path: root/saleor/discount
diff options
authorMichaƂ Ociepka <michal@ociepka.info>2016-02-07 16:09:43 +0100
committerPatryk Zawadzki <patrys@room-303.com>2016-02-08 12:05:32 +0100
commita83107c91ca0faee87ec9d910e30c85d2e192411 (patch)
treed62013c536fb01cd21385aac5982de640c185403 /saleor/discount
parentabd2c0c53c88b10226f7df21637bb2ea16417459 (diff)
Add discount calculation tests
Diffstat (limited to 'saleor/discount')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/saleor/discount/test_discounts.py b/saleor/discount/test_discounts.py
index 1fbd1525..d1ee8de9 100644
--- a/saleor/discount/test_discounts.py
+++ b/saleor/discount/test_discounts.py
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
from decimal import Decimal
-from prices import FixedDiscount, FractionalDiscount
+from mock import Mock
+from prices import FixedDiscount, FractionalDiscount, Price
import pytest
from ..product.models import ProductVariant, Product
-from .models import Sale
+from .models import Sale, Voucher, NotApplicable
@@ -59,3 +60,156 @@ def test_percentage_discounts(product_variant):
applied_discount = final_price.history.right
assert isinstance(applied_discount, FractionalDiscount)
assert applied_discount.factor == Decimal('0.5')
+ 'total, discount_value, discount_type, limit, expected_value', [
+ ('100', 10, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, None, 10),
+ ('100.05', 10, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_PERCENTAGE, 100, '10.01')])
+def test_value_voucher_checkout_discount(settings, total, discount_value,
+ discount_type, limit, expected_value):
+ voucher = Voucher(
+ code='unique', type=Voucher.VALUE_TYPE,
+ discount_value_type=discount_type,
+ discount_value=discount_value,
+ limit=Price(limit, currency='USD') if limit is not None else None)
+ checkout = Mock(cart=Mock(get_total=Mock(
+ return_value=Price(total, currency='USD'))))
+ discount = voucher.get_discount_for_checkout(checkout)
+ assert discount.amount == Price(expected_value, currency='USD')
+def test_value_voucher_checkout_discount_not_applicable(settings):
+ voucher = Voucher(
+ code='unique', type=Voucher.VALUE_TYPE,
+ discount_value_type=Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED,
+ discount_value=10,
+ limit=100)
+ checkout = Mock(cart=Mock(get_total=Mock(
+ return_value=Price(10, currency='USD'))))
+ with pytest.raises(NotApplicable) as e:
+ voucher.get_discount_for_checkout(checkout)
+ assert str(e.value) == ('Discount applicable only for cart total '
+ 'equal or greater than 100USD')
+ 'shipping_cost, shipping_country_code, discount_value, discount_type, apply_to, expected_value', [ # noqa
+ (10, None, 50, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_PERCENTAGE, None, 5),
+ (10, None, 20, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, None, 10),
+ (5, 'PL', 5, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, 'PL', 5)])
+def test_shipping_voucher_checkout_discount(settings, shipping_cost,
+ shipping_country_code,
+ discount_value, discount_type,
+ apply_to, expected_value):
+ checkout = Mock(
+ is_shipping_required=True, shipping_method=Mock(
+ price=Price(shipping_cost, currency='USD'),
+ country_code=shipping_country_code))
+ voucher = Voucher(
+ code='unique', type=Voucher.SHIPPING_TYPE,
+ discount_value_type=discount_type,
+ discount_value=discount_value,
+ apply_to=apply_to)
+ discount = voucher.get_discount_for_checkout(checkout)
+ assert discount.amount == Price(expected_value, currency='USD')
+ 'is_shipping_required, shipping_method, discount_value, discount_type, apply_to, limit, error_msg', [ # noqa
+ (True, Mock(country_code='PL'), 10, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, 'US',
+ None, 'Discount apply only for United States of America'),
+ (True, None, 10, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, None, None,
+ 'Select shipping method first'),
+ (False, None, 10, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, None, None,
+ 'Checkout is not shippable'),
+ (True, Mock(price=Price(10, currency='USD')), 10,
+ Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, None, 5,
+ 'Discount applicable only for shipping price equal or greater than 5USD')]) # noqa
+def test_shipping_voucher_checkout_discountnot_applicable(settings,
+ is_shipping_required,
+ shipping_method,
+ discount_value,
+ discount_type,
+ apply_to, limit,
+ error_msg):
+ checkout = Mock(is_shipping_required=is_shipping_required,
+ shipping_method=shipping_method)
+ voucher = Voucher(
+ code='unique', type=Voucher.SHIPPING_TYPE,
+ discount_value_type=discount_type,
+ discount_value=discount_value,
+ limit=Price(limit, currency='USD') if limit is not None else None,
+ apply_to=apply_to)
+ with pytest.raises(NotApplicable) as e:
+ voucher.get_discount_for_checkout(checkout)
+ assert str(e.value) == error_msg
+def test_product_voucher_checkout_discount_not_applicable(settings,
+ monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(
+ 'saleor.discount.models.get_product_variants_and_prices',
+ lambda cart, product: [])
+ voucher = Voucher(
+ code='unique', type=Voucher.PRODUCT_TYPE,
+ discount_value_type=Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED,
+ discount_value=10)
+ checkout = Mock(cart=Mock())
+ with pytest.raises(NotApplicable) as e:
+ voucher.get_discount_for_checkout(checkout)
+ assert str(e.value) == 'Any product in cart matches discount'
+def test_category_voucher_checkout_discount_not_applicable(settings,
+ monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(
+ 'saleor.discount.models.get_category_variants_and_prices',
+ lambda cart, product: [])
+ voucher = Voucher(
+ code='unique', type=Voucher.CATEGORY_TYPE,
+ discount_value_type=Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED,
+ discount_value=10)
+ checkout = Mock(cart=Mock())
+ with pytest.raises(NotApplicable) as e:
+ voucher.get_discount_for_checkout(checkout)
+ assert str(e.value) == 'Any product in cart matches discount'
+ 'prices, discount_value, discount_type, apply_to, expected_value', [
+ ([10], 10, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, Voucher.APPLY_TO_ONE_PRODUCT, 10), # noqa
+ ([5], 10, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, Voucher.APPLY_TO_ONE_PRODUCT, 5), # noqa
+ ([5, 5], 10, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, Voucher.APPLY_TO_ONE_PRODUCT, 10), # noqa
+ ([2, 3], 10, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, Voucher.APPLY_TO_ONE_PRODUCT, 5), # noqa
+ ([10, 10], 5, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, Voucher.APPLY_TO_ALL_PRODUCTS, 10), # noqa
+ ([5, 2], 5, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, Voucher.APPLY_TO_ALL_PRODUCTS, 7), # noqa
+ ([10, 10, 10], 5, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_FIXED, Voucher.APPLY_TO_ALL_PRODUCTS, 15), # noqa
+ ([10], 10, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_PERCENTAGE, None, 1),
+ ([10, 10], 10, Voucher.DISCOUNT_VALUE_PERCENTAGE, None, 2),
+ ])
+def test_products_voucher_checkout_discount_not(settings, monkeypatch, prices,
+ discount_value, discount_type,
+ apply_to, expected_value):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(
+ 'saleor.discount.models.get_product_variants_and_prices',
+ lambda cart, product: (
+ (None, Price(p, currency='USD')) for p in prices))
+ voucher = Voucher(
+ code='unique', type=Voucher.PRODUCT_TYPE,
+ discount_value_type=discount_type,
+ discount_value=discount_value,
+ apply_to=apply_to)
+ checkout = Mock(cart=Mock())
+ discount = voucher.get_discount_for_checkout(checkout)
+ assert discount.amount == Price(expected_value, currency='USD')