.js";
+import { getSharedTestDir } from "../harness/helpers.js";
+import { runAgeRestrictionsDepositTest } from "./test-age-restrictions-deposit.js";
+import { runAgeRestrictionsMerchantTest } from "./test-age-restrictions-merchant.js";
+import { runAgeRestrictionsMixedMerchantTest } from "./test-age-restrictions-mixed-merchant.js";
+import { runAgeRestrictionsPeerTest } from "./test-age-restrictions-peer.js";
+import { runBankApiTest } from "./test-bank-api.js";
+import { runClaimLoopTest } from "./test-claim-loop.js";
+import { runClauseSchnorrTest } from "./test-clause-schnorr.js";
+import { runCurrencyScopeTest } from "./test-currency-scope.js";
+import { runDenomLostTest } from "./test-denom-lost.js";
+import { runDenomUnofferedTest } from "./test-denom-unoffered.js";
+import { runDepositTest } from "./test-deposit.js";
+import { runExchangeDepositTest } from "./test-exchange-deposit.js";
+import { runExchangeManagementFaultTest } from "./test-exchange-management-fault.js";
+import { runExchangeManagementTest } from "./test-exchange-management.js";
+import { runExchangePurseTest } from "./test-exchange-purse.js";
+import { runExchangeTimetravelTest } from "./test-exchange-timetravel.js";
+import { runFeeRegressionTest } from "./test-fee-regression.js";
+import { runForcedSelectionTest } from "./test-forced-selection.js";
+import { runKycTest } from "./test-kyc.js";
+import { runLibeufinBankTest } from "./test-libeufin-bank.js";
+import { runMerchantExchangeConfusionTest } from "./test-merchant-exchange-confusion.js";
+import { runMerchantInstancesDeleteTest } from "./test-merchant-instances-delete.js";
+import { runMerchantInstancesUrlsTest } from "./test-merchant-instances-urls.js";
+import { runMerchantInstancesTest } from "./test-merchant-instances.js";
+import { runMerchantLongpollingTest } from "./test-merchant-longpolling.js";
+import { runMerchantRefundApiTest } from "./test-merchant-refund-api.js";
+import { runMerchantSpecPublicOrdersTest } from "./test-merchant-spec-public-orders.js";
+import { runMultiExchangeTest } from "./test-multiexchange.js";
+import { runOtpTest } from "./test-otp.js";
+import { runPayPaidTest } from "./test-pay-paid.js";
+import { runPaymentAbortTest } from "./test-payment-abort.js";
+import { runPaymentClaimTest } from "./test-payment-claim.js";
+import { runPaymentDeletedTest } from "./test-payment-deleted.js";
+import { runPaymentExpiredTest } from "./test-payment-expired.js";
+import { runPaymentFaultTest } from "./test-payment-fault.js";
+import { runPaymentForgettableTest } from "./test-payment-forgettable.js";
+import { runPaymentIdempotencyTest } from "./test-payment-idempotency.js";
+import { runPaymentMultipleTest } from "./test-payment-multiple.js";
+import { runPaymentShareTest } from "./test-payment-share.js";
+import { runPaymentTemplateTest } from "./test-payment-template.js";
+import { runPaymentTransientTest } from "./test-payment-transient.js";
+import { runPaymentZeroTest } from "./test-payment-zero.js";
+import { runPaymentTest } from "./test-payment.js";
+import { runPaywallFlowTest } from "./test-paywall-flow.js";
+import { runPeerPullLargeTest } from "./test-peer-pull-large.js";
+import { runPeerPushLargeTest } from "./test-peer-push-large.js";
+import { runPeerRepairTest } from "./test-peer-repair.js";
+import { runPeerToPeerPullTest } from "./test-peer-to-peer-pull.js";
+import { runPeerToPeerPushTest } from "./test-peer-to-peer-push.js";
+import { runRefundAutoTest } from "./test-refund-auto.js";
+import { runRefundGoneTest } from "./test-refund-gone.js";
+import { runRefundIncrementalTest } from "./test-refund-incremental.js";
+import { runRefundTest } from "./test-refund.js";
+import { runRevocationTest } from "./test-revocation.js";
+import { runSimplePaymentTest } from "./test-simple-payment.js";
+import { runStoredBackupsTest } from "./test-stored-backups.js";
+import { runTimetravelAutorefreshTest } from "./test-timetravel-autorefresh.js";
+import { runTimetravelWithdrawTest } from "./test-timetravel-withdraw.js";
+import { runTermOfServiceFormatTest } from "./test-tos-format.js";
+import { runWalletBackupBasicTest } from "./test-wallet-backup-basic.js";
+import { runWalletBackupDoublespendTest } from "./test-wallet-backup-doublespend.js";
+import { runWalletBalanceNotificationsTest } from "./test-wallet-balance-notifications.js";
+import { runWalletBalanceZeroTest } from "./test-wallet-balance-zero.js";
+import { runWalletBalanceTest } from "./test-wallet-balance.js";
+import { runWalletBlockedDepositTest } from "./test-wallet-blocked-deposit.js";
+import { runWalletBlockedPayMerchantTest } from "./test-wallet-blocked-pay-merchant.js";
+import { runWalletBlockedPayPeerPullTest } from "./test-wallet-blocked-pay-peer-pull.js";
+import { runWalletBlockedPayPeerPushTest } from "./test-wallet-blocked-pay-peer-push.js";
+import { runWalletCliTerminationTest } from "./test-wallet-cli-termination.js";
+import { runWalletConfigTest } from "./test-wallet-config.js";
+import { runWalletCryptoWorkerTest } from "./test-wallet-cryptoworker.js";
+import { runWalletDblessTest } from "./test-wallet-dbless.js";
+import { runWalletDd48Test } from "./test-wallet-dd48.js";
+import { runWalletDenomExpireTest } from "./test-wallet-denom-expire.js";
+import { runWalletDevExperimentsTest } from "./test-wallet-dev-experiments.js";
+import { runWalletExchangeUpdateTest } from "./test-wallet-exchange-update.js";
+import { runWalletGenDbTest } from "./test-wallet-gendb.js";
+import { runWalletInsufficientBalanceTest } from "./test-wallet-insufficient-balance.js";
+import { runWalletNotificationsTest } from "./test-wallet-notifications.js";
+import { runWalletObservabilityTest } from "./test-wallet-observability.js";
+import { runWalletRefreshErrorsTest } from "./test-wallet-refresh-errors.js";
+import { runWalletRefreshTest } from "./test-wallet-refresh.js";
+import { runWalletWirefeesTest } from "./test-wallet-wirefees.js";
+import { runWallettestingTest } from "./test-wallettesting.js";
+import { runWithdrawalAbortBankTest } from "./test-withdrawal-abort-bank.js";
+import { runWithdrawalBankIntegratedTest } from "./test-withdrawal-bank-integrated.js";
+import { runWithdrawalConversionTest } from "./test-withdrawal-conversion.js";
+import { runWithdrawalFakebankTest } from "./test-withdrawal-fakebank.js";
+import { runWithdrawalFeesTest } from "./test-withdrawal-fees.js";
+import { runWithdrawalHandoverTest } from "./test-withdrawal-handover.js";
+import { runWithdrawalHugeTest } from "./test-withdrawal-huge.js";
+import { runWithdrawalManualTest } from "./test-withdrawal-manual.js";
+ * Test runner.
+ */
+const logger = new Logger("testrunner.ts");
+ * Spec for one test.
+ */
+interface TestMainFunction {
+ (t: GlobalTestState): Promise<void>;
+ timeoutMs?: number;
+ experimental?: boolean;
+ suites?: string[];
+const allTests: TestMainFunction[] = [
+ runAgeRestrictionsMerchantTest,
+ runAgeRestrictionsMixedMerchantTest,
+ runAgeRestrictionsPeerTest,
+ runAgeRestrictionsDepositTest,
+ runBankApiTest,
+ runClaimLoopTest,
+ runClauseSchnorrTest,
+ runDenomUnofferedTest,
+ runDepositTest,
+ runSimplePaymentTest,
+ runExchangeManagementFaultTest,
+ runExchangeTimetravelTest,
+ runFeeRegressionTest,
+ runForcedSelectionTest,
+ runKycTest,
+ runExchangePurseTest,
+ runExchangeDepositTest,
+ runMerchantExchangeConfusionTest,
+ runMerchantInstancesDeleteTest,
+ runMerchantInstancesTest,
+ runMerchantInstancesUrlsTest,
+ runMerchantLongpollingTest,
+ runMerchantRefundApiTest,
+ runMerchantSpecPublicOrdersTest,
+ runPaymentClaimTest,
+ runPaymentFaultTest,
+ runPaymentForgettableTest,
+ runPaymentIdempotencyTest,
+ runPaymentMultipleTest,
+ runPaymentTest,
+ runPaymentShareTest,
+ runPaymentTemplateTest,
+ runPaymentAbortTest,
+ runPaymentTransientTest,
+ runPaymentZeroTest,
+ runPayPaidTest,
+ runPeerRepairTest,
+ runMultiExchangeTest,
+ runWalletBalanceTest,
+ runPaywallFlowTest,
+ runPeerToPeerPullTest,
+ runPeerToPeerPushTest,
+ runRefundAutoTest,
+ runRefundGoneTest,
+ runRefundIncrementalTest,
+ runRefundTest,
+ runRevocationTest,
+ runWithdrawalManualTest,
+ runTimetravelAutorefreshTest,
+ runTimetravelWithdrawTest,
+ runWalletBackupBasicTest,
+ runWalletBackupDoublespendTest,
+ runWalletNotificationsTest,
+ runWalletCryptoWorkerTest,
+ runWalletDblessTest,
+ runWallettestingTest,
+ runWithdrawalAbortBankTest,
+ // runWithdrawalNotifyBeforeTxTest,
+ runWithdrawalBankIntegratedTest,
+ runWithdrawalFakebankTest,
+ runWithdrawalFeesTest,
+ runWithdrawalConversionTest,
+ runWithdrawalHugeTest,
+ runTermOfServiceFormatTest,
+ runStoredBackupsTest,
+ runPaymentExpiredTest,
+ runWalletGenDbTest,
+ runLibeufinBankTest,
+ runPaymentDeletedTest,
+ runWalletDd48Test,
+ runCurrencyScopeTest,
+ runWalletRefreshTest,
+ runWalletCliTerminationTest,
+ runOtpTest,
+ runWalletBalanceNotificationsTest,
+ runExchangeManagementTest,
+ runWalletConfigTest,
+ runWalletObservabilityTest,
+ runWalletDevExperimentsTest,
+ runWalletBalanceZeroTest,
+ runWalletInsufficientBalanceTest,
+ runWalletWirefeesTest,
+ runDenomLostTest,
+ runWalletDenomExpireTest,
+ runWalletBlockedDepositTest,
+ runWalletBlockedPayMerchantTest,
+ runWalletBlockedPayPeerPushTest,
+ runWalletBlockedPayPeerPullTest,
+ runWalletExchangeUpdateTest,
+ runWalletRefreshErrorsTest,
+ runPeerPullLargeTest,
+ runPeerPushLargeTest,
+ runWithdrawalHandoverTest,
+export interface TestRunSpec {
+ includePattern?: string;
+ suiteSpec?: string;
+ dryRun?: boolean;
+ failFast?: boolean;
+ waitOnFail?: boolean;
+ includeExperimental: boolean;
+ noTimeout: boolean;
+ verbosity: number;
+export interface TestInfo {
+ name: string;
+ suites: string[];
+ experimental: boolean;
+function updateCurrentSymlink(testDir: string): void {
+ const currLink = path.join(
+ os.tmpdir(),
+ `taler-integrationtests-${os.userInfo().username}-current`,
+ );
+ try {
+ fs.unlinkSync(currLink);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Ignore
+ }
+ try {
+ fs.symlinkSync(testDir, currLink);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log(e);
+ // Ignore
+ }
+export function getTestName(tf: TestMainFunction): string {
+ const res =[a-zA-Z0-9]*)Test/);
+ if (!res) {
+ throw Error("invalid test name, must be 'run${NAME}Test'");
+ }
+ return res[1]
+ .replace(/[a-z0-9][A-Z]/g, (x) => {
+ return x[0] + "-" + x[1];
+ })
+ .toLowerCase();
+interface RunTestChildInstruction {
+ testName: string;
+ testRootDir: string;
+function purgeSharedTestEnvironment() {
+ const rmRes = spawnSync("rm", ["-rf", `${getSharedTestDir()}`]);
+ if (rmRes.status != 0) {
+ logger.warn("can't delete shared test directory");
+ }
+ const psqlRes = spawnSync("psql", ["-Aqtl"], {
+ encoding: "utf-8",
+ });
+ if (psqlRes.status != 0) {
+ logger.warn("could not list available postgres databases");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (psqlRes.output[1]!!.indexOf("taler-integrationtest-shared") >= 0) {
+ const dropRes = spawnSync("dropdb", ["taler-integrationtest-shared"], {
+ encoding: "utf-8",
+ });
+ if (dropRes.status != 0) {
+ logger.warn("could not drop taler-integrationtest-shared database");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+export async function runTests(spec: TestRunSpec) {
+ if (!process.env.TALER_HARNESS_KEEP) {
+"purging shared test environment");
+ purgeSharedTestEnvironment();
+ } else {
+"keeping shared test environment");
+ }
+ const testRootDir = fs.mkdtempSync(
+ path.join(os.tmpdir(), "taler-integrationtests-"),
+ );
+ updateCurrentSymlink(testRootDir);
+ console.log(`testsuite root directory: ${testRootDir}`);
+ const testResults: TestRunResult[] = [];
+ let currentChild: child_process.ChildProcess | undefined;
+ const handleSignal = (s: NodeJS.Signals) => {
+ console.log(`received signal ${s} in test parent`);
+ if (currentChild) {
+ currentChild.kill("SIGTERM");
+ }
+ reportAndQuit(testRootDir, testResults, true);
+ };
+ process.on("SIGINT", (s) => handleSignal(s));
+ process.on("SIGTERM", (s) => handleSignal(s));
+ //process.on("unhandledRejection", handleSignal);
+ //process.on("uncaughtException", handleSignal);
+ let suites: Set<string> | undefined;
+ if (spec.suiteSpec) {
+ suites = new Set(spec.suiteSpec.split(",").map((x) => x.trim()));
+ }
+ for (const [n, testCase] of allTests.entries()) {
+ const testName = getTestName(testCase);
+ if (spec.includePattern && !minimatch(testName, spec.includePattern)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (testCase.experimental && !spec.includeExperimental) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (suites) {
+ const ts = new Set(testCase.suites ?? []);
+ const intersection = new Set([...suites].filter((x) => ts.has(x)));
+ if (intersection.size === 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (spec.dryRun) {
+ console.log(`dry run: would run test ${testName}`);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const testInstr: RunTestChildInstruction = {
+ testName,
+ testRootDir,
+ };
+ const myFilename = url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
+ currentChild = child_process.fork(myFilename, ["__TWCLI_TESTWORKER"], {
+ env: {
+ TWCLI_RUN_TEST_INSTRUCTION: JSON.stringify(testInstr),
+ ...process.env,
+ },
+ stdio: ["pipe", "pipe", "pipe", "ipc"],
+ });
+ const testDir = path.join(testRootDir, testName);
+ fs.mkdirSync(testDir, { recursive: true });
+ const harnessLogFilename = path.join(testRootDir, testName, "harness.log");
+ const harnessLogStream = fs.createWriteStream(harnessLogFilename);
+ if (spec.verbosity > 0) {
+ currentChild.stderr?.pipe(process.stderr);
+ currentChild.stdout?.pipe(process.stdout);
+ }
+ currentChild.stdout?.pipe(harnessLogStream);
+ currentChild.stderr?.pipe(harnessLogStream);
+ // Default timeout when the test doesn't override it.
+ let defaultTimeout = 60000;
+ const overrideDefaultTimeout = process.env.TALER_TEST_TIMEOUT;
+ if (overrideDefaultTimeout) {
+ defaultTimeout = Number.parseInt(overrideDefaultTimeout, 10) * 1000;
+ }
+ // Set the timeout to at least be the default timeout.
+ const testTimeoutMs = testCase.timeoutMs
+ ? Math.max(testCase.timeoutMs, defaultTimeout)
+ : defaultTimeout;
+ if (spec.noTimeout) {
+ console.log(`running ${testName}, no timeout`);
+ } else {
+ console.log(`running ${testName} with timeout ${testTimeoutMs}ms`);
+ }
+ const token = spec.noTimeout
+ ? CancellationToken.CONTINUE
+ : CancellationToken.timeout(testTimeoutMs).token;
+ const resultPromise: Promise<TestRunResult> = new Promise(
+ (resolve, reject) => {
+ let msg: TestRunResult | undefined;
+ currentChild!.on("message", (m) => {
+ if (token.isCancelled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ msg = m as TestRunResult;
+ });
+ currentChild!.on("exit", (code, signal) => {
+ if (token.isCancelled) {
+ return;
+ }
+`process exited code=${code} signal=${signal}`);
+ if (signal) {
+ reject(new Error(`test worker exited with signal ${signal}`));
+ } else if (code != 0) {
+ reject(new Error(`test worker exited with code ${code}`));
+ } else if (!msg) {
+ reject(
+ new Error(
+ `test worker exited without giving back the test results`,
+ ),
+ );
+ } else {
+ resolve(msg);
+ }
+ });
+ currentChild!.on("error", (err) => {
+ if (token.isCancelled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ reject(err);
+ });
+ },
+ );
+ let result: TestRunResult;
+ try {
+ result = await token.racePromise(resultPromise);
+ if (result.status === "fail" && spec.failFast) {
+ logger.error("test failed and failing fast, exit!");
+ throw Error("exit on fail fast");
+ }
+ } catch (e: any) {
+ console.error(`test ${testName} timed out`);
+ if (token.isCancelled) {
+ result = {
+ status: "fail",
+ reason: "timeout",
+ timeSec: testTimeoutMs / 1000,
+ name: testName,
+ };
+ currentChild.kill("SIGTERM");
+ } else {
+ throw Error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ harnessLogStream.close();
+ console.log(`parent: got result ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);
+ testResults.push(result);
+ }
+ reportAndQuit(testRootDir, testResults);
+export function reportAndQuit(
+ testRootDir: string,
+ testResults: TestRunResult[],
+ interrupted: boolean = false,
+): never {
+ let numTotal = 0;
+ let numFail = 0;
+ let numSkip = 0;
+ let numPass = 0;
+ for (const result of testResults) {
+ numTotal++;
+ if (result.status === "fail") {
+ numFail++;
+ } else if (result.status === "skip") {
+ numSkip++;
+ } else if (result.status === "pass") {
+ numPass++;
+ }
+ }
+ const resultsFile = path.join(testRootDir, "results.json");
+ fs.writeFileSync(
+ path.join(testRootDir, "results.json"),
+ JSON.stringify({ testResults, interrupted }, undefined, 2),
+ );
+ if (interrupted) {
+ console.log("test suite was interrupted");
+ }
+ console.log(`See ${resultsFile} for details`);
+ console.log(`Skipped: ${numSkip}/${numTotal}`);
+ console.log(`Failed: ${numFail}/${numTotal}`);
+ console.log(`Passed: ${numPass}/${numTotal}`);
+ if (interrupted) {
+ process.exit(3);
+ } else if (numPass < numTotal - numSkip) {
+ process.exit(1);
+ } else {
+ process.exit(0);
+ }
+export function getTestInfo(): TestInfo[] {
+ return => ({
+ name: getTestName(x),
+ suites: x.suites ?? [],
+ experimental: x.experimental ?? false,
+ }));
+const runTestInstrStr = process.env["TWCLI_RUN_TEST_INSTRUCTION"];
+if (runTestInstrStr && process.argv.includes("__TWCLI_TESTWORKER")) {
+ // Test will call taler-wallet-cli, so we must not propagate this variable.
+ delete process.env["TWCLI_RUN_TEST_INSTRUCTION"];
+ const { testRootDir, testName } = JSON.parse(
+ runTestInstrStr,
+ ) as RunTestChildInstruction;
+ process.on("disconnect", () => {
+ logger.trace("got disconnect from parent");
+ process.exit(3);
+ });
+ const runTest = async () => {
+ let testMain: TestMainFunction | undefined;
+ for (const t of allTests) {
+ if (getTestName(t) === testName) {
+ testMain = t;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!process.send) {
+ logger.error("can't communicate with parent");
+ process.exit(2);
+ }
+ if (!testMain) {
+`test ${testName} not found`);
+ process.exit(2);
+ }
+ const testDir = path.join(testRootDir, testName);
+`running test ${testName}`);
+ const gc = new GlobalTestState({
+ testDir,
+ });
+ const testResult = await runTestWithState(gc, testMain, testName);
+`done test ${testName}: ${testResult.status}`);
+ process.send(testResult);
+ };
+ runTest()
+ .then(() => {
+ logger.trace(`test ${testName} finished in worker`);
+ if (shouldLingerInTest()) {
+ logger.trace("lingering ...");
+ return;
+ }
+ process.exit(0);
+ })
+ .catch((e) => {
+ logger.error(e);
+ process.exit(1);
+ });