AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-12-04[wallet] Refactor balances code to make DD51 easierdev/ivan-avalos/currencyXYZIván Ávalos
2023-12-04[wallet] Fix conversion amount display and UI bugIván Ávalos
2023-12-04[wallet] Add instruction to withdrawal success UIIván Ávalos
2023-12-04[wallet] Reorganize code and more UI improvementsIván Ávalos
2023-12-04[wallet] Improve UI of manual transferIván Ávalos
2023-12-04[wallet] More fixes and improvements for DD36Iván Ávalos
2023-12-04[wallet] Fixes and improved logic for DD36Iván Ávalos
2023-12-03[wallet] Initial (WIP) implementation of currency conversionIván Ávalos
2023-11-29[wallet] DD51: add APIs for fractional digitsIván Ávalos
2023-11-29[wallet] DD35: add APIs for currency scopesIván Ávalos
2023-11-28[wallet] DD36: replace paytoUri with new WithdrawalExchangeAccountDetailsIván Ávalos
2023-11-28[wallet] Bump qtart to 0.9.3-dev.35Iván Ávalos
2023-11-28[wallet] update libsTorsten Grote
2023-11-28[wallet] Add confirmation dialog for DB import and i18nize some stringsIván Ávalos
2023-11-28[wallet] Proper DB import/export functionalityIván Ávalos
2023-11-28[wallet] Show KYC notice in transaction list, and don't render fees when zeroIván Ávalos
2023-11-25Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2023-11-25Translated using Weblate (French)Stefan Kügel
2023-11-16Translated using Weblate (Spanish)Iván Ávalos
2023-11-11Translated using Weblate (Spanish)Iván Ávalos
2023-11-10Translated using Weblate (Spanish)April Espindola
2023-11-10Translated using Weblate (Spanish)Iván Ávalos
2023-11-09Translated using Weblate (Spanish)Stefan Kügel
2023-11-09Translated using Weblate (Spanish)Javier Sepulveda
2023-11-07[wallet] release 0.9.3+p10wallet-0.9.3+p10Torsten Grote
2023-11-07[wallet] Translate manual withdrawal to DD37Iván Ávalos
2023-11-07[wallet] Upgrade KYC to new APIIván Ávalos
2023-11-02[wallet] remove empty Dutch translationTorsten Grote
2023-11-02[wallet] Update refunds to new APIIván Ávalos
2023-10-25[wallet] release 0.9.3+p9wallet-0.9.3+p9Torsten Grote
2023-10-25[wallet] Make more TextFields singleLineTorsten Grote
2023-10-25[wallet] Don't allow zero amount for p2p transactionsIván Ávalos
2023-10-25[wallet] Refactor wire transfer and remove BIC/SWIFT fieldIván Ávalos
2023-10-25[wallet] Make keyboard resize views and make manual withdraw scrollableIván Ávalos
2023-10-25[wallet] Remove deprecated ExperimentalMaterial3Api decoratorsIván Ávalos
2023-10-25[wallet] Remove "Warning:" from push payment screenTorsten Grote
2023-10-25[wallet] update wallet-core to dev.34Torsten Grote
2023-10-17Translated using Weblate (Catalan)Gabriel
2023-10-17Translated using Weblate (Catalan)Gabriel
2023-10-17[wallet] update wallet-core to dev.33Torsten Grote
2023-10-11upgrade all the things!Torsten Grote
2023-10-11[wallet] release 0.9.3+p8wallet-0.9.3+p8Torsten Grote
2023-10-11[wallet] upgrade wallet-core to dev.25Torsten Grote
2023-10-10[wallet] Trim text in URI input fragmentIván Ávalos
2023-10-10[wallet] Fix P2P payments (API changes)Iván Ávalos
2023-10-10[wallet] Prevent user from interacting with non-contacted exchangesIván Ávalos
2023-10-10[wallet] Fix extension and MIME type of exported database (JSON -> SQLite3)Iván Ávalos
2023-09-27[wallet] release 0.9.3+p7wallet-0.9.3+p7Torsten Grote
2023-09-27[wallet] products in TransactionInfo seem to be optional nowTorsten Grote
2023-09-27[wallet] Fix back navigation crash due to duplicated core instanceTorsten Grote