path: root/history/docs
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+# Blocking Transitions
+`history` lets you register a prompt message that will be shown to the user before location listeners are notified. This allows you to make sure the user wants to leave the current page before they navigate away.
+// Register a simple prompt message that will be shown the
+// user before they navigate away from the current page.
+const unblock = history.block('Are you sure you want to leave this page?');
+// Or use a function that returns the message when it's needed.
+history.block((location, action) => {
+ // The location and action arguments indicate the location
+ // we're transitioning to and how we're getting there.
+ // A common use case is to prevent the user from leaving the
+ // page if there's a form they haven't submitted yet.
+ if (input.value !== '') return 'Are you sure you want to leave this page?';
+// To stop blocking transitions, call the function returned from block().
+**Note:** You'll need to provide a `getUserConfirmation` function to use this feature with `createMemoryHistory` (see below).
+## Customizing the Confirm Dialog
+By default, [`window.confirm`]( is used to show prompt messages to the user. If you need to override this behavior (or if you're using `createMemoryHistory`, which doesn't assume a DOM environment), provide a `getUserConfirmation` function when you create your history object.
+const history = createHistory({
+ getUserConfirmation(message, callback) {
+ // Show some custom dialog to the user and call
+ // callback(true) to continue the transiton, or
+ // callback(false) to abort it.
+ }
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+# Intro
+The history library is a lightweight layer over browsers' built-in [History]( and [Location]( APIs. The goal is not to provide a full implementation of these APIs, but rather to make it easy for users to opt-in to different methods of navigation.
+We provide 3 different methods for creating a `history` object, depending on the needs of your environment:
+- `createBrowserHistory` is for use in modern web browsers that support the [HTML5 history API]( (see [cross-browser compatibility](
+- `createHashHistory` is for use in situations where you want to store the location in the [hash]( of the current URL to avoid sending it to the server when the page reloads
+- `createMemoryHistory` is used as a reference implementation and may also be used in non-DOM environments, like [React Native]( or tests
+Depending on the method you want to use to keep track of history, you'll `import` (or `require`, if you're using CommonJS) only one of these methods.
+## Basic Usage
+Basic usage looks like this:
+import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history';
+const history = createBrowserHistory();
+// Get the current location.
+const location = history.location;
+// Listen for changes to the current location.
+const unlisten = history.listen((location, action) => {
+ // location is an object like window.location
+ console.log(action, location.pathname, location.state);
+// Use push, replace, and go to navigate around.
+history.push('/home', { some: 'state' });
+// To stop listening, call the function returned from listen().
+The options that each `create` method takes, along with its default values, are:
+ basename: '', // The base URL of the app (see below)
+ forceRefresh: false, // Set true to force full page refreshes
+ keyLength: 6, // The length of location.key
+ // A function to use to confirm navigation with the user (see below)
+ getUserConfirmation: (message, callback) => callback(window.confirm(message))
+ basename: '', // The base URL of the app (see below)
+ hashType: 'slash', // The hash type to use (see below)
+ // A function to use to confirm navigation with the user (see below)
+ getUserConfirmation: (message, callback) => callback(window.confirm(message))
+ initialEntries: ['/'], // The initial URLs in the history stack
+ initialIndex: 0, // The starting index in the history stack
+ keyLength: 6, // The length of location.key
+ // A function to use to confirm navigation with the user. Required
+ // if you return string prompts from transition hooks (see below)
+ getUserConfirmation: null
+## Properties
+Each `history` object has the following properties:
+- `history.length` - The number of entries in the history stack
+- `history.location` - The current location (see below)
+- `history.action` - The current navigation action (see below)
+Additionally, `createMemoryHistory` provides `history.index` and `history.entries` properties that let you inspect the history stack.
+## Listening
+You can listen for changes to the current location using `history.listen`:
+history.listen((location, action) => {
+ console.log(
+ `The current URL is ${location.pathname}${}${location.hash}`
+ );
+ console.log(`The last navigation action was ${action}`);
+The `location` object implements a subset of [the `window.location` interface](, including:
+- `location.pathname` - The path of the URL
+- `` - The URL query string
+- `location.hash` - The URL hash fragment
+Locations may also have the following properties:
+- `location.state` - Some extra state for this location that does not reside in the URL (supported in `createBrowserHistory` and `createMemoryHistory`)
+- `location.key` - A unique string representing this location (supported in `createBrowserHistory` and `createMemoryHistory`)
+The `action` is one of `PUSH`, `REPLACE`, or `POP` depending on how the user got to the current URL.
+## Cleaning up
+When you attach a listener using `history.listen`, it returns a function that can be used to remove the listener, which can then be invoked in cleanup logic:
+const unlisten = history.listen(myListener);
+// ...
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+# Installation
+The history library is published to the public [npm]( registry. You can install it using:
+ $ npm install --save history
+Then, use as you would anything else:
+// using ES6 modules
+import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history';
+// using CommonJS modules
+var createBrowserHistory = require('history').createBrowserHistory;
+## Using Globals
+If you really just want a `<script>` tag, the UMD build is available on [unpkg](
+<script src=""></script>
+You can find the library on `window.History`.
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+## Using a Base URL
+If all the URLs in your app are relative to some other "base" URL, use the `basename` option. This option transparently adds the given string to the front of all URLs you use.
+const history = createHistory({
+ basename: '/the/base'
+history.listen(location => {
+ console.log(location.pathname); // /home
+history.push('/home'); // URL is now /the/base/home
+**Note:** `basename` is not supported in `createMemoryHistory`.
+## Forcing Full Page Refreshes in createBrowserHistory
+By default `createBrowserHistory` uses HTML5 `pushState` and `replaceState` to prevent reloading the entire page from the server while navigating around. If instead you would like to reload as the URL changes, use the `forceRefresh` option.
+const history = createBrowserHistory({
+ forceRefresh: true
+## Modifying the Hash Type in createHashHistory
+By default `createHashHistory` uses a leading slash in hash-based URLs. You can use the `hashType` option to use a different hash formatting.
+const history = createHashHistory({
+ hashType: 'slash' // the default
+history.push('/home'); // window.location.hash is #/home
+const history = createHashHistory({
+ hashType: 'noslash' // Omit the leading slash
+history.push('/home'); // window.location.hash is #home
+const history = createHashHistory({
+ hashType: 'hashbang' // Google's legacy AJAX URL format
+history.push('/home'); // window.location.hash is #!/home
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+# Navigation
+`history` objects may be used to programmatically change the current location using the following methods:
+- `history.push(path, [state])`
+- `history.replace(path, [state])`
+- `history.go(n)`
+- `history.goBack()`
+- `history.goForward()`
+- `history.canGo(n)` (only in `createMemoryHistory`)
+When using `push` or `replace` you can either specify both the URL path and state as separate arguments or include everything in a single location-like object as the first argument.
+1. A URL path _or_
+2. A location-like object with `{ pathname, search, hash, state }`
+// Push a new entry onto the history stack.
+// Push a new entry onto the history stack with a query string
+// and some state. Location state does not appear in the URL.
+history.push('/home?the=query', { some: 'state' });
+// If you prefer, use a single location-like object to specify both
+// the URL and state. This is equivalent to the example above.
+ pathname: '/home',
+ search: '?the=query',
+ state: { some: 'state' }
+// Go back to the previous history entry. The following
+// two lines are synonymous.
+**Note:** Location state is only supported in `createBrowserHistory` and `createMemoryHistory`.
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+Welcome to the history docs! The library isn't huge, so there are really just a few files here for you to browse.
+If this is your first time here, I'd recommend you first [install]( the library and then read both:
+- [Getting Started](
+- [Navigation](
+For more advanced usage, check out:
+- [Blocking]( - Details about how to block navigation attempts
+- [Misc]( - Miscellaneous topics about several API details