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+<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" -->
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+<title>World Summit on the Information Society - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation</title>
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+<h2>World Summit on the Information Society</h2>
+<p>by <a href="http://www.stallman.org/"><strong>Richard Stallman</strong></a></p>
+<p><em>(Originally published on Newsforge.)</em></p>
+<p>At <abbr title="World Summit on the Information Society">WSIS</abbr>,
+in a climate of suppression of dissent, the score is 0-0<br />
+<span style="margin-left: 30%">-- Richard Stallman</span></p>
+<p>The World Summit on the Information Society is supposed to
+formulate plans to end the &ldquo;digital divide&rdquo; and make the
+internet accessible to everyone on Earth. The negotiations were
+completed in November, so the big official meeting in Geneva last week
+was more of a trade show and conference than a real summit
+<p>The summit procedures were designed so that non-governmental
+organizations (mainly those that promote human rights and equality,
+and work to reduce poverty) could attend, see the discussions, and
+comment. However, the actual declaration paid little attention to the
+comments and recommendations that these organizations made. In effect,
+civil society was offered the chance to speak to a dead mike.</p>
+<p>The summit's declaration includes little that is bold or new. When
+it comes to the question of what people will be free to <em>do</em>
+with the internet, it responds to demands made by various governments
+to impose restrictions on citizens of cyberspace.</p>
+<p>Part of the digital divide comes from artificial obstacles to the
+sharing of information. This includes the licenses of non-free
+software, and harmfully restrictive copyright laws. The Brazilian
+declaration sought measures to promote free software, but the US
+delegation was firmly against it (remember that the Bush campaign got
+money from Microsoft). The outcome was a sort of draw, with the final
+declaration presenting free software, open source, and proprietary
+software as equally legitimate. The US also insisted on praising
+so-called &ldquo;intellectual property rights&rdquo;. (That biased
+term <a href="/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#IntellectualProperty">
+promotes simplistic over-generalization</a>; for the sake of clear
+thinking about the issues of copyright law, and about the very
+different issues of patent law, that term should always be
+<p>The declaration calls on governments to ensure unhindered access to
+the public domain, but says nothing about whether any additional works
+should ever enter the public domain.</p>
+<p>Human rights were given lip service, but the proposal for a
+&ldquo;right to communicate&rdquo; (not merely to access information)
+using the internet was shot down by many of the countries. The summit
+has been criticized for situating its 2005 meeting in Tunisia, which
+is a prime example of what the information society must not do.
+People have
+been <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/2777389.stm">
+imprisoned in Tunisia for using the internet to criticize the
+<p>Suppression of criticism has been evident here at the summit too.
+A counter-summit, actually a series of talks and discussions, was
+planned for last Tuesday, but it was shut down by the Geneva police
+who clearly were searching for an excuse to do so. First they claimed
+that the landlord did not approve use of the space, but the tenant who
+has a long-term lease for the space then arrived and said he had
+authorized the event. So the police cited a fire code violation which
+I'm told is applicable to most buildings in Geneva&mdash;in effect, an
+all-purpose excuse to shut down anything. Press coverage of this
+maneuver eventually forced the city to allow the counter-summit to
+proceed on Wednesday in a different location.</p>
+<p>In a more minor act of suppression, the moderator of the official
+round table in which I spoke told me &ldquo;your time is up&rdquo;
+well before the three minutes each participant was supposed to have.
+She later did the same thing to the EPIC representative. I later
+learned that she works for the International Chamber of
+Commerce&mdash;no wonder she silenced us. And how telling that the
+summit would put a representative of the ICC at the throttle when we
+<p>Suppression was also visible in the exclusion of certain NGOs from
+the summit because their focus on human rights might embarrass the
+governments that trample them. For instance, the
+summit <a href="http://www.hrichina.org/en/content/2301">
+refused to accredit Human Rights In China</a>, a group that criticizes
+the Chinese government for (among other things) censorship of the
+<p><!--a href="http://ar.rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=8774"-->Reporters
+Without Borders was also excluded<!--/a--> from the summit. To raise
+awareness of their exclusion, and of the censorship of the internet in
+various countries, they set up an unauthorized radio station in nearby
+France and handed out mini-radios, so that summit attendees could hear
+what the organization had been blocked from saying at the summit
+<p>The summit may have a few useful side effects. For instance,
+several people came together to plan an organization to help
+organizations in Africa switch to GNU/Linux. But the summit did
+nothing to support this activity beyond providing an occasion for us
+to meet. Nor, I believe, was it intended to support any such thing.
+The overall attitude of the summit can be seen in its having invited
+Microsoft to speak alongside, and before, most of the various
+participating governments&mdash;as if to accord that criminal
+corporation the standing of a state.</p>
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+<p>Copyright &copy; 2003 Richard M. Stallman</p>
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+<p class="unprintable">Updated:
+<!-- timestamp start -->
+$Date: 2014/08/21 15:01:30 $
+<!-- timestamp end -->