path: root/src/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-08-29It's Fuzzing.Feideus
2018-07-26Documentation structure.Feideus
2018-07-25Marking working but not as expectedFeideus
2018-07-02db setup script, bugg fixing and minor optimisationFeideus
2018-06-22Working on the transfer mechanic.(f*cks up the do-undo history)Feideus
2018-06-20Transfer makes two do's happen. pathFinding fixed. Still working.Feideus
2018-06-15Some more buggs with the main loop ><Feideus
2018-06-13some more tests.Started documentation.Feideus
2018-06-13Unit tests are back online. Fixed minor same value Mutations bugg that popped...Feideus
2018-06-12Trying to work around @BeforeClass JUnit limitsFeideus
2018-05-30Main loop crashing all over the place (due to possibilities being empty ??)Feideus
2018-05-29changed data storage type to Object to handle timestamps. Tests pass . still ...Feideus
2018-05-28Implemented Maxdepth as ending condition for main loop. added a test for Muta...Feideus
2018-05-25Done with simple crucial tests (some less important ones still missing. chang...Feideus
2018-05-24Inject,Undo and Compare tests implemented and passing.Feideus
2018-05-23Trying to work out db connection for TestsFeideus
2018-05-23Passing Weight consnsistency and mutation picking based on weight testsFeideus
2018-05-09third commit from the skyFeideus
2018-05-09commit from the skyFeideus